!AME, PMITH 1 m Aft. IMPROVED. Seneca. Tails Willi Steel rackinav 00 SolU. ;iii9IXitit u Days. t i Exclusive Af ems for the CU KegHn DAME, SMITH & Co., Successors to F. W. AMES, TITUSVIMiE, PA, Wood jWork FOR CARRIAGE D gGROWTH SPOKES, HUBS, CENT FELLOES, 8AWED FELLOES, NECKYOKES, HUB BANDS, . SPRINGS,' ' r SHAFT?, ' POLES, WHIFFLETREES. AXLES, FIFTH WHEELS. MALLEABLES. , . I ln.An?,tb0 . Best Ciriiage Bolt in Maria IPaIhE. SMITH Js CO.," .,'.' feacceMom lo F. W. AMES. 'iuitiijp ,i ituu pr., .-kIhk "y h.cuicui., aiilu n. Jbiiw nuo-third af many living, peiumunit cunn r Dr. Fillers Vemh!" Rhenmntic Kfiuviy; ai.il Jirther reward of $100 f.ir anv case of I'lir.inlo or rinunBitaory Kbeu,i.Hilsm, Nauralgln hlmiimailc A'a Siijitlcaai d Kheamaliiim of the hldnuMi li l ' not cure. The hheomatio Synin Is incd In "Wat ;iy only, pleasant to the taite, and .Mnmiitfed irom injurious dm s. Ituuot a quack medl i lumbal thu icieutlfic prescription of .Iim 1'. Fitlcr. W. D, Profoctor of Toxtcoliigy and Chemt-trv (raduaU of the celebrated Univereltv of Punns-1' vanla, A D , 1533 whoaa entire profaisiou! lif- i been devoted specially to this diiea'e. Tht prs' aranon under solemn oath Is inaci''ntiounlv be lieved to be the only positive, reliable, Infallible apeciac ere discovered The pmof that no oi her spestn exists is found tn every,cuiumtinltv In pur suns afflicted H-r maoy yi-crs and stt.l surr-.rinn. If pbysloians cuald cure it if a spec'Oc did exli-t, thl woold not be so a fact, thai mut he univerinilly admitted, "lie oft d.Cflved sufferer may wise y ask, what secuiity or evldci ce has he thai Dr. Fit Jar's Hheumatic ?rnp wll curs his case. The rlteett'.n idferud to surferers against imposition is legally sinned contract. whlcu will Is lurwanled without chaive to any siitr-rer sending hv letter n description or sffl cilon ; this piarBntee will slate the ct numher of bottles worran'ed to enre and n cae of Wluretbs money paid will beretnmid tlie patient. No othor remedy has evtr been rterad on such litter il and honorable icrnis. Wed--si advice, with certificates Iron, prnmiiiert phy tclans, clurgymcu etc.. who have been cured a tor all other treatments have fnPei, sent by terror inMtle. Afflicted cordl-illy invited to wr te for l vies to the prmrpsl office, 80 8nnrh Fourth Wrect, Pl.lladslpbia, Pa. Dr. Filler's Hheumatic Syrap li sold by druggi ts. ' v M. S SIMMONS, . . 1 Aent, Hrtrolenni Centre, Pa. JL. HOHAMBSKLIN CO-, 8ole Agfa Rous, I'lllMtlltUII Zl3dical Institute! jVa a4 Penn Street. I DR. ATJrJUSTrjS KLKK enninne nlrnt oil f private fflisasss with great sueci-s- at the lust!-! tute, Wi.icli Is now open ler tr.a reco aion ami icommo istion or na isntscom n' rom n dm ianc' to procure treai m nt or inedlcil adrlco A sucCHSsful nrac ice of 1 R vt-itiu la aniilMn,1 nisaate for tk? future, fperni lorri ma or JNurv-ms llehllltv Di-rma,:entlv cured, .i.mxti.n Jding eonstitutlontl direases sklllruliitreated.nnil' ithe effeots of mercurv eradicated. 