DAME, SMITH ft CO. 'SAD. NEW ADVEUTIEMENI! .;.'.HIN S (MM. I' '! N toiipk;x)oesI CO PEinQLiniM jfani-Eua ca, Office at the II ED I'L ASHG 3Ji',i Cor ret Flue nud04,unlsire. .'"Mir the Itatlruaul,) TITUSVIILE, PA. NEWSPAP.ER, IMPROVED Seneca Falls GrAS ' With Steel Packing., 60 Spl In 3 Bays. IxcluiiTiAttnU forth CIl Keglc. . DAME, SMITH & Co., Successors to F. tV. AMES, TITlISVILIiE, PA. Wood Work FOR. CARRIAGE BUILDERS. 2DGRQWTH EPOKES, HUBS, CENT FELLOES, SAWED FELLOES; NECKTOKES, HUB BANDS, ' SPRINGS, SHAFTS, POLES, WHIFFLETREES AXLES, FIFTH WHEELS, UALLEABLES. And tb . BestkCarria;e Holt in Markt (DAME, SMITH Sc. CO., fc-jccessors to F. W. AME3 To auy person proi.ll..iii; any medicine aiiic to Z, u""-,lr, ar many living, pornianent cures ae Sr. Filler's Vegetable Rheumatic Remedy; and further reward of $100 for anv case of Chronic or Jnflnimtaory Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Ag-ae. Sciatica ard Rheumatism' ot the hidnevsit will-not enro.. The 'Ktaeumatic Syrup is used in wal-dly Only, bleaaadt to the taate, and guaranteed free from injurionn drm-." It i. not a nuack loedl riue.but the scientific prescription of Jos P. Fitler, M. D, P-ryfeasor lit Toxicolo-." and Chemistry graduate oftlic celebrated University of I'enns-' vania, A' D.', 1833. whnn entire profes'-dousi liC c: been devoted speciail- to th's d sense t'ht. nr. .- aratton nncfor solemn bath is' conscientiously be lieved tu be' tho only noaitivfl. relinhln. infiilllhl.. specMc eve' dirtoveicd ' Tho proof that uo other peciflT exists is found In every,ciinimnnity in per (una afflicted for many years and ati.l angering. If physicians could cure it if a specie did exist, this would not be so a fact that must bo universally admitted. The oft dtceived sufferer m:ty wise y ask, vihataecniltyor evidci ce has he thii Dr. Fit ler'a Rheumatic Syrup will cure his cae. Vlie f rotectl-in otlcred to sufferer, agr.ltist itnposiilon is n legally signed contract which will be forwarded without char-jo to any snff-rer sending bv letter a description of affliction; this a-iiaiantco will elate the. exact numhnr or bottle u.ii-rtm,.wl tn ,.,.... ...... In cueo of failure th" money paid will be leUiiiiiU ... ma iiuc-iii. .u oinvr reinav uasevtr net n ntrered nu such liber l and honorn'He lorn;.. Med leal advice, with certificate. I roro nr-fimineni nhv flails, elerevmen etc who have teen cured a tor ail other tieat'iienta have fnilei, aent by le'ter nuiu-iru cororuiy invuea to wrterorarf vic to the princ-pil ohbje. 2 South Fourth Htri-ar, I i.Uadelphia, Pa. Dr. Filler Rheumatic eyrup i.old by druRijl-ts. M. S SIMMONS, . r . ........ ,0 Apt-nt, Petroleum Centre, Pa. I 00 Wiioleatlo Aj-ft-, .Mend VI. ie, lJa. ' v.i "pa00 AMBlaIN- co- 8ol At' Koua Drilling Jars Wewnnpt re.pectfnlly announce Itocnr rustora jr. and the public geueraliy that v.. keep couatut. 