kom ) f ii in 1 1 1 r iiiKg TIIK KOIIEItTS FLT2DLEDM T0RPEI10 CD. Office Hi the Kt.n Plan in Mill, cor er of Pine and Hoeoud fciruote, ,''r tlie Hat I road,) TIT US VIILE, FA. ("vim to the lfirjr- and lacn alri drmnad forth. Ki.lH-ite' Turfed and the late d-ctaii,n of th ('(.ninii-aliiiier of I'uienta in reltflnj; to Wm. K-al i'itii-ni a d 'Ii. d 'iial ai of JmiIkc i'. c i;u.r,0 . .nji ilie '..hert' patcnf tbcj hare LOWLnin the pr i f of 1 1 .-Ir Jorpi'doiv T ' EM'rf PKB f'KNT. u iui ..-r ipi rator cum :'iu iu try a TgrprI0 bt-U'Ti.' noauUwl.ii.); a Well. 1 lie lu.iowitiu ie tu dtv. i,.ti it t.dtiid by Judge tn-liT i" iuf ieidy.wi-on: dny of rciunt,', l.x H, in tne laiiliU Mnit-f t. ir tiit t nirl at i'tnlmi.t.' phia. 'tiit! LiiM wu. amui'd ibiei' tla, 0 t tmlej M. leilr ul New oik, b. t l.Urn. au,j j,. ( r viaiu'a ol riuenuij,li, tor di li tiuatne, aiitl (..,! ll iiililii; ul I'l.haut-lpli.a, auU Oroide 11. CLiisl, .r I'Ui.iuuiU, lor p.aiuuif. ' W, CALDSON & SON'S DAVE. SMITH A TO fAH. M. 8. SIMMONS CO VVN Daily Record NEWSPAPER, I n (J . . 3 t;5 ill ; f A .1 it I 8 !i; h J . Philadelphia, M aaalaelBrert of superior OIL WELL CASING-. AND, TUBING-! With pluvn and patent Coupling. Our TLBINQ and CASINO ae maanfacturcd wlthf at aire, exprettly for the nee of eil pro- : dueert, being tatted at the workt b'fore ehipaient with a pressure of 1,0 Ibt. to the xjnare inck oriCK Each length' and eoekat 1 etanped vita our trade mark. Mow otter la genuine. ' , ' ' ' . i The danger heretofore experienced in ha-fini Tublag break, the Coo ling la obviated by using Allison A Sou'enhtng with patent Coupltefc. : A.Leggett. (Xnccemor to A. T. I-egget', M niifiUitiirer;tti.d' Dealer In ' HARNESS, ' Seed Bags, "Valve Cups, &c Expernrad workmen are emploved, and Flat nM of alt- kind kept constantly on hand aud mau to order. FINK NBW UAKNESS, DOUBLE AND SIN(H,E, en band atreaionable rates. . C. Jleluz'N Pat. 6(cdBe For naif. ANCYAND HORSts BLANKETS IN LARGE tJOANTfl'IE , V , .Tba,a ,9 00 auparlor ' ' '. VALVE CUP Made, than tha one made' In my ehop, and'they wlUte euldat Iri per hundred or D cents a Plait) -St., below Ilia McCUutodb Mnnae. PotrolenraCentre, Pa., Nov.,iT,. fj. OWmSETMUSIClTOEE T1TUSVILLE,. PA. . Gt&l Redaction In Prices ! Hen they haoe to pay for other articlee of trade J pnrpoMkaeplng constantly on hand a Sae Lasaert Baent of JIAJOSy y ' OHOAXS, OUITAHS, MMM. SHUCT MUSIC, Ac. fThlrh I oSei to he pnb le at a margin correspnd 1 kg with otiier artlcia o' irnde. My motloo la QUICK SALE , 2n'..n;.,'0!1M.'8' B my Electing and tr naactlLj( bu. ineaa pei tatnin tntmde. , ,. K- H. KARuKXT, " 'pera Houeo Bloor, lltuevil a, p TAFtE NOTICE! All parnw kixiwinn Hima(.lrra indelitid to tin are reqnnau-d to call and aettle between thia nd l( tifth day of f-e,imber. oiher wiat i bir arcouni. win bo pUced io Ibd bituda f an atiuiav; for poIhp'1oii "80 GK1FFKS BROS. A Large Stvet l Nw G ,i7j7, a.l',0 Jm ilowu (Jlollin 'loie. IMPKOVED Seneca Falls G-AS :ptt:m::fs . ' With Steel Packing. SO- Sold luLtt 3 layi. N eUdntlf aifftaU for tie Oil Regie a da we, smTir&co., Succeotora to F. W. AMES, TITl'SVIMiE, PA Wood Work FOR CARRIAGE BUILDERS. 