SHUGERT & STAKR McFarUad, Imltk 6 Co., Merchant Tailors! AND DEALERS IN Gents' Furnishing Goods, COR. SPRING k FRANKLIN STS., TITl'SVILLE, PA. ave put la out of the finest assonants of VL02HS & CAS8IMERE8 ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN COATINGS, MIXED AND STRIPED SUITINGS, FANCY VESTINGS. Ivor offered Id tht Otl Region. TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES OF HATS Sc CAPS, AU the Latrstasd Nobbleat Stjles. A FULL UNI OF Gents Furnishing Goods, &c. i-etroleum Centre Daily Record. !. (Jeture. noaAar KoTiatir SO Dtvln Borneo. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH service every Sabbath at 11 A. II. and i r. II.' Sabbath School at 12. P. II. U free. A cordial Invitation.' extend d to kit. Kit. P. W. SconiLD, Factor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching; at U o'clock A. It., and 7), w woes r. ja. D. PATTON. Potter. Gullet 1p.m. 111?,- Oil Territory. a cnrrespoo- dent wrltet at ei tollnwt Id regard to the new oildorado near Pitbole: At yon ap proach tbe Urge well from tbe Pitbole k Tltusvill plank rood, yen etrike tbe orig inal Brown lease, upoo wblch ie one well doing 120, with third nnd rock IS leet thick, that being 15 feet more end of better quality taan found la the old produe lag territory at Pitbole. Still nearer tbe large well on the tame lotto doing ISO bar rel per day, with 37 feat of rock end not through tbe reck, ehowlog that the rook Im proves at you near tbe big well. The flow ing well it lucatod on oorlh-eaatendiootk west line from Pitbole. Tblt well ie only three to are feet In tbe land-rock, tool tad cable ttill In tbe hole, and flowing 400 bar Ma per day. Owned by McLaughlin and Hugh OUare, and located on property owned by Dr. Sbamburg. Going north-cut we erou property owned or leated by Fltb er Bret., iroaH traot owned by 3. Q. Arown and Geo. K. Anderson, farm of Jamet Van derlin, and one corner ef bolri o( Browntey tract. -Loatot are readily taken on above trade tucb at will leata) at fro a 600 to $1,000 per acre bonne and one ba if royalty, and no doubt exltte but that It it In line with the big well and consequently good terri tory. On Thunder evening next, Mr. Dr. H. F. Logoe, will give tolect reading! at Sot bel t Opera Heute, lor tbe benefit of tbe M. E. Sabbath School of Petroleum Centre. ur. i. Blake will furnith muiio for tbe oeoatioo. A rare literary treat may be ex- pectta. uil at LmtSTON. We leara from geoa autnority mat the en indication at Lime atone Cat araugut tounty, New York Ie every day looreaotag, end tbat tb protpecie for a targe tupply of oil la thai locality, are ex cellent. Tbe Homo wellie now producing eome twenty barren per day ef heavy lubrl eating on, or aaxollat quality. Tbitell ie muob heavier thaa the oil found la tbe old 'oil reglont' of Pennsylvania, and telle for much more in market Several well are uow being put down la that locality, and altera otpltalltta are preparing to give Limestone territory a thorough teat There are three or four wellt there now that pro duce euotiderable ell; daily, and the oil toltemoot In and about Llmeelone, Ie great' vnly, oil bat ila oharai. Warren Ledger The mdao temperature of. the month of Outober, according to the memoranda of me teorological obaervatieoe kept 'at the Library or the Youag Mon'e Aasotiallea la Buffalo, wae degree; 1.7 ioobocof rain fel during tne tauotb. Tbe temperature wail 3Hi iraerwaimer tbaa its average for tuli teeo y.ere p..l and the deflcleney In rain wae l. lushes, making thr msoth. on' vf exiuoiiiury dqusai, . PrraoLauu Centre, Nov. 18th. At a meeting et citizens held at the of fice ol 8. Reynold, Saturday evening, Nov. 18lh, 1871, to take loto