1 hn f!-. g'vea partlcnlar a. tent to female compluiniajjl IT,. 1 "I'ctsuuj currixrsn n,-na iot V'ui i ineo'rai am nie-.a in snsein plain' JlsneuHKi- oil yenerial diseases, sent liyiunii inr 4 IrltaaiBS ll BA IfiiDM nrn .Ah I,. tha !.,!. I lorsUiry nndsr the llocbjr's uwn supervision. y " V "" rain iroro v a. u& to o-. r. n. nndaTjcsjtrd Sen'S-ly. I Teivlor. nonMicn, Corrlaso, Orpa tewial v Pretca Painting. MNWG. PAPJJiV. lUNGlKG. EocernUTs and .nVa7.He.TlrH ThV ln the m,n tlwfitctthM I haJii. ? , Jh1"' "wether with anliavfcanr Snat T VSX? u,m"'4 b -ve that MaiULepnoaiu iaSJ. 1 of Bl"-rl woric. "Jer House Utl- vt. i I N ! W A n V EKTIS E M K S IS. ' CBIMfiOnlDSIIfOTlOl.' A lull mid complete lilstorv ut Cliieigo, lict l.pust, piesnnt nmi luting With iT-ipnic iicnlents nmi hill ile-wil f tlt ii4. aster, Pv li-o. P. 1'nl.im mill J-. W. Sheahait edifoisi.l t'.c I'MiMgn Trt'.tiniv. Wtih ovit 4'ifl PAGES, end .Ml ILLUSTRATIONS. Il I? hn-V If illv lor tle'iivei'V. -'i AGEtiTS WAWTEDrrf. fur "inlil hiii) choice or li ritit.iy. Union Pnblislitn-f Cu Cbicago, 111 , or I'h'.lu , i u. Cuszdurang o. Bliss, fe3 & Go's HniJ Mi TUB WONDERFUL IIE.MKDY 10 1! tM('F.H,SV'IIII,l. M'IJt-H t.l.l'l, I I US. s.ll. till CI! U, uu.t A: I. (IIIIIK (Cllto.WC B.Otl) Ail. i;asi, in irfiniiMl l mm the Gexitxb CfxtiKiMvun ni!K, from L"j, Eoiiailnr, secured iiv inc Baniniice il the mi tttorif of ihiil country. It Ib the most ElTiriiVt', I'rowp' am) t 'c:iinu alterative and BLOOD 1TRIFIEK known. Sulci by nil Dinj.'isis, in p nl 1 1 s. Il ivinj (in thein our tump, tr--i murk nmi d re' i'ns r-Vwl tor a circular. (ilTice uml Laijur.toi r, No. BU Ccd-ir fil , . V. 'W DE AVVAKI tllfl I- Jl AH',., ti . V $10 COO puir of mi ein l-'it'rieli Oil Circ miH siiljeeis LIFE S!2E. p.vqiiii'-in similes of nti(;iiial 111 I ni r t"ni(.c, (iiVJs.t AW AY to every snba; l it er to McurV Wind E'M'ih r's GREAT 'lITEIJ.MJY. Ufl !;(or WEEKLY NEWsp si',:!:. At.,,i- to, greut snec fii . loiii, l.i-t.'O n itues in " inontli-i; nnnther Ii72 i" ;i j d iss; 'iti.,in, i 1T' la one werk; orie-l" in ono day. an. I t:i 'i, nthrra equally well, mil, ill.! fn. in S?jim,l:i to 6-JD per (1 iv. Tuk.s on SiK'i,t! An old a-! nt who known. s: 'I tlimk it tin b.nt business fur cauvufsrx rver vjTnil. Sui ty I did not entice sm n-r,'' Pays t otter in n any hook ii-iency. A T'jrt ehiHce In money. .oc.it. Ak Wsi'itt-?. InU'lligeiii men uml women wmiied everv where. If yiH tt isll in iil , lenll..v. eeml early lor circular and leimS! .1 li' FO',1' & CO , 2' P.irk Place, Voik; 1 1 Id -om H-ldSst.. U'sinn. Jlaea j 2Sj Wert Msdism. St.; Ol.lca-.o, I I r ho h li.sn SEW UiSSEUVKK. $3 per annum ihc'ujiag Yeur Jiuolrfin KIDNEY E. MOB'sE, JR.. 4 CO.,. 