!SBSa3!P!5!?,!!!R 1 A S SHUGERT & STARR It ami W MOMm emit as 0 , (J Merchant Tailors! Gems' Fai-nistiing tioods, COB. SPRING FRANKLIN STS., TIIVST.LLE, PA. tv pet la aaejof the fint UMrratntsV;; VL02IIS& CASSIMEEES MGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN COATINGS, MIXED AMD STRIPED SUITINGS, FANCY VfiSTINGS. It oSsrsd.tn th;Oil Rsgtoa. T1XTT DIFFERENT STTLES OF HATS 5c CAPS, All tin litesta&d XobWest ettlas. A T1SVL LTKB OF Famishing Goods, &c. troleum Centre Daily Record. MA, Ceatr. Thaiadav January 11 Divine Service. MXTIIODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH tservlcee every Sabbath at 1 1 A. M. ana t P. M. Sabbath School at 12f r. M. eat free. A eordial Invitation extend- A to all. Bit. P. W. ScotKWf Palter. FWMBTTBrIaN CHURCn. reaching at II o'clock A. M., and 7)4, 'teak P. M. I). PATTON, Paitor. SSI Ill l flold at 1 p. n. 10 Tht adtaaoa oorpi of graders fur lb new Warren & Vtnango Railroad, about ISO la WW, lata arrived In town, and are at tarat engaged in grading along the foot o( p niuo, mwHii me iinjii anil J-.gber, farm. We ara informed by Mr. A. ll! 8leer, mm or tha principal slocdholder in lb liw road, that it I bound lo go through to Oil Ony, and that It is expecttd tbat traiat will i mnnlag by July. Tbat oJ tuna and beat hrasa hand In the . ewioiry the Columbia Silver Cornet of ki. r- . vuumuii rirm continue lo prove in laying aod their .friend m.y well boast the.tby ara teeead -la no band in the Stata ol Pennsylvania inpolot.ot merit a musicians, or in gentlemanly deportment or oldlerly bearing. Tbit excellent bind nave-recently mad an acquisition to their DUBbera In tb proa of-jMr. Henry J. . El drad, of Fulton, N. T., aeeaunieil ona of tb best musician In ibe ooantry, who will ht eerier play with tba band. Prof. D. C. ' ' Bmltk, tba leader of tba Columbia .Cornet Hand, I entitled to greet credit for bl en deavort to perlect the member In tbe art of wotlo, In whiab be ba succedd a toe eilremely difficult njiuic executed by them bear ample testimony to hi (kill. Tbe citisen or Columbia Farm and Petroleum .('antra may well be proud of tbeit ptotege Tba Columbia Silver Cornet Bind. FlM.' The large engine boue at the tfalier well., CentreLPetroletirn Co.' farm, eatigbt Bra abou'. eight o'clock list nigbl. and waa totally destroyed. Tbe lot I es tltnated at between $300 and. 2400. Tbe machinery waa considerably damaged. CoMtable Walter aod Deputy McHugh made grand raid on the unlicensed liquor dealer aod keeper of bawdy houses, - this oreoooo, and arreated Madame Blue, Cbey anna Jim, Mickey Mike, and several etbera, who are wanted at Fraoklin to anawer va. rionl charge. Several of '-tbe boys" bad leen "tipped tbe wink" beforehand, and 'vamoaed tba raocb" before any arrests bad bean mad. Tha Oil City Derrick attempts to be ft. ceteoua at our expense, in this morning's tune, by perpetrating that old New York juke of tbe "wickedest man." We bave I way noticed tbat tbe wicked were con itaoily endeavoring to shield tbair own evil ded at tb expense of good men, aod even lltnup and ministers are sometime given to this fan it. ' Amee'eaaeud lokGrel Briiatii aoually f i 000.000 In gold for tbe tingle article of aroo! cotton, Hasby aays tbe II nt time bi leotnred w In Philadelphia aod "to a magniticcnt u. dieaa of rod plush. Gre Graoewnad acknowledges that ' "Ma i g-.vw) riture., jf be It a lit. U af.e. b'Mit tne triir." ; :t Tba following lettor egplalne Itself: CB'CAOO, Jen 3d, 1 872 0IAR Sir: I would gratefully ackoowl- edge receipt of your esteimed favor, en clou Ing $400, New Years Gift; for the Young Men' Cbrislito Association here, which will re applied according to your desire. May He, fur whose people, it l donated, acknowledge sod reward the donors, saying loasmucn us j nave i me t nutu on of tbe lean of the uiy brethren, ve bave done It unto Me." Youta In tbe bleared bop of Ilia glorious appearing and Hie Kingdom. EDWIN R. DAVIS. Sc'y Relief Committee Y. M. C. A. Ji W. Thompson-: