'i MS IM ("An. DAME. SJ1TH A CO V AH. . IMPKOVED Seneca Falls GrAS TJMPS With, Steel Packing. 60 iSold In Lrast .to Days. Exclusive Agents for the Oil lttlcn DAME, SMITH & Co., Succeuori to F. W. AME3, TITLSVILI.E, PA. Wood Work For. CARRIAGE BUILDERS. D IGROWTH SPOKZS, CENT FELLOES, SAWED FELLOES, ' HCB3, SHAFTS, POLES, WHIFFLETREES, AXLES, FIFTH WHEELS, NECKYOKES, HUB BANDS, SPRINGS, ' MALLEABLES. And the " Best Carriage Bolt in Ularkt .DAME, SMITH Sfc CO., fcuccesaors to F. W. AMES. To any p. two pro m-liui a,,., medicine able to sbow one-third as many living, permanent curat as Br. Killer'. Vegetable Rheumatic Kcmeriy; and farther reward of $100 for any case of Chronic or InlUmmtaory Kheumatisro, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Ague. Hclatlcaard Rheumatism or the Kidney, it will not cure. The Kheumatle Syrun Is used in wardly only, pleasant to the taste, and guaranteed free from Injnrinna dru".. It 1. not a quark inedi rlhe,but the acientiflc prescription of Joe P. Fltler, M. D, Professor of Toxicoiofry and Chemistry graduate of the celebrated University of 1'enne vanis, A D., 1833. whnaa entire professtoual lift been devoted specially to this disease. This pr' aralinn under solemn oath la conscientiously be lieved to be the onlv nositive. reliable. Infallible pecinc ever discovered The proof that no other specific exists la found In every, community in per euTi. afflicted for many years and sti.l ntifferioif. If physicians could cure It If a specific did exist, this would not be o a fact thai must be universally admitted, ""he oft deceived sufferer may wlse'j ask, what aecuilty or evldei ce ha. ho that Dr. Fit ler'a Khaumnltc Syrun will cur hi. case. I'he r rotectlon ottered to sufferers sgalnat imposition in n legally alaned contraot which will bo forwarded Without Cliarce to anv ailfiarMF annrltnir hu tatto n deacription ot anlicilon; thi. piarautao will alate the exact number of bottles warranted to cure.und -n case of failure th? money paid will be returned . the patient. No othur remedy baa ever been "'"w nuKn iiueru ann nonortiDle term,. Med ai advice, with certificates rrn. rr,,.,i..n, i, IClaiii, clergymen eta. who have been cured a tcr all other treatments have fnllel, aeut by letter gratia. Anlleted c.irdlilly invited to wrtefnrad vu n tile OrilirDUl OtUce. W Kniltli Vfttirth tltr..... Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. Filler's Ubeuuiatic Byrup M. S SIMMON, Hole Apent, Petroleum Centre, Pa. CALI.ENDKit & CO , Wuolesalo Agta, Mead 1 lie, Pa. A. H.cnAMBEHMN &CO-, Sole Agt's Rous vllle. Ha. Medicalj Institute,! JV 2C4 Pcnii Street DR. ATf'USTrS HLfcticontiniiM'otniii Alt' 'private d(MM with fma succim- nt ttw liuMi ute, whlcli In now open IVr tt. r:otilon tun! commutation oi pfttienin coming r'oyi n r.i. ftBCu to prontirn trium u or iiiodic iHtrtTiro A ncrNMitl pn-c ice or is rn id iink-ltr.1 iftraiiUM) for thu future. Sunrm'turrt.nm nr ,.Vi-vou UehfHtv ni'ima.rontlv cunxi. ., nL'Btan ti it) t'itior ai mercury rimic.ini. 