The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, February 14, 1872, Image 2

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le MtJtekane,- Smith Ok ,
Merchant Tailors t
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
fTnwsr.i.M, pa.
BW li Mlr Mb SsMt MMrUMOH. '
Bnr oflmd.lB theptl Reglea.
an a Leieetaad HobUmttfta.
A it ix urn or
Rents' Faroiahiog. Goods, . Ac.
Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Feu 411 tra yetnesaay, Febrwarr 1
Divine Service.
Servlcetevory Sabbath at 11 A. II. end
X P. M. Sabbath Sobool at 12J4- P. II.
eats fra. A oordlal invitation extend
a 16 aH. ' . i -. . .
Bit. P. W. Scofisld, Paitor.
IMMMjl.-l6'clock A. .11., and 7
o'clock P. M.
. D. PATTON, Paitor.
Goia at
10a Kepubiicacs 01 Petroleum Centra
sod vletaity, ara requested to mast at tba
ffloa of 8. Reynolds, on Wednesday a?an
tug, Fab. U, at ignt o'ekck ibarp. A
general attendance la requested at business
of Jmporiauo will eom. before tha meeting
' v o'4" Com.
IV leliroad mUn, 4at Tiliiavillc, last
even Inf.. was. igly .iinded,. and if we
iajr J'ttlji ly tua low of tha speakeis who
ddrved itie mating, Ind tbe aiumint ol
""",. P'edgt-.d,., iJi'i construction ol tbe
Tarieo fc Wnaugo Rallrond. may ta tat
dowo ai to ured fact. We sincerely bopa
It may ba built. Tbla section baa long
needed a competing line of railroad, in or
der loredaoe tb4ariff on freight, end e.
press matter, If nothing mora. It now eoitt
ea much for transportation on freight from
Corry to Petroleum Centre, 13 miles, aa It
doe fiotn Corry to New York clly, SOO or
400 alien. Wa do not dealra: to disparage
tha Oil Creek Railroad In tha If ait. It li
00a of tba beet managed roada in tha Uni
ted Statee, and a nor gentlemanly and ac
oommodatlag lot of officere It would be bard
to Sod, but the pelioleum.lotereeia ortbie
action need another railroad, and -we hope
to are the Warren & Venaogo put through
to completion at once.
, The Titusville Cuuriai'a monthly petro
lam report for Jaouary waa published yes
tarday morning. Tba daily average pro
duction la placed at 17,070 barrel. Num
ber or wells 'drilling SSI. Total aloek 00
band February lit, 62T.17J barrel, a
Tha young ladiea of Sbamburg ire to glee
a leap year party 00 tba 22d of February.
Why don't tba young ladies of Petroleum
Contra do likewise.
Pkuo'xal Mr. Jacob Young, tba wall
know&book binder of Titusville, - waa la
town yeaieroay niiernoon. 1 soee ot our
citizens delriog blading of any diacrtptloo
dona neatly and cheaply will do well to
prtrootsa him.
Sever el New York thieve have been
"spotted" In Tltuaville. It ould be well
tor our cl 'Izo to look out for (i.'m.
Tba ancient burgn ofDempaepiawn
.ioioee in the formation of a new brae band.
borne eighteen young men hare joined I he
organic itiun, aod 4t bid fair to be a success.
Prof. D: C. Smith, tbe well known leader
of the Columbia Cornet Band of Colombia
Farm, baa bean engaged to teach tba new
nand, the rudiment of music Under bla
Instruction, It .iuer I any muaio in their
aoule," they cannot help but learn.
Thome Uaiiny, Esq., lftftfr Hi palace
b ase u trraoktin, yeatvrday. Da will re-n-aln
there aiaty data at Ueit, u, 0
M. . pimoo that Juetica Reynolde, Coosta.
"infri consptrvd to da
3oleV aad Petioleam.