Dear Urother Most inceraly do we respond to vour beaiiy gieeting, and prey (hut this may be Indeed a good year tu you and to the people ol your CilV. K. R. D It le understood that the money ia to be devoted exclusively to the aid of the eulTVr eri by the great calamity. On M.ondy evenini;, Jun 15b. Trof. D. Martin, tbe world renowned wizird and ventriloquist, assisied by tbe Inlented and gifted Mrs. Clara Martin, will nppenr in their mjsterioua and incomprehensible phv. logietic seance of second sight, nt Sobel's Opera House, remaining eix uinnta only. Prof. Martin is unexcelled as a ventriluqiiist and will undoubtedly draw crowded bouses during bis stay bere. An election cfofficers of Liberty Lode No. 7. Ancient Order of United Workmen, waa held on the evening of Dec. 2itb 1871i with tta following result: M. M.. A. Gieo. Cr. Ft, John Guidon. O.. A. Rleckoer. G., H. A. Mil'er. Recorder.. S. H. Eooker. F., J. B. Collom. Reoelvcr., A.. L. Wyman. Chaplain, F. J. Keffer. J. W., Jamea Wilson. O. W , R. Helen. The officer were iuslulled on Monday evening last by C. M. W.. J. O. Rockwell, of Franklin. We are pleased to learn tbat tb lodgo is In an exceedingly flourishing coPdltloD. and couttaotly lacreaaing ita memberablp. Ctsn-Ur. From an Interview with a man who is in business at Casb-l'p, we learn tbat the McLsunliti well, tha original big well, bas been torpedoed, and la doint six hundred barrel per day. The Emory well I doing about flv hundred; tbe Fisher well, about nine barrels; ona of the Brown wells is producing nine, and the other three batrela daily; tbe Croust well nine barreln. Tb Brouson well was to hav been ehiim- bered yesterday. There are over on hun dred rigs up, in that region and new ones are being built as last aa ineu can b had lo do the work. T here art Ht.vht ti.f,.Hin bouse, two groceries, two hardware stores, two drug stores, two clothing stores, and two livery stables, in Cah Ur. Ia Ragg ville, forty rods west of Cssb Up proper, on in rieasantvllle road, contain a tavern, a boarding bouse, a driiat store, aod liverv stable. Tber ara also aevor.,1 nri.,.. boiisus In the place. Board commands sev en to nine dollars ner week, nml ii ,h boarding bonses are crowded almost to sufTo cation. A crsat raanv of ih rlp.nr. .nH orkiogmen there board thewselves, or in otber words, '-shanty " Tie excitemont seem to increase steadrly. All the oil pro duced there is fjund in the fourth sand, and It I lb opinion of operators atCaab-Up, that tha territory abont Tionesta will yet become the scene of large nroduction. i.,r tbe reason tbat tb walls about bere have only gone through tba Iblid sand. II we are on this belt, as the beat posted operators aecm to believe, then we bava uat drilled deep enough, aud we confidently expect to live lo see oil produced in larga quantities in tbis Immediate Jwctioa Forest Repub ' lican. Tki School Fmtivai.. Tui beautiful little Quarterly Mag.zine, devoted to new and sparkling matter for Sobool Exblbltiuns and public days, is reoeived for January Nd teacher or pupil should be without it. It costs only fifty cents a year; tingle copy, fifteen cnta. t'rite for it, to Ai.puen L. Sbwkll, Publisher, Chicago, III. Send your aubicripilens now aud you will not re' gret II. The yr 1872 coutaina lifiy-two Bundivs September and December each begins en a auoaay. January, April and July on Moo day. October is the ouly moots beginning on niesuey. fenruary begins and ends on louraaay'. consequently we have five Thursdays, wbiou wiil not not occur again until tne year ltwn. In tbe yeur 1S80 Feb ruary will have five Sundays, wbicU wi I not occur ag4in until the year 1020 Last year began on Sunday and ended on Sou day. Tbl will occur eenin in 1882. aod eveiy eleventh yesr betenfier. A Cbicagoen, honiolo to leiate. hi hd n l p i lAke -with n e-gi J"el . NOTE OP TKF. DAY. Risua bis recently organized 15,000 pub lic schools Gen Spinner boa found that women ara more bonest thau nieo. Twelve Swiss guides bave