a 'ill (.' tut Sofe ill ( VR. SMITH TOBPElio'c Daily Record KOrJEKTS PETROLEUM i.nn n--. ipnr'TTft" .!i 1 f r ' I ,i! f. L 1 M I 1 1 1 II "W Steiiec-a - Falls GAS With Steel Parking CO Sold inSlIiitkt 30 Days. Exclusive Agents for the CI Keglcn DAME, SMITH & Co., Successors to F. W. A1IE3, TlfUSVIIil.E, PA Wood" Work or: CARRIAGE' : " ' ' BUILDERS. D IGROVTTH SP KES, CENT FELLOES, j SAWED FELLOES. nt'cs, SHAFTS, POLES, WIIIFFLETREE3, AXLES, FIFTH WHEELS. XECKY0KE3, HUB BANDS, ' SPRINGS,' ' MALLEABLES. ' ' 1 ' An! the ; 2i?st Ciniaxe Bitlifn Marfct , iDAME. SMITH 3k CO., . ' kuceeasor!! to F. W. AME. lo a. y p ijii prjuiutur mi iiKOiciiie able to l" ; (ino thinl M tnnny ltving, iwrninnent cure, aa Sir. Mrler'a Vee(lile Khauniattc Keniedy: ami Itir her roard of $100 for any oae of Chronic or Jntlniuintaory rtiieifmulsm, Neuralgia, hhenniatio ..(ti'.e --ei.itiivj n- d lirioumathini ol the Mdna it. ivillmtcnri'. The Itlieuniatic SvrnD i ineil in Wirdly etly, pleasant to the tame,' and caarKnted !i'o aim Injnriotia dm a. It la not a qnnck nu de , 'iie.liuttlwiieioatinepresrriptlouof Jiw P. Fitler M. r., I niVaaor of Toxicology aw i'henil-ti v' ' uradiai.t ol the celebrated Univerauv of l'enn' yoia. A J). I.SS.I wl.oea entire profession illif, hjen devoted pe :iaily in thin dlteane 'I'hla pr' nrai ton aider aolemn oath l ooKcientionnlv he llevHl to n Hie only pueltive, reliahle, IritnlliMe PLfitic eve' otscovnicd Tha proof that no oilier aperlUc. exintn la fu-md in every.oonimnnln In per. afflicted for nitloy nearaand sti.l ?ti(r-rin. if phyalciaiiB could c"r It ;if a apecifle did exiw. thU . womdnntbe ao Hurt ihatniiiit he nniveril:r ad.ultttd. '..e oa d.c 'vd pulfcrcr may wi-e y llak, whiltaacinUyor ovldei ce hiw hp th.v Tlr. Kit Ii.- . ij'wmiil''.-; Syrup will curt Ilia ciwe. I'he -Vrotecti. n uUund to uiie.era uaninn Imposition Is n lerrlly finned contnict whleti wll bo lorwanied -withont chaitje lo y anff-rer cendins bv letter a l.ar.iptiou oi nllVction; t,,, (riiaranteo will slat tlie , x.ict lininliur nfnnttles'wnrran'ed to cure and ica-eof fjlltireth- money paid III he returned , t"e patunt. other remiilv bai. ev, r heen . . ereil on wh liher il and honorable term. Mod. ai novice, with certiorate, from prominent p!iv iclatw, elerymeu etc.. who ',aveb.-eii cured i! ter all other t, Hitmen's hive '''lei, a-nt hv lo'ter ' ,r''"'.fu Affll,!tl -"ri'iiliy Invited to wr'teforad vie--o t ,e priuiiiil office. fl Soiith Fonrtlt htreet, la aoiii by drus,d t. ' ' M. S KtMVOVK. Sole Apent, Ctrolettni Ce"tre, Pa. , fAT.T.ENDEit & CO la.Pa. liulo.-alo Agt i, Mead I A. K.OUAMDE1U.IN A CO vine. ea. SoloAffa Houa j uvt ienn Street. nrii AlM-TJSTTTS H.KKrontiniiM'o treat nil r'nrivrte' -'eeasea with freiit. Mirceax iiHum l..t.ei icl. 4 now -mm ier tt.e reco. Ion : it imo'Bii.iii- o:i, liinia cotnlii' f inn n djt in ir.ienr i ia;i nt n or mod.e il hiIt'co ' aiceie.ful pra. iof IS y,a:aia .L.ffl,.,., U"iV 'ila I'elii'ltv pe' nm. e"tlv rurel. iJiestiu.feS i.niaeioi im fur tm ' tun. . ... ... iflh ireniiat .i nal diM-a-eaaklll'Uli 'rated. aiulii in'i i j. t' 1 1 mercury eraau-.uecl. 