SHUGERT & STAER I flstsiitsssi to MoFulBdt Smith Co. ,! ilerchant Tailors! AMDKALaRB.m Gents' Furnishing Goods, COR., SPRING ft FRANKLIN STS., (TITUSVililiE, PA. Bni nt In be(o tb flowt acsortmenta.oj VL02B8& CA83IMERES SNGLISH, FBENCHeANDj AMERICAN COATINGS, MIXED AMD STRIPED SUITINGS, , FANCY YESTXNGS. r offtnd In the.Otl Regies. TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES OF HATS Sc CAPS, , All Hat Litest and Nobuits Styles. A FBLL L1KB OF ' Gents' Famishing Goods, &c. retroleum Centre Daily Record. . Centre Tnesdar, Febraarr6 Divine Service. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Service! every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and P. M. Sabbath School at 12t F. M. eats free. A cordial invitation extend ed to all. Rs. P. VT. Scofield, Patter. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. II., and 7' o'sloeb P. M. D. PATTON, Pastor. Sold at 1 p. m. 109 A KOTBI PnOBABLT FATAL ACCIDENT About 6 o'olock last evening, another ter rible accident occurred en the Warren & Veaaogb Railroad-, by the cavlog In of a bank of earth, which will probably result hi the death ol a man m mmi Dennis Hulll-' .Tan, laborer in one ol lie gang employed n that roid. Kiillivan it appears was tandlog ou Inige bank nfiaiib which bad bee undermined, x short diotance up the tide bll uf it iict .ay faim, when it Caved is and loll d to toe frot of (be LIU, Carrying t:.e tiofo innate iut.n Willi it, the frozen earth sud coming on tap of blm, breaking five of bis ribs, and fearfully bruising him about the bead and breast. It ie feared also be It injered Internally. At mob at possible the unlortuuale man was Nioued from bit perilous position! placed ob a Utter and taken to the Oil Exchange Hotel. Shortly titer be was removed to bit kerne at Pioneer, where he bss a wifs and children residing. Up to this morning the ebtntet of hie recovery art extremely doabtlul. The Swede who wat Injured by a similar aooidtnt oa the Boyd Farm, a few day, since, It rapidly seooverlpg. Tbt company are deserving of crest ertdlt lor tna humane maantr In which they bsve treated the in jured men. The beat or medical treatment hit been lurnlsbed, and everything that eould be done to alleviate their sufferings bit been attended to. W publish btlow tbe correct list of tbe Democratic Towmtbip nominees, nomina ted at the oonventlon held at Routtvllle oo Saturday last, at tbe reqaest of many Democrats. The Rer,ublloan nomination will will be found elsewhere: Bead Commissioner T McUugh Constable and Assessor -J F Alcorn Auditor-J A Ratbbun Tows ClerkJohn Neyhoof Tretsnrer Jamtt B McCray School Directors John Walters 3 yean each J Robert Hutchinson School Direotort ) J B MoCray I year each JJF Campbell' Judges of Eleotien Routtvllle precinot, J- A Ratbbun ; Petroleum Gentre, John Walters! PI timer, J F Campbell ; Rynd Farm, J F Blaktiy. Inspectori of Election Ronsevjlle, J A Austin ; Petroleum Centre, A M Kleckner; Plutner, 8 G McFat ; Rynd Farm, S B Painter. We are requested by Mr. Bob Hamilton to sute for tbe benefit of tbe publlo, tbtt the races on the 1cl. advertised to come off on Wednesday,' will be postponed until Sat urday, on tcooant of the thaw. Should tbe weather prove favorable "a big thing on Ice may be anticipated. Parties knowing themselves ibdebted to L. M. Stern hup, are requested to O'ill and jett.t by Feb. 15, tod sure costs. Great lire in Oil City ! SEVERAL BUILDINGS BURNED t By sptoisl telegram to the Rrcord from Oil City, we learn that a disastrous fire broke out between 4 and S o'elocK tbla mor-t niog in the American Hotel, which reaulted In a dliaatroua conflagration. The following buildings were destroyed: Mrs. Sands' large new brick block, in which was tho Oil Exchange office, P. A. Tel. offloe, and twe restaurants, besides of fices, As., in the second and third stories. National Hotel, Jas. White, propr. Allegheny Trust Co's bank. The large new hotel owned by Byron Taylor, was injured considerably by fire and water. The books and papers of the Oil Ex change were saved. Several other bni. dings were burned. Loss said to over $50, 000. LATIR