V 0 BERTS PETROLEUM TORPEDO CO TOEP ED OES. THE UOJSEKTS PETROLEUM TDSPEL0 CO. Office at the Ued Plasikg Mill Cor erol Pine and fteeoAslstreeta, Near live Hatlroad,) TITUSVILLE, FA. Owinc to the large and Increasing demand for tha Rohan1 Torpednea, aud th late deciaion of the tiaeleaioner of PatetiU in refusing to Wm. Ktd a patent, and the declaton of .IuiIl-c H. I'. Grlcreue tuimni; tha ItobertV patent they liava LOVV HiLHD the price of IliL'ir Torpedoes TWENTf PER CENT, so that every Uwrator can alfora io try a Torpedo before aimudouluif a Well. Tbe following ia the decision rendered by ' Judge Orior on tbe tweiity-necund day of September, Isoit. in the Uulled States circuit t'onrt at l'luladel- plila. Tue cane was argued three daya by Charlee Jl. Keller of New York, U. t. Lucas and s. A. Pur viauoa of PittsiHiricli, lor defendant, aud Ueerue Harding of Philadelphia, aud Ueorge U Christy, u. OFCJION OP JUDGI GRIER Aa I write with difficulty I crn oolv atata the con elusions to which my luiad haa come after a careiu examimulon of ibia case. 1 The complainant baa exhibited a patent dated iioth of April, lwbi. Tills ia prltuit facie evidence oi a kouu line, auu pui on xae reeponuows the bur ucu of proof thai the patent la vuid or worttilesa. 1 need not repeat my remarks in the caae of Uood vear v. Dav 12 Wall. O. C. Hmr. gay. I hut now adopt them ae eri'ordmg a rule ul decision which ap piH unu; lu uie piesnnt cue Aa the infringement of the natent la admitted. the ouly queation will be aa to the validity of com puuuaiua puieui Ul April ao, 1B03. "1 waa after speculation hud been reduced to practice.'' and after reueated exnerimenta. that th complainant aucceedeu iu over cuiulug the prejudice Verauadluit the Dttolic thai hie Invention, waa uad'u uftnr ha had oatubltshed Its great utility and value mid 'wheu hie genius mid patient perseverance, Iu rpite oi aneera and acoti'o," were completely euo ceceful, that Heed) who had Wore made . cxpert meula ou the eauie auhiecL. an waa unxucceentul. aud alter hurcluuing oue or mure complainants tor peuuea, uu epputu on ine lal ol ISovember, 1?7, lor a patent for substantially the aame combina t.oua of deviua and machine contained in eouiplain uut'a pateut ; Ou the 15th of the aame month the re-ipuudeute formed themae lvea into a compunr or cor,erunou cuueu "rue ncea 'torpedo company, l .r the purnosa of pirating the complainaut a in 'cuhuui nuu nupiKiruuK tue eapeueee ul Ulicllion,1 and tuua defraud him of the fruita. Tliev have nr. acived, even after the pri Pmary Injuucllon very properly gntuicu oy lie Ul net UUOge: i.et a degree be entered for comLlainant for a ner. petual iujubcllon; and a Muster, appoiute to lake uu uvlui. o cuiuuigiy iu me payer oi ineaDltl. B. C. CK1EU, JudR. Norn The paspaija referred to by Judge Grle- la , Ilia former dociun, a Wallace, p. IBM, adopted aa Mtf-i ivauiv mi ime unw wua ah iuiiowk " "It la