. n I SHUGERT& STARR guiutwmit tteCTutood; Smith ft Co ,J1 Merchant Tailors! AND DEALERS IN Vents' Famishing Woods, COR.i,SPRIXG 4 FRANKLIN ST9., TITLSVat.LE, PA. lUve put la OD'of the finest erser.monte'oj CL01I1S& CAS81MERE8 F.SGLI3H, FRENCH AND AMERICAN COATINGS, mixed axd striped suitings, FANCY YE5TINGS. Era cfferel.ln the Oil Region. I TTVENTT DIFFERENT STYLES OF KAT8 &c CAPS, All the Latest and Nobbiest fc-tyles. A FTJLL LINK OT Gente' Furnishing Goods, fec. - etroleum Centre Daily Record, Wl reailre. Wedneaday January 17, IMTlue Service. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCn Karvicea everv Sabbath at 11 A. M. and ,'4 P. M. Sabbath School at 12i P.M. atafree. A cordial Invitation extend ad to all. Ft. P. W. Scofiblb, Paitor. rRE3BTTKRIAN CnURCH. rrtacbinir at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7j o'eloekP. if. D. FATTON, Paator. Ueld at 1 p. 111. IOsJJ Petroleum Cnntr has one manufactory I but It oot tclked or to any great extent but jet la doing; a large business. We allude to ti Valve Cnp manufactory of Mr. A. Leg gett, on-Ualn street, oppoaite H e Ricokd - sim-. - mAm hi blm bav attained a wide and d' server! reputation throughout the entire 0 I rogino by tbe dur able manner In which ibey are made, and Ihe excellence of tbe material need. Mr L It dally in ree Ipt of orders from Parker's Landing, Ti iisville, Petersburg, Pithole end other polota In the oil region. Those of our oil men deiiilpg a very superior qua I Hy of valve cup, warranted to give aatitfactlon ia every retpect, should pay biui call. Among tbe liat of jurora diawo for tbe 4lb Monday of January, are the fullowiog from this vio'nity : Cberrytiee, M Kerr. Jts H Alcorn. Pluujer, II Caldwell. Petroleum Centre, S K Eakia Itoiieeville, 0 A Coroen. A day or two tine wa reoeived ettll from Mr. John W Fall, of North Ext, Treasurer of tbe South Shore Wine Compa ny of that place. The wine manufactured by this company has no superior for purity od excellence, and our dealers will find it to (heir advantage to deal with Mr. Fall. We acknowledge the plft from him of two rmttlea of Sparkling Catawba Champagne We imbibed and pronouca It good, ana not calculated to "injure the public morals" ia tbe least. Small pox has almost entirely disappeared from Tidiouto. Thetesaionof tbe Grand Lodge A 0 of V W closed Its session, last evening The proceeding! were very barmonioue through out. On Thursday evening, Jan. 25th, mine host Johnson, of the Oil Exchange Ilotel, is to give another one or those pleasant social partial which h ivo become so popular with all. Lilly AV'adworth and his celebra ied stiing band will rlivenurre sweet music ,,r the occasion. A pleasnut tiinu may be anticipated. Crowds of people are in attendance night It at Prol. Martin t graua gilt eutertaiu rnent. Among tno prestuts Riven ewny last night waa a Inunfo, barrel ol flour and oth ar articles.' Kutiro chano of programme tonight, and ubw and elegant presents. Why are young ladica at a breaking np of P'rty like errowaT Because they cannot to off without a bcrtn, and aro in a quiver uaiil they can get ooe. . a F a'rabildt Gold Pent at tae Post Offise. A Uiaiauioth cave hat recently been dij. c .teiKi near rimville, L'onald coonty, Mis. t.mri. Already mil ty W,le, of ) eiller fne.n Uoiplea have been explored, eurpag lnu in ,ltut and ur.i.drtr nrylblng of IU k od Ultbuito Uun. Ovn Finr.mD Fbikkd. Tbie it the oaths ol