1 on hand l ast Steel Drilling .Jars ! Which for StraoRth and Du. Jbllityeaceed any Steel Lined Jar heretofore in use. The Advantages we Claim Over Lined Jara are that, being ALL STEEL, thev r. a longer than Jars cou poned partly of lnur tiiat ircaeuiins; a Steel aurtace to the rock, they are protneced troiu wear on the outaide, and will kceD taeir tkape len.or. 1 We also keep on band Ct Iron AVorkina; Barrels. Ftoher, JVorris & Co, PjETMOLCl'iri CI.NT.ir Knv. ia,18n.tr AIic American Hair Urentiiiii: Ml lOO II P r n a r a r Tor en.tomer. tinder the wait oV f hSI'iw? 'M Sh"J"1 Wh0 P'""""1 l , cU Qia, Keens & Go's Fluid Extract. TIIE vTO.PEltFrL KEMKPY lOU I'AtfrKK.svi'iiii.is. xrnnns'.A.n.- t'I'KN. SAI.'I' stlllX tl, mill A t. O Hi l it CllltUAtC III.UOU Dr. P. T. KEEXR nft'lr-r just retnrnrd 'rum Eenaiinr and hroueht with I. I'm a quantity of tl,c oral in:i t'lriidurtuis-is Kuril, -eeii'id tii:o' the otttrinl n coinincuil:ilion and nss stance of Ihs Excellency tlie Presiileut of Kell.'ldor. tnul l'ie Hsv crnuielit of thai lte;oiblT.w t,re proband to till oi-dv-ts for it to a limited extent, and nt n price a Ihiui one-iuitrter of ti-.nl wh cli the cost of tlio lira, very sieah snpplv couipe'h-d us to cieiive. tinr Flll'tl Kxtrurt l prepared finiu 'li' OKI triNB ii lid u rail is 4 ICurk Uo:u l.oi:i. K, iinor scared bv ssjistttue of the authorities ut'th.u ei-tio try. Sild by all I)iui;jits In pint holt es, lisxitijt on thetu our numr, truee mam i.iul ' lult dire -ii s for use. Price, $10. L: b-jratory No. f.O, Ced.ir t-t, New York. V. W. Wlss. M. l.. Wasl in-on. U V : 7. E. B tea, M. I)., iNew York; P. T. Keine, II. D., New loric AG DINTS W.VN I TO l ull TIIK VlilR OF B1TTLF.S ! The nistory of the War hehvefln France nnil (inr nianv. euiDrAi-ins l;o PurU undtr thu ri)itiiiui'- 1BU illustnition; jm'ea; prii-o. 60: 6 MVU eiie nlremly sold. TUo only cimpls n wnrk- Nothing equaii ft to toll. Mitkiuj: ln.u ti r..iitvr month now. In Kniisli an t luuman Xfiiu- in ftiualkd. OuHU f V.) AdIr?! II. S. LiUUL) SiJhiiD A CO ,u71Wk How, Nt-w York. The oM t ami mot roliixMe Institution for ob tain lifi a Mrr-antiltJ I'tlucnlion n-w.rmi'tk'nt busini1? men iiHtimeiora For .nfornititiou write fra ci-iila' to F bill & sun. I Ut birrs h. KoHcit nl by Vn n .t Co, liibi-h r iemilk' Am::i- r mi, Mi l'atk luw, i T.ventytiv yuttr i-xperiei.c-' ramphletj contiining Patent l.nwt( with full di rectiona bow to obtain J utcntf. f eo A btmnil volume of 118 p:.ge., conMlnln j tli New Ceiif us by conntiei nod all larje cttie?. 1 1 Enrnv inirsol Mechanic! Moyement. Put. 'in 1.nv and rule ftirobtal Ire I'nt-iti, mailed on rec Ij't of -oe we CONGRESS ARCTIC. Tho BEST winter OVERSHOE! SO Bl CKLEStobrcakJ i NO TKOl'BLE to put on I Neat, Genteel, Stylish I ASK YOUR SU0E DEALER FOR IT 1 Cheapest Advertisi'g IN THE VOELD! . For $S4 per Inch per Month, we will nertnn dveitls.nient in Ifiil UIIS'I". CLASS PKN. NEWsl'AI'KK-hu ludinL' M I'A1. LIKS. frnporilonats intne fur suinllcr adr'ts Li.t ent free. Address E(. I. IIUWI'Mj & ()., II PAHB ROW, M;V ORK 30. We will Pay SS0 Apentf $) fer Wffk to ?ell our trent and vnim bU discovurim. If you want, permamnt Ituaor! ble and T'lituntit work apply fur particulars. Ai diem DYKH & CO , Jtickrou, Miclii-im. A MONTH, Horse furnished Expens. paid. H. tf..Shaw, Alirtd Me. Vln ir.'KS-. victim of c:lr'y lnJI(. rV tl'etiuli. eipisittt; nervous ilejililv," p'e.