SHUGERT& STARR ISocomon b McFuiud, Sallk A Co ,J Merchant Tailors) Gents' Farnbhinff ttopds, COR. SPRING ft FRANKLIN STS., 'TlTViV.jLIsIrVP Bevtpat tZ0 itJiM4tbtaJletatirimmaj .1 ?ik CAUSIMERES . . ENGLISH, ; JLtREKCH AND AMERICAN COATINGS, MIXED AND STRIPED SUITINGS, FANCY TESTINGS. Em offend In the Oil Btgtea. t TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES OF HATS Ss CAPS, All Um Latest ud Hobbles! Utylee. A FULL UNI OF GentV Farniahing Goods, fcc. r-'etroieum ventre Daily Record. rk Maura moadav. Janaarr 88. tsivlue aervlee. METHODIST, EPISCOPAL CHURCH Kvrviceo every Sabbatb at 11 A. M. and $4 P. M. Sabbath School at 12 P. M. eaterrea. A cordial Invitation extend- ed to all. Kit. P. W. Scovmlb, Patter. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 'etoek A. M., and 7J o'oleek p, M. , . D. PATTON, Paator. aawa ae -. Gold at I p. m. Wif PiTOLjtn NbwsCash-Uf. Cub-Up ' nlli eontinaeo lively. A koit of welli art drilling, and aH appear tangulot of snceesa Some ry food paying well have been got ' In Ilia Viainilv of the MLmuhlln ho ramoue "spouter." Eaeerj Bros , Eron on, Fnher ft ebitk, and Brown Bee., are II etioi'esatul a lar. Several wetti will be finished inside T tbe oeit u-o deyt, which rl 1 m - to dflne the belt or uasln, it tbe cat- may . . , FlTIftfat.-Th Haskell well, on Ibe Me rcy faim. Pithole, null yields about 100 tarx-U aUty. ( wat torpedoed and raised iroitt aa.B hafaal trail Saoar-I ni.lla .ill . ka drilled here. Many suppose that the water la diving the ail btre as it It doing 00 tbe eppoelte tide. ' ' Too tram en the Booker farm, owaod bj PklHipa Broa., of Petroleum Centre, bare Inereetcd their, prodnotioa largely ratal, aad are yielding bandaemely. RooMvait. Tbere bat been qnlio an Internet felt lar tome time In tbe territory llg Immediately oppettio . Rouieville, on .III Cltmmk. -JlnmhUtalA nlal mnA 1.4 - k. - . .1 - w. P"""a " uo .V tore laete got from W. F. Banter, ofN." V. Tbey got a tlx barrel well ou the tract lul tprlog. Tba Ptlllipe Brot. of tola place, have secured by purchase and leae a,nite a toot sited traet, on wblob tby bare bord two welit tbd will tbortly pot down more. The Srtt, on tbo Bancroft tract, wat 990 Ik 4o; flrtt aad second land rock good: em ber oil; well pumping uy tonr bsrrelt per da. Seoood well, on tbe Bteele farm; 974 leeiai-ep; inira tana lelr, delog Mo bar r rait per day. Tba Buicber well, Steele farm, Jnt. com- pmeej aoojt tame depth; black oil; pump lag tlx barreti daily. Tba territory it tolerably ture for tmill walla. W iball report dtvelenmenta in that vicinity tram time ta lime. Beautiful Pootograpb Albumt at Nltbol coa't. IMP Ga Will Friday night last jtewerlul vein of ga wm ttruek in aew well ow.ed by. Pittsburgh company? .and , , . ' . , , 1 located on tba bluff ter rltpry of lha Ryad farm, Oil Craek. TI volume of ga It to etreeg, tkt when lighted up volume of llama it thrown to a great dlitanct In tbt it, lighting up tbe surrounding bill In tbt l ight for nearly tbree quarter of a mil l'i every direction around it, forming splendid aigbt.' The well I now being test al, but it yet baa yielded to oil, altbongb tie tow of ga It Imm. Tb virtu of mm g torpedo win he tri 1$ 4 or t ta lb new well. ' 1 be bright light dowa tb Creek, 1 last lag, wblob many supposed ta have - en ore, waa oecetiobed by tb gat liom its n a as wail on tba Rynd farm. " Lam Bght wat tba ewldi of tb lease the aattber wise s.y. Par Ton Lrrru BiiLa. Tbf fcriptu rel Injunction not in dcKp e thi riay'o: etnell Ibing n never mnr hpiiloMe ihito at tm treeun of tbo .rear. Many ire oblig ed by ibe Daiure tf their huli to $Ur eivdil In leaal I rnioii.