SHUGERT & STARR 8aecessore to McFarlaad, Smith A Co.,1 Merchant Tailors! AND.DEAI.KR3 IN dents ' Furnishing iioods, COR46PRINO FRANKLIN STS., ,TITU9V.L.IiE, PA. IJve pat la one(of tb Imi assortments oj .CLOimdk CASSIMERES ENGLISH, FRENCHeAND AMERICAN COATINGS, MIXED AND STRIPED SUITINGS, FANCY VESTINGS. Kvw offered In the Oil Region. TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES OF HATS Sc CAPS, All tha Latest and Nobbiest Styles. A FULL UNI OF Gente' Furnishing Goods, &C. Petroleum Centre Daily Record, Pat lientrr, IHondar, March 4. DIvlue Her tee. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. ana X P. M. Sblwth School at P. M. eat tree. A cordial Invitation extend ed to all. 1 star. P. W. Scofield, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at li o'clock A. M., and 7, o'clock P. M. D. PATTON, Pastor. Petrol' nm Centre Lodge. No. lift, I. O. of U. F. Regular meeting nights Friday, o'clock. Slimed. at 7 - J. E. BOTLES, N G. W A Kr.M.ER, A. bi c y. fVl-e 'd' meeting, Main St., opposite UoClintnck House. a. o. or v. w, Liberty Lodge N. 7, A. O. r U. W., meets evorv Monday evenln at 7 o'clock, lu Odd Fellow' Holl, Petroleum Ceutre, i 'eon's. A. Gl.KK, M. W. . S. IT. Kooxin, R. Gold at, I p. m. IWi Itias Mi et ins at Franklin The' General Committee will meet at Franklin on Tuesday next, at 9:30 a. m. The mass meeting will be convened at 10 a. m., and a large audience I desired to consider tbe various proposition to be then submitted.' 0 The Legislative Committee have prepared and distributed a petition to the Legislature as directed by the mass meetlag at Oil - City. . . ,-.. The attention of all oil and business men Is called to tbe necessity of obtaining signa tures thereto, and tbe residents or any dis trict not supplied with blanks are requested to apply to tbe chairman, E. G. Patterson, Titusviile. F. W. Mitchell, Chairman General Committee . is earnestly hoped tbat every oil pro ducer aud business man interested in the present and luturs prosperity of this region will attend the mass meeting at Franklin, 10-morrow. See call elsewhere. Tha wells at Petroleum Centre and vicin ity were with' few exceptions shut down yesterday. Tbe exceptions were Jonathan Watson's, Cbarlea Pomroy Button's, Colum bia Oil Co', Ceolral Petroleum Co'a, and those nf tbe Maple Shade Oil Co. Tbe owners of some of tbese aud agents or olb ets were not here to order their well shut down. It is more tbsn probable all will te bnt down next Sabbath. Tbe Superintendent of the Columbia Fara telegraphed to tbe headquarters ot tbe Company at Pittsburg, on Saturday, for or d rs relstive t tbe subject, but at a late hour bad teceived 00 reply. Every well on tbe James S. and William J. McCray fara were shut down yesterday. Owners report thl morning '-No damage done whatever I' "Now, by Saint Paul, the good work goes bravely on." Davenport Brothers and Fay, at tbe Ope Jn House, to-morrow evening. The ciroul business begins to show 1st bead, and companies are arranging prelim inaries f? the .coming ssasou In different pails of the United Slates. Highway llobbery and Prob able Marder Near Planter. Mr. George S. Duncan, Eaq., , or? Plumer, write ui the particulars ef horrible out. rage sod probable murder committed by a highwayman, this forenoon, between that plaee and l'itbole, si follows: Puhkr. Pa., March 4tb, 72. Ed. Record: While on my way from Pitbole, tbis morning, in eompaoy with Mr. Foley, ol this plaoe, we discovered a man lying on the road side, who wai terribly out about tbe bead and Lee sod iosensible,and (torn eoqutring ot a Mr. Smith who had oome to bis assistance just previous to our arrival, learned bis name to be Mr. Daniel Delo, formerly a resident of Plumer. We immediately bad blm removed to Mr. Smith's bouse and bl wounds dressed. At 6rst we supposed be had received bis injur ies by being thrown from his horse. Sitae, however, be has recovered bis senses and informs those in attendance that be was knocked