f5TJTfri).VprP 'r'HPAPPl ipete.'a from New Orleans) Tie -- Ibrninbeol llcminry .wmtiU ei. U w. JJ. 0& Krfi.XJLLV-ii m.i.. tuat thrrge light ttetw-en Mace ali1 I to nt 1'. Sodomy of I hi- Navy ,n' l"eT Cuburo was declared off after rl-ven ronnda tbe cadets out of the iNavel Aeaueioy tor bid beeb fought. No particulars. fAaaxesiort t HttFarlaad, Smith s Ce . J merchant Tailors! and 1'Ea:.ers in COR. FrRING-A FRANElTN ST5.. TITOVIJLLE, PA. a-c pv la tne of tL firttt aster aitntajaj ULOIIHS& CAS3IMERES ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN COATINGS, .MIXED AND - -: STRIPED SU1TING3, FANCY VESTINCrS. It offcrtd In tlit Oil Regioa. TTVKNTY DIFFERENT STTLES OF HATS SC CAPS, All tlit Latest and Nobbiest Stylo. A FCLt, LINE OP Gents' Fiinusbing Goods, &c r etroieuni Centre Daily Record. Pet. Centre. I'rldur Tsece ruber I Divine iservlce. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services eve?y Sabbath at II A. Ii. and i)i P. M. Sabbath School at P.M. eats free. A cordial Invitation extedd d to all. Rst. ?. W. Sco?rELD, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.; Piwarhint at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7W. PoUCK Henry Sherman, alias "Dutch Hank." was arretted lesienlny by officer Mi-Hugh, charged with driiukenmt end dt-onlerly cutiUnci. Kin.il $1 and Cujt ttid 30 days In the cunty jt'l. Win. nnry htta, a demean of Meadvilie, was arrested ou tbe tame charge by officer M. Hie J 50 ceatt and costs arj'l fillreo days lo the con iny jail. City Father M alloy. Mrt. Duonlgao Mrs. Canadian, Mrs, Peit, and otlier Illustrious vagrants aod vagabonds from thit place, at present confined lo tbe eonnty jail, will uu doubtedly extend Dutch Henry aod Vim. Etta a hearty welcome ontbeir arrlrel a tlit county Baatf'e. Petrolenm Centre, Nov 2, 1871. Tbe Boyd Faitn Skating Club met at tbe residence of W. Miller, Ei. T E. Totter lo tbe cbalr, Wm. Miller, Jr., S'e'y. Mloutet of lait meeting read and approv ed. W. Miller, Jr., resigning, Cbat. Helgbton Wat elected Seo Treaturei'i report read and approved. Reports o( various committees read and approved. On nation T Donning was tppointtd a committee to procure a suitable building for use at tbe rink. Adjourned to meet Monday evening nett. T. E. Pottib, Prea't. CuaS. ITbiohton. Seo'y. Winter it upon in in earnest. o'elock P. M. D. PATTON. Pastor. Cold at 1 p. m. IWi REMOVAL. Tho offlce- of the Daily Re cord' lias been removed to tbe buddiig situated three doors above the late location, direct ly opposite the McCIintock llonset Oar friends re invit ed t cull and see us. ' We have removed our office to the large and commodious room, three doors above our late location, aod directly oppotito the U.K.I l Tt . iutiuivcii auiiif. utuai we are pre. pared to execute job work with neatness aod ditpeieb. Give tie a call. . TWHrtjiving Day wet very generally ob. reived jvtierday. by out' citizens. Divine eerrlees, at the Presbyterian Church, wet largely at lende. As matter of course, turkey and 'tieb" suffered severely. The thanksgiving dinners at tbe Central House, McCray House and McCIintock llonte, were very elegant affairs and patted off to the tatiafaotioo of all concerned; This evening tbe Georgia Minstrels Slave Troupe. tt.pe',tr at Sobel't Opera House, in ina of their unique entertainments. Tbey we highly sunken tt by the prets wherever tn.y hrf apprared, and will undoubtedly have a crowded bouse. The Ueti"tov Tuesday evening, before tt Yo mg Men's Christian Association, by Rev. W U. Ciillina. on. 