2DGROWTH SPOKES, CENT FELLOES, SAWED FELLOES, HUBS, SHAFTS, POLES, WHtFFLETREESt AXLES, FIIT3 WHEELS, NECKYOKES, HUB BANDS,. SFRINOS,. 11ALLEABLES. And the Best Carriage Bolt in Mark. IIUME. SMITH 3k CO., r .locpwom to F W A M F. mum wmmrwMim 'lMtt.y Tmhi ir' ll. I. : ii.tu.cui' id l tt huw oitH-ihrrd ii many Hvtr. poriKJKit-tiT cnr ;i? Dr. Killer's Vtiret1'' Rheiuniitic !-'.iwly ; uhi further rewftrj ur i'JjOO Ujt nny ra-i? .f i !iriiic w. liilUtumtnoi y Klicmi nti-iii. X7ttn-Hli-i Klunmi.c A sue ucittf icr a' U Hhemnutitu u the 1 itlttevn ii will not ri'i'o. M'ho Uttcomutic t-'jnm is iibimJ in wardly only, ploitont to tlii' ins to. nud k'unrMiit.-t d fire from iiijuriuiii Urue. It is not n (luick incdi rlnc.but th Bck'ntillt! nrwriptiou otMiw I'. Fitter M. I)., I'rofpor nf ToxtC('-i: ai d (.'t ftnt-try graduate or th ffMirated T'nivf-nthy of renin' vania. A D , tb-jti wtrtMHi eiitir(ritirHsiuuiMif- hcen dmoti?d epecia'.y ti hl dtf4e. Thi jjrw," nrniifiii under fuleinn oat b is fincifniiiumly be tiHVcd to tm ih only nooitive, rulinhlt. iiifaHihlt luTitlc evp OiHcoviifed The pnmf tint n oiIkm jpecitl" exifitF is lu-md in evvry.comihiiintv iu urr uiiS afllictrd fir m'inj yr nud wti snff! ring. IT phyxicifiuH could cure it H a Hpi-cnc did ttxit. tM would not be to a fai t thai inni le nnipiiilly admitted, '.''ho oft Uce1ved wilTcri'r r.iny vii'j ak, Hhat ecuiiy or eridet ce tuu lui tlia. lr..Ht ler'H ll'ieumiiiic tSyrup will cr hi cmw. 1'he prctocti'in olftTt-d to BulTfrers Hgainut iiiJtvitif.n i hi legally signed contract whicti will he (urwrndid witlioni charye to any Kufft rer nen -ink: hy luttrn d. icriptitm oi allilcuon; this ptnranteu will nTati' thn exact nnmlier oi-hottlcs warrnn'ed to cure and in ciweof fitiltireth money paid will berfiurnid to the patient. No other remedy ha- tTi r in en oflnrert on such liber d und botiorn'bte iern.i. Ved icai advicn. with certificates fron pmniinent phy sfciaim, clfrkTymon etc.. who l ave, been cured n tei all other tietttnient have faiie", sent by lifter gntta. Afflif tl curdi Ily invited to wr'tefornd vic o the pnurpil olHce. 2U Sonih Fourth htn et, Pi ilndelphm, Pa. Dr. Filler's Itheumaric tfyrup is culd by drupel ts. M. S 8TMMONS. Bole Apent, Petroleum Centre, Pa. ('ALLEKDKii A CO , Wuoleeato Agfa, Mwid viile, pa. A. K. (H AMBEliLIN A CO. Sole Agt s Rons Ti le. w Une to BuThIo, through tbe Oil Hecjou?. JJ.VB6, 1HU tt)I!fO POUTH. Oit City, franklin. Parker, ar. Pitts'p? Mall. 0,41am lu.jfi am 12.48pm ft.OOpm Day xn, 9,10 pm 9,45 pm 4 : i m T.Wi p m Night b, ,46 p m lu,30 m 1,4) a m 6, to a m OOINA PJORT'H- Plltfilinrg. r-arker'a. Koinklln. ar O. Oltj Pay Exp. 8,. a m I w.vH p m 3,pm SlUpm Wail, 12.pm 4,46 1 m 7,10 pm 7,4f p m NlishtRx, 10,10 p m 8,oi a m 5.r a m 0,55 a m Tralna rifn hy O. C. A A. It. H'v tnriM. Hilver Palace Klei'!ng rra oil