The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, November 04, 1871, Image 2

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    F eVoieum Centre Daily Record.
Vow centre, ftatartiay. November 4
0 end after nndy, Aug. 18th, 1871,
trains will ruk as follows:
oth no. i. nn. I. no. t.
Leave Irvine. 11,43 r M. 6.115 p M
Lhti Oil Oil; 6,00 a m. 3. SO p m. 7.40 r m
I'et.Cea s.M .5 ' " .
" Tlwsv. T.S4 4.44 .I0
Arrive Curry, 66 1U.J2 "
socth. v' se. 1. NO. 4. iro. .
Lave lorry, ll.Ofl a . a m. ft.M t a
" Tittiav. IS. 44 p'. -7.43 7,40"
' P. Ceo. 1,28 8.2(t " .0 '
4rriveO. City 2,10 ,I0 " ,15
" Irvioe. 4,40 18 01 "
f No. S tad 4 ran on Sunday.
KO IB. Mo. II. No. 11. No. IS. Ho. t.
UOC, 9.-UAM. 11,30a.. 11.S0a 6.UU
ArP.Clo. " I.SSfm II.Sipm. ,5
Tltas, 11.87 A.M. , ' ( " S"
No. 10. No. 8. Ho. 14 Ho. 14 Ho. SO
Is O r. J,10r
l.eTt,tMSA 1.60 am. 110p. 11.39 am. S.B0FW
" I'C.S.IO " 10.0 ' S,r.M. 1,M 40"
ArOCS.aO ' 11,00" t,S0 1.40" 5 SO"
No. t Leave ralon, 8,80 A. m. ; Tltueville, 10.
4n a. m J Het Centre, 8.S0 p. m., arrives t Oil
ttv. S0j. m.
No. I S Leaves Union 1,40 p. m. ; Tttnsville. 4.05
f m i fat Centre, 6,44 p. m ; Arrival at Oil City,
,W p. m
Oil Olty end Petroleain Centre freight, learaa Oil
Clij ,45 a. m , arrive at Petroleum Ontrall.W a.
m. braves Petroleum Ventre at l,tlSp ai., arrives
at Oil City 1,00 p. m.
1, 1 , 4, t and ( are eipress trains.
Sea IS aad SO are through accommodation,
ewmeetioc at Owry aad Irvlaeton lor East and
Hoe 13 aad 14 freight accommodation.
No. IT and IS ran on aeudsy betwMa Tltusvltle
and Union-
snvra palaci staieies cam.
No. 4 Direct to WlUiaiiisport wttbuat thange
oe Philadelphia and New Yon. Iina.
' Na. 1 Direct from Wllliamtport without
eksnge by Phil, and N. T. line.
No. 5 Direct from PHUbnrch wlthost change.
No 6-Direct to Plttaburgh without change.
Monday, June S, 1S71.
Divine Service.
cervices every 8abbatb at 11 A. M. and
i i P. M. Sabbath School at 12' P. M.
all free. A cordial invitation extend
ad to all.
Rsv. P. W. Scopiild, Pastor. v
presbtterTan church.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7,
o'clock P. 11.
D. PATTON. Pastor.
fa- TQggBBf
Gold at 1p.m. 1IIJ
Pitbolsj Oil Itixr. The Phillips Bros,
of this place, have a well nearly completed
on a hitherto undeveloped -portion of tbe
McCalmool Farm. The show for striking
oil Is said to be excellent.
. The old Haskell well, near the famous
Grant well, on the Uolmden farm, cootie
uos to yield between thirty aod forty bar
rels per day. This will be remembered as
the old well that was reamed out aod drilled
deeper a few weeks since.
A oew well was reeeotly drilled on tbe
same lease, which is said to be yielding ten
barrel per day.
A new wall Is being drilled on tbe same
farm, in tbe immediate vicinity of tbe
Catbolio Chinch.
Below these wells, on tbe point of the
Muff between Helmden Run and Pithole
Creek, a new well has been going down for
several weeks past Tbe third sand was
struck on Thursday, and the drill had pen
etrated it but a few feet, when a tremendous
gas vein was struck, wbiob threw oil, water,
stones, and every movable thing in the well
to the top ot the derrick, wbish caoghl Ire
and burned down, together with the engine
bouse and rig. The gas from this well is
said lo rival that struck in the old United
States well in volume aod fores. A "big
strike" is anticipated. Our Informant did
not learn the name of tbe fortunate owners.
Much excitement is occasioned by this new
development, In Pithole.
A oew well is going down near tbe mouth
ot West Pithole Creek.
