I J " V SHUGERT&ST. SnccMcon la lIcFutand, Bmitk Co., Merchant Tailors) ANDlDEiLSRS IJ. Sents' FiHnlshing food's, cos-tpring 4 frankliu 6ts., titusvl.ei pa. Bat pat la ocejof tba Imk aeaanmoit qf CL01B8& CA88IMERE8 ENGLISH, FRENCHeAND AMERICAN COATINGS, MIXED AND STRIPED SUITINGS, FANCY TESTINGS. vet offend In the.Otl Begton. TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES 01 HATS Sc OAFS, All the Latest and KobMeet Style. 'a roix LINl of Gents' Furniahine Goods, Ae. Petr.pleum Centre Daily Record. rat. Ccntr Sacotday, March' 9 Divine service: - METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sabbath .at 11 A. M. and i P. M. Sabbath 3bc Bt 1$ P.M. eats free. A cordial IdVlthtlbn extend' ed to all. , . Bcr. P. W. Scorixta-, Paitor. " PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at' ll'o'cloca A. M., and T), O'cioox r. m. . . D. PATTON, Pattor. Hi Hi n Pctroleaun Centre liOder No T1S, I. O. of O. F. Regular meeting nights Friday, at 7 o'clock.' Signed. , J. E. BOYLES, N. G. W. A. Kbllcb, A. Sec'y. QfTPliee of meeting, Main St., opposite JIOUIIDIOCK HOD. A. O. Of I'. W. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of V. W., meets every Monday evening at 7 o'clock, la Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centra, Pino'a. , ' A. Gut, H. W. 8. H. Kookeb, R. Gold at I pi m. W Acting upon tbe suggestion offered at tbe lass meeting In' Oil City, yesterday, to shut down the pomping 'wells on Sundays bereafter,' In order te reduce the produstlon m maeh' as poetibirvwe understand tbe 68 pumping wells oa toe Columbia Farm will be shut down to-morrow. Nearly If not all tbe walls an tie MoCray rarms will be sbnt down; also, toe wetls of the Big Tank Oil Co. and tbeae en ire Brawn Farm, Cherry tree Run, will brstcpaedt The probabill ties are that' nine tenths cf the pumping walls In tblsvleknily wilt be abut down oa Sundsye-bereafterv Ttls-wlll be a redac tion of between 5,000 and 7,000 bsrrols psr month in tbe- Petroleum Cedtre"1 district alone.' Let all the pradusers uulta In this movement, sod tbe rotten carcass of tbe Soutb Improvement Company wl 1 toon bo buried forever from sight Let the' good work go on. Elsewhere we publish tbe propositi Ions brought before tbe mats meeting, yesterday. and aotsdjipon. . As we predicted tbe mo nopoly begins to "weaken in tbe joints" and in many oases to deoy all complicity with tbe movement, pretending even to know aathieg or Its existence. It won't wash and' no faltb should bs 'put In their state ments;' Let tbe enemy not break our ranks and we shall crush out forever all rings snd monopolies as far as tbe bit region is con cerned. A rvive!Udr religion has been in progress at tbo M. E. Cburcb, for some day past, and many souls bava bean saved.' Tbe good work yet goes en. Our old Titusvilla trlvnd, Wn. H. Sink, wbo was recently burned eat of tons and borne by tbe destruction of tbe Sherman Hoote, bas purchased tbe hotel on Spring Street, formerly reoupted by P.' Goodwin, and again tesumrd business. ' Tbe bouse bas twcniy or thirty elegantly ' furnished sleeping r.m, and is a desirable stopping place tr traveler. The away friend of Mr. Siuk in lblavloity will be pleated to letru that re Is again In Utlntn. The following ara tbe several propotltton. brought befoje tba Uss Meeting of Oil Clt, yesterday, for tba relief of the region agalast lb machination ot tba ratee! competing tba Soutb Improvement Com pany. They ara sound and bave tba riog o tba true metal. Wbo dsreesay tba man at toe oil region can ba controlled by a vll- laiooiii monopoly after reading them: Tba undetilgncd committee of producers, appointed at tba meeting of Tuesday last, to atcertaia what Immediate action may bo taken by tba producer tbemselvesor in