The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 15, 1872, Image 2

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limmm to Blilaiaaaf Battk a C.,:
llcrchant Tailors!
Gestt Finishing tioods,
Beta fit a M!of Ik Bet SMermentaJel
mncB audi
striped BtiTiGs,
Bw oaVrad. tha.Oil Kfta.
AU Mm Utestaod Kobmest atyla.
a nu una or
Orata? Furnishing Goods, fec.
twleum Centre Daily Record.
). Uamtre. Mwaday Jawwarr li.
INtim aervlee.
arvloea every Sabbath at 11 A. If. Bad
r. X. Sabbath Bebool at 12X p. U.
eatenwe. A aoidlbl IdtIUUob extend
ed M alii
Btv. P. W. Scokblb, Patter.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. 11., and Tfc
P. PkTf Otf , Paster.
Gold 1 . m. IWJf
Toe fortbeeaiof Cmwi Report fnrniskts
eoariatorentag atetisKles io regard le the
progress ef Paoylvania, ia point af popu-
tetlea, dnrlag the last deoada. In 1860 lb
pea: alette M J 905.IIS la 18T0 H hid
toeroesed lb 1.612.7.11, a gala of J I 18 per
til, Tble Urge ed itl a to our represen
tative Hpoli..e eot'tlee our1 good old Com.
owwesllb la lw'e.uire tneaibrti ot Cen
frese, Baking out aaiional representation
St, lootead ol 14, heretofore. Tba ratio
f loereeae of rpienttivn population in
aba dltrat ess 'loos la follows: New
Eagleod, .2; Middle iStaws, Southern
teles' S1.4; Watatrn Stales, 36,4 per seat
Ta Mitre aopulalloo.of the United States'
la bhi dawo at 31,113,263, gala a( 6,929,.
ra ! a pest Ua tears.
Mfn Sbicibb. A men aaaed
Calk BsyVwhoewat a livery stablest Tarr
Farm, wkiw laboring under aa attack of
dellrlua treaeoa, at Friday Uit, attempted
tHielde by catllag kit tkroat. laegiulng
tat all aorta al aril rpiriu were pnrsutmsbtm
he proesedsd to bit aero, aad cut a gask
la kh Ikroal about four IncktrloBg wiib a
alb need for bleedlog koreea, partially
esverleg tka wlad pip, FortunaUly aa
vital part waa tojtuad, aad tba DBfortuaata
aa will prabablj racovar. Aaotbrr vlotla
Hambari al Liberty Ledga Ma. T, A. O.
f U. W., aboald bear la nisd tba mratlog
aftkalrladge, tkiaaaala, ataavaa o'clock
akarp. Tka followlog (i Bilamtn, offlear
of tba Oraad todga, ara aipaeud la be
a If W, Wm W Walker, of If aad? Ilia.
OG F,KH Boat, of Narlk Eaat.
G O, A it Boar, of Erie.
49 C, KB Ceaitoak, af Nortk lut.
G G, 8 W Sebertaoa, at Carry.
G I W, Petai Lloaa, al Ua.d?lll.
OOW,E Graea, af Nonh Eaat
6 Bd'r, A Tlmetajaa, at Corry.
G Re'r, B G Pratt, of Carry.
G Trwateee, W H Canatoak, Nortk Ea at,
Petar Llaeo, Ifaadvllle, R If Boaa, Nortk
Twe trail alatera iodulged Ib a jelly aat-ta
aa Waaktagtaa alreet, Saturday Bight Wa
lerfkJla, bead gaarlag of allkiode, hair aad
eiatdlBg, taw fa Ofery dtreetloe, and tba
0gbt waxed fleroa aad bof, aatlt Dpoty
Ceaatabia IteBagb appeared oa tba battle
gieuad aad operated tba ceatbatlaata. It
would bava bto glorlbaa opporluaity for
Victoria Woedbull, TDloa, Claflio h Co, to
have Bade aapUol ia 'fawfof the Sutaaatb
. Martla, the Wltard, epeoaat Sobel'a Opa-
Boute, thta avaaiag. Aa exeelleat aa
tanalanaat it offered, end a orowded bouaa
fuidke taeraealt.