usually the ease, when im-r.valnihia ery la made, or any miw machine of great Utility ia iuveuted, that the attention or the public hiia Iteea I. trued to that aubleet previously, aud that many ) iraoaa have been making researches and expert Lients. Phtloaophera ami mechanicians niav liave luaome iiitMniire auliclbaicd in tiieir ii'intiiiiiM '..in piMsioiiityorprolHibllity uf aueh discovery or linxnliou; uiauy experitnotita have beau ailccun-iful-1 ti led, coining veiy uear. yirt lulling short ol the iie-lrcd result. Tuey have pr.iducod nothing hiuc llcinl. The luventiou wheu pcriected may truly uv mi buiuiniiiu:i; puiai oi manv experi. ueu.a, not ouly by the inventor, hnt hv ,m,iiv ,.ti,. ore. Ue may have protlted iudircctly by tbe unauc ceiBful experlaionta mid fuilim s of others, hut it (jivea theui uo right to clam u aUnro olthe lienor of lueprunioi tile auccnHsnu llivcutor It Is when epeculatiou has been rediic-td to practice, when ex periment has resulted in di-i-overy. and when that uscovery naa neea penectid hy patient and couiiu u?d experiments, whan aouiu ne.v euiupoiind, art hi luufactnre, or machine has lieu thus produced which Is useful to ttapubllctliiityie party making II boeouica apukiicbenalactor it u ! tit titled to a patent "Aud yet when geatua aud pM apt perseremuce have at length aucceejlcd, in ap:te -or aueera aud Mora, oorue ralnabla Invention or disco-err, how eeldotn la It tallowed, by reward I Hnvy roba liitn ol tue honor, whit speculators, awiulhiia, and pi rates rub him of tha prollts. Hvery unsuccusiill experimenter who did or did or did not conic very near making a discovery uow elaiuia.lt. Kverv ou who cau invent an impriivcaiciit or vary ita fo-tn. claims a right to plraie tbe onuiual iicov.-i y. Wo need not summons iorw), or lil'inoh iiil, or VTc t worth to prove that this is the uauui ha,;oij -,!' eve ry gr--ai oiscovery or lnvaution. 'The present case aoda another chapter to One lontr and uniform history." H Wallace, C. O IU , pofu p. StC1 VAvnox. The public ia autloned ncaint cmptot tnc any a ul the rogulart authorized Ageula nf the Compa Jij . sitii'o the Hobcrta Pntuut cover the use of the i orpedo and all explosive inntt-riuls for oil wells, nud tbe use ol auch materlala hv other partiea ia a direct infringement of their rigliti. any parties In fringing any of the KOBKim PaTHNTS will be dca(t with according to law, and as acting willfully mid knowingly in defiance uf law aud the decisions of the Courta. The Company have re organlrod their btuMnsa ,vlth a view to accommodate Ull alisi In every part of the Oil Hegion. They have emiluel the moat efficient A cents and assiataDta that oiu be procaicd lortho btutiiiesa. Lach Torpedo u labelled with 'hit af patents, together with the prVcit or the Tor ptvl'i, and signed by a.i oaicer of t Company, so every Operator wishing a Torpedo may kuow its price and whether it cuina from out olHca. Onctatora