Ml ft 13 If SHUQEBT & STAKR 5ooctfOt toMeFarlaad, Smith Co., Merchant Tailors ! '''' AWD.DIALIBD IH Cents' Furnishing Goods, COR.i,8PRING FRANKLIN 8TS., TITCST.LiliE, PA. CL01HS& CAXSIMERES ENGLISH, FRENCHAND AMERICAN COATINGS, MIXED AND 8TRIFID SUITINGS, FANCY VESTINGS. nt oeVrad In tin Oil Keglea. T1KTT DIFFERENT STYLUS OF KATS SC CAPS, All Dm Latest ud Wobbles! Sarlss. A FULL LIN1 OF GenU'-Farnishing Goods, Ac Petroleum Centre Oaily Record, Pet. en ire Wdae)a 7 Frbraarr 81 lilvliie Service. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. CHURCH ervieet every Sabbath at 11 A. M. ana H ? M. Sabbath School at 12), P. H. aata fr. A aerdlal . Invitation oxteod ed t all. Bit. F.'W Scopicld, Patter. PBESBTTErIaN CHURCH. Preaching at U o'clock Ai M. and 7), 'clack P. II. D. FATTON, Paitor. Gold at 1 p. m. 10;.. ANOTHER BIG WELL AT CASH-UP!' Phillip, Boy! YLalle' well, on tbe Kremser Laaaa, CAah-Up. m torpedoed ud Mtinday lad, and In oow yielding fully one li'iBdred and seventy five barrels per day. Heretofore yielded only ten barred dally. Tomorrow iJA ashlngiuo's BiVto-Day. Porttr Hill denies llie lull Impeachment that the betnleoaa Mies Jennie , Hood up with him al lb Wfddlng, yesterday. 1 Saytn "don? all.itie Manding up.hlniielf,' and li eotltled lo tbe credit. He tbiuka we engbi to tell tbe pablte, .end w bare, done tu in jimlce to him. Our townsman, Mi 3; A. Woods, baa been seriously ill-for soma daji past. We are ploaaed to lern-,be la recovering. We are r quitted by Mr. Justice Ray- nolds, to warn ll dealers in liqor la this town ia delist fiont, telling or giving liquor . of any kind whatever, or in ary way, abape or manner, to one Pvrter, Hill, or ta any other peraon ot known intemperate kabita. i lo caae of such violation uf their Hern, tbe partita will be prosecuted according to law Pcucn Constable, Waliera arreaied Tbo. ribay, yettrrrisy afternoon, charged with keeping and maintaining a dboiderly boute. Tbe scouted waa brought before Juttice Reynolds, and alltr a bearing, bald to lal Id tba um of t JUO to appear at Franklin fur trial on tbe 4lb Monday in April. Falliag lo piccur the requisite collateral eecurlty, Thomas waa taken down to FiankUa, to boaid wllb tibeiiff Marka for a lw weeks, A warrant waa alao lamed for tba arrett of Tuoma' ''dox.r" but ahe proved toe eharo end ''shipped out." before tba war. raat was aer? an. Dav belorejeaterday, tbe foreman of ona of tbe gang ( band! at work on the War rep at Venango Railroad, waa I'.ruck wilb a pick-ax by one ol tbe turn. Tbe man elainrd toe blow waa accidental. Foreman did pot tblnk o, and plicbed Into tbe iod. vidua) and Ibraiked bim soundly. All tbis bappened on tba Boyd Farm. ' Tba lrrpreibl David Yanney, Esq., ot Rocbaaur, N. Y., arrived in town on a abort visit, last evening. David aaya be can't get along without visiting Oil Ureek nee lo a while, to. ."see Simmy and tbe real of tbe boys, you know. His visits are vwaloome to bl friends aa tba flowers or H.. A French couoteaa aeliad a pbileaopbor at tb wpper table and exclaimed: "While tbey are naltieg op tba lowls and we have 1 got ta aalaalee to spare, do tell me tba btatery of tba world, for I want to know It semueh." , Mr-Meyers of Indiana undiemd In ten with tba substance o a revolving haft. ' Who 1 to Blame From tbe Iowa State Register J A day or two ago i ioce a gushing young man ol Des Moin received hy an unknown messenger a present a stuBed pigeon. It j was a beautiful specimen ol taxidermy and pleased the recipient Immensely, lie tup posed It was tbe gilt of a charming young lady to whom be bad been particularly at tentive, and, oveijoyed at the