IMPROVED Seneca Palls gas-;' . IPTJ With Steel Packing 00 Sold ln!ILt 1T ixalaalTt Agenta Ibr tlva Oil Kegkn DAME, SMITH & Co., Suoceison to 7. Y. AMES, TITUSVILIiE, PA. Wood Work rot CARRIAGE BUILDERS. 1DJQB0WTK SPOKEJ, CENT FELLOES, AWED FELLOES; HCDS, SHAFTS, POLES, NECKT0KE3, HUB BANDS,. SPRINGS, WIIIFFLETREES, AXLES, FIFTH WHEELS, - UALLEABLE3. And tb Best.Carriajre Unit in Markt (DAME, I.WTH it CO., . Successors to F. W. AMES. lv .,y p, rw, pi'....Uvl.tK a.. j o.iuiumi nulv io b w one-third af many liylng. peruiaueiit cum at lr. Plilar'i Vugeuhl- Rheumatic Hunerly; and farther reward of $1U0 for anv caso of I'lironlc or )nfliumaory Kbeu natism, Itcuralgia Kbeumatic gie Sclatlcai ri Uheumatlsui of the Hdnet. It will not enre. Tbe Kheurnatlo Syrup is need In hardly only, ploaeaat to the twito, and (tuarHiiteed free I'roni Injoriona dro -a. It I. not a quack loedl cine.bnt the adentia prescription of Jua P. Fitlitr V. I)., Professor of loxlcoiopy and Chemltry graduate of the celebrated University of penns vaula, A D , VdS3 who. entire proreatioual lir- icen devoted opeciaUy lo this disease. 'I'his prV araiinnundur solemn oath la lonscit-ntlousir be lieved to be the only ounltlvo, reliable. Infallible specific eve' Qleonvered Ths proof that no 01 her spectflV silsts Isfu-jndin every.conimnultv liiuir- so 'saffiioted for many years and etl I suffering. If phrsiclHii. could cure it if a apec'fle did exist, tbl wonld not b an a fact thai niti-t he nuiversnlly admitted, "he oft dl-eelTcd enhTerer may wise y ask, what aecmlty or eridei ce baa he thai Dr. Fit ler's Khenin i'lii Hyrnp will cure his case. I'll frotectt"n offeri-d to aulferera against Imposition is n lajally ehsned contract wh'cb will be lutwarded wlthnm charge to auy sufferer senriinie bv letter i d'acilptlon 01 affliction; this crnnranti-u will slati the exact nnmher of bottles warrun'ed to core and In case of failure th money paid w ill bemturned to the pitii-nt. No other remedy ha efr lieen offered on such liber il and honorable inrms. Sled leal advice, with cortiflcati-a from pniminent pby eiclan., clergymen etc. who have been cured a ter all other tisatmants have fslle-i, ecni by le'tPi gMtin. Affllered cordhliy In.lied to wr te for ad vle to the princpil ofllca, fN South Fourth Htreet, Pl iladelph a, Pa. Dr. Filler's KheuuuV.IC eyrup taaold bydruwl ta. M. S gIMMOVS, Sola Agent, Petroleum Oetre, Pa. CAtLENDlit A CO , Wholmals Agt's, Mead Tllle, Pa. s ' A B.CI1AMBKHLIN A CO, Sols Aat'a Hons fl.l. ft. , Drilling Jars Ws wosi raspeelfally annoancs Jtn sur rrwtom on sod tn pablis gsoaraliy ikat ws keep souitsaL ly tisj bant ,, ' s l ost Steel Drilling Jars ! a'hleh for tranethsad I) any Steel Liiuau uerewiunriai naa. The Adrantagci we Claim Orar Llnad Jars are that, baini! ALL BTEET,, they urea rowjer than Jars eoi-,posed partly of Iron; ' tkai raaentlng Hte.l surface to ths rock, they are srotaried Irani wear oa the outside, and will keep Hivir saaps loogsr. ' Ws alao kaepon band Can Iron Working llarrali. Fisher, flonti&Co. N-s KOLKOTS OtNTAE Tfce Amerirnn Hair lre.iue aloon mlMJUZi' ""'"""s nnder the wait oa lii. old friwids and; all nswon.a ishoaie uud of rrnod ks. NI'W A D V KRTIfK M E N IS. Cundurang o. Bliss, Kef ns 4 Co's Fluid Fx M ' TDII WO.x'DK'lFrL KKMfcMY FOH JAWI'FK.IIVMO IS J U (,A,tli isAi'r llillif, mid A. I. oriii'it i miotic ui.ouu EAMKn. 