'Appoarancea,' was largely etien.lpd, anil-lt laid by tbose wo i beard it to have been a Co Iherary production. Tbe Rev. gentleman i exceed lily pupiilar as a lecturer, and many of tiioe who heard tito expreta tbe bop that be re-jj be inditoed to lecture before tbe At sociatlen again before the courts is over. Pome sjorelUieus-wreicn witbdut the fear of roan before bis eye, and without money In bla poek'ia, bttt'wUh a detire to celebrate Thanksgiving in an spprcpriata and proper manner, broke Into Scnermerborn- & Ten Ey-k's feed and provision store, nlgbt before Wet, andoarried off four turkeys and several ehlakffl. No iloubt they enjoyed turkey aod chicken to their bean's content. A County clerk In Iowa recently received a uoie teadipg as follows: Wtt'er Clure 6nr Ittao mtrrlg llieoi to to iiot(or M-teter and Mis 1 lor siicnmtfioeet reqnlr 'ew to mirry rtto orf 1 hey la o4 !, erep mother and ant. TheP.cbo Utl and railway eating ymitwaftb IHVoia Oo'ral Railway at Juu,tr Li, weie- biwoed wedoetday- Arace between- a locomotive aod three coal care down tbe tteep grade of the track of tbe Maple Grove coal Co , at Rijmiaou. occurred on last Saturday. The locomotive with Mr. Huston, a machinist, In tne tali, was standi en oa the track when three cart uncontrolled by the brakeman, came teating down toward It. Huston opened tbe valve and started oa tbe back track, hoping t, avoid a colision, but after a race over a mile the care caught up, tbe locomotive wan thrown from the track into a plmghed fi''l(l. pawing through aboard fence on its travels, a splinter from wbich entered llus'on's l-g to tbe bone. The locomotive iiirnej over completely three times witb Huston In the cab. His escape from death is wouderlul. Venango Spectator. Oil Tbe flowing well at Cas'j Up City etill continues to flow with ainuit the same Volume heretofore reporter!. We conversed yesterday witb a gentleman who hail viii'rd it, from whom we learo that the tools are still in the well, tnd yet, witb tbit ohstruc tion. is flowing more thai one two inch pipe can carry off fiom tbe receiving tank. What the flow would tie with the tnola re moved can only be conjectured. Tiuuville Courier. The oil wells of Canada are yielding some though tbe targe wells ofPetrolia are taper. Ing off, tint new discoveries are made at other localities, and conaideraMe drilling of new wells with a goo I show of sneocss - The new development in tbe vUrioo Dis tricts open up well and new strikes are mak ing almost daily. The increased production bat already bad the effect to red nee tbe price of crude oil. From present appearances unless there is an increased demand for ker osene, this product must rule low In tbe market. Jamestown Journal. .i.lnff." This Is the only tort oi aivipuo likely lo be emotive for the prevention of a cowardly practice. ' The Clreaxo Republican is Half ln It comes to iisloohing hS well evr, only lveli-r Mr McCulugo Is still the editor aod publisher A griet-strituen Cunneot'Out wld'iw lele gmphe i to tne (neurit uf h-r late husband : D-nrJoim Is dead. Loss lull fefed by Insurance. The Rev. Waison. the gmtitah trlfc mwf derer, bus ben fitly (c unmlited, BolW.tn llandini thetestluioiiy ol the dortOTt reiJird lug bit insanity. . It is Hid that the Jewish rabbi fflhe great eynaggue at Iterlln receivi t the hlgb saiarv voluniiilv paid to anyone living preacher. It is f til. OHO a year. Tidlotite tnodi-itiy elaimt but one case e small pox, Now-a-day a bar