from bis horse by a large heavy set man, and alter a brief struggle was terribly beaten, rendered Insensible and robbed. He says the man first cnaght tbe borte by the bits, and ordered him (Delo) to give up bis money. He replied "I have none. " Tbe villain then demanded bis watch, to which Mr. D. replied "I don't oarry any." The man then dragged bint from bis horse and beat bim as above stated. Mr. D. bad but one dollar and fliteen cents, a knife and pipe on bis person, all of which tbe villeiu took and fled. It Is feared Delo cannot recover tbe injuries about his bead being of so ex ceedingly dangerous character. The rob bery occurred about two miles Iron Plumer on tbe main road to Pitbole. There is no clue to the perpetrator of this dastardly out rage and probable murder of an innocent road. G. S. D. If caught, tbe scoundrel should be strung up to tbe limb of tbe Brat tree tbat came bandy. It is near the same place wiere Mr. Boteford, ol Jamestown, N. Y., was knocked down with a stone and afterwards robbed, about Ave years ago, tbat tbe same I scene f V We, oe was enacted to-day. are in formed tbat the first oil owned by tbe Southern Improvement monopoly has been run, nut over the Pennsylvania Cen tral Bailtoad or Its tributaries, but Into tbe Allegheny River. A dispatob Iroin Frank lin atatea tbat a 3,000-barrel tank, owned by P. H. Welson, President of the South Improvement Company, was tapped last night, aud 600 barrels ol oil run into tbe river and wasted. We do not approve of this proceeding, but these monopolists have received lair warning of result of tbeir at tempt lu ruin tbe people of Ibis region. Let tbem beware, for it has often happened that men thrown out employment from such causes have become desperate and ready lot "li Hllv AmeU In (.VHiuru fanninri wrnniri. NKew Well The new well on the D Sboup farm, North East of Petersburg, was tubed on Thursday last aud doing 120 bar rels da iy. Owned principally by Hess & Tatbeil and Vera & Blake of tbis place This i tbe belt well in tbat vicinity at present. About l!y o'clock ibis morning, t!ie en gine and boiler bouse of the old Colfax wel! belonging totbe Hillsdale Company was discovered to be on Bre. Tbe alarm was promptly given, and through the exertion of tbe citizens present, tbe fire wss confined to tbe place, it originated. Tbe loss will not exceed $300, but promised at one time to be tb moat disastrous fire which ever oc curred here. It was caused by the bursting of a derrick lump, anil we only wonder that these accidents aro not more frequent. We have an idea tbat some kind ot a lamp could be Invented for oil Well uses tbat would serve tbe purpose better and be less dangerous Volcano Lubricator. Tbe three stages of Daiwlnism are now said to be positive, tail; comparative, tailor; euneilalive, tailless. Tbe reporter uf tbe Pittsbnrg Gazette In dulges in the (following peroration, in clos ing bis report of tbe MtKeerport breach of promise suit: 'HattieJosiab farewell. And ao wblie Hattie sings a lean of praise for tbe verdict in ber laver, and Joaleh ex ults tbat be has escsped so eailly, and tbe legal gentleman smile placidly as they gath er in tbe "fees," and the friends of eaob join in tbe chorus of the great peace jubi lee, and around all settles a halo of bliss, let tbe curtain be drawn over tbe last grand tableaux tbe scene of ecstatio joy, as we bid Hattie V. and Josiab P. and oil tbe coucomltants ot tbeir breach of promise, a long farewell." Capt. W. W. Gray lectures in tbe aew church at Columbia Farm, to-night. Sub ect Gleanings from tbe Wayside of Life, The hotel where tbe Graojuke; slumbered in Detroit can take $500 any time for tbe bedstead on which bis limbs reposed, while the sheet were cut up Into handkerchiefs and all tbe young ladies arc crazy after Item. Tbe weather and moonshine of tie past lew nights have been conductive to that chief pleasure of our city domestics, known as '-gate sparking.' Msny a property own er will soon