The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, October 25, 1871, Image 2

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i et'cloum Centre Daily Record.
( SJenir. WeslueadaT'clobcr X5
i g3BBM' HIISgtgBgg
THALION O. C. A. B. ft.
On and after funday, Aug. 13tb, 1871,
ttaios will run ( follows:
NORTH XO. 6. KO. S. NO. I.
Leave Irvin. 12.45 P H. 8."S P M
Lere Oil Citv fi.flU a H. 3.20 p M. 7.40 P a
Pct.Ce'u 6.3S ' 3,69 " 8.23 "
TimsT. 7.3o 4.45 " 9.1ft. "
Arrive Corry, 8,65 ' 6,10 10.3T "
. south. ' s. 2. ' no. 4. no. .
LeaVS duty, 1 1.0(1 A St. 6. 16 A M. ,f' P
" Titusv. 12.4S P 7.42 " 7,40 "
'. On, 1.28 " " ".30 .
Irrir.O. City 2,10 9,10! 9,16 "
' Irvine. 4,40 " 12.01 "
No. 5 and 6 run on Sunday.
' No 19. No. J8. Np.11. Wo. 15. No. .
' LeOO VM a.m. li,8i.. iI.SOa.h. ,56a .
ArP.C 10.98 " l.PM 1.8 1 P M. 8,95 '
Titan, 11.K7A K. ,45" I."" " "
Ko. 10. No. 8. No. 18. No. 14. No. SO
Le Cor. l,oru
LoTI..1Ba.m S,5nA.. ,10 p.m. 11,88 A. .N)p
" I'C.S.IO " 10,11 " 8,MIP.H. 1,65PM 4.30"
ArOC9,U0 ' 11,00" 6,SU "t 8,40" 8 80 '
No. tl Leave" Unloo, 8, 80 a. m. ; Titusville, 10,.
4Sa.ui.; Vet. Ceutre, 8.30 p. ni., arrives at Oil
C:ty, t p. m.
No. 1.8 Leaves Union 1,40 p. m. ; TttiUTUle. 4 . OB
p. ra. ; l't. Ceulrt, 6,48 p. in i arrives at Oil tit,
8,56 p .a
Oil City and Petroleum Centre freight, loaves 011
City 8 45 a. m., arrives at Petrolenm Centre ll.'4 a.
m. Leaves Petroleum Centra at 1,88 p m., arrivee
aluil City 8,00 p. m
1, 2, 8 , 4, 6 an 1 8 are eiprese train.
Nne 10 and 10 are through aeoommodatlon,
'cmnectiug at 0 rry and Irvlneton ior Last and
No 18 and 14 freight accommodation.
No. 1? and IS run ou Sunday hetweeu Tltusvil le
and Union.
. No. 4 Direct to Williameport without change
on Philadelphia and New Yon line.
No. 1 Direct from Williauuport without
change by Phil, and N Y. line
No. 5 Direct from Pttwburnh without change.
No 0-Dlruct to Pittsburgh without change.
Monday, June 5, 1871.
IMTIne Service.
teervices every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
,)4 P. M. Sabbatb School at 12i P. M.
eats free. A cordial invitation extend
ed to all.
IIev. P. W. Scofield, Pastor..,
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and IS
o'clock P. M.
D. PATTON. Pastor.
Gold at 1 p. m. 113?
Bow very mild tba Tituiville papers do
report the terrible wlfe-bestlog cue, which
occurred In that city a day or two since
Tbs Herald says "be baa been subject to
fits of g temporary disarrangement and be
comes uoconirolably violent." Decidedly
new name for getting drunk and besting
one's bolter balf nearly to death. Had a
case occurred "down the creek," there wo'd
bave been a string of sensation headings
half a column in length, announcing to tbe
public that a moat tearful, shocking, terri.
tile, blood-curdling, horrifying crime bad
bean committed at Petroleum Centre or Oil
City. How very consistent, and yst bow
; rery, very "thin."
Oo tbe evening ot November 101b, 1871,
D. R. Locke, (Nasby.) will lecture at So
bers Opera Home, under tbe auspices of
tba Young Men's Christian Association of
Petroleum Centre. Subject "Tbe Mission
of Skinenoyb." A further notice will ap
pear to-morrow.
Tickets for tbe lecture course can be pro
cured at tbe Post Office Newsroom, J. W.
Thompson's grooery store, or of Mr. J. M.