consideration tbe report that a cat of small pox exitted in a houoe known at No. 19, Wathingtoo ttreet, on motion J. M. Dickey wat called to tbe cbalr, and R C. Coulter appointed Secre tary. Oo motion a committee wat appointed to procure a lui'.able house, located at eome dittanee from town, to bo need at a peat bouse thould oceatlon require it, and thai a committee of five be appointed to eolicit subscriptions for the purpote ol hiring a nurto to attend tucb patleoit, and making the building comfortable. The Chair appointed at ench committee Messrs. Reynold, Walton, Sternbnrg, Wad dell, and Healy. Socoad That a committee of five be ap pointed to mike loqnirire at to whether any cmtet of tmall pox exitted in tbii common' Ity. Committee T. 8, Armttrong, Burton G. W. King, Coulter and McHugb.. Third A committee to ralte fundi for tbe pnrpoeet mentioned above. Committee Meter. Dlekey, Patterion aad Reynold!. Ou motion tbe meeting adjourned to meet at the call of tbe Secretary through tbe Daily; Recoup. ltolore the meeting adjonrned It wai re lolved that the Committee meet to-morrow (.Sunday) evening, to Investigate at to whe- tbet any catot ol tmall pox exitted. . J. M. DICKEY, Pm't. R. C. Cocltbb, Seo'y. Nov. 10th, The committee met a per adjournment at S. Reynold' office, and reielved to lecure tbe tervieei of four pbytlciani Roiling, Stuart and Dr. Cbrlttie to auiit I bom in their inveatigatiooi. Tbe committee ac companied by tbe pbyticiant proceeded to the bouts In queitlon and after a thorough investigation reported that no imallpox ex laud at tald No. 19 or eltewnero in tbe vi cinity, and further that there wat no ctute tor alarm whatever. An Oil Well in Divaox Uovntt, The Naibvlll Banner of Wrdnetdty save: Geo. Hudson, of thia eity, wbo bat been boring for oil ilnee 1865 at Dicion, thirty mile from Nashville and eight mile from White Bluff, oo the Naibvlll and North western Railroad, wat rwrded for hi per toveranee about dutk oo Monday evening, Oa lifting the drill tbe oil flowed to the iur faeolna large etream, toon covering tbe ground all arouod tbe well. Tbe workmen procured light with a view to plugging op tbe well, but acoidenlly eat tbe oil oo Ore, whlob wai fouod very difficult to extinguish It it laid tbat tbe well will flow one hun dred barrel of oil per day. Mr. Hudson has expended a large mm of money in boring well and experimenting, and we are glad that he has achieved tnccait at last. Tbat was a ceol cbap up in Portland, Ore gon, wbo going into a restaurant imbibed to hit itomaehe'i content, and wai leaving without paying for bit liquor. Tbe dii- penier ol the deadly fluids bailtd him before reaching tbe door, but, like tbe boy up the apple tree, word were ef no avail, and to tbe grog dispenser reached down under tbe counter, which brought tbe impeeunioui soaker to hi bearing, and be cried out. Ob, den.t for mercy lakt." When tbe bar tender, however, came arouod the bar counter with a revolver in bit band, the' face of the onttomer brightened, and with a mile be laid: That' all right, I'm not afraid of pistols. I Ibengbt you were going to us a (tomaoh pump on me " We give too roruaoo pouetiu a authority for that. A clergyman in Tipton, Iud., bat bad a omewial obeckered career in tbe last five month. During tbat time be baa buried hi lint wife, became engaged to . three women, married one of them got a divoroe nuns nor, naa ueen tuea ror breacb or prom ise by aoolber, and hat been tuiDondod from tbe ministry. He bat just married tbe woman wbo wai tiling bim, and joined a different church, and he now think of retir ing from public life. The Meaiillo American says: A party of coon bontert from Masallloo, on night