87 SnrR I'.nw, New Vnrn, -, umvamMmttL ' Kend lor 11' e S,ili;p'ie I'upy i'l I !li V H li' !, TlAN LICADER. a lirti ci.is weekly j ou ,! piili'iFlod Iiv tiio Ntf-v Yoik Si-iie (.'' n.C'.ti n "I Uijn''Til;s-N. Miid colli, iinii'; i ho .Sei iii'io . it Dr. E. il. CIlAl'IN. Ter:n f,(l iki ver. Address, " I'linlislii r CHKIM'IAX LEADER. liS l!i. a 'iviv. N Y. Cnv. ICverTT Farmer Js u.vi.'fd to send his address aim ivri-ive Free and PostU); paid a copv nl the American Farsa .SuuieiI Tim most Pinolica', tlie Host and lenint Illustrated Aurwi, I i in , I pnv tlie United Stales. . Unlj "5 Cftits per jear. Ktud lui a specimen cniv. Addion MiLlER, LOCKE & CO., " Toledo, 'bio. WOOD'S Uoiwhdd Ma,j. 2U1- iw i IF ixl lift (Im in' i he C'-tmnL' yar to fViry suhpcl'ibtr (-1 Mfirj'ii Mufeiiin, the Toledo Hi ilt. P"tntrov's ' in'orMt. etc.. which ,ii ev oi, -uce iii !, llorai'o (4r"el,v. -i t i xift pupn .1 tint I'm ii w. Inrll I Ueniloie 1 I i toll, d-ail Ua.uu.uli, elu., for every numher. , ',' .; in cini.liiiig ii olFers Ihrpo Hist class period i cats fur the price n one nl them. ' A variety of preininins on eqii'illy lihernl terms. It is an oiiiiinal, lirst class inn-inZ' lie. Volume X lieo-ms with Jan. 72 'I lirvu Spec.lliun plrs I S. S. i uoi .. i 1 1 ' i -J Ufa a2j -s PETER ,1 I i'f jvec. 10,. pi ici- fine , has 19 pieces Yno ii and In .alr'l Piano Music, worth $4 'I .... I..... VI - .-I. ' in sneet lorm. We will tnnil loo linck Nop. lot 50o MUSICAL ii r for i?:)"o 01 ,Jnii to 0. '71. lor ?!2 US Cr, ,-nt'i prico, $3 ) Bound copies lor li I, It I It Soles and edges, 5 Tim .Music is l,v IIhvs. "oni, Kinket, (loniiod. etc. - Address' J J,. p- TKRe. rWfl Brnadwi.y, N.Y. I' 0 Box S4-.K . tJ J r,M- . IJ. (-Law, AUird, Ma ' . : I r f5 i S sH " i -. -J' SrS: 3 siB- ""1t-2-3 friir 1 ACOimillllllil til Ovou-IIM 0,7. .fe. Ai-knrtwt. eiProd the bunt promoter il the nrmith and beaut it of the hnir. JIiJ. BnRl.TII CO., lio-itim, Muss. Hold by ull OiuiafuU, Mature m imitation Slli iKTl "a-i, puison ,t Finney, ll. ir. iniiii' ;, Pi , lui free C'lti tiUr of f DUX I'tU Cu'.tcr. Makes Com Fodder ( I to ii uy iNcw thing I ry 1 1 k best s a w i; v i m e ii ( ; u t t ly J-SI5 J-imry Jr ntlci at $2.". l?40. mid (RIH 11 hiii, mil Tnriilni! Tu'il". Sla Hvtitl JCinti'y )l7nf'.y ( xi'.-ix Aililn,, 'lie 'J'ltnite I'd . Slnniilaliurii, Monroe Co . Ti. AOKN I ri WAN I Kl) j;-iii m .ke mmr nu iiey i wink Id us limn ut unvlhuiii ru. iilli-inr!' I i:H ullll ,i lii, uri-llt. r.illH'lll iln lr-0 O !-::N.-C. A C').. Finn Art Pub liMheif, Pnril I il, M 1 c l . VXOilt (Jim lil-A vtcl'ni "f cnriy Indlf Mi i .in PL' l.i'it.:H .1- i'ity, Kf Millt'iru il- r.'iy, .te. I':i li il mi viun r , t y nj'afis, d n-ni i y. Iin ili o,' , r. it a -imptt.' in-. -u .r ii t -ifrarv, V Li. ll li,' w nl 11 1 tu lit- It'l nvs -.lllifrt;! Auil;t'tl!i J. Il Kr.KVKxt-' .V:init M, X V W, C. ALLISON & SQ.VS -": :.; i''-' . Vt. -.