1r. P. T. KP.RNK havr U returned from IConndrtr and bro'tohl w till liii n quantity of tli omvm'i iiutnrniiX Hark, mnnd inn' the oflltlal recomillcnristlon and nee .fame of 1(44 Kxeell.ncy the I'tvaidi'iit of Ecuador ami the Off ernmenti.f tbar Hopuhl-c.we are prt.!ind to flil orders tor it to a nmttort extent, una at a price a boil out quarter of that wlrch ihe cost of thu lira : very email -lipid, compelled us to chnnre. nr a ma r.xirii'i is r-rsparea tiom -n1" ONE 4 iiilduraufo Mark bom I.oja. Ecuacer eesnred bv ; e,lt imv of the authorities of tlmt con i try. bo'-d by nil Urag.'ists In pint bolt. en. hating oti them our name, tra'S mark and full direct.. tur lite Pries, 1U. x.-.buiat,iry Io. do, cedar t. New lork, BLm KKKNR C'L 1). W. Illlil. X. II.."on. D C : Z B H lira, M U., New York; P. I. Kerne, M. P., Msw kork. AI.CMT tVAMTF.D lOM TliniilR OF BITTLES! The nirtory of ths War between Prance and Oer manv. cmt.rac.lnif also Paris under the r.tmltiU' e .50 illu.trnt.on": Mi pull's, price, $4 .'d: o.(HU copie. alremty a-ld. Tin, onlv c.nnplee'wnrk. Not'illig equals H toeell. Milking lu-IKO copies per month now. In rntriish anl Terms tin (quailed "ll'llr t S3. Addres. II. 8. UOOD- Si'hBD A 00 , 8! Park i(ow, Mew lork. The oMt and most reliable Institution for ob tain nif a Mcr.-sntile rdllcation ,Prnctical1iisln"ss men a instructor! For iiifornitintm write f-ira cirrulai to ' P III it' & diiXtt, Fltiaburgli. Pa Solicited by Vn. n A Co, publish rn M ii'ni'Hc Ami-ri- .no. 37 Park How, .N 1 Twenty-five yi-urs experience I'ampliie'ScoiitiinliiK; P.itent knwt, with fnl! dl rcctloni Bow to obtain I'etent., f ee A bound volume of 118 unitea. coutalnlnn tha Sew Cenf u hv countln and all lar. a cities, 14 En?rav invaiil Mcchanleal N.mmcnt., PnU'nt Low and roles fur obtaining Patenta. mailed on receipfof S6c C01TGRESS ARCTIC. The BEST winter OYERSIIOE ! NO BUCKLES to break! iltO TROUBLE to put on ! nen, uenieci. siyusn t ASK TOVB SHOK DE1LEB FOB XT 1 IheapestAdvertisi'g IN THE WOBLDl For $8-4 per Inch per Month, ivewill nscrtan Adveitisement in LVi' FIRST (M.A8 PEN'N. NEWSPAPElt inclndlnff '4 PAI LIKH. ropor ioiiHta iata f. r snmlicr adv'ts List sent free. Address am. v. itvf:Mi & (., PAKR HOW, NFW "iOIlK $30. We will Pay $30, Aeut $30 ei week to sell our crent and vama. hie diMioverica. If you want ierniani-nt honora ble and ill i want work r.ply fi.r pariiculars. Ad diea UYriit A CO, Jck-un, Michipm. j S!J.