The lauat atyla oliaitiag card la pale
'"I'M aaq nf it ,r.
Olive liegan Slkea Itepndlatea'
th Freo IiOve women.
Tba New Tork Trlbnae pnbllahaa a letter
from Olira Logaa (lira Wirt Sikee,) Io
la which abe Indignantly rvpudletea any
OoBoeetloe witb the tree Ioto dootrlooe l
tba Wenan'a Uigbia edvoeetee, and cite,
bar recvat uarriane aa proof of bar rrapvet
lor that aaered ioatitution. Sbead-ta: '!
little dreamed, wbeu I attrndrd tbe Wo
man'! Convention, at btoiuwny Uil, to tb
priag ol 1869 the only iue 1 e?er altvndrd,
Ibal the utieranora of tbat body would ever
lead Bp to aucb monttroui doctrtnea aa are
oow put forth la the onrnu ol tbe adfeoetea
of womaa turTrage. Ia tbe abort apeeeb 1
made ea bat eccaaioo, I conjured toy baar-
ara to believe tbat wo aouabt no coaflim
witb tba gentle bouiehold godt, tbat we
waged bo war aotbaaweel borne virtnaa,
aad nuob of Ilka purpart, I hare set "pro-
gretttd" one Inch la tola matter alnce.
atiil think a happy botoe tbe beat thing
tbara la oa earth, aad 1 atlll believe that tbe
old feabloned marriage ia tbe baaia ol It.
Therefore 1, like my huaband, da 'not ataod
ia tbe front line of tba ulira-progreaeiooiei
of the age with regard to marriage."
New Patents, Franeia Bleikie, of Sar
aia, aacbinlal, a bw liaeful macbioe for
tba purpoee of puapiag aad blawlng or agi
tating oil er other llquida, to be called or
koowo aa "Blaikle'a eombiaed double-acting
Pump aad Blower."
Trootoo Draper, of Patrolia. maebiait(
ertaia aew and uaelul improvements Io tbe
eeaetruetioa of pump valves, th at ia for ex
panding the leather ring or packing ea aaid
valves, to be sailed or known as "Drapei'i
Expandiag Valve."
Samuel Vivian, of Loadao, oil operator,
certain new aad uaaful improvements la the
Bsaafaelure of machine oil er grease' horn
etude petroleum or from petroleum tar, and
the Holloing ol paraffin! Ol I, to be called
or kaewa aa "Vivian's improvements Io the
manufacture of machine oil and the flaiab
lag of Pennine Oll."-Petrolla Advertis er
Pictures colored ia Iadla Ink and oil, at'
Bompalea & Co'a Cailvry. jan. 15.
Oil Hattebs on Allbnosk Run. We
learn tbat oil aatWra ea AllfodT Due and
viclaity are beginning to be quite lively.
One well la now (Sown about 3l"
(eel, looaUd 00 tbe Mclnt ire farm. Anoth
er rig oo tbe lease ad joining, lame tarm, ia
nearly completed and drilling will begin tbe
prraeiit week. Still another rig la up and
nearly ready to commence drilling, on a
tract or land adjiiniog tbes Mo
N'ult form oa the wen. Oc the Ware tract,
or Allender aa it ia lometiaea cal ed, owued
in fee by our towuamen, Ifnara. J. It. Kap
ler t Co., a well ii down and eaied to tbe
depth of 300 feet. Thia last nieatlond
tract j ine tbe Copeland farm, near Pitbole,
oa which there is a located" near tbe line
wbisk baa been flowing about a barrel per
day of exeeileat green oil for over two
years. There is also a pumping well on tbe
east side at said trast, Bear the Hue, which
ia yielding about 1 barrela per' day. Al
lender Eua is but a abort distance troa tbe
big wella at Caah Up, and land in that
vicinity ia being rapidly bunted by oil
As far back as 1863 Allender Kun waa
widely known lor Us large gaa walla, in tbat
reapest very muck resembling tbe Eaat
Sandy territory. There is aof much doubt
but that good wells will be struck' tn tbat
vicinity, aad It would not be surprising If
aaetber oil eisitemmt would break out b
fore mi ay monies,
Filk waa quite coola ud even jocular after
be bad beau shot and before be was 'Sized
with pain. When Tweed called upon bim
oabarutday night, be ia said to Bive greettd
bia with "Weil, William, I'm afraid that
Stokes hea sect me where tbe woodbine
David B. Dickey, ol Randolph, Teen
wagered tbat be could eat four bottlea
branded peeceee, and drlak tba liquor
aad twa tuablers of raw whiskey. He lost
by oae peacb. Bia executors promptly paid
tba atokea.
