i'it I'll SHUQERT&STARRl 1 1 Immi 10 aUsVlaad; tmiik A C , ) Merchant Tailors! SD'tEALUIB IS fonts' Furnishing Uooils, COR. 8PMK0?V FRANKLIN 8TS., Tin;T.i.LE, PA. Una t ia of the lsest imnanMj i (,'L02ESdtCASSIMEHES ENGLISH," la, FRENCH AND AMERICAN COATINGS, MIXED AND PTRIP1D SUITINGS, rAHCY VESTINGSv Evr:ared.Ia tke.011 Rag In. TlvENTT DIFFERENT STYLES Of HATS 5g CAPS, ' All the Latest and H obbtejt Btylei. A FCLL LINK OF Snte' Fnrnishhig Goods, fcc. troleum Centre Daily Record. t enir Saturday January a. DIvlue Service. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH service every Sabbatb at 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. Sabbatb School at 12j' P. M. eat free. A cordial InTltatlon extend eytoall. Err. P. W. ScotiiLD, Paator. FRESBYTBRIAN CHURCH, reaching at 11 o'clock A. M and 7), r 'leek P. M. D. PATTON, Paator. Sold at I p. m. 10 REMOVAL. Tht office of the Daily Be Jor'PhW been removed to tbe Wilding situated four doors below th late locatioi, direct ly opjMwite the McClintnck Houhe,'-and next door to Odd Ftllowft Hall; Our friends are nrittd t call and seem .-Ml , ' From m gentleman) who arrived from Csh flip, UatveVing, ww learo that the Mo Jaanu1inall waa torpedoed oa Thursday. ted yesterday wa lowing at Ufa rat of 1.000 barrel per day. From tbe faef that tb well baa a larger volume of ga than ever before, the owner feel roafldeot It will eoatlnod ta flow for som time. Already tbie famoue well baa paid i la lucky owner raar tbaa $100,000. and at tbl rat It ii guahing out lb oily fluid, will aooo plao them among the iitbi oil prince io tbl gia. Ta Brenaon well waa producing ytstar Jsjf, ISO barrels .per day and looreasine. - That Emery wall, our Informant state, wa$c0i flowing Wedaeeday night at the rat of"l9V barrel per day, but stopped je lerday morale;, and upon inveatlgatioa It -was discovered tb,at the tubing bad partetr. When repair are made old operatora pre dict at least 300 bsfrel well. Of lb twelve wet's sew down, all -e producing with one exception, and that one ttelag leoated a coriatdAra'bl distance aeuth of the belt, turned out 10 be a dry bole. About ten or twelve wells will be comple ted wltnln tbe next lew days, and Impor tant result era expeoied. Meantime new building continue to be put bp, and Cash Up kldi fair to rival it aiatet oil tewa at no listaot On Tueedey evening next; Jjsn. 9th, Rev. 3. J. McII4vT, tit Plttaburg, Grand Chap lain of the Pennevtranla Slate Lodge of Odd Fallow, and moat eloquent and effective pihlic orator Is to deliver a fre lecture a I Sibel'a Opera House. Hi aubjeel will b "Origin and Ohjeot or and Oppoallioa to Odd Fellowship." Tbe Rev. gentleman ha e,a engaged In delrverlog 'lecture 'fnro' ul tbl State for ions? time past, and wberavr a ka lectured Iu given unlver eal eatiaractioo to all Who bye beard blm. Tbe lector la to be given under tbe anapio ! Petroleum Centre Lodge No. 715 1. O. t O. F. Tk Committee dealre ua to ex tend a general iovtutlon t our citizen to etteed tbe lecture, and Iron wbat we know of tbe Rev. genllmn' ahilitiea aa an or "t we f,f. ,t,r all who attend will an(aiy Srt'Nir GlBL. -The Geleihurt: (Illln ols) Register li responsible for (be following'. 