-C A MOWTH, Horse furnished. Expens P"' psid. II. 11 Shaw , Allad Ft. A VOID QUACKS A victim of early indit- f tretiiiu, ciius'd: nervous dK..l!ity, preiiiantre il-cay Ac, bavin' tried in vam every advertised rem dv, line di'Covircd a imple nn-ana of t -If cure, wiiian ne win ..nn to ni lciiownitisrera Ardi-cs-J II KKLYKH, 7" Na-sau St, N A Clrrgym-in, while rttiUlTK in 8nnth An'sMcii 8 ft miMonHrv, discover to m taf' and t-iiiiptn rem dy for the t'urp hI uToue Unlino, t.iuy 1) cny, DiffnpMof the Urinary and hvminnl 'tt,(r lf.. nnl ttie wbol train of Uorior-4 br Mitti n hv tune ul nnd vicious htibiitt. Gieiu tiuii.b-r-i lmc bceooure-rl jy thia oohltt icrnctly. ;mni.t(l h n 1d re to bem fit tbu lllicted an i uni..-tm !, I wi I send th rtidpe fi e pr. j u it g in d ii1dl' 'Iiih itt-di cine, in a r4ftioJ envcsOi ,Ui ny uiii who ml-.: ii, frmii chrxe Add-f- Ji.a. T. IN1A,sUt1 i, D, Bible H.iwt, N. if.Cl'y. Thirty tars Ixytihiicv IN THE TREATMENT OF Wo and Sinai DEBASES. A PUYSiOLOr.lCAT, VIEW OP Thche(ippt honk evr publi-hci m-.f ninirtr pearly tlirtw hni.iired wm an1 odd hundred nn i tt'l-ty Una plitei und -rnif -aTt. rs of the fii n'oiny o th hoDiun iirgamit in nra, wof h' alt It nad dlani with treat Uj on Mirlv errorx. Ite deplArHble cou etfqitences upou th itiind ami ItoJy, with tho an thor'a plan of "rcatmeiit the only rational nud tnc cftwfiit mode of fitira, aa fhown by a rcprt o cn treated. A truthful advinor to ht marrint m.rl tnt-ae coTtemphuiiic marriage, m'ho enteriaiu dnuijts of their physical en'odliioo. hrutfiapoi po-ngcrn any addn-!, on rwipt of twnty-BTv c-nirt in tamptt or postal cum-ucy, by addofiiniT Dlt LA CltolX No HI Maiden Lane, N. T. Ihe author may be coiieulted upoo any of the diieatea niwn which hi hook truata, either ersonnlly or by ma. I, and medlciuei cnt to any part of the world. I' I iMedical Institute,1 20 i Penn Street. DM. ATIUUSTHH BLKRcontinnoao treat all nrlvate diseases with ereat sncneaM at tne liiAii.l. Into, which is now open fcr tt.a rei-eiuton and rcommonatlon of pailenis comin? fom a diet ancc to procure trsann ut or medical advice. A aurceasfiil prnn Ice of 18 ytam is aiilllciin'; guarantee for tho fuinre. riperni'torrl a or. K iNeivous iientury nnrmaently enrod. i.cne stan jdioK coiistitutlonil di-.ea.6s sklliruliytrivted.aiid; Jtlieifl'ctsei mercmy aradic.ned. 1 he iJoctiir! ft ves particniar aitenl on to reuiale coinpnints;!- an irreguisriilra specauy corncten rend roit: ths Docuir's mrd'rai j am, hii t,s tn stlse in plain! laniniagc on vaneilal disHasca, seut hvtniiil lor V. stamps All medicines are preiuirt d in the lab oratory nnder the Dnrtor'e own supervision. t I Oftics hours from 9 A. M-. ro 8 P it ! fndsv cxs.ited. S",r.-lv. f m II. S. SIMMON CW.CMM h r a' 6 f4 pi ii. W. CALUSOn & SON'S . .12 Tl Philaclt lnhia, Muiiiilartiirers of superior OIL WELL CASING-. ASD. TUBING! Willi nJfcvn and patent Coupling ' Our Tl niN(3 and CASING ara maiulaetu.