thought, be immediately aat;dowo and indited a tender epl.tle to ber, thanking ber for the present, aod making many touching allueiona to tbe dove and what It a on boi led Tbeplgeon was placed on a bracket in bis placeof buii nes, and much admired. In a short tin e, bowever, It was noticed tbat the outspread ing wings of the bird began to drop; then a villainous odor became apparent,, and tbe emblem of love Waa kicked out ot doors al because some graceless wag bad sent lb, youtb a frozen pigeon tnatead of a stuffed one, and aa eoun as it Ibawed its antiquity beoame odoruualy apparent. Taxidermy it at a difcounl in that querter. There was a "high old ivmr" at Blooming ton, Illinois, tbe other day, growing nut of Theodore Tilton's Itcuie on --Hi we Sweet Home," before tbe Illinois-Stale Univarlty Alter tba lecture Prof. Gy arose and said be eould not die wilhont entering bis pro teat egaiuat tbe dangerous bereey ,oftbe lee tu re. But it teema the sympathy was not with Prof. Gay, aod the students ban a gay time bleaing tber f lottstur and oalllng out flllon. Tbe next morning tbe studen a held a meeting and requested Tilton to de liver another addrete, which be did, on 'The Training of li:e Mind." After Ibe Secoud lecture tbe students patted resolu tions approving of Tilton and cocdemuiiog Gy. The account or tba atTalrusra not-tny what tba drift ol Tiltun'a remaika were tbat offended Prof. Gay, but the lulnenee 1 they were tinctured with tbe Tilton loose ness upon the .matrimonial knot, aod tbat be young men rather liked the idea. A mntber, a lew d)t since, found a io, daughter in New York, under circumstan ces showing tbat tbe girl bad fallen to tbe lowest depths in vice, though all tbe good wa net crushed out, for she was deeply af fected on mealing ber mother. Tbe police vffiaer wbo waa pretent al tbe meeting of ibe two, k ndly expressed sorrow for the mother' tears, tbat tell lo a shower, and at tempted 10 console bar.' "Ob, sir," said tba motbtt.",) "these are not tears of sorrow; they are teara ot joy at again seeing u y darling cbild. She is my own, witb all ber tan 1 1. Could anythl ng be more toucbluu than tbat forgiveness of lb mother, why could Keep for juvji tUding ber cbild, wb( in every eente, termed lost. Ttere is a lea. aon lor lathers who dtfcatd daughters and sons -on alight provocation, tbat letaoa teaohe that a pareat never -should repel a child, degraded aa tbat cbild may. have been. Forgive, forgive, forglre, at you hope to b forgiven. On tbe evening of February 27th. tbe Rev. Wm.-B. Cullltt, It lo deliver tbe last lecture of tbe course before tbe Young Men's Christian Astociation .ot Petroleum Centre, ' a I Sobel'l Opera House. Hit Slibjeci will be "Hands, Heeds and Hearts; or, Young America and bit Sitter." Tbe Rev gentle man, It will ha remembered, delivered bl, Celebrated lecture OD 'Appeeranect belore Ibe Attvcitlioo some montbl tince, wbieb gave unlvartal ta'iataatioo to all wbo listen d io It This gentleman It accounted oi.e of Ibe fines, speakers now in lb American lecture field. The Albany Journal rats of bim: . "Among our popular lictnreis, Mr. Cullies takes high rai k. He baa wouderlul powei ia carrying bia turn li t grave to tbe gay in rapid riircratloo." At thia It Ibe -laat liciuie ol the conitr, we hope leeeee crowded I cure It will be well werlb bearing. Mr. B. Arnold, better known at 'Teaeb' Arpold, lor several yeait ibe proprietor ol the Railroad Iloutr, at Pioneer, died at ibat. place night before laat, aire a long tnd painful tllneta, Mr. Arnold wat widely known throughout tbe oil region aa a genlai whole touted man ia every respect. His death