The firejwas prevented from spreading further on Sycamore street by brick build ing of Wlnsor Bros. Total loss estimated at 37,000. Several narrow escapes octurrec1, One man bad n arm broken, another fell from Wioior block and bad his leg broken, Charles Evans, alias Charley the Barber, of Kane City, got drunk and raised a dis turbance on the street, laet night and this morning. He now repineth In the luck-up. The perlorinaoce given by the New Or leans Minstrels, at Sobol's Opera House, last evening, was favorably received by the large audience In attendance. Miss Mande Stanley is a fine singer and it possessed of a very tweet voice. Her singing was fre quently encored. Mr. Walter Wenlwor'.h is fairly entitled to the cognomen of the In- dia rubber man; as a contortionist be has few equals. Mr. Hank Goodman, Miss Nellie Gorton, John Keegan, West and oth ers came in far liberal share of applause. Hank Goodman's old man's song and Maudt Stanley's tong "Waiting," were well ren dered. Tbit it the last night of th t excel lent troops and we hope to toe a crowded bouse. ' We have bees shown by Mr. Hempstead, V u ncn jiuuiufinpu nmBbUl luia place, t large piolure of the infant ton o Mr. Lou. Voucher, takeu by bim a few days since. The picture is as natural as lire and is finished tip in the highest style of the art. and proves Mr. II. to be an artist of real merit. The picture can be seen at ttie Ope r House Saloon. Two brothers named Juno uud Harry Books, residing on tbe Shaw farm, were arrested on Friday last, at tbe instance or Mr. Samuel Acken, orPlumer, charged with writing anonymous lettert threatening tho destruction of latter 't property on that farm An examination at Oil City resulted in their being held to bail to answer. These men are supposed to be tbe parties tna1 pulled the plugi in a 250 barrel tank on tbat farm and allowed the oil to run away. Tbe Mechanic and Farmer it tbe name 0 a new journal devoted to mechanics, tgri celture and practical Information for tbe people, published tt Erie, by S. Todd Par ley. Tbe number ' before us is filled with entertaining reading on the abovt tubjectt, and indicates tbe publisher to be well post ed on tbote matters. Success to the new paper. Ptrtiet desiring a good fresh glass of Itger or a frtgrant Havana cigar, will do well to call at the taloon of Wait fc Pugb. These gentlemen are tlwayt alive to tbe wantt of their customers, and their Dock cannot be turpatstd for excellence or purity Cell end tee them. Parties knowing themselves indebted to L. M. Sternburg, are requested to oall and settle by Feb. 15, and save costs. 161w Tbe Clarion Democrat ttatet that on Sat urday morning last, tome time before day light! as tbs stage driver was coming from Brook villa to Clarion, he, discovered a house en fire, jnst east of the toll-gate, oear Asbury church. It wat oocupitd by a family named Potter an elderly man and bit wife and although tht flames were bursting eut from tht roof, tbe driver found tbe Inmates still sound asleep, and wbtn awakened they bad barely time to esttpe. Nothing wat saved and there wtt no ln turacet on the property. Mr. Phil. Hanser baa disappeared- from bit Iowa home. Letter after letter bat been dispatched for news of him, but tbe days go by and there is still no Hanser. A mutderer wbo was recently "banged told the' attending minister tbat if be had received half as much attention before be ing put into prison, ht would . never bavt been put then.' There is lood for reflection in tbat. NOTICS OF THE DAY. Gounod is very 111 in London Russia has 1,338 miles of railway. Minnesota Indiana have many measles. Peach trees are In bloom at Tampa, Flo. Pearl oystert have disappeared irom tb Indian coast. Alexit went to Sunday-school like a good boy at St. Louis. Stale bread Itstivtli are the newest thing In rural tecial Hie. A Wisconsinslan slept serenely during tbt fnntral ol hit wife. A penny edlticn ot "Gatet Ajat" it now published in London. Twenty msrkttt far horseflesh bsve just been opened in Paris. A Louisville landlady collects her board In advance at the point of the poker. A Kansas