-iiA 4 . egtir which oiakea tbe ggirtVurB, aod lbrefi.r important; aod tanbe grocer, mr ebaoic, or dealer who It tirif log to Hi lid op a buriner end crrdlt, tbete tmatl tum are of the ireitret eooarqnenop, beeaota up. on them, and ibelr being promptly met, drpeodt bit ability ta meet ble own rn- fteameot-- T- r - Nor laf W liifflbieott) cootldered, that a hundred dollanf paid to ten or twenty or tairty penont, ebaklee tt em it pay a bao- dred, and tbelr eredltort to do the tame, to Haiti la aaty to tee that the eetne oiooey mtsb pay tbouaandi of dollart of debt, and at lait return to tbe pockett of tbt man who flrtt paid It out. Beiidee, are there not, amoag tboie we owe email luuit, tome poor women, tomt needy, It may be a tick me chanic, tome ttrugtliiig youth, to whom paymtat now it tbe one eteentlal or health, of itfHty and ol future forluaeT Lot efery reader who owet imatl tumi put blm or ber elf in tba place, If pouible, In Imagination of tbt persona to whom tbey are due they will be paid ipewjily. Tbt trouble 1 not tbat debtora are diibonttt, but that tbey art btedleti. ( Marbikd In Lock pert, N. T.. at the reeldeaee of tbe bride, by the Rt. Dr Wiinet, Dr. J. R. Purler, of Petroleum Centre, and Mr, i D. Sbuler, of Lockport. We congratulate our friend Porter on bit "new departure." Mty him and bit '-ley re leyde" enjoy the awettt ol wedded life for many yean to come, ti tbe belt with ol many friendi in tkt oil country. Good luck to you, Dr. Tbt 1:20 tralu aouth, tblt atteroooo, wat delayed over an hour by t freight tar being off tba track a tkort diitaoce up tbt roa-i. Among tbt Injured by the terriblt rail road aeoideat on tba Allegheny Valley on Saturday afternoon, wat our townsman, Mr. Tbomat Dooaghr, who had oat leg trutbed aad a aetert cut on tbt btad. Hit injurlea will not be permanent. Mr. Wilton Coulter, of tblt place, alto wtnt down wltb tbt Ill-fated train and wat severely bruised. Lookixu l'r Tbe oil protprcit at Smith's Ferry art laid to be imprpriog. A gentleman from tbat vicinity lolorm tbe Argue that on last Saturday tbere weie four welli on tbe road between Smith's Ferry aad Obloville, about one and a baif miles from tbe former place, yielding at follows: One filty barrel! pit week, anolber twenty five barrel! ptr week, and two yielding ninety barreli per monib. Tbii it new ter ritory, aod foul otber welli are going down in tbe tame locality. We will not be sur prised, therefore, to bear of oumerout strikes aod large welli in tbat regloo. Biblea abd Prayer Booka tunable for all denominatloat at Niebulton'a, Lo, Tt) Poo Indian. -In tbe upper portion of Warren county, on tba Allegheny river, it located wbat It called the Corn Blanter Reaereatlo. Theredwtlle tba rem nant or tbe one migbty uornnianter tribe. now numbering scarcely, a hundred souls. Among tba efforts to better their eonditlon wat tba establishment of a school on tbe "Reseration,n a number of years since Under an aot paased in 1836, a bundrod dollart a year wat appropriated eat of Stat Treasury to tbe support of thli school num berlog torn thirty or forty young Lo'i Tbii sum It ruScieat lo keep the school op. a only about four month lo year. Aod oow comet tbe Quaker Indian Commiislon recommending tbat tbe annual appropria tion be tocraaaed I tbret hundred dollart for school purpose! Tbe Stele Bupetintend ent aecjodi recommendation, and Senator Allen bat lotroduoad tba bill into tbe Leg