Centre Daily Record.' f x, Itloiidar March 11. livtiie service. .rrcr:?T episcopal cnuRcn r.-r-'crs I'-cry Plibnth t II A. M. ami , f P. M. Sabbath School at 12X P. M. eat free. A cordial lovltatloo extend ed tu all. I! it. P. W. Scomild, Pulor. PRESBTTKlilAJt CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'olock A. M., and 7, r clock P. 11. ' D. PATTON, Peator. Petroleum Centre LodM So, 71ft, I.O. of O. F. Regular meeting aigbta Friday, o'clock. Signed. at 7 J. E. BOYLES, N G. W. A. jVCXLCR, A. BeC y. pPUce nf meeting, Main St., opposlt UoClintock Boat. A. U. Of V. W. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of 0. W., BMli eviTt Monday evening at 7 o'clock, la Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Ceotre, pMo'a. A. Glbx, M. W. 8. H. Kootca, R. Gold at 1 p. m. 110? Vit devote a large portion ut ear spare to day to tbe proeeedlogt of the oil tneetlog bell at tbe office of Pnillipi k Boyle, oo Saturday evealng last. Tbe meeting was largely attended and tbe utmeet nnanlmily prevailed Ibrougboat. It wa stated tbat 9190,000 worth of itoek would be taken in tble diitriet. If all tbe sixwsa dlitrleti do a well tbe entire ttock and mora leo will tie taken wilbln tbe next few days and tbe protective ataoclatloo become an established institution. Tbe committee seleetso to rep resent Ibl district I eompeeed of men wbe will labor energetically to carry out tke ob ject of tbe Moeiatfoo, and will be- fully sustain d by the ail men ef Ikle olelolly. May tbey aueeeed In tbelr efforts to defeat tbe monopoly 1c tbe hope of all. Aw latereetlng arllel from tbe Mew York Tribune oa auaepollea will appear to-mor- ow. There wa '-fighting all along tbe line" an Saturday evening. Several young bock- wheata from Cberrylre ndrtuk to "run the town," aided by King Alcohol. Tbey tailed miserably. Wa bars tkelr name aad tbe next they undertake a like proceeding ball give thenfio fuM fir the benefit or tbe public' Several other "roctlnns" occurred, and whiskey talked loog nod laud, but did uo particular rismace, During tbe Lte excitement raised in oil circle by the Sou tear n Improvement Com paoy many prodnoere bare ibown tbat tbey are trie to tbe Iniiroctloa or the Oil City Convention by oeaslng-to ump their well or Sunday; feet Mr. Stephen Cane, of Law reoeeburgf nrpaeteo'eU In patriotism. Be ba abut down the Pawnee wlr,'end dsclsrce It akall pamp oo more el 1'untfV Ibe infamous ring wbleu I laboring to rob the proineers io starved out and banlibed from tbe land, Good for you Stephen, hit tbem again ' Tbey bevs oo friend hero or elatwbero thl aide of that region which they are traveling to, where tbey will doubtlea find the sll aaato warm oaougb without latrudnelng al, to add lury to tbo dame Ollmaa'a Jour- Ban A starter-tor a bridge- acreee the Alia gheny Rlver-et Perker'a banding ba bean granted by tbo Pennsylvania Legislature. A charter for new railroad 'bar alao been greeted, tbe route to run along tbe Parker' Landing (Id or tbe river,' to- connect with tbe grand trunk which lead to tbe markets of the weit. An oil fire at Oil City, Thursday night loot destroyed'about- 100' barrel of erode oil aod other property. Loco $2,000, A young on ot Ira P. Allen, aged -twelve-ytsrs, waidrbwued -wbllo akatiog on tke Allegheny river, at Fbxton, on- Wednesday evening, Fob. 28.' Search baa-been made for tbo body between Foxton and Bear Creek; but It has not been recovered a yet,' down lb river paper will 'pleas copy. r Oilman Journal. AH over India swettmeats are consumed ubtenliel article of food. A native; when traveling, seldom oat anything ales; and between tbe two great meal, at all time, b whiles away tbo loog neon of tbe