Lively times are anticipated in Pithole by
these new strikes.
Considerable excitement was occasioned
this afternoon, on Main street,, by a runa
way, The horses ran lo tbe end of tbe Eg.
bert farm bridge, where they were stopped
by the driver. Two other teams were os
the urlil;e at the time, and it is almost a
mliaole that a serious disaster was avoided.
As the time for tbe opening lecture of the
T. M. C. A. course draws near, our ciliaeaa
should attend to tbe matter of purchasing
their tickets, which ean be procured of eith
er Mr. Thompson, Mr. Nicholson or Mr.
Dickey. A rate Intelleotnal feast is prom
ised, and we ttust our clliseos will aid the
Auociatlou in their efforts lo sustain it., Squirrel, pheasant, snipe, and
other wild game, just received at thePetro
le'im Kjtehang Hutet. Look tat for a big
dinner to moriow. ' ' ' ,y m
Mr Chetu,n, wbowferen over ly tbe, st Millet PArnij dy belore yesleiday,
via likely to n-evter.
T 1 'lailt ages -UuV ages.
fcl.p koiita ovi.s' tin.
Silist Inflcsnc We srs toiiobing
our tallow-beings on all sides. They are af
fected tor gord or lor evil rj what we are
by what wo say, and do, even by what we
think and feel. May flowers In the parlor
breaths their fragrance through the atmos
phere. Wo ara each of us as silently satur
ating the atmosphere about us with the sub
tile aroma of our obaracter. In the latnily
circle, besides and beyond ail the teaching,
the dai'y lite of both parent and cbild mys
teriously modules the lift of every person In
the household. The same process oc a wid
er scale Is going on through the community.
No man liveth to bloite'f, and no man dietb
to himself. Others are built up and straight
ned by onr unconscious deeds; and others
may be wrenched out of their place aod
thrown down by our unconscious Influence.
There was one life losi at the burning of
the Sherman Hons In Chicago. Tbs vic
tim bad been carousing that oigbt with a
party of friends, and retired by tbe aid of
his comrades, abort after 12 o'clock. Wbeo
tbs flame, tbrsatsned tbe fated building
they went to arouse him, but fouud the door
locked. By dint of tremendous pounding
they managed to make him bear. "Wba'scr
ma'er," huskily asked (he half conscious loe-
brlate. "Get up quick," was the reply, tbe
hotel Is on fire. '-'Ell on Ore. Wha'er
e'posa I car. Isbn't 'ell hie a'wuys on
re!" Just at that moment a great volume
of smoke burst through tbs ball-way, and
tbs wretched man was left to his fate.
Owen Gaffoey, the well known popular
liquor dealer. Is again on "tbe deok of bis
own swift gliding craft," and announces the
ract through onr columns to day. Mr. Gaff
oey is tbe oldest liquor dealer in Ibis vicin
ity, and basalwaya maintained the reputa
tion of keeping a superior and pure article
or wines, liqnois of all kinds, ales and ci
gars. At pressut bis stock cannot be ex
celled outside of New York City, or inside
for that matter. Parties having deal with
him will Hod bis stock just as represented,
sna aiscover nim to be a square-dealing
upright business man. All ot which is true
to tbe best of our knowledge and belief.
"It is an ill wind that blows nobody anv
good," and even tbe great dissster which
has overtaken Chioago is not without its
smelioratiog features, since noemnloved
mechanics, by thousands, will there And
plenty to ao in building up the destroyed
portion of tbe city. Chicago bas ons pecul
iarity, that the fire and calamity are pow
erless to affect it but teniDorarilv. The In
. .
domltablo energy and deucllese coursge of
Its business men will never succumb to mi
fortune, however orusblng; and tbe results
Of their quenchless vitality will be apparent
In wide-spread provperity among mesbaoirs
and contractors, and rehabilitations of the
ixaraen (jiiy in renewed splendor and aug
ment ed wealth and power.
Rosenzweig, the abortionist chanted with
causing tbe death of Miss Alice Bowtsby, lo
new l ork tbe trunk ease has beeo found
guilty and seutnced to 7 teats imorlson-
ment at hard labor. He is only una of a
large tribe.
What will Americans who so abroad to
see life" do now T The Jardln Mabile of
Paris is shorn of its glory, or of its naughti
ness, sloes the temporary purification by Are
or ransiao morals, and its Eoiliab i?la.
Cremoioe Gardens, bss been suppressed bv
authority. Tbe can-can no longer sends tbe
toes of Pariaan girls to a level with their
pert chins, and nevermore can tbe London
frail beauties Indnlge In tbe bugging walls
beneath trees by tbe light of colored Ian
terns, and to the iusplration of champagne,
or "goes of gin."
