JI. : M. CMEBISTniE, fameries, Washington JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORE. Is selling OLOTII cheaper than. ever. n 8QBSL Jk .AUERHA& DRY GgODS. AC. The Oldest Established MI GUIIDS HUUSE OUST OILCEEEK. SORTIE AIIPDU A I " r w aaa urn I n I ail; WASHINGTON STREET, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. Have th. plMuare of mlermlnf; their patron. Ust they have now la .tore a larcesnd attractive assortment or thwe (twda selected to meet th want of the beat trade of the city and country, comprising BLACK & COLORED SILKS. JAPANESE SILKS, IN DRESS PATTERNS, IRlSn POPLINS. PLAID DRESS GOODS, FRENCH MERINOS, ALAPACAS, AC. PARIS BROCHE SHAWLS ! Alio i Large Assortment of SILK VELVETS & VELVKTEEN3 FOR SACQUES, FURS. FTTHS, FURS. MILLINER"? O-OODH Xr. TA O-RR LADlKj end Goats FURNISHING GOODS. end m large assortment or gondii suitable lor children. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c, &c. The Only Place in in Petroleum Cfen tre where you can Buy the Famous FOTtTZEZR COAL! IS AT Burton & ttO OTHER COAL is equal to Also, the UELUJiKATJiD HONEY BROOK, LEHIGH, COATi, Decidedly the best The BEST is the CHEAPEST Tfe guarantee Square AS REPRESENTED. i i I LADIES bACQL'ES AND SUAH'LS Kooker's it for House or Engine use. ever brought to this market, Weights and Quality BOV17. IFOR SALE CHEAP ! Second-Hand Oil Well aup- ! pile, to.ooa ft a in. t'.:bing, iov oo ft 6 v and 3' ! ard S Inch CAHINO, 6,CU0 ft HMALL WHH. 6.IKK) ft ! 8VTCKKK RODS, II Inrh, ' inch 7 and 6 Inch I)KI V 1 1NM l'll'B, FITTINGS atone-half pricoof New. ! OAS and ROTARY ITMI'B for mile or to rent, i KJiUWJSS ad BOILKKS of all eisea, at I HOWE Ac COOK'S, ! Box 220, PstroleamCentrc, Pa. ! Oct 2 W. rugs, IPa treet, IPet TUB OIL OTARKK.-r. BY P. & A. TEL. LINE. OPFICK OP ) I'ETItOt.PX!! Cknthk ilt Ritoniir, Feb. 3 1872 The petroleum market .remains "wM to day tt 91,00. The tales vera 400 barrels at (but figure. Philadelphia, Fob. 3. Crude 13. Rened-22.B Feb. 22; March 22?4'. Market Firm. '1 ii'ittiiuurtj,, Fb. 3. CruuVspot, 10. Nov. 21 . 15., O. all jeer, 12,','. S. O. do. 11. Market Unchanged, Refined Spot 22 Feb. 22tf March?,,'. Market quiet. Mew Yurie, Feb. 3. Crude 13j. ESS Market--dinl. Tioioutk, Feb. 3. Market 3.90. Oil Cjtt, Feb. 3. Market- 1. 15 Titcstillk, Feb. 3. Mnrket$3,S0. Pleasant tills, Feb. 3. Market $3,50. RoCSEYlLLE, F'J. 3. Market $3,95. GOLD 1M NEtt VllltK, New f ork, Feb. 2 Gold ICD;. Petroleum Centre Lodge, IVo. T15, I. O. of O. F. Regular meeting olgbts Friday, at 7 o'clock. Signed. J. E. BOTLES, N. G. W. A. Kbi.I.eb, A. Sec'y. tFTlace or meeting, Main St., opposite McClinlock House. A. O. Ot I. V. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of TJ. W., meets every Monday evening at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Hull, Petroleum Centre, Penn'a. A. Glkx, M. Yf. S. n. Kooker, R. A.Leggett5 (HncceMor to A. T. Lepxtt,) SI anufaeturer and .iJenler In HARNESS. Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c Experienced vevUmenftre employrd, and H ncr of ttU kinds k ept cundtautly oil hand and maac to order. FINE NEW FiARNESS, DOUBLE 'AND SINGLE, s hand at rea s enable rates. FANCY ANJj llORHB BLANKETS IN LABGI tiUANTITIKS - Tbero la no superior VALVE CUP Mnde. thr.n the on. made fntny shop, and they will bo i old at 112 per hnndred or 60cents a set. Ualr..8t., below tlie Klocllutock Petro' euraContre, Pa, Novi7,. f. FISIIMt & MlltUIS, GENERAL MACHINISTS af d Denlenln all kinds of WELIjTOOIiS & FIXTURES NMessary trr patting down and operating nl! well., in connection wun onr MAUULNJS bUV. a hav. a large and convenlen BLACKSMITH SHOP. Onr nidlitio for MANUFACTURING are no exreiloa Dy any Bnop id uie uu Jfeaiona tihop- t.aip-t,oppositi MeClintoekSguse, tSM ' YOU VANT A GOOD PAIR OF BOUTS 1IE PAIlt OF BOOTS, ST1 LISH PAIR OF UOOTs GO 7t0 J. A. PLAXTri, Washiningto a St, rrro'.tnm Centre BOOTS BEX t' O. O. D toazrolace la i',iiO:i Reiloai. s SpiH tl tent Medicines, IPer rolcnm Centre, IPa. STOVES, 3? & "W SIS I would raspectfully call the attention of those wishing Cook or Heating Stoves, to call and examine iny stock. The MOKNING- G-LOKY ! The pioneer of base burners. Has a mill grate, which entirely grinds out all slat or. clinkers, thus keeping the Ore clean and obviates the necessity of putting out the Are to cloan the grate. It Is a perfect anti-duster, and u perpetual burner. The America Cook Stove! With reservoir and warming olosot, acknowledged by every one to be the most perfect In, construction and finish of any Stove in the market. Is considered the most perfect bake' of any Stove made. Also the PLYMOUTH BOOK ! A first claps Cooking Stove with reservoir and warming oloset. Alio s larirn vnrMv nt other and different stylet of Cook and Heating Stoves. A large stock of TIN AND SHEET IRON comp'.ete stock of AND OIL WELL Make to order GALVANIZED considered the cheapest and safest pump now Ing. !Vew Hertford if oil icope sjaoiea. me jriT'l'SHU Jtu UklLi liO W8, The jj&bt unjiam&ai- MEASE & ARMSTRONG, Successors t n. B. Wtrn.r, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLOUR AND IVlerch'nts mllE pbcrlhr having bonehtthe old .tund of J. II. 11. W arnor, nit.ua euiarnug me onuiiB o., will IrAnn .Iw.v. nn hand tn. be.t tile ninrkot affords. We will do a WHOLESALE and KKTAIL trade in the.foUowing ytoia?: Peedi Hay & Grain of all kinds. We alao hnve a very large stock flno 6?T APPLES. ; Invita a share of fiulillo patronage, feollni ennddent w. can give aHfactiou lu irlce urn aunt, of goods. MKASB 4 ARMSTJIOO. rcrtoljiitn Cenlre, Viu, Wot. It, 18TH I? STOYES ! WARE kept constant! 7 on hand, with a" ha I STJPPLt'S IRON SAND PI MPS which are. to use. Boaton Tubing and Co.-. . LIVERY, FEED & SALE 3T stables: M the Depot, eppbslie the Central House, rETROLEUlt CENTRE PA. And On Elm Street, Opposite tlie Eagle Horise, OIL CITY, PA., T. M'DONAIiDj iVrop'r. i tUM bostSVoek of ttRlTINB AND BADDLX 1. HOUBKd oath. Creek, are to bo found at M'Donal'd'. lilvery HORSES FED & BOARDED on Reasonable .Terms. TEAMING or all Hindi) prompt'y attended to. Alw, eonaected with (ho 1 .Ivarv Bljihln W MKAIUS1?. . . rartitaw nam oi nuuairjAiivs na w.ui 0N8 oi all kind., will do well to call o, me, u L h.v. the agtncy for om. of the best miimfattoriear In the cocDtry, and will sell as cheap as they con do nim si uiu hip nmaeiunah I3T0W Tie a call. " , . . : T. .HT)ONAIiD Petroleum Centre, Feb. STtb, 19T1. Frankiin. Pa. R. D AUSTIN, Pres't. CHA8. MILLER, Man'gr MANUFACTCRERS of the CELEBRATED GALENA lm, Car, Coach & MacMnerj Lubricating Oils; Wairanted the bent Lnbrlostor In nee.' In er.nr test tlie llalenn 1)11. hare triuniphed, and UMir bold ciiallenae fur an equal ss a I.ulHlcator meet, nn -,nrront(tait. It Is now In use on A fe O W H'y, O C A H H y, A V R'y, J If R'y, and a the wells, machine .hop, Ac iiAieiiv miur Jan?J tf hin Tor Pt-trolenui t'tntre A violbity