leader it called a "fusil trtist." A party of Eogilsh capitalists, guided by tbe Hon.'J. Ross Erowne, aro exploring the ttiln or bottom lands of tbe mouth of the Sacraraeo to river, witbia view ot purchasing e large tract forthe purpose ol reclamation. It Is proposed to apply the Hullad system ul dykes lo tbe lands. The New, York Vr'oiktngmeii'a Union it said to be threatened wrtb dissolution. Tbe paintett, bricklayers, tialrbi'.ilir. and j iin. ert have severally given notice or withdraw! Tbe grounds or dissatisfaction are tbe alleg ed perversions of the organization from its original desgn t political Interests of a few of lis mem hers. The (rand' jury ot Chicago closed their labors by indorsing ami eoinmending the ae tlon ol tbe Mayor in catling for the aid t Gen. Sheridan during the recent disaster, and waimly thanking the general for tbe e fleleul tervicet rendered on that occasion. Tbe tiuall-pox Jt rapidly increasing In Newiork. During tbe past week' there were fifty-seven new eases of small pox in the e ty, and, It It expressly Mated that the ditoate prevallled not only among. tbe poor occupants of Olthy tenement boiians, but among tbe most wealthy residents of the fashionable quarters. There has been considerable yellow fever in New Orleans during tbe fall, and strange lo say, instead of breaking out In the neigh borbood or the French market, as usual among the inhabitants oftbo low "dago" Slums, it took bold a moot; the ;fashonabIa and well-to do people. The ;iatt death oc turre l only a fewrliyt aju John Carter attempted to open a sale in Trenton. Missouri, a lew oightt o. but the aner IT, who was watching nnu, drew bit lit tle piatol and shut bim dead A Mr. Bawdon, an undertaker, at Bronk Relil, Hitsouri, oame (near goirig to tnat "b nirne," ect , hv a running w witb a hearse on woich Mr Bowdea was scittul. A Missouri horse Ib'ef wat hong to a tele graph pole h hil. on his wav to the voting plac , and according to the Prorlilvntre Her. a'd, tnat manui-r ol polling a v..t- iscal-culati-d lo dradeu one's intt-rrat in towu pol Itics." Tbe National Bosrd of Trade will mert a St. Louis an fie 16 b pr.x. Wm. II. McCallister wis stabbed in the neck at a ball in P.ke cmny. Mo. oi the 2-itb nit., by Capt. Il-ridrlcke. Aasistam Secretary of the Missouri senate, and died on Wednesday. Judgment baa been entered in the sques tralioa Ctte agtost the former Ciiy Treas urer, Marcer, ol Pniladelphia. for $47 10 JO Ibe amiuiot of bis Oel.ilcatiou. Newtot Talbot, rfgular li pirblicin can didate, has also received the nomlastion ot the Citizens Comuiiliee lor Mayor ol Bos ton. Tb Cbtcsgi Boaid of Ile.J;h propose to piosftme jhysicians wholml turepart small' p X Cases nuder tbrlr care. The temaint of a Mr Diesaiec wnre found In the mint of his Imiiii. on .Vorth CiarK ttieet. Cu t. go, yesterday. His wife and btr brother w-re lo among the missing. Thanksgiving was generally obt tv-d In Chicago, the tiewipap.-is siiKpeudiog put, Itcation, and the binHs and busiuesi house closing their dnnr. Col. A. C. isimpson has reignii b;.a pot itioo as president of the S inbtiry an I "I.hw iitown Railroad, which has he.