-od with r.t cafe, expressly for th ass of oil pro dTccr., Mng 'eslrJ nt tks works b-fors shipment wills a prassttr of l.0C Hat. to Ihs square Irsh NOI'H't. Each length snd (oeket Is stampsd n'-.y oi. r trail mark "oris other Is genuine). The danger cxper'euced ta kavlnf Vb'-Iiir break at Hip fjoo.ilng la obtratsd by nsing allison A oa's"1 'ul.ln with tatcnt CoopllBJ ma HD3H MUSIC SK TII'L'SVILLE, PA. I v. ,-.- - - -. . ; , ..yltf , C ..wv" y XLtts-' ?ir;:t 11 i'avrtUv.i in Prices! I m r.o rpu .ti f t;''n; pn'mlt from one '.wo hit i In d pi.r vtr.t I'lur.- pfu!,c Tnr tt in rh 'v Is.fl in t -tv r.,r t tit-r ;ir I' Im of ira.le 1 -vir. k .opiiti; cjii-'t.init on Land a fine (assart i r-ir or IV-'HOS, OliGAV'. m j:iiOnKt?;?, !;) l, , ssi :;t sivmc-.A. 'V-lcb T . ff.-r to h pn i 'c :f a ri:i-ti'i corre" a l Ins ini t -.r srt ,-i , i -i.-.-. m ittoo la l i K - A I !! II. n. f.fnv'1-. I my n.n.t f r en loutin; nnd Jitia-M linn ln ine-i-' ':rr ir i-if ule i. il. - WM-iv r. lr t ' p na !Io:i-IMoc , 'I iu.- vil a. Ta il VERY, FEED & SALt i t!i ti?;!, 5j,5sitc l!it Onlw! ISuiise, l" KTROLKUU CENTRE PA. AnJ on rsn Plroet, Opp-:Itc Iho ;::-;le llonutt, OIL CITY, PA., T. M'OOSALKa lropr. I' K "est Stmik of imiViNT AM) K A DDLS 1 in.iuM on iu irc. k, in e to be roar.d at St'Do'iaSii' liv(try. iioiisi;?) fi:i a- moauoki) .in Hcn-onnhle ffrmi, TKAMINO of all kinds nrMiiipi'v tie:d d to A'"'i. cnnn-.-cied witli fie l.iv.-rv SiliiniL' Is 1 li; A - . Funis, i wsu: o. Il i KI;0.HD3 and WAR- fNSnfa rodl. Will d 1 well to C..I1 ..Il e.e. a. 1 have the a i mi.-yf.r omeefiiid nianuluctorlis in ths c..i .tiy, nnd Mill sell as cho.ij as they i w i i iii-j ui.iiiur.ieiuriea- Givi ne a cull. r, . , T M'DtSALK rrtrolst-ra Cer:e, Tcb 571h, !'.. KOI5KB1S I LTKtlUM H I t'lloij TORPJilDOEa TIM) no or, jits , ... FITZQLBUM JOHi'EIID . CO. Ollice at lh ir.n l' la si sr. Mill, tor ar ol Pine and Noeond atroeta, (Ifsr tlte Hallroad,) TITUS fILLE, PA. jUft t" tbf )ari and v drmniid forih t b.-r"' 'J'opwi nnd tltr late fJviiii.n or ta .'(.mmi-iiirt'H'r .if laiiiu in ffl'iMinu- to W m Htrti .iim'pKt a-id th. d.vltl -n ut .lu-it i; p ; t.n-rm-.. tatfititf ib H-thwrtV piH-ot tbtjy liay LOWJiKulD the yrlc tf tiifir l'oip-una T KNT TKR CRT. ra -vhat etury tiiai-jr cj.ii ailou iu try a Torpej0 bt'loto aownioiiiun a I ha IoUomiu U Ui drxltlon rendered bv Jrjrjpt tirlrr u Hie lenly aeivtiu Wi day m vute.u.ijj iWrtt, ui thu Uniiid Miitw Cirrun Uiuildl i'bilwiai. pbi.- The ,,aL' miu aiud thtcv dua bv t tur lea M K-1l r f .Now Vi.rk, t. tr l.ucaa and k A. 1'or. vtuiK-aul ruifimriiU, tor doft uUanu, and l ,vir.) 11m ul' t'lihauutpina! and -Uauigu U. Ctui, t'lttebyih, tor plaiUUU. OPINION OP JllKJi QHIKW ff' Aa I write with dilliaulty 1 can ouly mat theitm cluiona to which uiy mind ha com aUer a can fw axamtnainu ot thii ciMt. , Tho cum i la i tin ni ia exhibited a patent dstpd tUi of April, I-- Thia i prima raarevidrnce 01 a irood tUltf. aird ptitB oo tlie rrep-i-i.dvntM ttie bur rji uf proof tnal the imtrut la wid or wurtiikn. 