-i.ji.i.n. d'-eay, Ac, having tried ill VHin eerv a,lv, f i t-ti rMllt. idv. his discovered a .tnple m. i'n s of t if ii i. Hhivh he will si nt to hi' lel ownrli'oleis AiIik J H HKKVpS, V Nnsssn St, N V i "a he). A ClerKvinan, while residit . In Smith Ament a !! a mif-iuiiirv, di ov.-red k ear. hnil Mii.ptu rf m-crt-,' forlhe on ol Nc.Yr.nn U.ikntfl, a.), !) ejiy, Ht of the Ui limry and h einif.nl a nii'l the whole train of dricr' br-.nlit i n Mine ui ;nni vh tmis hnbitH. (iniai iimii.Ih-. i nt-en cunn ..y ini itotih-ntMflv. JMiiti-t'd b :i d.niie to beneiit tb". -flliftrd ;tt,a utii.rti, m, 1 i i Bend ttit" redpe 1't c pn-paiii g :ti d iihill' 'bit m. di ciiio in a t-nn-d emvlir' e "ii. u, ur. wl. nt free rn cl.arpo Addif-i J 3. T. JN.M A,?liui ii D, flible lb mo, N. Y.C i'y. Thirty liars th -ih-nm' IM TnE TIIEAT51KNT OF taio and Sexual mmi A I'HYSioi.onicAL vii:w of .VAltltlAtiK. The c heapest book ever published eontainiex ne'irly ttnee himdred i.hs. and uii'1 luiinbcil mi tulrty fine plutei ii;nl enttnivi. us of tin- in a'niii o the human orvns in a st:, esof ll a'lii itud ,li-e:lre, with a trenilj.i on eiulv erfor., it., tleploruld,, ton sequcDees upon tlie niiuil and boilv. with thu ait. tlior'n pan of treattntail the on )'raiional tin! toe cesHfnl miideol cine, ushhowu h, u iej). M n cases tiented. A irulhl'lll ailvl-er In ho tiuiiriel ai.'d those contemphitit!!; mnrii.-.fe, wli.i enti iMiiiiilouhl of their pliyMcul colifJiwoii. fiut liue i,i ru.i.i.'c In liny aildre.1, on nse.pt of twi iiiy.fr,., c...it In hlaiii'.s or p'istl currency, l,y iidiii.,'ssi,,tr hit J, v v.nviA ivo .11 .vialdim l.aue. N. 1 'l!:e nirhor uiit.v Le i.Misiilie'J IITJO'I nnv 01 t e (!i-e'h' S upon niileh his hook treats, eitnVr , eisoruillv or hy u.ail and ineaiciues sent to any part or tno woilii. ' uaeaicai institute, ;i no. uiij iei::i fttn-.i TH. AV, USTHt SI I- ,! n,:...... ......... private (Hmm-.-s wuh K.-cit mi s- ,u t,,.. 1,,,.,. Z ute, wluih isnow. pn 1,-r ti.e r. , , i(u, ,.,, I iromnio. uti.,ti i.rpii.leniacoiulii t ,,m a d. .'A i l' proeure treii nu M or n-t .JVil m;r-e,. 5 1 A .iteces.ful prue ire f IS v,iH)4 ,,ii;,.i, ni.raii.e l..r t'l.. Inture. , ...m . , A ,.Nerv.iis Dehihry pernw.ientlv enrei. I . i,.. si.. U itling roi.slH.iti,,,, ,i ui-.s skill. uli .n,i,i,7l, ,, J neuleelsol tneicmy emdliMlnt. 1 1 1 i,.-t,-Vt S3 vespaillciilnraiti l.t en lo leti,., ., ,'n,,,.'i3 Jill Ir'esuliililiis speedily r.n i e,..,.M ,..',.,1 ,-,' V? Jt'ie 1) cT.ir'a nici . .ii i :ini h..-t. tr. u H.- i,, rf I'anoiag. on ,.,,,! a,...,, ,, ..., '. v slaoifis Ail niiiemi a;s p e ;u- ,i i, , i. i (oratory under t!,e Di.cor's e-.i - .r. i.i ... ' 11 ! I'toratory mule 1 x'f Otilio hours iiolii ! a, t n I' 51 j ""d k,..,-o,,. i 1 j.