Tbe Petrotis (Oot ) Advertiser says: Tbe
want of water still serloutlv retards
tioos in pumping productive wells end dril
ling new ones. Borne operators are pump
ing water from tbe Creek, others are haul.
ing from tbe same source, while a uumber
are running on anon lime, and using salt
water, greatly to tbe injury of their boilers;
aod perhaps, we might sdd, to the risk of
life aod property.
Tbe Canada cil leeioua reiuiee In a nla
named Pithole, which is tbe largest produc
ing point in that refflon. It esnnnt
some up to tbe old aod original Pithole of
toe reonsyivaota oil region.
Mr- O. B. Lyford, General Superintend
ent of the A. & G. W. Railway, baa resign
ed his position on tbe toad, taking effoot
Nov. I
It Is suggested to those who find it niwo..
sary for their health during the Summer to
amuse themselves with croquet, oase bal1,
etc , that they primptly look about for some
other mode of exercise. The young ladies
might flod a substitute in washing nnnkm.
and sortibbing, and tbe young men in sawing
That we may not complain ol tbe prosaot,
let as view God's band in all events; and
that ws may not be alra'd of the future 1st
us view all events in God's bands.
Beautiful morning of light,
Cloudless grace of the sky,
Waters bathing the eight, -Birds
with tbeir minstrelsy,
Singing tbe gUdnesa of day,
Making the fugitive sweet,
Till a red teardrops at my feet,
And summer has vanished away.
Tbe maple tree swings lo etber,
The ripples ara washing tbe sand,
Winds give the waves tbe white feather,
Aud they Sing I t.em back tottielaod;
While tbe black ducks watch tlieirplay ;
But tbe crowding swallows we see
In tbe scarred old juniper tree
Say Summer is wearing away.
Shadows lie dark on tbe hillside,
Sunshine lies warm on tbe shore,
But lite Golden-Rod waves In its pride
And tbe clover blooms no more;
Gone are white blossoms of May,
Their robe is a purple leaf;
And the corn stands ripe In the sheaf,
For Summer is gliding aw y.
Turbulent morning of prime,
Joy of tbe Brat rude endeavor,
Dawn of a blossoming time,
Buds no October can srverl
Tbe violet duys are don,
But tbe Illy flames in his strength,
Aud the oalm ot Autumn at Ittogta
Shall be grand io tne setting sun.
An llliuui Hercules.
John Guivio, of Decilur, was yesterday
helping to get a sate out of the ruins on
South Water sueet, usur the Union depot.
The men bad got the s Ale neaily up cu tbe
sidewalk whi-n it slipred Lick on tlivm.
This man came along and akpd wbt was
tbe matter with (be sale, aod one of tuem
said It had slipped off the rollers and gone
back on Item, lie aald, "Get out ol my
way," and seizing on it liks Samson, lifted
It up, walked lo tbe wagon with It, ten or
twelve feet, aod threw It on tbe wagon.
He caught it on the bottom edge, raited It
up with tbe force levered against bis breast,
and walked off with it Tbe proprietor said
it weighed 2,464 pounds. He is about five
feet ten or eleven inohrs high, weighs, per
haps 260 pounds, ouiit like a Hercules, aod
about thirty-eight years old. He was a
boss bricklayer in Macon. Chicago Tri
bune. Professed spiritualise from Illinois and
Wisconsin, under tbe lead of one Prof.
Mitchell from Moline, have beeu digging for
the lost sale of tbe s'eamer Lexingtoo, suuk
in the Ohio near Dary, Perry couoty, In
dianla, io 1854. ' The belief obtains that in
missing safe were $75,001) in gold, and the
spirltiulisM referred to are going tor it, act
ing under tbe Inspiration of "madiunTJrer
elations. As the steamer R. C. Gray pas
sed dovo laat Saturday, the passengers on
board aaw four men aigging ; bravely on the
sand bar in tbe neighborhood where tbe
Lexington is reported to have sunk. They
claimed lo be within two feet of the burled
safe, but no inlormatioo ofl-ieir baring
reached it haa since been received, and the
inference is drawn that the "spirit" have
failed again.
Hydrate or chloral seems to develop fresh
virtues every day. A'otaeof rattlesnake
poisoa bas lately been cured by it, at Poiut
Pleasant, New Jersey. A young maa bit
ten by the rattlesnake, and exhibiting tbe
usual violent and alarming symptoms, was
treated with hydrate, Ave doses of twenty
grainseaoh being administered, when alem
followed, aod tbe patient awoke alter sever
al boors with every?smptom otitherjoieonin
gone. AtVhe same time we would wars noa.
professional parsons against tampering with
this powerful agent, tbe official strength of
which does not ssem to have been agreed
upon byjibo pharmaceutists.
lenow jack cUimed five viatlm. i.
