J. p.. CfflMISTniB, fameries, Washington rugs, IPa tent Medicines, Per roleum Centre, Pa treet, Pet JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORE. IHK OIL HIARKKTM, BY P. & A. TEL. LINE. Oprica or ) PlTEOLKQM CTR DaILT Rrpoiid Feb. 13 1872 Tbe petroleum market remains quiet and dull to-day at $3,95. We bear of no (rant- STOVES, STOVES ! aotton. r3 r .a. jjLiTxnnsr, la selling CILOTHIING cheaper than ever. SOBKL A .APERHAjfr-DRY QOODa. &0. The Oldest Established DRY GOODS HOUSE CHS" OIBjC REEK. SOBEL AUERHAim, WASHINGTON STREET, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. Dm tit plMuara of informing their patroe Hat thev hav now la store a large and attractive assortment of those gnodi selected to meat the want of tbe beat trade of ue city and cuontrr, ceroprleing BLACK & COLORED SILKS. JAPANESE SILKS, IN 0RE53 PATTERNS, IRISH POPLINS. PLAID DRESS GOODS. FRENCH MERINOS, ALAPACAS, AC. PARIS BROCHE SHAWLS ! Alio a Large Aeeortmeat of SILK VELVETS 4 VELVKTEEN3 FOR FACQUES, FURS. FURS, FURS. MILLI ER"y onoDa sz laces. LaDIKj and Genta URNI8HING GOO US. LADIES 6ACQUB8 AND SHAWLS - aod a large aeeorlment of goods tollable tor children. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c, &c. ' itr. PUHHIj A'- AVKUH AIM. The Only Place in in Petroleum Cen tre where you can Buy the Famous FOIRIECEIES, COAL! 18 AT 13 Burton & Kooker's NO OTHER COAL equal to it for House or Engine use, Also, the CELEBRATED HONEY BROOK, LEHIGH, OQ-ATi, Decidedly the best ever brought to this Market TheDSSTisthe CHEAPEST We guarantee Square Weights and Quality AS REPRESENTED. novlT. FOR SALE cheap; Pbtladelph a, Feb. 12. Crude PI. ReOaed Feb. 2i; March 11. Market Dull. PttUburn, Fab. 12. Crude apot, 10). Feb. 21. 8. O. all year, 12,'. S. O. do. 11. Market Unchanged, Refined Spot 21,Fak 21 Meroh;22i. Market quiet. Crude IS. Krflnea 22 . Market-dull. Mew YcM.F tb. 12 Market-J, 80. Tibiuctb, Fab. 12. Markel-$4.15 Oil Cut, Feb. 12. Market-$3.80. Titdstillb, Feb. 12. PLBA8AKTV1LLI, Feb. 12 Market 13,55. Rodsiyilli, Feh 12. Merkt-3.95. COLD IMNRtl VURK. New York, Feb. 12 Gold 109'. Petrolenm Centre Lodge, Hoi Tiff, I.O. of O. F. Regular meetiog nigbta Friday, at 7 ociock. signed. T. E. UU1LES, W. U. W. A. Kbm.br. A. See's. MTTlrtCJ of meeting, Mala St., opposite nlcuiintock lloue. A. O. Of t. W. Lfherlv Lodize. No. 7. A. O. nf TJ. W.. meeti evert Monday evenlae at 7 o'clock, io Odd Fellow'e Hull, Petroleum Centre, Ferjo'a. A. Glkn, M. W, S. H. Rooscr. R. rj! j A-Tn.aiNeiia co, .qp g SB I f Would raspectfnlly call the attention of tfiosd wishing Cook oi TT Atttlnrr Srnvoa t poll orul ovomina m. .tiul. Tlx MORNING- G-LOBT ! Tbe pioneer of bare barner. Haa mill grate, whloh entirely grind a out all elate or clinker", tbua keeping tbe Ore clean and obviates tbe necesalty of putting out tbe Ore to' clean tbe grate. It la a perlecl antl-duiter, and u perpetual burner. Tbe America Cook Stove J With reservoir and warrulni cloet, -acknowledged by every one to be tbe moat nerfeol In eoaitructioo aod finiab of any Stove in tbe market; la considered tbe molt perieot baker oi any oiore maoe. Alio iae PLYMOUTH EOOK ! A first dare Cooking Stove with retervolr and warming cloiet. Alio a lam