'Four of ntir Galesburg ladles have been among our farmer collecting for ibt Chi cage sufferer. In tbetr travel tbey oame upon farme r wbo (old them that tie had a let of polatoe io tbe ground, and il they war a miod ta dig 'era tbey tould bsv all tbey wanted. To offer waa accepted and the lad let, wboknaw their customed limn. td nimbly from thair light eprln? wagon, tacb with a ipada to band, and eel to work. The farmer Hood aghast, anrTcyiog tie naw Held banda with undisguised am le nient. Tbey gathered about twenty bti ti bia, and went back yesterday for more Before aooo to-day, tbe last of that psteb will be coming into tows la that spring wageo. Bless their dear anula. how we wish w war permitted ta giro their aim- O Monday evening, pleasure lovers will bear Id mind that M'lle Zoe, the beautiful Cuban aylpb, together with a full New York Dramatic Company, Brass Dsad and Or chestra, appaara at Sobelt Opera House, In tha celebrated drama entitled, "Bertha, tbe Sewing Machine Girl; or, Death at tha Wheel." The drama la laid la New York and portraya with much truthfiilnesi the sorrows and sufferings of tbe poorer ulasses of that elty. Of M'lle Zue'a ability to act out tbe character wo need say nolb'.ng. She la too well known toourcitizeoa Ma charm log and vivacious actress, ta ne4 any com mendation from us. i hope to see a full bouse. Dr. J. R. Porter, long In tbe dental pro fusion la this place, has disposed of big business to Dr. J. H. Ileivly, who will here after continue lb same at the old stand. - During hi long stay here, by bia unirorm courtesy and strlet attention to buineaa,the Dr. bas mad boala of friends who will siu cerely regret bla departure. Tha Dr. goes from bare to Lock-port, N. T., and it la atrongly lotloikled that he Intends to com mit matrimony, one of Lockport'a fairest daughter' being tbe lady. Whatever may be tbe caie wawlsb him all manuer o I pros perity in bl new borne. Dr-Ileivly, hla successor, is every way capable of Oiling tbe position taken by blm. He ia a good dentitt, a master of bia pro fession and a jolly good fellow generally. Good luck ta blm. Reports We have..rvciveil from rr.m J. P. WlckerebarnVOffftitrl of tbe Common Schools and Suldiei's Orphana' Schools fur 171. rrom tbeie report we tak,e lb fol lowing statistics: Krventy-eicut orders have ben issued to admit children from Venango ceunty to the Soldiara' Orpbana' School. From lialler toiinty, 80; Clarion, 17j Crawford, 96;' W-Jun QO. f ......... il 1 1 . u , AOiurij la's. Io Fenoelyvnnia the nunber of chillier enrolled io the public schools ia 834,614, and tbe average attendance Is 687,113. Tha Voaango County Teachers' Institute of 1870 field, to lecturer aod instructors $260 70, anuV $27 85 for other expenses, $200 of which waa paid by tbe County Treasurer, aud the balance by tbe mem bers. Iu tbli county tuer ar 193 public school bouses, valued with appurtenances, at $200,329. There are 322 teachers employ-, d in these se bools. The Wilcox Oil Well. The Elk en nu. ty Gazette tbu refer to tb new stria: in that oun ty: The welt is sitnsted aboat Ova milea north eat of WIUox, this county. It was started byncompaoy in1 July, 1865, and was sunk to a depth of 1,365 feet, and was tbea abandoied by the mpoy. Rroeatiy Ht. O N. Adams, on of tb original Dim, pur chased tb entire interest, and during the past fall uk the well to it present depth, 1,691-foet, when all was discovered. The necessary machinery and tanking have been erected to accomodate tbe probable capacity of the well. Those Intereated in it leem very Sanjulne that It will prove a luCAeas They hare experienced considerable troubl n in tb breakage or machinery, and have bad to draw their tubing several timea fa-, re pair. Tbey were pumping oa Tuesday when our informant were presont. but ibey were getting Utile oil, the water not having