Lent begins tbls year on St. Valentine's
day, Fsbruary 14.
Tba 'Congregation or tbe Fourteen Holy
Holpero" te a Buffalo institution.
lira. Laura Fair ilia exeeileat health
aod ooBBdent tbat aha never will ba hannd
Br. Eliaha Ceok, bar principal eounacl, died
reoently, and aot lira. Fair as generally
Tbeeoow ia aaid to average more than
two end a half feel dee throughout the
woods ia Maine,
Aa Italian nun died of grief t being ;aai
pel ed tofvacate a call she bad 'occupied lor
fifty years.
Buaps prevail al Roxbury, llasa.
and tbe sIHzds pierer them to tba small-
And aew tbat tka mire of Meraonisa is
pretty aearly worked out, tkere eoaes frea
Utah tba lintluaaeulatieB of another aod
better discovery. Tba bowels of tba ft
wsl grow metals ae the gardena ol tbe Eaat
grow vegetables. Tbe lateit orobard of thia
kind, the crop being tin, baa recently been
found at Ogden, forty mi lee due north from
Salt Lake City, and bete oen the lake aad
mono tains Tin waa found near here In
small quantities Some yeara fa, but owiug
to Moruioin dielike of miaiag, Ignorance or
other coaaea, nothing reaulted from tbe dis
covery. Tbe mines were examined egain
more carefully a few deya ago, by experts
from English mines, who pronounced tbea
very rleb and of prime Importance. It is
said tbat they yield, twenty per cent, pare
tin. Tbe metal baa long been found auuth
of bare in Mexico, Peru, Chili and Brazil,
and has been mined to aomo extent in Cali
fornia. But our eaormoue.entpioyment has
been priaelpally met by importationa (rem
Banoa and Cornwall. If the new diecovery
provea all that ia promised, another aeuree
of wealth will be opened to aa ia a region
abounding witb metals, la Europe veina
of tia tbat are uo more than threads are
found to repay labor, whence we may well
infer tbat such vaat dlacoveriea as are re
ported la Utah will tare the importance
that is asauaed.
Somewhat Particular.
As tbe 4:30 train from New York reached
Stamford, Satuiday, aa antique-looking
dame thrust bar bead out of tbe window op.
posite tbe refreshment room aoor, and brief
ly abouted "Sonny 1" A brlgbt-lookiog boy
came up to the window. "Little boy,"
aaid ahe, "have yeu a mother? ' "Yea,
ma'm." "Do yeu goto aebool?" "Yea,
aa'm. "Aad are you faitl ful to yeur atud
lea!" "Yes, ma'm. "Do you say your
prayers every oight?" "Yes, ma'm "Can
I truat you te do aa errand for met" "Yes,
ma'm. "Ilhlaklcao too," said tbe lady,
loboiog ataadily down aa tbe manly face.
"Here is Ire cents to get me aa spole.
Remember, God eees you." Hartford
Says the Chicago Poet: Architect Van
Oaedl compalea, from reliable data, that at
leaat three miles af treats will be rebuilt in
tbe burnt district of tbe South Side the sua
tng aeaaon for commercial purpoaea, aad
that the new buildings will compare favor,
bly with the old in point of elegance and
coat. Tbie ia equal In area to one-third or
tbe entire business blocks destroyed. Ia
three yoare, tbvn, eccoidiug to thit estimate
the burnt district will be Watted out, una
Chicago will be bertelf again. Burely, the
marvel af her upirting Is destined Is selipee
that of her dovetail.
"Secure tbe Shadow ere tbe fiihatanc
fadaa," by going to neinpaied A Co'a Da
guerreaa Gallery, Fetroleuiu Centre, Pa.