will be tincerein mourned by a large circle of Irienu-ajind acquaintances. Tke remaim were taken lo Tilutville, to day, for interment. Ell Peikinttyt that Albaqy wat named after the Albany Evening Juurnal. "Mr. Wetd',' be tsys, "stsrted tbe Journal tbere a great many yesrt belore a.boiita wit built, and people came ana seined near by, to at to be wber tbey could read -the news papers." ' A Cleveland groem kept tb wedding ring io bit month during tbe first ptrt e1 tba eertmony, and when Ibe lime earn be grew nerroui and swallowed it. No slom acb-pump being at band, and tba ring no being trcuvered by standing tba unforlu. man on hit bead, the wedding bad to be pottpoaed. VstAig Belatiaat Pt and Mike. Tr ttinu; Rgcoan Bb Tina. The New Y-rk Clipper ronulo tba following table, lu -wing Ibe best time of the Oelebrat ed horses : 1 mile in 2 17, Coldtmlth Maid, In bar liett; Milwsiike. 1 mile 2.18. Dexter, under saddle; Buffa lo, New lorx. 1 mile in 2.10?, 2,1. 2.19. Goldimlth Maid fastest thiee coueecullt bealt; Bur. falo. I mile In 2.18', 2.1Ti,Goldrmltb liaid, fiiat aod teoond bealt latteat two loneecu. live bents Minnrapolia, Uionetuta, 1 mile in 2 18,', 2.1'4, G. ldeuillli AlaU fuatest tecond and loud heutt; KullolK Park, Philadelphia. 1 mile in 2 IS, 2 16, 2.19, Ethan Allen and tunning mato agaiutl iltxter. rathion Comae, Lurid Itlalid. 2 milea iu 1 -0)4, Flora Temple, in bar. nest. 2 miles in U.xter, to wagen, sic- ond hat. 2 ui I ka in 4 Ci, Geo. Butler, to wagon, Bret beat. 3 in i It a io 7.32k. Dutchman, undtr tad d e. S roilei in 7.33, Flora Temple, lo bar. ners. 3 miles in 8 03, Rmble Jackson, 210 lbs. wagn. ft miles In 13.11. Morrisaey, In barest 6 milea ia 13 ili'ii, Little Mac, tu wagon 10 mil a io 2blZ. JoLn Stewkrt, to Wagou, Boston. 20 unlet in 69.25 Captain McGowan, In harnets, half mi e Hack, But ion. 20 milaa iu S9.23, Jonu alewarl, to wagocl Loui Inlrind. 60 wilts n 3.6i i6, Ariel la harnert SO poui.da dnver. 1 Merrra. Nubie & Paitun bve purchased iroin Mr. A. Mucueli tue remainder ol bit properly, tbe N. E. ol 11, Coo. 12, 49 acres, fur $10,600, au4 uare alto purcoaaed tba Wright well, upon it. We understand that the member! of Ibis pirluertbip, Jolio P. Nolile, Etq , of this elaea, and Meters Prs.jn Jrjinait ot Torouto, hataimalgated their large oil well iutereat at Petrolla with tbe Ontario Carbon Oil Cumpany's property bulb bero aod at llaroilon, and tbat tbe abore purobaae ia on account of a new com pany juat lormet! by tbeae gentlemen, in wbiob a large amonnt of Engliib capita bat been inrrated. We aball probably be in poaesioo ol taller information anont thia mailer tborily; in the tnxantime, me wian mete rnteipiiting gentlemen eveiy siiccett. Relative to the above, we a pleated to leaio that the --B g Still," which ia one oi ius iusiiiinona ol f i tioliu, waa started again on Monday laat. The new uUI it a perlrct tuceeaa, tuuning (If distill. ed oil at -be rale ol Hi ty barre'a aa hour. Tbe oil it declared to be a "ttandard wuile,'' of tbe very finest quality, even to tba end of tbe run; and tbe perceutage obtained ex ceeds tbe uimutt expectations. Petrolia, Ont. Adrerliaer. There er several new derricks tip on the line ot tbe belt from Pi-lertbnrg to 8d dy, leaving Sandy some 2 miles lo tb W. at several weile ar in prnceeeot drilling, and tbe operators a II teems viy saogtiine tbat ihey ar on tb tpot, I ibiok to too, bm would ralbrr not be obliged to give my opinion of tb spot Emlenloo Sunt St. Petersburg, tb new eil town, we, Incorpuraird-at a borough, last court and an election for borough Alien will b beld on Friday Feb. 23d. Twenty-EveiljciitaiKl