lost their live or) the Alp tbis year. Hickman County, Tenness",ylelrt 150, 000 bushel ol peanut I his year. Mrs. Moultnn is trilling In Washing ton. Brlgbam Young complain tbt be bas to board Ms own jdjio Tbe newest Parisian style of lady's hat Is shaped exaotty like a copper since pan. The- Congressional Library now contains 23C,84." volumes ol books, aud about 40,000 pamphlets. Why Is a man eearching for the philoso pher's stone like Nepluue? iiicaltso he is a sea king what never did exist. Some one wants lo know why an almanac is simply advice thiown away. He. an, e It couies iu at ouo year and goes out at the other. Tbe political revolutions in Japan has re suited iu the abolition ol the federal system, an imperial decree hnviug auaitiiluted that accient institution. Thirty-seven eiitbuni.istic members of a branch ol tbesoe.eiy lur tbe ,1'reveution ol Cruelty to Animals made one buise draw them Utely io a concert. A amimeutiil chap Intends to petition Confre.i lor a grant to improve the chaael ol atl'-elioii, so that benceturih the course of true love may ma smooth. We are proud of tbe impressively solemn appearances of our undertakers. A smiling undertaker is a hidomis ou tne growth of tbe place Exebangn. THE GHO.S:S. The night wit drear; the clouded muou Sled lor'.b a misty light; And all sround was wrapt in gloetn, heoeutb that starless night. ' Within a lone sequrstet'd glen, O'ershsdow'd by a wood' Far fruui tbo cheerful homes of men, A piie ol ruins stood. The night-bird sbriek'd, tbe wind blew cold And bodingly did mom Roundbe diir'j vaulted ruins old. Where now I walked alone. Q lickly loud yeile, with bowling mix'.'. Broke on my startled ear; My biood ran cold my limbs trinsfix'd I (lood mute with lear. Then rtish'd I from those ruin old, Which noisy ghost deligdt in; But turn'd to look, when, lo! behold! Twas two Tom-cats a fiihtin! Tb Twelfth Night Revellers mad an lm- meuau demonstration at New Orleans on rrtday night, cars containing numerous re presentation! or characters in tbe twritines of Shakespeare, Dickens, Irving. Bret ilnrte and others buing presented, tbe wtioie form' log a stupendous spectscle. Tbe New Jersev Court ol Pr.li.ru ha re fused to take any action in the case of Bottf, tne muruerer or I'et Hustead at Newark. Hi execution is fixed lor the 2Glh iust. It appeal tnat the woman Wilson, on whosn account Unite Killed llalstead. was real v the murderer's wile Tb lact was conceal ed to save her from trial of bigamy. Dialoucp.. Governor, I have killed a man, and ajury, in disregard to mv advo cate's appeals, hav convicted me ef min der, uut Governor, I beg pardon. " 'nave you any 'respectable connections' tbat are awltilly dUlretsud ?" 'Indeed I have," "Tben I grant the pardon; but yon must be sure not to kill that man any more." Lexington Statesman. Hnn. Mr Norton aud Mrs. Henry Wood' two English authors, are tearing each others hair. Mrs. Norton clmtges Mrs. Wood with having stolen the nlot of "East I a etory printed years ago by Mrs Norton 1 u a migxziBo. wrs. Wood replies that she never saw any tueb ttory, and that Mrs. Norton carefully avoids telling where it can be found. ATTENTION Rlerabere of Liberty Lotlge No 7, A. O. U. VV. In vievof the fact that the Giand Lodge at the nest regular meeting, Jan. 15, 1872, it is desired that every member should be in aetendance at 7 o'clock sharp. S. II. KOOKIilUJccorder. Tan.