Dickey. We trust our oitizens will aid tbe
Y. M. C. A. to tbe lullest extent in tbeir
efforts to malutain a course of leotures in
our town tbe coming winter. It cannot fail
of proviog a source ol enjoyment and bene
fit 10 all.
A band of wandering minstrels, said to
bave been among tbe beroea of Gravolette
and Sedan, on tbe Prussian side,; executed
some very fine musio, ou tbe streets, this
forenoon. Tbey bad tbe appearance of
war-worn veterans.
Many of tbe wells oo Cberrytree are shut
down temporarily, on acoouot of tbescarci.
ty of water wberewitb to run tbe engines.
Tbe new strike at Pitbole continues to
yield 150 barrels, per day. Great excite
ment prevails thereabouts.
Tke surveying party lor tbe proposed new
Pennsylvania Fetreleum Railroad, are en
gaged In making a survey In tble vioioity.
Tbe proposed route crosses tbe Egbert farm
Dear tbe centre.
Fisber, Norris & Co. are putting np tbe
higt-it msoblne latbe in tbe oil region. It
is a splendid piece of machinery, and capa
ble ot executing Ibe heaviest work.
Tbe woods
euull gam.
hereabouts are filled wltb
Nw, Wsu, A new well was struck on
the Crown farm,; Cberrytree Run, about a
week eg),, which is yielding six to eight
bar.rts per day. It is orvned by W. P. El
liott, Sr , ard Stepbeu Ellicti.
Tbeie is not a dry bule oo the Browu
Ntw Otstkb Saloon Mr A. S. Smith
hs filled nn the rooms over bis salool and
restaurant, on Washington Street, as a first
class ovater saloon. Tbe rooms are elegant
ly furnished throughout and every conveni
ence necessary lor enjoying a dmb of oysters
can he found at tbe new saloon. The oys
ters, fresh from New York and Balllmore,
will be setved up In a style to suit tbe taste
of the most fastidious epicurean. Tbe new
oyster ssloou Isopeototbe public for the
first lime to-day, and we trust our citizens
will psy Mr. Smith a call and extend bim a
liberal patronage.
The body of an infant, recently buried
in the graveyard on the hill, was lound on
top of the ground, this morning, having
been dug out by a drove ol hogs. It was
re-burled by the proper officers.
Our thanks are due the Oil City Derrick,
Titnsville Courier and Titusville Herald, of
tbis morning, for very faverable aod flatter
ing notices of Ibe Ricors. We hope to
merit your good opinions, gentlemen, iu the
future as in tbe past. Thanks!
We are indebted!) Mr. M. Griffin, tbe
gentlemanly telegraph operator In tbe Pa
cifio & Atlantic Telegraph office, in tbis
town, for many favors shown, for which he
will pleaseaccept thanks. Tbe office here
Is one of the best managed ones on tbe
entire line, and is doing a good busioess at
The striking ot so many large wells at
present, will be apt to "knock down" the
price of oil.
As cold weather approaches tbe coal trade
grows lively.
Mr. II Freeman, the well known bard
ware dealer of this place, has opened a new
store at Paiker's Landiog. We wish bim
Mrs. Tan Sjckel, whose husband beat
bar iu so brutal a manner, at Titusville, day
before yesterday, Is yet alive.
A new well was struck en tbe McKnigbt
farm, Church Run, on Saturday, which is
yielding about 12 barrels per day. ' Owned
by Walsl and Steele.
. Tbe ladies or Petroleum Centre are' hard
at work pickiog up clothing for the sufferers
by tbe Wisconsin aod Michigan fires. We
hope our citizens will respond liberally to
tbe call of distressed humanity for aid.
"Cast tby bread upon tbe waters'' o. '
A new well is going down on tho George
Eipey farm.
You can't get blood from a stone, but you
csn get money from a brick.
Olive Logan says she has made $14,000
in three years, aod saved $3,000.
A girl, fourteen years of ace, left ber
borne and kind parents, io Meadville, to
travel with a "female mioatiel star combi
nation." Her father decidedly objects to
ber choice of profession, aod is alter tbe
truant with sbarp stick.
Alf. Myers, at tbe Petroleum Exchange,
has just received a large lot of wild game.
His show window is filled with Snipe, red
bird, Woodcock, Prairie chicken, to. It is
enough to make a man hucgry to look at
tbem. And th jo tbe way he cooks them
You bet, tbey are nice.
