j. m. iiikiitie, fumeries, WaEnEsg'ton Priigis, Fa ftent Medic roleum Cen iries, IPer tre, Fa. trcet, IPet JAM KttTOWN CLOTHING STORK. UattlV 'V Jl-U 4rN ,l mm.',') uiiwHtej jojf aqnp ffwia wy . nnn n ua itiqt iutm 'ja. m pv Sajqio3.w)Ufi 'j.iitS' 04jiav 'hjAo-r) jptifj pirn pixj 'ipof ) jo uoj3ri.ia ooqo &iaa' e 'oV 0O!idJ0iop f jsa jo spoog S4msraan12,sdeasTBH jo n Kjba oqi jo soots any 'osib HVSAi. S.OEE CIIM-V JM3CDAE tXOSL jo J3ojg aSjs'j iiti qn jsbji aqj tuojj pjouniaj jsnf u 'jsEaiam'V" "v faie Only Place in in Petroleum Cen tre where you can Buy the Famous KZE3IR, GOAL! ' IS AT Burton & Kooker lit . i" !'. BY P. & A. TEL. LINK. OpricK or reTRnl.Kt'M CKNTkIC 1aII.T Urxnun V Dec. 1.1 IR7I ! The market remnine itiivt and dull to dr . We (incite at $4.fj0. We hear of no transactions. Crude 12K". Philadelphia, IVc. 14. Dec. 22? 4': Jn. 22?4' Feb. 22,''.,'; Market Very quiet. P utauurit, Dec. 13. .. Crude spot, 12?. Nov. 21 . li. t. nil year. 12.'a". S. O. do. llH. Market Unchanged, "".It-lim-d aput, 22; Dec. 22J.'; Jan. 22) Fell. !!2'.. Maiket Steady. Now lorn. Dec. 12. s ISO OTIIEU COAL is equal to it for House 01 Enirine use. Also, the CELhBUATJSD HONEY BROOK, LEHIGH, COA-Li Decidedly the liest ever brought to this market. The BEST is the CHEAPEST We guarantee Square Weights and Quality AS REPRESENTED. Stoves, stoyes i G3 O) 1 would respectfully call the attention of tho?e wishing Cook or Heating Stoves, to call and examine my stock. The MOENINO G-LOEY ! 'li p'oniN1' bs nurnflr.'s. Has a mill srate, which entirely grind" out all flat or tuokera, thus keeping the Ike clean, and ohvttttea the necessity of piiltirc out tlio fire to ao the grate. It ia a perfect antt-dtiBter, and u perpetual 'burner. The America (Cook Stove! " rCHrrrnir anA nnnln.ltlnul .nl l..,l..,l I, . I.. II.. .. I. MnMrttelloa and floisb of any Stove in the inutket. la considered llio wjsl pertect buker - muj ohjv, made. Also the PLYMOUTH EOCK ! A urt cUe. Cooktn. Stove with reservoir and warming closet. Also a largo variety ol ineraud different at j leg of Cook and Sweating Stoves. col'-1"," "ock of TIN AND S1IEET IKON' WAKE kept constantly on band, witb a EC Ji. JEZ, JD "WJl ROB I AND OIL WELL SUPPLI'S 7H U b . enn-id" 1" orarAfiVAIVIZEI IIlO. A3VI PI MPS whlcb are lum , v0!"'" d Hfet iHimp now in life. It o I oil TllblnR hikI Cn (;iLllKT ;oiiD.. LCiinie-l:i)4'. K. lineu 2;4. Mulket lir.ii. Market 4.10. I'lKtourK, Deo. 14. Market $i,t,0. On. City, Dec. 13. Mrket-.?i,;ir Titlsyim.k, Dec. 13 1'l.EASiM VII.I.K, Dec. 13. Market $4.13. Market $4.60. , ;Rciiskvilli, Die. 13. I.UI.U MMI MJIK. New York, Dec. 13. Gold 1P!V- A. U. Of C. V. LilM-rty I.odu'e X. 7, A O. vt V. W., meele every Mmiday evening ut 7 o'clock, in Odil I'VIIow'b Hull, l'etruleuui