't he doclnr' U'voii partic'tlnr atlonr nn lo lmn:T complnits-, .r r- " "1" v...... .......'en nnm O'li jltno Uncioi'a med cai Hin hlet.a treatise In plaint tianuafr. on vo.-ieriai rliseasra, seat hv mail io- 2 miohiis .II nilleities are ) ,an d'hi ' ne lab jiii .itury nndor the Doctor's own supervision. I I a; oilKa honra from 0 A. M., io 8 I. M. IS'-tlndayexcrpti'd tw.1v ( 1.51. Taylor, Homo, Sign, Carriage, Ornii mttutai At Frec Puintln?. G-HNINO, PAPEB H.VGIKG, EeoaratiT. and anda rDpori, "'"" ''a,"ln hln"ia ou- bfSTJ,! enumeratod ab .v thar iiJ ". "" '" euarantes of ou I work Sliop ...-o.,te U... ho.ce .! ,c BM. llwid 'looiu. Ii. liainwi ill Petroleum Oautra, Ja' " ' HI mm ll I Ml ,,. A I iini f lk. vf If ii ; ' . 'U I a d co'iu '' 1'is'o. i 'Mt an i iirnre I l''''C .o. past K'l't' c tr. :tri tr-p . c ii-nx ma mil ifeutisot in- tf i - O-o. P Upt..n and J. W. ShfO editors ' t! 400 Page- B Chlc-ii Tribune. With over and 60 ILLUSTRATIONS, b I is now romv tor ne'.rpiy AGENTS WANTED !r outfit eml choice ot territory Piiblib.'.tie Co., Coioieo, III , or r. Sped Sl.fM LVon la . i'a. C Bliss, Keeng & BfsM Extras. THE 'WOa'DEKFCL ItEMEDY l'OH CAxrrn,sPnn.ii. wnonr 'l ICS. HA'.')' 4CUKIKI, l-ll.t ML A I. 1-- li prepum! '-nm thn Grntixs CrsnrRAXHii Bark, Trum L ciiHlir, - iri hy i,. miwtHnci ot t pti"ori ii...icmii:' ". It i the most Eff.-c vi I1! n .t anil tV'l- Hli- 'tivc nnd iil.OOD PURIFIER knon. y "II lriiitjis!, m i nt u - vine i'i t him cmr namr, Irnrtp murk nnd r , t'lih .vi-ikI i.t n i"runlur. Oflico aud Ln. Xn. CO CV. .r St., :,. V. ...iorv tfiWiDE AWAKE a $10 001) pair ir Mirrih French Oil ir.w-pTii.i, , LIFE SVAZ. fxqi. simi.'H ! Hnnl Oil l'Hintlns, UlVil. AWAY tu Hifj tubs: rihiT lo IScurv W:rd Bwli r's ORE XT 1'iTTFTl ARV. IV: (M0L'. WKKKLY NtW.-V'APKR. . 'i i.v (irrnt nioi'fs Uni .nK l.t'OO iim:., s :n : months; another 1172 i" 5'iri v.!.; ,.h,iI'i,t lis In nnf wrefc: ono4T in km il iv. nnd i!im othi'i i i;itiilly well, rs : n ; 1 'in '5 anil tofjllp rd -. Tn!;;-on :!it! An old niynl .A f-:.Oi"9. .'i. l mis it ,!. .,s 'T "ml .ii i P.,,, heller 'I'i.u rur chance ij mua M.tfay cay.t. s I (ltd noi t'riir Budii any hook uoncy. .4 momr. tjOClll AlTfllfa Wnnlixl. Int t-iit inpn unit wi n'en wanted crcrv Whe.e. If yon wisS u,)f terrltntr. en,l tarli for circular tcrml J. R. FO 'i ! & ;) , Park K n. New Yoik: II Ui-,,, Held St.. BnHnn. J,.g.: 2Sj el Madison St., Chicago. Illr S3 jwr nniititii including Tear Book for '72. SIDNEY E. MOUSE, JR.. &CO., 37 I'ark Itoiv, New Vork, y.impio Copies Fpfc. IVERSASJSEVi. lor im p pnnip'e ropy i. LE.-VDEK. a II 'i cinfa v' lii!."- -.'My j ni:i il I .'on eiiti 'i 111- Se'" no, h' d hy II, u New l"ui Stall iiver list", nnd onui ,'nn, Dr. r' ti I n ,v i'i . 