youthful misanthrope bung his favorite cat aud then hung himself. lFurooiKO Old Wklls A measure bas been introdtced in the Looal Legislature by Mr. Pardee, which, , if it passes into law will have some effect on the oil producing business. I; is well known that when bor ing far oil, large veins ol Jsalt water are fre quently met with. Th la has been found to be one of the main difficulties attending the enterprise, for tbt water sometimes pre sents itsolf in such volume as to drive away the oil, or' to oconpy tb pnmps to such an extent tbat oil it not obtained In paying quantities. Again, when wells are aband oned, the effect i s to allow the water to accumulate which, findiog its way into oil veins, "drowns out" the adjaceut wells The result is that oil territory Is often des troyed lor the want 'el a little trouble and expeuse, by which the water could bet but off. Hitherto there bat not been any law to meet this case. Tbt object of Mr. Ptrdto's bill it to meet tbit want, to that when any person bas reason to suppose tbtt bit wells orbit property are. being Injured by water from an abandoned well, application may be made for power to enter upon the prem ises and to that it off. It it proposed to pltee this matter in the bands of the mun- itipal council, who on application are to appoint an inspector upon whose report the oeotssary power may issue. Fetrolia, Ont. Advertiser. , EiiLSxrosr Oil News. Tbt well that IS being drilled by Wm. Agnew on tbe Agnew farm will not be finished as soon aa was supposed so mo time since, as tbe large flow of gas hinders tbe well from being drilled at night and working only thro' fte day it will necfosarily take about double the time that it was expected to finitb it. There are rigs up on tbe Samuel Knause, ii m. Jones, Jets - Lovel and Alex Richey farms, which, when finished will thorough ly test the Ricbeys run territory. Tbe well en tbe Jonas Fink farm and the two on tht Gtorg Wittliog farms will be finished In two er three weeks if no erious ill luck should happen. There was a well put put down lately a t Taraotum which is tlaimed to be doing 8 barrele per day. Tbit weil it claimed to be directly in lint With Parka r and Arm strong's Run and It raising quite an excite ment. There is a well being drilled on the Cbas. Gaugler farm, situated between Riohey'e run nd Petersburg. Tbe rig up but drill ing nsa not oomtnenced at latest accounts. Emlenton Sun. Parties knowing tbemseies indebted to L. M. Sternburg, are requested to call and settle by Feb. 15, and tave costt. The Republicans of Coroplanter tjwnsblp have nominated tb Ibllowfog ticket for township offices: For Road Commissioner, Walter . Sivarly; Assessor, H. B. Hixon; Constable, John Glass; Auditor, S. Wei mar; Sohool Direetort, Wm. McCamtnt, John Correltas, Geo.- H. Diamonds, P. Sobremp. An old man named William Stomberger, residing in a cabin, alone, on the Allegheny mouotaiu, near the old Copelin tavern, tix miles east of Fblllipsburg, wat last week fouad dtad, near where bit boust ttood, It having burned down,, and tbe eld hermit wat to badly burned, that death mutt have ensued soon trier getting out. He w at not found fer several rdays. Clarion Dtme- orat Venango couuly it constructing one of the largest and most costly poor-bouset in western Pennsylvania. The price It $300,000- A Telegraph office it lithed In Lawreoceburg. toon to be ettab- It taket tile mail only two dayt to come from. Petroleum Centre here now. Fast Isn't itt Titusvllle Courier. Lttp Year is so called because the Itdiet leap for joy tt tbe chance offered to atk soma' ont to marry then. Local Notices. 