'I ht Uoctnr IfeivM aaiticular aitcnt on to 'timie cumulainiri :! fall irraKiilHritira nptte'ltly corrrten K nii I'm, th Ooeuir1!. ineU'rAl t am. hiet.n trt-Bflnein plnin Inateuace on venerinl dUnn!ii'at, nut ly nmil Kir '4 jtaUtiip All nmlh'ino are pnj.ian'il in thu lab i lluzaiUjry nndur tin) li'clor'4 own Htmerv.rttuii. II -Oftlc oura from 0 A, M., rn H IV M . Opera House SALOON! Ionli J, Vuiiclicr, Prop'i-. Ji?i7 !h" ,,0,- Petroleum Centre. 1'a. win M "". !"n,r"- T1,B "f ,'J'"'I!''.,""1II flii"t hnuiu. ofC. Ine 2!,.,5?. ,'.""V md the . i TV ""i-si j lu'ivn'i iu nay pin n call iju.iii.m. ujl.s J. oini;u W. G, ALLISON & SON'S Philadclthiaj Irlannfactnrert of superior OIL ELL CASING, AND! TUBING ! With pluvn and patent Coupling. Our TIBIXO and CASINO are manufactured with g at caro, cipreuly for the use of oil pro ducers, being tested at the works brfora shipment with t pressure of 1,500 lbs. to the square Inch; NOTICE Each length'' and soeket is stamped with our trad. mark. None other is genuine The danger heretofore experienced In having Tubing break at the Coupling Is obviated by ubIus Allison & Bon's Tubing with patent Coupling. Jll-U. ,lr. CrooW't WTISTE OF T A R ESTABLISHED IN IS 32. A remnly which han been tented for 10 ywn. and ywi ed Id thoniimd9 of eitm cap able of cnrinpft'l Diteatt tf tn jiroat ana t,ung; per- lorniii g ir.any reumrkabln I eurcf. niciita a trial from ail wLo are PUlTnrlwg from airoi lar affect ion and tainlv serk ItiR rHiff. Will fnu let pre judict prevtiit you from being cured alto. Crmgha and Cold. The UruggUU aay It cm cithern an. Asthma. The relief and cures of It are marvel on f. Bronchitis. Every sufferer will And relief and crro Throat Ailments require only a frw donp. lain DUeaeea. Haa cured caaes pronounced In- earn hie Debility. It renovates ai d lnTlgoratea the sys tem. l.lror Complaint. Most effscttve regulator of this oman. Dycpfipaia. Its healthy net I on on the stomach cures it. Appetlz r It is health-giving and appct'.te-re-stor ne- C'rinary Organs. Action on Ihrm Is marked and nrnirni. IMt. CROOK WINE OF TAR U rich In Toe nudcinni quolitioi of Tar. coinMoed with Tefft-tnnl" lnirrtdletu of undoubted va'iii which make it unhurt wised, not only for the cnmplainta eniimcrnTiM, but t rapidly reatort rx hatiKtetl fltrenalh, eleanix th stomach, re laxtw the Lirer and pntu 'hen. to work can-wa the food to dig t, nnd ni'ik-p pnro blood, nnd bfL"Ms a Tira -lty iipprec'ated b bstti sound and firk. If y n arp Rftl'rti'fl In inv wnv.. wa Lnniv If vnii trv iKa I lif-'-Kl vlnsr ionic prperun of Dr. - riMiK i ine m i nr yn wm nua you; ieii imony to Its xrnat value In correcting any "ill th-i flwh In hHr to.1 IVtpari'd only by OUVEK CKOOK & CO. Bold by Druggists everywhere. CITY HOTEL AXD RESTAIBAST, frprlnts: trce, ' TITUSTILLE, pa. Thoa. Goodwin, Prop'r. This Hotel in dciutnlly locatM The bent of ao conitnoontlmis ntl'iirried to fueets transient oi per manont Every delicacy f ths season conatantly oiiliitid SOMETHING NKW The proprietor tuts tlie very best facilities In the country fur 8TKAM INOOXSTKKH. 'I'ltii.villu. Die :)0, 1R1 II. Marker. P. ,T. Wn;TE. Asenl for Venaneo. Warren and Crawford Cuiinllea. Ordeis hv mall adilns.ed to hu rare at lviruiemn C ire. Ka. will bit prompt ly Unit, iiitiiiT lu Uauiju Toxt or Kerln Letter fniM l,5t. jir.i if NRW ADTERTISEMENT3. HISTORY OF The Great Fires rr. CHICAGO WEST hj Krr. E. J fJoousPKKi). 