J. Iffl. Medic ines, IPer trey Pa. ftiiiierics, Washington v s w Sfa eet9 Set ioleum (Den JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STOKE. Is selling dLdDTTHIM cheaper than ever. BY I', ft A. TEL. LIJ5B. j&t!tilltH. . J SNV' gJ' Buccocaoia to n. II. Warn', feif WLESA1E AND RETAIL FUR I'F.TIl'll.lTY CenilK I MILT Ritronn ' Jan 18 1872 T1 h nvitk' i in nxir-rm lv i'uII t day, ' 0 tili-n. We quote mi 4 nr( i$4,10, PhilaClcph , Jan. 13. i f'ni '.c 12 ll.Iin.-l 22. J.in. 2i'4; lb. 22?; March 23 . Urkf i Kiim. r'lt.stiuru, Jul). 13 CruJn spot, lOlJ. , Nov. 21 . 15. (). nil year. 12;t!'. S. O. do.'llJi. MnrkHl L'nebargo'1, Ii-finl Spot, 22.'4 Jin. 22$; Feb 22? Aiarcli .Vatit Pearl. .New Jan. 18. Cnaie-l.'.'.,. IL-iim-u: 2:;l. KtlScet tlr.il. TiiHuurK, Jan. IS. The Oldest Established RY GOODS H ON OIL CREEK, SO BEL A U E R H A 1 EH, WASniXGTON STREET. PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. l'lkini floltdAT Honda a apeclall'y atlM ai-aaaii, tm tli ptjmmrn of inft'mln' tli'r pittrona that thay hate now 1 t.Te a lame end attractive nHm.rtmi't t.f ihoso i;.mIs .elected to meet lb want, at tl.a beat tiade ol ti c city and c.tmtry, e.npriinj BLACK & COLORED SILKS, JAPANESE SILKS, IN DRESS PATTERN'S, IRISH POPLINS PLAID TRE;"S GOODS, FRENCH MERINO, ALAPACAS, 4C. PARIS BROCKS SWLS ! Alio a Largo AMorlmcnt of SILK VELVETS & VELVETEEN KOU FACQUFM, FURS. FURS, . FURS. , MILLIINTEHY GOODS Sc UWES anl (Jem FURSHCHG OMOiH. LALME4 sAOQl'.OS .l.Vil SIIaWL? atifl l.rg aaaorlmrnl of good atiilnfl for Chriattnaa uitt lor childrrn. Carpis, (hi t'lctlis, Trunks Valises. KhtiIsiK ic, tu: l."i. HOHFI..V vl'i'iri i iji. Maik-.'i 3 3.. Oil, Oitt, Jin. IS. '"U.iritBt S-l.. '1 ITCSVILLB, Jan. 13. Market : S5S,87U. I'l.r.-antvills, Jan. IS. XTarXot Si. 10. I.ih tviLLK, Jan. 13 M.irk't $1.0'). New Vuuk, Jim. 13) r-nM- 1(1 Pv.iroTvnm Centre nd3e, Xo. 7Ifl, I. U. of I) F. lictruU moptiup niMa Friday, at 7 o'.Mock. ;i;:umi. J. E. HOYLE5, N. O. Vr A i'ei.lkh, A. S.c'y. ISTl'l'". .1" iiitntUij;, Main St., orpoi'f MciJiioinck lour". The Only Place in in Petroleum Cen tre where you can Buy the Famous PORKER COAL! IS AT Burton & Kooker's NO OTHER COAL is equal to it for House 01 Engine use. Also, the CELEBRATED HONEY RRftniC LFiHIGH. - a. ja. mm m. a. M.k.y mn am m. a m. COA.L, Decidedly th6 best ever brought to this market. The BEST is the CHE-PBOT guarantea Square Weights and Quality AS REPRESENTED. a. of r. w. Lilwrty l.o. No. 7. A O. f IT. W., m.'.'ta Hv. rv M u.;ny rv.