Mi J. M. CEHrcnSTTlIIE. ft A fomenes, Washington JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORE. UNION AND CARPET WAREROOMS ! Titusville, Pa. BRANCH Geo. J. Henkel's Philadel phia Store. Fi t-Class Goods At Philadelphia Prices ! JOSEPH R CUSHINC. Tltinllla. May IS. 187i.-3m- ww a STOVES, 7 -A I would raspectfally call the attention of those wishing Cook Heati ng Stoves, to call and examine iny stock. The MOENING- G-LOET lllk!il0,h?,rk?in! r- . H" V"!! U. .iT 1 f b flr, 8l"D nd C rata, it u a p.rteci enii.duater, America Cook Stove! Mtr!Ol1n5n?u!l',;'D,t0,2,, k"wlrt(rl by arery on. to b. tbe moat perfect tn r Store aJj " aUoV. "rk"- h C0D,id"d P"'e ket PLYMOUTH KOCK! lSll"JtoirSrrl,fc 'wrtr lt. Alios large variety of Cook and Heating Stoves. &twkkoffTlNAl?DSHEETIRON WARE ke't band, with a AND OIL WELL SUPPLI'S 5?h?..?'Afv.A!V,ZE Aivn pitmps which .J w lledfdtrrf H.i ",mp .LuWa.BiSlN MarVet ' HALL OF STOVES ! SI ""' WbiCh """"y frlDd 0'" ,Ut 0r ' the oeceaeity of piminf out lbs ore to and n perpetual burner. Tbe olon Tubing and ;n. Tb.PlTTBBCBO UEL,- GILBERT GORDO. treet, IPet ran Olfc IHAKKIiTM. Orrira o ) Pbtbolbdm Cum Dailt RarnnD V Tbe mereot ii quiet end dull to-day at $4,25. We quota at $4.25af4,30. There la do transaction. Philadelphia, Not. 7. Crude IZJ4. Refined 22. No?. 22'; Deo 22 Cam Market Very weak rutalnirc, Not. 7. Crude eput, 12. Not. lJij". B. U. all year. 12,'. 8. O. do. 11. Market-Uncbaoaed. .R1ned Spot,.2J;NoT. 22; Dee. 22 uariti quiet. New York, Not. 7. Crude-13?al3,V. Refloea 23. . Market-qutet; iaeotWe, Tidiodti, Not. 7. Market-4,25. On. Citt, Not. 7. Market $4.50. Titistill., Not. 7. Market-$4,50. PLCAgiNTriLLi, Net. 7. Market $4 40 Rocsbtillb, Not. 7. Market $4.30. COLD IN NEW VUHK. Niw rem, Not. 5. Gold - llJif. A. O. of U. W. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A O. of U. W., merit every Monday ertnlti( at 7 o'clock, to Oild Fellow's Hull, Petroleum Centre, I'eno'a. L. II. Coli.om, at. W. H. nRtrrea, R. 0. 6. L S. Owen Gaiej's Lipr Storg. TlicOid.st Established Li quor Store on Oil Creek. OWEN GAFFNEY, PRPP'ft PUEE Wines & Liquors, The Best Importations. Willis, Gins Hums, Whiskies, FGR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PUR POSES. I would call parflcolar atteolion to my Brands of Wines, which are eenuine IoiDortation. anil braee the entire liet ever kept in Am Market!. 