1 etroleum Centre Daily Record aela centre, Tuesday, Novtuttr T ARRIV AL AtU DEPApHTRB Off an ia,vs n,v u. v. St A. It. H. On in-l HttHr Snnd.y. Aug. 13th, 1871, nanm win ruu ae miinwr.; KOBTH till. 6. n. 3 NO. 1, Lf Irvine. I2.4J r . ft.nn P a Leave Oil Cliy 6.01 a . a. X p m. 7.411 - " ret-Cea 3.6 8. 28 " ' Tiluev. 7.S5 4.45 " 8.10 " Arrive Curry, 8 66 6,10 "10,82" nttrtt v n a . a a Leave Curry, ll,3.n am. 6.16 am. A.ftora " P. On. 1,28 " 8.28 " 8.W Arrive O. City 2,10 9,10 " ,16 "f Irvine. 4,40 12,01 " Imf No. 6 tod 6 ran on Sunday. VBBISHT TRAIN! NORTU. Ko.lt. Naif. No. II. Sail. K. t UUV,l.ni.l,ll,IM.I. II, SUA M. t.SSAJS AiT.C 10, " l,36r lt,J r . B,N TitBS, 11.17 I K. t,tf " 1,00 " S,4" Ar.Ouria.Mra FHMGHT TRAINS SOUTH. No. 10. No. 8 No. 10. No. 14. No. SO Ls Cor. 1.10PM iaTt,.tSA.a (,0.m. 1,10 r.. 11,16 iw. s.sora n.e.iu w,u ,df.h. i 4.10 AeOC ,M 11,00 l,J 1,40 ( 80 No. l Leave Colon, 8,80 A. m. ; Tit? .ville, le va a. in. : reu venire, 1,10 p. ., arrlrae at Oil City, 8,0s p. m. No. 1.8 Leavea Union 1,40 p. m. i Tttnsvllle, 4,08 r m. , re, umm, o,o p.!) ma al Ull City, 4.6b d. m t.ll City and P.trol.nm Centra freight, Imtm oil Ufa ft AH A an mIm - n. a a .an aaiair-a m rvviuitom VVUlTfJ lt,4U 8k EmH;Tp,1,,i,,,c,n,"-uii, rrirM 1, 8, 8 , 4, t and 6 ara nptM train. Uju I a ...a M ... i . . v .... -- fciitvuyn wounniDaRiiai, connecting at Cwry end Irrluetoa for aat and .North. Noa IS and 14 freight accommodation. No. 17 and 18 rail oo Sunday botween Tit cull It and Union. f bhtkb rALica eia-piee cia. Wo. 4 Direct to Willlanmport witboat chance M Pkllailalnkl. mAJ V . , " uiu.iiumBiiu " O IT i urn IIU. We. 1 Direct from Wllllamiport vrUhsat eaange nj roil, ana n. i. line Joi 8 Direct from- Pittibnrik wlthont change. Wo tt-Direct to Pltmbursh without chance. Monday, Jane 4, 171. Ulvtuo erlo. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH BerTltet efery Sabbatb at 11 A. II. and iX P. JT. Sabbatb School at ltH P. M. ats fret. A eordlal Invitation extend cd to all. . Kit. P. W, Sconipa, Paator, PKESBTTBRIAN. CHURCH. Preaeblng at' 11 o'ejock A. M and 7k 'OlookP. 1L. " P. PATTQy, Paitar. Gold at I p. m. 112 Tea Lictpbi On Friday eveolng next, Not. lOtb,' Petroleum V. Nuby (Locke) la to deliver the Brat lecture of the course giv en by the Young Men'a Christian Aaocla tloo or Petroleum Ceotre. Naaby la well known at one or tbe moat popular or Amer ican I ecturera, end hie latett effort "The Mitatoo or Sklneoyb"--iiiaid to be tke beat et pmanatiog from bit pen, being rieb, rare and raoy. A word further on lb la enr.jtct. It is well known to all that tbe need of aome literary nterlainment, wb.ere onr youog men ooud go ocoaalooally of an evening to paaa tbe time in aoelal and mental Improvement, baa long been felt. Tbe Young Mon'a Cbrlatlan Aaaociatiou are endeavoring ta supply tble want by getting up a course or lectures wblcb cannot prove otberwiae than a meine mt good, bei ides being a rlob Intellectual -leaei. o euapie mem 10 carry aut tbe pro ject sucoeesiulljf tbey bave been to a heavy expense, and rely on, our oitizens' to aid them in the matter not only by tbelr influ ence, but by purcbaiinz ticketa for the course, which are placed at tbe low figure ui 94 per single ticket lor the conrse, and $5 tor double ticket admittine two. The committee bave dispossd or a large number i uc.eis ao lar, and we trurt our citizens will aid them la making the lecture course a success. Let us not be behind our neigh bors In so good a work. Sooel's Opera House was crowded last evening to wilneis the perlormanca of tbe teoaatioa drama or "Neck and Neck." In the prloolpal character, that or Walter Wjl uarlb, Mr. Stetson