-'iiMdv i-ir.' V H O O i i O P-i L u CO ""tt" r rz?r"' Office, MUX 8 T R E 5 LllXH V. WIt KKK, Proprietor. XI3WSI I)EPAI1T.,HE.T, V: r-r tcl.r.1r-;iph:e di-at'-h Bp to 4 p. it 'll. I p'Vsifnf t It rnn mi iiiii' r h ir I'vpiy vitii . en,. Imi 11 i- it-'-v- ol'ir at ntt., i d" ml nil i c luut of , 'i- r.i.i ry. N'.'ir ii i t in iv 1" -,i tl ill" -iiil't-tni)';!-. i h. b.. rtf re-:. -iv ri'.ti.ar 1'. trui'-.i.,, hV.t -oU, r ini.i-; ,ti A-?, i.c rt! wi y o ii' uy tf.er -pil ir uii tu .r:, i iiii..tit:pni i a. i i ; .j : - , v, ic, I --. ,m-i in. r,.,M: in aj i.ikj tl Itl.U.t'. , lllilHC U tMn'"i' h" MuMt .IrOtiinic i.ewMpijra j,m.ii3.ie4 Id the Oi lleifiua. Ai n Avertiiiig iiliMtium, Tne It EC OR I) ha no up"rior, It circnlars whcreTur uu Oil Operr.or or Da)t?r can h fuuoo. JOBBING- DSPARTLIENT, Wo hue a l.-ir :n nut We',1 fselecteC .lock of se""i! ...Hicria, eninrn.lie the ver' lit--' .1 In. :ire I iim ,-loi - elia'drd to eAeeutt .111 l f U ..( ..V...U v..ri..,,. i.. 1 - ...... ii. MI..I.II iurj iiiunor WiK.'tt uesiied, joiiswal 0e neatly printed iu CoLoaa I'o.ters, flillltt-KilJe. , l'i tir;i:Linies, Jli! nf Fare. . Ia9elsi. AND austiiiRK and ViMting Cards L KTTF.lt HEADS, uill;ukads, KILLS OF UADING. Etc, El ' iuo CALL, s-HI'VriNG. Plain or Fancy Styles, nratly and promptly execn ted, embracing invitatioss rrnrriLAKt hkoohammes CaHIJS, TICKETS, Etc. In fact, every variety M ,tv!9 of work In tetter pre, (nntiuj. M.'rch.mts, Lawyers, .lnstioes of the Peace. land A-cms. on ilea er. and A-eni.. lnsn rnuee A..,.ni, Kviiressm,.,, a,.d other parties In want, are In oruied i.i ' . ";r.''"P'-1l"r.rt to.x--un.t ..rilru!! kinds ol lil.MS, hu.nessor legd, tcquired m ihn com tlnniiv. Jobbinj pi;roaa2i; rcs.i.ctfiilly solicitrv). C. C. W1CCEH. Owion to the Inn;, and lncri asiur deiuts itnb-Tlft' Torpedoes, and tile Inle dert.i,n l oliitniseioner ot I'aienla tn relusln toHm 11 . ,iiti...,t etid tin- ii... t.h.n r .ln.Ln. o .. . J(l. iimi.iii't th. Kobona' patent they have LOWEUi the pt ice ot their Torpedoes ""I TV KN rr PKR CUNT. so tlul every operator can aft'ord tu Uy a for ' brlote auatidiuiui; a Well. w I lie following la tlie decision rendered by Jrd tiricrou the twcntv-seeouo (-2) day ol ptn., '5 l--s.il, in the United States cireiiii touii at n i pliia. The ease was argued Ihiee di.js t,. t'h 11 Keller I Sew Vork, b. ' l.iie. und s A h Vl!.ilee or t'lttetturgh, lor dercjiuaut., an(j Uu uiuifol I'oiiaueiphia, aud Oeuige u , . ' I'tuabUfcb, fur piaiuuff. ". i. uriAiu ur -lUDtil CRIERTJjaj a. i wrue wnn uiiucuiiy i can ouly stu. ti,, clusm.s lu whirh tnv uiuu baa com. alt..r . . xainiiiation ot this caw, "' ins coiuj'iaimiiii n.ia exntnttM a natem s.. i'.taof Anil. IMU. 'I'l.l. i. ,,r,,., r ... ' . ,? - .1.. cviaencaf' a inmI til.o, und puts on the i'espondiiis tlie ho deu of proof that the patent la told or worn, J. I neeo not lepeai uiy remarks in the caa. of tie,. ilopt theui'aa ailoidiug a ru . ot ilecuiou wLhT lilies clearlv to Uie uresem cue. "r A. the it friligellleut of the imtent 1. .,ln.t.. tlinoui) question will be as to toe validity ut i lilallmnn jl.