a new night page original and llllrfttreieil story and family wcei.ly, pullUhtd by Messrs. Waters, Efaerti & Co., Chicago. Tut) paper preaeote a neat and pirating ap peamnie, and exhibit much tueie In lit m-ikeup. liacontente r varied, mid rich io interest ami lull (if Iiietruciioii. It cin- taim well-written coutinued Hones of gn at interest, beautifully illustrated, uidiuiti taining short slorioe, sketches, poems, vie. wtlb departnianti especially devoted to tbt farmer, tbe Uotiiewifo and Children. Utie of tbe principal features of tbit number i Will. M. Carleton's reat poem, '-The Burning of Chicago," which the Publishers have beautlliuly illustrated. Our Fireside tfrieod will find a welcome Id every family circle. Tbe Publisher! will lend a speci men copy Ire to any address. Tbe fortbcouiiug ceotus report will tliow an increase In tbe population ol Allerua goozelum City, and bad tbe consal taker "held off" for a abort time, and culled at tbe house ol our friend, Frank Wilkius, he would have found great joy prevailing at tbe birtb of a daughter, and another same might bave been added to the report. From California we b ave the news of the dealb of Harvey Tbacker, b tea iu law of Daniel Boone, lie waa born In Buucouibe county, N. C, abouM"43 123 years age and died at bit too Harvey's, who is uged seventy, iu California, lie ia supposed to be tbe oldest man in tbe United States, i! not in tbe world. No mention ia made of his life recoid during tbe Revolutionary War, though be was just thirty three years old whan that war broke out; but be ia (aid to bave served after he wa eevenly under General Jackaoa at the battle of New Or leans, under General Harrison at the battle of Tippecanoe, and also in the Black Hawk war in Illinois. New Verk Dailya will be fumiabej week ly, monthly, or tri weekly. l.enora Peck, a little girl leu year aid, loo Sunday night went too near tbe Ore place at Louisville, and was to horribly burned that she died before morning. It hat been aald that there is only one man who hat a correct idea of the size oj (bo United States, and he ia a man who d rove a yak of oxen in 1800-61 from Maine to California.' ti re. r?eurge Wuu, nireoftb manager of Wood's Museum at New York, but betttr knewn as Eliza Logan, tbe once famous ac treas, died tuddrnly en Monday morning o' congestion of tbe heart. Mrt. Kappa gorator woman's right. She advertises to tbe following purpoe: "Know all men who tee this, I Mrs. Kappa, the married wile of Koiomule, of Naaleb.i, Kau, Hawaii, do hereby forbid the foreig ner! living in Kau, from agkio thipning my husband, iaaamuch as I have ordered him to corae back and live with me, in accord ance with tbe fundamental law ot Murriag it a good thing for everybodp." The Eeutbbridee Journal tayt that a farmer's wife in Dudley recently had a foot raoe with' a woedchuck, and caught him when be had got half way Into hit hole And there the tat and held hia tail, And held bit tail, and held bis tail, And there the tat and held bit tail, for two bourt, until her butband came and killed the beast. Now ia tbe time tu subscribe for New York Dailyt at Stoke't trial Is commencing. They ean be tad at the Pott Office. Illinoit hm suiae very odd people. For instance, R. V. Seaj-er has sued a Peoria journal for libel, lor charging bim with squeezing a lady's band, wbeu almost any other man In tne world would sue a paper lor libel fir saying be did r.ot