bewlal tha broken and sagged down appeirane of bis gate, and wonder why tbe eld thing don't work easier. Of course be wilt lay tbe dejected appearance I his door ysrd to the Once posts being thrown out of perpendicular by the cold weather, but we have aotlced In our brier experience, that where there were 00 girls In tbe bouse, or If any, tbey bad passed through tbe small-pex and sunny side or lire, tbe frost did not leave the posts half so bad as where the other extreme existed Puttlug salt around gate posts don't amount to anything; either tar tbe entire gate or allow your girls a Are in tbe back parlor. Cleveland Leader. Tbe Cleveland Plaindealer says tbe reason Mrs. Scott Slddons Is unable to fulfill berj lyceum engagementa In tbis country tbe present sesson is, that her basband died In jail, for debt, in Cork. Again tbe most astonishing rumors are in circulation about Mrs. Laura Fair, to fh effect tbat she bas several times attempted to poison herself, and that she is gradually dying Irom prison confinement. A country editor who was threatened with the cry of "Slop my paper," because his course did not please some of bis subscribers, thus replied: We do not belong lo our patrons, Our paper is wholly our own; Whoever may like It mav take it, Who don't on just let It alone. Transforming thb Co uplexion Tbe traefoimatioos produced by Hagau's Magno lia Balm are quite as aatonisbing as any sceue 00 tbe stage of a theatre. The fa mous beautitler, transmutes a sallow, peek; looking complexion, iu'.o one in which tbe llly and tbe rose vie for admiration, aud j imparts to a dry, harsh skin, the lOftuess ol perfect loveliness. Tan aud freckles, wbicb country air and sunlight are pretty sure to produce, in spite of parasols and sundowns, are completely obliterated by it; while it bas a perfketly magical effect in banishing undue redness, blotches and pimples from the skin; When the lady who lias used it lo remedy hercumplexional defects looks in tbe, mirror, sbe ia equally astonished and gratified at tke improvements lu her ap pearance. Every blemish has disappeared; her seek, aims and to.oui, now rival in wbiteners the snowy collar which encircles lier.ltiioat, ber obeek maoib-e jwilb a peach like bloom, and sbe is ready to Invoke n blessing on the inventor of tbe article wbicb has wrought such a tleligutlul Iraustorma 1100. Atout tbe time of going to press Inst week, we were confidentially made acquaint ed with tbi railroad projects connected itb the Dunkirk & Watren, Oil Creek and Allegheny River Roads. Term lias bee a agreed upon by the three ruada that tbey would work in barmouy. A meeting was called to meet at Warren on Wednes day last, to fully ratify tbe , terms agreed upon. Tbe Allegheny River folks laiied to put in ' appearance, and so nothing waa done. Ralircad men are a d fflcult to keep track of a tbe politicians are. We tup pose ibaorlitinal design, I. a., lo build the road from Warren to Oil City via. Titusviile will be adhered to by Cul. Smitb; tbat may be tbe case and it niay not be. We hope everybody understands bow it is now. Warreu Ledger. NOTES OF THE DAY. Tr treasury of Albany, Oregon, contains twenty-seven cents. Much Adieu about Nothing Some of our farewell dinner. Judy. Mary Harris, who shot Burroughs, the Treasury dark, some years ago, bas become a raving maniac again. Mr. Sbin was secretary of a meeting which indosred Congressman Shank at llarlfoid City, Indiana, tbe other day. Minneapali and St. Anthony having been made one, tbe Boston Traveller says tb for mer I now only Mrs. Minneapolis. Tb EvaDSville (Ind ) authorities think tbe bogs bave eaten children enough, and propose ts do something about it pretty soon. Mr. Wclttemore or Fitohburg points proudly to tbe laot tbat he cnt off bis Index linger aad then stuck it on again in time to save it. Tropical fruit is arriving la great quanti ties. Tbe dealers bang out tbeir bananas on ths outer walls, and the cry is still tbey come, The first