eon' Junction with retoerf of tbe oil region to re- ui aoa aereal tba threatened menopoiy known as tba ''South) Improvement Com pany," begeavo retpeoifully ' to report: Owing to tba great depreulon of tba oil trada at tba preaeot time caused by tba great monopoly known at tba Southern Improve ment Company and tba aver produatioa of oil for tbe present wants of tba trada, wa would rtoommend at follow: Flnt. To sUrt no walla far sixty days. Second. Stop as' many a bars already been started as possible. Third. Redo a our production as much ac pomlble by tbaMing down wells oa Sunday, oeesio tba use of torpedoes and elber meaneoflncreaalog the production. Fourth, bold as much oil as passible from tba market for sixty Ays. Fifth. Sell as much .oil as possible to parties storing tba same la tba oil regions or otbor points. Sixth. Use all effort lo oar power la sue talnlag tke refining Interest of tba oil region and elsewbore wbo are not connected wllb be Soutb Im provement Company. Seventb. To prevent as muck oil as poaal ble from being skipped en lbs railroads con nected with tke monopoly by skipping by he Allegheny River and by other means- ef transport. Eigbtb. Tbita committee of live of oat skinners be annotated to confer wllb the officers of tbo Empire Line, New Tork Can tral. Atlantic & Great Western and Erie Railroad, for tbe purpose of making an or- rangement far skipping . all of our oil with one or twe cf said companies. J. J. Fiihbr, Ckalrmao. v In tha ranld Droosis ef Americanizing tbsr Instltn tioas, tbe Eoglisb have at last Introduced tbe American oyster in the shell Into England, and, as thsir experience is la all other similsr experiments, tbey Ilka II. An advertisement la tbe Pall Mall Gazette informs the British publls that a Liverpool. firm will receive orders for any quantity, delivered anywhere from tri-week. ly arrivals. Tkese oysters are taken Jtom tbelr native beds only tbe day before ship ment; they .ere packed "a advised by an eminent naturalist,'' and delivery may be made from relays In English waters if pre ferred. Tba Liverpudlians describe these Amerlsan oysters as 'fresh, fat.sodjluaciou; belter raw and very much better cooked tbsn English oysters; twice the meat of na Uvea, and lea than half price." An Eogliekman, wbo formerly landed bar for Uncle Ben Bovee, at the) Alplae Houm, was beaten la a shocking manner, about 12 o'clock last night, by one Mickey Mike, as ba staled. Tbe dificnlty arose about a wo. man. We kepe our efflolent officers of tke low, Justice Reynolds sad ooastable Wal ters, will take It upon tbemaelves to rid the town of snob men as this Mickey Mike Almost every night we bear ef some depre dations' committed by this man, either en a drunken man or defenceless woman. It is high time tbe strong ana ef tbe law should put a quietus upon blm. A few meotbs res (dense in the Bsstlle at Franklin weuld Un doubtedly prove an effectual onto. These ol out citlseos desiring t purchsss good books cheap, shoaid pay tbe book auc tion, at Sbult's old staud, a visit at once. This is positively tbe last day ol tbe sale, and another such opportunity to any books cheap, will not soon be presented. E. E. Giappr Eiq., ol President bas struck a new well on the Henderson Vnm, which product over one hundred barrela per day. Mr; Glspp bsS'been very fortunate in pro ducing oil, and wa sirppetc will soon develop bis President property, which it Is claimed bas never been propf rly tented. Forest Republican. BA jovial huaband aud ' wife . in Rntlasd' v u, naa a race the other day, In e Derate turnouts, tbrdugb tbe principal streets. Tbe lady came in a chignon ahead.' Everyone foretelb-' tremendous floods 'In tbe Missouri Valley tbls prlng. Tbe snow Is heavier at lbs sources tbsn