cbis parted over tbe Lake t-boie & Vichigeo boutbern Rail road during the monib of December, which is tbe largest business; ever done oo a single track road in tb nation. A disagreement concerning Hi purchat Of ticket for lb Tbomns i-oocert at Atigui-1 la, Ga induced tbe crowd loadjourn to tbe atreet and settle Ibe matter in a free fig bl. At a Kuliiaib scbaol concert la New Hamptblt(or any other-place, if more couveolm ), the paitor, wbo prided bim telfon tbe qulckntts and cleverness ol bit little ones, snid: t'Boys, wbea I heard your beaulllulaong lo-algbt, I bad to work bard ta keep my let tiill; nnw - what do 70U think wa trouble with Hem!" Tbe anawer came witb great rroroplnett: '-CkilLlaintb!' Eben Oi Leacb, who wateeoiencedtothe Michigan btaie Piiaoo lor life for murdering hit wife and a Iswyer who was engaged by her to procure a divorce fiom bim, died reetnlly. Tb murder w commuted at Coldwater in February, 1867 Leacb' wa a man of fin abilities and high attainments as a sc bular, and hi wife wa noted for ber personal beauty and accomplishment. Indianapolis papers rporl that tb small, pox Is "making quiet headway." A Milwaukee judge pretervet order In tb court by exhibiting a seven -shooter. Theirs' sure eye la better, but bit inflnm me'oty temper It a ltd at ever. Boston Post. An Englltbran bat Iwreolfd a new metn ed of lighting hornet with coal oil, being trolly lo ba' e an oll-teok at the Inp of the heiie,wtth pipee lo convey the onn-explo-tive to all tbe l.mpa about tbe building. It is Hicgested that one- effect of this plan will be to rtduoe Ibe number of wldowt and orp ana. aa tbe whole family would go to gether Id ease of an explosion. fflWett Virginia, baa a Plg't Ear Olj Co" Tba Atlanta Sun calls bin Alexit Bnffalo- vlteb. Died tvall -pex no funeral It tbelatest In the wav of oblmsrynotlces.. tior-tal Nttf!at et. JM. Pelteoslll k Co. ST Park Soar, Mew t oik, and Geo. P. Howell A Co Advorttatnc Ai ismta, are tb sola agenU for tba T, trelenm Uswtr I Danvr Hboowo la thai city. Ad- vertlaert latitat city are reqaetted to lae their a vora with al rker of toe afore kootea Vow It tbe lime to buy Hatt and Cap cheap at the Jamettowa Clothing Store WANTED Second-Hand Engines, Saw & Grist Mill machin ery . good order. Address with nildiscription and price. H. W DEMING, Park- City, Kansas. Kare thanw. 300 ACRES OF LAND TO BE LEAS ED AT MOST" REASONABLE RATE.-. I will give Xi Interval In 300 terra of land titualed In tb Enterprise oil diatriot. to any party who will put down a teat well through large -snaing Timber for rlge and wood for putli ng down a-.v number of well" fiirniehed, aun.ject lo the fullowingterms:r.60 eret In fee, ai d 260 aire at l royalty. I'ar'lea putting down the Hist well will bava all tbe pi-eductloo ot laid well. D. O. FISHER. Pttrolelm Centre, Jan: 31. 1872. -jui31-tr. XST Latet aiyiet of Mew York, Philadel phia aod Boaioo Hats and Cap juai receiv ed at A. Aides' Jamestown Coming Stop. IV GAFFNEY keept euoataully on hand Scotch Ale and London Porter, etpee ally lor family uae. y G to ibe Jaraeaioao Clothing Store for your Clothing of all' kinds. Tbey are tolling goodl "dirt cheap." LIVfc AND LET LIVE 1 Jaal received at Meate fc Armstrong's Ftir and Feed S ore, I.0 buebels extra WHITE OAT8, whiBb will be sold at low etvcatb prlcett o29-tf. TfTA tot of eld paper ofiw. for tale at tblt tr WANTED! Attn Oil Exthange Hotel, a Girl to do OMoral Housework, and a Boy about 16 year of age, to do Porter work. Good we get paid. Apply Immediately. fabU-lw. 8. JOHNSON. 