BAI VoL VI-N0 41 PETROLEUM CENTRE PA. MONDAY EVENING MARCJt 3 1872 ?5CTOWKEKLY : S THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY RECORD PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, 'Sunday! exoepted. ( CHAS. C. DICKER, Editor. M year payable In advance, ft 00 a fBICE-LIHT OF ADVERTISING. (Tea line, of nonpareil make on armere.) j(o. Iniertlma. 411 oay, Tmdare. 'I brae dri :Kjir ay, fleUT. illae iwek, .'('wowl. Pfvitrrt week, . OnS miath, Wwd monthi. 0 1 0, eft,. 8 eq , rol. I 76 tl Ul 1 5-1 44 0 1 l 1 SO! lid J 5, i so tm rS t oo so s oil 7 rf t 5 3 IW 911, I tfi (60 I SO 4 M, 8 4 Ml 01) T (Wl 14 d" 8 no oo lo oo, 1 nU 1 mi lo no 13 on! Bsn no in mi mi is on su no it nu is oo In nni o oo 31 nu in t too oo ar mi 89 wi 4H no; fso mi WOO 41 mil 60 0(1, 100 00 r Thr.f month, Pit wuuvr, Nine month,! UMJI tptcUl aotleee 10 cents per line, each Ineertloa. Adnrtleementa payable quarterly In advance l)rl; L: Hi Ac J.3H. CHRISTIE l'llysiclaii. and Surgeons, IPETR'OLE'u'M CENTRE, PA; oct. 13-tf. DU. J, H. HEIVIY, SL'tfOE'tfS DENTIST, . petroleum centre, PA, (Siicceaaor toJMcAlplne AM'orter.J Hflli earner vt Weahington ' and Second atree ta. i'iib hefom d ainflTce dav and nlirht.. Special at lu lion riven to the treatment of diecaaed twin , Vklorofotm. . Ether, Haaend Loeal Anaia'thetic Mmiiii.terca when required RlcALPINE, (Lute off etroleum Centre, f RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST, Om admlnlntered. Cfflce open now. OITIC-Over 8liprd' ,Dr lOood..' to HOCHKVILIJ, PA. JinJ72tf H Wilbert TSnowprepidtnexKntr BHICK ANDTjMA, wtnaiii to tiw MKntiiclion. PUSTRKINO don to nrdrr. BRK-K CIIIM MtS b.illi. At,,,, HKIC'K and LIME coneiant y on hurd and tut ule. a Unldi-ncu on Kebert Farm. Poet 6lw Aillcue Petiolcnn Cetitru, la. Olve uie a call. BovOtiin. w. xv. JonxsTox, ATTORNEY AT LAW,' ' PETBOLECMJCENTKB, PA. rim on WnbiDfton Mreet, nu.d Ollicc. ' opposite lE-q. Rey- JUitf. UUM1AITI V titli rH, ATT0RNEY84COUNSELOR3-AT LAW, OOee -lllckj treet, Fraoktto, and Pelrolenm Cen tre, Pa Mayio-tc ATTENTION OPERATORS Save your Oil ! Control your Gas ! and Secure your Workmen 7 "'"ttheMRWanTvAUJAniaiNVENTIOK Mr. Tioor Uretier, ktteiva a Uie ffliANU GASJOHTROLLER. VtI2,L'iM,v,et,,nycl""l,,"n of opera aoa couiractoee to tke fact liiat we have Parckaae.4 h Itla;ht nnd Tl iai aiiei to, il.e:atoi e ! Slach ne. w Weejlel atejo Candou alt Parllea Srt nnjiBfactttrin, oi'uflDf tlieet wltheat onr M.MrojpAJrMT WILL BE KIOIDLt SFOBCEft - . . Hotels and Kcntdiirunts. jyj-'CUA v 1 HOUSE, (Wathlngton street, Petroleum Centre, Vs. CJ1AKLEH M; BLACKMOH, Pao nutoa. TMa Tlnnaa la mhImIIh Immh1 ...,! Y . 