islature, ta earry out tba bensvoleat design Warren Ledger. , , ' Tbt oil well lately atruck oe the Peter' farm on tbe Wi st Pnn Railroad, about twenty-one miles Irom the city, and whlcb is pumping ten barrel, per day, belong! lo Mr. Wm. MacKaown, of tbia city. The , VT k. I L" . i farm belooga to bim also and abound In tail welit PltUburgb Mail. Tbe best Gold Peoa in use are tbeael made by Faireblld'a, ao t for tale at Niche, eons Newsroom. Tba man who plants bimsell by ibe Nlag era Feltefallwey suspsattoo bridge, every lime train rosea, tbat be may ate tbe lr aio go Into tbe river, will lake courane irom Ibe development at Pittsburgh, where one-ball tbe wire atraodi were found to be broke it suspension bridge, while otber Itands bad become corroded and" bad been woi to0De.ball their original ilie. The ma we ipet,k of is certain that aome day tee bridge will give way under a train of can, aud be Intends' to be there to ate. He lj.ay.not live lo tee tbe caUottiopbt,'bat the tLiog v ill turely came in pracii of lime. What has got Into tbe clereymeaT Thai Is i perfect i.C'selon epidemic Hardly a dHy pMea that freeb permt is o rei.nil. ed. Tiienlintcal questions nre Miirloii up divine like k dose, of ymlt. Cooper, ol dbictiio, lelt tbe Episcopal Cburob, and elarted a Church of bit own; Cbeeney cut lone- Imm his blbop, and runt a Church without Bishop; Thrill. In New York, baa adopted a new Prayer Book tnd organ ised a Episcopal Church on a Indepen dent plan, making It very low, Ewer lelt his parish and bae i'erted one on hit owo book, making It very high; Hepwtrlk re nounced Unitarlanfsm, and runs Steinwiy Hall on a no creed plan; aad we see tbat tba Rot. Mr. Bradley, of New York, bss withdrawn from the Episcopal Church and joined tbe Romanists, Tbere is something In the religious atmuephere that unh'nges tbe Reverend, and tends them looking al ter new creeds and new connictions. Ererjtblng else It epidemical, and Why not theology? r-nrely there it nothing on which tbere li to g.tod a chanae for differ ence ol opinion and argument Daily and weekly newspaper containing elsttslmas et N'rbnlst n't. Tbe steamer Fanny wst coming dowa the Upper Mississippi, loaded with pig-lead. At the wtt going over a aboal plate the pilot girt Ibe algotl to heave tbe lead. Tbo only man toward wat a gteea Irishman "Why don't you besTe the lead!' "lilt tbe lead, your honor? Where to?" "Ov,r board, you blockhead 1" Tbe Irishman matched up one ol tbe pigs of lead and threw it overboard ; tbe rostp, In endeav oring to prevent him, lost bl bnlsnce and fell into Ibe river. Tbe captain running to tbe deck asked: ''Why don't yon heave tbe lead, and sing out how much water tbere It!" 1 Tbe lead la braved your ion ir aod tba mate gone down to see bow much water there is. Monthly Magazine at Nichols oo's, Tbe frigate Guerrlere, late of tbe Euro pea squadron, It expected at Fortress Monroe within week. She brings tbe remain! of General Robert Anderson. Her aaptain will either be ordered be fore t oourt of inquiry, or put on iriai at once before a court martl I, to answer for bit conduct in allowing bit ibip to mo sshore. A fafbionabltf lady iu Chicago, dfsgntfd with bar ugly noie. tbe stipe ol wlileb ii a combination of Ruman, Grecian aquiline, and pug, Unarm oniously blended, ban bad arubberone made afier tbe Grecian style of architecture. It Is beautifully lloledi and, tbat with a prodigal use of toilet powder, it would trouble a stranger to detect tbst it ii a counterfeit bugle, Dulutb bus a sensation iu toe