tolly equalled the expec tations or, tbe audience. Ha is without doubt a Bnisoed actor and a thorough gen tleman but with one or two exceptions lacked jbat support Decenary to produce a drama or tbis character In good shape.' Messrs Forbisb & Wilton. tbV gentlemanly managers, bave our.bea wishes for their oucoese. Tbe country will be saved In New York Slate to-day. May tha beet man win. . Smith, tbe popular saloon keeper," has a sheeting gallery In full tjlaat ln bis saloon Try a tbot. Our Kane City correspondent gives the following namea as Candidates for office in thai flourishing town: Burgess- D. E. Crocker. Justice of the Peace R. DuJJeld. , CltyCleik-Jae. McCray. Night Pol e Alex. Collins. Dei-ctive-j. v). Crawfoid. 'Hub fur K-tne (;). Wheumer ju( uck Jour neighbor' Ch,ro.er, d3 It behind bis back so as Out to waunl bis leaHuiis. Ai.i.ruAnoozri r Citt Sand HnrK. Vincent & Wright Or.n. are about to drill a new well on the Drown furm. Tbe derrick, rir, O.C., are airrauy up. The universal prayer of oil operators is "Uivo ns Kain. ' W. R. Osborne commences a new well on (he Osborne tract tbe present week. New buildings continue to be put up on magoozelum One of rhe eleanesL neatest and band- aomeat pumping rigs in the oil region csn be seen at the old Keuoey well, a short dis tance below Mayor Kenney's house. It's well worth an inspection. Mayor Keuney still clings to the belief tnat Ailemsgooieluaa it located oo the "jug ular vein'' or the Cherrvtrea oil belt. An. pearances would seem to indicate that hit meoey was about right, at all of the wells suna on ine Metropolitan tract tome twen ty ar twtnty-flve have produced oil in paying quantities. Mayor K. hat recently made extensive ra. palrt aud Improvemenlt on hit houae, and it it now one of tbe cosiest, pieaaaoteat hornet In tbe entire oil region. With all this David's hospitality Is unbounded; the 'latch string alwayt bants on the outside" aud hit Irleodt can alwayt rest assured or a hearty welcome. This it not alone the ease with bim, but it it to with all the good peo ple of Cberrylroe Run. A mora hosnitalile open-hearted, ganerout sett or men and wo men, ii wouia do Dora to nod. Albert W. Aikeu't sensational drama "Tbe Witches of New York," drawt lull heueet nightly, and bids fair to do to through tbe entire engagement. Alksn himself, who has well earned the name oi "colloquial actor," plays four different char aclers, and Is the life ol the play. Tha dla logue is raoy and sparkling from first to laat' and frequently disnlavt tbe work of a maaJ ter nana in the sensational lioe ofdramatio writing. The bowie-knife conflict at tha end of tbe fourth aet is thrilllnz in the ex treme. An evening at Wall's Opera House tblt week can bo spent rWashlnton vnroaicio. Mr. Aiken appears at Sobers Onara House, to-morrow evening, on which oeaaa. ion will be presented tbe drama spoken of above. It is said to be a e-ood thl ne. anil win undoubtedly draw a crowded house A stranger from Canada drooped Into an eating bouse near tbe Ceatral denat. Detroit on Thursday, and aaked permission to sit by tbe stove a moment, sayiog tbl be was out 01 sorts. His request was granted, but there was tometbing in bit actions whieb caused tbe proprietor of the place to keen an a on him. Pretty toon be taw the man take out a until vial, look all around, aod then lift it to hit ips. Believing that It .was an at. tempt at suicide, the eating bouse man jumped for the stranger, took faim by toe throat aod threw bim down, anrl nhalrail film hall to death before be learned that the vial contained brandy wbioh tbe man was -usina for an aehinir tooth Th. n. 1 v q a. iev us, 1 t7 IWHir once