EauaEBT&STABB 3n?e5orsto McFarland, Smith & Co., Merchant Tailors! AND DEALEUS IN tsi'utV l;iin.ls.iijjg Woods, (..Oil. SPRING & FRANKLIN STS., TITl'SV.t.L.E, PA. Iliv.r -, In one .of the finest assor.mcntB oj ! CL01US& CASSIMERES FNGLI3H, FRENCHeAND AMERICAN COAT IIST G-S, MIXED AND STRIPED SUITINGS, ; FANCY VESTING5. liver offered In the OH Regloa. TWKNTY DIFFERENT STYLES OF HATS Sz CAPS, Ali She Latest aud Nobbiest Styles. A FULL LINK OF Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c. etioleum Centre Daily Record. l'el. 4 en ire Pa, HuiurJav MarcU Id Itlvliie service. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH fervices every Salibatb at 11 A. M. and i.4 P. M. Subbatn School at 12 P.M. , eata tree. A oordiar invitation extend ed to ul!e Kkv. P. W. Scoiheld, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CnURCH. Preaching at li o'clock A. M., and 7W, o'clock P. M. D. FATTON, Pastor. XTctroIentn Cuiitie lod, No. TlS, I. O. of U. F. Regular meeting nights Friday, at 7 o'clock. Stgoe.l. J. E. t'OYLES, N. G. W. A. Kei.i.ki:, A. Sec y. tWPlc "1 Hfetinj;, iiain St., opposite MoUliotock House. A. . 0f 1. Y. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A O. of IT. W., meets everv M.m lay evening at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Full, IViroleuui Centre, Penn'a. . A. Gi.cv, M. W. S. II. Kooker. R. Gold at I p. a;, litiLi Thu Ninth tiUlrici. Pursuant to tl.e iqulremeiiis uf Section Fecondof the- Producers- Union, tbe pro ducers ot Ibe 9th district met at tbe Rynd Farm yesterday, and proceeded lo busiuess by calling Mr. J. C. Powers to the chair, aud electing Mr. Charles Dow, Sicretay. Mr. Painter offered trie following resolu tion, which Wis unanimously adopted: Kesolved That the district bo divided into five siih-disiricis, uud tbat each sub. district elect its own coiiirniueemau, none but produoers being allowed to vote. Tbe district was thsu subdivided as fol lows: ' Ko. 1, Blond and Tarr farm. ' No. 2, Rynd farm, Weikle and Hays runs. No. 3, Brown, McAlwee, Metropolitan, Lake and Sutley faYms, acd all lolervc uin, and minor adjacent tracis. 4tb, Black, Dempsey, M.llury and Harper. 6th, all rrduoinj territory above the Dempsey line, and not included. Tbe following committeemen were elect ed: First District H. Byrom. Second Mr. Walmer. Third Capt. A. G Oliver. Fuurm Mr. Barret Filth William Saunders Tbe meeting then adjourned. TUiuvllLo. Tub municipal elecilou which came off yesterday, resulted lu Ibe choice of Dr. W. B. Rourta as Mayor by a majority of 17l. Dr. Roberts is an active, enterpris ing inau, aud was Ibe choice ol those who lavor publio Improvements, and are for railroad to Buffalo. We congratulate him ou his triumphant election, and think tbat YllvsvlUe bas done right io electing him. Natb .niel Ferguson, of Detroit, a colored sailor, bu It a Bra with kerosene oil, lo coo-iM-qu.-use of which be -'slipped his cable aud wut aloft " Next! The nlbces ol the General Manager of tbe O. 0. Jfc jk. IX. U. Lave be. n leuu.ved from CsYry to : 1 Ui'.y. The fli'-i-s of Suporin- JwDAY! SHUTTING DOWN ON SU Kane Citt. March IB, 1ST 2. We understand from very good authority, that Mr. Murs'.on, of the firm ot Mars ton ,fc Sbreve, proprietors of the Dig Tank Farm, near Katie City, was very anxious to get signers to tbs pledge agreoiug to Blint down wells oi Sunday. Now we don't consider it tiny cf our business who flints down on Sunday, tint would like to ask Mr. M. why be is ao anxious to get other people to abut down and at tbe same time run all the wells under bis control on the Dig Tank Farm on tbe Sabbath. "Oh! consistency thou art" where? Onb who Bklikves in- a Mas Practic ing What he Preacuks. Bitnuuj is soon to atart out a uew Show, a combination of