been exhauated amee tie last repair. Tbey bavatfb well five hundred barrels, which loey have aaved and judging from the appearance of the ground, as much more lied gone to wast. It Is said by judges to he a superior lubricating oil. The officers of tb Grand Lodge ,of Penn iijWunis, colored masons, war installed of the 27utt. Jeremiah Graodersoo waa ap pointed P. D. G M. fer the couutiee of Allegheny, Venango, Erie, Cravford,Lw rence, Washiugten and Fayette. Davalapueate iu the ' oeigbborbood of Cash Up City, R.iggvll! and Pil'hole,' are lively. Ovet fifty well rit are ialBg-' put up, and agood siiid town is already bsing .u.Jt. ONE NAME. Upon In silver shining land A maiden wtote, with loving kand, One name no more Tb wane creot up with steady alsji ADd washed away tbe little same, Fai- from tb akot. TheS, with n pea of Doer art, She wtote (gain, deep in her heart, One name no more But fear aad doubt and wounded pride Soon drowned within tb crimson tide Tbe word she bore. "Yet," said the maid, "through grle aod palo Still I write on my living brain Oos name a moro. But want and care and added year Buried la depth of bitter tear Tb ign she wore. Then cried the maid In wild despair "I there no sale place anywhere, By sea or shore, It brain or heart!" The answer came God keepetb asle thy true love'a name Forevermore. Cincinnati is making a muster ot her ho tel accommodations, aod find that tbere are alxteeu hundred and sixty rooms In ell br (.trsvaasnrivs. Tb'B include all Iroin tb firat-clais Burnet House to tbe third class bug reest. It we were to Conut the accommodation of St. Loui oa theaarue iudifcriniioaie acale, we should figure up about fi.liOO; but wbeu we epeak of a ho tel io St. Loui we uieao a place waer a square meal can be had, and where the col or of the cook's hair is not drdusible I'roui I be sou o and cannat lie signed ot cither from batter cakes or biscuits. II Cincin nati insists on a census ol busbrrles like these, we suppose she'll beat us. Wbra it come in doing a large thing in a mean way, she i always ahead. Missouri Demo crat. Tbe Forest Press sty when tbe Lgls!a. turegets into working order '-there ar two matters tbe citizens ol Forest county want attended to : An act changing tbe lime ot boldiog our (ourls,. tbe December teim, so it does nut ocsur rlubt ia the holidays, when even colored people want to get druok andenjey themselves, aoi alsj'the passage of a laW compelling railroad compau,rs to pay for datnagea to lire stock, etc., ou Ibeir rosd running within our borders. Bulwnr Lytton dues uot grow bandsomer with advancing age. A writer who, met him lately compares him to "an antedilu iua hawk-wi'th sharp beak, bony brow, aud cold twinkling eyes." - Five thousand eight hundred and (ifiy III. inois soldiers were killed during tt.e war o' tbe rebellion and i9,4l2 dli-ii df diias. making the proportion of death to tbe u listmeuts one In six. Mr. Stanislankl recently uislocated bia shoulder by a fall from a building. It is surprising that a Utile thing like that should dislocate a shoulder tough eaougu tu with stand tb pronunciation of such a nam. The follewing notice, printed on colored card boards with a nice lio'.der, hng up ia a place of business iu lioiue, N. Y. I'Mebbeynii don't petler bad loaf round here, ven yjiXTja't got sum peeaiua, aia't ill'' "In a CalllornU theater, a lew nigblsslnc a large red apple fell from tbe gallery and struck squarely upon the bald and shining pate of a gentleman In tbe dress cirole, then hounded iuto the