if ' 4 " III Mi li II i ! 5 SHUGERT & STARR Si to VcForlaad; Smith Co.,' Merchant Tailors! AND DEALERS IN Gents' Furnbbing tioods, COIt, SPRING ft FRANKLIN STS., titijsvle, pa. Her put la one of lb finest awments o; VL02HS& CASSIAIERES ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN COSTINGS, MIXED AND STRIPED SUITINGS, FASKJY VESTINGS. Kverlcfilrred.la the.Oil Ksgkui. $ TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES OF HATS SC CAPS, All the Latestssd Nobbiest Ny'.tt. , . A JVLL LIKE UF (Jents' Furnishing . Goods, Ac. ttroieum Centre-Daily Record. feb Jeutre. Thursday January 18. Divine Service. METHODIST EPISCOPAL , CHURCH bervices every Sabbath. at 11 A. M. and iy, P. M. Sabbath-School si 12& P.M. eats free. A cordial Inflation extend ed to all. , Ret. P.Wi ScojiBLB.Pastor PRE3BYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7W. oYlo P. M. . - . D. FATTONv Pastor. Gold at 1 p. m. 108 Oil, Naws. Another big wU baa bean buck on Bully HihY Wf In arc that a well en the Prentice, Crawford, Barbour ft Co'i tract, wi completed yelterday and itarted iti at the rata of ISO barrel! per day. The -well la owned by tba a bete bailed parties, asd. u drilled by our townsman, Mr N B Paiker.- A new well wsi C'mtletel on tha Tarr Run territory, yesterday, ahich started up at the r it of trine barrels per day aod In creasing. Will pTiiably prove a IS or 20 barrel well. Owaed y Mr. Lyman Stewart of TUnsvtre. Emery Brother nf.TJIueville. completed a wail oo tba mm tent wry. yetrday. and letting ii to have commenced to-day. Indention good for a paying well. Appearaocei indicate that ail develop ment will be lively io that vicinity the coming ipriug. Well Informed ooeritori are of tba opinion that a vast extant of rood territory .exist on Terr and. upper Benne boff Runs, and In tba event o( two; or, three more good wella being struck, tbe ' business interfile of Petroleom Centre aod Titiwvllle will be advaoaed materially. t . i . . i , . Grading fur tbe -new railroad it being pushed rapidly ahead. Tbe contractor lor doing tbe stone aqd Ireitle werk, Mr. Reed, waa to town yesterday, making the necs aary preparations for commencing bia work. It li understood that tbe trestle work Is to begin at tbe point of the bluS en tbe Mo Cray farm, and run thence aaresa tbat farm, bridging Oil Creek at tbe lower end, aod crossing tbe Oil Creek Railroad oo tbe Col uetblafirm, lb trestle work bslng.tlnsteen feet above the latter track. On tbe Egbert farm tba work ra tempo frly eotpeoded, dey before yesterday, by be Maple Shade Qli Company, wbo. de manaea an agreement or guarantee of some idu awiore allowing It to proceed. ' Martin, the ventriloquist, continue! to draw erowded houses. Howe ft Cook are telling large quantlti oi secpna nano on wen tuppliet. The Newark, Ohio, tolling mill. Is offer for tel again. A grtzter n Summer county, Kiaiatbai 61,00) bead Of oattla.,,- Tha great 'plaint of Texas ton tain on bijndred and fitly two milloo aoret, Fish are io plentiful In the Coon river, Iowa, tbat they, clog tbe mill wheels. . The home of tbe laie Jobu C. Calhoun, In Soulb Caroline. . bat beta sold to Col Clemtun ler $15,000. . Piad baking it juat uow ibe molt plltt ant and picBt.ble bntiotH aloog Ibe St. Join river, to Florida. "Whackerup" is tbe latent coinage in the Oil regions, tor p.ylng ch. H'fN Totucco tnluwuai tbe Post OMc VoolejS Umd fent at me l'Bt