Charleston Thursday.
The front of tbe Mechenice' Fair n.eitu.
in San Francisco, which is beina- demnh.h.j
fell Thursday, killiog a apeotator, Patrick
worry, ana mortally injuring tbe aasissnt
foreman, u. Maxwell.
The widow or Admiral
Portsmouth, N. H , Thursday.
Sprague's cotton mill at Baltin mm..
aged by fire Thursday.
Tbe United States Grand Jure at n.i
nsti have Indicted Benjamin F. Davidson
an army contractor, for mairin. .. '
Ing fraudulent vouobers ror forage amounting
A fire broke out about 11 nvib Tk...j.
night In tbe auction house of n v n... '
in, In St. Leuis, and eitende.1 i ik.
goods and notion store of A. Jud-IIAGo.,
on the eoutb. The nppr story and roof of
both stores were badlv burn.,. .t.
stocks in the lower stories pretty well drenob-
Occupation euros one half of life's troubles.
and mltgates tbe other.
A Quaker, once hearing a person tell how
much he felt for another, who was In dis
tress and needed assistance, dryly asked
him. "Friend bast thoo felt in thy pocket
for bltot"
A failure In a good cause Is heller tha
a triumph in a bad one.
A He will run a dogen miles, or more.
Before the troth has bas gone outside the
The violet grows lew, end esters Itsel
with its own tears, and of all the flower
yields the sweetest frsgraooe. Such Is bum'
illty. .
Tbe;new Sherman Honse io Chicago, It I,
expected, will be Completed In seventy days
Among tbe late patents Issued to citiseos
of Western PHnusylvania, are tbe following
No 120,186 ProceM of removing ob
structions in oil wells Jas. Dickey, Oil
No, 190.2C3 Oil tank Geo. W. Glass,
Local Notice.
g. PI. PcUeaslli Y Co. 3T
fark How, Nw Tuik, aad Geo. I. KeweJl A Co
Ad 'trtlauig AgM.t, are the sots agrata fur tbs Pa,
ircleum centre !aili Haroao in that dty. A4
nrtisMi la that tttj are reaaeeted I leave their
evein with tidier of toe above hoassa
I 'it- only pi iCo to loos lor Hotel utass
Ware. 04.
t& Go io GAFF.N'EV'S for One CIGARS
ami Cheap rer cas.
fUTGAFFNliY keeps constantly on
bind semen Ale ana London roller, espes
ui j tor ramiiy use.
LIQVGR DEALER on tbe Creek. Give
him a call.
Post Ollice Newsroom !
Just received a new stock of Stationery,
Faucy Goods of all kinds. A new Stock of
Gold Hens, (Le-oy W. Faircbild Pens and
tbe celebrated Johnson Gold Pens), George
Westenholm's Cutlery, Knives, Rasors and
Scissors. Also, Knives msde by H. & W,
RY. Copies of N. T Dsilies always lo be
bad. Weekly and Monthly Periodicals ol
all denomination A Papers mailed to any
part of tbe country if desired. A Large
Stock of Tobacco, both Chewing and Smo
king, of the very nest quality. Duff's In
siruciions io Bonk Keeping. School Books,
Copy Books, and anything pertaining lo a
first class stationery store. P. 0. NEWS
oct27tf. K K. MCHOLStN, Prop'r.
HOuse For Sale.
A desirable residence located 00 Boyd
farm, with all Conveniences tor a eoori alaed
family, for sate cheap. Good water lo the
nous. Enquire or
Petroleum Centre, oot Su-lm.
New Neat and Nobby Hit, C'H VTS!
a. a'LDEN'
Just received at Mease 4 Armstrong's
t? I .... 1 ,71 j a. . .-. - .
1 Mir enu o ore, i.euu Dusbels extra
rrru i t UAta, which will be sold at low
est easb prices! o2(-tf.
Groups of Jtaluary from tbs old masters
In Iknu . I . .
h .urn .ui-i u iButpe ei iorisiie s.
Groups of statuary from Ibe old masters
i.v.1. aupero lamps at unriatie's.
New Styles Silk Hats!
etA. ALDEN-3
rsep. 16, t ALDEN'8
Tbe America Conk Stove at
The America Cook Stove at
' HT "ine French Confectionary, at the
v arieiy more er 4. w. Beatty.
ft rial Aa Ilin . . 1 t s -
s-ll. Cor. 2d k Washington Btsl
onr. Washington A Second Streets. m2S tf.