iqueizea lady's band, If ha had a chance. The boyt have got out their filiates again oad the girls, too, lor that matter, and Ihe clear iceou the creek was crowds 1 with a gay throng the early part of the wnek. Grumbling papers think it is ruff that the Elizabetbian fashions are coming around again. A Louisville German rejoice in the iig'f auu raiaer appruprute natue of Sail woln. A Maine woman has swallowed two Imu drcrt and ccveoty botiles of cherry pectoral' and still Uvea. An lllinoisian who jocullarly applied hie toogne to an iron feacj is waiting far the January thaw. The piano playing Ferrari sislers havo di' catd.id the keya and intend to study voc music exclusively. , rL, . Johnson t celobrated Gold Pens at the Post CiSjo. 41r Slack kaowed bit lack ot flliial pioty at uriuesourg, rcan, by carosniog bis father wlt:t a crjj-barl-f Uil-flkf.on I'oSt musan Mm ai in" A Tozat.Jtidltor.'and n Clean SUlrt 1 rdiiore, we aro told, bave a tint-rale time la Te.xas. tiio ladles of a town out there .... 11,. .iimi. nf the Dtrter an em- bioidered ehirl, which conlalnta splendid bietory of Teiae, including Ihe wur with Mexieu, and the meoting ef Ihe lii leglsla- luie, and al(0 pictures ol I be fi uils and cer eals of Ibe Stale all woiked In red and aoreied. The editor never woieaehiitin Ilia lile, and he inooght It ml a banner Jor tbe temperatee procnaton which was to oome off the nexl week. Ho be mndo a lit tle speech of lbaBk8, in which be said he wou.d "ding it out forever to the brerzet oi heaTen, lhat the; might kits its folds, and till bit baud was palsied it should never be trailed iu the tual never." The Indies did uot iinderstaud him, oud when be spoke about its trailing they blushed and aiid tbey were very sorry they bad made it too long. But a commutes man took the edi tor uaide and explained the sbiit.to bim ia a whisper, and the next day be appeared at hit vllice with that shirt mounted over bis coatand wrote lour columns of explanation lor bit paper. Tbe shirt Is much admired ty the boys of tbe towo, ler when the edi tor gota out to walk they lollow him in regi ments, studying the nislory ! Texas and the fiae arts of Ihu buck of tbe shirt Eight Lundrid r-'pr.nitii ruillid dollar, bave ll'ei uceividat riov.dir.ee t the fiist reiulis of Ihe American ubnmriue Company's expedition Iu Cumaua Bay to recover tbe tieusui sunk in 1815, in the wreck of the Spauith liigate S au l'edro ile Alcantara. The bulk of tiio tieasure ht not yet been reached, but a largo union at 01 preliminary woik bus been doue, by I leak ing down the Sides of the tuckf n visel, ex. poaing a mats of cannon, mtukets, c tin Ins, A., tinder which the trearure uu,et lur is supposed to be, Elder Weaver, a man who has preached tbe gospel for 45 years, who is now settle,! over tbe Baptist Church iu Veluntown. Ct. stated in an address to the Sundoy school in tbe Congregation al Church ic Jewett Ci'y, that he had lead tbe Bible ibroub in GO bears, Determined to ascertain whether tbe individual told Ihe truth or a lie, he e about it himself, and read the whole of i aloud to bis wile in GO boars tod something ever tO minutes. He read rometirnti an hour, and sometimes two hours'a day, keep ing tbe exact time, with ti e result indicated above. The Rev. Robert W. HartSeld, who itlcd lo be a Christian tnin iter, said recently in a discourse against the theatre and opera, is which he denounced actors and sincere, I'm1 