Tha mining of gold and petroleum le not
what It It popularly supposed to ba, In point
of profit or certainty, or even is the veljia
of tha prodoaia While fee lata loitance
In tba hletory of both Whirr largo fortune
have been ammawad la a abort lima, with
but a trifleof expenditure In labor or capi
tal, tba aggregate reoulta ahow that neither
gold or petroleum la worth mora than tha
amount of labor expanded In ohtalninc
them. The lebet In both eaeee liofaani-
lorm character, and where In one laeteoc it
may reault In largo prefttala another It I
entirely throw away, tuui equalizing the
rhtt and -espenditares,- and bringing the
aggregate proat down to the mare aoat of
tha artiele obtained. .
fllf wa take tba bull nee of the-Pennsylva-
nla petroleum region, with which moat of
ua ara familiar, Into eloae aoalyile, we will
find the oaaec of profit ao email compared
with the number which bare not been eelf
suitalotag, that it aometime aeemi a matter
of doabt whether tha expenditure i not
greater than tboreturn. Tha amount! ex
pended are drawn from tbonaaodi of lourc-
a while the proflta are eoofioed to but few;
and though the business goei on ineraaaing
and developing, expanding over territory
and building np Improvement, It I not
reality . proportionately larger than It Im
portance would carry it by It own volution
or greater or mote profitable lhao.the eame
amount of labor and capital would make
any other business.
So with gold mining, which doee not by
any meant alwayi yield an lotareit en the
capital employed. Indeed tbe uncertain
ties are io great that It le rega rded by tome
aa the moat baxardoua ' of all employment
which can be engaged in.
Blackxox. Died, Wednesday morning,
Feb. lain, 1871. William H., Infant aoo of
Hiram E. and Mary A. Blackmon, aged 4
month and 10 day.
Death la taking off tbe little onea rapidly
In tbla vicinity, and bntftw bouubold but
are mourning the Ion of tbe Utile one that
tba grim tyrant baa taken to hi Icy em
brace. Aod now we are called upon to re
cord tbe . death or tha Inrant eon or our
friend Blackmon, who died I'lddenly at an
early beur thli morning. We sympathize
with lha family in tbla hour or affliction,
a will a large clrole of friends and acqaaln
tances throughout tba oil region.
Divine services will ba bold at tba houe
on Proipeet Aveuue, at 7 p. m., thl even
ing. . Tbe remain will leave on tbe early
train to-morrow moroing. for Lancaster, N.
Y.,' where they will be burled.
We netico tbat onr old friend, Mr. R. P.
Braditreer, formeely proprietor of tbe Koch-
ester Home In thl place, ba purchased the
Interest ol hi partner, Mr. Geo. Dickson,
in tba Cornucopia-Hotel, at Tltuaville, aod
will here I tar conduct tha business. He I
just tbe man for tba place, and what be
don't know about running a. hotel ain't
worth knowing. Our citizen-should pay
"Brad" a call when In Titusville.
Export of Petroleum from tbe United
8tateafm Janaary I to February. 6, 1872:
1ST2.- 1871
From New York, gausi
6,065,630 ,683,S4G
164,768- 252,213
4,776,881 3,684,994
53,018- 112,556
Baltimore, .
Portland, .
New Bedford.
Total Exp't from US, 11,060,199 10.6SS.4I2
Same time 1870, 6.957,696
Same time I860, 6,907,104
Last night It did not rain but It ponred.
Today It la fearful eold again. Those that
were troubled with "spring fever" for tbe
past day or tiro are oat ot danger at pres
BTbe paodener wbo are deprived of tbelr
pension in ooniequeoc of beiog employed
by the Govermaot will bring the queatlon
up lor decision.
Tbe trial of Commodore btereoa on
charge growing out the disaster of tbe
Goerriere In tbe Medllerranlan i going on,
Rear Admiral Goldaborough 1 Preiident ol
the Court.
ASeranlon dispatch aay the Coroner
Jury In a reoent explosion In tbe Henry
mine rendered a verdlot tbat tba explosion
resulted from a want of care in veotila
M. E. iUse, Esq., formerly of Petroleum
Centre, and well known throughout tbe oil
region as aa extensive oil operator, has
taken up bis rsaldsnoe in this city, on But
Ulo street, near Union School House.