for many yeare pest; aad when the flood comes it will be a grand one. A soldier was sealeaoed for deserting 'to have bit ear cut off. After undergoing the brutal ordeal be was escorted out of the court-yard to the tunc of tbe "Rogue', March." He then turned, and, in mock dignity, thus e&drstted the musicians. HonaiBLI Ami. On Wednesday morning lent as Amos hfcKloley, aged about 18, son ot S. A. McKinloy, wss on bl way from home, nssr Waterloo, to school, be was met by a roan named Pat Tracy who a Hacked blm and commenced abuaing blm in a shameful manner. McKinley fought for a tew moments but was Boally knocked down with a club which Trscy bad with blm. McKlnfry was resdered Inesoslble by tbe blow, and while be was In this- condi t on Trscy took out a knile and performed a kerrtble and uomentlovable outrage upon kirn. From wbat wa can learn or tbe anlr It seams that Tracy ned yoi-ag McKialey were rivals lor tbe favor ef tbe ssme woman and that they bad a serious qusrrelfooce be fore. Up to oar latest sdvlsss Tracy bad not been arrested, although a Urge force of men Wss In pifranit of blm. Toung McKin ley it In a precarious eenditien, but It Is thought be will recover Irooi Ihe horrible revenge of Tracy. Trscy used to bs em ployed as a workman at tke County Poor Hon. Venango Spectator. The City of the Veiled Womn, In Slam, I e city numbering nine thousand lo habi tants, all ef wbem are womeo. One tbons snd of these are considered royal, and tbe remainder are tbelr servitors. Women blacksmiths, jewelers, merchants and mam faotuiwre are spoken of, and also women sentinels, soldier, judge and executioner. The young plince, wbo was under tbe edu cational Influence end training ol an English teacher for six years, is now "Supreme Klot ofSlam " He has recently decreed tbe abelitloa arsis very throughout the em pire, tboMbf emancipating fneeo millions of slaves, nearly four times Ihe number set free by onr late war. VEUVE CLIQUOT. Beware ef tbe widows! tbo sages have 'said Tbey toy with tbe heart and tbey fool with head I But of all the gay widows a youngster may know, Letblmsbun, most ef all, sparkling Wid ow Cllquot ! . M Tkat kead-drsss of silver neck slsndsr aod and Tkat tbroat whence out-guskes a ipirit ef divine I How she testes her bead! It Is queenly! But 01 Tou bad better beware of, tbe Widow Cli quotl Sbe will dsnce like a bubble in ember and besda! In gutbing tbe's rsady at popping sbe leads! with mlrtb and gty .laughing sba'il ever o'erflow I Then Beware! O! bewate of thr Widow Cllquot! When she's mirrored lo crystal, 'lis brighter for bert And ber kltses are sweet ss tke coy virgin' were! Wkile sbe toys wllb yonr heart, to your bead sbe will go! Then beware of tbe widow! tbe Widow Cllquot! Boston Transcript. Wilbur K. Parker of Meriden, Connecti cut, ba three eyelet fish taken fiera tba stream in Mammoth Cave. Tbey are alive qulok ss lightning snd almost white in color Tbe speolmens are about two inches in length though the nth frequently reach ilx aod tight inches. In shape they are something tike a "bull bead." Mr. Parker alao louod specimens ol ersw flib looking like white lobalei. These are ale blind, and white in color. Mlt Maggie Cunningham of Terre Haute, Ind , determined to take advantage of tba privilege supposed to belong to leap year aod invited her friends to her wedding be' fore tbe consulted the youog man wboi( name she bad concluded to take. Th wedding party proceeded to lbs residencs of the gentle youth and found him In bed, bu be, recognising tbe sitaalion, gathered ble raiment about blm snd silently etole away Tba red of tbe girls are dltooursged. An elderly lady, Mr. Murpby, died did denly of heart dieses, at Flthole, eo Satur. day last. A speeimeo ol water-worn flint, aodislin- guiibable from cfcalk flint, bas been found near tbe tup of Mouot Keiehdla.