1 iteeu uut riKi my lemarka intlie caut i.ood. veur t. la fi Wall, C. 1'. Itep; aw.) hut now, adopt tbem a ail'orumic a rule ui decision w Licit a p!it! clt-aily to trie pieaeut cei. Ae i ho ,t.frtiifcerm-nt uf ibe patent li admittrd, the uiii) qim-tiou will be a to the validity of cum plainanta patent of April i, ' wi. afr. r fpt-culail -n bren rrduffd to practice. ' and ufur n pfatrd f xperitucnt-. liut tli conipiainaut iicctedrd in ovlt cuoiiti the prvjud:i.t and iuoiancu of the petplr on the iubjt-u. iu-i reratti'ittiR tilt public ttjai hia iuTention aii mtfu k all- r he had eftabhab-jl ire ijiurit udlity and rut and when hlageuiuaaijd puu-nt peittpvurnnuti, ir piteo en-iora nd eeolf", ' w.-w ompt tt lv u' cti.-ifnl, that it.'rd, btt bud R-fme in. dt? i isfr. mcnte oti the aim enbj.vt, nnd wu niifuccmiii, aftd afitr hatclm-lnif one ur mine riimpiuuiaut inr peioee, be applhdon tue Ul of, liUT, tor a paitti t iur auuvianiiaiiy uie raiuu ( t one uf deTlci aud nnictitue ron aln-ud In euoipta.iij aut'e pstfni ; Outhu Uthoftue ame monb itr r"pin't'r foitnt d the;u- lm into a cumpniiv i.r crt oraUtn cat lid ib? le-d lorjedo t ('UipmiT,' f r the jrurpoto t t pintn.RiliM coiiiplr-lutiiit ie1 r -fiit ion, ana euiportiu( the eipentve ul litigHtiua,- ' and tnua dotmud Uim t? Itim fiiuie. Thoy tuiv. ptr-lorTt-d, -vu aPcr the pro. in. y Injuucii u veiy propuily canted by tie . i-uict Judve: 11 a UtiiT by eniert'd foi ojiii kaiuji t for I per petual injunction; audi M'latcr, pp"iutc tuuke aa accuuut acioiditig y to th p.iyor of tiihiil.j l k. C Ottliatv, oiut. Koti The paaatire refffrred to bv .lude liiir iir hie former dr:i'on, a Walleye, p. lAKt, adopted a app i cable to thi can: was ii follow-.: "U la naually tliecaf , when any valuable dicuT. ory is mad, or any turw machine if iat uii.ny i inVt'iitcti. liiat tncaitoiition til tiie public has bun urn-t-d to thit autytioi proviouily, aticr that uaij pervoua haw hefti inakiug reaeaiehea aod eitn tnenta. i'bihwpitr. ami inecbaniciana uiay l.a.i in aoine noermro tiiiticiptiU-d In ti.tiir cu'stiuu .in ptmitioLity or pronaiiilily of ain h (linemen or invention; many experiment have hcei. wticcmfa!' ty tiled, comliic very nenr. yt failing hort ol tli de-ircd rsiill. Th-'T hate pntucrd noihitur btut Hciai Theitieenilnii whei pcrt'encd nmy (inly a u!d to bo llic culminating point ol tnanv exprr men. a, not on y by the Inventor, hut by many nii ora Hp ttm bnv pro tit el Ind'reetly hi the ni.r (tDfnl expcrimenia and lailmea of otlir, hut it Ktvo .hein no riy tit to c a in rbare ol iiir hcitorrf .ne protlt of the'-ful invftiMr il in Tv'bm pH iilai iou baa bouu redtK'ed ro p met ice, wheu ei porimrrit ha r-nultod In dt-rovei and whn il t U.!ovfHj hint hii' ii porfcctorl hy put lent anatfottita iled exiifrim-iMiti, when iiiuiu now ci'tnpound. uianuidctiiie. ir mfiiiti'' Imrt hcn thiii pridncct whu b U i itc fii- to ttie public. that the pai ty imikmi: be.ninca a public ht u- tm tor and tnlitleUtoa ii-iit Hand yl wtun repiiiM and pathni ptrcfrrir? have at length atKT.