'i ... 5 -r r. Addresa. PithlifMer CHllIl I'ADEK. 12ng RrMi,iw. Y. Cut. Ever"17 Farmer la Invited to aenrl his nddreis and receive Free and Postage paid a coj'V ot tlio AmiTtcttn iarni .fn:;ri!;il The moat Practical, tho Best nnd' Clieuneut Illnalraled . r- Iturl ,..t,er iu the L'uiteil biatea. U' . .elite v,e year. Sead tor u speoirrjeii ; Addiesa MiLLKR, L'CKE 4 CO., 1 oiedo, i iqio. WOOD'S HoimlioU 'May. zine la . ,. red ree diirinij; the cotninj year to every subscriber of Merrv'a Miiaeutu, the Toledo lllarle. PoniiTOv'a llenmcat. etc. w-nic. ,s a I evilit'lioeot ia ,v..i lariiv . TToraee f,' -imv. ,f In iio pnpn oea lart,,t. I beuuoro Anion, Uail uaaiinou, eic. wuib lor every number. Jn cliiTi't7iiij"ii o'liora three fltt clasti perlodi rala for the price ol one ol ,i. A variety f premium on equally I term". It is n orljinnl. first e h"i,.j: ,. Volume Xhe"ir-li1 ' ' 7?. 'I hfpo soooimHr. PLTfjJjf lne Dee. Jo.. price hi., It I Ull 0 ha? 19 piecei Vocal and In. ir'l initio Music, worth $4 in -tieet form. We will MIICMfl 4 I 1,1 1 1 " Nob. 60c tYIUdiuAL' "r 'fSOo.. or J , to pr.ee, ) Bound cop fur luviUiiuip,,, KjnkM, Rl)llJd) e'e. Address J L JJ(,' ' TER. 699 BrontlwA,, N.Y I' O Hoj. M'.fl (lules ti ' , s. s. f"u'!'jJ!"'Xi,uV 'i! '""M" A compound oi ( H wiiut Mtf.rfV. Aeknowl extired the beat vrcmoti-rnfthr grmrlh ami hw V ofththair. JJS. SOSKSrt t lioMon. Jl - . bold by nil druggista, Mature imitation. SHoliTl- -'. a" II in i'luiir;, P i DEXTER On: - 'q-ia- lo li-iy sK I'm- i it Funny. . r ( Circular nr. Mokes Co;u Fodder .Nl"K thill ! T 1 f- -10 (JL : IK' (;L T(iM.Y : : i .i $23. S 40. hi-.'I . Tori- $15 :. .T.t A4ilifi". j'4e 'urj. Mnro Co . Tif. Itrpr. (. j'i', P . ('kef'.1 if 'J'niite i i . Strom AGKNTS WAN 1 1:0 Apct,i mak-m ni'incv n' woi k l"f li t hn t anyt ' in it . '!!' imS'lelil ii ml p.i" r.fiu p !ii i j V. S.MINSGX .V 0').. Fine A: n i-rj. l,r:l .ml, .! tii VOIU Q U civ, i. ik.:. e y, - Ci-c V i :i. i Vltl ( Tl C. it i;KKVi-S, 7 (Mliii n'' c ill ! V ii t'ilv, t T'f : r .nlVi ii -ti" p. Iiii-ip s m' t-'IT ti iit'r'ii" !:iid in mn : to lii it-. . W, G. ALLISON & SON'S Phil adc liihia, i illannfacturcrt of superior O I Hi WELL CASING-. AND TUBING-! With p.iwn atu! patent Our TI BINQ nnd CASING are manufactured with 5 at care, expressly for the use of oil pro dacen, being tested at tha work, b'foro slilpHienl with a presanre of 1,200 lb., to the square inch NOTICE Each length and oekat Is 8'.tiped with our trade mark. None ot her is jennine! The danger kcrotofors' experienced In hnvlntr Tubing break nt the Confine Is ohvlated hy nslng Allison & Son's Tnhlng with r at'Ttt Coupllne. jn-Lf. ' . 1 s OPERA HOUSE MUSIC STORE TITL'SVILLE, P.. il ' - .-lie .m.-.'.A Great Reiioction in Biie s ! T a - . . . . " '"rcnargmsr pcoiiio lrom one - uiiaitreu pf r cunt, more prnflt ror ' MEICAL INS'JITIME: i.an tnay haoe to pay for other article, of trade. mnlV f koel,ln8 cnhstantly on hand a flue lasso'rt IANOS, , OROAXS, OUITAKS, MElODEwM STOOIiS, SlIUfiT MUSIC, Ac. KlC?,i,r,?r,n.!h.",,nl,,!,'ln ""Pi" wrrespnd ill" With other nrltel..H. !. My , , 1 QUICK PALE.i a.'