lodian Sweater day by tucking lollipop ' or candy between tbe . whiff of hi hookah Large dishes or eweetmoet are very cow. mon presents to make on religious feitlvai or dout'Stto rsd.lstter daya; and when a bin' doo wnM to be very merry or very diss I paled he never get drunk, a a SoeUbman does, but von to "mlthal ' shop, sad-make himself ill with candled mi jar. Another aliaa lor the gentle on-xplutvo U"aM'.i6tTU.W.9 ' Producers' fflecttn. At a large and unanimous meeting held at tbe office or Phillip A Boyle, Saturday evening, March 9tb, 1872, in pursuance ot a cail from Irora tbe Central Committee or the Producers' Protective Asaoeiatioo, the meeting was calld to order by Dr. M. C. Egbert, aod oo motion, Capt. F. J. Keller wes elected President, Col. J. A. Vera Vice President, aod W. H. Fayoe Secre tary. Upon taking tbo obalr, Capt. Keller made a raw explanatory remark, aod called upon Or. Egbert to more fully explain tbe objesia or tbe meeting. Dr. Egbert explained tbat the meeting was for tbo purpoie or appointing a sub committee to attend tbe meeting le be held atTlluiTllle this (Monday) evealng, aod to traaiaot such other businet a may be brought before tbo meeting legarding tbe Protective Asaoeiatioo. Mr. J. M. Dickey explained tbat the meeting wa called for tbe purpose of carry ing out tho plan adopted at the Oil City mass meeting In relation to the proposed Protective Oaion, and for tbe purpose of eleotiog good and suitable delegate to act for tbo Eleventh Diitriet at th Titusvill meeting. Tbat In th present emergency th best men should be chosen, and It becomes this meeting In good faith to back up the meeting at Oil City to tbo ntmost extent Col. Vera remarked lb delegate held tbe same relative position to us as did tbe signer of tbe Declaration or Independence. Two weeks or war without bloodshed bed witnessed tbe adoption of article of agree ment, and tbe meetiog al Titusvill wa for tte purpot of adopting a sonstltutien and declaration of Independence for the United States ol Olldom. A series ol reso lutions had been paased at Oil City for th formation of a protective association against th So. Im. Co., aod the delegates elected to-night were to represent this district at th Titutvllle mooting to perfect tbat union, tbo voting for stockholders to bo done after wards. Dr. Egbert thought that lie eoamitt-e appointed to-night was only a tempo rary eoe. That as soon as tbe requisite amount ( clock was lakeu to th ameuot of $1,000,000, each stockholder would be en titled to vote, aod tbo affairs of lb union would then be controlled by a board of directors, for the election of which tbe com mittee cheats to-night was to aet. Col. Vera explained at large tbe duties ef id committee and the plan proposed at tbe mass meeting to be carried out by th loyal men of tbe oil region. Mr. C. N. Payoe gave hi view of th Protective Association, and moved tbat the article adopted al lb Oil City meetiog be read and adopted or rejected by the meet iog. Metioo carried. Her followed tho reading off the article of association or tbo Producers' Protective Union by J. M. Dlokoy. Moved and seconded that tbey bo adopted by Ibis meeting, unanimously carried, Mr. Dickey read an actlole from a Titus- vllle paper xplaialag tho doty or th eommltloer ., Dr. Egbert said thaV-this meetlusj. wss celled for tbe purpose of representing Poire Isom Csotrs snd vicinity at tbo Tilusville meeting, not only, by tbe election of a com mittee, bwt that it wa every maa't dnty to report at that meeting aod do all tbey can to carry out tbo spirit of said resolutions and aid la lb defeat of tbo rotten monopoly tbat now threatened to oagulpb tbo oil region In