Nizht RxprsFi traluabothw eiweun I'lualnu'li ai dC.inv J. J. LAWUKJiCB, tiiu t-upt Tuna M. Kiso, Aw't Supt. II . Wli.IStlliT, ISnoirprerarid'ocKviHeRRCt; ND MA WIN WOliK IN AM. ITS BKANUll 8, and wn...M to pivm .al'.fiiction. PI.XSIKHIXG done to order. BHICK CHIM NIE.S piie n, lmt'K aud LIMB- conitant y O" hand and fur alc. -Stl Healdinue on Hubert Farm. Poat Office A(Ui. P. fitolonm Uemre.Pal t'ive me a call, ebtoiin. WAIT &, PLfcli; Hare bocht out tha LlttEli IJKF.It rAl! OP J. H. liOSHAL-UKK, On Waililnston Street. Thev will make It a p Int to pay pnrticuliii nttouilon to the want of I heir rite me and will lt..n KKKsh l.AOriH and A I. K ly--on tap. ilion in aid aee n in our nm iiliailci' - ... r-M En O i-l O i-H M o e4 0 & to 8 Pi o w 04 &5 m V'-'i 3 P ill o o (5 Ollice, .MAIM STKti CHAM V WIlKtU, froprlctor. lKPAIlT.f!K.T. WerecpiT e1ep"nthic dfpateht4 opto 4 r n and p-eiit tlit-in :o our r a'lo i every f vei ti aj, ki.i biM inf; n? vt of Ht nteiest irnni all .t c ,tr. of ill coiiuiry. We ttive untie facial riftiii:.ineiii!. wh'- eby w roeeiv. re.uiti" l' ttolfum hk k rid Pioduca Mai'rtet liep-ns i'Vy ornitti; hj telenrnb nun .New York, 1 ini.tdi'llih,n, ai.d I'laourkC, wnich tn'thor ith K.:ihriiij m x l..icil nutteni, niu.M It one of i lie mut dil-aille JvWdiiauera VUbU.lu d iu theOl Itegics Aaaa AdvertlNiiie-JIedUini Toe KErORD has no suparior, at It circulates wherever an Oil Operator or Dealer can h fcaodj flFP .T)7 iiVvJ .All Ml We hive a lar.-e and -.'lit, stock of JtittlMiwr .ItttUrlH, tmiirmiii' u.. er Uti-7.1 ..ivna. VVi! ule Ihcivtoro 0iKl'ed to ttAOi-uti .l.in Work nf every varit-ty in a enttetiu'iory iiifinn.r w.iea deaiied, jobuwill lie neatly prla.-il la (kjLuas Maitins ltilln . Positcru, HnndxBiilN. Piograinmen, Uillnuf Fare. Labsl. AND IlratiiNS and . Isiting Curds L ETTF.K 11KAD8, B1U.;UEA.DB, BILLS 0V 'ADI.NW, Etc , Ku HAL, I. k'KITIXn, Plain or Fancy Stylea, neatly and promptly eiecn ted, etnbracintt INVITATION'S rim:,f,Ars ."KOtlHAMMKr CAUU8, TIOKBTS.'jfic, In fact, every tarirty and atyle or work In letter preaa printing. Merehanta, Ijiwyem, .Iute. of the Peace, land A'jents. Oil Doa ir. mid Aveim Iihu rai,Ci. AiciitB KTPreKmi!ii ai d other partie Iu want, are Inforinrd L w,f,pi ir.u io laccuto to order a !1 klnrla of BLA NKS, businoee or legil, required iu ibia com wunti v. JohMng patronitge rcpectfiilly unllciM C c W1CCEK. 'ui A 1 w.ite with J'lllciiltY 1 rau oulr maia cliiMnu. in whicb uiy umiU baa couie uficr a caroiu. xtllllitltilHill ut lllii.u.e. . Hie ri.iu Iimu mi h.a cxiiililieil a patent dil.H 4'itii of April. IN. 'I Ul. l pr ui i fuiif eviilitic. ,,i a i:unl tiiie, .iu'1 put. on tiie renpuiiilent. the bar of iTO-ii tiiei i he puient I. ia or woniii,., 1 netM li'.t i fii' at in i ulnar in t lie t-a?rut iiuiti :'" iVl!. f. I'. Lip; iV.lj bi.t tuw vlnp! tlii ni ue allotdiuir a rule o, Ueci.iuu Wliicb au p iocka.l lot tup ei cue. r A. Uii' iiiitniitr i ut th,. patent I. ml:nnt,( the mil., ipin l. ou will be ut 10 ti.e validity uf com' piaiti'iii' 1'iiteui ot .prli K.).lh5h. "I lr spiiulatim b.idVen riducrdte pr.u uc- ' mid .ifi. i upratiel x in,ini- ili.ttn. .'iiiup alnaui -um edid in over cnuiii g tlie pn iud ct iiud tin,tiiicu of ti.e people on ibr eubji'i t. atrl oemii i ni.g Hi. nut. II.