?,-saeil,,'!,1M,M' ,8my collecting nnd o-ausacUnu husiuoss pertaluiPBtotmde. "f t Opera Hons, Bloc.-, Titusvll a, Pa Iiime, IlydrmiMc Cement, f-.,. lVrt.., t l l-i':'::.y.V,rji a .... .vU jria.u-r, Hair, Jtc r. a toan, pa t i f the oil region hy iciviuu order. l A. nVKKKY'9, S 'i' iihulc Ktrerts. ' ocl5W-tt TlTUWliLJ, Yx. NEWSPAPER, AND Job Priot.c Office, , fli a i. if r e I'LIKtPiElM C'EXTKl C MAS. C. WIC Ktll, Proprietor. SnWS DEPAI5TMEXT. We receive teluL- sphlc dlrpivluia np to 4 p. jt and present Ihem to our readers every iveliin. em iirucing news at in-eat .ntoies; Iroin all secimiia of ina couniry. e nave made special ar.aiii'iMiiouK. w hereby we receive regular IVtriileiuu, mock and riiHiuce. mnraei llcnoris ery evening hy telivrnnh from New Vork. Himndelphia, and 1'iinnurL'. wbieh toirethcr Willi Kciunials and Local matters, make it one nr the moat desltable uv.poiers -blished iu the Ot It jglou. As an Advertising Medium, Toe KECORD has no superior, as It circulates wherever ao Oil Operator or Dealer can lie found JUBBHB EEMBTMfflT.f We' have a-' larue and Well ' -'estei stork'cf TnUhtng mnici !;. ,i. . , ,. n,,, v.. V Myio. W e are tl r o-v enbd to eaeont. - orkol- e.ary vancij in a .atist.ictory manner w lien deairad, Jobs will he neatly printed io Colobs Shipping milt ' Posters, Hand-Dili's. Piocrammen, T.ili uf Fac. ltabels. -- AN- I Susinem and Vishinff Cards LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, BILLS OB' VADINC. Etcf, Etc uao . BALI. fRINTINR, Plain or Fancy Stylos, neatly nnd promptly excen tod, embrucintg INVITATIONS CfnCTTt,AHt ."KOGKAMMKSi CAKDS, TICKETS, tic In fact, every variety and stylo of work In letter oa pi.uiiuii. Merchants, Lawyers, Juatlees of the Peace, Land Auvnra. till Dea era and AL'enn, lnsu ranee Aeenta J tpre.smen aed other parties Iu want, are in 011111,1 llV. rH",,l,rVI,nrt loeaecute.o order a 'I klnila ol niunhv . e0r l-e'l. ioquir.d jQ ih.. coni- Johulni; patioaage rcspectfuliy aoliritid C V W ICCL-R PETKOtEBBI T0RfEB0 CO. Office at (lie Ri:d 1lasi.o 51 ill, Cor er of I'Iiip nnd Second Strccu, Wear the ltallroad,) TITUSVILLE, PA. Owlnit to tli Iiip.t nnd lncri-nlrc di mnnd ftirih. Pnhri' Toihm.h.. mid the Ime di'rijn 0i J: CotnmirtlomT if 1'niriitrt in !fu1u:r to Wni ll,.j b pnieni. and tlie dmint m nt'.Ind'.'c H. c. liiiVrmv I.lilllllS K.iIhTK' i lluot lllcj liuv LOWtkUl the price of llielr Torp'ilon t r.srt that PTi-ry lipfratur r: rnt OKNT. lorn iu try a Torpt,!, i'oro aDaudoiiiii a Well. I hu foUowini; i the ilit inlon ri'iidi rril bv .: ht ou the meiiiy-pguiiiu ivz) diiy m ti-nteiiih ii. In the United Maun Cln-im ( nun nt ,g, . . nm. ine ca!e bk umueu uirt;e iling lv tUrie, 1 Krller of :ew ork, U. l.uci'aud i,. a. tu- i .lariltiiicol' I'lillaaelplim, aud Uuig! U. lliilsii ; 1 . Utrbuib, lur piaiiiuti'. ' j OPINION OF JCLUiE C1UEK I A I wrllc with llilHctill v I ran only uit ihcm, rluilitit lo which my iniut'l has cuiuu ulu-r a cw. The cini:ihuiiHni lm rxhlbllrd a patmt dai i"itll uf April, 1M.5. 