Protestant baptism ever per formed in Cuba wassolemniMd near Havana by an Episcopal olergyman a few days ago. Tber are, fellow eitisens, In tbi land of ours, at this high tide af civilization, 6,660, 071 persons over ten years ot age who csn neither read nor write. We are Indebted to tbe National Commissioner of Education for tbe figures. In order to Impart an unusual variety le the proceeding, a North Carolines eloped aitnultaoeenBly with three devoted admir ers. ','' At a recent Florentine ball a lady wore a low-necked, stiff waist, and dispensed entire, ly with aoy trace af material over the should ers. A Cincinnati policeman was dismissed from tbe foroe because be refused to turn out at the funeral of a ooiored officer attaebed to oue of the stations. Nw York lager is stronger than tbat af Germany, tbe former containing on an av erageflv per cent, of alcohol, while Bavar ian beer rarely exeeeds three per cent. At a recent baptismal careinony of the Immersion persuasion at Lafayette, Ind., six of tbe uoregnnerat who were looking on broke through the loe, but wor rescued. Liocul Notice. fit. JU. Pettcnglll V Co. at Park How, Jiew loek, aud Geo. P. Howell A Co Advertising Agents, are tbe sot agents for tbe Pe, troleum Centre Daily KvcoaD lo that city. Ad vartlaera In tbat city are requested to leave tbeir a vors with cither of tne above hotura Fur Kale. Five Rigs, Four Slationsry Engines, one 1 6 Horse Power, two 10 Horse Power, two Portable Boilers and Eogines, 10 Horse Power, one Stationary Boiler 26 Horse Pow er, 1,600 feet f inch Casing, 4000 leet two Incn Tubing, I00U feet IVincu Steam Pipe, 6000 feetioeu Pipe, S0OU leet Sucker Rods two Uaa Pumps, tbree 4u0 barrel Tanks, one 200 barrel Tank, tour small Tunas, also a lot of Fittings. JAMES DEVLIN. McCllntock H a e, Petroleum Centre, P J . march 4-lw. Pictures colored In India Hempated & Co'a Gallery. ink and oil, at jau. 15 LIVE AND LET LIVE! Jut received at Mease A Armstrong's Flour and Feed Si ore, 1.800 buabels extra WHITE OATS, wbicb will be sold at low. est casb prices! o29-tr. jy Now is the time to buy Hats and Chi cheap at tbe Jamestown Clothing Stole. Take Notice. Now la the tirre to buy your Apples, as I m selling tbem off at prices that will u toeieh ton, from ond dollar a barrel and up wards, or anything else in tbe store, as Mr. Brings is lining to close enl about the firat or tbe moutb. Call and see for vnur.eives E. Tr Briugs. Per II. H. Warnir, Clerk. jdec. 21-tf. Llfe-s z Rembrandt pictures taken at Heinpsted & Co's Gallery. JSfNow i tlie time lo purchase ft'iater Cunning cheap, and A. ALDEN'rt is lb place. jenl3lf. IW Latest styles of New Voik, Philailel plua and Boaton Hats and Caps just receiv ed at A. A Idea's Jamestown Clottting Store. XW GAFFNE Y keeps constantly on hand Scotch Ale and London Porter, espec uliy lor family use. tW" Ge to tbe Jamestown Clothing Store for your Clothing of all kinds. Ttiey ure selling goods "dirt cheap." XW Call and examine thorn fashionable Hat and Caps juat received at teb. 21-tl A. ALDEN'S. The finest Stock of fssbionil In Hits tbe latest styles . ever brought to town just received at Alder's. ZW The Duke Alexis, Crown Prince of Rueaia ordered one of tte Nohhy Hats at ALDEN'd. J3f" Children's Likenesses taken between the boiirs of 10 a in and 2 p in, ai Hetnptted Jt Co's Dagueirean Gallery. jaolStt. For Kale or Kent The building lately occupied by A. M. Shults as a Bakery and Grocery Store. En quire of H. C. JARVIS. Petroleum Centre, Pa. jau 30-tf. OPERA HOUSE ! ONE NIGHT ONLY. Tuesday, March 5th. The World Renowned Davenport Brothers, AND PROF. FAY, Will appear after a most extraordinary and successful career of 9 years five of which bave been spent Id Europe in tbeir uuioue and Startling Wonders ! Tbeir wonderful aeanoes bsve beea given in the presence or tbe Crowned Heads and Nobility or Europe, and before vast and In telligent asiemblages throughout the civil' laed world, aatonisbing and confounding tbe wisest of all countries. Tbey must be seen to b appreciated. K7NO EXTRA CHARGE WILL BE MADE fot Prof. FAY'S DARK SEANCE. Admission, 60ot. Reserved Seats, 73c. tar Seats can oe secured. In advance at the P. O. Nswiroom.