bad a suloide in his house, aod had ii4 u au twice n ran 1 1 an Auk nn : . ... - - uimi jury , he didn't rronnaM In , k ir . ii. tie cbokiog oould prevent it. Punch's meutal philosophy. What mind? No matter. What It matter? Nev. er mind ? What it tbe nature ol the soul ? Il ls Immaterial. A noble Iowa woman drnva th il summer lor ber busoand and then ran off wi th one of the farm bauds. Twenty millionaires are fathers of families in Boston, and twenty times twenty gallan1 Bostonsse aro attentive to tbe million hslr essos. Another poor girl baa died in Virgin! from the nse of tobacco, at the ago of 100 She was ao orphan. TbeMetdvillo doodIb ara featindi ottaA over the fact that a locomotive bat been re cently built th.ro tbe Drst aver attempted at that place. News from Mexico continual rtvolutiooary and battles are anlioloated at Battliin i.h elsewhere. Cattle stealing on tha lino of tbe kio urande it ended. When you flud your passioos rising never confine or repress them. How many boilers have been bunt by too close confinement of their .ooutenta. Everybody stopping at Corry five minutes bears about "the well." Six bundled and fifty feet bave been bored, and not a drop or oil. Butler county la suffering for water. Cnne or.flve miles is tbedistance. farmers bave to drive their stock in tome, places. Tbe Scranton Timea somolaina that faah. lonably dressed women appear upon the streois or that place in an intoxicated con dition. You can gia knowledge by readinir bnl you must separate tbe chaff from the wheat iy iDiutiug. new ouuniDga continue to oe put up on three stories oreastig nis legs aoa skuii, oe Hiimbnrg Avenue, the Broadway of Alio- sides shockingly mutilating himself with a mairfMiseiiim. I . i. . u. t k 1. u.MJ ITEJie. The Grand Lodge or Odd Fellows at Lit tle Rock, Ark., adjourned Saturday nigbt, i " i u-v " Cbrlstisn Church, did also the State Convention or ine in Church. m At Cincinnati, on Saturday, GsorgeSboe- isker, a csruenter, in attempting to orois on a board form one bouse to another, fell three stories breaklig bit Itgt aod skull, be- broad-ax he bad in bit hand Tbe Michigan State Relief Committee have publithed a circular which ttatet that the cootributiont orolotblac from all oartt or tbe country for the roller or the sufferers hv the flra in that Male, haa haan ao eener. J , m ous tbat;the ttoek now oijhand and in transit win miiy meet ine wanie 01 me sunerers lor tha articles of clothlnr. What la atill need ed Ii building materials, firming utensils and provisions, or money for these purposes. Tbe Philadelphia Board of Health reports the average of fourteen deatha nar dav. from small pox during the' week, a slight incresae over the previous week. Alexander C. Fallon was sentenced on Friday, lo tbe United Slates Court at Bos- ion, lor irregularities eonnectea witn me Hide and Leather Bank, to one vear'a im prisonment In Lowell jail and a Una of Sl,oou. The body of a touoi cirl was found in tha river near Carrolton. Kv.. on Fridav. Sba is supposed to bave been murdered by a youog man to whom tbe wet engaged, wko was arrested on the tuppoiitioo that be had tome connection with the affair. Dan. Smith, a negro convioted for the murder of young Merry weather, was senten ced on Friday at Memphis, by the criminal Court, to be hanged oo tht 29th ol Decern- per. Tbe Grand Conncll of Masons met at Little Rock, Arkansas, on Saturday, and eleoted E. H. Englsb, Grand Muter for tbe ensuing year. David Barrager is to be banned at Cobura-. Out., on the 14th of December, for murder- og nis wire. ''Henry" won the trot at Fleetwood Park. New York, Saturday, heeling "Georie Palmer, "American Girl" "George Wilkes aod W. H-Allen." Time. 2:24?..'