-. fl I?liilad. lr)hia, .;;nuif;iimicr :f stiprrior OIL WELL CASING-'. 'AND lU.BI.XG-! Wiili 'ijfr :?ni patent 0'jr Tl r.lN'Q nnd CASINO are mnnnfactnrcd with g at cara, expressly for the use of oil pro ducers, being tested ut the wciks b furs shipment wilh a pnssure of 2,0 lbs. to tbe square inch N0T1CU .Each longih aud socket Is. stamped with our trnie martc. None oUmt Is gonulne. Tlie danger hcroUinjro rxpericrccd ln Itavlng Tubing liru.il-: at tlw Coupling l obviated by using Allison & Fon's-.hlng with patent CouplVng. OPiSA HOUSE MUSIC STORE TITUSVILLE, PA. f .. re:(tlagt?na in Prices! I 'in on no rmn ut f r clia'L'ncr rnnnle from one two hiiriiln d pi,r cOiit nmntpratU for t( I-PISISAL INS'MMBNTS tl. in hii-v I a r to pny for i ther nrileles of iradn -"i-m of " ,'"'''1"K cu"""nily on band a tiuetnssort .'ia.oi, . 1 OJCCAXS. OUITlBi, aELODBoJfS. STOlli,, ;' 11 :; v Mi'-. !. W'hleb t . ff.-i'to Ui..rni, leu a man-In enrrnspud ln llb i.t el!. -itod-ii ,-, i,,. My motloo Is f O! i K iAI.E .. H. It rjioy iK. 1, , ,.,, f r coiectln-t and tr.ius.i.-t inj 1'4 lne P'-i i dnii'pioiiii,, II. 'Alt . I4.N r, 1-Tt Cpora lion.- liiooi, 'I'liusvll e, Ps . rpm aw-ijjsi;, ?7V mtjs Limn, Hyili'iimllo Ci!i:sftt, C nlrliiKl Plulei, llailr, ,lc Cf X Q,,r,,l ..- .11... l j ... i- " ' 1 ' o ' ' 'o . n.v" xi nurm una (ic tv ei U lo nt,y 1 ait, f 11,0 oil pgiim by leaving onl.rs t A. m;il Ki;:Yfi, rv- Perr ai u VvrLsmc s rf's -i 'f .'il i S ILL-', TV Fir" ': '''r:--Tif''-: fr-ii , . ''-T-'h It"' II g,... - -- - ; - 1 CHAS : WICKEU, froprlflor. Daily Record NEWSPAPER,. Job Pr.nts - A i.S .3 ! it"Z n.MXtf CE.fR.:. ii:.V! UtEPAUT.IICKT. W reef ive elerrshic d'spatrhes up to 4 P- svd p'f-ieut ihi r.i to onr na-ls - eierv vei ir g, ene biaiiiiK in w of -.rat i.tun-sc 11-0111 ull im-ciohs of in- coii.'ir.v. e ha e in-k-ie si. ciai sr-aiiuiiisni-i. wile (ov we reeiiv. re.niar 1 iitiieiuu, toc--Hiid Piodii.c .'!.ir .i- trrp rlMO-ery -fveiiii.y liy ti'iekrii.b tl-mi e-.v V01K, I 'hi 1..0,' Iplil.i, Hl.d I'iil-our-.'. w:.ii.li t-'U tlo'r u it,. Ki itoiiH'. und Loc.-il m.ittem. make It one of .he m.nt de-i.aljie i.wr.jjaptr-,. .yublivhtid io tin 01 Xlciuu As all - AelTcrtls". ny; (.'dilim y . Tee RFCOIO- hns no superior, as It circulates A herevor uu Oil Operator or I'sler can hs fouudj JU E1PABIHT. We" have a" larw m" Well 'l.ctet stockVof JOViilK .Tinierln, emiiin.li lbs verj lstesl styles. We are therefore enatdi-d to eecuti Jon Work of ev-ry vatlety lasi satisfactory maon-r when desired, jobs will be nuly printed In Coue e-hlppinz Bills . Poster!) . Uanl-BllU, . Fiof-rammwi, Bills uf Pare. Labels. AaiV .liuin-and lsltiflK Cants l ETTEH 11EAD8, eill;hsads, BILLS OF ADrao, C', Bu 4U0 BAM, kltlXiTINa, . Plain or Fancy Btyles, nnatly and promptly eieeo led, eniUmclntt INVITATION'S ('1RCT1.AMH HKOORAMMEr OAKDS, TICKETS, Etas In ftct, every variety and stylo of work la lettri "S" I" MOUt. . Merchants, Lawyers. JiisHces of the P-saca, land Ai.'cuts, (ijl hintfro and Afouts, Insil rauce Agents - " "' u ,11 urn jirai , ibt. ,1. 1111, , ,, ,ti-i ii,-u toil wenre preimrtd lot xi cute 10 01 derail kinds ol lil.sNKS, Lunlness or legd, icqulrid in ibis com- nunlly. - .. . Joliliii g pstronrse rcercctfullv solicltod. t-i (. M ICCEB lOBEETa PETKOUBCM TORfEOQC TORPJJD O. Til JK RUBEKTS " J i PETEBLEBU JUXHIO GO. Office at the Bed PiAiKiKfi Mill, i;or crolClaean4Sondktreta, !Nnr (be UsUroa4, - . TITUSflLLE, PA. Owing to the largo and lacrsaslnc demand Ibruis Iti'tMMls' Torpedos-i. and the tain decision of ibs (itnuii--slouer uf Paten's in relu-oiiir to Win- Itit-a a Wni . and the duels! n of Judge I'. O liner m. tnialugihe Hole-rts' piUmt they Uava LOVi Kuiio ' tht1 price of their Torpedora TWENTi- HER CENT, so that every Uperatui i-au attord iw try a lrpfdo U'lnre atiakdsiiiii't a W elt. "I tiedoi lowing Is the decision rendered by Judge titter uu the twet'iy-Mi-oiio ttil day of r-e-.tenibi-r Ite.'.i, in 1 lie Untied .--tale Ctrruit t-nun ai I'lnl-uisi.' phis. Hit- ease was argued tbree days bv Cuarles Nl. Keller uf New Vurk, U. a. Lucas und . A. Pur viatice 01 t'Jiisourgli, tor duteudauta, aiid i,surus -liaruing 01 I'litiuueipbia, and tieoie M. thilM u t'lllrbuiu, lor p a lil tl. 1 rt;urmioN orsTDQa'Oatn a i As 1 Willi' WllU Ulo.Oullj . .. .....j . , l0t) clueious lu hi' 0 111 v uiiud has coins alier a canfi- cjiaiuu.ai'uu ol ttii. cast-. i'Uu ciOjiLiinaul has exldliltsd a patent dated ifilli of April, lHtSi. This Is prima tai it evhl.ncs ui a gisi tine, auo puts 011 the rsspoudents Hi, bur dwi of 1 ro t mat ll.e patent ia void or woiii Ii-ik 1 ueeu n it lep'iu my rentuiks Inihe cawuf tnid. yenrss. Da. (i Wall, C. '. lisp; ..1I.) but rw adopt tin-in (ii -ulorUing a rule 01 dtahiou wi.icU sp. p.lL. eleHii to Hie p aseiit esse. As Uiv Inliiiinwio ut of ibe pauitt Is admlitid, the unl.. quitd. on will lie as to the validity of wu plalii-uiis iiiiui 01 April g.f, LS.V4. "I nii ufi.r i.,ecu;il u badheen ndusedto p.-acliee. ' ullduf,,! iipvatt-d experuii, nt-. Itiittbs coinpmiiitiio -uc, . i d- u iu over c.unii y die preji.dics and IpiO.ance of ti l - s,pl. en iho Sllbjvtl, and rer.-it 1 ,11 g tn.- p rdic :na. his i.ivtnilou was unfa life r li i,uii eit.ibiiibt-u tisf-Yuat uiimy ana vslus . 