. yIROLEUM A" BAIL'Y ! NW.V -3.T. JH1--" - Mallei RECQREh THE PETROLUilCENTRE J)AIL REICORI? PUBLISH ED EVERT EVENING, 'Sunday excepted. ) CBAS. C. WICKER, Editor. M fir year payabt. In advance, montb. " f8 00 7t rBICE-IlST Or ADVERTISING. (Ten linn of nonpareil make on aquar.) . Nn. Inm'! TmT 8iq irai. 1 1 IKI f 1 l 4 or, 8 8(1 A K )'w day I at, si mi s mi 9 no l 6i t mi. S 00 50 8 80 4 611 Oil T 9l S 00 10 00 io oo 12 on WW is no l.i oo li on; . q i orec ova W-l-'ow rlava, ft) 80' s 14 is no no 'llrnwfelu, jn. meoth, (vo month, 'Jhne montna, Wr. month., l raonto,l wjear, 8000 140 00 87 00 MOO, 80 00 48 00 tw 00 r8ll 48 o ooi loaou hitl ootid M casta per Una, each Inaartloa. AdTHtlHMnti payable quarter In advisee Vri. L. H. fc J. JII. CHUIST1E Physicians and Surgeons, JPETR0LEUM CENTRE,lA.' oct. 13-lf. DR. J. 11 HE1VXY, . SURGEON DENTIST. PETROLEUM CENTRE, P.VJ, (Succeiiior tnfMcAlplno 4' l'otter. (VSlc. corner of Washington "and Second afreet, t'ao he found at office dav and nicht. tMeclalt tM-tinn elv.n tn tbe treaimeut 01 macadea teem cblonifiitm. Ether, U and Local Anaesthetic . I ..-a -.1 I A ' V 1UCAL.PINE, (Lute olnctrolcum Cenp-e. ) RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST, Cat admlnlxtered. Oflloe ojien now. , T OPFICI-Over Phonard'a ;Ury lOood' Ptore HOCSEVILUS, HA.' Jauintf H. Wilbert l IS now prra" d tn execute BHICK AND ' M A DUN WOUK IN ALL 1Tb JJtttUKM, uni unnula to eivn KHt'ifiictlon. PI,ASTEHIN(1 ilonn in .ir.lnr. P.IIICK CIIIM. MM built, a He, HU1CK mud l.iUrS column, y on band and tor rale. Knidi nee on Hfbert Farm. Poet Office Adrian Ku oleum Centre, Pa. Clve ue a call. . noU Oui. w. xv. jOaExsTom.) ? 3 V; . ATTORNEY AT LAW, petholecm;centke, pa. OlHon Wanhtnston ftreet, opiwaiUJ ! Eni. Bey iwidi omce. " ., pl'fJ BOMHAJU & &H.1TH, .. ATT0RNEYS4C0UNSEL0RS-AT LAW, ' ': : i i- t '. V 00m .nib Street, Franklin, and Potrolenm Cen. ra , . MayU-tt .., ATTENTION OPERATORS Save your Oil! ""'' Control your Gasi! r mf. and Secure your Workmen Br Mlnsrhe HEW and VAI UABLR INVENTION of Mr. Victor Uretter, known aa llu 1 Al) EiSjCONf EOLIffi ,T,'",,l,r"P!triillycalLthaartenllnn of "opera iur an,coniriictor to tbe lact that we have Pnrchated tlie Right and Tl- n and tn; tli;above . 1 ' Matli n, v Anrl ah, . . . - . i lllKrNira"J21i!l.rilrn,"b ,h0 '"'"a, either hy e weuld i niao (Pauilon all irtle. . a. Md nm, - . .manmactaringoi ueing them with nt our a.TU8PATEST WILL BE KIGIDLY K8CED. ' ' ' ,; PETROLEUM CENTRE PA. Hotels and Hestnantn. 