1). L . i otitcauo. Only com- jilele lilalory. 700 8vo pB(rej P0eHrivinp 70.(100 Blrcndy o!U. lnc ?2,fi0. 20irti iirenn marlo in 20 0v l'rolitasi) lo nil'- 'erera. AJ KTf W A .XTF.I. H. S GOOi)8fEED 4 CO., 37 farfc Uuw. New York. AGENTS W ANTED. A gt nismkH mt.ie iniiney at work torn. I ban at aiiylbine else. Hii-lut'S" light anil permanent Paiticnlnr' fre. G. STINSON A CO., Fine Art lub Hsbers, Portland, Maine. $20 A DAY AND EXPENSES. Send stamp to NovHly Man ufacturing Co., Alfred, Me. WAX TED. ACTIVE AOI o ell thFlnkl. & Lon MauiilneiurtnR Co's Improved New Family Sew inn Machine, "VICTOR" General Office for Pennsylvania, New Jert-ey nnd lb lwnre, No. 1227 tirlnn M., Pliila. J. L. Fkhoisiin, Maoiiger. r-'hr rf Ae""' rr"fl"' ILK' I per week. Will laOf. I JJ prove It oriorleit jn0. Nw arlieleH, I'alenled July IStli. S'mpl-s sent tre to all. Address W. II CiiiuESTEC. 2C7 Broadway. New York. WOOD'S Jlousthold MlKJ- zioe is i&Vred fre during I he comins year lo every subscriber of Merry's Museum, the Toledo IH-de. Pmneroy's I'em'crtl. etc., WhlCb IS a rt IliellCH ol 118 ! Hi ullil P")ll Inrllv. Hnraee Greelev. Jtnes Pnttun. lueuuule lilluli. trail UauiHtuU, elu., for every number. la clubbing ii"olltrs three Hist class period i cats for the orlce ol one of them. A variety of premiums on equally libernl term". It is an original. Brat class magazine Volume X Wins with .Tan. ' 72. Tbree specimen copies !' S. S. VUUl, wOolKll . . SAVE YOUR LIFE BY PROMPTLY USING WINCHESTER'S IlYtWIIOSP.IITKS, . A Chemical pureljprepnratlou tf PIIOSIMIOROI !, wblcb Is most Important constituent or the human body, existing largely in Ibe Iirain. Nervous System. Blond and linnes. It is T8R UNDUE. WASTE o DEFICIENCY of THU LIPK Ciirjyo AND r.'K" St ttTAISIVtt KI.K MBNT, WHICH IS TUB IMMEDIATE CAUSE of COSi:nPTIOJf. NEBVOI " UEBIXI. 's MHAlMPS mai't.PM) HtUOt'lXA. Eto. The proper Remedy f ir th effectual treat meut and cure of the above Diseases conmt lo restoring lo the Brain, Nervous System, Lunvti and Blood, tbeir due proportion ot Phospuorouh WIXCilESTEIt'S HYlMlPHOSLlllllS is the only preparation which aceompliilies this result, und it Is an absolute cure lor tbe Diseases above named. ClHCCLAK8,ISI'01iMATION ADVICE TTRKK Prepared only by J. WINCIIESTEK & CO, Ohkmists, :S John St., N. Y,. and Hold by all Druggists. Price $1 mid $2 per Bottle. PERFECT COMBUSTION. Signal Light. Tbe dial and only sell reeding Anthracite Coal Slove ever Invented that will Perfectly Consume all tbe gases. Warranted tbe Best Heating Stove in tbe country. Send for. Price List and Circular to miTCmXL, STEVENSON A t o, Stove iriaunfaclurera, Pitt-buruU, Ia IM POTENCY. Viciims ofearly Indincr-. lion, self abnse, causing nervous debility, prtraiulure decay, ,to , will Und a most ell'ec inal, safe and permanent cure hy aridrePRtnR eonKdentialy, D WUNDER, Post-OIIlce, Philadelphia. Thirty tars Ixupriencc IN THB TUEATMEKT OF Chronic atid Sexiial Diseases A l'UYSIOLOCUCAI. VIEW 0T VAltHIAtJE. Thertiennet