orchestra aod broke a fid dle. Nxw Wells at Triumph. Two new wells were struck tois wesu ou tb Gillttni tract at Triumph. tTbey art both doing forty barrels per day, and jncraaaiug. The fortunate owner are Jcou"Gil, Andrew Kraffert, John Intty and Tttomt Picker ing Another well owned hy the same par. iteawn i a down next week. (. Herald. Alexis, like Daniel Webster, doesn't care much for money, hut be thought $1,500 a little steop for sixteen hours' ldging and one meal at the Spencer House, Niagara Falls. Tb landlird, prooably, desiring to perpetual the harmonious relatione be tween tha two countries, consented to take $1,000, wblcb waa paid. Tbe people o that vicinity are croatly incensed at tbe disgraceful occurence. A startled fawn find for protection frees tbe bounds into tb door yard of a Virgin la mansion, where a beautiful girl of sixteen Summers was sitting. Tbe deer approached ber with intuitive trust, and looked pit- ously Into her mild bine eyes. The maiden however, contrary to all traditions, slaught ered tbe animtl with a oarving knlle. There is a e inning liule che-yml in Fn trass county, Tena., who is only three year old and weighs seventy five pounds; has as much beard as a twenty. year old; bla feet ia eight ioches long, though small for on of bit build; he I fond of the society of girls, hut tb boys t a detes; bis vote is coursr LI. J J" SQHK1, A ACFRH TheOl ce DRY GOODS HOUSE! ON OIIJGREEK. S O B E L & AUERHAIU, WASHINGTON STREET, PHTUOLEUM CENTRE, PA. ttskloE Bolldav Goods a epeelsUty at this seemn. have the pleasure of late-mag Ihrlr Uist ihey have now I store a Iniyeai.J attrsctV sasuruaetit or tbuss so, selected to meet the waots of the best tisdeolli.e city aaa ntrj, cempiUst BLACK & COLORED SILKS. JAPANESE SILKS, IN DRESS PATTERNS, IRISH POPLINS. PLAID DRKiS GOODS, FRENCH MKUINOS, A LAI' AC AS, AC. PARIS BROCHB SHAWLS: Also a Larg. Asaortmaat of SILK VELVETS A VBLVKT1ENS FOR PACQtJKS, FUES. FURS, PTJR8. iwa:iXiT-.iiTER."y oooiDsa as lces. LAbltS andGenl FURNHHING .JOt.S. LADIKS bACQUCS ANU dllAITU ml a latL-e assostmenl of noode sultat le for Cbristma alfia lor cklltrre. Carnt is, Oil llotlis, Trunks, - I. os-iil oli'i'. !. JU. Pftlsjli.lll (. at fare Ho , k York, sue t'so. P. Hewetl A Co Ad'srtitlnt Axents, sre the snl at'snta for the Pa, iroleum Ceutra IUilt ltaooao Id that city. AJ vsitlsars In Hint city sre rsqnesteo to ! Utter a ttiis with rtihsr ol toe at-ove hiases NOTICE All parlies knowing themselves Indebted to T. MrDunald will please rail and settle by Ibe Huh day January, drc2'.if T MrDoNiLD. For Sale or Kvnt, The building lately occupied by A. M Shut's as a iiakriy and Gtocery Store. Ku 11. C. JARVIS. dec Ms Petroleum Centre, Fa, Naw stock uf Winter Clothing at ALDEN'S y Go to GAFFNET'S for On CIGARS atio cheuv fer cash. tyGAFFNEY keeps c.nii'antly on Iiki.u .Scotch Ale and Loortoa Potter, spec ally lor family use. Applet Ap.ilra! Just vceiveii one bundled liarrels of trnse Bice Al'PLliS troin the farm, and twenty l.urrela ol our b-si CrDKIt the lies! that ever Came to tbl towu. Call and see for yo8rsi?lv,-s. Nov 7 if H. H. WARNER. Go to ALDEN'S kit lb latest stylas Hats Caps. SWEET POTATOES. Nice SWEET POTATOES jnsl received at novs-lt tttASS AKM-ilKWitia. Art anlnlkiraturn Malice. WH iUEAS. .'iters of Adminislration on thKs.ai,. of EDW1S VAUGHN, dece.e ed, lai of Petioleiim Centre, have been tiraot. d to theSnhscriln r, all persona having knot nil persona indebted are requested Io uja pc. I irmeii tm w I IMifl, ll-ia y. Mr.. MABIA C. VAUGHN, nov. 24-liw. Pearson Farm. ATTENTION OPERATORS Save your Oil J Control 5rour (Ja I aud Secure your W orkmen By osing the NKW snd vA TABLR INTRNTIOS uf Mr. Victor ort.ir, known aa tha OIL AM GACOSTROLlEk We vould riwpeolfiillv caltlhe alteaMon of opera ton and cuairactors to the fact that wa tiavu .'Purclinted lbe Itlght and TU tie in und to the above intcCkiiie A rA r nmniiiMil n s. . . 