UlTicn. The question, will saltpctet explode? wai raised at the time r the great Are in New York, and bat never been sallsfactorilv an. twered. And now comes the question, Will s.acxed lime explode? It seems brewer purify their beer barielt bv tbe uae of slack ed lime aod hot wa'er, a disinfecting ga being generated, and tbe op-ration bat been deemed ee-aef iiraole. beine- mere ly tbe agitating or tbe mixture io tbe bar rel. Tbe other day in New York, while" man waa rolling a. beer barrel containinir tlaoked lime aod water, an explosion occur red, biowiug out tbe bead of tbe barrel and literally severing the man'a head from kia Shoulders. A man Daesina waa tlmen ome twelve feet, and being stunned and ly ng insensible for half an hour. Tbe barrel bead, after cutting off the man's bead, flew to tbe ceiling, which waa Din leet blab, struck a beam aod split It Into fragments, and., made, bole iq tbe floor above. We knew beer, would take a man off bit feet, bnt this is tbe first lostaooe wherein a beer barrel, bat, taken a man off bit head. Se naitber beer nor barrel is entirely safe to handle. - H. k J. W. King's celebrated cutlery at the Past Office. By reference to tbe advertisement publish ed elsewhere, it will be seen that the firm o. Winsor Brothers, dealers in hardware aod oil well fittings, bas been dissolved, Messrs, John W. and James H Wiusor retiring. Toe busluets will h-ralter be conducted by Mr. George W. Winior, who will continue to keep en bacaV.a complete atortaeot ot oil well fittings aod tuppliet and general bard ware, which be will continue to tell at as low rates at they can.be purcb a ted at any point io lb oil coatitry. Of tbe old-time reliability aud sterling reputation of tbit firm we need lay nothing. They are too well known to need any recommeojl from .it aod the only advice we can give our eitizent and oil operators Is to call la and "see bow it is themselves." A check lor ighthundred and twenty four dollars from Hong Koog completes tbe circuit ot tbe worlds charity for Chic age. At Cairo last evening four tenement bouses were destroyed by fire, originating from tbe upsettiag of a keroeeoe lamp. A woman was burned to death, and four oMI dren were missing supposed to have met witb like late. A Chicagoan latt week killed hlmielfbv blolog out hi braint witb a gun loaded wllb water. Tbit should be av warning to temperance advocates tbat even water mav go to a man'i bead aod produce at teriout reinlti alcoholic liquor The Chicago Jon-oal of Commerce ciree the following ttecido remedy for small pox- a piece oi nitre the tize of a common white bean crutbed and taken in a teaapoonful of cold water, aid two cr three timet repeat ed, if tike o early In tbe first ati?a r ih disease, will effeot a speedy cure ' A sttirieal bill was Introduced in tbe LsgisUtiire of Washington ten i lory, at the late session to prevent aod punish, lotteries ind gambling at church lairt. A.number of ay Tayeite, Iowa, yeutbt or respectable families, who started out with ligbt heirts aaa 'mioslrel troupe" receetly have returned witb lighter pocket. Diaries for 1872 at Ibe Pott Office. A North Carolina baby was born with bolet in Itaears, as if pierced for rings. Tbe doctrine of original sin may be un sound, but tbit child certainly bas so a er ring nature. A Pennsylvanlaa has a weo en the side of bis bead to near tbe tlze ot bis noddle that be frequently puts bis