hook ov.r publlnhed ennfalnlnc nearly three hundred uua aud one hundred and tnhty One plate, and enuavl..!K of theni ammv o' the liiiman i.riions ill a ma ra or hi alth ami dlfeno wlih a irenii.il on rnrlv (mm. t deuloraliln con seiienee. upon the mind und body, with the au thor plan of reatment Iho only ratloiml and tnc ciwunil Hindu ol euro, as rhown by n regeirt o. cuc. treated. A Iniihfiil alvi.er to 'lie married eiel thoHe contemplating marriage, who entertuiti dn'.ibt. of their phyeicsl culidil'On. t-ent flee o' iimIH"OIu any addresi, on ioee.pt of tenty-trvo cents In HbimpM or pn.ttl enrrencv, bv nddoes.ii!' 1) lt UIKIIX No 81 Maliien Ijtne, N. V. file an'hnr mav l.e ninsulted upon ny of the illieii.es muni which hla ncKili tram., eltli. r nerrenallv n' hv nmil, and medicine, vent to any purt of the world. Sj". A MONTH. Horse furnished. jiitnm rM, II. U. Sbiv. J.M'red. Me. Daily Record NEWSPAPER, AND Job Printing Office; .11 Al, S'T 11 E E chas v. lVit'KElMProprleior. .i;WS DEl'ARTMEMT. We receive telcirtuph'c dispatrhea np to 4 p. a. nnd nre.eut them to our readeis every cveidna. ein linuum news of treat .Merest Imm all see:ious of ih country, w e have inaue special ariaiiutuoiitn, w hei ebv we receive uvular Hetroieuiu lock and "induce Mnrkei Kep-rris every eveutuy by telegraph 1'r.jtn New York, i tiuwdelphiu, and I'ltuonr,;, Which to'j'tiier with KditoriHl. and Local matter., make II oi:e or the mn.t ucititblc uvw.papcrs puhi.bHl in the Oi llegiou- As uu Advert Mediums The lil'CURD bns no superior, aa It cirenlatet wherever au Oil 0.c.-ntor er Dealer cm he fouitij JOEMS DEPARTMEHT.r We hn n larco nnfi Well lvipPt "tkof J olhSny ili&tcrla imliiiH inn (he ver Utti-i tykn. We- it re tbm'foiv- jhHlilJ ro-eenit -luo V ork of cvry rurisiy ium tiflnriorjrinnnt)r when ueuircU, jobu will bo iiuitlypriutod ia Colokb $Hiil:i:tS Dills Poritcri, i la lid. Bills. Pioxrammes, BUI of Fare. iiUbcll. A.ND liusiRCHU and Vlnitiitrf Cards U El TEH HEADS, BILLHEADS, B1LL8 OF UDING, Etc , Bu BAEt, fBIKiTINO. I'lain or Fancy Styles, neatly and promptly execo ted, embracing INVITATIONS rmCTTLAKH tK0aRAMMEr lAltUB, TiuaniTB, ate In fact, every variety and sry' of work la latter lerehflnt.. 1 jiu-v.r.. 'n.tteea Af Ii..Sm.. As;.. in. ml )e "saa items. Insurance Auetit. Kxpnvumeti f ot . i e-1'!""'" ant. areln'arnied Ihut wcantsp . -I execute i o order a II kinds ot nl.ANKH, ast jssor leud, lequind in this com. mntiih. Johhit'g raitunaTS rrsntclfully solicited. aOBBRTB PMTHOLRfJM TOttPEPo'o THK ROBERTI PETROLEUM T0EPEDQ CO. Office at the Red Planing M.u cor r of rine and fteeond atretts. deir lbs Katlroad,) TITU8yiHE, PA. (rwln tp ths lanre and Incresslne deraanrt fn, n,. Hoberta' Torpedo-, end the late dcrUi'n" of J CommlKsioner of Patents In reruslni. to W m k .'J a patent, and the deel.lon nf.ltidco i. u . . tnlnlnp the Ifoberta' patent tuoy have LOWKiu n the price of their Torpedoes " t,tti-v TV KNTf Pita rcvT so that every Operator can atTord u, uy . rm, before ahaudonloe a Well. ' erprd The following la the decision render bv Jmi Orier oa tbe twenty-eecouo (ifii) day oi sw,3, letiM, iu the United