VeuaOfc'O Citizen. '
.The statistics of achool attendance and
Illiteracy in Cincinnati show that there are
about 9,000 In tbat city who cannot read
or write, or about one. person , la twenty
Coleridge tell ue ot a man who had each
,n overwhelming ewlf-esteam tbat he never
poke 01 himself, wlthjut. taking of bts
A vouna man In Vermont was much ad
dicted to reading In bed by tbe light or
a kerosene lamp,' and persisted in tbe baWt
notwithstanding the advice of friends nnd
tba warnings, of tba terrible accidents
which occur aim oil daily. On retlriogxoe
evening recently. II appeara that he set the
lamp too near the edge of the bed. As-he
did not come down to breakfast tbe next
moroing hi mother became anxious aod
rapped on the chamber floor. Receiving no
answer she enured' the room, when her
worst faara- ware realised. During tbe
night the lamp bad tipped over upon the bed
and completely ruined a' patchwork quill
made by her wnen only eleven weeks old.
Tha only article ea the bedkunbaimed was
bar drowsy sen.
Ahl girls ain't what Ihey used to be
when .1 was (young; and tha fellows are
worse still. When I went courting for in
stance 1 never thought of atayiog till after
tea o'clock and only twice a week. Now
Ihey go seven night In the week, and cry
because there ain't eight. Then they write
touching notea to each other through tbe
day: "Dear George: Do yon love me as
much as yoa did a quarter to twelve last
night? Say you do dearest, and it will give
mekcourage to go nnd tackle them cold
beans left over yesterday."
Tba pen may be mightier than this sword,
but tba Danbury Nawa thinks that if you
taks two swords and rivet them together
near tbe canter, yon will find tbat In many
newspaper offices they ara tar mightier than
the pan.
They have a new way of getting ap sur
prise parties la certain part of Illinois. A
resident receives an anonymous letter stat
ing that a surprise party: will be with him
en a certain evening. He preparea for It.
Nobody comes aod the surprise it complete.
Colorado. This territory has sprang in
to great activity during tha last week, ow
ing to tba atriking of 3 new well) one 200
barrels, and two oi 100 each. The Colora
do Oil Company are tbe owners of the big
well, and 00a of tbe small ones. Mr. Mo-
Klnney ownt-tb other 100 barrel oil wall,
Tidloate Journal.
Dayton, Ohio, I agaiu mystified about
Its "sleeping beauty,." wbo, as fat and as
dead looking a ever; has now commenced
her anuual tomuoleo! bumbuggery.
The parent of littl Mary Rellly petition
ed tbe New York Legislature for leave to
change Ibeir child' name name because It
waio't that kind of a baby, a mistake hav
ing occurred at tbe christening.
Soma of tbe offloiala of Page Couty, Iowa,
ara in a- serious quandary becauae they
have fargatlen the combination numborool
tba county safe look, and ara unable to get
all the 925,000 wbloh it protects.
A jclergymaa recently received a ball tick..
at aa fee for performing a marriage Cere
mooy, the groom having mistaken the en
velope for one containing the fifty lucre so
repulsive to gentlemen o f tbe cloth
Tbe twelve principal towos of Connecti
cut pay more than half the txea of tbe
State, and atill have only 23 out ot 239
A youog hopelul of Janeaville, Wisconsin
poked nine keraels of cam In his ears, and
was perfectly happy uatil the surgeon mads
him shall out. .
A London correspondent says that Canon
Klngslej's-eermon 00 the Prince, of Wales
wae"wretoned," "illogical," ''unmanly and
basely snobbish."
. .
A Mlcbigaa Indian waa promptly escort
ed to tbe bsppy huoting grou nda by a can
of nitro-gtyoerine,. which be- endeavored to
open wl th bis-little batebe U
Washington Is healthy this Winter.
An Indisnspolitan eats six meals a day.
A Baltimore M. D. cures cores with cam.