common ruin. Capt Keffor spoke at esmo length on-the duty of tbo committee. Mr. Psyns understood tbo Tilnsvlilo meeting to bo fur the purpose of perfoetiag tbo plan in full, and Ibsl wo should select our beit men and Instruct them to represent tbe ell lotereat of thl leotioa to tbo beat of tblr ability. Capt. Keffsr ooneared la Mr. Payas's re marks. This was no trifling matter and upea t depended lb very life blood of tbo reglou aod It future prosperity Tbo So. Imp. Co. bsd millions ol money to Ight us with, and would undoubtedly spend It freely, sod wo must seek to defeat their- deeply laid plan. Df. Egbert said committee- mnstHot ex pect to finish their labors in one night, bat that It might toko weeks ol labor to -earryr but bud perfect tb plan or tho association. Mr. Dlekey moved tbat a 'committee ofi Ave be chosen to represent this district at the Tltuvlllometlg. Carried Capt Koffer was nominated and declined giving good touoM therefor. Meosr. J-M Dicker, Jo S MeCray, J A Vers C Nv Payae aod J W Irwin ware unanimously chosen as sucb committee. Moved tkst Capt Keffer instruct commit tee as to their duties. Cap t K was of tbe opinion tbat committee did not need any ioatruotloo, Init tbat they should have ere dent la Is sUttig tbat tbey bad been duly electeds delegates to repisicot tbo Eleventh Dlsttct. Mr Dleky toggoiUd lbtt tb names ot ssld eemroltleee'heeenl to EG Patterson, president of tbe Petroleum Producers' Aato elation, be having tb matter ol entertslo- menlof tbe delegate while In Tilusville tn oand. Moved tbst the Secretary be authorised to end names ol committee to Mr.' Patterson. Carried. Mr. Payne moved tbat committee be In. elroeied to aot for thia meetiog, and tit aaid meeting pledge itself to endorse and sustain tbe action of committee.' Alter remarks by varioua parlies tte mo tion wss cart I' d. Dr Egbert thought tbe only Instruction committee. needed waa to keep perfectly to- ber and atlead strictly to business. Laugh ter. Mr Dickey gave bis views in regard to producers taking stock In tbe protective as' societiou; did net think tbere was any uan ger, ss asms parties predicted, of its Incom ing auotber monopoly, out was oi me upiu ion tbat ibe stock would psy a good rate ot interest to all taking It Believed tbat al1 producers should tak dock aod then it we'd be (Irmly established, aod should It prove e success in the lutara we would be a more oiled oeosle. Heretofore every man had1 been (or making mooey, aod did not recog nize each other only In a social er mora! light Io nnioo there is strength, and thl, would tend to mske us financially a united people and able to witbstsnd any and al1 monopolies tbst msy be brought to bear against us. Mr. C. N. Psyoc coincided with Mr. Dick ey, and alluded to tbe course taken by cer tain Pittsburgh piper toward tb people of thl region a being unjust in tb extreme) and laid they sbauld bav aent intelligent men to report aod not common drunkards. Dr. Egbert looked upon tbe passing sod esrryiog out of these resolution a of as much importance. ss tbe Declaration of In dependence was to tbe old thirteen States, and thought it wa tb duty of every mac to take dock in tke Association, If only fur tb purpose ot showing tbelr good will. Explained In regard to tbe Association, sod that all taking stock would be amply sea cured; and Should it prove a success, io oae year's time every man boldUiz certificates of slock would be proud to have it kuown that he belonged to the Association. Col. Vera said we ara not don lighting tbe monopoly. They may attempt a Hank movement If P. U. Wataho, or ite inein. ocra ol toe to. imp. uo. want to make moo. ey out of the oil business let them