-n 1,-asi-d by tbe Pennsylvania company for a periu.t of iiioety-oine years. TwHntv-sev-n of the old wi-Its snrrottaing t: e old Sliernian and Noble and Dflamaler wellt are lieinn pumped in nnisun night soil .lay wiih tbe hope ol exhausting tbe water and bringing back (be oil. General Cotnt wailing on half a down j'rls a, tbe tame time The divinities who shape our ends art Ibe hatter au'l shoemaker. n hen dots a man le girlish! When be makes his maiden speech. An o'eaginotia fact wbale a boy and yon will find bim full of Mnbber. If a bndtlnyer were called a brick, lisr ueid not feel mortar fled. Jnrlv. Tho l ist veiston ol tne g. Washlngmo story: A youthful ban found an egg, and yielding lo tbe maternal Instinct, sat upon It until the pincers of incobatloii was com plete. Her mother' who lud laid Ibe egg and bad taken great pains in shading and coloring It, came along, and'seeing only the broken shell, burst Into tears and said: "Mi', my daughter, who baa destroyed my rvorlte eg!'' The feathered nfl-pilng (juickly Mponded: "I cannot till alls, mother; I cannot tell a lie, 1 did it witb my UtTe batch it " SVVKEl' I'OtAIOKs.. MeeSWEKT POTATOES just reeeirad at novo-tr . MBASE b ARMSTRONG'S. VB BLFKALO COT HAY. at Schermerliorn & TenEvrk'e, jul2 tf. (jar. Inri i. Washington St. , nrGAFKNKY is the ONLY SQUARE LlyVGK DEALER on tbe Creek. Give aiu a can. H. Ma rctlciiBlll At Co. :lt r-ark Vow. c Ink. "! P- l-ewell Co AdrsrHstof " " " '"n!' tr..leiiiniw.rein.r Hv.ce. In that dty. Ad ,rtisra Inllst uitysie t,n.tf t leave their voi with ler of tnf boasee SEE HERE ! rsrtlft wuhiB to in'avrlbt . to rV P "abe for ra, ers-vekly,teml Weekly, lially or Month It-csii bare the Kin. famished att.tLB WAI H8 by ai.pllng at ll.a IN..8T OKFKK rJTA'MONKKT S T-HE. The foilow'.tg I U vt ef Kswspapfte and spic aet wbtel wul las famJtii at Oub W ever' j Va-r.rlne. f,' Scii-nlif.c American, Harper's Bsar, I'oinm.'s UeiniKTiit. . Ilaipei's Myninly. Nf bik liailiin 'eek!letorsin.Vieel:ll.s1 frank l.i-s'1" a llluairaie-1. fbimnev Cor et. liiuul Iistilta r Wreihrt, lilies t jiooii Hon I t ,4,a, ii.tl.es Weaklies, Bois ft (.Iris noakly Oil i tty lliilies, N V 0- 4riT, T t wvtlte Ditltcs at Weeklice H.tn.d .y Klgnt,. i. ,,.i Miht. IliimeCildu. Hal Ion's vol. hi). 1'la.saut Hoait, tclecift Mcnthij, Oa'ajy Ao aiWantsga of .ubicriblrt hsre Is that yoa eaa ftt them CUUAl'E . and MOKE KEuO LAR, and alte have the privilege cf hXCllANU IM ir I hey do not suit iff"H The exchange cannot bs n-dn with iHcJrfihlhM- f. rt.NIC'lOtKO. PrntOtl-" N'aW're IOT0. Petroleum Centra, l a. fBirna. atntk of Leroy W. Kalreblld't Gji.O l'KN'- best In the market, nov'-il-tr. At SIMMONS' tlf HOLIDAY GOODS In great varie ty' At S-IMMCN'S. tW CHOICE CIG ARS new stock. At SIMMO'. Elegant Pocket Diariea fc at GRIFFE3 BROS. New Stylet Pocket Diarlet stGUIFFESBROS- Diaries lor 1872 at GRIFFE3 BROS. Rote Tinted Pocae' Planes f .r l72 nut 21 . at GKIFFES IJK03- New styles Glover at ALDEN S. New stuck of Winter Clothing at ALDF.N'3 The America Cook Stove at GORDON'S. I.1VB AND LET LlVfc! Just reeelved at Mease A Armstrong's Fl oir end F.ed S ore, l.gOO btishtls extra WHITE OATS, which will be sold at ibw. est cash prices! r.2l-tf. CRANBERRIES. Just received a lire ruantltf r.Mhose nice New Jeraov CKANBEMIIrTS at MEASE & ARMSTRONG'S. 13f"S'lei did winier) cured II AM.4 anrl lia,l.; at W'Hr.MEMIOH? 4 TKN EYCK'S. tor Washington and 2d sis j 19 SILK' HATS! SILK HATS! .-ILK nATB! at ALDhK'S Latest styles Gents Furnishing fiood. at ALDKN'j. Great Bargains ! IN F A: AND YIXTER CLOTHING : S- SOBSL, Retj.jttfuU, nTt,g tha pnblio to examine our rerv Isrje stork of HEADY-MADE CLOTHING. Roys. Youth's ., rnil.tren's Clothing just rcelvid.