The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 10, 1872, Image 2

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Ifltecetsi'n 10 UoFsrUad; Statth C.,;.
Merchant Tailors!
Cents' tarnishing (toods,
eve pat kt o;of the finest aeeertmentsjej )
nn A TT"NTOfi
vet oweredya the.Oil Reglea.
AU the Lateetand nobbiest atvlee.'
Gents Famishing Goods," fcb.
1 troleum Centre Daily Record.
et,; Vaatro. Weslneeelar Janwarv 10
Divine service.
gervioeo every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
, P. II. Sabbath School at 12i P. 11.
eat free. A oordlal invitation extend
4 w all.
Bit. P. W. Scofield, Pattor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. 11., and T
e'eiu.kP. M.
P. PATTON; Paator.
Sold at 1 p. m. 109
Tbe lecture by Re?. J. J. Mclllyer, i(
Sober Opera Route, last evening, under
tbe enpifea of Petroleum Ceotre Lode No.
7 is. i. n in u -.. . ....
in every respect. Loag before tbe hour of
eomtasncemeit, iba hall was filled to Itt aU
oat eapsoily with ibe'sln and fashion of
this aod ibe surronndihg Um vt. ' Tba order
M exercises commenced with' aome cbolce
saltation itt music bj tbe Columbia toraet
baod, wbe bad kindly volunteered their
eervlee for the occmIob. Tal.' wai follow
ad by tba ringing af tba opei log oda af tba
order by a quartette eoapottd of Mr. 11.
Carmen, MttalL M. flenaerooo, Meetr.
Jehu Waddell aod Geeria Brandn. which
M executed la splendid style. Tbl we
followed by a ?ary el qieot and effective
rayer by iba Chaplain of Petroleum Cen
Ira Lodge, Rev. p w BeboB.ld, after
which P. a. F. J. Keflex, latrodueed Rev.
J. J. , Melllver. fSraiwI f!hl.l. l .l.
- " V " ,- V I U vi IDff
SUM af Pennsylvania, at tba lecturer ot tba
raolog. Tba Rat. gentleman opened bli
Jeaiitre by a brief blatory of tbe origin of
the independent Order ef Odd Fellowt both
In tbli country and England, alio giviog
atatlstlcs at r.t in. ...
""'" ot n uraer at tba tima it was
loiioded lu tbli country fty yean ago and
t tba preeeot day During tbia part of hi.
leoture the spesker paid a very eloquent
"ae wyne, Who rounded tbe
rt lodge or Odd Fellow to tba United
Slate. The apeaker then took up tba que
loa or Oppoaitiao te Odd Fellonbip wbieb
la Handled In a fair and Impartial miner,
nd lo Ibe.etlsf.clloo of air preeeot He
than took up aod baodled In . a oiaetarly
nenaer tbe subject of tbe Ohjeot of O.tdfcl
lowiblp.'.wblcb be explained in a very lucid
manner, eloilf g by claiming that tbe object
wee the ad nacemeot of tbe trite prloe iule
of Christianity. Tba leoture wa lie i0d
to threu bout with tbe utmoct attention
ad eMonot help but advance tbe Interact
of the order in tbl community, betide be
ing benefit to mery outalde of the order
froai lie high toned, moral and lottructive
cAaracter. Had walbe tpace we would
pwUUh the leotare en lira aa a matter af In
ureet te ear reader.
The areaing' entertaloment concluded
with prayer by Rer. HoSolleld; tbe alngiog
of the eloeljpg ode by tbe quartette, and
benediction by the Rev. Scbodeld, tbe band
ilwiorring, eweet muila aa Iba audience
We would call tba attention or our read
er to the enlarged idertiemenl of llra
Meaeeei Armttiong, tbevell known flour
4 f"ed dnalr ol tblplce.; Tbe gen-j
" " " nee on Band a large clock
ih.Mihl',7,,"r ",M- TnT eltS brieve
wb J,,i?',,,:"'l'l trade in
" " " tight Glee them a ca5l.-
PMOK4i.-.Ra. J. J. Mcllly.r;. Grand
Chaplain I o. of O. V. of P.oo.yW.Di.,.
wm at the Central Howe, l..( ,nDg.