Alexis gels about $25,000 a year for being
a grand duke, etc.
Virden, lit., farmers mako bonfire
tbair deceased bogs.
Midline Felix, sister of Rachel, . has ra.
turned to the Paria stag.
Joeelly, an Italian photographer, Jauo
seeded lo taking auomarine view.
The Attorney-General of England reoent
ly made a loog t peach, which when reported
lo tbe newapapera meaaured eigbty-two ieet
in length!
We beg to Inform an Inquiring correspond
ent tbat "Tba flag that braved a tbouaand
year" I not tbe lame ae the "Baby Bust
ing" or nursery song.
We may assure oursalf In a great measure
from a liar by not conversing wluv-hloe, and
Irotn a covetous man by not dealing with
him, nut wa cannot a-care oits1v?s f;om
a. tL. Pettenglll Co. ST
Ma How, fcew Tort, and Geo. P. Howell A Co
AdrnttslBf Aienta.are'theeoleagsata for IhePe,
trateom Vantre DaraT Baooao'in- that city. Ad
vertlesre la that city are reqaestee Is leave their
a vers with either of toe abova kaaaea
Rare Chance.
I will give W Interval la 300 acreo of land
situated lathe Enterprise oil district, to
party who will put down a teat' wen
uib large casing Timber for rip and
wood for putting dow.n any number of Wells
furnished, aurdret to tba followlngterms:'.60
sores in roe, aad 260 acres at H royalty.
Partiaa putting down the Diet well will
have all the production ot said well.
. . D. O. FISHER.
Petrolelm Centre, Jan. SI. I8JS.
Jan ll-tf.
tW GAFFNET keens constantly en
hand Scotch Ala aod London Porter, eipea
lly for family use. . .
W Ge to the Jamestown Clothing Store
for your Clothing of all kinds. They ara
selling goods "dirt cheap."
Apmleat . Aileet '
Just received one hundred barrels of those
nice APPLES from the farm, aod twenty
barrels of our best CIDER the best tbat
ever esme to Ibis town. . Call and see for
MOV 7 IT H. lb n Attn fiat.
Jast received at Measa & Armstrong's
Flour and Feed Store, 1.800 bushels extra
WH1TB OATS, which will be eold at low.
est cub prices I oiv-lf;
At the Oil Exchange Hotel, a Girl to do
General Housework, and a Boy about. 16
year of age, to do Porter work. Good wa
ges paid. Apply immediately.
rebiz lw. . juunsufli
A girl wanted to do general housework.
Eaqulrs at-G. Gordon's Hardware Siore.
UILllRT uoanoa.
.- fob, a-tf.
Take Notloe.
Now la tba time to buy your Apples, as I
am sailing tbem off at prices tbat will aa
toelsb leu, from ond dollar a barrel and up
wards, or anything alee In the store, as Mr.
Brlffgs Is going to sloes ent . about tbe first
of tbe month. Call and sen for yourselves
v E. Tr Bniaus.
Per TL H. WiRKtn, Clerk.
1 dec. 2l-lf.'
rr Beautiful sod fashlonabls Soarfsand
a;o Tie, nr . . - Ai.ur.cra,
Secure the Shadow ere tbe substance
fades," by going to Hempsled ft Co's Da
guerreaa Gallery, Petroleum Centre, Pa.-
tX" Children's Likeness takeo between
tha uniire of 10 a m and 2 p m, al Hempsled
K uo's Dagueirean Uallery. jaoistt.
Lira-site Rembrandt piotiires taken at
Hempsled ft Co's Gallery.
Plotaree colored Inlndla InaTad oil. at
uomptiea a vo- uatiery. Jan. 10.
Butter and ebeaae are almost Indlsoenil-
ble artlclea of food. Properly need,, they
are autritioue ana neeithy: nut en moral
nate use of either eausea Indigestion and
dyspepsia. Owen Gaffnev's Sunday Com
fort, Judiciously used will remove both of
1 , . 1.1 r
uvi irvMuira. ...
Girl Wanted.