1111 1 when h s lour mid p. t;el,t psisiiverance, In -pite o siieer-i uu saittv,'' were , omiil' t l uc' ce still, that Ibid, who had Iwfoi e 111 de cx-,vri. uient-i on lie nine .idijecl and -was lliisuctc miul, si.d ator l,ur-.hii-in-,' one 1 r iiioro-rt-mpiuuntutV i,,r ' peioes, bu upUil d ou tl e 1st of ixiveuibsi , IWfl, lur a pile, t loi subsiaiitially tlie sainu centlilna t mil ol devius niiU uiiiciiiiie contained In coiaplani . MltVpi-U U,; Vu .he l.'-Hi .4llie sau.t' llioleli llie a-iiiideiii- fviui, d tbeiiise,s into a ouiupaii-i er ' C'.r iratinu tail.d -'iha-lioid XurjaJo t i mi-snv,' f Mile u.ioif prnni'-;ih eun plrlmuil s la' e11111111. a, i i-uoporui.c Ltiv ex-nnsee ol litigntiou, and. ti us detiiiuiibiiu uf trie fiUite. 'i'llcy uai's pr suvsd. eu ni.i-r the piul.niaiy Injui.cti .a veiT propKily gianlid by tie . Uuic Judtu: ls-t a d Lii-e be entered in cutm lsin.,r t for s n.r pvtutti iiijuiii-tioi ; and .Muster, -ippoiniu to uks anauuiuutWiMUUiK ) to the payer of ttieibul. . C. t.Hllill, Ju-s K ont The passar referren to bv .Jndge (Trier la 1 bin torn. r deeis'i'U, i W allace, p. tlw adopted as ' app ici,it, to tlib. case was ns follows: ' "li Is n-ualij iliecasn, when any valuatls dlswv- cry is snide, or any uew liiacluns of grsal uil.ilv It invent' 11. that ti eaitcution of the public baa Iwti itiain-d to that subject previotiHly, uud tliut futrty iweous havol-w.u niawa-r rnasurclice and expaie. iiieni. l b ioipu, r auu niecliimlcisin ninv tisve 'rsoiiie cuii9HrcaiitlclpnJod lu tlielr spi-cu'tuons ' .ie Hsioi,liy or prolmoibty of such discuteiv or nu ntnii ; ninny 1'iperimeiiie have heel, nuccesinil ly tiled, coming veiy bear, yet failim; short id th dc-lred result. 'I'iiey iv. prudticHl liulliing ben. nc.ai The iuveniloii whei pern-cud may truly -s s.ld to be the culmlnatlag point W msnv exrer men s, not on y by the inventor, lint by many vnv ' ors. ne mi liavs prnOied Indniutty hv tlieuiisuc ce-sful exi-ejiiiieutsu:. tuiliiiHa ofiotben, but It . .'ive 'hem no right to cm ni a share ol thobi ner t -lie prolll of tlie sui ccssful' luveulor It is wtlea U'eiu aiion '. us been reduced ui practice, when en- puriimut Im-icailltud In disi ".'-niry and when tlitt oiovery has been perfected by patlem nnd coatov ued-experimeuts, xlmasoiiie no compound, art ' uanuinctiiie, or niaelooe has hemi ibu, prnduccJ winch U useful to tliopntilic.tbnt the puny uiakingit be'i'tiin apiiblic benefactor sud en titled to a punit "and yet when gcuin. and path tit uenevwssca ' have at leiifth succi-eded, In sill,. 01 sue.rs sat eonV'wnme vsluabl. lovcotion or disco-ery, bsw seldom Is It followed by reward ! Envy robs bias of the honor, while speculators, swindle's, and pt; rata, ru him of tlw profits. Every unsuoresiiul szpeilisienter who did or did or did not come "J near insXlng a Olscovsry now claims ft, tvery Oas who can Invent an laiprovement or vary Its fern, claims a right to pliwe the original discover. We-ai-ed not summons Itionw, or