bat on it by mis take aod walks witb bis bedy ul an angle of forty-five degrees. Tbe Toledo BMe reports .tbe birth of twin under remarkable eircnmitanor, on an emigrant train bound to Chicagj, re cently, one of tha new comen being burn In Indiana and the other In Michigan. A candy boy, pasalog t .rough a car, tainted a ereti old iientlemao, witb f Pop corn, pop corn "Hain't got any teeth,'' angrily replied tbe man. '-Gusa-dropa! gnm-dropt!" pertittid tbe enterprising youth. Tit for Tat. Medford aod New Bedford, although their names rhyme, don't quite harmonize, aa witness the following. Tbe Medford editor perpetrates thui:. But he smelt so ol oil That his suit it did tpoil. Tkli Oleagioiii chap of New Bedford. To which a New B-dford editor responds: But the smell so of ruoi, lie was quit overcomti, Tbit proUiblory chap of New Bedford. .Circulatinit Libary $1,25 fur three niontlt reodiuu. exchunge books n you ploate, at IVtt Officei A KANSAS POEM The writer of the following linet It a batchelor, and retidet In K neat, where, be tart, every other home It a bachelor'! bal Ton It an' invitation for our marriageable women to go, But listen to the siaglon: Come maidt and widowi listen. to, me While I a itory tell. 1 aoow you are fond ol stories, And Iblsltoiokwlll amuse you welL I am all the way from Kansas; My name I will aot tell, Tb t much I'll say, however, 1 am a single man. I have taken you to pic-nict, To funerals aud to balls, I have talked to you io school room! While Ibe boyt were playing b.ll. Ladles, If you want employment Kaiaas it the State; For Kanaai wtnii ten tboutaud Maidt aod widow. To supply tbe bachelors mates. Perhaps you think I am joking About our wild prairie hointt; But in Kaoeas you will find plenty A liviog all alone. After this tcticbing appeal, who that can, will Defuse to lend a helping band? Now li tbe time to subscribe for New York Dailys an Stoke't trial it commvooing( They sen be ted at the Post Office. A fair baired, love tick youth ol a neigh boring county presented bit "girl" witb pair of those new tangled meiuljc garter en Christmas. II thought the'y were the latest thing In braclett, and be only discov ered bit mistake upon requettlcg.her "lo try tbem on." Ho doet not aajl. there my more. Zaueavilie Courier. The BluutniOKtoo Leader it responsible fer the loliowjng iccount of an incident during tbe late gale: "An empty Ireinut car Handing on the track at Arruwsmitb, on tbe Lafayette and Bloomingtou Kaiiroad, wai blown to Saybrook, a distance of six miles. While in tbe timber, just this side of Sayb'ook, a maojumped aboard and put oo tbe breaks. Wulte on tbe prairie it is taid to have run at a Tearful rate, but the limber cut off Ibe force of the wind to a cer-ta.s-exleot, and when stopped it was not moviug rapidly." The Iudia Gazette eayt that lb aggregate number ofdeatbl by wild heasit throughout tbe proviocee ol Madras, Bombay, IJr-ngal, tbe Northwestern province!, Punjauli, Oude Ceotral provinces, C mrge, Hyderabad and j British Burmab, tor threo years, auiuuuts lo 12,554. Tbe dealhi from make bites over tbe tame are1 number 24,611. making a total of 33,28. Mr. li. 3. Citt is y riting poetry to Nilssoi in Ciocinuatl. Mr. Gist mitil be 15U ears Id by this time. A youog lady waicaughl up by a gal in Pennsylvania,, transported 460 yards, aod deposited lu an apple tree. The more iotignifisant Communists baried through