A. E. F.y.ediUrof tbe Tiiuwille Sun
day Marnin, N.. ,w 0, u, yMt,rdt,
.u. ,( g ,urimi. Gf
Rlaej In tbe Oil Mtkel.
We believe tbe rite In tbe hetvy oil oar
ket i not occatiooed by any aplrlt oftpecu
latloo, but arltea from the ctute tnat bai
long been apparent to all wbo are potted lo
tbe production of the heavy gravitle of oil
w mean tbe fact that oil of 28 29 30
4 31 gravity ! gradually growing lew
aod leu. The itock of oilaof thete grvl
tie outeide of the region and oil yard of
West Va., I 1 1 exbauttrd, while tbe (lock
no band in I bit notion it very materially
decraated. While Ibit it tbe cate in regttd
to tbe production, tbe demand for thete
t-ravltltt In largely on tba increate. To
tupply tbl demand mixture are put In tbe
market, tome of them good but a large ma
jority of tbcm wortbleit. Still. Ibere it a
elatt of eoniiimera wbo will buy only of tbe
producer of natural oil direct, and tbl elan
of eomumcrt will, in lea tbao two year ex
banit tba tupply. Tbl then account for
tbe rice. That the market will yet go biph
er we hav no deubt, aod unlet tbe prodnc
tion of oil of thete gravltlrt it large
ly locrbated tome other lubricator will
have to be uevd, and producer of thete
gravitlet will be in a condition to demand
their own price. Tbl article we tnbinit t
our own individual opinion, not being in
termed in the production of ail only so far
a it add to the prosperity of oor town.
Voica'ao, W'(t Va., Lubricator.
A Little Bar Who will Never Lick
PonphaudU'a Any raeie
From tbe New Albany Ledger, Dee. 28
Tbl morning a little ion of Mr. Jebu
ocb, on Stete Street, met with an accident
wbicb ibonld be "a warning to all boy la
tbe futnr. It teen; that tbe littlo lellow
went te tbe pump at tbe market ipace, aod
very feoliably tuuebrd bit tongue tu the iron
handle, to aiceriaio, we pretume, il it wai
cold. Of coura tbe remit wa not only
fearfully but extremely painful. Tbe tongue
being very moilt and warm, tbe iron being
a good conductor of beat, tbe moUture and
beat were almost Initially withdrawn from
tba latter by the cold handle and it froze
Tbe little fellow endeavored to withdraw
hit tongue, but could oot Several gentlt
enwent to hi retcue, but it required very
careful bandliog to loosen tbe boj'a organ
f tail from tbe iron. They ejected laliva
upon the handle, aod rubbed il fully five
minute before tbev autceedtd, and turn a
piece of the iliin ol the tongue, about tbe
tize of a nieUle, wt left on tbe bundle)
leaving tbe rurtaceoi tbe tongue where I'
bad come in contact with tbe handle a
white a Ibeugb it bad been scared with a
red hot Iron. During tbe time tbe
boy wat fait he cave vent to hit excruciat
ing agony in loud aad contionout icreamt.
Tba large engine bouie over tbe portable
and atallooary eagiaea and boilers, at the
Wilbert well, on tbe Wood Uim, eauubl
Br laat night and burned to tbe ground,
eri&Bllj damaging the machinery. Tbe
Ore I tuppoted to have originated t brougb
the eerlitaei ol lt)e engineer wbo was
undoubtedly "asleep at bis pott.-' Lot
about $500, wb'ob f' Is heavily npoo Mr.
Wilbert, wbe is a herd working man aod I
can til arTotd to statd tbe Ion.
A large number of our citizcoa paid tbe
tad ritet of ivtpect to Mrs. K. C Eakin
liter of our tewaamep, Ja. S. and Win. J.