A alrl wasted to do
gsneral boosswork
Enquire of ,.
U. C. JanviB.
' feb. tf.
For Hale or Kent.
The building lately ecoooled bv A. If
Shults aa a Bakery and Groosry Store. En
qnlre of .( ..,
Petroleum Centre, Pa. " jo SO-lf.
vim Paul or EOOIB,
' ! ...
' . . . .
Wasbinlagtoa St, Ptarolenm Centre -
O. B
to any place la the Oil
AXD Restavbant,
bearing street
Thos. Goodwin, Prop'r.
Tbla Hotel la dantrally located Tbe beat of ae
commcdations afforded to gntata transient m per.
mancnU Erary delicacy rf tba aeaaon eonetaolly
on band BOMXTBINO HEW The proprietor baa
the vary beat tactlttlea in the coanary tor STIAM.
Tlturnlla. Dht to, ISTt l.
Hour and Feed Store
Corner Washington aod.
second streets,
, . . r
PSquxy Grain
AND FEED; : ' .- .
MAT and 8TlUwr
Fre3h "Eggs Butter,
HamvtfamUy Soaps,
cheap, Also, a few crocks ci
nice Lard.
Call aad aee na.
Aad hay your Beet. aadSMMs st
Geo. Magrane's
I keen averV'lanre stock of all kinds m h.4
andfelfaa k-p.Manr olhar kosse In the Oil.
aunuun. veaaesua wiwr my mora is a
Ctistoni Department !
Aad I'tfuaraasaa anerfael flt In all mwm. .
RtnlNliu naativ dene. Next door to Wold
Jewelry aiore.-
PtXrolenm Cttntre, Pa.
febltf '
Emell Zedwicb
Has been entanllshed In Petrolaam' Csstre for,ue--
paaturae , ears, and aas the sssusr
MtetMsatr tfte nrtt Fit nnd Finest
Jsooi'iBina uii xsefions.
Be la eenatantlv reoelTlag erdtn from etbsrieo-
iioua ai ina vii
Ha eoaetantly keepa on hasl
Keady-made Boots. Shoes,
(- f CALL ABVSEF aim.
jur k ' Mt'tBffin.
aad Bealersla all kinds of
Neceaaary Icr aaMlag down sadeawstrssftjl .
Welle. In eocnettlon with ear jsw
e bat large" coavanlaei
Ou hctllUaa rnr MAJtTJFACTOltTHO SI e
exrallad by aay Shop ta the Oil mm.
(uiop- atn-(,oppoeiie c""i
01I finan.nv- -
ABRlVAIi AM lailAl r
On nnd after Sunday, Nov. lt wh
trains will run at follows: ,
XeRTaV - MO. A.
wa. B.
12.10 FM. .'
Leave- Irvine.
Leave Oil City 6,00 a u. 2.43 F at. J,'to"
PeLCen (.30'
Tltuav. T.lO
nl t.X
Arrive Corry, 1,66 '
6.d0 10,80
soctb. ho, 2.
KO. 4.
Leave Corry, 10,65 a m.
6,10 A
1,00 m
1,10 "
TH,,.. MM. w T.S0
P. Ceo. 1,2 - 8.W
trrlveO.CIty 2,oi l,o "
" Irvine. 4.46" W.
0T No. t sad t ran on Sunday.
Llmte, HrdrmeHle Ccaient.
CaclMdPlmtUr, HaWi
or a superior qnamy. IW,?rT.rTirf ere" '
ered to aay part of .the oil region by lesvM
i a. nrRFEY'St
fP.ry and ?SiaAI.
nanna nraTICE
Petrelrum Centre, Ps.. J-1' (0,usi
The firm of Wloer Brathert W
Centre. Pa., la tbla d.y ,Sesi
cooanC Tbeeeeouate for end H Wt.
late firm will be settled by
aor, who will oentlsue the buslaess a
old sued. v wISO
ja5M 1 a wiKgW
'h enr.uus,
New s';05kef Wtatet Clothing
at ALOES'3