latt week, obated a coon tor two miles and V.a, .up ""B ,h"T Bred at it and killed It. Tbe coca proved to be a huge Tbemat cat. "Why don't you trade with me!" sited a Close flited Troy tradesman of a friend tbe other day. Tbe reply wat characteristic. "Yob never asked mi ur, I have looked all through tbe paper for an Invitation In tbe ban of an advertisement, and found "" 1 never go where I am not Invited. Tbe Saturday Review (alls the following seatCDoe, by Mi Auoa Blackwell, . "per teoteut twaddle." "What we call the uni verse having oo original or Independent ex Isteooe, but being the ultlmatieu Into tbe plane of derivation of the casual poasiblll loberent in tbe divine essentiality. Tb 'policeman' long:" I want to b a police, And at tb comer stand; A star upoa my bosom, X eiub within my hand, VAGVe. I betr about by day and night Tbe molt acute of maladies; To picture it in black and wblte The object of Ibi ballad it, Permit me, gentle reader, please, To breathe in your auricular; I suffer from the fell disease Called ootbiog in particular. To render it tbe more Intone And nearly unendurable, My doctor eayt, In confidence, Til totally loeurabl. My mind ba threatened, 'era to day, To lute lie perpendicular. And fall a melancholy prey To nothing la particular. From Loadoa Fan. Petroleum Centr, Pa., Nov 19, 1871. This It to certify, that I have Ibli day re ceived of the Guardian Mutual Life Insur ance Company of New York, at tbe hand of their General agent at Corry, Pa.. One Thousand and Eighteen dollar, la full pay ment of my claim against tald Company caused by tb death of my late husband, and, on account of the prompt and honora ble settlement tod peyment of my claim, I cheerfully recommend tb Guardian Mutual Life Insurance Compaay and Messrs. Palm er t Co., their General Agent at Corry, Pa., as worthy the confidence and patronage of tbe public. Mr. NETTIE THOMPSON, nov 20 It NOTES Or THIS DAY. The price of wife-beating In Indian ba been railed from f 2 50 to $3. Tii English quarterlies are ttill diseusi iag tb "Authorship of Junius." Hone-thieve disturb tb equin-imity of Micbigandtn. Boston Pott. Tbe American Che Congreot will make a move oo Cleavlaod next month. Tbe allopath and homeopath are not walking in path of peace just now. Rev. Mr. Johnson, an English clergymao, committed suicide by banging. An English lady bat been granted 25 damage, just for one stolsn kit. An Indian prisontr wto ba been dead a month ba been granted a new trial. A disgusted Tenneaaeean, whose fiancte recoiled on him, advertised her at a liar. It teem that it I Alexea, and ot Alexia, who it expected. Young ladies, please no tice. George Alfred Tow c sen 4 iiyt that most of the Mormon men look at If tbey wanted a new razor and a square meal. Samuel Bowlet of the Springfield Republi can is tbe champion pigron abooter of New England. He baa a great collection of pri vate pigeon mainly tumbler. Let Bohemian and cheap hoarding-house keeper take koart; among other article in a superb gold service, lately made In Eng land and coating 12,000, is mentioned "a large bash dish." Posted upon tbe gat leading to tbe ground upon wbieb I to tise tbe new City Ball of San Francisco, I th following notice, ver batim A literatim: "Positively no admltlon Except on Buisenelts." Th wont fraud tbat caa be practiced In a free Government it, eheating at tbe elect ion. It nullifies tbe popular will, brings tbe suffrage Into contempt, and make good men shun publio affair. Tbe "stars" wbo wer engaged to play for Mr. MeVleker, In Chicago, tbe coming season, have unitedly advanced bim capita) "Wiriswi with wblch to rebuild bi theater, tenon bead! tbe Hit with $10,000, jooj.!:''1"0"-" An