Tbe latest excitement at Charleston was a
street cleaning race between two gangs of
Tbe Sharon Herald denounces Adam
Forepaugb as a fraud, tbe said Adam hav
ing agreed to give tbe proceeds ot his even
ing performance in that place to the Mauls-
lee sufferers, aod after having Induced tbe
good people of Sharon to Invest iu tickets,
ooncluded to keep the proceeds "blsselt."
The following rlobly merits tbe promin
ence of editorial insertion: Robert Collyor,
the eloquent Chicago preacher, told bis im
poverished people as they worshiped beside
tbe ruins of tbeir burnt church, that be bad
0nce preached for seven ly -five cents a year,
and was ready for their aakes to do it again,
and that if tbe worst came, he could make
as good a horseshoe as any blacksmith iu
The "Gieat Mogul" elephant died oo
Wednesday at Little Derby, Coon. lie was
fifty-two years old, and tbe puddings, burn
Inge and shootings which be bad bona oblig
ed to endure ef late bad convinced bim that
life waa a conundrum, so be laid down and
gave It up.
Tbe Cairo Buletin says: "A Paducab
man a very liberal Paducab man contribu
ted a ton-cent fi actional note to tbe Chicago
'und. lie will probably boast of tbe muni
ficent' contribution all bis life, lie w ill
bave good r eason to do so, since he has con
tributed at least ten cents more than any
Other Paducahan."
BJA mule tecently fell on tbo track of
street railway in Mobile, and an approach'
lug car was badily danatgod by collision
with the animal
. i ;".:i...'"".'Jl.' " I niluauipi
Lingard lingers at New Orleans.
Liberia will alro .have a civil war.
Washington has a bauo ted house.
Savannah is being burgled extensively.
Rose Hersee Is making a sensation in Lon
don. A North Cstotina rat vanquished a rattled
s nake.
A swell among flowers A dandelion.
An old coin, dated 1652, has been fouod
at Annapolis.
Carbolic acid oonvinced a Richmond man
that all is vanity.
Atseuic, used by mistake for sods, mado
Utica family sick of cake.
About 18,000 men are now at work clear
ing away the ruins at Chicago.
A Louisville seven-year-old boy drank a
quart of whisky and died.
St. Louis has extended her hospitality to
20,000 fugitive Cbicagoans
There Is not water enough io any South
ern Illinois river to float a chip.
A hvflrn-Aarhoii vanor irenerator haa been
" J r - .
adonted at the Penn Treaty Marine Rail
way at Philadelphia, which although hard--
ly more than a model, 12 Inches in alamo,
ter and 3 feel bigb. supplies the vapor fuel
fur generating steam iu a boiler M luches in
diameter aod 30 feet long. It is simple,
efficient an 1 economioil, fully illustrating
that a 20 borte power engiue can be run at
a cost not exceeding one dollar per day, by
using petroleum os fuel. These practical
resul ts must ere long bave a great effect u p -
on the consumption of petroleum, and ou
Ibe economy of coal.
Bolts, the murderer ol -l'et" Ualsterdwas
fouod guilty of murder in the first degree
last Friday tbe jury baring oeen out hut three
hours. It was generally supposed that ti e
verdict would be murder In tbe second
gree. The secjnd bturday in rtovemoer
has been appointed for the heariug ot a mo
tion for a new trial.
A determined wouian. desirous of exer-
o'.siog tbe right of suffrage at the late elec.
tion, attempted to circumvent tbe judges at
one of the polls io Columbiana county, by
walking op to tbe ballot Oox anu thrusting
ber ticket in tbe aperture. Uniorlunatoly
tor ber, abe had 'writteu bur oame on tbe
back of ber ballot, and it was delected and
thrown out:
Sacrameolo, Cal.,- has had a sensation.
The Repot ler of tbut city uarrated that a
beautiful maiden dressed io the height of
fashion, bad been discovered camping in the
brush out side of R St., and subsisting ou
peanuts and potatoes. Tbe pul:ceman im
mediately armed themselves and went oo a
journey of investigation. They found the
innocent young thing, but, alas, for tbe ro
mance of it, abe was oier 3'J years old, so
drunk that she couldn't arliculate,and as tor
ber dress, it waa like tbat of tbe man who
kissed tbe maiden all forlorn. Sucb wus
tbe beautiful Unknown of Sacramento!