. 2:24. 2:24Ji, 2:23?. ' Patrick Connor foil dead horn an attaek of heart disease in Nashville. Thro small frame dwelling bouses in Nash ville were burned. Lost $6,000. At the trotting races at Cleveland nn R.i- uraay, ine proceeds of which were donated for the reliel or the Michigan and Wisconsin sufferers about $400 was realised. Old Bob Riplbt. Robert Ridievlsa peraoo well known to many of our, readers. He is one of those popular good feljow who has hosts of friends. We called umn hi. at bis saloon opposite tbe Parshall Houae. Tiluivllle, Uit, Saturday, and found bim do ing a toriviag business.. We wore alto agreeably aurprised lo lad there, pretiding at the bar, our old friend Ed. Sutherland, that whole hearted jolly chum. knows, to al around here. Ed's frieodt will cow know where lo find hint when they go to Tltut ville. Apples! Apples! Just reealvail nni handrail k...l. -f Ik -' vi.ii.1. vi Ik'UaV aioe Arrna irom ine rarm, aod twenty barrels af our beat CIDKR taa ht ik.i ever same to Ibit town. Call and see for youraelrea. Nov 7 tf H. H. WARNER. Post Offiee iewsrH)in ! Jost reoelved a bow ttoek of Stationerv. Fancy Goods or all kinds. A sew Slock of Gold Pens, (Laroy W. Fatrehlld Pona and the celebrated Johnson Gold Pens), George westsobolavs CoUery, Knives. Rtsors and Soisssrs. Also, Knives aids. by H. ft W. King. A sew CIRCULATING LIBRA RY. Copies al N. Y. Dalllee alwava to ha bad. Weekly aad Monthly Periodical of an atoominatioas. report mailed to any part of tbe coantry if desired. A Larea Stock or Tobaocs, both Chewing and Smo- aiog, or mo very best quality. Doffs In structions In Book Keeoins. School Baaka Copy Books, and anything pertaining to a ursi-oiass stationery store, p. O. NEffS- KUOM, rETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. bcisih. r. a. niUHOLSfw, Propr, r liArinsKY's i.iorrnn stodb i theooly place lo look for Hotel Glass War aft a sveaev. n IfGo lo r.AffPNPYi). fixm aPTn a no --'wava Mtav VlVaOO .aW IvAF i TV H. Y koant a....il. lelly for family uae. ' F taffJAFITNEY lath, rtkirtr oon i nn LIQVGR DEALER ou & : Creek. Give bim a call. iSXVH ailS l&LVH 3718 ISIYH JH8 ;t Slny -ejois Soiqwio uaoitemsf oPIV Y is 'SXYH 3119 eU,s r hweal Notices. g. M. Pettcailll Co. Par How, Ntw Tferk, aad Oto. P. TewaU a Co Advertising Agoi.ts, are tbe sole agent aw the Pa, treleum Centre Dan.T llaooao In iiat city. Ad vettlsars la that cttyare rqtieiitfd lo theU a vera with eillier of tee above hones S.N0m09 icq ja oaois soog eoiieuty HX tig ooiaiqAl T VI JD Jl lluf s.sjauex oioqiouijeqoa 'AVH xna oivjijna -1 rtT-ROCKING HOUSES at the Yeriety Store of J. W. BEATTY'S. oa-laV HOuse For Sale. a -I --! k ...t J I.A.I..1 Aak SmJ A u c 1 1 a i rvaiuviivw iwtwa w farm, with all cooveolenoet for a good siatd laniiiy, lor eaie onvap. uwvu wawr iu id house. Enquire of F. J. HANNA Petroleum Ceotre, ocl 30-lm. New Neat and Nobby 81 L, KTH TS! af Ai.DEM' LIVE AND LET LIVE! T..I hmUa) .1 U..I. f- InhIiwi.'. flour ana reea more, i,uu diisdsis. extra WHITE OATS, which will be sold at. low. a a- i -ma a ill 6IIH riCVls o-i. V was pay vi avveaaaaaai j iivssa isw wis. laatSBIWtcrf In tkartH .a.aV al C k .1.8 2pAaina aF atalaiaasi f i aaai tliaa ulA ailar. IH IUUVSJ lfjri V 8sS4BlfB 9.JUI ltIS3 aQpAiina of af a tat atfsa fanm I haa ekai al avva V ar we w ww aaaai iiwiis tltw vsvat afl mm a VI W In Iknaa aHuaak a a r Ik ala 1 1.' a 111 IBUIW lUpfl U ISSUjpV VuriVtlV Ra Ntw Stylet Silk Hats! al A. ALDEN'S Ntw Styles SILK HATS! sep. 26, at ALDKNts Tbe America Cok Stove at GORDON'S. Tbe America Cook Stove at GORDON'S. HTFioe French Confectionary, at the Variety Store of