-ii. a iii. iuvi tition ai iu, fu l rift r he nail iuM,.bi.t it gran utility auu valia? aim ' Klien ii ani'iin.a and p .lieiil peraeavranci, m iqi.ti' o neei n.i acnUV wrrp ompliti ly .oe , ill. that It rd, wli.i and Ufoi. iu di- i inert in. in-on ! wiiii .uliitvt and aa un-iic ,i0l anU al.er nuiclifin ne i r mora duip aiii.ai ru'r pi..oe, be a.p l ii on tl.e ll of .Nun n.ber, Isnl lor a pale, t for auburn, tially tlie .nih cuailnna' t una ut device auu machine con alned in d.oiulftiti' ant e paten. ; Ou .i.: Utbuftbe luine niuinb tLa re iHindcme furmed thameeifee lalo a conipanr or c .r, o'atloii call. d "lb- i.erd Jorj edn t nmpati,,' f r the i-uriioimof pratngihe tonpn tn.nl it' Tun ion, ai d Hiiprtin Hie eipanam ol lit ic.tion ami n.ii. defraud bun vt ttw fiuita. 'i'hey lm. t.r. ui vl. cv.n after the p.ol.u.e y ImJui.cIh o rert prup. ily xiat.tcd hy iii . i-'rict .ludie: Let a u i;rea be eotered for coni lainm l for a per-pi-tiul itijuo.tl.in; and Matter. i.pp..inio kul, .iu account acctrdliig y u tba pater of tbe.Mil K. C. OWiH, (adge. Norn -The paaaan referred to by Join drier ta in ru-eier d.cifon, Wallace, p. W adopted a app icnki. to tbl. eate waa aa follow,,: ' Ii l n-u.lly the t.ae, when auy valuable dl.cur. rv i wade, or nuf m-w macniue of nr.at uii.ln it. iiiTi.ivtii, tliat tiiea.tentiou of ibe public baa bera, mruid to thaiauajeet prerotuly, nud that auna ler.oiit bare bera making rerarehea and eip.ii. mi ul. I b loaoyiKT. and inecaaalclaui ma. nam "i ..iiirni.weiite anticipated in llwlr p.-ri'ittKina ..ie pin.itililty or proDatnlity of .urb diMnvery of ivi ntmii; man riperineuu liave lieei. .uccWtral lj li led. cutntug vary near, yet falling .hurt ol Ilia ae-iivd reu It. Tliey have produced nothing la-Df-' '"i 1 be Invention whe. perln ted tuav truly e nalii to he tbe eliminating puiat of man. eiper tuou e.Jiot only hy the Inrenliir. hut bv many otb. or., ile may hav. prollteU Indirrcllv h Iheun.ur-ce-.fnl I'iperiinant and fallurva of'i.thor., hut it ipve- ibe'ii no rluM to cia m a ehare ol the bt aor ot tue prom of tba eucccetful Inventor ll le when pi naiioii bna heeorcdiiced Ui practice, whanri periiin in ,a- reaulted in di.coverv and when tint discovery ha. been perflated hy patient ana cuntn ned eiperlinenia. wLeri ...uie new ci'iapounil. art niAr.ul.icliue. or n.eiiuiie baa rxwn ilm- pri dilla it which 1. utefu'w uiepublic.that tbe parly inakiun it beioliiee apilbliabm. Plctor and entitled to a patent "And yet when aeulu. and patl.ui pernevernnct have ut Itiugtb aucci.ed.id, Iu tpi.e oranieia imf i-autT.. aime valuaWe luwntion or diwo- ery. bu vldiiui le it tollowe.1 hy reward f Kuvy roln bis of tlie honor, ehe ipveiilatori, ewlmlle.t. and pi ratoa rob hiiu of the prollla. Krrv uu.ucceHlui exirim. iiirwliodldordidordlil tint come rr noar making a ditcuvery now rlaiina it, tvrrv ei who can invent au improvement or irv lit jurm. ruiiiii. a ngni ui pirate tue oilcinal diacuven we mod n'O-auDimone iorto, or Illauclinid. or'V7J worth to pnivatiiat thia le the u.ual history of eve ry pat dln ovef or Invention. "Tlii! prevent eaau aade uuother chapter to ttili long and uniform blatory."