John C. Breckeobridge arrived- at Nash
ville on Saturday forenoon, and waa ser
enaded by bis compscions in arms. A
lar4;e crowd were present. Having' beeu
callt'd for and introduced by General Bat
tie, be made speech returning thanks fur
tbe compliment, attributing It Io tbe par
tiality of his comrades rather than bis mer
its. He did net seek suoh compliments,
nor did be tffoct lodltTereoca to tbem. Ia
casting up tbo mm of life's griefs and p'eaa
ures, he would place tbis occasion in tbe
scale of pleasures. lie did not now make
speech, and itwould not be expected ot bin'.
He doubted whether be could say aoytbiDg
tbat would be mors1 appropriate than to ex
press tbe hope that' all were doing some
thing. He said no .idle or repining man
should receive or be entitled to the respect
of a man or of woman return in full meas
ure tbe affection extended to bim. He re
mained tbe same man as in past years.
Tenuessee waa associated with great scenes
and.with many dear recollections of bis life,
and be would invoke a blessing upon ber.
And now the wild geese fly north, and tbe
weather-wise predict cold weather.
Bright and promising boys are dropping
from obeslnut trees in all parts of tbe State.
Motto for railway directors Never mind
passengers; it's freight tbat makes tbe cai-8-
B. C. & P. R. R., New Express
Train. On and after Monday, Oct. 23d, a
train will leave Corrvj at one-thirty (1:30)
p. ra., conueoting at Broeton with a train
on L. S. and M. S. R. R , arriving at Buf
falo at alx-lbirty (6:30) p. m. Passengers
arriving at Corry oo traioi J2 and 12 by
A. and G W. R. R., and by O. C. and A.
R. R., on traiu 3, leaving Oil City at 9:25
a. m., make Btire connection for Dunkirk,
Buffalo and all points east.
H. II. PorTkR, Superintendent.
Court, IV, Oct 21, 1871.
8. II. l'rttfngtla 4k Co. 8
l'ar How, '. sad !) P- Hawaii Oo
Advertising Airente, are the sola agnuls roe the P,
trolrum Ceutre Dailt Hwxn la ftat dty. Ad
vsrtlMra In llt elty are rMptarted te Wve then?
a vors with either of toe above homes
H A M I D.
A frtrl wanted to do general housework
Inquire of ...
Mrs. G. W. Wilson,
oct, 3t. Wild Cat.
Applee! Applee!
Just received at E. T. Briga's F.our and
Feed store, 150 barrels of extra nice Ohio
apples. oct. 24 lw.
New Neat and Sobly Ml, K II US!
Tbe Avierica Cook Stove at
Tbe useful combined with tbe beautiful
in one or those statuary Lamps .at Chris
tie's, oct. 21 St.
tR()CKINO noitSEi at tbe Variety
Store of J. W. BEATTY'S. o3-lm.
at ALDEN a.
Elegenl SILK HATS!
New atyle SILK HATS, at A. Alden
Jamestown Clothing Store. Angillf
A Snletidid Assortment of Gents Furbish
in,: Goods at A. Aldeus J ameslowa Clln-
iug Store.
STEleiiant FLOl'U from NEW WHEAT
and nelllng at remarkably low figure, at
s4-tl. Cor. 2d it Washington Sts.
New Styles Silk Hats!
New Styles SILK HATS!
sep. 26, at ALDES'S
The America Cook Stove at
The America Cook Stove at
Tbe kneful combined with t:ie beautiful
in one ott those statuary Lamps, at Chris
tie's. EfTFine French Conlectlonary, at Ike
Variety Store ef J. W. Beatty.
If you
Want a Salesman,
Want a Servant Girl,
Want to ,ell a Horse
Want to Sell a Patent, ,
Want to Lend Money, ,
Want In Buy a House,
Want to Sell a Carriage,
Want to Burrow Money.
Want to Sell an Oil Well,
Want to Buy an Engine or Boiler,
Want to Sell a Unue and Lot,
Want to find a htraved Aeimal,
Want to Pti'Cbase an Oil Interest,
Want Io Sell a Piece of Furniture,
Want Io Buy a Second-hand Carriace,
Want to Sell Tubing, Caiug. Gas Pipe,
Want to Find an owner lor anvtbinz
Fouod, advertise in the RicoRii, as not les,a
ban ten thousand people read it weekly.
tW" Parties wishing a Spang Melodeon,
Piaoo Case, (the best manufactured). Prince,
Spang, Mason A Hamlin, or Smith Organ,
Cbicker ng. Bradhury, or Knabe A. Co. Pi
ano, can be accommodated hy calling at the
VILLE, PA. My goods are first-elaes and
atig26-lf. R. H. SARGENT.
Splendid SILK HATS!
' at ALDEN'S.