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Agents Waiited . FOR THE LIFE IF JAMES FlSK, Jr. Embracing aim biographical hketelw. ... traitt or Ml.. KtanaSeliVmSkeTd v.!??- Oould, Tweed and othem. Outwlli in. iZ2'v tne martin, ov.r BOO page. fen fortfmiii.:.1! urni iv BOBB9 efc McCOI,LCM. Emel Zedwich. . (."LITTLE JOE. ) BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Has been establlahcd In Petroleum' Outre pa.t three )cara,aodaaa the aSid' Mak Ins: the Beit Pll and Flnr.r Moot in tha oil Regions. Ha la cvnetantlv receiving order, from, tloua of tha Oil Regions. m Tie constantl) keeps on hard Head j -made Boots & Shoes LADIES' AND CHILDREN SHOES AND GAITERS, CALL. AMD SEP Blm. Jtf EMKL IKDWICH. h. wurraoR', Taos, n lamb, coas t ntu, c. u. wvirr, job n cnsMar. mm- Wolff, Lane & ft, . IMPORTER AND DEALERS Ui Hardware, Sign of Hie Anvil, No. SO Wood it, f I'lireo iloou ahnTe 8t. t:harle lloul.l PIT I Mil! KGII PENN. Invite the atlentlou of buje e to Ihcir Spring Rte-k, which, in aeltcuun and price, 1 uuiurpuitd la U coitutrv- 'I'liey oro A genu for American File Com. Sat. y't celebrated Fllea.nd Hasp. Robber Icltltisr unit Paekliisj, suit WIImib, llawk.u orlh,l:lllaoii 4r SJ English Meet. Blleburju Meet, Lm-ka, Miuf. elp, JLc. r-old at manufacturers prices, f&ta PIA.'OM.:tOO. OK OA. 4S No one should he vitbout PIA0 or OnUtN, v, hen. by caving; f 3 or 1 5 per week, jot, ran bi eueh In.-trumi-hti as Uecker A Harare1 nnrlriM l'Uwu, Mullet, Davis A Co'e and Bradford A Coi l lano., and the ntingnalled T.vlor A K.rle? It. lestes Organs. Old m.tintn.nte taken In pert pit ment for new onea. Mf.titiiiy payroeutA UkeD.-r-pee al ram to Preacher., Cburchie. 8. School and Teachers. Hend for circular or call on t). UaM 1LTUN Si CO , 61 Fifth Ave . fitteburib, Pa febMlm. A.Iieggett, (Pncceator to A. '!' Legt;etr,j M anufnotnrer and Dealer la HARNESS, Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c Experienced workmen era employed, and ftai ii"m afall (.rude kept constantly on band aad nuot to order. FINE NEW HARNESS. DOUBLE ,AD SINGLE, 1 9 haad at reasonable rates. sASCV AND HOUSE Bt.ANKI.1S IN taKOI 0,1'ANTmK Then; I no euierlor VALVE CUP Mnii. than the one matte In hit shop, sad IW will be !) at t2 per huuured or Wceum oiialn-St.. below the MeCllntock loose. PotroleiimCentre. Pa.. Nov.,i7,- ft. flOW OUT! ! SEE IT ! BRIGGS & BROTHER'S ILLUSTRATED cape of Flower and Ve&i Seeds, a vn SUMMER FLOWERING BULBS FORM-! Now ready. Consisting ofrver lP;PJ on rose tinted paper, with upwardsoMii" separate enfa. and SIX Benall" Colored Pin tea! Cover, a beati'' design, in colors. Tbe Honest csiaW" ever published. Send 25 cents for Mo notone hall the value ot tbe colored pls In tbe drat order, amounting to aoi than t, the price of Catalogue. 2be , J be refunded in seeds. New MWfJ placed on the same rooting with old. ' . lo old customers Quality of seeds. packets, priees and premiums t.f&red, s it to tbe advantage or all to Purob".;, ot us. See Catalogue, for extraordiostj inducement , . . You will ml It if yon do noim " Catalogue before ordering Seeds . Either af our two Chromos or iw l9x24-ona flower plate ot Billbo'ii r i consisting ol Lilies, ie-the other or nual, Biennial and Perennial FisoWt l anteed tbe ..-.uiunOl Moat ElEGANT IXOHAl ever Issued in this country. A sup" Jp, lor ornament; mailed, post paid. on,. of 75c., also free, ou conditions P'IB"' Catalogue. Address -...ArrtlEB i...niiAnsi!s.i : BoeUeter.i' Opera House U SA.LOON! i.akIi t. Vnnrher, Prop"' TJnder the Opera Boas HetrotoaajOjJ, ,,4 -fRESU LAO H receded daUl"0, p,rert draught I.UN0H at all h"1" RraJds sfgl. WtrfEB, ALKH, c and U.e ai ss " UARM eooatautly on band. T i Biea' '.it poblloar.M.p.cttnlly Invltjd e W "oViUW uovl4ije iAi