will coufir afuvor by reporting to this Ofllre any ncgllgeiice Ot Agents. ' The following named persons have hoi-n cpnclnt d gotits and Assi-ttitut Agenta fur the Oil itciou of I'euueylvauiu and Weal Vii'isinU. U IilST OP . AGENTS. rTlTtmviU,!!, CHHRCH RCK AND tm TY HTKI'IIKN Athtr. (ifrlce, Jlamllu.n's tn't htorc, addrcaa Tltusvllle, Pa- Assistant John Von fcicrlvor. ti.ti!8vii-i,r, miuitmi rtuN and vicm TIT II. II THOMAS.' Offloo and addreaa, llan iltn House, 'i ltusvlllc,l'a. NHAMItURO AND VlUINITY-f!BOHGE IK VIN. Oftuo, Bhamburg residenixi, Titusvilie, pa, Af-i!alaiit. A ' A. West. eil'ttUPKltiB I't.KASANTv'It.r.R, IIKN J'AllM AND IMTHGi.t; W. (iKO. VAN VLIpT. OiMce and address, Cnnse House, l'luu twltvllle. Aanislant, II. ('. UlllitllH'tiin. TIIIIOL'T ANU WKKT lllt'KOHY OHAS M.MIK. omce and acareas, Kxpiesa Olllco, Tidl aute. I'a. A4s!4tasx, K. V Uuardcley. PRTHHI.KIIM t'KNTKK AN I) VICINITY LKVI MASON. Olbce ami address, Petroleum Con re, Pa. Asfltrnt,M'harles Bluckl'ord. TAftR AND 1IL0UII KAItAlSand Dilitrlct lying' Du Oil i'rtiuk and Cherry Hnn. from ftory Pnnn to leOllntockville--JAiKSSAUNbKltK, Addrese 1 art Farm, Pa. Assistants. Luther 3. -Saunders, tharles K. CiM-liran apd William Hoit ' Mo L1NTO(;KVII.LK, OILCITV AND KBNO -A. 8. WVST. Addiosa, Oil City or Jtano, Pa ..esisiiiat, a). Mead ' VS KA,"'li.,N,,ALONO TnR AI.LKOHRNY BIV tliu',,"'Bl,tt om(!e mi n"s, Prnnklln.Pa LANDINiJ-llU'UAUD W. KKDPIljLD. Offlor and adan as. o.rul.grM., Pa. Aastalaut, K. W. Po tcrdeld. addreaa l ialenum, Pa. OOK. Addreaa, i"jrk.rs.iirg, Vi Vlrgina liru rotr..leiU Xoroo Co J ms.-41yj " WHOLESALE GROCERY AND PROVSSIOW HOUSE, OIL CITY, PA. L. C. Magaw & Co Have opored, on the enrner ofPY'CAMOKK AND SiOdTU KLM STHEKTS. Haytolda Hakill's Uluck, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF' OF GROCERIES PROVISIONS And wfll ci n Hon to recelTfl and kep a full aaonmnt, adapted tu the want of the trade- Our frciMttea for receiving and di trlbuting good art not equalled by an? other point. Having a FIKST CLAbS LOtJPe MILL In ohr cnnneclion, enahl-a lit to furnish our rnato- n-.ert with a fresh (round aud reliable article of r lAiuii. Dealers will dr. well to ra'l and examine otir nocg, taiore purchasing elsewhere. fym. tit. Crook U OF t'a R'V ESTABLISHED IN 186 k remodv which hi hen tested tor 10 jean, and prov ed in tlioiiMindi ornmet rap nhle of curing a'l VUtnxt of tht. Throat and Luvyg; per Inrmiiijr mauy rt'uiftrkable enrt's, meiitu a trial from all Who nre MttfcriDi from simi lar affections and vainlv wk in(r rt Itef. Will you Ut pre judice prevent y uu from being carta ax so. Cmito and Col J it. The sUruggiiti aajtt cm e them all. Asthma. Tbe relief and cures of ft are marvcl- OHP. HMc;hltla Every sntferor will find relief and Throat Ailm nti rqTHr only a ft-w dosa, l.nn DIeaiOrj. Kaa eured cat pronounced in curable Debility. It renovate and invUoraic tbeejs- taltn. J