At Newbury, England, a gentleman re
cently made a wager of 1 5.000 tbat al eight
o'clock ea a particular evening he wonld
ait down to dinner in a well-weven, well
dyed, well-mad anil of clotbea, tbe wool of
waica lormeu the neece an sheep's baeka at
five o'clock tbeeame morning. The sheep
were shorn; tba wool waabed; carded, stub
bed, roved, spun end woven; the cloth waa
acoured, filled, tented, raised, sneared, dyed
and dresaed; tbe garmeola were made. At
a quarter pnet aix be aat down to a dinner
at tba bead of bia gueats in complete dom-aon-colorcd
suit thus winning bis wager,
witb ana hoar aad three quarters to spars
Row it Happexbb Since Bully Hill
kss become ramoua far oil territory its aiagu
lar name haa attracted some attrnlion, and
atraagers oltea ask wby it li so called. An
old citizen telle us tbat many yeara i(o o
old fanner, wbo lived oa lb Hill, when
well pleaeed witb say tbing invariably ex
pressed his approbation by exclaiming
"bully !"and in tbe course or time this sin
gular expression made the farmer a cbarac
tar aad bia plao of reeideaea beoame known
aa "Bully" Hill. Venango Citizen.
Fanny Fern asks tbe following oonun
drum: "Csb anybody tell why en editor,
office should be so repulsive?" If la to
keep tke women away, it don't sucsesd, for
fair beggars ia Has raiment bauut them. Ti
can't be to allure tba other sex, beesnse It ia
the chief effort of an editor te hem himeel)
ia, evea from bis fsllowmsa. It can't be be
cause editors have no taste, because many o(
tbea bava selected very ornamental wives
Well, we glva it op. But If the would
scrape tba cobwebs off tbe wiadows, tbelr
wouia ne piwer in tbelr editorial!, If the;
weald dual their desks occasionally subscri
bers woald "down with their dast" all lba
erne, If they would baniab their aberisbed
"splttooous," there would be asms stumb
ling blocks less in the' land. But a though i
strikes as! Perhaps If their nriii -ra
pleasanter Ibey would ' ooae' borne' laterf
1 ban welcome cobwebs-, and soiled water
pitchers, and muddy lokitaada. ! v.n
spittoons, since home ian't boms without
.lainei,- tBough ba be aa "editor."
Local Notlcei.
8. M. PeHnall :l7
rark tow, Jielok.akS ( so. H ! swell AO
A4..rti.lnf Agent, are tba sol. agent for tba Pe,
trolenm Centre DatiT Kaooaa la that city. Ad
TerUaera In that citj are repeated te leave their
a tor with either of toe eriove ooe
I have a few or the IMPROVED HOWE
SEWING MACHINES, for aaie at inaou
f.eturers price. Now Is your time to get
the BEST MACHINE MADE, at very
JaolStf. K. II. SARGENT.
ear nhildren'a Likenetses taken between
tbe nniire of ill a m and 2 p m, at H-mpiled
A Co'a Dagueirean Gallery. Januil.
Life-eize itembrandt piciurea taken at
Hsmpelod & Cu a Gallery.
New elock ( Winter Clothing
Members of Liberty Lodge No
7, A. O. U. W. In view of the
fact that the Giand Lodge
Officers will be in attendance at
the next regular meeting, Jan.
15, 1872, it is desired that every
member should be present at
7 o'fllock sharp.
& H. KOOKKR, Recorder.
Jan. 11-41.
A smart active hoy to learn tbo burlnes
of Photographing. Enquire at Heaipated
dt Co'a Gallery, Petroleum Centre, Pa.
For Sale or Kent.
Tk. h., 11,11... l.lul ..i.i. rl h. A M
Shiiha aa a Bakery and Gioeery Store. En
quire of
11. U.JAKV is.
Petroleum Centre, Pa. dec 9-lw
(y Now i the time to pmeha Wiater
Clulbitig cbeap, and A. ALlJkN'S ia the
place. j. n KJ f.
artiAK.Nbl kep cinaiaiitlv on
bnuu Scotch Al end Luudon forter, espee
ally lor limlljr iih.
tlT Elegant Silk Hots allstvle. at
IT" Gu to Ihe Jauie.ioivu Clothing Store
f r y.'iir Cluthinir of nil kinds. They are
selling gooda "dirt cheap."