Museum, Menagerie, Cara van, Hippodrome, Polytechnic Institute and International Zoological Garden. Among other things be bas a Sea Lion, and three Fiilan cannibals. He promises to bring bis great ahuw lo Petroleum Centre this Spring or sarly In tbe Summer. lie has invested one million 1 this eulerpnse, The Oilman' Juurnur says a gang Of thieves la operating lu tbe Parker District, and hopes tbey will lie ..arrested. It lays further: Thete suspicions ebaracters travel at times as representatives of different branches -of business hoping t hero by to gain an en Iraoca to business boures and private fam- ilies, when tbey .can view tbesurrouudings and obtain a knowledge of tbe contents. Some persons representing themselves as ageuts tor foreign printing establishments may belong to tbis"Elass. It might be well for our citizens to scrutinize such characters close ly. Tbe Southern Improvement Company have beyond all doubt perfected tbeir plans, and are already commencing to work. We i can only say at present, that this monopoly nave so arranged, tbat tby have a check upon every banel of oil chipped, and that ou every barrel tbey, by virtue ot tbeir con tracts with tbe railroads, are receiving a drawback per centuge. Also, that tbe Southern Improvement Company, and not tbe railroads, have established tbe present rate of freights. Tbe above we bava good reason to btlieve, and hope to furnish full particulars at au eatly date. Oil City Roister. Let our oil producers be on the watch for ibe li.st muvemeut in tbe game. We can aud will succeed la checkmating tbe moo. opuly. Do not cease iu the good Work or all will be lost. RiiiiovEii. Mr. C. Williams has moved from bis resideucrf en Rynd farm, to the John Brown furoi where he intends lu run a first class boarding house. Mr. W. is a straight forward honorable geullemau, and we heartily wish bim success. May be keep tbe FAlMfiti well supplied with lam and eggs left they become ferocious. Personal. Lieut. W. C. Plummer. editor of the Titusville Daily Courier, Was town. The "old man" is looking full as well as be did when acting as Buigeis of Pithole, or later when acting as edilar of tbe Record, in fact be is flourishing like unto a green bay tree, aud tbe Titusville election bas not disturbed tbe equanimity of bis periphery of bis concave elliptic bi section. Come again, Warren, the latch siring is always out. Tbe Erie Diepalch sta es that work on tbe Pennsylvania Petroleum Railroad has commenced in tbat city. Query Why dou't tbe Tidioute Daily Journal come to Ibis office. Have you foi gotten us, Major? Scarlet Fever. Tbe scarlet fever a disease taut parents dread mure than almost any other tbat children can be afflicted with is raging to a fearful extent In several couutiesof tbe State, aud has again appear ed in Ibis vicinity. An emiuent physician claim to rob scarlet fever of many ot its lorrois by prescribing for tbe patient warm lemonade with a little mucilage, as often as desired, nd the application of warmth to tbe stomact:. lie directs that a cloth be wrung out of tiot water and laid on tbe siomacb, renewing it as often as it cools. With this treatment, be guarantees tbat not one out of a hundred cases will prove tatul. Swindlers tried to sediice a Western man on a tallioad train Into betting tbat be could not opeu a patent padJcck which they carried about. He took tbe bat and opened the lock with a sledge hammer. A fellow iu Illinois bas been eugaged in the lucrative busiuess of filling empty llos tetter bitter bottles with an economical ad mixture ol mean whiskey aud WabaD water. Tbe Western editors are all in love with Mrs. Moiilton ber singing and express tlicir ftdiLii iiioa id j-icne scl j onry j-y we Tbe fd'lowlug Is the text of the Freo Pipe hill before the