'Hii is prima f'lneelicleiireui a duud tit. e, uud puts on the i 'iKpiiu.luits (tie hor deli ol pra'if tliul Hie lnit In veld or wort'ilm. 1 neeo not repeiii mi punirkK in tlie cawuf duoj your vx. lm (a H 'all, !. I.'. Uep; mi,) ht , adopt them n allordiinr a rule ,.i deelMuuaincliiL. pile rlenrly to the piertel't ctMe. A the nilrliiKeim nt mi Hie patent i ndmiiW i tlieuhl., client en will he n to the validity ut ua piair.Hii' piio-nt ot Apn: I r. a nii.r Tin.: u li.'fl :"""n ruhHlc i,:i nil" ' tiuu in.. : i oin;i,i. infill, r.v . el- M!'l h." : -r.ee i : li e i a.: cs. il ' 'i 1;'S sel i "l Him :ru,c. il ...)ILt ." ; or;i..tT i d li.-u c: r ') 1.4V. ,,. ai a u-.;. 1 1 f.-M' u . i. ui..' s..i,-:. .Vi-i. . propel IV lm:o l., t n (.. r pstllai ie,,,;,i , all uCi.obt a. in; ui.l . ... f. .-. j y ti .iilu.j; ) .o .i t p i "t . : ; li. C. (.nihil Notf The raM7 r.fe-red to hy .luda- to-0::tti:A T1 ailuplrd el X .us e. nirr oeei. on, nnne. p. if.iu anli icalite to this tHse was aa lollowi.: ' 'll N usually the case, w hen any vat'int-l. dsseor. ery is made, or any lo w iiis .liliie of er, at ui .in invented. Unit tiieaiteiiitim of the public has Is-: o.iiieu 10 urn siureei previously, nnd llisl JLU pei-uns have been raakiufr reseairhes nnd fli meats. J'hilos-iii, rs and niecliaiilelaus OiAv lie 11 some Measure nntlctpatfl Iu itielr specu'ilti.t i.ie possibility or probability of hh-Ii discuvm ' luvetitioti; many exjieriineiils lan e laei. niecoVi ly Hied, coining voiy near, jet fallimf sliert el u (le-licd result. Tliey have ),ro.lueed nnlliaii' " Heiai. 'Il,,- Iiiveiitioti when iierbvted iiinv iru.v said (o he the eniniiuntin point ot tn.uiv tvt tnen.s, not only by the inventor, hut Sv tiinia nrs. lie may have profiled Indirectly hi tLebt-: rtwfiil experiments and falluies of others. 11 Ktves 'hem no l'ltfllt to claim 11 shve ot ttm hi. nor tlie proiu of tlie Mici'Ceaful Invent it il i-' spe, illation ha. Iieen rehired to praetice, when." 1 periinent has resulted in disenverv and vluli r diseoveiy lias been perlecild by pallrllt aiei a n: ileil e.xiierinieuta, wben some new cuiiiiiui.i-l. ' mantiiaeliue. or maetuiie has been ilia, jin.di'c which Is useful to the piihlic.thut the ihtiv li.ii'- ' becomes a public benefactor and niutleiitiii!,'rt . u'nd yet wiieu tteiiius mid naiiitit i-ni'i have at length surceedial. in solia of slims l"- Scoffs, some vsluable invelitioii or itisco-rry, I' ', I'ldom is II rnllowed hv reward ! I uyi"i" ' of the honor, bin, speeuUtors, sw ii.d en. m-'1 rates rob 1 1 i ill of the p roll Is. Kierv tiiaiuo-' exiwrliui liter who did or did or did net conic v near tuakini; a (iiscoverv now elaiins it. lrT'i win, can Invent an i'liprmenieiu r ynrv In f claims a riiihl to pirate the oriL'iiiiil i;ii;jvnj ' need not suiiiuiolis .worse, ,lr 111 inch nil. el ,r worth to prove Hint this is the usual lihtoiyol ry ttreat i.iscovery or invention. '1'lle pi esetit case adds iitaitlisr rhnptiT It Inneiind uniform history.' 