Alabama paper, in a polltioal editorl. al, mildly adjuret It readert to vote lot Judge So-and to, and tbat "rebuke the co hort! of tb arch fiend" wbloh la rather bard on tbe "party of the other part.'r "In tbe midtt of life we are In death," Ie aot In tbe Bible, at I generally luppowd. It I found In tbe Episcopal burial service, and taken born a Latin antlphon, competed by a monk of St. t.all'i at Martlttabel, in 911. tilBIs WAMTED to do general housework. Enqulro at the residence of N. farm. H. Payne, oo the Egbert Mr M. nov 20-tf. C. EGBERT. Frek Egg and SUPERIOR BUTTER SOHEMtRHORN k TEN EYCK'S eor. Wathingtoo k Second Street. m23 tf. W- GAFFNKY'S LIQUOR STORE It the only place to look tor Hotel Glut W,M- n4. w Stylet SILK HATSl Pi . at ALDEN'g T AmU Cook 6tove at - GORDON'S. t9Elgol FLOUR fmm N tTW nrrrn a ti sauss "--' j iowflgi,r;..t otvUAttJIfiKUORN k TEN EYCkf st-tl. Cor. : i k WtibingtoB St. 8. W. PfiUnutll a r. at lerk Vo. fi I"1.- Mi Mtu. P Kuweil A Co Adv.rtlitoif AgenH, are the rule auiU tot the fa, irolenra t'eutre Daiit lltonae la city. Ad vertiser Ie tlt ctlT are requestr to leave their a rs with either oftno above boaeoo NOTICE! Parties having Claims or Bills against tbe Western Pennsyl vania Oil Co., (E Vaughn late Manager), will please present them at once to the undersign ed. Parties indebted to the Western Pennsylvania Oil Go, either for Water, Rents or Roy. alty, are requested to make im mediate settlement HENRY ROSEN BACH, ol71w. Central llnuie, Pel. Centre, Pa. SEE HERE ! Psrtirs wishing to subscribe er to get ap Clans for Paper-Weekly, heml-Weekly, Dally er Month ly-can bave the unw furnished at CLUB KATKH by applying at the POST OFFICE STATIONERY T"KK. The followiag Is a list of Newspapers and - agat aes which will bo fnrnlskep at Club Hates: Wave! Irafazine, Hclenriflc American. Ptrpw'i Weekly, Pomroy'e Democrat, Harper's iMeaar, llaruer'e Moulhlv. New ork Dallte. Weeklies or Semi- Weeklies, r rana Leone a iiinn'raiea. i nimney uoroer, HnOkl Dslih or Weeklies, Letlie's Fnhlon Bonk litnlmrg Dllics A JTeekUes, Bom A Girls Weekly Oil Cliy Dalllei, N Y C-dter, Phil Dillits A Weeklies. N Y Weekly, Tltatville Dallirs A Weeklisa Katnrday Mlgat, Saturday Mght, . Home Circle, llntitn Home, riresiae companion, Wmtein World, N Y Clipper. WilkeV Solrit, Moore's Kara! New Yorker. Trim Vlai. Und-y'e Lady's Book , Matron m.n. Mnsicar Mommies or ai, ainas, Atlantic Montlilv, Overland Moathly, Ballon a Monthly, Pleaeaal Hoora, Eclectic Monthly, Galaxy. Ac advantage of snhscrlblag here la that yon can get them CHBAPEK ana MOKK REGU LAR, and also Uve.the privilege of EXCHANG ING It they not snit The exchange cannot be made with tbe Publish F. K. NICHOLSON. PmtOfB -e Newro Petroleum Centre, Pa. aovIS. LIVE AND LBT LIVE! Jast reoeived at Mease k Armstrong's Flutir and Fred 8 ore, 1.I0O bushels extra WHITE OATH, which wlllbeanldat low. eat caab prices! s29-tf. Vf Part'ea wishing a Spang Melndeont Piaoo Case, (the beat manufactured), Prince, Spang, Maaon A. Hamlin, nr Smith Organ, i;u!CKerng. iiraanurv, or Knan 4 (Jo. tl ano. can be accommodated by calling at tbe llfbKA HUUSB MUSIU STOKE, TITUS- VILLK, PA. My goods are first-elan and warranted. ang2-tf. R. H. SARGENT. The America Cook Stove at GORDON'S. FRESH VACCINE VIRUS I An awful rush to get Vaoeioated with rreab Virus, at Griffe Bros. Drug Store, Wssbington Street, Petroleum Centre. Without "your money or a pound ol flesh Free of charge and no question! aiked Bring on tbe little folks. nev. 11-if. CRANBERRIES. Just received a large quantity of tko dk new jersey UKANUKKKIES at MEASE ARMSTRONG'S. SWEET POTATOES. Nice SWEET POTATOES iuetrecelnd .i s w-irtw, . . , MEASE