1. ska . i.t . I ni Ki. Tom i.i tuiuiaii inn atnm. Vllaalir D !ilSan,K8'rA'rE0P,!,"jBs' Ws weald aio Caution all Parties against manafactnrlnx oi nslag thsra wiik at onr consent, as TI1K PATENT WILL Bit KICilOLT NFOHCED. FIIIRIt, XnilltIS eV CO. Pairolaom Centre. '. IlecSS, 871. miri;v iAii:.r Marker. P. J WHITE. Agent for Venango. Warren an Crswiord Conntlas Ordeia by mail addrisaed So h a care at Peiroluum O Ira, Pa, will Viprenirt ly Blli-d, either in Geimin T. xtor I'cnn Lc Kr fr;c tl M ,, 1 AM ORY GU)Dg. p. Established Valisps, NaU beK tc, f, Jtlltll at. a mTar(raaa . .es. AMUSEMENTS OPERA HOUSE! 5iuday Evp'ff. slau.8. t"rqeallnd aaccessaf the treat seasstlMi slut day, dismaiiied frura Mr Francis 8 fail e'soN.'ir and txcttiac; s orv, nal flolabad ta the Htm V't Wrek'jr. bv pertuiaaioa uf essrs Itrsst lain, propneiois. eutliiad BERTHA! Tlie Sewing Machine ii'vot Death at .the Wheel! Rv tbe Lilcntrd (tthar Cbarlea tostet Ira, ne- travli.g i he nol wondarful I'lrlueau Iu lbs 1lei lud uf ike Working vUta uf Naw York. F"acts & Fiction And tb. publl; eoiulnn it by the srowda ibat abtki I; tiidorae it l.j Ue noat ecthustasuc acclssvaiai This is tke ethrslJ Dnauia Ibat caaacd too s in at oxi ltameat ID rtulaelkle elrclts, swir to the pirating - f eaher partlm A sarpctaal UJusr. tinu waamao'eil by tne Tutted "lateai irrultioM which dn 1 lid that k'l.l.k ViK aluoa hit s ritl to plnj t, art.r a langthr arunieut by A Ainvod m,d ii C Alwood, Miis. Couassl for a'lU Zjs, and Messrs Ueverta A V"!"" f" " Ths Mlsbratad Cahaa 8y pb, MLL't,' MARIE ZOE ! acknnwlvdired by the press and 'he paMIe I th- Dion auraetite avu oa the Am.nsis Sufi, will .aoear aa Mil Tte Si 1-Hacie Gl I . i . . . . . - i ku. fhlt Biu upiarvm, nj.aa riin-VWi ai.hh, limit U'.d ureh-jstra , The Sawing Machine nsed Ifl TtenliS srt IM world rauowaed Wkeelar WlJaon MacuUMS rjr AdmtaeJ'in HI cents Hesrved sssts Poors open at 1 unlock Psrfoiinancs k asenc at t o'clock; Jait U aerved teaia for al at th MsCHiW House. kiUm't AAABAls fttkxt mml cr Tt tai Mi Wail As or Fltrolum Vtxftt Tlisnnderslgiiwl Irtnr Cosslitse ett M. tt. A , of HVlrslsniu t'eatre, ha.e "JT'",. nm ddco the following list of Letter ier saint season : . uA lis . iltte will eappiy ta aa.j--- - thajr are aotntvan hslee. se . 1 aa ne aeaniUM) aeceneiue. I'KTHOIJsTM V. NAf BY. "Th lrt" KK'nanoyn." Nov. jotn. m kKUCDMJM PT,I2f.w2sii1 nan v.u .ll'tlfinu vii ii I'ATKICK, uec. , U...h ... kA . 11 aVlH ItlLLINttS. Ties 14 lloa. V,M. WAHSOS. . r , a 77771.. with to OI'KiLKT, WKNDK' I.rHIl!uiP8.F,tMB LABS, MAKE TWAIN, an einera. By Order af Lester CewoiHIe- f Ckatrmaa f Uosi"- OH. J. It. HEIVIVs SURGEON DENTIST.- PETROLEUM CENTRE, Pit ,a . .. . ValtST.l .-ncev8Bor to jncAi'in w ----- - Ofnce corner of Waahlntnn an !a t n ha found at ofjoe day o olgb'jjjgi t""' V-..MHIII i;ijii ui ina ifwaminui. - -0(ialal,e .i...i........ i .1...4 - -.uaiui.kor.-u nm iujiiiith Uiail WJV . j. A Oirl waot4 la do gDil 01"" -'0w'g-1,. jMf .sbertF LIVE AND LET LlVBl, j.. Just received at Measa 'A '' 1 Fl uir and Feed B'ore. J.IQ0 "' . i,f WHITE OATS. wb'rh will b"1'1 est c.sb pr'oes'