J.iver Complaint Mo it etToctlve regulator Of this or'mn. Ivt'ppla. Ita healthy action on tlio stomach curus ... Ap))tiz r- It la health-giving and npiiet'te-re-stm- nir. Trinary Organs. Acticn on them is marked and nronipi. IC. CROOK'4 VIF OF TAH 1m rich In the imd'clnl quHHtiw of Tnr. coinhieii with veyrtnUh' Inyredieiati of utulnuliU'd valu. whicli nmkoit unHimmMcU. imt oiily lor th eomplHlnt eiunnenut'ii, mic it rnpiaiy rHiorii ex titt it let! Htreiiirl h. elitinMtfl thi; tenmnch. rc- litxt'i the Liver and null them to ork rnut-n tte fiHMi to digi'st, and mitkcn pure blood, mul a vivacity Hpprc'atid hy botn nnnd and Mek. If y n are afll'rrwl in auy wav, we knov if yoq try ihe iiirivi ii if ionic ir'criiPM ni jr. Crook' Wine ot 'J nr. von will and voiir tettlmonv to Pi (trnat value In correcting anv "HU th t floh i h-lrto" Hrtparedonly hv OM'VEU CrtUOK A w. Hold by DrtiKK'tc everywhove. a... Ou aud after Mondav, November SO, 1S71. GtHNtj bwL'lil I'arkr Accm. Vttl. lmEr JI1 rile ll'iBii. at:, am BSpm rnniMin, n no a m iu?.iain a tu p in hosier, 8 2ii a nt ParVer , lrj sti p in 4 50 p ni Hciuucraaa, H ITi a tn W P lurth 4 Ml p m 1 S'l p m - iiil. inoii, u r,." a ni l'ittsbdtgh 6 Ihl a m 8 55 p in Koxhury, in ttt a m raiker, uuin Oil Uly K:ttonuiii2 mi ntj, iti'iim ntiopin r'rntikliii, A 40 p m . 1(1 '.tl p m Koster. RIM pm Vnrknr, 1 in a m HmtlMiraw, 6 5 p iu W P .luu-'u, 4 4(1 a m Parker, 1 H5 p nt l'lttaburgh 8 IU a to iininv a isenn, r i.i p m KlttauuiUL', U III h m noiNM NOHTll. rnrkT Accom, M-ili. OlH'itv, til5prn 1 p m Krnnklin, 8 HA pin MrXIrim Tny Ex. S t.1") p m Poster, HtKipni Parker 4 Slip mil 41 am hcmbirraaa, 7 l p in w P June i 411 p in 1(1 a m Ktnhntou, (i 31 p m PittBbura 11 50 m 'Mid p m roxnurtt, niopm It Prnker, OOop in lt' """ entity Klttannii (j. A"11 Mcht Kt. Ollt'lty, " , 12 2 ipm Him Iranklin, 1140am 60iam rosier, nil am i-artter 3 1. am Scrnlwrass, HI 37 a in W P Junc'n.lnuil nm rurker, P).ain Pltiaburi;b, 8XUcm lll'uflv'd TI... i 1 C a ... " Kltl.nnlmr. V 1 IL m ' ayKilver Talare KleetiiiiK Cars on NIcht Rress miuB uum wuya uei"oun I ii' -n'lrriT atlO I.OtTT. r - J-I.AWIlLXCJS.Oca'rBtiut PAME. SMITH m.'PAD. IMWiOVED Seneca Falls AVitli Ktecl Packing SO Sold llu Iiasf 30 Day. Eiclusive Agents fcr tta Oil Kogica DAME, SMITH & Co.. Successors to F. W. AMES, TITUS VI LIsE, 'PA. Wood Work For. CARRIAGE BUILDERS. 2D GROWTH SrOKES, H0BS, CENT FELLOES, SHAFTS, SAWED FELLOES. POLES, NECKYOKES, WHIFFLETREE3, HUB BANDS, AXLES 3FEIi:3S, FIFTH WHEELS, MALLEABLES. And the Qcst,.Ciirriage Uolt in 32arkt DAME, SMITH k CO., fc'.iccesvrs to F. W. AMKS. W, C, ALLISON & SON'S !Ph.iladtlrh.ia, Manufacturer of superior OIL WELL OASINa. .AND, TUBING ! VVitlt uai and patcitl CoUlllillJ;'. Cur" TV13INQ and CASING are msnuiactiir:d withg atcaro, exprcrs!' for thja nao oroil pro dttecra, le'j teited at the works bfort shipment w!t a prssimro of 1,201 lhj. to the