Tbe America Cook 8tove at
Splendid 8ILK HATSI '
The America Cook Steve at
A. A. Bowen. n..l tn Vi.u. ra ,
... . , " uraa.nason
hand and Is constantly receiving Peaohee
Annies. Witmnu.. ... ., . .. .7 .
.. rr . "" iruiie 01 en (mils
mlXS A, OBof elgere In tbe
ffl&rKftl. (ilDura that - .
-- sjueja Vjwsjrw ajasj ff,fj0 fill
for 15ot. csn be bought of him for lflots.
Go and See Him. .
For Sale.
HOTTSK Maul k. U , r? n n. .
K'iV cL. ..W' P'em
e 1 i aj ' 1 n uriTTfSk.
Jk. MVUQjj
The Collre,ulsl Actor and Popnlsr .ll(f
Supported bv hla '
SPLENDID NEW TOWC COwpa.. v....,...-'.
bib lauivow su-aiieriw piay or sit Ills J
pieved by him over t0 NIGHTS to Llffl
ed in tbe principal eltleeof Amerlea.eiiJ
Tlic WcitrsfirNrwTor,
- Ponnlar nrlees. fS rim ... aa ...
, r , -w ... vv cip, a
served aeats for aale at Rrifr.. n I-
Store. s.r ""SB
I AM 1
Sobers Opera House
Mowemisher 6 1 Is.
The Briliisal Young Actor, Mr.
Supported hy aowerful stock
iron new iova, win appear lo lbs nsti
sensational drama, sail tied,
Neck & INeckfi
nrnieo expressly lur kirn bv Chas Foil.
Esq., and played for evsr IflO nishis is n
Uiirlag tbe plsy the sense lion R.iim.
ann orenuio scenes will be Introduced. 1
tJTRescrved seaia for sale three dariii
- J .. . - . t .1 n. -
.u. .in." unu nrus. itiib more.
novl 4t. F. C PRATT, Agent.
or THK
Toil Hen's Qristiaii ksm
.s r. "'""'- "" wniraiMoafj 01 I Of ,
M. u A , of l oinmim (Vntr, ha ih honor 10
nn'-noca ilio follow in im f Lwurw for the-
Mint MaVROII !
'I hai HnlilMilliSAA Milt srnl. si.. 11 A .L.
Tttet neadsAra. lew-iAael 1 .a- f i.a. .. .
Omtw, whera rhvjr are nut halu, m toot
J ' e.e ws w muius; esAFATrvaiUt'ej.
PETrlOLirM v. NABT, "the Mls.los
rtkiiienojh," Nov inth.
f .D,A','".'. PPrsaa. Ho. .
""S l'uH7, 1'VSJ f)
Qllou. WM. PAHSO.Na.
o?.(L,7wc "ghald v.tth BORtCt
?!?lfo,LJT: ""'PHH.WPS.FHKO DOUir
nnA inAin, sna others.
7 uraer or UKia e Unil tee.
... , J.NO. THOMP80II
ii&S-U ChAlrmaa of Ooamltr.
lilsne, HyelraRlic Cement.
cmicined Plalr, Ilalr.aVe j
Y a Sttnertor an itltv . k.. a ..j
erod to an jr part,, fii,e oil region by lemliyi arilm
C. A. niIRFEY'8,
Cor. Perry aud Meshsaic Hiraata.
eet.f TtTCHVUXI, PA.
A .1 VAT a.
lTJWJrJ?Sloim, NEXT DOOH .tf
.hsrTrf ....u" BLU',1' 1 'aeprtieJly aolW''
InilSLS0'- f ,oon be kept cod
and pleasam, and av Mends will st all tlsteals
S2T.i br"we,T " slway. enol. Ton can sl
W10HM byoallrAi ei'n " "
RrCIifI-L',J-"?"'le LADIES' OT81
Hii oUTreT r. rax
WVSHVW tv vo. ruuui .
rirMjt f"i 1 a ra
Nert dner tn Si
tW Part'ea wishing a .peng Ml''""
lano Case, (the best maiiiit,1cltiied).PriOr-
i.i.n a. iiamnn, or mith t)rfs"r
ckennff. Riuril,.n ... v...... .,.. Pi
, csn be accommodated hv cillmg at tW
1 v UOUSE Ml"': "t' 'HE. TITU3-
. guous are hri-t-oiaM
'""""". WISS oot known.
oct. 13-im, ' "J