J. W. Bealty. Fresh Eggs and SUPERIOR BUTTER CJ ' 11 L It i. I) IW t) f L mnai ... i waiu.enjisiivu.1 t bal LIVE S The America Cook Stove at GORDON'S Splendid SILK HATS! al ALDEN'S. The America Cook Slave at GORDON'S, If you- Want a Salesman, Want a Servant fiirl, Waot to Sell a Horse, Want to Sell a Patent, Waot to Leod Money, Waot to Buy a House, Want to Sell a Carriage, Want to Borrow Money, Want to Sell ao Oil Well, Want Is Buy an Engine or, Beiler Want to Sell a House and Lot, Waat to find a Strayed Aaimal, Waot to Purchase en 011 Interest, Want to Sell a Piece of Furnltsre, Want lo Buy a Sacood-band Carriage, Waot to Sell Tubing, Casing, Gat Pin. Want Ia WlttA ... ... .r. . - - - - wwmrr lur aoytoing JTooad, advertise In tbe Excess, as not ieeis . ... .uuiiaauu peupie reau ii weekly. A. A. Bowaa. navt I W i d k hand and la nn.t . 11 . . i i . ABDlea W a tap ma Inn mrsA h,.!,. .11 li. i " imiw vi an einae "mm mourn 01 I oe aooti cigars la lbs market. Uieara that ... .... 1,. n 'rrVZ. ror iwctt. BBSS Sal SJVBV UIIB. Fuf Sale.. .. iui aaia. nnqnireoo IRS prea .. Vl u vnurca, atcuray if ease, oct. 13 1m. S85 Will Buv THE American Half-Cabin't SEUIN6 MACHINE. CHAS. HE1GHTON. Agent for Pet. Centre and vicinity. HOBGRT RIDLEY. Beal.r In Wines 8c Liquors Segarsand Tobacco. SAMPLE ROOM ATTACHBD. Sprlng-st., TITCSVILIiC.PA SIRICTLY OPPOSITE TBI PARUBALIt OPBKA UOUS1. SO. 8UTIIESLANB, Aailatsat. Titnaville, Nov tth,' ll. tf. Fisiitu a nonius, GENEdAL MACHINISTS sad Dealtnlnall kinds of WEIjI. TOOLS 4b FIXTURES Necaaaary Icr nattlne down, Ml AnaMtiaiAi sTii hiIni.erODn0i!on with 001 AVifimt iiHop BLACKSMITH SHOP. OlU ffaHlltlaVa fn U A WTTD im. inrw. celled byrbop irtto 01. K.'U mop- air-it,ovpoiU MeUlintoeh w-,.. yml FISHES ANOBS18 AMUSEMENTS. OPERA HOUSEl ONE NIGHT ONLY. The Colliquial Actor and Popular Auiktl Mr. ALBKRTW. AIKEN, Supported by bis SPLENDID NEW YORK COMPaKy IB bit famous Realistic play of rity ulifal ha him nl.l and VIHIITO ' " r - - ..v..iio ro Croat ed lo the prinoipal Cities of Amerloa.eniiil,, The Witrhrti of New Turk! Foniilar nrteee. 7A Cim ihJ r.n served seats lor sale at Grlflea Bros. ntu, Store. n3-4t FIHST A..CAL total? fcrst! OF THK tr 1'ETBOLEI'X CETTBE. The derslcned Lectara Cernmltlee of uu t at. C. A., of Atreleaai Centre, hae I he kanor lu """" iii uai oi uatiural lar taag. aalaa aaaaarn i T' al' Ill.i alii in I il ii date, where thay are not rim below, M m u they raabe aVSniteli ancertalaed. saiUByniwjU( Asyw Rev WD B OtTLUSH Appnaraneej. Kn b JOH RILLIttes. Pre 14 QUua. ViM. PAUbVNm. ST" CnrresaoBdenoe I. twine hrld with HORiri OKPCtLBT, w KNOKi I.PHIl!.IH8,KHE0ul!t LASS, MASK TWAIN, andethece. uavlr By Order of Lecte a Onnimi tr. J.IO. w. THoMPSOW xM Cfealnaaa of Coaimitl. Lias. Hyslraallo Censeat, Calclaed Plaster, Halr,e IW a anuln. m.itl. . - -1 vwiii;, .i.n m aM IB ftlK. and to aay part of the oil ngioa by leaitag win C, A. DCRFEY'S, Cor. fWr and Vmi... mi.u. ' XlIBVIU.aT. PI Smith's LAGER BEER SALOON I anrjiew Oyster itooias. 8IMhTo7iyiIln!flSfi,,l00- N"T DOOK and pleaaant, ni mi fr(.da will at all ttani trni n??.S,.!!w'!?, ni ? Yon can alwi- WINKR WliTiT niiTin l.BMONADB. NATI1S WIOHXS. fcali?.""' mace SASl nMu stted aoa LADIES1 OYSTB atvia dlrfZi aerTed up ta atf atyie daelced t frivate en trance to the rown. OcttlUf, a. m. MMlTtl. Beat dour to ainaiona' I'SV C. IL WILLIAMS, maiiiw OF AuL ; KINDS. Onlce and Yard at end of Boyd Farm Bridge. FREE PASSAGE TO TEAMS OVEBJ 1 11 r.' wy, w - i tun DltlUtiK. c. h. wiii.iA.tn. ta7Eleu.nl PI fin u i. .uawwDfi( j - " - v u iii a. a a rf nnaa. V vs. li aHlliaaaaBaBaaaa' l H j 3 uvuan.canuiin TKN K YUAi . . Cor. Jd k Washington Sis.