filanchatd, or Wcodi wostb to prove that ttrla Is the usual history of ev ry nri at olsrovery or Invention. The present case soda another chapter to this lonirtiud uulform history i"-g Wallsoe.i V. C Ma pons p. Sit VAVVION. The pnhllr Is autlonod rgainut eraploting sty nl the K-eulnrt authorised Agenls of the Conr n, since the Kotieits Patent novel the useuftlal 1 ' r-edo and ail explosive materials for ull welli. and the use of such materials by other parties is a direct infiingemeut of their tights. A-iypsrllti in fringing any ol the itOHKKTS PATENTS will he imlt with according to law, and as acting willfully . and knowingly lu defiance of law and the dedaluM of the Courts The Conipiinv havo re-organised their bnsries' with n view toaceuinmodat Oil Men in every part of tlie Oil Pinion, Thev have emplovsd the most efneient Agents and Assistants that can e proeurtd for the businesb. Lach Torpedo Is labellsd with dateaf patents, togothsr with the price of the Tor pislo, and si-.ned by an officer of -the Company, every (iieruio-- wishing a Torpedo may know II price and whether it came from our ofllos. A. t'poiators will coafer a favor by reporting 10 tla Office any negligence of Agents, The following named persons have hern anpolal , erVi Agents and Assistant A rent a for the Oil rte,naa of Psuusylvanla and West Virginia. LIST OP AGENTS' TiinTsviM.r:, cniTBcB ron and ffitu TV wrsMiiv.itf .ruiv 11 oai itamiitAn'. t'lusr. Mors, addr, as Tltusvllls, Pa Assistant John Vsa Sciiver. " TI I ITgVILLF!, fmtJROH Rl'N AND T1C1NI TY II. H 'inoMAIs. Ofllce and address, M" -Ion House. 'Iltusville, Pa. , SHA-tlliUHO AND VlCINITY-OBOHfiK IJJ VIS. Oltlce, f lnimhiirg; residence, Tttusvllle, a-;iaf, A A. West. . KN'lliUPRIbfl l-XKAXANTifllLlJ, JA5 FARM ANO PITHOI.K W. OKO. ' VAIt LIKT. Ulfflcsaud address. Onase House, rlou aniiilln. Assistant, H. C. Huntington. .. ,a TIIUOUT- AND AVK8T H It KOHY-CH!!' . fl.A II K. Office and aadross, 2-rp' ess 'Dice, Tiol into. Pa. AslsUuite-E. V Biianlsley. PKTItOLKIJ.-d naNTHH AND VICIMTT I.KVI MASON. Olhce and address, Petroleum len re, Pa Assistant, Charles Blackford. TARR AND BLOOD KA KM 8 and District IjIM . in oil Creek and Cherry Hun. from Htory V'rm v IcCllntnckvillo JAViKMHAUNDRxH. Adlr-ss arr Farnv I'a. Assistants.. Lnther B. Saunders. Charles N. Cochran an WHPam lloyt. . ' . MoOLIMTouKVILLR, OIL CITY AND "'5"' -A. 8. W v ST. Address, Oil City or Reno, r Asslsisti.,'). Mead .. , FitANHwIN, ALONO Tim ALLFOIIPNY , , KR-7, M iLBhK Ofllce nnd address, 'iW'J'Sa HCIICno ASH, Pld-TEH FARM PA",?-,',.. I.ANDINil ICHAKll W. RKIlVIKLD. O?1 ' and addn ss ru rubgnus, ! a Assistant, B. W re-' terfleld, addnss Kmlenton, Pa. , - ' U'K-T V1IM1N1A-C. D. ANOffL. and T. T uur Address. Parksrslinrg. West Virata llfltrert JJatroliini Torswau-a in.yo-dly ..