McCiay, wbo expired a day or two dace,
yeaieraay aiterooon. The remaloi ' were
buried at Plumer.
A grand dance will be held at Murray'
Hall, Kane City, lo-nlgbt.
Law. Lee & McCalmont now eeoupy
the office of N. U. Smiley, over tbe Btok
One of 'tbem will remain ia Franklin, at
tbeir old office. 3t.
A Novell Mequeat I
A Georgia Major writes I tbe Ualted
States Treasurer concerning tbe fate of bl
live-dollar bill follows:
I send to you for redemption a frag meat
of a li bill, tbe rest ol which wat destroyed
under strangely careless circumstances.
Having just received tbe bill, I dropped il
in my poeket la company with omerg
ged tobacco, and, after anpper, taking a
Obew, I chewed money, tobacco, and erery.
thing, leaving acrapioftbe bill and fra
meata of tbe tobacco, I discovered tbe lad
(ataitrophe, and went for the masticated
"cud." but all tracea of tba money bad van
ished, and "like tbe baseless tabric of a
dream, left not a wreok behind."
Vainly was I bending, crooking, and with
both my eye a looking.
Looking for my.losttpoadulio like the PlaUd
liMtof yore;
Looking for tba well-ebawa fragment which
I loat tbe night before;
Only tb't, and nothing more.
f'ipudt." quotb I, "for thee I ptnetbi
Gone to where tbe woodbine twlnetb;
Gene, departed, doomed, aod fated,
Gone to fragments drisioated;
Gotte, as I've already Slated,
Where my worth no longer iblneth.
t MIot tb"'l arl gin hwfore."
V'btiiington It healthy winter.
Jitt Indianapolitan est six meal a
A Baltimore M. D. enrr corns with com
Tbe Raleigh Carolinian It ont for Han
cock and Brown.
Alexia gelt about $2.1,000 a year for being
a grand duke, eta
Gen. nalleck'i cute It contidered bnpelrti
bp fcjs physicians.
Virden, III., farmers make bonOrei of
tbir dlteascd bogs.
Madame Felix, lister of Rachel, hai re-
turned'lo.tba Parit elrge.
The "Congregation of tbe Fourteen Holy
Helpers" li a Buffalo Initiation.
Jrsely, an Italian photographer, has sue
ceedsd in takiog subtnanoe views.
Another Louisville family has been pol
lened by eating Llroburger ebeese.
The Lords are afraid that they are to be
put upou abort political Commons.
A Cbicsgosn. horrible to relate, has bad
the small pox twiee within eight years.
Hit Imp. Hlgbnets" is a heading over
tame Alexit matter in n Chicago paper.
An Illinois charararl pt'y actually tere
down tbe home of a newlv married du
..Two Urge spots can now be seen on the
ma. Admittance free to thou hivim
ttioked glaie.
Little boys at Hoik ford. III., break
through the ice und tbe citizni fish them
out aod warm tbem with bin of icadi.
Two Connecticut glrli annnlnted tbeir
ehapped lip with croton oil by mistake fur
glycerine ol'.
To prevent bit being rejected by another
womao a Micbigaader vacciuoateui himself
with a sbot gun.
It it so cold at Salzburg that the gas is
frozen up, and tbe inhabitants have to get
aloug with noo explosive.
Nillason't Lucia has bad tin frlnht'itl ef
fect of setting one ol lb auditac to writing
lennett about -her.
Capt. Burton, tbe well-known African
traveler, r-ceutly gavo evidence in tte
claimant's favor iu ibe Ticbbourn cite.
Three fourtbi of all the water ot London
baa been pronounced poiaoouus by 1'rol
Frankland of tbe Royal Institution.
A Xelirsikan thought be would undertake
lo charm a snake, tut soao resigned in
favor of a professional undertaker.