-iit ol .;il, ii, lS.Vi. i wss an.-r epn uiaii.iu bad been rednndu pra.ltic,!. 'aud afur repeated experiment lh m . oiuplalnaal .licit eiicd in over Culnli.c !! tire.ud.. and Ignoiance of u.o people on ihe .nbleii J oersu i .lln; tl.epulillc tll.li his ioveuum inas uirt, alt. r h. had established its preat uiuitv anj vilt, and ' when his genius and p..lient pei s'.verucs. u sp teo sii-cri .nu ecotl'., ' wen comnl.iri. ... ce-sful, ilwt Heed, who hud hefor. u, de eicTn in. nt on iho sniueaiiujcct. and was uii-nci.oiti. i d alter hurrhasing one or more e.,mpiainait it,, jieioes, he appll-d on ti.e Ul of Noeu.ber !,,' lor apste .If.u substantially t; e same lumtine t una ol devii, s end muchine nai uined in cmpia-i' . , s.M -v wui in ma same inou b tu ie-puuilenta firmed themseives lino a couipum . cir,aiiou cailnl ' i h- he.-d-lorj.edo u.nii.tii f r the puroosjof piotrngihe ii,.piaioaun rennon. a, d snpjs.rtu.g the expei,s.eol litie.tiut ad I, .us deiniud bnu ul the fruit.. They u'n l eived, even after the prel.i , Imuuttl a k.i propeily giauted hy tn dsirtct Judtn: Let a decree be enier.nl for conn Imaji I for a p.: pdiial tlijuuellon; and s .Muater, app.ime iuiti Luaccouataevuidiiig y to the paver oftlniliiil . C. GU1KH, Juoj. Not The paaaag referred to bv Jodj-e Crier I. his funnsr deci.'on, a Wallace, p. adopted at -re 's v- -iu. Nirioiiown: "It Is usually the caae, wlieu any valuable disco-, ery la nad., or auy new maciun. f ollin, invented, that Ihe.itentlon of ihe public has ben turned lo that subject previously, and that mtij persoua have been maklug leesarelie. aad eiwri menu. Pbihatopuers and nteciiauli-lans mav m.i in some measure anticipated lu their iie-cu iiiuei Jitepoeainiiityorproluihllity of atieh discover? ot nvcntioi.; many ei(erlments have been aiicces'sfal ly tiled, coming vei-v near, vet r,,iii,i, ....-. ..i .k. desired result. Tliey bavs urodu.-ed oolhin heu. Heiai. I he invention wh.i, uerfei ted aaid to be the culminating iiui or ,,." ..'!., men , not only by the Inventor, hut hy many et. ors. tie may Lav, prollted indirectly hv the ilnsm eessful eXriUientatid lallures of other., bnt it Uives i.lieio no riu'lit tocia'in a share at ihe ht nor of n-.t proilt of the successful Inventor It is wliea tpr.jlatlou haa lie'n rt-duced to practii-e, when ei lisrinieut l.a.- resulted In di-eoverv. ami when tl.it liseoveiy lias leen perfected l.y patient ana cimti. i.ed eiperliuents, when some new compound, ail manufacture: or maot.ine baa been thus prodiic. which is useful to thepubllcihai the partv uiakintit besomea a public benefactor and entitled r'o a palr,t "and y.t when genius and pml. ut persesennr. have at length .ucceedi-J, ? .pp. oraneeia end score, aouie valuable ltiventlnn ,,r d seo' .ry, s. w seldom ia it followed hv reward L Knvy mbs b of the honor, whiit speculators, swindle, s. anil pi rale, rob lilm of the profits. Every unsuccmlu; sxis-rlmenter who did or did or did not come f near niakini a discovery now claims it. L'terviaw who can Invent an Inipniveineut or vary Its furo, clalma a right to plraie the orltdnal discovert K. need not summons v.orse, or lllanchaid, or'VTiwl worth to prove mat this is th. uauul history of te ry ureal diecovery or Invention. "The present rase auda another chapter to Ibl. lonBaiidtiniformhislory."