amendment was affixed In ll: Sec. 1. Be it enacted, &., That Ibe provisions f an act re atiug to corporations for mecliantcal, manufacturing, niioiag and quarrying purposes, approved lh eight eenth day of July, one thousand eight hun dred aod sixty-three, aud the supplenionls thereto be, and the same an- hereby extend ed to the transportation and storage ot pet-. rolnum in the counties of Venungo, War ren, Forest, Armetiong, Clarion, Butler, Crawford and Erie, and Unit any company organized for such purposes under the pro visions of said oot shall have the right to transport, store, insure and ship petroleum and tor that purpose to lay down, construct and maintain pipes, tubing, tank, (flioes. and such other machinery, devices or ai- raugetneuts as may.be necessary, and to en ter upon, use uud occupy such lands as may be requisite for tho purpose of thecoinpuny, and lor rights of entry upon rights of ..) . and tbe use of materials necessary lo the construction, maintenance und operation o said lines of pipes and fixtures as alorusaid, Uey shall be entitled lo ail the rights aud privileges and be subj-ct to all the limita tions und restrictions of railroad companies, approved February nineteenlh, one thous and eight hundred and forty- nine, and the supplements thereto; provided, however' that nothing heroin continued shall be con sttucted to authorize tbe toustiuction of any railroad. Sec. 2 Tbat any company organized un der tbe provisions ol this act may at any time change tbe location ot tbe whole or any part of tbeir pipes, or construct branch or branches from any point or points on the main Hoe to any poiut or place within tbe counties (.foresaid, but belore doing so a majority of the directors ot said company shall make or cause to be made a certilicato in writing setting forth lb proposed change, particularly settiug forth tte routes and termini, - have tbe - same ac knowledged before a notary public and re corded lu the same manner as sball be prc- vided in Ibe original articles of tbe associa tion. Capt. C. W. Oweton, of tbe firm ol O-ws ton & Sowers, oil brotter of this city, -was offered tbe posit ion of buyer for tbe South ern Improvement Company, at a salary of $5,00 for the liist three months, commenc log April 1st. Mr. Ovvston euipbatbiolly declined tbe tempiiug oiler. All honor to Mr. Owsion, aud may every dealer provo bs slauicu and true to our ioteictts. Oil City Register. The dam of the l.uious ticitiu;? liorse Goldsmith Maid is doing duly in a miU waaon, near Port Jervis, Kew York, while be; daughter is q-Men of Ihu till 1 IU Anion 0., It will be seen by dispatches published elsewhere thut tbe New York ri-Oners bave declined to act wilb the Soutb Improvement Company und that Buffalo has determined in favor of tbe proposed road to tbe cil recions. Powerful as tbe South Improvement Com pany is, it bas now to ontend wilb an or ganizttiou tbat (leaving railroad companies aside) has more capital, as much ability and as determined a will as it cab possibly bave. There is no child's play io this coatest. Pittsburgh Chronicle, 11th. An eccentric Parui.u capitalist, recently deceased by throwing himself out of fourth story window, has left bis enti property to the first poison who shall at tempt ae if-d-struction unsuccessfully. - A new style opera cloak is ot white cloth completely covered with embroidery iu gold r silver britid, or both combined. Tbe el ect by gaslight Is dnzzliug; aud it might Le added tbat when toe bill is brought in papa tbe effect is sluuoln:.