1 -.. ......... " . . LI1V jlliliaH neadquertere uf oil mm. CCLIlfTOCK HOUMev f KTROLE01I CKNTRK.1.PA. 1 hit pofrHMt Houl, ttoated: Cornet tit Alain it Waahington.Nta., Near the DnC.kM bejm refitted Mid nimWicd tliruDuhbnt, ana the proprietor will auara no uains to make It a FIRST-OLA33 'nouSE. .1NO F HTriHKKT, Proprietor. otiS-tf. IKAL UOUNE. rSTKOUOM CEXTKB. PA., 1. , J AXDaDt'XCA.XorSE OILJ CITY, PAj Near CHI Creek a Allegheny liivor RAlhvay Dcpct maria-tr. a. .1 i'!?ixi, Pmn'r PETROLEUM EXCHANGE M WASHINGTON STREET. PETROLEUM CENTRE. PA.. AliF. MYERS Proprietor. Eeepe contltally on haud the (cho'ent l.rniids .of WIncsV Liquors & Cisrs, of al hiD'la. Ciirm itleali at till Iltnirs. IWILD GAME IX ITS SEASON. tFOYSTEES Rerelved d4ily aiijj norred up In any ntylo n.nlrcd. ITT'lf you wnfit to put a c"od Hiuan; meal. kIm. of facr to itwb it down, and a iree Cigar clvo uu a call. A. MYERS. 1'rtrnh-iim rentre. Opt. sn. 1K71. ti. Smith's LAGER BEER SAIGOM! ami iew Oyster Itoonin. ILTlncnnrehnredthe Saloon. NEXT 1JOOH to HIMMONb' DiiL'O STO.iE, Lrcp. ctmn.v .,lklt a hare of patroaiiKe. My vooina will Up te-v col and pleataut, end nv tnends will nt all times Bud tKHMI l.A(il,l( from the hrcwrrv and alwuv nwl. Ynn enn i'waii llnd lh enure ertle.e. with I.KMON AI)K. NATIVK W'NKS. HllOT KKKR, end frih "mile AU. WICHK8, by alllncon me - p I3T 1 h.iTe alu Jttl un n LAniK OYSTER Hi Ktf. where ovntem will hi Hrri''dun in anv eiyie oeain-o. rrivuio entmncc t u ini nuim. A. i. P M I I'll j Oct96Vtf, r Next diKir to Sinmioiin' M Bcnlerjln Wines& Liquors Scdrs and Tobacco. SAMPLE ROOM ATTACHED. gprfM8-t. TITl SVILliE, PA EIIUtCTLY OPPOSITE f UK PARMIALf OPERA UUl'Stl. EH. KrTHERI.ANB, AwlHtaiit. THtimllle. NovHlll. 1B11. If- WAIT t llTCH,i IltlTeboaghtotrt tt LAGER BEER MAXD ! OP J. H. I B0SHACSKR, OnWwhiuwn Utrwt. 1yw!ll mnkolt a p hit to pay partlcnla attmiloo Hi tl went of ihelr cn mere and will kwp r (FH LAUI-.H nnd AI h aronip llnv'l.n atid mo cur nv teller lai-U- Hotels iinI Rnctanrantii. pEl AOtSG. Free Omulbita tonnd from all Tralna BILLIARD.ANI) BATH ROOMS CON NECTED WITH HOTEL. RnovlfMf. T.FW. 8TAAT!", Prop rl Tiic i)i st I'stah'isliod U quor Store on Oil Vrwlu OWEN GAFFNEY, PROP'R, ... PUKE Wines & Liquors, ' he BesC l'mpor?atidris. ' ilH'S, Kriiitiio.' Wins laUHIS, c Whiskies, KGR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PUR POSES. I would call inrflcn.'ar nltcotion to my Itrands of Uines. which are petH:Jn Importation", and em hritrp Hie eulira list ctit ke t in A I i Marbi'ls. Ales and Poster Bane A- Co:r Importer! Ale. ill Kotte lino :ii limn, hii'Kwiii'n Import '! Alo In llollli-k. IJuiunvai Bruwuaioul V JLuiiUou I'ur er, Ac C.GARS.C.CARS tue;kinest brands of domestic A.NU HAVANA ClUAttS. , Xo. ar Wnniiincroti-'.t.. pe TliULEl'MCntr;, t'A. tf- owi;n it At five v- ISHAM & CO. ; TiliiKVlllc, Fa. m o H r 4 0 H NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STYLES OF Walclies anil Jewelry, (Ampricnn.Enc iihaod Hwlsamake. 