- This would seam lo prove that tbe tbieknete ol the lee tbeet woieb broke tip til the surfave of New England to great depths could out have been lets tbsn 8,000 feet STbe Hudson Bay Company are putting on twe (learners above Wlnnepeg, Manitoba, which, connecting with the Bed river ter minus, will give through coontetion to tbe Rocky Mountains. A Memphis lawyer contempted tbe Court Tbe Court Used blm $10. The lawyer taw him sod so did tbe Cowl agklo, and It 1 NOTES OP THIS AY. John H. Surratt Is teaching School Itf BreokVille, Md. a nn.tli!ut farmer hs named a prise rooster Robinson became be crew sol A BL Leais man never drank watar. here we have several men wbo never driok It either. . , A Tom Seolt presidential club has been organised In Memphis. Tbey are lend of Old Tom oiri there. From tbe treat disturbance which has been sauted by tbe "American ease," one woald suppose there must be a lady In It An Iowa preacher charged only three aoi Isrs for praying at a pauper's grave. The pay was poor, but tbe preach was poor, toe A neor little leilow in Quinoy, ill mis took a bottle ofear-acbe medicine for some thing good la driok, aod it killed blm la half au hour. It Is rumored that one of tbe beautiful ooaotry seat of Norwalk, Conn., bas been taken bv tba exEmperor and Empress- ol of the French, and will be occupied by them next Summer. ... "Good morning, gsntlsmso," says a brus que eolpurteur oa ea taring a railway car. No one responded. "Beg pardon in nave said too much. 1 withdraw the last expres ,IOB." IiOal Nollcee. 8. M. Peitemglll Ac CO. T Park now, New Terk, tut Geo. P. Rawell Oo Adtertltini Aetata, are tbe tot agent for the Pa, trolenm Centre SaiLT Haooan in that city. Ad- Tartlaera la that city are requested to teat their a vore with either of toe above hornet Picture colored in lodla Ink end oil, at Hempeted A Co's Gallery. Jan. la. LIVE AND LET LIVE! Jntt received at Meete Arirxtrone'e Flour and Feed Store. 1.800 butbals extra WHITE OATS, which will be told at low. est cub prloee! ; , osv-tr. OT Now is the time to buy Hats aod Cans cbeap at the Jamestown Clothing Stoic. Tnkei Notlwu Now I Ibe time lo buy your Applet, a I Ibi telling them off at prices that will en toeisb ion, I rum ond dollar a barrel aod up wards, or anything else lo the More, as Mr. Brlec I going to slate eat about the Drat of the month. Call and efor yonrtelvet 1 E. Tr Baious. Per H. U. Warner, Clerk. dec. J nr. Life'ds Rembrandt piolirrtn taken at Hempeted Co' Gallery. Now I the lime lo nnrcharv Witter Cluibing chrap, and Ai ALDEN'S" If th place. jtnlS'tf. JfT L'atett tiylet or New York, Pbrledel. plus and Boston liatt aod Cap jaat receiv ed at A. Aldeo' Jimeatowo Clothing Store. tF GAFFNET beep eonvunily on baud Scotch Ale and'IendOB Porter, eipee any lor uraiiy ne. Qsy Go io the Jtroeatowa Clothing Store lor your Clotbiog of all kinds. They ar telling goods "dirt cheep." "A lot or old papers for tale at tbi ofliiw. , if Cal I aud rxaniloe I hoe laabieoabl Hal and Cpa jut received at leb. 21-tl A. ALDEN'S. XW The floeet Block of fashionable Hilt the latest styles ever brought to town just received at Aide'. Tbe Duke Alexit, Crown Prince el Riiwia ordered one of tke ;fobhy Hi at ALDEN'd; 9 Children's L'lkenetaes taken' between Ibe Uflur ef IV n and 2-p my al Hempated X Uo uaguetreao Ualfery. jsnistt. . For Hale or Kent. The building lately occupied bv A. Tt. Sbult a Bakery -and Grocery Store. - Un- umra vr r H. C. JXRVI3. rvtroleiim Centre, Pa. . jan 30-11'. OPERA-HOUSE! OE NIGHT O-cXY. Tuesday, March 5th. Tbe World Renowned Brothers, AND PhOF. FAY,. Will appear alter a moit extraordinary and snooeaalnl career of 19 years flv