8. SI. Pettcwjlll Co. .17 Park How, Hew lotk, and Geo. P. Horell Oo Advertising Agents, are tho sole agenta for the To, troleam Cciitro Daily Kmoan to that city. Ad vertisers in that cltyaro requested to ltave their a tors with either or toe above homes Butter and eheasejare almost Jndispensl blo articles of food. Properly used, tboy are nutritions and healthy) but tn Inordi. ..Luiaiil either causes lodlceation and dyspepsia. Owea Gaffney'e Sunday Cost. fort, Judiciously used will remove there troubles. Hare Chance. both of 300 ACRES OF LAND TO BE LEAS ED AT MOST REASONABLE HATCiS. I will give M interett In 800 tcrtt of land situated in the Enterprise oil district, to any party Who will put down a test well ihrnnoh larse oatior. Timber for rigs and wood for putting down any number of wells furnished, tu Meet to tb followlngterme:'60 acres in fee, and 250 acres at royalty. Parties outline down the first well will have all the production ot lata wen. D. O. FISHER. Petrolelm Centre, Jan. 31. 1872. jau91-tf. For Sale or Kent. The building; lately decupled by A. M, Shiilta as a Bakery and Qrocsry Store. En. quire of , . u. i. j An v is. Petroleum Centre, Pa. jan 30-tf. DUG IiOST. Lost from the Opera Honss Saloon, oo Tuesday last a small shaggy Dog, antwart to tbe name or "irtsn. wnoever returns tbe same will be liberally rewarded. jZ33t woe. swirr. MACHINE NOTICE I I have a few of the IMPROVED HOWE SEWING MACHINES, for tain at manu facturers prices. Now It ynur time to get tbe BEST MACHINE MAUE, St very cheap prices. The 870 00 machines I will tell for $50 00 86 00 " " " "64 0(7 MfT Call at OPERA HOUSE MUSIC STORE. TITUSVILLE, PA. Janl&tf. It. U. SARGENT. Children's Likeoess taken between the notirs of 10 a m and 2 p m, ai Hemnsttd a Uo s uagueirean uaiiery. januir. Life-sise Rembrandt pioturet taktn at Hempated & Co's Gallery. fTNow is tbe time to purcbrse Winter Clothing cheap, and A. ALDEN'S it the place. janlStf. Pictures colored in India Ink and oil, et liempsted it Uo s uallery. Jan. 15. 'Secure tbe Shadow ere tbe substanoe fades." by going to Hempsted & Co's Da guerrca uaiiery, retroleum oeDtrn, ft. Fresh Egga and SUPERIOR BUTTER cor. Washington A Second Streets. m28 tt, j2gr trAr (NEi keeps constantly on band Scotch Ale and London Porter, etpeo any lor lamiiy use. XW Go to the Jamestown Clothing Store for your Clothing of alt kinds. They are selling gooes "airt cneep." ZW Beautiful and fashionable Soarft and Neck Ties, at ALDEN'S, ADDles! Annies! Just received one bnndred barrels of those nice APPLES from tbe farm, and twenty barrels of our best CIDER-Mbe best tbat ever oame to this town. Call and tee for yonrselves. Nov 7 if H. H. WARNER. LIVE AND LET LIVE I Jast received at Mease fc Armstrong' flour and Feed Store, 1,800 butbelt extra WH1TK OATS, which will be sold at lo. est casta prices I o29-tf. ' Take Notice. Now Is tbe time to buy your Applet, si sm selling them off tt pricet tbat will ss toelsb iou, from ood dollar a barrel aod np. warde. or anything elae in the store, aa Mr. Brlggs is going to tlose eut about the first of the month. Call aod tee for yourselves Ei. M r URIOOS. Per H. H. Wabkir, Clerk. dee. 2Mf. Splendid winter cured HAMS a BACON, at SCHEMERHORN 4 TEN kiuk's, cor. Washington and 2d ttt. j 19 Emel Zedwich ("LITTLE JOE.") BOOT AND SHOE MAKER Has been established in Petroleum' Ontre for tbe jmaii lurou jaunt sua iu tiie came or Making the Best Fit and Finest jsvoi in in oil Begionta He is constantly recoltlng orders from other sec lions oi ins uil Regions. He constantly keeps on hand Ready-made Boot s,& Shoes, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS. calx. AHVSEr aim. PETROLEUM CENTRE Flour and Feed Store Corner Washington and secona streets, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. Flour, Grain AND FEED; hax tna STRAW, Fresh Eggs Butter, Hams, Family Soaps, &c, cheap. Also, a few crocks o. Dice uura. Call snd see ns. MCUBBniERlBOBir TBN EICE: mfttOt-U. W. YV. JOHNSTON, ATTORNET AT LAW, PETROLEUM CIHTKE, PA. Offlr on Waahinstea street, oondslte Km. I. golds Office. J3ilf. S4VE YOUR MONEY ! And bay ?our Boots, and Shoes st Geo. Magrane's ONE PRICE BOOT & SHOE STORE I 1 keen a n tarn itoek of all' kind oa kui. and fell as oh.p a any other hoitae la th OIL fcJLUioN, uonnsoiea wn my our a Custom Department ! Anil t murantM a narract lit In all BIT work. ItaDalrmff naatlv done. Next door to Wolff Jewelry store. Petroleum G tritre j Pa. febltt Nicholson's mil SfrbHltf rid?: OS(j JtBll-tf Ntw stock ef Winter Ct"AU)B,.s H MS So OS 4 g m MP jBBBBBBBBBBa FX I I tl ttssi mf BasBBBBsaf PsLbbbbbbbbVHIIb