-? WailaceT. C. C M ports p. ' CAurlox. The public la autloned ncain.i emplonn any ut tlie ret-ulart autboriiwl Airenta of the ( otiipt ii) . ainro the Honrrta Patent cover the uaeuflhi I . rpedo and all e.xploalve tiiateriala for oil well. and the ueeof inch material, hy oilier parti. if t direct lnPlBgement of their riL'hte. Any parlitii in frluning any ol the ItOBKKTS PATENTS will be iealt wilh according to law, and aa acting willfally and knowingly iu dellaace of law and tbu decision 3l the t'ourta TlieCon.panv havo organlti-d tholr bnf'na illi a view to accommodate Oil Men In every put of Hi Oil Kecion. Tliev have employed the. awl efficient Ageina and Aanhtapui thai caa be procured hirthe hiuiueea Lach Torpedo 1. labelled wilb date af patuuta, together with the prise or the Tor pedo.and tinned hy an officer or the Company, uv.-r Oiemior wialilng a Torpedo mny kuow I price and wherher It can e from our offlcj. ipotators will confer a favor by reporting 10 tl Office any ni-sllgeuee of Agents. The following numcd ieraont have been eppol1 ed Airenta and Assistant Ai'enla fur tbe Oil liegioa uf feuuaylvauia and Wvat Virginia. - LIST OP AGENTS. TlTUSVIIXB, CIlTJRCn RCI AND VIClM TY-STKPHKM ,.(M)F. Offke, Hamilton'. CiJr siiire, Hddruea Tltuevilla, Pa- Aaalttant Jobs Val Scilvc. TiTCBViiXR, riirriicH RrN aid vicr TY-II It TltOMAH. Offloe audi addreaa, Mao -Ion Uou.e. lltueville, Pa. NIIAMHUKG ANIJ VICINITY OBOROE IR VI N . onice, Shambiirg : residence, TItnaville, ft-ka-:iiaut. A A. Went. KVTR..PKI8E n.KASTttW. VLIhT. Offlee and addreaa, Cnaae Uouae, PI1' ) "'illj- Aesiataai, II. C. Huntington. i i ii'iou r au wttT I1H.K()RT I riai' CLAHK. Office and addresa, Kan. eaa Offlce, Tl mte. Pa Asi.ant, K. O Beariltley. PKTRDLKUM CENTRK ANl" VICINITT LBVI MASON. Ofticeandaddrean.PetroleuroCen 'i'.. Arwl-tant, Charlee Blackford. 1,A,!l.H Ar,l "laX'U KAKMSand fllttilct lyW n (HI Croek and Cherry Hue. iioui Story Knim " IcClintockvllle .M.iRSSAPN'DKks ad.'"" larrFarm, Pa. Assistant.. I.niher B baui.dr' Ul"?; focbran and VVIiPam Hoyt MoCLINTOCKVILLK. OIL CITY ANI -A. 8. VVVHT. Address, oil cltv or Hcno, f Aaalatait t. Mead iHARk-UN, ALON0 T11R AI.I.K0HKNV PlJ KU Z w iLBKtt Ofllm sud address. Franklin? S0RLBU..AHH, rie-TEII KaKM A I'A.lhl'J" LANDIN.i-IIIcilAKI) W. RKIiKIKI.li. Of -----" -' isareer, . ta a rvel I 1 1 V I - tui-fleld, addnes Knilnton, le. u lt 1 hj m lttii.iikii . a v. . . . j ftt w ' J 1 1 im.ii.a i: ii. 4WiKi ano OOK Adnress. Parkershurir, W'et Vlmin a Mobarla I'etrnlt'.im Turpedv may .illj OPINION OK JCl't K tlHIEKT - I i