'eta Ales and Porter. Base & Co'a Imported Ale, In Rntlle and en Bran, Hrwlri'i Import ed 4le la Bottle, Ontnneaa, Brawmtoui, 4c Loudon Curler, Ac. CIGARS, CIGARS THE FINEST BRANDS OF DOMESTIC AND HAVANA CIGARS. JVo. 85 AVaobiiicton-it.. PE TKOIiECMCEKTBE, PA. noT4tf. OWEN OAIFNEY- A Splendid Aaiortment of Genta Fnrhiab IngGoodsatA. Aldeoi Jstneitowo Clto ing Store. tent Medic roleuni (Cen Carry He News to Mary AND HAVB HER UNDERSTAND THAT Griffes Bros. Have a laige and select Stock of XKZedicines, AMD FANCY GOODS, aokaa riKFTHKS. TU1L1T ARTICLKt, COSMETtt'S. JJKOHHEi. CUM IS. TOW ELI. BAND ODillH, WALL PAPERS. WALKING CATF. iTATIONKHT. PATENT MEDtCINKS, POCKIL BOOKS, CIOAKH. tk Mia. brat4 WolTarlna and other brands, Tobaaco, Ac. WINES LIQUOR FOB MEDICINAL PURPOSES. The Largest Stock of Fireworks For the Fourth of July trade in this section of the Oil Region. Jr Particular Attention paid to tbe nutting UP of Fhyiitcian'a Prescription!. Wajhington-8t PatroUnm Ceatre, Pa. Griffes Bros. The Cowing GAS PUiVIP New and Improved U-as I'ump! THE 3BEST YET! AT Winsor Bros. The Exclusive Agents for the entire Oil Region. Locomotive C)Iinder-13 In. TIi COWIXG GAS PCJUP : Hal been thoroughly tried and found to be tbe beat yet manafactured. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT 3ADE TO Ttjr1 .vJ J ' s. DEALEF.8. ines, JPev tfe, IPa. MEASll & ARMSTRONG, ISoceenere to H. It. Warnar, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Flour' & Peed i6nants. TnS2,b,,bw,,T,B,',h,b olnJ oi ana will kaapalmtta always on hand tb txl tk kc i all trade to tb.tbjiuwlng proilocU: , riiOrn. feed, HAY bind 0R AIN efaUk.a4i. We alio bare a rj lug, cak f ' . VT APPLE3. r.V,T!' of bH patrnnafo, feeUac ", . .w Aa a AbHHTRuMO Pefwteaw Oatre. Pa.. Kot t. 1W9 if . LIVERY, FEED & SALE- At the Depbt, opposite the" lentrai House, PKTEOL !DM CIRTSI TA. ' Au4'' oa Elan Street, Opposite " ettfie hoim, : OiLCiTT.PA., T. M' DONALD, Proper. 1,U5JJS,ilIock of "WTW AXD NADDLB ' HORSES oa the Creek, are te ka rbead t M'DonaM's ' Liverr rffORSES FED' & BOAKDElV en Reavonahle Tenne. TIAMISO of eW klaaa irompi'ranonatoio Aio. cqaateted with ta JTeryrtaMelavHEARMV. ON8 of a .klada. will do .ell to call Tin "e, aa I haTtheancrftroniaoftbakt iaanaract(.-rt a In th ear 'try, and will aell aa ckeap aa can ba bad t uie manafaetoriea. WW uiTi nee can. Petroltna- Ceatre. Feb. rta, J,g,,'D0I'A,B PETROLEUM litHANGS W WASHINGTON STREET,. PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA.. ALFi MYERS, Proprietor. &Mpt conataatly on hand tbe cholcect Iranda ef Wines, Llqdors & Ciari of a'l kind. Warm Heal at alt lltoari. WILD OAM S IM ITS 8BAMN. Bomlvtd dally and aerre'd ap la any atyle aealrad. or la to waah It down, aud a alee Cif ar site bis a call. , , "A. MTBR8. Petrnlmm Ootra. Oct. M. 1T1. tl. Petroleum Ceulre liodfe, XoY nil, i. o. of o. f. Regular meetior Dlgbta Klidar. at t o'clock. Signed. . J. A. B01XE3, Pf. O. W. A. Kili.br, A. Sec'y. jyTlijce cf meeting, Maia St., epyoaile Mct'lintock Home. J? I HOLC9 i Gold Tinted Wall Paper at Gulf fen Bno Elejent SILK HATff nt ALCM''.