2 allace,. C t' ports p. SU2 UlF7i.. Thernhllcl, ailtloned renins; emnW-itE1 tit tlie reirularh nutliorlsl Acents of the(,r j nt. liuee f he Itobena l'i.i,.,.f e..ver the llfU '1'orpedo nnd all explosive materials for eil -Tlld tlie use ol such matcrinla bv other panic Ulrucl liifrinxemetit of tlieir ilelits. Any ''' rillerine anv nt the Ui lltl-'lf'l's I'iTIA f SI- iealt aith tiecorifiiiL' to law, and as aetili "'''I'I awl Knowiusiy in Oeuiuice ol law and uutow- 01 tne 1 (,tirt. The Coiiiimitv linen ra.nrf.nnled their ' with a view to accommodate Oil Men In "T" . 'I of tho Oil KfL'inn. The have eninliweit in. " 1 efficient Agents and assistants thill can bs pw. -. b.i-tliM Kn.iitjKik 1 .ai. rr,.n..uli I. Islatllel M datoaf piitetits, tnirether Willi the priceuf ll nnrlo. aed al,,n..l l.a .... ..ni..e f ll, fliml1 I every Operator wlshiiif; a Toricdii ninj" sn0' I price nnu wuerrierit came rrom ouroiai.-. (ipotntors will confer a favor hy ripertinf" j utiico any necliffeuce of Auents. The followlm; named persons hive hem ., oil Acentii nnd Assistant At'enta for the UH'"' of Wmusylvuuiu and W eal Virginia. UST OF AO EATS. TiTrsvjt.i.E, curncn nr.v avi1 TY KTKl I1KN ..OllP. OlHcc, llaiaillut"' Store, addrisa Tttnsrllle, Pa Assistant iscitver. tI,-i ti'itsvii.i.r. ciinnrii ui n an" ",, TV 11 II 11 iii.iiau fiit:.u ...irl flUiirnS on House. 'llttisville, l'a. nurc ftlAMIIUKIi AND VICINITY I'""",:. ' VIN. Ollico, Shaiiiliiirc; ruddeiire, Hi"'" As'Jslnnt. A A. West. , fi PAIIM AND PITIiOI.K W. '"; VLIKT. Olllce and address. Cnase Uou c.s rr.ifi i.i3e. - .r.ASA.11 ""' antville. Assistant, II. '. Hlintilii;t"u-V rf, Tininrri' vn wkt nichi'"1 1 "LA H K. ( Ifflee and address. Krpt'i" OlBw Jute. I'a. A-slslanl, K. C Ueardsley- ll-'Tltill.l.'lTl 1 it'. VTlt h: AND I'1. .. 1 LK I JI1ASON. OlliceandaiMress.rcto"1"" re. Pa. Assistant, Chnrlea Hlaeklnra- TAitn mil in, on, kA umm and Ih"":.. in Oil Creek and cherry linn, from W') J( lc( ,1 intockvil le ,J A i KSSA L' N1B "' c. I HIT Farm. I'a. Asslslnnts. I.llllier U. " Charles v.. Coehrnn and WHI'nin lloyt. . (.1 Mc'ILIMTtlCKVII.I.H, Oil. CITY A!' 1 A, 8. WIST. Addioss. Oil City '' Assistntr (K. Mead . ',irV Kl(A!Kl.l. AI.ONO TflPI Al'l.r ul' ' K It V. w 1 LB K K ( mice and miure-. jj, HCHITBG ASS, Pus'l'EII 'AHM A 1 LAN 1INW Itl('HAIII) W. llBor.-- a ,l.l rl,lr. u. . I I. A.UtistUllf,' terrleld, address huileulon, Pa. T ..'j' OOK. Address. Harkershure. "'.,'('' - HI IflK l AW "i k ha Hot ATT Odea . tn Pi Scxt an 1 a, llfTT Kan call. Petn m m (KV io 1 GEN WE lUT, ti tir'ni jrohortu relrnlciiMl in' uiai'J-dly,