Nileson, Parapa-P.oso, Charlotte CuSliman, Patti and otbare were 'a neat cf uselean birds.' A Con l.dertile Colonel adi rrs a teat in tbe Iowa Home ol Representative. Tbe St. Louie p em ci nudei tbe large quaotitietof petroleum stored in warehouse. io that city a source ol great danger, and fear tbe fate of Chicigo. Tbe Scieniirio American sayt it is now impoaible lo construct a burglar proel safe lor tbe (hlf,ith I is ryllLdeis ol Compress ed hydrogen and oxygen, can, in a few sec ooila, burn holes ol ant size in ihe haideii meialt bit flre-dril 1 enabling bim, io a few miuutet, to work bis way Imo ihe strongest safe that ever conatrutted MOTES OF TUB II AY. Gougb bat got over hia congh. Cattle ia a tower of ttreogib to Rnnt. Herman, the prtetidigltateiii, is dead. Wheat in ttill burning in the Chicago ele vators. An ludbneis choaked to t'ealb with a dumb, Ashland, Ky treoibsn at the tale of a pliant 11U liotso A pn;ir mill is to be built at fayettovllle North C iioliii'i, Portia: d thinks she bad ao earthquake on Tuesday tibt. The spirt of Marshal Ney communeth with Louirville '-cireles." One hundred yearaago there were bu, four iiewpnpers In Atm-rlcH. J"i n, N. R ,? . , , (3 v V, a i -u.-y, (,onn.. grinds oxeide fitij-r ;-r iihm. Grace Greenwood w an ia.-,ti eaived by the Sun Fiancln!ii. a t-arrI , -rd: inly r.- Tho citizens of Key Wait emiven preent haled term by playing base bail. Powhatan's traditional headquarters on IheJamei were recently sold for $100- 000. At Charleston, 8. to jail lor twenty church. Rev. Tlomat K. absMtiTa iq the wuk. C. , they sond persons dayt for tlecping iD Beecher oppoted tola, I'C.uta it Cliienjo this S. 31. I'etU'iici" x . Pack lio, k" lm' J" r' "owo:1 C" Adr.rtl.lng AKOntiS the Pole amita for Ihe I'e, iroteum Ccnirt DarLV llsccao la flint ity Aii verrlMra In tint city are wquwtid la Ki thatr a vcira with eliher of toe alove bonne- SEWII MACHINE NOTICE! T havo a few of the eeiPnOVED HOWE SKWINU MACHINES. Cor y'w at nianii f.ctiirerK pr cn. Now it your lime 10 get the BEST MACHINE MADE, ot very cheap prlees. fay-Call at OPERA HOUSE MLS1C dTOUE. TITUsYlLLE, PA. Janiotf. K. II. SAllUt.N'i-. fg Children's Likenewee taken between the hiinra ot 10 a m and 2 u m, al llempsted i Cos Dagueirean Gallery. janlSll. Liftf-si Rembrandt picture! taken at Hempsted & Co's Gallery. New stock el Winter Clothing at ALDEN'S Pictures colored in India Ink and oil, at Uemptteil & Co's Gallery. jao. 15. t" Go lo GAFFNEY'd for One CIGARS auu cheap ler catb. WASTED. A amart active boy to learn Ihe business of Plioionraphiue. Enquire at Hempsted & Co ! Gallery. Petmleum Centre, Pa. ' For aU' or Kent. Tho building lntely occupied by A. 3 Sliul'l at a Bakery and Giucery Store. E uuir" of n. CJAKvrs. Petroleum Centre, Ta. dei:9-lw 'Secure Ihe hbedow ere the suhstance fallen." by going to Ilerupsted & Co's Da cuerreuu Gallery, Potii'leimit Centre, Pa. Fresh fr'BBi 'id KL'PEklR BUTTER St HEMlvKUOHN A TEN tYCK'S cor. Washington ,t Second Streets. ni2S It. j--GAFFNEY keeps constantly on hand Scotch Ale and London Poller, espec ally lor family use. iy Elegant bilk Halt, all styles, at ALDEN'S. tPtii to tho Jameavown Clothing Store for your Clothiim of nil kinds. They aro selling goods "dirt cheap." 