d.i it la legitimate way as we have dnuo. Let them, Instead of silting io their richly fnrr ished offices in New York or elsewhere, end wr ing io manipulate ana steel ?A,00o,0u9 tr snnum from our pockets, c.iuih out i,k msn, wikde through 14m mud and dirt ai d slimb these bills and go in from tb derrielcN floor to msko money a we have dune. It' not, they ar set of cut throats and thieve Dr. Egbert hoped no man would for a moment think the So. Im. Cu. was whipped. Said tbat so far they had dene nothing but wait and watch until the excitement and indignation bad died out, aod then come io and make a flank movement One of tbelr plans would probably be to offer a large advance on oil for the purpose or buying up the producer. If tbey should loss a million of dollars it would be done rather than lose tbe game tbey were playing lor, aod ho did aot doubt what tbey represented $250.000,. 00 ol capital, aed wsttld spend a portion of It to carry out tbalr villainous ends. 961 Vera said lbs monopoly had boasted tbey could buy up tbe Legislature and knew aotly tke quotations lor regular, apot, 8. l. ait year, ana coma get legislation lo-sutt them selves. He thousht tbev would nat $10 per barrel lor oil In order to get tbe dead woodr on tb producer. Dr Egbert proceeded to "(how op" Boat wick, oue or th conspirators, aod hoped the men of this rasioo would not lose their dignity by making term with these outlaws Tb region oan get along without tbem. We have refineries enough in tbe region to r flne all tke oil under tbe oew order of things and plenty of railroads ss soon ss tbey found wo were io earnest, would willingly pledge inemsetves to transport our oil to tbe sea board. We have no use for th Pittsburg: b or Cisvelaad reflners. and will not solicit ar negotiate any terma whatever witb them. Mr. JJlcksv was not Io favor ot msklsc terms with neither railroads or refiners. Lei tbem msko terms witb us. H believed In tb motto "Million for defense, bat not one barrel of oil for thieve." For hi part b would not sell ona bsrrel or even one pint of oil to the rssesls and thieves at any prios whatever. Br. Egbert ssld althongh ha wss not a producer bat a shipper ol oil, bo could chip and ll all th oil bo bought to other par ti asd maks money at it. Mr.' Irwin thought tho Protective Asso ciation waa something to be proud of. If it proved a aueoess we bsd succeeded in astab- liahing a financial psriod In ths- history or the country, and bad immortalized ourselves by so doing. After a few more' desultory remarks ths msetlng adjourned (object to th call of tke committee. F. J. K'SFFER, Prot't K. F. 'PaT, See'y. A laoetious Individual not many miles from Danhnry, souubt t.i "draw bis wife out" by pretending to bo" found dead with an empiy laudanum phial by bis side. And that lady was a good deal shocked at flrst, but having read tbat a needle lnttoducd into the human flesh, would indicate on Its surface whether that flesh was dead, and being a woman or eminent preotloibillry, she st once armed berseir with a polished instrument of nearly two inches growth, and with throbbing heart and bated breath in trodHsed a sood share ol It length Into the decpaved. What the surface of the needle really iadicatud was not learned, a be took it witft him a be pa-anT through the sain tE-V The New Castle and Franklin R. R. pro ject la being pushed forward with vigor, and work will doubtles commence on it eatly In the spring. ."v AO JCOgnsomao oas inTeieu uw .- ., t t . - Ou Ol llgniing uousea wua coai uu.