report tbat Chicago craftily opened communication be tween Lake Michigan and tbe Mississippi, in order to cleanse her river, aod at the same time destroy ber rlvtl (Dulutb) for ever. Tbe draught upon tbe Lake is said to be 17,000 gallons a minute, v. bleb will paroertibly lower Its level, and decrease the depth of water on the St. Clair Flits. Tba result of ibis will be so practically close the Upper Lsktito navigation Hence, Du utb, "tba xenitb city ol tbe minted sea," Ii in a wild state of atltatioo aod alarm, and bercitizeno are Mating myster lously at Injunction and tbe Ilk which are to prevent tbe threatening evil Tbe Tyrone Herald says ' Last fall, Mr Peter Kooken, residing on tbe road between Birmingham aod Warrlor'i Mark, wbi'e prospecting for iron ore, on hit farm, one and a half miles Irom Ibe LUile Juniata, opposite sinking V-lley, sunk two ihafti. iniriy nve roa distance, not on the same trace, and fnnd very rieh veiui of ennper. and the article hat been so prunoueord by experts In Reading and Pittsburgh " Tbe following from Ibe Elmlra Gazette is partioiilarly appropriate to our town: Blessed be the man who asbei bis sldo- wata on slippery days. Xri, eve so mote It be to wit:" What does he do when sidewalk! glare, And every flag stone seeme a snare To toss tbe walker unaware? lie spreads bil ashes t Lnng may be live, tbat man of soul; Filled be bil bios with red aib coal; And blessings fall upon bit poll, Wbt tprvadi bit ashes. Aod when be leaves this world of ilidea And with grim Death serenely glides, Jtay this be beard and naught btidt 'Peso to bta tabes!" A gentleman In leatcb of a man to do loett work, met oa bl way a highly re- iisDie ieoy, not oe young as the once waa, aad aikad her, "Can yoa tell me where I ean And a man?" "No, I cannot,' tbt replied, "lor I hive been looking these twenty yesrs for one myself. Lent begins tbii yetr on tbe ltta of Feb rairy-St. Valentine'.' diy. Local Ifollfinn. a as. fsatienlalll Ac (Jo. HI rare: low, Nsv. Teik, and Ceo. P. Howell Co AdvartUIng Agent, are the sols agents for tbe Pe, irolenm centre Daiit Itcooao In that city. Ail vsrttssr In tbat city are requested ta leave their a vors with either ol toe snort aoassi DUO laOST. v . lha Dnera Hnnee Saloon, on Tuesday last a small ahsggy Dog, answers to the same of "Dih." Whoever returm the same will be liberally rewarded. jZDSt inc. owirT. 1MOTECB. I wou'd reipectlnlly annonnea ro my rnrf...,il aatreoi. that 1 have iDtiaay s "id my entire nimte-r busloess, at tbii point, lo my Brother, U F. Slerohnrg, who will continue Ibe buitneee at tbe eame old ataod. I would also respectfully requeit that the tame liberal partonage be exleaded to bim, tbat bat beenexteoueu 10 m imm. He has been with mo tor tne tail mree years, and IS in every rpvvt uiujn.. run" tbe busineiw. All personi Indebted to mo must call and settle their account! ea or oerere ine lOtb day ol February, or toey win oe leu for colleclioo. Parties lodebted to tne will And it to their interest lo csll and settle wttb me Individu ally All persons bavlng claims againit me will please present them on or before Feb- r,,;..I,. . , ......vr., 1 still retain my rranauo jru. n lee Denot. und to those desiring lumber down the river, I iball be happy to furnish tiy tbe car or otherwise. . f C ..