squire Inch KOTICE Each length and societ Is stamped w:.i ohr trade mark. None other la gsmtino. The danger horciofors experlcncoi lit having Tubing break at the CouMtng Is obrlalcd bj us'.ng Allison & Bon's Tuhtng with r atent Coupling Btilter and cbesse are almost indiB.ensU ble.artlcles of food. Properly used, they are nutritious and healthy; but an Inordi nate use of eiihur ... rn..,i j dyspepsia. Owen GufTtiey's Sunday Couj- .......,, y vl?u wiu temovo lolliof tba;j luublea. Daily Record NEWSPAPER, AND Job Printing Office; Al A I.Kf ' S T It E E T, ' PETROLEUM. CEXTRE CHAS. G. W1CKEH, ProprltlOT. AEW8 UEPAttTMEXT. We recdre telepraphle iliatrhec J m to 4 r. ana prewut tnem io our nwm, ,, c..iK. braun news of (treat ;utereat from all aeelions of lll eouiiiry. t e u,w Fmlol ....uh. .. whereby we rweive rcirular I'ttroleuiu, Mock and Pioduce Market Keports every evenioy by teleurupb from ftewYork, Philadelphia, and Pituhurg, whicli together with Kditorlala and Local matters, make it one nf the moat dealrabla iwwipapeia putillahed to the 01 Kegioa. ' As as Ad7rtlins Mcfllum, The HECORD has' no snperlor, as It clraulatcs wherctror an OU Operator or Dealer can be forlodj JOBBING ; DEPABTMKT.' . . ,., , We' have a" larpe arl Woll 'a-lMte stocks' of Jobbing; Hia'.cria, 'tihrainc the ver latest jtylea. We are trfcrefhre enahled to.teniU Joo Work of every Tiirlafy lu a'aa'laracVirf matinar v. heu ueairod, job. will be naatly p.lutwl la CoLoas Sttlpplng Dl!! ; y Poster, Hand-BUlf. Ftocrammeia DHIi of Fare. liabclir ' INS Uu!r.Nit an" Vlsitinc Cards . L ETTEU I1EADB, " BILL HBAD8, " i' BILLS OF UDi:iQ, Eto;, ;Eu BALI. kEIl!STING, Plita or Fancy Htyles,- nsarly and promptly eiecu ted, embracing INV1TJL7J0NH riRCTTLAHH PK00RAMME8 CAKUt), TICKETS, Etc .... tj ,. v . . '. .if '. In fact, every variety acd rrvle of work la letter press pr.ntluij. !(-r,"hant., lawyers. Jnsiiees of the Peace, land Aueuta, Oil Oeaieri and Atients, lnan ranee Aema KxproFAmeti atid other partiea iu want, are informed tluit wr-are prepared to execute to ordered kinda ol lil.ANKS. burinees or leeal, required in thla com- tnunilv. Jobblt patroaase rcapectfully solicited. ,i EW ADVERTISEMENT AGENTS WANTED Ai.-.,r . V : --B""." uinaemora money at work for us than at atmbinz el Httslnexa light and permanent. prii..i ..' frt. (J. STINSON A CO.. Fin. a. T lishrra, I'ortlana, Jlalnc. 1 1 Aiutlta. Sillumi(Mit,.i..l.i 1 in Circular. " """" WHAT TO READ AI IIOW TO ItEA. Italnor claaalflprl I, lata nf nhiu d...j, wllh appropriate Hints and Ketnarko.adirt u ur urui1!.! i.eeuer, io ait tiscMhei a and lo persons Intending io form Colkctlnrj of Bonks. 