Tbe America Cook Stove at
For Sale.
HOUSE owned by Mrs. iH. B. Phlnny In
" j.i nam. auiimrw qd me prera
ises. Or of C. C. Church, McCrey House,
ocl. 13-1 ID.
Petroleum Centre liOdge, No.
TIB, 1. U. Ol U. F.
Regular meeting nighls Fridsy, at 7
o ciock. oigueu.
W. A. Kti.i.r.a, A. Sec'v.
CSPl'hce of meeting, Main St., enposite
Sobel's Opera House !
FEI D A. Y ,
October 2TJh.
Hibernian Minstrels
And Brats Band.
SO Star Artists from Europe and America, appoarlnc
u ...... u, ..i...... ..ii-tlUllO, V.HK1UU1 C1UUIE4, tOOJ
uses and Clues, Protean Farcu. ind Musical
Sketi-nta 1
All ti.e perns of Ould Ireland and other novelties
concentrated in one enurtulnment.
PMcva as ura-1. Hetorvid suals for sale at Gilf
fes Bros. Ding Stire.
K !-Hm'5,N.JU,,"1Fi'! " 8 RANKIN, Treaa
uier; W . U. HATOISIf, BumniM Ag-m.
oil 4t.
On and after Monoay, Aug 7th, 1(m, I
n Ibe Philadelphia & Erie Kaiiruai 1U J
.Mall Train leaves Philadelphia,
leaves Coirv,
" - arrive st Kne,
Erls Eipr. leaves I'hllndulphia,
" arrives at h'rle.
Warren Accommodation leaves Wima,
' leaves ony.
" aiTtv i at r.rli .
Erie Accoinniouatlon leaves Warren,
" ' Invca Corry
' air a- Kne
Hall Train leaves Kne.
" ' leaves Corryf
11 arrives st Philadelphia
Erie Expr. leavis Erte,
" leaves Corry,
arrives at Philadelphia.
Warraa AcauaimodaUon laavt-a Kris,
' " " arrives at W.rrej. I.
Kris Accommodation Iravos Krlv at ijA
iihti's vurry juj.
" arr at w arrea a l
Vail Fa-t connects eat and west at Erla a
9 a a b nv. mum ai i orry nuu irviuetoa all
LTtM'K nira aievnenv luvor nnnwav.
Mail Weit with neel bound trains on I, Si
Ky iuiu ri lorry ana irvoieiuu witn u fj A Ai
VYarra Aecommodation Kant and v,.
trains on I.HsHH Ky eat and west, audit
ry with OO A A H Ky.
vt m. A. ISAI.UWIN.
iletieral MirlnUtjJ
Drilling Jars
I f.'l F. .. .
era and tha public geurraliy that vt ifcpoJ
ly t-n baud I
lust Stool Ihilliuir Jar1
Which for strMirth an4 Du.hilr.;wit
Lined Jar heretofore m n'e.
Tbe Advantages) we Claii
Ot.t Lined Jars are thai, tv-lnf ALL HTKELi
area roller thnn Jars eo,i.MAeO naniv h
Hi at rteutmc a Meal auritu-a to ilisrora. tM
pioift-'iea i cr.n wear on tuo ouieiuc, ana wm
laeir shape longer.
We also keep on hand
Caat Iron Working Barri)
Fisher, Xorris&Co
f ETKOi.fcu.Ti curri
morris, talker a cos tubing
Morris, Tasker & (I,
Branch St or!
.o. Yi Diamond Strrq
Xj-A.IP- "W"EXjX5EI(
Oil Well Supplii
llttlnss anil Tools,
Om Oil Well TnbeiaretjL
el before leaving nur vViJ,.
with a preNtiiim of 120& i -to
the Square Iu;h. ,
Each lengm is stamped near Ih'ft
wltb our rade mark tbo aockete are" t
- JtilyiHy..
r "jkf
A. A . Bowen, next to Wlnaor Bro8, i s
nana and la pAnHtuntitt ructviiuz i-
living :
it Olgalt J.
Apples, Watermelons and frul
He also has some of tbe finest
uiaraei. uigurs. mat every one j
for 15cts, can he bought of bim for IK j
fj nt S.. Tlln. I
FimkIi Kggs and SlTICItl' R
Cur. W aRhinglno A Second Si reel
The America Cook Stove at
j i!2 II.
h CUT- HAY.' A
er.t'rrn-ri i.rti A- IVnEfCS
Cor. 2,l !i Wj.I.i".'1" j