-HHA U. 91 .rrannnk nw. Petroleum Centre. Pa., Jan. 2, 1872. jan. 23-3t. 3BWIH.O MACHINE NOTICE ! T have a few of the IMPROVED HOWE SEWING MACHINE-', tor sale al dihom- facturers prices. Now ii your time lo get tbe 11 EST UACUlKrJ JdAUH, al very cheap prices. The $70 00 machines I will sell for 150 00 i 85 00 " " ' "04 wi rarCallnl OPERA HOUSE MUslC STOKE. TITUaVILLE, PA. J.ul5tf. K. 11. SAKtifc.NT. tar Co il.lren'e Likenetses taken between the umirs of III a ta and 2 p m, at li- m paled ft Co's Dsgueirean Gallery. jan 1311. Life-size Rembrandt pictures taken at Hempated ft Go's Gallery. f jf Now is the lime to pun I It Vialer Clutniog cheap, and A. ALDl is ! place. jauutf New stock of Winter Clothing at ALDEN'S Pictures colorct in ludia luk and oil, at Hetnpsted ft Co's Gallery. jao 15. Secure the Shadow eve tbe etihatance fades." by going lo neropated ft Co' Da guerreao Gallery, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Frrah Fcg and SUPERIOR BUTTER St'HKMr.KHUKN ft TEN JSltUK S cor. Washington ft Second Streets. m23 tt. M C 1 LTVCV buM Annalanllm, v.... . " v..,-- " hand Scotch Ale and London Porter, espee any lur lamnj uwf. KWT Go to the Jamestown Clothing Slate for your Clothing of all kinds. They are selling good! 'dirt cheap." rr Beaallful aod faibionabte Fcarf and Neck Ties, at ALDEN'S. Apples! Aptslr! Just received one bundled barrel of those nice APPLES from tbe farm, and twenlv barrela of our beat CIDER the best that ever c. me to Ibis town. Call aod see for yoanelvea. nov 7 tr it. tt WAitri.R. LIVE AND LET LlVEf Jiiat received at Mease ft Armstrong's Fl tir and F. ed 8' ore. .800 bushels extra WHITE OATS, which will be anldal low. encash price I o29-tf. Take JVetlce. Now is tbe time to buy your Applet, as I am telling them off at prices tbat will as- tueish inu, Irom pad dollar a barrel and np wards, or anything else in the store, aa Mr. Brings la gologTlo alose our about the first oftbemont,b. Call and aeetor yourselves E Tr BBiooa. Per H. H. Warner, Clerk. dee. 21 -tf. t3BSpleudid winter cured HAMS a BACON, at PCHFMEKHOBN ft TEN EYCK'S, cor Washington aod 2d sit j 19 Emel Zedwich- ("LITTLE iOH.") ' BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Has bei established In Petroleum Centre for the paat three tears, and has tbe name of Making the Bi t Fit and Fine Uoo in tb Oil Beglon. B Is cocstantlv recelvbig orders from other seo tious of Ibe i ll Regions. B constant keeps on nan& Iteady-made Boots & Shoes, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS cAtot Att&ter urn- 3ntf'' SMriTrriCH. AMUSEMENTS f tttor fast' Of TBI Toil Ms Maatafc . Or PCTBOLITJI CE-T8E, Tbonnderslgned Iinre Onmmitta, of.h.. m v. a., or reiroieum ( entt, have the k. ' annrnnee Ibe following ll.t of 'uctuti suing season i w 1 be ( vmailtte will supply the snMecu lt. . dates, where Ih.y are oot iTivm baloaa IS. tbey raa He Oflnitetv aeaertoltiea. "a bklnsnovb." Nov 10th. w",0 ! Her WM BCULI.IW Annearan,,., - t JTDSON KII.I'ATnirir L. vSL,,"" March to lha hi.'' 1 "OaUl JOSH BILLINOS. Dee 1 Uou. WM. PAKUONs - Onrreapoodene 1 helnr nh not if,' bj uroer ol UKivt uoninititee. JNO. v.. THOMPSON. eetat-tf Chslrmaa or Oonnlttw, lyiicho lson's ar GQ. Mi O th rSiJFii hi c Si L-,0 3 . ii He J 'lotted sMH - Jaa tf Franklin. Pa. H. n AUSTIN, Pres't CHA8. mLL"'"11'' MANUFACTURERS of tbe CELEBRATE GALENA Mine, Car, Coacli & Lubricating Oils. Wairsnted the best Lnnrleator ta Jj, teat the Galena Mia have trlu'JSr ae S caalleiiae for an equ d as a .l""", 0 or-coniesunt. It Is now Ir y Wgisdl K'r. no A K K'y A V H'y, ' tbe wells, michins shop, c j,l7lf I1AHHI iwiji JanM tf An f ""rnlenra Cewr If Vol w'i GOOD PAIR OF B00TSt FIXE PAIR F P0' SnLISIIPAIROF OOTOJeAaPt' Wasbtalngtoa lit, Petroleum Cn BOOTS BUT C. O. D. ioVtiV!, I I aegwu