1 vol. 12 mo. 152 p(jes. Price SO cents. Snnt free hy mall on ri-celni the price. D. Al'FLETOX CO., Pub Ushers, New York. 11ISTUKY OF The Great Fires InCniCAGO and the WEST by Rev. E. J. GoousrkRn, D. I)., , Ohlcaiio Only cotn plete bistoty. TUO ro psges;75 eni(raringi iu,uuu aireaoy aniu. - I rice f z,:iu. 20110 anen made in 20 dava. Frolils o (o mf. rerers. ACJK'VTS WASTED, II. S. GOOnSl'EED JtCO., 37 i'ark Row, New lork. lliicurporated 18(10.) Columbia Fire Insurance Co OFFICERS AND D1RKCT0US. A. S. Dilwiler, I'reat. Rnbt. Crane H. Wilson, Vice Treat Wm. 1'alton lleru't Tbomaa, Treas Jas. Scbrorilsr J. F. Frneaiitr, Seo'y J. S. Strino J. B. llschman M. M. Strickler Geo. Bofzle K. T. Ryoti For Insurance or Agnnelea, altlr-s .f. ', I'AtL.t 1 11', Ner') , Coliuubiu, l'a. Wanted. This cpring, 10,000 rAR3!:ERS, To improve , "00,000 acres of the best Firm Inn Lands In Iowa, tree ftom mortU'iKA or other incumbrance. , These lands comprise the Government ri-.!!ro.td grants aujicenl to tbe treat thorotijh fafea lietween I'hicain, Omaha and Sioux City, and lie cbirfly la the Middle Re&ion nf Western Inwa. Its most fertile and healthful portion (fyver and ague being- unknown), and traversed hy railroads in every direction. Now is the lime to ' SECl'KE A HOME AT $1 , A.U 85 per acre, upon long time, with six per cent, interest, in Hie luxuriant valley of ethr tha Beyer, the Maple, the Soldier or the Mule Sio'nx.- Agents al stations ate provided with teams to show lands flee In putcbajon. Send for a Guide. It gives prices, termv descriptions, where eiploting tickels sie sold, and bow to reach the Unrls. County maps also sent free. A'lilress JOHN' B. CALHOUN. Land Commissioner Iowa 1. K. Land Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. OPIUM -EcVTEUS R nnycafeof (ip,inn liahiiotr AmldUle will n"t cufe. No paiu or inronvo rence. rell ouri-cii't r f:m S. (i. Armr"'i!. VI. Hhhibi! Ilia iute, HnrrlMu BriiUf, .Well. roll IDIir nit VlXki. f AraacaterUii4UlriiMloomiiluall;aowiiioj I aaownlnaTwaltoe(Of4iioau pweiM 'JTPJSl nnuM io nut u inowni bh - w.. hhiI is Hi. k.Wnl fatll MM, I mm lOKrvateiuH nay tin. PrnoMicatiiufteofys Tbe l.nrrrest Retail 'ro'riiltnre t;"1"' ... . . . . w -. . Kin tea i iiaumuui ' " .'iii'-.w Sold at X.l.iV Boston Trim A. S. IIEHEJVMEX A: CO., H4 Bank Street, ctEVEl-AND, . FebR-ia-Sia . uiirhiitiiitf.il I aa li IMedical Institute JV 364 reiiw Birucs DR. AFCJURTUS r-LKIS coniiituiw "",-.,! 'private dieaes wllh gieat sorccs- at trie iiu lite, which la now open ftr ti.e r""0! 5,. jicommocatlon of paiienta comlo'.' from i anco to proeure treatm nt or medical A sucecasful nracice of 1 8 years u stiBnes (fnarantee for the future. hpormier 1. 1 - Nervous Pehlllty Prn.an lycure, -A,lia; i., "V"v" JZ,r. tU i b uoc,"r' I pivea particular aueui "ii iw w..nd te: all irieistilarlili s speedily rr c,'f'" In pli" tha Doctor's mcdtail am, hl v.a l"". ", for 2 Innaunge on venerlal dlaeascs, sent by ni au , oratory under the Doctor s own uervlsioB j S JrOfflra onrafiomO A. M , ior',v B tauipa au moaicme- ... hj. - - ,,loB. uiiada'l 1 rj iBiiti " . n NE m led la liBicVt I m Arm M bat mAAr Dkv.O Pnin ff it.TCl7(WsJ., 1 T T-'-'-irT'V -'1 I V- 11