Tbey bare so many clogs at Little Rnck,
Arkanaaa. that It la propoaeil tn eaiablieh
extensive lannerira there t utilize tbe
A town lo Iowa baa peculiarly ina 'pro-
priate name, being called Cascade, a'though
tbe people have to go Ave miles fur wa
Mr. Cbedbour ef Leiton, Me., thinks
himself entitled to fame, because bo bas
lived seventy-three years without entering
a railroad car.
A Miaeourl youth named Ilenderaot
squandered a fortune or $120,0011, by gam.
bling, in less tkso lour years, and is now
absolutely pennilrM.
New London and Norwich Indignantly
deny that tbeli harbor ever freezes tip
The public ouk'iI to remember that they
are perpetually In bot water thorn.
Hon. Mrs Norton and Mrs. Ilnry Wood'
two Englith author, are tearing each otberi
hair. Mrs. Norton cbarua Mrs. Wood with
having stolen the plot or "East Lyom"lrom
a story printed year ago by M ri Norton
In a magazine. Mr. Wood replUa that she
never saw any such story, and that Mr.
Nortoa carefully avoidi telling where it can
be found.
Dulouub Guveroor, 1 have killsd a
man, and a jury, in di'renrd to my advo
cate's appeals, have convicted me of mur
der. But Governor, I beg pardon. "
"Have you any 'respectable connections'
that are awlully distressed?"
'Indeed I have,"
"Then I grant Ibe pardon; but yon must
be sure not to kill that man aoy more."
Lexington Statesman.
Tbe Alexandria (11 luo ) Post relates a
good joke oo one of tbe liquor dealer of that
town. A man going to Benson bono it
jug of wbiky io Alexandria and darted for
the coaoh. At Glen wood, lo getting out of
toe coach, do lei the jug fall. The stone
ware broke and left the whisky a complete
cylinder of Ice sitting io the suow. In this
condition be lied bi liquor up in a cloth
and earrled it to Benson, breaking off what
be wanted for ue on tbe way. The Dur-
ebssur considers tbe whisky good for wln
lr transportation., on! believes tb Good
Teaplaribue scsempHlbed much In Ale-
Io Baton K .ue, Louisiana, a newly uiar.
fled enunle went in P'een wilb a revolver
under their pillow for fear of rats. In the
i.ltlbt i e husband, with tbe remark. "Vil
lain, von shall never harm my Armiotu.
blew Araminta's back hair out through tbe
raid of her mouth. He pretende to be over
whelmed with grief, but It Is generally be
lieved that b bad a glau eye or wboie ex
ttence be had nn previous inllmatioo.
IjOCIll ftOtlC!.
ti. M. Pvttenslll 1c Co. .17
faik tow, New Yetk, ana Cee. P. Lowell A Co
Adrerttalnt Agent, are the aole a.nti for the P..
troleum Centre ILilt Kaooan lu that city Ad
varttstrs la that city are requested t leate their
a vera with either ot to above tioniea
All parties knowing themaelvea Indebted
to T. McDonald will please nail and settle
by the lOih day January, 1872.
lec27if T. MsDosii.n.
For Nale or Unit.
The building lately occupied ly A. !
Sbul'j as a Bakery aud Giucery Store.
quire of
Petroleum Centre, Pa. dec 9-lw
and ubeap fer caab.
tVGAFF.VGY keeps constantly on
haml Scotch Ale and London 1'otter, espee
ally tor fumily uae.
Apples! Apolei!
Just received tine hundred barrel of tro
nice APPLES Irom tbe farm, and twenty
l-arrela ol our best CIDER the best Ihs't
ever came lo this towu. ChII and see for
Nov 1 tf fl. n. WARNER.
A Girl wanted lo do general housework
Apply to
Mm. Owen GAfrvry.
Egtiert Kaim.
Just received at klea & Armstrong's
Fl or and Fed S ore, 1.800 bushels extra
WHITE OATS, which will be sold st low
est cash prices! o29-tf.
Take oticr.
Now lathe tiroe In tiny your Aoploe. aa I
am selling them off at prices tbat will as
lo'b ion, Irom nml ilnlUr a barrel and "i
ward, or anytlitng else in the store, a Mr.