'CHAY HOUSE (WMhiniton .treet, Petrnlenm Centre, Pa. J CHAKLB8 Mi BLACKilON, muW(tok. Thla Honra la cmitrallv located, ewil the funeral headquarter uf oil mm. rciroioum venire, i'a.. May in, tr. CVUNTOVK HOUSE, IKTBOLKDM CENTKE.PA. lh!a popnlat Hotel, ituitcd : Corner of Alain A Wanhlii(rton-Sta., Near the Deoo', has been refitted rnd fu.-alahed throughout, and the proprietor will spire no palm to make It a . FIRST-OLASS 'nousE. Octtstf. .INO F Ill'I.llBKT, ivoprtetor. LTTHAL. HOUSE, PETIIOLECM CENTKB. PA.. 0IIj city, paj Near Oil Crek a Allegheny Kiver Railway Depot maylO tf. ' O. .1 CIIOSS, Prop'r PETRULEtJH EXCHANGE Hotel WASHINGTON STREKT. PETROLEUM CENTKE, I'A.. AliP. MYERS Proprietor. Keeps constantly on band the cbo!coi t brands ;of Wines, Liquors & Cigars, of al IUL4A. Warm Menls at all Honrs. WIT.D CAME IN ITS SEASON. tf OYSTEES Rwlvrvl dflHy nn'l i""vpd up In n"v slyln opulrpd f "of If 'OII W:ITt w fft a jronrl i:!t iiionl. n iuh cif Ipncr to wash ft down, and a ce i inv nive me a call. A. M YKHS, IVtrnlPum rcrt',. Or. 2". 1K71. H Smith's LAGER BEER SALOON! and New Ouster liomsis. II vine mircheanl the Snlonn. NF.X'P UOOII to KlMMONfc" UHUU 8TIMK, 1 iosp.ciiully enlicit n whiire of pntronnKe. ly ooimi v. til be kipi t ool and pleiuaiu, and mv Irlends wi'l t all times Una l'Kh&ll I.Atif.K 'nm the brewerr and h'wmv rnol. Ynn can nHvnvB fled lh auove eiilc e. Willi I.KMuNAliti, is AT i VE WINKS. HuOT I1EKH, lllld IrwU I'lne bASU WIOIIkR. hv ii'ini. nnmo M fiT I hiveaNo aitedmia LAPlKs- OYSTER Hi M, where ovte Mill be nrvtdiin iiiiuny atyle aesa'i'd. Hnvuie euiience to '"f rivim, Oct'.D-tf, Next dour to Sliiinioiu' M 10. UOBERT UlDLil, Pealerla "Vinescfc Liquors, legars and Tobacco. SAMPLE ROOil ATTACHED. SpriiiK-st., TITISVILLE, 1A BIKECTLT OPPOWTR niE PAKhHALL' OI'EKA UOUK. EP. SUTMEIILANP, Alatant. Tltiiville, ivfiili. 1H71. tf- WAIT & PICK, Have bought oat the LAGElt BEEK MAX I)! . OF J. II. 1.KOMIAUSEB, On Waahlactan atreet. ' They will make it a p Int to pay particiilii attention to the want onhelr cn. more and will keep FltESll I.Afiulf end AI.B wev.nu tap. l!r?i''ln H'lti occ e in our new WEDNESDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 28 1872 Hotels and Rselanrant. Pf tboeki.ti . aouse. Frc Omalbna to.aud Croat all Trains v BILLIARD AND BAT II ROOMS CON- NECTED WITn nOTEL. fnovlBtf. r. W. BTAATH, Prop'r: The Oidi Nt stabMshed Li quor Store on (Mi Creek. OWEN GAFFNEY, PROP'S. PUKE Wines & Liqutrs, Tlie L!est Iff.portatioiio, Wini's, lI;Mndies Hums, Wliislties, FGR