EST" Beaiiiilul nod fasnioullr .ucrf and
Ntca Tie, at AI.DEN'S.
All parties knowing lhemlve inlebid
to T. MrDonald will ple- rail nuj aetile
by th 10th day Januury, 1872.
dec27tf T. McDonald.
t3FNew atylea Overcoats at
Applea! Apttlva!
Juat received one bundled barrel of tboae
nice APPLES Iroin the farm, and tweulv
barrela of our nest CIDER tbe heat that
ever cime to this towu. Call aod aee for
Nov 7 tf H. n. WARNER.
A Girl wanted to do general housework
A 1 .. .
Mrs. Owen Gaffnut.
BKtiert Farm.
Jut received at Meaee ft Armstrong'
Fl'.ur and F ed S ore, 1.800 tm.hel extra
WHITE OATS, which will be nld m low.
est caah prices! n29-tf.
Take iMutfc.
Now Is the litre to buy your Apples, as I
am selling them off at prices that will -toeish
iou, from nnd dollar a barrel and no
wards, er anything else in th store, a Mr.
Brings is going to oloee out about tbe firat
of tbe month. Call and aee for vouraelTes
E- Tr Baiooa.
Per B. II. Wabxir, Clerk.
dec. 2 l-lf.
tySplendid winter cured HAMS and
EYCK'S. cor Waahlngtan and 2d sis j 1
Emel Zedwich.
Has been eetabliehed In Petroleum Centre for the
past three jears, and ha tbe name of
Malt tag the B at Pil and Finest
Moot in taOll Huglona.
11 1 cenatantlv recelTing otdrn n-om other sec
tiou ofihu Oil Hcgioni.
II eoDBtanlly keep, on hand
Keadymade Buots & Shoes,
Jntf ZMU2EiriCB.
Monday Ef eV. Jan. 15,
CalifornPe Faiorlta Illualoaial and Venitiu
her aiarveleus myateiv of "Hesoad Bleat"
and the on), tenuiae ITALIAN MAKfnii
KTTE TROUPB Ibis side oltkeFanml.;
Continent. '"H
pr eented eaah evening to Ike
Change of programme every evsalsg.
Admi-elon. Parqaelte (two envelop. S
eenta' Rear part af tba Hall, (oae tataleuei
25 cent. w
Matinee, Saturday, at t p. a.
Admtaalon 20 ceata. Every eblld retrlrs
a preet-at. jan 13-lw.
Sttdnre fasti
C Vat
Th sndrtgnet I.etiira Coramlil eriW T
M C. A , of I .trolenm I'enu., hat the k.nw w
nnnnnce th followliig IHt ef iMMnt far Umoj.
alnr .e.on :
'I he Cummitt will nonl? thanVjMtt'itl o
dti', where tb.r are aot irlv.o helee, at mt m
Otey raa oe ditlohelj atekrulned.
fETKOLirM V. NASiT, "Th (Wit .
kinnorb," Not 10th.
h-r WM B CtTl.LiM Anaearaae.. Una
March to th ."
Hon. W St. rAHSUXa
V Cnrrepwenee t ! Wi Ml lOlt ACt
LADS. MAHK TWAIN, sadcrhen.
Bj Ordrr ef Lsela Omml tee.
J.IO. v. TllotinOK
clSI if Cbairasaa ef Ceaiaawia.
IMicho lson's
ca 091-
i j i..-
Tsken up oa Ihe premises of is s i
hsr in Oakl.nd Township. V5Jc?.coii,
Ph. oner about Nov 16, 1871
aearly white, about eae bal
off, ia rather poor. In fl-eh, Btcki iwn" f
Ing Also one Red Bull, .about 1 tsr
a llllle while on belly aad a atrip ' 0,'V
on each blod quarter. The o.nW' ' ,,4
quested tn comb forward prova pfe"
pky shar;as-else they will ber dispssS"
ihelaw rV"- Jogir,
Ditcd 0klu9, Ja ?. 1T2