Brings i coiuif tn clo.n nt shout the fir.'
of tbe month. Cell and see for ynureTe
K Tr Bbkiuk.
Per H. II. WARN-nn, Clerk.
.lec. 2l-tf.
J2g?"Snliicliil winter cur-d UAVS and
EVCK'S. enr Washlncton and 2d St j 1:)
tuccessort to II. 13. Warner,
I ,HF,S!,,,C;.,hn, ,,4vll"f k0"h h old atand or
..a iin I "r,,,r' "'"I ettlarelei; the bu.uicsa
T'f "'""J on nniiti ttte beat tn
Hay &
or all kinds,
flue '
We alto hare a very large stock
i j lnvits a ahare of public patr"aag, fecllni
roDfid.ut we can glvo aatitfaction in price oc
quality of good. '
retmlrmn r ..ntrti, t' , N, , 0,71, ,
try mtjam.-w
f 1KIT Itt. .T
Itikn fas
VflTITUr lsToTl'd Phnitrlina 1
of vtjjmwn Cextie,
Thnend.r.itnaH Lartiir rUj.. .
M tt. A., ot IWnlenm tvtr. k7-TT
ainc araanu : "rW,i
'I he Comtnlttea will annnl tt....k.i
mi-j raa tie aesiutei) aacertalnee.
k'nnoh." Nov lnti,
If.w va U U I rr i imm . .
)- rx 1 1 V WJi.i.iras AnrtMMti. u
all 1J?US Mli 'A I E lla. "
Horn. MM. FAKSONn.
fsVi P1PrMnnaifta'A (a I.. I L l ...
jij uraer er Lecia Cosami tee
4o. w. TtioMnn
Chamsaa tf CweJUt,
Emel Zedwich
nnnx inn cunr iims.
duu i aixu onuL MAIMK,
iia. m-Ti r-.nnwiri m reroietim Onirelwft,
MaKinaTtbi II at ril ansJFImi
nvtia in nil vtl MVglOM,
II ie oonttantlr receiving nHr f an ttV;.
tiout ofihu t II Rc,ioot.
II. constantly kci-pt on hard
Kcady-ma lc D. mis i Show
cxlLl AMoscr nt.n.
n!tf EMSLZSnsfiril
(Snwe..orliMc.lplne A Porter.)
091r o rner i f W.siilnstnn aad Senitd nnni
i no he rout, a at uv ana utght spttdtlii
te tlim irlvtnt'i tho tri-sttnent oi 4iiMttdtHi.
I hmrofttim Kth-r, lis. ai d Loo. I AuttiMI-i
inlnittereil when rrqutrtd
KfTltAV 1'OW.
Taken ur ml tit premi.e nf tb outiscri.
h"r in OakLtirt Towmblp. VtnacgoamniT,
1' , nn or about Nov 16. 181. us C0.
nerv wttlle, almtit one nail of I'll nr e ;
on. Is rather pour tn II sb. Kicks when aid
ing Also one Red Hull, atwnt I ru (,
a little wlllie on belly and a strip otwhi'
nn each hind quarter. Tn" owuetl if t.
questedto come lurward prove prnpertetiH
pay charea else tbey will he dispoerelu
the law reuirea
Jnntrn Dit
Dated Oakland, Jan 2. M72-41w.V
Great Reduction ln-PfW
two uunarra pes con, more .qapj
tian they hanS to pay for other s"-. aiss
I liurpoae ktenlng constantly on bono
maul of
.... RGALOl
nn.i L ... . .. . . a m.Tffin '
log with otberertlrleeA' lrad. MJ
n men k niiar to- inn nnn ie i n r -'f u
!n. D Uiomis. I. mv aaent to colW
tranrsdtlntt bu.limita in'rlaloliis 'CTIHSt ..
H. II. HAKi.KNTt r,
Wt Opera Jli.'i.'. Itl'tf. 1,,m
k. r'f ' 'lirai eeaeUMiitKarj. ,..