3'teriing; Silver Ware, Sl rer Plated WcTre, (if nil nmdm. mihpic ilealiina In Hljl. VEK, eapuctully ndnptjlfui pieaiiiU OI.TH fiOI.n CIIAIKU, JK'FMIY, l'IK'I'll&S. IlKVIKA'PliS, . riSilTU TAfKLE, ,. . UKAi. MSan ., e. Ptrlitnlar nUui.jon Kiven i r.nir Ilia line wntchae.and JewcU-y by a competent workman. I'hf flriti have h1 a atoro at TI TUSVIM.E, Spriniretreet. KKMRMBEK TUB PLACE. a P C3 CD i Hprltiir Htrart. ni-arly opji. the Auicri. t can Hotel, Tilnavllle, Pa. j i DIAMONDS I PetrolBifl , Centre' Meat Market ! Gc.i'. W. KiiiK, Jr., Next oor t.i the nneheHter Home dcalor In Erefh ann "alt JIKAT , SMUMSU JltATfi, I'OULThY, Ht'TTKR c. tgraruiera navinjr mi i ai'ie win ao wen to iiiam, a call. A 6lim-e ul tli pub'.lr p'itionai;a wlidiid u , lili'O. . KINU. Jr. rclroltam temrc, l et r-il tai.j , , (aWk'.''.'-f. FINANCIAL. GEO. II. ItlSMEMj Si CO., R A. isr k: E s, PlOTIlOEIitm lESTIIH, PA. 0. U. Biuell, M. C. Marti ChrlitophtT Meyet SV ofTir our pprmm lor the frnfimrtlon of a Hhf'EKAL HANKINU, EXC'IIANuK aud COL I hOTION BUINI-S. Any t.uirc-n cn:rust(d to our will retelve pn inpt nttuntlon THE CITIZEN'S BANK AND TITUSVIL E,,PA. rOFFICEUS ! VM. H. ARHOTP, . - J'roildent' I. O. JACKSON. . C'Ufhier. 1MKKCTOHS :i WM. II. AT1ROTT, (iEo-KJIAM)KHSON K. V. AMKS, r. vT ANnUKWS. I D. 11 CADYi I.YMAN STKWAKT t. Q. JACKSON. TIiIh I'enli U on-nnizpfl on the pariuerfhip prln. cipln. iMc))ViiKk,,olrl tlielnir Iiidiv'dunllv Uuble lo Hie lX'Ll. 1SXTENT PKuPEUlV. SIX PER CENT. Tntorost alloweil on time dfj'0ita iiiJ-avincV.Ronk Hcprt'iiint, uporinl fncilliien bulng olferud t SjUI.U IlKI'liSITOIIS. (iuVEUNMEXT SKCCRITIES of all ktnd;Efor iale. I).i-onri's ninde and a General Banking P.itslncin trAiipMCtcd. The N'.ii'o Deposit Depart m't FOR THE SAFE KEEPING OF VAL- UABLES, v.:. is now open to the nnhHp, for iho RPNTTXCPCl SAFES in t-h" liriitiLAK HIOUK VAULTS i' liih-tr. .H. ii., The Cowing GAS PUIVIP New and Improved Gas Pump! THE LB EST YET! AT eo. -fffj Winsor The Excl'usiv' A puts foi the . entire Oil Ilegion. ' Locottiotivc Cj !IHder.