- fjur goods hare advanced 25 pr cent, since thh stock wat nougat and the ouaiomere will relve the lieneAt of ihe ailffnnei. t m ...11 lower than1 ever before. Step in and exam ine pries aod stock. S. POTJEL. Petrelenm Centre, jTov. 28thlm.' HOusuFor Nale. it nn Ta J farm, witb all conveniences for a good size i i it aaie ooeap. liooa water lo the housr. Enquire of f. ;:iunna rttroleuoi ' Centre, oot 301m. tGAFFNEY keeps constantly on baud Scotch Ale and Loudon Porter, espsc ally for family use. Tbe America Cook Stove st Oii . GOEpONi Xew 9tylei Jilk Hatt: at A.-ALDSX"S AafmiHiatratnr JVolicc. WHEREAS. Letters of Administration nn IheEatatenr FnwtV Virnun j .......... '..wvi.i.t irfTn. ed, lute of Petroleum Titnlru h. I.- granted to tbe Subscriber, all persons having claims are nques'ed to pretent the name and all persona indebted are rentietied to make settlements without delay. Mis. MAUIAC. VAUGHM, nov. 24-0 Pearson !. !U!Sei0..lJTIO. NOTHVH, Tbe copartnership heretofore existing un der Ibe firm name of M. L. Bales A Co.. re. liners of crude petroleum, at Petroleum Cen tre, Pa . is this day dissolved by mutual eonser.1, E: D Fisher and M. L. liates re tiring. ThA hualnjiBa will l,nns. , . , - v -- " . oaianiirr oe con ducted by (Jeorc Ktevens under the old uiub vi ioe wouuor uu woia. E. D. FIRnRR. M. L 1ITES. r.'. GEO. STKVKNS. Dated Petroleum Centre. Nov. 14, 1871. nov. IS-Sra The A reei lea Cook Stove al The Aiiienea Couk Mo7 The Atueriua Cook Stuve tW r-rt'et wlehniH a Hpsn, ' V'"-" "-'i nisniitaclnM,- . ......... u i oi, nr tjiiil, ChlcKer ng. Kradiiiirv. nr Kn.i-j- ano, ran be aFOommialaied li,n. lll'KRA HOUSE MCSIU ti.l V'A VILLK. PA. My goods aiig2-tf. The Amerloa Cook siteve at ami Co to ALDAN'S for tbe ltla,tJ Elegaut iSetk Ties oov. 32, t ALf Whltt Suim at AUf Appl! A BoleT Just received one hundied h..r.:.J nice APl'LI.S Irom the Urm, i oarreia ui nor netl ltutll IK J ever eme to this town. Call itj yourselves. Nov7tf n.n.WA?J C5T Go lo GAFFNEY'a hitul an, i one ip ter cab. AMUSKMEXT3 Carry fe News OPERA HOU, Friday Ew'. ac. ORIGINAL AN'D OSUI GEORGIA MINSI SLAVE TROL'H Returned from Ei IS GFI im: XIUW PRICES AS USCAL Box Office open al 10 a. si. CHA5. B. HICKS, BuilDssIty nn (it - nT. 'ail f-i C7 Till Ycniiii Men's ffifi or IHtuolii. (tli M "The nndrs!r-l Iwbira fp') j M '. A , of IMr.lonn r.-ntr-, a.'--l 'W nn nnra the font.ali iMof ui-Sia setntr Musnn : , . v.m' 'lb onimifts l'' srpr'y""'?1!' ilates, wbeie thy ait ni.t tiv.'i f ih-y ean oe .!-fti iien afWrialLrt -' . . ,ll Ff.TKOLF.r M V. NA.-BT. t' hk'iienoh " So. loth. r ffri l l-ja An1 Jl'IlHOil KILI'ATKK K' I" M orh In thice." JuMH niLt.!Nfi TW 14 lion. WM. rAKHOS'S. aVs rprreapnr.'rli'nfs I- h,,l'!!1!j Old- s:lkv, WrMH'. i.riiii LASS. WAHK TWAIN, srotciea llj Ordt r of torte s CoS'inl '; JSO. . Til'- avtfg.tf ni""" Just frcm Nef S. FRANKER FTna infct retnnied ir York, with the largest selected stock of READY-MADE CLG Hi nts' Fiirnislii"! . ...... nTS-. r A PS. Ac. srsron"' regions. Kemeuincr " si.w. '. I iir.in o" Iciim tnlrc, Fresh and SUPERIOR BUTTER SriIi:TfcRHORM n'M l v-.j cor. Washlngron &, Second Streeta. m2i tf. VST GAFK.NaY'S MOffrP ' trnnp i. h-ooly Uce to look for Hntel Glass r.anistf im. w. ii. ", I'a.f.rtb'l",;.! IIK hrancte.1 , f ., will renisia :-'. JtflV1' of Knoswlll, will he at'h j Petrijliim eutro, IM-mialry In all IIk 2. I ll, I8U, aud wm ' " M ll,.h .,.r. h ulil be at ui" each month. ...(..nnV Kverylhimpfl",,",r'!...,npsi will h. esTOit o wiih d "J" WalTanled lo g re saiiaiv..-i, j noVJil let. Take W) All accounts not bv 12 of DectUiW lian.!(l InforCoW i. ii. -4,1 i War". Bt. E !