Centre, Peou'tt. L. II. Coi.i.om, M. W. II. fiRIFFK, U. The Oil Creek Rail road Shops TO BE RKMOVFD TO Pl-.TKOLEUM CENTKK, 1'KOVlUKu Griffes Bros. Continue to keep on hand a complete stock of Medicines, ill AND FANCY GOODS, Such as PBRFUMFS. iOII.KT BTICI.KP, CObilKTMS. BKDf IIES.i COMBS. lOWKI.S. I1AND GDAsBEf, WALL PAKns. WALK I Ml CAXFS, 8TATI"NKHV. ' PATKN'l" MEDtriF;, l'OCKKI. HOOKS. I'lOAKS. tho crle bnit;'d Wolverine and other braudu, Tobacco, &c. WINES $c LIQUOR FOR MEDICINAL PLT.rOSES. The largest Slock of POCKET DIARIES! Ever brought to thia Region. -PrtiPulr Attentlou wld to the pntliug up of I'b)'sicmu' l'rtjsci Ijniuiid. Washlngton-Bt, Ptro!eum Centre, Ta. Grifges Bros. 3ILS HATS! SILK HATS! II.K HATS! at A L DEN'S. . Ntw etylek Glove at ALIr:"3. The OKh M I stahUslKd I.i- qur Ktore on Oil ( rci h. i i" OWEN GAFFNEr, PRPP'R PIJEE Wines & Liquors, The Best Importations. Wines, (iins, It urns, Whhliics, FGR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PUR POSES. I would call particular atteotlon to my Brands of Wines, which are frenuim4 Importation, and "em hrace the entire list ever kept ia A ii.ihb Markets. Ales and Porter Ran V Co' Imported A I, in RotlC Ale In IliiUlfft. ! iiib4f.t Browimtoiit' A; toudou i'orer, Vc CICARS.CICARS THE FINEST PRANDS OF DOMESTIC AND HAVANA CIG.VUS. Xo. '22 WnoIiiiiBlnii-Rt.. PE TUOLEI.U CEM'Ub. PA. EO-l-lf. OWEN CAKFNEV. Pctrolenm Centre tiodse, Xo. 7 IS, I. O. of O. IV Roeular meeting nigbts Friday, at 7 o'clock. Signed. ,f. E. BOVLES, N. G. W. A. Kki.I.Kii, A. Sec'y. ZWVUo f meeting, Main St., epposite McClintock House. 51EASU & A ini!STH0(;, Successors to II. n.Varnw, : WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Flour & Feed Merchants. rllIIF SntwrHtwrn h.nvinir tonrlit the old utitml A It II. Wnn er. iiitfiiilienlnririinr the 1'inlu and will keep i,iwt ahvnvi on liund t)i .hnt niarket nftnrd. Wo will d a WllOI.KSALU ' HbTAIL truck' in llie.fulloing Jrodtlct: FJLOnt. HAY and GU I of all kmdf . We alao have a very large fuck Ana E2T APPLES. - invite a hre of public natronn'i', fwlinp roiifliietit we cm give aatialactlon in )iicc and MKAKK ARMSTRONG. Pctrolmm Centre, l'a.. Not. 9, 1MU tf FOR saxE CHEAP. HrroiMl-IInnd Oil Well nn- plln. lu.Oll i ft s in TCHINO, 1(1, mi ft h'i ami U'.,' rrd 3 Inen I'AS.NtJ, 5,f()u It SM ALL HIHK, 5.000 K Sl'i'KKIt KOHS. !i in-b. t- inrb 7 and 8 inch liltlV INO IMHK, ITH'INC.x at oiie-lialf i,rieo or New. GASnai Hd'I'AKV IM'M'H fi.rcalo or to rit. Ii.NijU'KS iu.il HOII.KItS at all sizes, at JIOWB Ai COOK'S, Cox 22. pen oleum Centre, Pa. an tr. Drilling Jars We worri'l rupwfutly arnnunee ;tnt,;r rti.-ti-er ni.il th, nublljyiinraly lb,. I u ptJUlM l i,n liai.d t . . , ust Steel Drilling; Jars ! Wli'oti fur ftroneth and Pi,. abllltyeaircJ any Steel Lined Jur berutoltiiX! in ust). riic Adranlnpc. tve Claim Over Lined . Turn arotbat, twine ALL STKEf.',",hy are ! roller.