Ibeir trials at the average rate ol forty-one per diem. J ne improved means of reaching the Yosemite will, render it more accessible to valley lad mariana Boston Pott. A Ceooeoticut woman bas suicided with kerosene not in tbe ordinary way, by kind ling tires, but by driukine a lumhl. r ull. Wettenbolm Kolves Pott office. aod Razors at tbe Rogers . Sen's Knives and Scissors at tbe Post Office, Petroleum Centra bas one manufactory tbat is not talked or to any great extent but yet It dolnir a large business. We allude to the Valve Cup manufactory of Mr. A Leg gelt, on Main itreet, oppoeite the Rkcoud Office. The valve cups made by him have attained a wide aod deserved reputation throughout tbe entire oil roglna by tbe dur able manner io which tbey are made, and tbe excellence of lb material Heed. Mr L ii dally in teceipt of orden trom Parker Landing Ti utville, Petersburg, Pithole and other points In the oil region. Those t our oil men desiring a very superior qual Ity of valve cup, warraoted to eiv satisfaction in every respect, should pay Dim a sail. WAJT V PUCH, Dave bought out tb , LdEll IJIJEJ MAM)! or J. U. I tONUACHKR, On Wsihlnjlnn Street. They will make it a ra lnt to pay puruculal alieollon In Ilia wan'a ol ihcirrua-niw- and will Keep CKHsll I.AIif.U ana A1K layon tap. Drop in aud bco tie lu our new '.ieU'r n,-tf. r- !, til Xo!T. (. M. lcllnill tc Co. Xt fark I'ow, he 'Yoik, and Geo. P. Howoll A On Adverttttag Asanta, are tbe tot agents for the !, trolrnm Oaatr Dtn.T Kacoan la that dry. A1 eertlaere la that cHy are rsqneeted te leave their a vor witb either of Mc aove bnneni MACHINE NOTICE! I have a few of the IMPROVED HOWE SEWING MACHINES, for sale at ruanu facitirert pricee. Now it your time to get the BEST MACHINE MADK, at very cbeap prices. Call at OPERA HOUSE' MUSIC STOKE. TITUbVILLE, PA. JaniStf. R. H. SARGENT. J-gTChilclreo'l Likeoeai taken between the i rs or to a m and 2 p m, at Qeroptted &. Cot Daguei rein Gallery. . jinlSlt. Life-fze Kembrandt piolurM taken at Uempsted A Co's Gallery. New ttook of Winter Clothing at ALDEN'S Pictures colored in India Ink and oil, at Hempstea A Co't Gallery. jao. 15. ty Go lo GAFFNET'afor fine CIGARS ana cbeap ler etib. WANTED. A ntsart active hoy to learn tbe business of Photographing. Enquire at Hemptted & Co't Gallery, Petroleum Centre, Pa, For Sale or. Kent. The building lately occupied hy A. '.(hol'a at a Bakery and Grocery Store. 1 quire of H. C. JARYIS, Petroleum Centre, Pa. . deo 9-In "Secure tbe (Shadow eie the tubatance fades," by going In Hem piled A Co' Da puerreao Gallery, Petroleum! Centra, Pa. Frfll ausHandSUPEkloRJiUTTER .ClUCMtRHORN ft TEN KYCK'S cor. Washington A Second Street. m23 tt. XT' GAFFNEY keeps conttaotly on hanu Scoicb Ale and London Potter, eipeo ally tor fumily use. ElegantSilk Hate all style, at ALDEN'8. fj Go to the Jamestown Clotbingtore for yur Clothing of alt kinds. They are selling goods "dirt cheap," Beainitul and fatbkinable Scarfaand Nec Ties, at ALDEN'S. NOTICE !. All parties knowing themselve Indebted to T. McDonald will pleaee call and letlle by the loin day January, 1872. dec27tf T McDoieiLn.. Aupleat- Apples! Just revived one hnndied barrel of those nice APPLES tram the. farm, and tweniv barrels . ol our heat CIDER tbe - best tbat ever cime to tbia town. Gall and tee for yoartelves. Nov 7 tf , H, H. WARNER. UIHIs WANTED. A Girl wanted lo de general boutework Apply to 'Mm. Owbx Gafvt.t. , Egbert Farm. jStf LIVH AND LET LIVE! Just received at Meat ft Armstrong' riouranq r.eu a ore. l.two hushela extra WIIITKOATS, whicBiwillbeeoidil low. eat catb prices! c2!)