FAMILY AND MKDICINAL PUR 1'OSES. I would call pirliculsr alleution to my Brant!! f Wines, t- which r.re pont ine Importation", nod em hmci (lie rutin 1st evil' k ijt 111 A 1 ( M mke ta. Alea and Porter , !tnn A-'o liiinortcti Ale. in Bottto una :" nrnii, 'n i.tvm nipoii ! Alt' In IKille. .llilinel . Hrowiiaioiil' &t Loiiuou For er, Vc CIGARS, CIGARS TIIE1FINERT r.RANDS OF DOMESTIC AND HAVANA CIGAKS. 1V. 05 M'nttliiRlon-.t., IE- i'in;i .ii ( r; i tii;. iA. nov4.tr. ovsi:V ua fm.v- ISilAM & CO. I TitKxvltte, Vti. HI 0 0 c3 H NKr ANO 11F.AUTJFLL bTYLEd OF fate eni Jewelry, (American, Eni: Uhnnd Swls. make.) Steriing Silver Vare, Silver Plated W-jtre, Of nil grnilex. Ilnltii! ileninn. In HI. VKU, especially adapted foiprewutii OLID OOt.P CHAINS, JKWKI.KY, PISTOL-. KKVf t; VFHS, FIHHING TACKLE, Si v V i fliAI. itiivun c, Ae. Particular attention civea to renair- ln lino watches and Jewelry by,, a cuniiiei"t wuiiwiiuii. , The flnu have nlao a .tore at TI TUBVII.I.E, Sprini! atrcet. ,, HKMEVBEK TUB PLACE, Pprlna atreet. nearly tpp. Uie Autcrt can Hotel, Tltesvllle, i'a. I 'D'ltl'3 lit m Geo. VV. liin, Jr., Next oor to the Hnehepter Home dealer In Freeh .nofelt M K AT , f MuKKI) MKATS, HyLLTKr, HFarmor. Iiavlrc fit Cuttle will do well to ve me a call. A ehare of the public piitionapi snlMi, d Titrolcum Cutrc ct illi, IS'ti. liin , lilIoIlandMrsf -iidut-'ijinw FINANCIAL. GEU. II. IlISSEIiLi & CO., R J. N Z E R S. PETBOLEUHl CEKTHK. PA. Q. n. Biisell, M. C. iUrU Chrl.ropher Meyer We offer our eervicei for the huntactlon of a UhNRKAL HANKINU. EXCIIANOii aU COV r birioN iiuwinkxs Anv Imlne cnli'ui'titd to our enro will receive prcinpl nttcntion CITIZEN'S BANK AND TITl3VIIi E.IPA. orricEita.- IVM. II. ABT10T", - Pieeldeat I. 0. JACKSON, Vbicr. , DIltECTnPS:! wm. h. ABnoTr, ., :srt.;ir.Asniw80 K. W. AMKH, , K W. , lH".WS, I D. H. CAOY I.YMAN6TKWAKT tl. G. JACKSON. Tiiii P.nk 1? oivnnkrl on the parEcrpl'.lp prin. ciple. ftichfock-'old :leinir Itidlv'dul1r liable to the FULL JjXTENT OF Uls I'ltuPKltTY. SIX PICK CENT. Intere!t ellowe.1 on tl.-re rlpnoplI lii' nv'r"1 Bank lienartment. encil fucilliieri buiuir ul.eied t SMALL DW'dSITOIis. (lOVEltNMENT BKCLiRITIES of nil kindsjEfor sale. UiiroiiuU lili-Je and a Ucneral Banking IJuslnci? transacted. ,, The Safe Deposit JJeparlm'l FOR THE SAFE KEEPING OF VALw UABLES, fa new npn to the nnbllc, fur llie pttN'TTNC.fCl bAr'ES in the XriiULAK l'HOOF VAULTS U tetia-lf. New .and Improved Gas Pump! 1 r THE 133TJST YET! AT The Exclusive Agents for the entire Uu Kegion. Locomotive C'vliisder-lU 2n. TIio COW3XG OAS 1T.MP ! lias been thoroughly tried ami found to be the beat y -iiifacsnted. A LIBERAL DtM.vuNT ' DEALERS. MADE TO JUTNuw tiy'.cc OviTjoftiu at Al'I.N. 7S . l.Crl,Tll' I' ... rT-i aw PASPUIVip K . 