-zvValUc. C. 0 Mel porta f. tn VAvTiox. Tnepnbllcte antioned spainst emnlorttir ai; nl the re-rulart authorised Airenta of the fomuv nj.sincothe Hoherta I'atum cover the nseofth. 1' t-pedo and all expl.wive materiala for nil wells, and t ue use ol audi maieriala hv other parties i. t direct Infringement of their rights. Apy iMit!.s n fiiiiKliu any ol tlie KOHKHTH PATENTS will hs li-alt iih accordln? to law, and aa actiiiK willf.liy aud i.nowinsly iu defiauce of law and Jie deci.iosf j ties Court. T The (Vimpanv havo reorganised tholr bniJaeit Willi a vi.w loaceumiiiodal. Uii Men in .very part of tlie nil Kc-lon. 'lhevhave employed the mmt tlleient A-'ents and anal-tane that can be procure! lor the husittesk, karh Torpedo Is labelled wllu dale af patents, tonether wiib the price of the Tor I..-U-., nnu .ifci :u oy an onicer or the tiuilany, as ev. ry Operator wlsliiuj. a Torpedo may know iu ,.. '.. .. , nine iroill our times. s 'peiutors will confer a favor by reporting to till tifiiee any mvllKence of Avents, The following mimed persons have been appnl.t! ed Agents and Assistant At'enta for the OlUfeglo of I'.nuaylvauia and West Vlrgiuia. LIST OP AGENTS. tJTrsyii.i.R, cnrncH run and virrt 1Y-8TKPHBN ..nitp. Office, Hamilton's Vint Store, address 'Ittnavill., Pa A.si.iant John Va be river. ti rrsvn.i.R, rntjRCH rin and vicisi TY II. II THOMAS. Ml. ..i ..i.i . M.n ion HoRse, lltusvlll., P.. UUlUUUIhl .VI, .l,,...m., .. n D , . iiv.iii'1 r:iiiti.n, "-. TIN. tlfllro, Shauiburj! reaidenco, Titnaville, It. ss!stant, A A. West. KNTKHPIUSE I'f.KASAKTVILLE, BSAJ FARM ANi. P1TH0I.K w. BO. VAlt VLIklV (lfflAniial akli-lk.au. a . . -nldaa. T irr ---.va. '-!-, x-nnnu iiuuiv. iv- "nsV.'if; A?1,i"u,V u- "iirn. r.lTiB1J)U? A!"i 7ST I11CKOKY-C1IA. 11. AHK. iltftfa a.,H . u rl,lt. u "s-1-"! p w-e v-iuce, -. "" . rt-sisoni, r.. Boarilelev , ... .. .T, .rsil Vllll.ii. i.isl MASON, opiceandaddiesa, Petroleum ea rn. Pa A ui.l.nl cl,.. ..I. ..i. . -i.n T.. . . ' """ !!" aiora. TAW V Hl'0"1' l'AHl8and DUtrict lylnc moil Creek and Cherry Run, from St.iry Farw, t IcCllntockvllle JAtiESSADNftKKS Address J arr Farm, Pn. Aasislants, Lmher B Saunders. Charles B. Coehran and William llovt . I . . - ..' -.-a, un v.iiv or ivcno, Asslsisn, . Mead bit it V,', A''0"" Tnw ALLEGHENY HIT. EUr.i,.-.'v"'HKK ',m,, address, Franklln.Hj v.1 u-n.,., nunum r iuiunioil, I ft. VIK.IIMA-C. I). ANOEL, and T. W OUK. Address. I'arkershur-r, West Vlririn'.a. Kobvrt Petrnleiuq Torvtio CO inajl-dly. i JL V KAI. PUBLI CHA arp! m nonth, fBlUE ? (Ten II In. Inse I oa. I lee dan I In data, lawsek, fo weski Mreewea . rnoatt bo mont wee mm I monti M nioa1 Ilyf. Ipecial in.rtl br. 1 hys 1 I All tlV taud ill r- i.i : rsin U sFFH r lieti ATT T- iDSe. i fail ' Ki cs H -r s