of wblcb have been spent in Europe InTlberr unique end Startlinr Wonders ! Their wonderful asances have' been given tn tbe pretence of tbe Crowned Head end Nobility of Europe, end .before van and In telligent aiiemblages throughout Ibe civil lied world, aitoottbtns end-confounding the wett of all countries. Tbey must be seen iu oe appreciates;. tT-NO EXTRA CHARGE WILL BE MADE foe Prof. FAY'S DABE SEANCE. Adiulttloo, 6cis. Bvserved Stat, 75o. NEW ADVERTldBMENTi Agents Wanted THE LIFE OF JftMESFlSK, .T - "" w- a lurOreuiM...: iUBD9 V McCOLLl'M. Emel Zedwich- ("LITTLE JOE. ) BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. not tmn eetehllahed la Petroleum- Ontr. P.t three jc. and hu .Si Xl T Maklnsj the Best Fll and Flnett Moot m thj oil Regions, He la coneuntlv receiving erden from 0thni Mont af Ihe Oil Hi-giona. w Ba coatUntlv keeps on hand Rcady-niiVtle Boots.& Shoes LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOtS AND GAITEBi CAII AND KEF Hl.TI. EMEL ZEDWICU. a. wuiTBone, tbih. a ciue. r. hull -flutm woic Lane 4 Ci. IMfOKTEH AND 1)BaLKR8 1.1 SfChr o-s JrS'aO W Jod St. Tlirce door, hnv . ('hHrlc llnttl.l PirraavjRGH penn. Invite th attention of bue a lo itaur priec !t-k, which. In ae taction and price, It voeuruaiid la tin country. Xlieyara Agent for Amerlraa File 0m- Knv'e celuhrated flleaand Haepi, Kubfeer Btlnj an Parking, aad Wllmn, HawkawarlhJEIItaou tJ Eiiallea nsiwl, Pliiaburgn Mteel, Lwrlu, Miuv. la sc. bold at manufacturer ircui. tMm PIANO9.03OO. OROA, 144 No oa ahould he althont PIANO or 0liA., tiai. by tevtBK 1 3 or I S per week, yu ran ba eneh Inrtrumeute aa Decker Jt Harnra' norltalial lMmoa, Hallel, Pavle Jt (Ve and Bradford A Ou'i rtnoiie, and the unequalled Tajlnr 4 Firlrj t't lee Orgam. Old tuetruuienla laken In pun pti meni for uew onee. Monthly payment tnkeu -r-pecial rat en to Preacher, Ilitircht e, H. schroli an if-Taelier. Hend fur circular or call na K. UAM IL ION tt CO., M Fifth Ave.. l-IIUbu.,b, Pa feoaaira. A.Legsett, (itacceeior to A. T. Leggetl,) M anuractarer and Dealer iaf HARNESS, Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &r Experienced workmen ara employed, end H neea of all kinds keut cuetntlr oa baud aadniaot to order. . . . ..... FINE NEW HAKNKSS. UWliBi.15 ,AU MMil.li, rs hand at raatonable ratt-a. ', ANCY AND HOKSR m.AXKVtS IN tKSGl yfANTiriKs Then- iu'uo iiirtor VAT.VK C!TTP MrtP.tfiin ttieone rde tnmv thop, ndtl? willUj eoldat $13 per huudie or tiiceu'" Maln'Bti. belot e MeCIlulock ttowae. Petro1enraCenre. Pa:. NiiviV f. mX OUT! ! SEE IT ! BRIGGS & BROTHER'S ILLL'STRATED Cataleene of flow ana Yeieli Seeds, SlfMMBR FLOWBIilNG BULBS FOB Now ready. Gooeittiog of rer 13 pap , 00 row-tinted paper, with "pwiird."'1 teparate ctfte. and 8IX Meonl In Col44 Plates! Cov.-r, " '' de.lgn7lo color. The ricbett ct. ever pNrbll.bed. Snd 25 oent. lor WW notooa ball tbe value ol the colored pl In Ibe Brat order, amounting to not ie tbsn $1, ibe price of Catalogu. 2ae ., b. ref.VndedPlu .dt. New c...io placed oo tbe ..roe fooling with old. rr to old cu.tomer. Quality ol "Kl packet, prices and premium "JJ, t to the Sdvantage of all to P"""",, 01 us. Sea Catalogues lor xirordiorf Ioduoeroent .! our Vou will mi It if yon do o0,,e, Catalogue before ordering Heed , Eltberofour tv Bbwrno ""'S,,,,, 19x24-ono Bower pl.t o ' ""' o A ever letued lo thie country. A '"P'pt lor nrcmeot; m.iled, po. I f i i ik. .lu, . on ooodltion sp8""'1 c-u,Tbioo" bbothe -,....,..1. Ui i moebeater, v oJBM7tBHBrW VT"J Opera Bouse . SALOON! TYanl. J. Vonctir, Ytov' WINES, AIM. -. "?Ah . frier 'ff1 'Gsmlemeo, I tbs! you, but I bivs non't wasn't until tb ?i!e wt (ISO that the VitTaa. (DntiooM secured m advance st for aiti;." J Isv yci ekened.- t'.a f. O. wsrc:o. UH v. Uu1t4ut'