-tin n Jar cii(.tH)4ed imrtlv 'I' Inm; Mint neirtin'. n tteel siirfm-e to tbnrock, they nro I-riitin'd lrim arusr ou the outnidc, and will kcip lUeir bupo lunaV. . We also keep oo hand , Cant Iron Working Barrels. l isher, HorrisCU Nov. ia.iEr.o-tx PCTttOLlitltl CLNTRR LIVERY, FEED & SALE , stables: it the Depot,' npniisitc the Central Jluuse,' PETROL rc 0" M CENTRE; PA. And on Elm 81reel, OpOkile I lie Eairlo JIoUkc, OIL CITY, PA., t T. M'DOyALD, Prop'r. rptlE hut Stock of DBIVtNO ANTI SADDLB L HOUSES un the Croek.'are to Be fooad at ' M'Donrtld'i lilvcry. on Keasnnnhlo Torma. TKAMINO of all ktndj trmnpt'vnttendrdto Abu. connected with tia , ivery SlaWe Inn M E A KF. 1'nrtlnln want of HI ( KHOAIIDS and WAI5 ONS r a.Kind. will do well to enli i n nie, w I have the at ncy loromeortbe b' el ntanulartorb-e In the eoi stry, and will sell as.cbijapaa tbey enn he bnd at the manufactories. JfUiva no a call. T. M'DONALD Pctrolonm Cqntre, Fe. 1MI,, , , AltUIV.tl, AND , DEPARTUKK UF TKAI.s;OM O. if. & A. H. R. On and alter undny, Nor. 19tb, 1871, train, will rtln us follows: NORTH . NO. i. Un. S. NO. 1. Leave Irvin. . 12. HI r M. 6.10 r M Leavo Oil City fi.nn a m. 2.43 p M. 7.2S p at ; ". .Pet.Ceu C.:tn S.25 ' R. 10 ' "" TiliifV. 7.10 4,ti7 8.M ' Arriva Cony, 8.54 " 6,40 ' 1U.S0 "' HOLTII. NO, 2. NO. 4. NO. 6. Leave Corry, lO.oa a m. .I0 a m. 6.00 r M " TitusT. 12.2S p u. 7.30 : 7.2& " " P. Cen. 1.2S 8.2(1 " .;9 " .rrivet). City 2.H5 .IS " 9,10 . " Inrine. 4.45 11.50 ft""" No. 6 ap(l 6 run on Sunday. , AXesgett; (SnccuMur to A.I'. Legartt.) M aunnutnrer .'.nd Dealer in HARNESS, Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c Kxperienced worVmen are employed, and Hni nefi uf all kinds kot ciiurtnutly on baud and mace' tu onlcr. FINE NEW HARNESS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE, , i n hand at remonnblc rati. . V. lielnx'. Pnt. Seed-Bp; For ffnle. t'ANt'Y AND HOKSK HI.ANKET8 IN LAKGK tJl'ANTIl'lEs Tbciu ia no suiierlor Valve cup Mndo. than tbeone made In mv shop, and they will ba sold at $12 per hundred or 60cuia a not. Plainest., below the lUcCliiitoek lon.e. PetrolonmPontre, Pa., Nov,,iI,; f. Ipera House SA-LOOIST ! JLoiil. .1. Voucher, Prop'r. Tender Hie Ojiom flcm'. Petroleum Centre, Pa. FRKSIl LA'l K remived dully udu riiuMantl ,n drauuht 11 N0II all hiiiire. The qrei-t or WlMiS, ALKS, Ae and the (Inert biaudi orO. iAUU nofirimtlv on 'bund. INV fllende end the tiublic are rc,iec'Uully invited to pay m a earl. novH Um. LOU18 Jf, VOCl'IIBIf. T America Cook Stove at Oo".4 - ' GORDON'S.. New Sty lea bilk liaiel at A. ALDEN'S RaoeTinted Pocket Di .rie. .,r 1872 uor 21 at GKIFFES URO.S-