-tf. Tnke !oti. Now !. the time to buy your Apple. I am seninj mem off at , price tbat will it loeiah 'no, from ond dollar a barrel and nn war.ls. or anvthina elaa in the atore. aa Km Bnug is coIiik mioe out about the Ami of the mouth. Call and-sea for yourselves t, Tr BIOi- Per n. n. Warner, Clerk. dee. ll-lf. t5Tlileiidid winter cured HAMS and ;u:!, at MJHKMtKUORN ft TEN EVCK'S. cor Washington and 2d ill j 19 DlfsSOLVTION. NOTICE. Petroleum Centre, Pa , Jan I, 187?. evYt,- n . e yn: ... n . . r un u, ... ,. iti.,tf xrnoart retro m wruun, , mia uav aietoivea li. m., .. i .n.. "Pi. .. u...... i .,r kcu'jiu. mr ana against the late firm will b settled by George W Win tor. who will continue the butiuess at the uiu aiauu. JOHN W WINPOR. f AMRR H. WINKOR . GEORGE W. WINSOR (Emel Zedwich. ("LITTLE JOE.") BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Has been established tn Petroleum Centre for the pastthruo )ean,andaaa tbe name of Making thoB it PH and Finest Hoot in tbOil Rtffloiia. Da Is constantly recelring nrder. from other SCO tious of lha Oil Rcgiqus. Ila constantly keeps on haad Kcady-iuade Boots. & Shoes, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS. CALL and wr m.n. J,t,"f HMKLzBetnnt. AMirsEMKNTS OPERA HOUSE SIX NIGHTS ONLY. COMMENCING Monday Kfft't?. Jan. 15, wtzmio 1M efiEHK California Favorite lilu.ionisl and Vn(.;. qnit, asaitted by Miss CLARA HaRTIN ber marvelous myateiy of "Seconil and the onlv eenuine ITALIAN Mariov IWTD Dnl'Il' ,ki-.lj. ... "nIU! r. 1 ci inviii luninii 01 toe t.utODfi Continent. r v.i ci iiij.vni.u I'HtSK.NTS win i, pr tented eaeh evening to the sndi-tiw. Change of programme every evening, Admi.rion. Parquelle (two ent.lnru.v oenu' Rear part of the Hall, (one wt-Li 9 eaiil. "I Matinee, Saturday, at 2 p, at. Admission 20 cent. Every child reaeireX m piTO-u. jail IO-IW. FIRST AXMAL cr TUB Yon Mi's OF PETBOLIl'A Cextbe. The nnderipnH T.eetnre rnvtmittM of the T, M V. A., of -fefrulemn Centre, have tha humr ;i unm nnre lliefollowtug list of Lrcturcifor tbee.. saine season : 'Ihe Cfinim;tlewfll yiinrlv the e-.il.iarte si.il t datea, where they are noliv.n helow, si mob ti they ran oe di-ritiitely accertaii,. d. PETHOl.Kt M V. NABY. "The Vii-ion r tikinanovh." Nov imh. Her w M B CPLUHS Apreimnm N Jl'DSON KII.I-ATHICK', llctf fflj, "Shennlt: Jlnii'h to the ." JOSU IIIIXING3 Pee U Hon. U SI. fAKSONM. a- Cnrrepondet:c l helnjh.M wlthnnRAfT; OKKKLKY, KNDKi 1, f II M.I.I I'S. HlhU t)(Jl. L.AH5, MAKK TWAIN, andotliera. By Order of Lucta'e A'on'iolitee. JNO. w. TiloMRMX octU tf Cliaii man cr Comtnlu. 1M i cho Is o n"s GO . 1 1 w ofA r lBtJ GO jjpia tf ESTIIAY COW. ,. Taken no on the nreml.es of the "" her In Oakland Townshin. Venacgo C0J' , P, on or about Nov 16, 1871. i"uc, nearly white, about one half f"'1 ''.. off, is rat ber poor In fletb, glekt whet t ing Also on Red Bull, honl-lj'f' ' a little white on belly aod a I'rip oo eaen nind quarter. Te "; ,rt questedtfl come forward prove prop" , . pay ebar-et else tbey will b dlip," the law require! 1 JotrfH BCBJJ Dated Oakland, Jan 2, 187'.' H"' P I I J Ul rx ja Tmi thw"-I 'tis . r mi ?- , 01 jjt VjaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV . ' fTJ r