dc ARLISTRONG'S. HT BUFFALO CUT HAT, at ' Sebermerhorn & TenEyck't, julS tf. Car. 2nd k Washington SI. Tbe America Cook Stov at 01.4 GORDON pi Apple! Apple! Jutt received one hundred barrel of thaea aloe APPLES from the r.m .. ."ZZ barrel ofourbeit CIDER th bast that ever earn to Ibi town. Call and tee far yourselves. Nov 7 tf H. H. WARNER. SILK HATS! 81L1: HATSl SILK HATS at ALDEN'g. Elegant SILK HATS! at ALDBN'S. " Go lo GAFFNE V'S for fine CIGARS and cheap for aab. wo iiViVUK DCiALERou tb Creek. Giva him a call. IKrUselor Sale. A desirable residence located on Bovd farm, with all convenience! for a good alzod ramily, for lale cheap. Good water in Ik home. Enquire or t , F. J. BANNA Petroleum Centre, oot SO-lm. K JwJ'" winierl cured HAMS end r2 " S?BEBnORM TEN ecr. Wubiogttin and 2d its j 1 The America Cook f love at The America Cook Bicru at GORDON Tbe America Cook Stove GORDON iRrma. u AMUSEMENTS. frlBST ANNUAL fetke fast 1 or rat Yomn Men's Christian but of rtTBOLFiJi Centre, eThe eaderaigviH tetnre Comaiittes or tb M. U. A., ef r'eirvlenm CrMre, bave the ken, innoance the following Hat ef Lactam far tkt calne seeeou : Tko Committee will sapplr no laKjwts lU J oaiee, waere inev ere eovaivea own, ej no. vary rmm w imuunj iiMiMim. PKTHOI.EPM V. ItAUY. "Th. Mietln Hev WM B CDI.MSA Amesranea. Mm JCDSON KILI'ATHICK, Dtx VU, "Sharmcl JIHICII ill HI" r-rm. JOH BII.LIMUS. Pea Ie I Moa. WM. FAKbONe. 49 Cnrmoeadenee In txtag held with rJWurJ OKKNLKY, WhNDKi LPHII.Ure.PflgDiiorJ iiaie,BinB, i nam. aiieoiacrs. By Order ef Leetaro Cornell tee. JSO. w. THOMP80W. ortM-tf Ckairsnaa of Uoaeilun. AUCTION S OF GROCERIES, C. OF A. M. & J.'M. Shults will 1 sold at Publie Auction, at thtir store, Washington Street, Ft: roleum Centre, Pa, Commencing Wednes day, Nov. 22d, at 9 o'clock a. m. H U. WACHTER, Trust. J. K. Lowrt, Aurtioneer. pETHOLEUn AOV9E. Free Osuulboa to audi from all Tralw BILLIARD AND BATH ROOMS CON NECTED WITH HOTEL. novUtf. C. W. ETA ATS, Propr. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The copartnership heretofore eginting ai der the firm name of M. L. Hates A Co.. n- finert of crude petroleum, at Petroleum Ou tre. IV, Ie Ibis day dissolved bv luiiiun content, E. D. Fitber end M. L. Bain re tiring. The butineet will hereafter be oot ducted by George Hievent uuderthsoli name of lb Monitor Oil Woike, E. D. FISHER. M. L B.TKS. GEO. bTEVENS. Dated Petroleum Centre. Nov. 14, 1871. nov. l5-3m Opera House SALOON ! Swift V Voucher, Prop'r. . Jl?ud? ne 0P" Houm, Petroleum Centre, ri VRhHU LAG H received dally and roii.Unir, iT.VSi. ';t;N0H all honra. The pre WINEH, ALKH, Ac,, and the flneH hraiid. ef 0 AR8 eonauntly on band Oar friends and Ik pnblie are respectfully invited tonay n. a rail.. novMBm. BWIKT it VOrtUCT H. Wilbert TB "ow prepared to execute BRICK AND EA wanuta te elve aatissKtioa. PJiA5HIN0 m 10 orr. BRrCE CBI" N I KN hill It .Im, BMP 1 , . u im ly on band and for aale. Kceldfnee on gebert Farm. Past M" Address PcUoleam Centre, Pa. Uivc aia call. garaarliK 1.91. TyhHv Hottae, Slgaj, Crrlagt, Or- mental fc Fretcu Painting OAINING, PAPKR BANQIkG, Dee.atls srf . 'Vl hd tn? "perleece of years la the bails'" ,,.r - ' 'n in, emaMiy terverv arm -. K. J" "'' hrencWenuroerated abOviflW a7k!l ?" E"arawee of eoed work;, ffS" HecJiMier HowaeW aJUIJ WW ISii. New line to Buffalo, tlironph the Oil Uegiosi o A"7- rnkila. Parker'a. tr. run 2"1 "tm 11,48 pm ,np , ,10 pm ,pm 4,3ipai 1, .45pm 1030asa l.HOam , Tnl V Night nJa,"inr- ?i.r'- Franklin, tr"."1' i'tK, Pl !-' 710 PIO: 1.P .'la.'S.'.Tr?'1??- .?. eome eoarw. n.e Mail NlghtEz r. 1 t - U,e gg ralae run by II. C A A Mlver P.I.C.' ttllni both w viwemni runiiprcn itaw1' 9 ! J r