- 114,. Michigan is cackPng about alien s'iriW, lib (l.OOO in premium It is to cold at Felz'uirg tbat tbe gas la frozen tip, and the inhabitants hive to get along with nun explosive. Nillsson's Lucia hai bad the frightful ef fect of retting one ol Ibe audience to writing sennett about her. S. M. I'cltciisill A- Co. :7 fark Cow, New Vuik. ai d tiro. 1. I owell A Co Advertising Aleuts, are the sole ageut lor the Pe, troleum Centre Dult ltaruau tu that city. Art vsrttsers In tbat city are reqiieatcd t la ttamr a tore with eiihsr t,l tfie sloc homes NOTICE ! All parties knowing lhemlvea Indebted to T. McDonald will please call and settle liy the Kith day Januury, IH72. dei27tf T. MrDoMtn. For Sa.s ir Knit. The building lately i.cciipled by A. M Sliul's as a Bakery uud Ginnery Stole. Kit quire of II. C. JARVIS. Petroleum Centre, Ta. decO-lw -Go to GAFF. SKY 'a for Hue CIGARS aim clieup fer cni-h. fJTGAFFNEY keejis consiaolly on lixntj Scutch Ale and Loudon i'otter, espeo ally lor futility use. Applet! Apil-! Just receive,! one bundled barrels of those nice Al'i'LKS ttoin the lann, and twenty barrels ol nur best C1DEK tbe best that ever cme tu tbis towu. Cull and see for yourselves. Nov 7 tf H. II. WARNER. tVAMii:u. A Girl wanted to do general housework Apply to Mrs. Owes Gappnkt. j''tf p.berl Farm. L1VK AND LET LIVE! Just received at Mea A Armstrong's Fl .iir and K.-e, ti ore. l.&no bushels extra WHITE OATS, which will be sold at low eat cssb prices! o'Jfl-lf. TaUn o(i:t. Now is the time to buy your Aoples. aa I tn selling them off at prices that will -toeish ton, Irom nnd dollsr a barrel and up. wards, or anything else in the store, as Mr. firings is going to close out about the first ol tbenioDtb. Call end see lor yourselves K. Tr BHioua. Per II. II. W.wtNKrt, Clerk. dec. 21-tr. JPSnlendid winter cued HaMS and R.COV, at SClIIEMKKHOliN ft TEN. EVCK'S. oor. Washington and 2d it j 19 SIE1SK & AllHSTKOG, Huccessor to II. II. Warner, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FLOOR ! ASD Merch'nts TMIR Snnsrrihars havlncboiinhttbe old lUnrt ef II H. Wari er, intend i-i, iumleg tha luetwes and will keep .lw. h,,a the bit "f'1"fl"rd'-, W.iildo. WHOLR8AUS abd KH'AIL trade In ti following products: Flour; Wee Hay fit'e rain or all ,nda. W also have a vary larga rock IW APPLES.' "vnT1t "hare or pohllo patronacs. feollnn S0ari?;'u,rod-.D ' Kie a'oS AM St It" fttket fctl OtTaW Yomi Hen's Cbristian fcfiiii or Pltkoluji ttxtu. The andsrstgnwl Ietnr CommliWa . M. !. A , or lptro!sa tvat,., ta", 5, t't sen. nnoe tha followh.s ll.t af a salng seasou : ,w tsua- I ha ( omnlttee will anpptj it, u, . dates, where tbey are m,t vlvni bskia iZ !l ttiey i-a be Cunultsl) Mxnaln4 a Sktnenojh." Nov inrh. UUais, e Kev WM B crjLUMSl ApnesniiM. - March ro tha N. rW JOSH BILLING. Pes 1 . Uon. V.M. FAMOUS. Kir Correspoodejie l htng h14 aiih nun i. LASS, VAttK TWAIN. "I'd ell,. " By Order r Lest Comrul tee. s,e x-THuunm. cw-w Chalrma r iv.i.. Emel Zedwich. ("LITTLE JOE.") BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, nabeeetbllsaed In Pero!tlnl r,trf Ut r" iue utawrf 1 .11 ak Ins the fl it VII Bnairi.... l Bout 111 ttM Ull ltt gloiu. 11 Is osnstmntlv reeeiTtrr orilen turn .uurie- tlo-.J ofiha Oil B oastastl kerpi on bard lUMiJy-matle RotH & Short, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S 6HOh8 AND GAITm C 111. AND SEP HI.H. Jcr mil SDtricR ' Bit. J, M. MtlTLY, SCRGBON DENTIST, PETROL1CM CENTftC, M, niaa la McAlatee A Ifetb. t Offlce eimer ef Washington ssd IVoW i strasta n n.Hnwiivma.1 asv aa Mffsr HrMailit. te- lion ftvau t ta treatment ef 4lssssl imi-. Cblorofoim. Kih'r, Uasatid Loeal AuMbeln atliuintatered whea required EBTRAY COW. Taken Un on the irrete of lbs sntecrl. ber In Oakland Township. VenacfOtMiir, Pa , an or abont Nov- 1, 1871. oeeCOli. nearly white, about one hall nf left sir mi 'ff. i rather ponr In fl-h, cks wbeo an't. inf Also one Red Bull, abont 1 yetr ! a little wfflie on belly and a drip of wklu on each bind quarter. The ownsriarete qneatedta come torward prove pripart ui pay ehirfje etsw they will be diipwsslH the lew riiiira Jxiipm Rro Dated Oikland. Jan 2. I872-4.3 OPERA HonsEmsic S1 TITUSVriL8,-rA. Great Redaction In P',ce,t JE3 I en see an ressm for oharglnf pswls two bitadnd pit cent, inore pro ror tan they tio to pay for "ther 'l,5',iLu(tl I purr kasning nensustly oa has nsoto' iIANOS, Whlck I offer to tb pab leaf a mJJJVti log with other articles O' trade. "'" QL'ICK SALE. .i n. B. LrioMia, h my ital f" ."'" rraiirartlni; ha-inas rMrtalDivt.r'Ct. 15f t 1 per Boum Bl0C, Tiltr"