-i:i In. The cowixa cjas pijir : nua been Ihoronybl.v tried anil found to be tbe beslyv Miufacuired. LIBERAL DiMioifNT DRALERS. MADE TO tSNcn biytct Oveicoula at A',ni:N-S. MORRIS, TaSKER .t CO.'S TUBING. AC Morris, Tasker & Co: Philacielpliia. BranchSotre io, fit Diamond Street," TITtSVllLE PA. "Si MAXl'FACTl'KEKSOP. OIL-WELL TUBfNlf -1 i j - AND CASING !' Oil Well1 Supplies' Fittings and Tools" SCREWING MACHINES, Om (Ml Well Tien are teat fit he-fore leuvliift our . Work wii li a preaaurn of 12UU l.b lo lliu eiquare Inch. tiaco ioiiuiii is aiaiutH'd near 'thO' acrfw wiib our 'rude tnnrk tho cocketa are Dot. Inlyl7ly. mmin wmffi mm i u m y p. laon priH.iuinir any medleliie able lo 1 Khow one ihinl ne many living, permanent cure, ae Dr. Piilor'H Vepelhl Rheumatlil Kemedy; and further reward or $100 for any oaje o? I'hrlinlc or ' Inllamintaory Klienniatiam, Neuralgia, "Hherlmailc Aime Sciatica a' d RhruuiatiaiD of the hldneya it will not rnru. 1 ho Kheuniattc t'yruo g uaed In ' wanlly only, ploaannt to tbe tnalc, and guaranteed fri e Irom injuriona dru"e. If la not a quark inedi' clna.lillt the acientlfli: nrecerlptlou of Joa P. Vltler, M. 11. l'rofef.-nr of To'lcoioiry and Chemi-trv urauuiito of the celebrated L'nivcraity Of Penne'. vauia. A 1) , I?'! whoau entire proteaaloual llfi a? ' rn-en devoted apeciaily to tbla diaeuen. Thla prH'" ai-ail'in undur iHiieinll oath la rlincientioualy b- ' lien-dtobe I he only positive, rellalil", IntHllilile. ' apeeiflc eve' ulsrovered The proof that no oi her aiieeilie nxlalf la fo'md In every.enmmuiiltv in perl roi, a nirlictitl for many y-ara and etlil mirrerine. If pliyniciaiM cuuld lure It If a epeeiflc did exlat, thla would uot be ao -a fact that nni-t hu iimverHail? admitted. Tho oft dicelved puflerer may wife y ask, w lat Fertility or oaidei ce baa he that. Dr. EH lei' Khenmnltc Syrup will cure hi. oaae. The pro'cftli "n otlered to aurTerera airalnat Impoalllon I In !e.tnlly aigned cotitruct whlrn will be forwarded wunoin r.nare to any antierer pcnniriar hv letter a diHoiiptinn ot nrll'ciion; ihla t'lmrautcu will atale the i-xnct numlier of bottlea warranted tu cure.and ' ii caaeof lailureili" money paid will' be returned 1 .( thir ptitH-nt. No other remedy, haa evir been ' ,.Tere.d ou auth lilier il aud honorable term. ' Veil .a! advice, with cortlflcntea from pmmlnept'phy ' leiaiiM, elrt'yinen nlc . who have been cunid a ter ;lll oluer tieate.enta have fnile'l, oent by letter linlia. Afflieuil cordially invited to wrtte for ail 1 vicn to the pnnrpal ofllce. 'I'.i South Fourth .P-treot, PI llndalpbia, l'a. Dr. Eliler Mliecoiat!: Byrup la toll by UruKi - M. f BTMMON'S," ' Solo Apent, rV.rolsn:n Ctre, Pa. 1 CAM.ENDKil A CO , Wnoleaalo Agfa, Mead Ule, Pa. A. K.CHAMUKKLIN & CO , Sole Agfa Iloua Villi', i u. . -.I , "i ' j,ii..iiaS Mine, Ilj!ratiMo Cement, , tv.loinetl Planler, Hair, Ac. (f ara.ierioe q ulitT, alwayaon hand and deliv ered luauy put the nil ri-giuu by leuvlng n V, A. WCUFEYVi, for. Pni ei.d Mrchnai sin-.te. ' u- 'jnsn.i.E, pj.