Xtates Circuit Court tt VmZ.,' Si. Keller of New Y6rk, M. . Lw-ssaud . Ah,? viaiicaor ritu mrgn, ro. ee endSBts, and (,,, filWhariib, fur plamutl. " . OPIMION OFyClHJIlGIUER Q As I write with dldlcully I csn only state the rn clii.ion. to which my uilud has come ofterac.r.t7 exsniluation of this caw. ""j" The coruiloliinnt ha. exhibited a patent il.it. 5lh of April, 1NI6. Thi. is prima fclSevi,l,M., a kowI title, aud put. ou th respoadent the hnr den of proof that the patent is void or wortnln, I ticeu uot ruiHMt my temarks In Hie ciue uf t.ood year vs. Day (il Wall, C. f. Krp; hut Dl adopt them aa aU'ordlna a rule ol decl.iou ttUcb, iu piive clearly to the pteennl cue. . As the iufriiiaeineut of Ihe patent I. scralitnl the only question will be it. to th. validity o( u,ui plaluauis patent of April ii, ls.V. 1 wns afitr sjtcculath.u Iwdhcen redurrd to practice. 1 aud aft, r repeated experiment ih.t tin cumpiaionui euccccueu iu over Cuuill X tlie prtjudtco aud iguoiance of the people uu the aul.jtit. and rerfUnuing tile ptiallc tl.ai his iuviutem mui.fu ' aft r he had eeiabli.hed Its citait utility ami valu. aud 1 when iiisacuiusitndu.tictit peiawenmcr, in epite o sneers nu scoU.,1' were tounilt-uiy .uc ce-sttil, that Hied, who hud Infoie in 'de upen ments on ilie Millie flubject. aud was un.ucc.isl, and an.r buniia-lnn oi.e , r mots nmiinaiiiaai ater pekoes, be nppli'don ti e 1 of .Niitiu.1.w. Ibiil, lor a patei t for substantially the raiite cuulilm. t one of deviassud maciiine con'Sitirdin c.tiiilaiii; aut's pateui ; Ou ihe 16th it the aiime uiomb ibo re.pi,ndel,te folmi-d the uae tvea into tl cou.p:lli, i.r cur nation cailid lhe heid 'Ivrt s.lo Inuiam,' f r the puriiossi.f f isting the con ph ltmnta ia' ventton, and eupportiiiK thu expeu.ee oi hl.fitiuu,. aud thus detruud him of the f, mis. They u..v. tar set ved, eveu after Shu prel:inaiy 1njonltii.ii vuy propvily leiaiiti'd by tii , l-oriut Judie: Let a deitroa be uuenl for cumi lamdi t fori ptr petual iujtiuctionr audi Master, appoinie tukr au accouuiaciuiuUig y lo Hie paver oftimhiil. K. C. OlUtll, Juct.. Nora Tbe passage referred to bv .tudirr iWct In bis former di-ct.'on, d W allace, p. 'JW auuyivil an pp icahle to this caae Was us lollowa; "It Is iiaually the cHse, when auv valnnbla dlcwv ery is aiade, or any new uiaclnu. of ttrnit uihiiy Is invented, tl. at tl.eaiteutluu of the public haa iwE. inruiYi tu mill suoicei previoualy, nuu mat maty pertous have I vera niskins reaeaiche. and eytie lil.uts. I'hiloeophcra and lueclmuicfaii. mn liaa iniuuie nieaaure uiiiicipuied In thair atrcii'aUutiii the poa.lhliity or prolmbiliiy of aueh diacovery r invention; msny esperiment. have le-ei. ancctfrfiie ly tiled, coinlu.; very near, yet failing .hurt l tt dtftdred result. They hsvs produced ooiuuig brut llcial. The iuvetttlou wliet perlcctcd may ttuiv-r said to he the culminating point ot maiiv es,tr -m.u s, not only by thu iuveutor. hut hy iniitij otu ora. He may bav. profited iudireclly hv ihcuiiMir ceasftll viperluitats slid failure, of ollirr., hut it Kives tluriu au ritrht to ctam a abate ot tue lienor ,f the prem or the .uio-.ful inreutor