-nlns at 7 o'clook, in O'I'I IVilow Ul:, l'l-irolfiitu CVntrv, l'nA. A. Ci-k.v, M. W. S. II. Kookb K. lite tilo m iM.tbUlKd li quor Store on (HI Creek. OWEN GAFFNEV, PROP'S PUEE Wines & Liquors, The Best Importations. Erindies Ciins, Itums. Whiskies, FCP. FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PUR POSES. I would call parficular attention to my Sliiinds of Wines, which arc (rpnnlnn. Importation, and m hraCP the eaTirb lilt war ka . .1 t ii ca Markets. Aiea and Porter En Co'n ImjiortPd Ale. In nol( anil foil limit, iTIi'Kvlu'a Import. xv ! Hottlfi, 4ulut9ei llruwimuul1 X Louduu L'or er, Ac C.CARS. CIGARS THE FINEST BRANDS OF DOMESTIC AND HAVANA CiGARS. fi. 2.7 AVn(.Iiliijrlnst..: PE TKULSl'M Ct.TUE, 4 A. A3" REMOVAL. Tl:o ofileo otho Daily Re cord !kis been removed to the. huiluiiiL' fiitnat xl four doora below the late 1 x-atioii, direct ly opposite tin McClintock House, aii-l next door to Ufld Eelbws Hall. Our friends are invited to call and re us. erch ' nts TyjlT, Snhcrihers having toneht the old trd of II II. Wan er, iiitmd tiliinrlr.B the butliMiH and will ktep alvrnya on Imnd tli e"t Ui liinrhM afforda. We will d a W HOLK8ALK and KJiXAIL uade tbo.Mluwlug products: Flour, .Pee?? Hay a. Grain of-11 ktEatt. TTealiohaTe ft ry Iftrgft rock tic . 5f APPLES. ,i: invite a ahr of puWfe patrimair, fefllne Of-.nAdi.iit woeia i.-v ti1i actlon In price aad a,.:.,, 0f ,.ud,. mbasr wm, "etrolenm Centra. I' Not. B. 18TU If LIVERY, FEED & SALt IFOR nuvlT Sa&EaE ! Si ronl-lIanl Vl II aHj- pliax. 10 OW ft 2 i.. T'-HfN!.J'. f' ; :-d8lm:hrS0.e. 0 ft SV AI.l. ' I I uitj'Uwij uimu t....l. iiifh 7 . lid n III. n I'M! ! INO PIWE, UTTISCW "t nn"' I of 'OAS and Wl AKY I 'VII S f.. Ha'o ..r to r-nt. I b,.NGlf!E3 a-d p.(i;LISUSof alUiz" at I uowt-: a lew. ' D"t rcIroliKs.i t'er.tri-, fa. i w (nrcor to A. JV 1 0 tt,) M aimf.icti.rer and Deal 0 in Seed--Bags, Valve Cups, &c K:,i..rltir.'d workmen nr emplnyrd. and Flai ivk oi'hM kimii. kupi c.nitnu:ij on hiuid uud iimut l':iNl'irXEW I1AHNESS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE, 11 !mnd at rea.onal.lu nil.. tANUY ANO iMIKKK H!,.rKET3 IX I. MICE tlicivia uo ..uperior VALVE CUP Mn.n.tlinn the one mnrie in mv alioi, flm! tliov will to soldat $12 rr hundred or 60ceuts u ilEnlu-t., below ilio ItlcCIiutocIt Pitrnltfnm(-ntw, Fa., Nuvi7,- U- Drilling Jars p wfimd respwifnlly nnnounc JJto cur rnfom on und th public generally that we kucp cuintaut. ' ast Stool Drilling Jars ! Which Tor Strnneth and Tl..lbUltvewedrjy Steel Lined Jar bert-lolore iu use. riio Advunlagci we Claim Oter IJned .Tan are that, twine ALL STEEL, thay area router thin .inr cniuosed pifrtly of Iron; thnr riMcntini; a Steel anrface to rberuck. they are uruwuui trniii wnr on the outride, and will keep their shape lungerj We also keop on hond Cast Iron Worsting Barrels. FisJirr, Xorris & Co. PCTltOLEIIJI I.N 3-IJE Nov. 1a.ifr.0tr 4 II II! I VI I. A Nil IlHI'.l It TUBS 13 O 'l it I.NS . O. V. & A It. It. On nn. I after Similar. Nov. IStii, 1871, trains will run us lulloue: NORTH NO. 5. Ml. 3. NO. I. Lcaro Irvino. 