27 Beautiful and fasbiouabl" Searfa add Nec Ties, at ALDEN'S. NOTICE! All parties knowing Ihemselvea indebted to T. McDonald will please rail end settle by the Kith day January, 1872 dec27tf T. Mc-D'oxn.P. Applet! Apitlew! Just reee ved one bundled barrels of Ibnse nice APPLES Irom Ibe lariu, aurt twenty barrels ol our belt CIDER tbe best thai ever c me to this towu. Call and see lui yoorselvea. Nuv 7 tf H, H. WARNER. filKl, UANIID. A Girl wanted to do general housework Apply to Mm. Owl Gaffxev. suer l Farm jS.f LIVE AND LET LtVE! Just received ot Meose A Aruis'rong's Flour ai d F ed S ore, 1.800 bushels extra WHITE OATS, wb'Cb will be sold at low. est cash pricetl o29-lf. Now ia the Hire io buy your Applet, at I am selling them off at prices that will ac tue sh on, Irom mid dollar a barrel and np warda, or anvthing olef in tbe store, as M'. Briiga-isr goinv to close eiil about the firs, of Ihemonili. Coll ond ten tor f ourselves E Tr Bmodt. Per Hi II. Wabner; Clerk dee. 21-tf. . f3f-vSplendid win'er cured HaVS and bacon at schi-me horn a, ten EYCK'S. enr Whini:ton and 2d att j 19 L. l!-90l TTIOM XO'I ICr. Petroleum Cemre, Pa , Jan 1, H"2. "The firm of Winanr Bro'b 'r. Pe ro e m Centre, I'a , itthis dxy disaiilvrd by urn 11 I content. The accounts for and against the late firm will be sallied by George W. Win tor, who will continue the business ot tbe old stand, JOITX W WINS-OR-, JAM Kg H WIVSOR. GEORGE W. WINSOR jnl73w F'mel Zedwich- ' 1 'T1'!." Ji 'K.")' 10 JJHJ 5; Itaa beT. "elabl-shrt In i'eleolenm Centre for the jiSft thrne knn, aiii kit Hie uauiccf Kakintlir; fl st TU andFlnest Hunt in Ihrf He-loni., Ilo Is conta-tly rmelving nrdrn from other aw tlona of ih ' 'il Pegiunt. II. eonatantly keeps on hai A Ready-made Hoots &.Mkms, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S : SHOES AND GAITERS CALL AMDlEr Hin. ' EMSLZEPWICH. AMfMKE.VTS. DPERA HOlJSE SIX "IGIft8'ONLr,"XX)rtlEs6KQ flionday Cfi'jT. Jan. 13, WIZMID California Favorite Illusionist am v,,,,, quiet, osaiated by Miae CLARA M KTI lier marvelous myeteiy of -Second ft'sti and tbe only Benulne ITALIAN MABin KTTE TROUPE Ibl. side of th. KuZ Continent. ""H ONE HUNDRED PRESENTS i! pr senlcd each evening to the audlsoct! Change of programme every evtniog. Admi-slon. rarqiiene(twoenvelone)i centa' Rear part of the Hall, (one eavelooi 25 cents. " Mailnee, Sotirrrlay, at 2 p. m. Admission 20 Cent. Every child recriri t present. jon' U-iw. FIRST A3f,WAt Mfatt fast CP TAB OF PlTuOLU K (EXTKE. Thonnderslfnart I.ertnre CnnraiilM of ibe 1 nt V. A., ef Iwrulenni (Vnu-s, hsvelhe honor s, annonnre Ihe following litt of LerMmfor Ikto suinir sesf.nn : j i be Committee will snppl? Ikranhjpcta nd is dstes, where they are not klivtn hnlom, is koi j they raa no aennueijr arcerutiied. 1'KTHOl.Ht'M V. NAhBV. "The UMoi i Skinano.h." Nov. lot)). I Kev WM It fl'i.l.lSR Apiieirsnce.. Sn i .IUDSON KII.I'ATKICR, bee 28J, -SkimJ HiKcn to the JOSH KILLING?. Pec U Hon. W M. FAK80NS. trJ Corresttond'-nra I helnp heVt with HORli OIlKKLKY, WKNDKl I. I'llll.l,lHl.rtKUBUrJ LARS. MARK TWAIN, and others. Ht Order of Lertn Comml'tee. JNU. w. TI1IIMPMX octse-lt- Cbairraaa of Coasdwmj M i cho Is o n's 02 o or, QGOs I Jp Z18 --e-HoM .A r V 11 JnolS t EUTRAY CV Tsltn lip on the premi.e- (f . . - ... rtr .a- her in Oakland Township. -neC-' I'a , .in or ehnut ?mv ol i''": nearlj w ite, about one u y,: off. ismtherpoor In fl-sh. t'C one nasi ln A MAn. Keil nun, a llttle white on belly and o trio nr. each KinH nuait-r. T'"' qii".ud eome 'or. ' "ll,'"L1 py ei.,i,es elte oy the law reqillrel . will Lo Dated Oakland, Jt 2, I872'