It i w speculatirai has Iwen r,liiced to practice. vrl:coi periuieut l.ae resulted iu Ui-covery nnd vbis Hid Uiecovery lift. hm?n perfecttl hy patient uuaeitnhii ued experiments, wh.u etitne new c mputind. ait uauufsctiire. nr maehine liai. Iieen thu. pndot-d which I. useful to thepiilillcthnt the party tmknimt beeomes s public beuf:iclor iiudcntitltdtesHK'-11 "And yet wheu aeiilaa and patli m pcnnncj have at length succeed, in apli. of anm aeon's, some valuable Invention or Ciarirar), seldom ia It followed by reward I l.my ml ln of the bnoor, w hiie .peculator., swindle a. al l K'j rates rob him of ths piollts. Kvery uiiuccnici sxperiux titer wholid or did or did lint come inv near tuakluK a oiacovery now claims it. .vtry ou who etiu invent an iiuproveMieul or 'ry 1" elatins a iKht to i irai. tbe oritrinsl ciacvciy need not auiumeus .or., or Bl'tnchiud. r ss worth to prove Hint this i rhs uausl hialorj .f rv atreiit oiactivery or Invention. ... '"T he present caaeands another chnptw to tn Ions and uniform Uiatory." 2 Wallace,, t. b ports p. .V' The public is ' autlnnce apnitiai cmplp: ui the rcruiii-r. autaonisu aseuie " ni..incothelo'bcrts tout cover the ass or 'IVirpedo and all exploafye materitil" ft ll ' " and the use ot sucli materials ny omer I-"' , " direct infilnxeinent of their riKbis. Any.psrt"'" ,i. unuillTH 'ATI MS H Jlt with wseorefliiir to law, snd as acilit IIIW? and knowiimly In deflance of law and the ilscWow i inavouris . - , Kmim!! The Componv havo rs orsnlted their J" with a view to accommodate vu me :' s,,, of the Oil Hetrlon. Tbev have cmplojed .fBclent Aitentsand Assblartetha wKl brrthelmsinesa Ucb Torpedo i- Isbril d i dateaf pateuts, toaether witn the V''' JJ ' pedo. atid sinned hysn oiler of ths l"l"J;',u every Operator wishlnit a Torpedo may know price and whether it onnie from our "Hi';;. m, rpoiators will confer a favor by reportloS ' " pWce any neellgenceof Aneats. " The followlnit named persons nine etl Audits and Assistant Agents for Uio Oil of l'eimsylvanla aud West Virginia. IilST OF AGE.TS. I .vn-IVirlS "Twvm rarra i -ilWe TtoK-i Juh,, feviLLK, nnuncH mnf An TY-n. II THOMAS. Offloe and '!'"" " -Ion House, litnsvills, Pa. fenilfiS I"' HHAMMURO ANU VICINITT-02 ft VIN. Omce,bbamburBi residence, Tim. . As'lstant. A .' Wst. ...:'.,. BHAj FABM ANU PrTHGLK W. fm V LI ET. Ofllre and address. Cns Jo"1, antvlllo. Assistant, U. '""V.WoHT-O'!- TIDIOUT ANU WEST HU 11di. OI.AHK. Offlce and addrnes, Exi'. ottlc' jute. 1'a. Asrstant, K. f' Uu".T,iy'virIN''Y' PKTHO1.K0M CaNTM , f" Wriicaail LEVI MAHON. OniceaiidaddreM.Pet""1" re. Pa. AKnl'tant, Charles Blackford- ,( TARR AND BI0OD KAKMb and 1 DW" v M OH Creek and cherry Him, frra i "' tiv lcCllnt(iekvllle-JAiESHAlINI'l,'l'C' u,0iiile l arrFsrm, Pa. Assistants. I''r Charlea K. Cis hrsn sad Wiil'sm lloyt- K Rt0 n. c. a. 'pi. aauiBi v" - AsaietnM H. Mead .. . rnllKN""! if ii m 1. 1 .tv i t nvn TIPE AIiI-l70 ' 1 'ii.,l rs?.v;w ftr"t. wi ifibip-j r i,afliil!Hi-.lui;iiniio . i ,a,,l H. noo aaian as n-nivuiaaa - ml ti'rjold, address Kmlmtoni ..0cf snd ' OOK Addreaa. I'arkerahllW t est, t Itobcrte 1'etrt.lenm Torpc" innjrS-uliJ I