varlelv a olber and different atjlea of Cook and Heating Stoves. r WARE w Tha rarirnt ueuil runmuro Retab. liibmeut In ibe Ilfiliod Btatee I il,L GOODS Sold at . . & BMon lrice A. 8. HE It EMU EN Sc CO., 114 Batik Street. . CLEVELAND. O. Fcl'S-lt-Bm. A large atoek of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE kept conatantlv on band, with a complete atock of AND OIL WELL SUPPLI'S Make to order OALVAiMZEI) IRO!V SAND PUMPS which am considered tbe rtinpi't and sfrat pump no in tire. BoatOli TnbltlBllie Ca-' ing. w Hrrt lord Holt Hope Cablet. Tbe PITTaUUilCr BEL- LOWS, 11 HAHKI,I. ' . Gilbert wmmm. meask & AiwisiRo1,,LYEYl FEED & SALt Buccesaora to II. H. Warner, WSOLKSALR AND RETAIL ' FLOUR AND' Second-Hhtltt Oil Weir plies. 1O.00J ft S In. Tt'BINO, 10. 00 JUS and8!4 ard 8 Inch CASINO. 6,100 ft HM ALl , Plr-B, 6 000 ft 8HCKKK RODtt. 0 ln-h.- inch T arid Inch UK1V IrJQ PIPE. FITTI NOB at one half price of New. GAB and KOTAKY PHMH8 for aale or to rut. aud BOILKU8 of ll aiaea. at HOWE COOK'S, Boi 228. Petrolenm Centre, Pa. - Oct ti'.t. A.Iieggett. (Snccestot to A. T. lejuetr,) M anufaoturer and Dealer in HARNESS, Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c neae of all kinda kept cunatanUy on hand and maoe FINE NEW HARNESS; DOUBLE ;AND SINGLE, en hand at reasonable rates. fANCV AJH UORBB BLANKETS I!f LARGI QnASTIIlK! There la no aupertor VALVE CUP' , Made, than the one made In my aho?, and the; will be aoldat 112 per hundred or 60ceuia a nalu.St.. below the ncCIIntoek ajonae. ?et:a'.uniCa:ts, fa , :o..jiV tu IWerch'nts TBI Bnhaerthen bavinR bonchtthe old sUnd of II. II. Warner, Intend euiarxinc the buxtneia and' will keep always on hand tne best the market affords WewtMdea WHOLKSALK and ilKTAIL trade In the.fellowing product)! Flour, Peed, Hay 8l Grain of all kmda. Wo also hare a very large a'ock fl" f. ArFLES. mi Invite a ahare of uhllc ptmnap;, feeling confidant we can give satisfaction in prloea and quality of eooda. ft ARM),.Rt,S(,. Petroleum Centre, Pa.. Nv 9, lTi) n STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite the Central House, PETROL E0M CENTE'E PA. And orr Elin' Street, Opposite ! tbe' Eagle Hodie, OIL CITY, PA., T. St'DONAIiO Prop'r.' 'pill beat Stock of TJRITtr AND 8ADDLK L HOUSES on tha Oeuk, are to be found a; M'Ddnald's- Lilvery. HOtlSES FED Sc BOARDED on Heasnnahle Tenna. TEAMING of all kinda prompt' y attended to. Also, connected with tne Livery BlaHe Is HEAHF. Parlies 1. want or HllCKBOAItDS aad WAG ONS nf allklnds. will do well tn call on me, as I have the ar ncy for om of the beat manofactotlea In the cot ttrv, and will aell aa cheap aa they can be hud at the inanalaetorlce. ijrGlvi lie a call. . Petrolenm Centre, Feb. t7tb, 187t. Galena m Wiwfa,- Franklin. Pa. R. H AUSTIN, Prea'U CHAB. MILLER, Man'gr MANUFACTURERS of theCELEBRATED ' GALENA EniriiiB,. Car,Coacli 5 HacWiiery' Lubricating Oils. Warranted the best Lubricator in use In every test the Galena Oils have triumphed, and their buhl challenge 'or an equal aa a Luhitcalor meets ui wore contestants. It is now In use on A It O W K'y, o C A H H y. A V R'y, J as U'y, aud a the wells, machine shopa, 4c. HARRY HOWE, ian1:- tf Ajal f r (Vttairtitu I Va'.ie i v c.iHJ