1ST Cl t and examine u.oe laablonable Hat aad Cap just received at ten. 21-11 A. ALDEN'3. (V The fined Block of faahionall nt tb I eat stye ever brought to town juil reoeivea at Aldeea. tftfThaDuc Alexia. Crown Prlnca of iRUttlA dared 'one of th Nobby Hatt at ALUtW'h. WANTliU. A girl wtnied to do general homework. Jjiqiair tr. tioroon'a Hardware Bloret GtLDDBT G OH WOK. (eh. Takt Noll:. Nbw la tb titr to buy your Apple,-! I am wiling tnem off at price that- will 'aa- luwierr tou, irom ona dollar a barrel, and np. "ardc-tr-anvibins la In the atore. aa Mr 3flyg I going io eloe ant - about tb firat of tb moaib. Call aod sea for yourselves E. Tr BKIOSI. Per H.BI Wauib, Clerk. ' dee. 21-tr. Secure tb Shadow era the sunatane fad,J'by going 1o Hempsted t Co't Da- gaerrean uauery, retroleum Centre, Pa. t" Cbildrtn" Llkenesie taken between the tionra of 10 a m and Hempated Lih'Sit Rembrandt plglur taken at ttempstpd A Co' Gallery. Bntter and cbesse ar almost Inditpenil blcarllclea of food,' Properly uaed, they mim mmioua ana onny; not an Inordl nateuaeor either oot lod 'get lion and dytpeptl; Owen Gaffney' Sunday Com fort. Judiciously- ned wilt tsmov bolt of tbere trouble,. For Sale or Rent Th building lately occupied by A. M Sbnlis a a Bakary and Groo ry Store. Ko. quire of n. c. jarvis. rtrolura CtDtre, Fa. jao 30 tf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. iiTHOii:i n tEviilir Flour and Feed Store Corner Washington and Second streets, PETROLEUM CENTRE, Pa Flour Grain AND FEED; HAY and STRAW, Fresh Eggs Butter, Hams, Family Soaps, feCl cheap. Also, a few crocks c Dice Lard. Call and tee tm KCHI BnERHOR Ac TEN ETCH. SAVE IfOUk 510.L1 I And bnj Ttmr Boats and Sboes at Geo. Magrane's: ONE PRICE BOOT & SHOE STORE I- I keen a Terr tare atnek of all klnila m hami and -til aa cba p aa any other hnue In the OIL aauivn, voancciea wim mr store la a Custom Department ! Aari I miaraBaM a tlerfrct fll In ail , mnrk rteualriliff nMll doue. KmtL in w.ut Jeweliy blore Petrotaum Centre, Pa. fcbltf ' Emel Zedwich. ("LITTLE JOE.") BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Daa been rpttbllthed In Vetrolenm Centre for tba pa.tlbree. eura. aud aia tbe name of Makirtff the Brat FH and Finest iiooi in mi ijii Kcgioit. He la coutantlr receiriDg erilrri from other tec- iioita oi iae mi negiuua. He Mnatantly keeps on band Head) -nude Boots & Shoes, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS. ,CAK,1. AMBSEr HIM. Jtf KMlt gEDfflOlf. 1'lSllMt & MlltltlS. GENERAL MACHINISTS aid Deatereta all kinda of WEli L TOOLS V FIXTCHEf Necaasary n r patting down aad eperallri r'l , 4 ell.. Id conneetio h onr MACU1M BUiP a bar larga and convenlea BLACKSMITH SHOP. Onrfacltltleafor MANUHCTORTNO ar i rieiled b any Shop tn Uie Oil neloa Shop- air-$t,opponiU UeClintoe.k o mt FiMIK. A NOBftltt- AHKIVAL, AND JStPABTDBti i TKAINS'ON O. C. aV A. On ' and after r?undy, Nov. ISth, 18"'i train will run at follow: XOBTB NO. 6. MO. S. K0.1. Leave Irvine. 12.1" J Leave Oil City 8,00 a at.-2.4S P U. 7, " " Pet.Cen 6.30 3.2S " 8.10 Titasv-. 7.10' 4.07 " Arrive Cbrrv- 8.66 6,4(r "to,"' BOCTB. KO. 2. tin. 4. so. f- Leave Corry, 10,66 A at 6,10 A M- d.on r k " Titntv. 12,25 p H.' 7," P. Cen. 1.25 ' 8.20 .rrlve O. City 2,6 ,5 Irvine. 4.45 11-60 7.26 " 8.20 ' 9,10 " tJT No. 6 and 6 ran on Sunday. Lime, llrdranlle Ccntent, , Calmea Plaster, Hair, c Of a euperlor quality, alwart oi YJJtulitn tredtoauypartof tbooll region bj leaving - C, A. DUBFBY'S, SStST9 ad ""iirovatCP DISSOLUTION Petroleum Cantre, P , Jn- Petrol' t"1 I D. orni ui nmwi . j i - gonial Centre. P... i. this d-y i" ootiaent. Tb account for od g " B. , 11 firm will be settled by Georg n. , sor. wbowHl eootlnue tbe busmen old stand. GEORGE W. ;tnl73