-ueiuii ply to bav an oil-task at tb top of tb Douse, with pipe to convey tb nsn-explo sire to all tbe lamp about tbe building. It la suggested tbat one tflect of tbit plan will be to reduce tbe number of widow and ...tiam . a Ik. whnl. fantllw will rr tnwm f . er in case ot en explosion. X On Thursday afternoon of last week, after we bad gone to press a sad acoideul hap pened near tbe Nut & Dolt faolory. A youg woman by tbe name of Bridget Glenn( about sixteen year ot age, undertook to light a Ore by pouring oil from a can of kerosene Into tbe store. The oil cau&Vt fire, which passed up into the ean, explod . lilt! it aod scattering the contents all over Mis Glenn. Iter clothing etught lira Im mediately. nr little brother who wa (landing by tried to put the tiro out and told ber to lie down on tbe floor and rol' tbe carpel around ber, but she wa too much frighteoed to think, and ran out loto th street. Mr. F. White, foreman Ol Ibe factory attracted by too oulorle of tbo eigbbars, msbed to ber assistance and threw a sbawl over ber bead. The flame were tbeu at least two feet above ber head. Other coming up, tbe tire waa coon put eat, but too , late to save bar life. She'dlU;lo the evening about nine o'clock. Over aid over again tbe waroios; co'uies, to keep kerosene away from Ore. It Is more deadly than powder. New Castle Gour ant. v I ' Av r.- ...u a Le- UK UIHUUIUUIUICMB Ul lUUlllH; MUfl CaVTTDg of have raised tbeir prices in anticipation of tbe new pipe lines to be built, Tbey are entitled to the thanka of our oil men for tboir generous aid of tho South Improve ment Compunv. Producers will probably onutinne to use their old tubiug and easing as loog at It bolda legether. Put the foltowing name. f,0.oflic.r. n tbe villainous mooopoly that seeks 1 rob tho entire region down 00 tbe black ltal.--Col. Payoe, Rockefeller, Bestwick, Logan Bra, Warner, Worden, or Cleveland, Lock hart and Frew, or Pittsburgh, aod P. H. Watson. Let tbem be remembered in tb future. A k ' 1 Yks and Nkious 11 bora could make themselvetimderstnd In human langnag they would ilgnlty by a universal "Yea," tbelr assent to tb statement tbat the Mua. taiig Liniment la the best remedy extant for all these external ailment, and by a moat esipbatia Neigh!" show their displeasure at every attempt to us any other prepara tion Io it stead. Ever slnoe its introduc tion at 1st Louis, at the close of tbe Mexi can War, io 1849, It has proved ailgaal blussia,! to bono and man curing, witb ahsilute certainty and wonderful despatch, suoheqiuee diRoaee as spavin, ringbone, poll evil, scratches, bootale, Ac. and re lieving o I finally removing tb Daiuful affi-etiooe which attack the muscles, sinews and externhl glands of human beings. It Is a last ooyooii contradiction tbat for all In juria or complaints of mao or quadrupeds to Wliios an external remedy is applicable, the Mustang Lluimeut is preferable to every other. Tbo adoption of photography In surveying as'beeo successfully practiced to snob aa extent and under ueu olrcumstanees aa to leave no doubt of it value Tb apparatus employed; lea tbodolite aud eaaira combln. ed. Starting from a msssursd base line of about sixteen hundred or seveuteen hundred leet in length, tbe camera is erected at one extremity sod psrfeotly leveled. Some known or well marked objeot In tbe view Is noted, and tbe angle It makes witb tbe base line I measured. A photographic view I then taken, and tho operation I re peated at Ibe other extremity of Ibe baa line. From these two photograph tb pro cess of plotting afterward proceeds. With out going Into tbo solentlflo details lovolved it Is said tbat tbe minutiae obtained by this process sre so complete tbst all tbo un dulations of surface, sveo of a mountainous distrlol, can be given with marvelous fidel ity. One measured base line will answer tbe purposo, aod from it tbe work proceeds ss in ordinary triaoguUtioas. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Agents Wanted FOR THE LIFE DF JAMES FlSK, Jr. Embracing slso hloeraohlcal Kk.kM ... . traits of M Im MsusHeld. Mi..k. " " ror. Oould, Tweed and othors. oiti' .n ' hei m.rkt, over SCO pages, t.i.d tordn7.fi! terms to lorclrcolir,. DUBB8 V McCOLLl'M. Emel Zedwich. ("LITTLE JOE.-) BOOT AND SHOE MAKER," Baa been established la Petroleum Cvtiim a. pe.t three jcars, and ha. ibe 4 Making tho R. at Fll ani Finest UOOt 11 l Oil RcBlons. Es lsconstantjv lecsMng orders from other i.vue law uu Heglous, IT constant); keeps on hand Iteady-makle Boots & Shoe LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOkS AND GAITERS, CALL. AMD CKF HIM. J'r EMEL lEDWK'H. . WHiTanaK, TBOS. n UHS, CHU t. HUI c B. Mire, Wolff, Lane & d IMPOKTKIt AKD UEaLEKR M len vf ibe Anvil, No. SO Woe4M, f'l'hrn diroi, ah.Te St. I'harlM Hmi.i PiritBlIRCH VKNN. InTlte the altrntlou of tiutes to thur Spring Ste-k, which, lu slwtiun and pries, is unsuriiwHO la ih country. I bef srs Asrentsfor Amerlcsn File r,.m- Kn tflchrsted rlle unil Hasp, Hubkrr elslsisa mid Cackiuc, and Wliwn, Maikrurlmi.:iloi 4rji Engllsk Mteelf fliielMircn ateel, Larha, Miuv ele &3. tralii at BMaubcturera pr'txa. fit3oi Loral Motlcea. . M. Pcttcnglll V Co. 37 fark Bow, Nrw Vvik, sd flso. P. howsll Co Aieertlsing Aaeots, are the sols agants for tbs h, trolrtrm Ccirtte itv Kscoan io mat dtjt. At varttssra la that city are rsqnestra to lavs ttuir a vara with either of tne above homes For Sale. Five Riga, Four Statlonsry Engioes, on 1 4 Horse Power, two 10 Horse Tower, tao Portable Boilers and Engim-a, 10 Ilorae Power, one Stationary Roller 25 Ilone P rr;I!5r)e reel b Inch Csslnc, 4000 feet two iacn Tiibinn, I00 leet llncti Sinn f'l'pe, ei00 feet inch Pi.e, SuUV leet Suekir lluda twn (as Pumps, thiee 4H barrel' Tanks, offe 2(I0 barrel Tank, four smalt TMK, also a lotol FMtlnes. JAMKS DEVLIN'. J&Clfotoek Hi e, lMr. If nm Centre, Pt march 4-lw 'I'ulu iaal.l. Taa Mow1 1 the lin-e to Imv vour Apple, si I aut selling tbem" ofTaV prices tbat will sr teeiah 1011, from nnd'itollar a barrel and np " X'.oM 'o,,ne firrt of Ibe month. Cull aud see for vnnrselTrt' K. Tr llmvus. 1 Per !I: II. vTAksstt, Clerk. j flee. Zl-n- Picture ci'loierf In India Ink end oil. at' Uonrpeleo A Co'a Gallery.- jo. 1 tf The SHest Stock of fashmnat l IWi lbs latest sty lea ever btougbt to hi"' just ' received at Alde"" JIT Tbe Duke Alexis. Crown PjlnesoJ Ruwis orueted one of tke Nobby nist ALDEK& tJT Children's Likenesses taken hetweM the Lours of lu a m and 2 o m, al flemptiM Co' Dsguei reao Gallery. jeaUU. Fr Sale or Kent The bulldlns lately occupied by A. - ShtiHs as a Bakery and Gtociry SIM f 1wln" v'awvm. U J Ptroleom Cotre, Pa. j Mr Cal I and examine those laablonabl Hit and Cap jut rotvd si leh. tlt A. ALDg8- "LlYU AMD LET LlVEf ' .. . ... a. A-Hiatreflfl jm receives as sseae" ',: Flour and Feed Store, 1.800 bushsls ein WHITS OATS, which will be"." at sub prices I ow-ti- h. time to buyHst. Cap cheap at tbe Jamestown Stoio. Life-sike Rembrandt piotures tsksk HempstodCu'sGaHery. KW-A lot of old papers for sls office. ' i. " . - Now la tb. tim. to purcbs JB Clotbing cheap, aod A. Ai-w " Dlaoa. J IT Latest style, of New YorsjJ phi. and Boston Ha,ts and Csps jest r id at A. Aldea's Jsmeston Clothing nw WGAFFNEl- keeps '"''jJ? baud Scotch Ale and London Portsr, V ally for fauufy use. . tr g. to th. J.n.;oj; tjWJXff for your ClothlogVf all kind. W selling good "dirt cheap-" J XT Beautiful and ta.biSwJg! Neck Iks, at 1- halseei 'Seurtb Shsdow "Ac0,Ds radw." by going to mSgf gtmroko Gllry, P.trolwm C.e, .v- aiin