12, 1 M. f. 10 H II .eve Oil City C.On a M. 2.43 P M. 7.2.") p H lVt.Ccii f..:!0 3.2"i 8,10 " Tilnav. 7. ' 4. "7 " 8. ft.) " Arrive Curry, S.io 5,4'l " K'.HO KOfTII. N'l, 2. no. 4. no. Ii. Ijmso Curry, Id.'.j a m. fi.W a m f.,lli) p m TitiikV. p M 7.' ' 7.'.'' ' 1'. Vn. I. 'J.') f.l'l) ' (,.J1 " A-riVH (I. City n ' il.i'S ' !!,10 " ' Ii-vitic. I I fi " OPERA HOUSE MUSIC STORE TITUSVILLE, PA. STABLES ! 1. the Depot,' opposite th Central !loasc, PKTKOLSOM OENTHE' PA. And on Elm Street, Cj'poilte Hie Kagle House, OIL CITY, PA., T. M'DOXAIi.Wj Pmp'r. 1-liK bot8tock of DKI71Na f.-XT SADDLE UOltSES oa the C'rL-ek, nrj Id be foui.U l KI'DonaM's Jilvery. JIOKSES FSU Ac KOAitIH-1 en KoaponaW TTrm. TeAMINO of all kiid. pmmpt'y attmiarttn SJ, connecml ith t. l.iv. ry Ulai-ie i a MKAK'F. l':irtioi wnt of Hi t'KKOAITS acd M AH ON'S of ail .nidi. till ii.) nll to ell i n inf. I have ilir at enry f..r -on.e of tlx- ktat manulaeli.M' in the cointrv, and Kill eH as cheap as Uaj cm be h il at the inanufueturlca. Mf aivi ne acull. wp(WAIp Petrol.nm Centre, Fob SrTtli. lt I. Jrt'itt ISt-fluCaiAn in Prices ! T run "ur- no tp-ihiii for cliarcilitr rcnle .'rem one two iHindrtiJ per cent. nur: prone ir MUSIflAL INS'&HMFNTS II an tli.'y I :i. e to i ay for ..thrr anielca iif trade, 1 1'iini -fe kei'inng oyu-Wutly on tuud u fine Jiiburt i.t.ni of ;MA.OS, OUQAXS.I MELOXJEOXS, criTi:si, sTOor.s, sUKTHl'sHAe. Which I rtT. r to thnpnhlcata miria corre'Ud lii T wiiu . ti.er tini.-i-r o iinue. A motiuu ia yt'lt K SALE t II. II. LOOM Ik. la inv, aa..nl f r ro'loctinc inC nane.H'i'n': tu ines.. n-ji'iitiniiip uiti'i" It. II. hAKi.KN I', Iiiinr, Hydraulic Cemfnt, CalciiifU riantcr, linlr, Arc Cf a auparlor nn..lliy. n'.war m haa''. ilc.lv. end to any part i-f U'e t'ua uf C. Am PVUVPl'-1", for. ferry ana . : 7 au-tviltf iliLSMLI.i GENERAL MACHINISTS" ; i .1 iip.U.r.in all kr.d of WEIjijTOOlAM As 11XTTVZ Secerv i pnttlug down T op.Tatl. k e!!. in connuctiou i'.h onrACWiMi fcw a large and coi vemuat ni.ACssMiTii nstip. t v.tr faclliil" for M AXHKAl T i:.tJ rn or- fS ...ll llV anv Slil.p in Ihl-Oil Hni.- w,0,). Hrtf)!,-' otifxiiiite .liif fin or 'J - I'- '.r i::.i a.M'U'u-- I rr i i - i i' . r:-' , r"': i ri