25 errs WEEKLY MOKIUs, TaSKER & CO.'S TUBING, S.O Morris. Tasker & Co. Philadelphia. BranchSotre Ao. 12 Diamond Street, I. -. V. ' . TITISVILLE PI. MANlFACTUKEnsiOF OIL-WELL TUBING ; AND CASING! . Oil Well 7 Supplies, Fittings ami Tools, SCREWING MACHINES, & -. ' ' ...i ' Out Oil Well Tnbea nr trat cd lffor leaving our Worka Willi a trennr oi l.ituv JLa 10 tlie sqtiare Invli. .. Each loomu la alatnped near the ecrevr wilh our 'rado mnrk tho eockets are Dot. . Inlyniy. jIililiGHEM Y VALLEY Jt It . On and after londav, Xovemhcr SO, 1811. ' OOi.NU BfcU'iH. .. . ' Porker Accm. . Mail JnyEx 011 Cltv 715aiu (145am 2 4.') pin Kronklin, H "0 a in 1(1 am SWi in , Koiitr, H -.'ti a m Parber VI 9u p m 4 Ml p in Kciu'iunwa, 8 a m W P June 4 4i),p m 1 8 p ut i niliMiiiiu, II 5." a in plltabuigb tl 00 a u U fiS p m Foxnurg, l'o.,am Parker, ll) ' m uu .ny dc r&itiauuuiu; AciHim Jflslit Er Oil nty. 4tlpnt ' ' OS'ipiu,. Franklin, 4 4ti p m 10 :v p in Foster. H Oil p ni ' Parker, 1 0.1 a m rcru!i:ra3P. 5iirpni W P .luuc'n, 4 40 a la Parker, 7 05 p m Pitbburbb II 40 a ut HrHdy'. Bend, ft UU p a K.uamiiiiL', !' 1" o m noiNO NORTH. Parker Accou. Mall. fay Ex. ' Oil Cltv, 111,", put 1S5illl 8 35pm Vraukllu, tiHfipm ' II SO p m IWIpin l'o.icr. Hint pin Parker 4 U p m 11 41 H ni : crlllltrras8. 7 M pin w P .lnnc 1 40 p in II 10 n m Kmlentoii, t'i V4 in PlttebuiKh llMlani 7 10 a in rox"iiiu n iwpm Pniker, b OJ pin til Citv & Fittannii u. il ium Night Ej-. OllCltv, lasipm - 43an aiiklin. 31-uiam no 'am Foster, 111") am Parker '.'1,1 a, in. Scinliurara, 10 31 a in W P.liiiie'n.l"IHIp : Pinker, ilia am Pitisbuih, Bturai' Brady' Bond,' H-Sani , , v. . hit'Uiirftur, 7 05 am .....v.- W Silver Palare flwplnir Cnr. on NlftM 1 xpre.a traliia bu.ii way l-etwaen fiit-liiirr1! ei.d nrrv. 1 d. I.AWIvKNCE, Cn ltapr TllM. St. Btxo,-Ae't r'npt TPT .UP JRtSTilRAXT, prinz street, ' 1 " ""TITrsVILLE, I'A. TIiox. Goodwin, A'.rop'r. 5 Ma Hotel io deutraily locale! '.lie licet of o- coinmodatlons afforded to :iie.tj' transient 01 per- manci.t. Uvtry delicacy rf tho .eaoon cioi.tantly onliand tiOMKTIIINO NEW The prof rl tor haa the' very beat faiHl'e; It the country for STEAM INO OXSTEKS. Tltu.viilu, UlcSO, liT.l II. Nutv slu:li ol Winli't Clollting A!.!r:x-s i.