-v-d'Hj, in uppn of -iitei in TtT, mte vnlitaMr invention or ciacoerr, b" lchjoin ia it lolhme.l by rwnrd ! Knvy roW h: of tiie honor, w h:i uperuUtors, (a nidiei, at.d V rai-aa rob dim of the p;uiitt. Kery iniuice-i-i exparlinurn-ir iviio .h.i nr did tr did imt coiiip near makinit a diacove now t laitn- (r, JAtryn whocan invrut an impropiiii'i)t or vary iu form, claimaa right to niru.e the orn.-inni oii.vry Vi Btt-d uot ninnm')Di nine, or ItlinhMl. or Ww-a worth prove that iht i rh uauul bitory of v ry L!ral dlacovciy or invention. ' 1he prewnt civ auda another chflpte- to tni l"B(imi nnifutia hltor.' 2 W ailti'e,, tJ. C hi norte f 'it The public ta antloned cnini emplonr iE ir . nt aiUirt.ed A'iitu f the l.w T tne l;-'n:rti. Patent coier the nae .f I t i rpeuo f.tid all -xploa-Te matrn:la for i il and the wmmii eu il maieriala hv other parthata : rilrert infi imeiiifiit of tboir li-'ht- Adv paitie!'- I M. rnrf snvoi t u- i.OIIKKTH PATKSlft J I PJ loalt wit ta arcorrfiutf to law, Hiid ea arung i .Mid htv.wiiteiy in u ell a nee of law and tbu dtr.-.t of he (Tourta rvseCmipinT ha?n re ornan-Et-a mw with a w toarroininndma Oil Men tu every fv ot toe (Ml Hedon. Tne have emploe1 the m1 :.M.'i.t A-ei.t. ard Aaairlarta th it run be P''u,'? tor lite buatrnvs inh Torpe-lo I- labeued dfiiAnf pittiiits t" wi.h ttn price of the tt peiio, and niind ty an oiurT tn nie omr-.-. evi rv (h'riitor wialiitnj a Torpdo may kno price uad whot'ier it Ciirre from mir nftic?. . . i 'pe Morn wl'.l confer favor by reporting to w Olficft anv nesrDCtl oruenU. ,i Tho follow -in numcj vrMa bava been TT0 B, ed Atente and Aaei-tMif Atenw for Iba Oil be' of 1 ana)lvaniaand Wrft Virginia. LIST OF AGEAT?. TlTFSTT.I K, cnnRCn RUN AN'ITG? TT KTBPIIKS ..imp. ttflice, llainiltun tip' htore,,. Fa- Aaeiatant Ji'on N" n rrsviiXK, rnnnni RtN anh TT II. 11 THOMAH. Ofllcfl and addreas, w "inn Uone. 1tTuaHI, Ta IB. VIN omcft.Shambiirui rtaidenc, Titu-nill. n Art-:ew.t. A A. Wat-t. r liNTbKVRISE !1.EAtANTVJtI.F, P;; PA KM AN 1 1 PIT HOI. n W. OEO. VLIf.T. Onireand addreea. Cnaert Houa, ri" antvlilft. Aewsta.'it, 1!. C. Hnntinpton. -.a TIDIOUT AND WEST lIU-i-ORT-nff rLAKK. OBinf and addrfiec. T.xp ta ffif. l,ul ji'. a. A--i-tant. K C IitHrdlef. PKTROLEL'.U CIVTHb AND VTriMT LEVI MASON. Otbct and addrepa. Petroleum t re, Fa. Alntartt, f'haitra Pluckrnrd TARR AND PlsOOn KAKM8 and UUtrW ljw ;n Oil t?rf.k Hrtri I horrv htin. finm Htorf '".T. i - 1 1 . i in v. frtiuinunUiliB ad drlreM ' arr Farm, P. Aaatetant. I.niher . r- Chartea K. Ucbrn and Wi'l'a 'i ll't , -r(1o MoOLHTff!KTILI.E, OH CITT A5p JrL A, ft. vvgT. Addrean, Oil City or heL ' Ato-laiaia, X. Mead .varT. KKAMviilN, AtONG TR K ATXFfllJBN Eft-Z A iLRKK Office and addreaa, Praofc'1"; KCttrBQ AHH, ptiTEH FARM A P1KAif UNhlN'MiimiARU W. RBIiPlKW). l and a idrM. hcnibtrraaa, I a AeaitDt B- tecfleid, addn-aa I tukntuti, Pa. . , W K Vr VI KGIMA-C. D. ANOFL, Bd T OOK. Addroaa. Harkerahnra, Wet V.rft"w' 110 burl Petrolrnm Tor p mayft-dly ! V r