-. U. G. writes to a Berks county man thus 1 "hear tbat in yoar vicinity you raise a small fruit called pretzels: which are said to be good when cooked. PleaBe sear me few seed; and I will set them out iu Ibe spring." The robins, blue-biids, meadow-lurks and other feathered visitors from the Soutb, who were merry la tbeir songs of greeting, on lb 28th, evidently bad overlooked tbe fact tba this Is leap year, and February able to put is ooe more day, about tbe worst day, to, of tbe season. A Boston girl is so acaeut-mindel tbat she kisses any of ber male acquaintances sbe may happen to meet, unda tbe im pressioo that the aforesaid are tbe dearest female intimates. Tbe practice is rendered all the more unaccotiutable lioui the fact tbat tbe mistake seldom or never occurs ex cept when tbe recipient iof the affectionate salutation is young and good looking. I here are now a hundred and thirty par sons serving out sentences of imprisonment ia SloeiiACtusttu fr P.'iarseM:.. Tomly Don's Sto.iv. Iu crossing the luli.s lu lfi2, Tummy Dod was gobbled up by the Gorhoot Indians, aod iome months remained a oapllvo among them. He says amoni other plunder obtained by the In diana when they took bis train, was a band orgau which au niivenrmoiii Italian was hrim-iiii out to Caliiornia. J iiey eu bacou around the old ltaltino and fried him in It, but the organ ihey carried away with hem, as the sounds it gave out wnen me ir.uk was turned delighted tbeir mutdering icaris. For It is tine, us Conguvo says in the opening lines to h.B tragedy or me Moruiug Brick;" that ilusio hath cbuims to sootn tue savoge lrast, To softeu rocks, or bend tbe knottrn Ouk. The organ was a big thing otiioug the Indians utter tbey bad reached tbeir vliluge The chiol had a man lo sit iu Iront ol hi, but uud grlud It every night, it was set to nluv '-Yankee Doodle,"' and "Yankee Doodle," it played eveiy night, week lu and week out, without "variation.'' One Digbt in looliug with Ibe (."maabine" tLe Indian grinder shifted the slop, and when be rt euuied the crank, out came "Pop Goes the Weasel." Tbe old chief listened a moment, nd supposing tbe machine was spoiled, seized bis tomahawk, leaped from tbe door of bis hut, aud witbaticrcu yell, bralued the discoverer ol the new luue upon tbe spot. Virginia Enterprise. It will interest those who bave pug noses, "growing puggi r aud pugger every day,1' to learn that a machine has been invented which will gtvo tnem the uuest Roman loim. It's unkind in peopio who live in the Sun ny South to be seudiug to their Noriberu friends orange bliS.-ouis in lelteis. It's nut only iiuktud but exasperating to those who receive them. Wbile some idealities boast of spring bar binders, sucti ps robins, blue-birds, aud grusi hoppers, Qoiucy brags ot a cowslip last week. Tho cow slipped of tbe bai into the water. Itaoy one bas been lu doubt as to wheth er cider would intoxicate, he can now lay susb doubt aside, as tbe Legislature tf Maine has decided tbe question by an amendment lo the rohibitory law, which includes all cider and wine among mtox. ea ting drinks. liOs-.iil .t l:ta. iU. l'ltttllill .V Co. .'C7 I'arlc Kow, w York, aid t'.eo. V. Lowell A Oo AdverlUiiK A'xei.ts, me the .uta aenlii lur the. 10, Uolcuui Centre IU1I.Y llKCuau to (b it city. Ad vei tlseis in that ciljaie i;iei-teU to leave Uuir avors wi. b eillier of tie above house. Pictures colore' in India Ilempste.i t Cu's Gallery. Ink and oil, jau. 15. at Ji?" Tl,e liuest Slock of lashionalle H its tbe laten styles ever brought to towu just received at AId-'. tW The Duke Alexis. Crown Trlnce of Rueoia ordered one ot tte Nobby Hats at ALDEN'd. Cb ildren's Likenesses taken between the Hours of Hi a m and 2 p a, ai lleuipsled & Co's Dagoeireau Gallery, jau!3lt. I'tiv or Eeiii- Tl-e building lulely occupied by A. M. Sliolm as a Bakery and Grociry Store. Eu qulre of H. C. JARVI3. Petroleum Centre, Pa. ju 3U-U'. tf" Cat I und examine those fashionable Hutu and C'ips just received at leb. 2-tt A. ALDEN'S. LIVK AND LET LIVE! Just received at Mease St Armstrong's Flour and SWrt S!ore, 1.S0S bushels extra WHITE OATS, which will be sold at low est cash prices! o29-tf. Just from New York. A SPLENDID STOCK OF SPRING OVERCOATS. To the Citizens of Petroleum Centre and vicinity. I have just received tbe largest stock of SPRING AND SUMMER Now in the Oil Country, and ean and will soil cheaper than any other man io town. to :MT5r raiEisriDS I ask you to call and see before purchas ing el Few he re, as it is for your beuetit I am doing this. Don't be led astray, but stop and examine my slock before going to any oiber pluce. I have tbe LARGEST STOCK OF HATS Ever before offered in tbe Oil Country. Also, tbe finest slock of Cunts' Furnishing Goods l the country. e. SOB Eli. NEW ADVERTISEMENT'S Vaiiiif.icttireiBand Dealtrna '' LOOKING GLASSES Fine llnutel m.d Tier Ioo';lneOhum 1-r.une n Ficciillv. 1,tlli rcn'"1-!:ftrCOl'1'',,Sl,nfB".'.. 141 IU tire ti M. IS. C'K'IIISAT lTTMlUKOII, pA.. 11TTM1UKOII, PA., Dealer In Iron anrt Wood Mi . :ui liiiicr, anrt otut nuixmn i'itr,it m ipi.if, ITis roii.'aiit'y on l ainl a com' leto tv,2 . M....,l Uoor Machinery. J,,,,,, (iovn "i'-h'' Slid Me.. I-Hl'TV V lieeln. UHii,,,, ,"5"- '! woiulwonli'a laliii-ra a li lur C'reulsrs and 1'rices. a siwciuiij. iMrit Verandah Saloon, WAIT A; ITCH, Proprietors. WASHINGTON ST.. PET. CE.nTUE. rnrtlculnr nttenilnn pnld rotho wsntsnf ihelrn-. toiners, and will keep Hie lint-sl sinck of I'UUSII l.AGIllt A.M ALE ('OUR CJIiAR!i. f. 1 Prori In and sen us In onr ne quartc.,. , PETHULM EXCHAffiE El WASHINGTON ST. PETROLEUM CBNTEE, PENN'A. W. I. IIOIMTJK, Proprietor, Keel constaally en hai.d li s chokiit hnt.it t Wines, Liquors & lijjars, of ol liuuj. Waim Mels ut all Hoiin. W1I.U (JAM 12 IN ITS SEASON. OYSTEP.S Bi-eelved dniljr rind senreil up In an; slyle trn! f ff If you wimr lo gi-i n .ou llmle ntenl f n of I iger lo a.-.h it down, and a ii.ee Uysr mount a call. W. B. Dl'IWt fptroleuni Centre, Jlsrch 15. lxi u Agents Wanted FOR THE LIFE CF JAMES FISK, .lr. Kinhrnt'li n pWo Hip-nj-hlcal Mci'tchp ari Por trni'? of Ml Mimllfl'L Sitiiv. drew, VaiiilrS Y lii'iild, Tueni and oihcr. Ont-t.il nt: Uoi? 1 ne nit.nat, oer 500 j-aa. tci.d lur eirculariaid tunitt io lOiIJ5t A- I-CtI-M'M, 1 ut'll-li r. TllLsViLLt,Pl. I .b. lni. Em el Zedwicb (LITTLEtJOE. ) BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Uud iMun p-tHhISln.l 'in Vnlt'im Oi tnft-rlU pacttlirtu iciirs ai;ii ill' liamocf SaKiBs-thtf tti t C 1 siihI Flnet lioot in Hi lie U Coi.alai:tlv rprntvlnj inVn f-MO utberrto tittllft uflllli'. 11 KtlOL. lie cunt-tan;,') Wo- ps o;i lu'.nd IU'it(!)-iiiu!e Etots & Slisfs LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERi C A JL1. A X M Mi V U I M . ifitr KVKLK.rnvicii. U. WillTUOlIt, TIIOS. 11 eiU I KIAUi c. li. wvirr, wax u cutioiT. . mm woiir, Ls!i5 4 ft. l.MI'OitTElt AND UEAI.EKS I A TTnTH wn, .,. oTi&i A..vTlt VV.r50 W .odSI. f llirec iloon ..li- ve .t. Clmrl.- Mi'tfl,! I'll ivisi t5I PKSJI. Klv Invito the aileiitioi. of Line s to lliur Sjirlrc N1 which, In seluctlou nud pace, Is uusiiriiassta 10 coimtrv. iheysrs Ajrelilafor Amerlenn Wf ''": iiai yVcelelnnii-d s-'lleod P .?,, 3un kKivorlli.ll. Illxoo :' Meet, fiiobiirun Meel, I.lii t-la, Ac. told ai muiuriaciim-r .r'ces. II-' YOU WAST A GOU PAIR (fl BMS' VIM. PAIK l? KTS' STI LISH PAIR OF BOOT i GOTO J. A. PIiATB' Washlntugion tt, Tctrolciim Centre BOOTS BENT C. O. D. to any r''c J'. Regions w - IhcOll MACHINISTS GENERAL r,,l Dnalsrsln all kinds of Necossary Irr potting down Wells. In connection with onr MA"" e havBaiargu'and convculeu BLACKSMITH SHOP. 0-..fscllltlesfor MANrFACTORJN " exeeilod by any Shop to tho Oil K t i. New stock of.Winter WMAhVtf S t I (1 .i4 notour itlu taiU alLur.-y i liiiifjl.