F-tnleum Centre Daily Record faU air, Tae.4ay, lokr 44. BgajJ.-ilW I ' ' I I UIHiriL 'SD . DGMBTBBE Of '.Htiira UN O. C. ft A. II. B. On and after Stioday, Aug. 13tb, 1371, trains will run as follows: XOR'iH KO. &. KO. S. NO. 1. Leave Irvine. 12,45 P M. 5.06 P M L - Oil City .00 a . 1-10 r M. 7,40 p at Pel.Ceu6.J6 " 3.611 ' 8,23 " Tltusv. 7,35 4.45 " 9,10 Arrive Corry, t.bb .,10 . 10,32 1O0TM. K1, 2. Leave Cony, 11.00 a m " Ti.HSV. 12.48 p M. " P. Ceo. 1,28 ' irrlveO. City 2.10 Irvine. 4,40 " Kn.4. . 8.15 A at. 7,42 " 8.2 9,10 " 12.01 MO. t. C,50 p M 1,40 bM ,1S " ay No. S tod 6 run on Sunday. FKBWUT TRAINS NOKTH Ha ll. No. 18. Nf . 11. 0. IS. Mo toc, n.wiir. Ii.soa.h. ii.Wa.k. a.N.ei .rP.C to. " l,Sr 3 1 m. .S5 Titus, I .Wa.m. , " iVW " ," Ar.eurMMrH . FHKU3HT TkAISl SutTTH. No. 10. No. No. 1. No. 14 Ne. 1 Cor. :,WM keTi.e.tS.M 8,50 a. tlOr . 11,85 am. .6bni " PC.B.lo " 10,1)4 " 8,6(1 P.M. 16f.eM4.8U" ArOUV,30 ' li,0O " ,( " J,4u H0" Ho. 2-1 Leave Felon, 8,30 a. m. ; Titnavtlte. 10. 46 a.m.; Pet. Ceutre, a 30 p. m., arrives at Oil CUt, S.05 p. m. No. 1.8 Union 1,40 p. m. ; TitnsvlUe. 4.05 p.m.; Tab Centre, 6,45 p. m i arrive at Oi CUT. ,5t p. m Oil CUT and Petroleum Centre frelshl, leave Oil City 9,45 a. m., arrives at Petrolewn Centre 11. '4) a m. Leaves retrolenm Centre at 1,58 p a., arrive t Oil City 8,00 p. ra. 1, 3, 8 , 4, and 8 are esprena train. Noe IV and :i0 are through accommodation, connecting at Uni y anil Irvlueten for aat and .North. Hue IS and 14 freight accommodation. No. IV auil 13 run uu Suuday between Tltuavllle and Union. invisa pALr.i eLianae cut. Wo. 4 Direct to Wllllauisport witboot change a Philadelphia and New Yon Una. Ne). 1 Direct ironi Willtanuport without change by Phil, and N- Y Una No. 5 Direct from Pittsburgh wtthnnt change. Na V Direct to Pittsburgh without change. Monday, June 4, 181. ItiTluo Service. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH oervloea every Sabbath at 11 A. II. and i,'t P. M. Sabbath School at 12', P. M. eats free. A cordial invitation extend d to all. Kit. P. W. Scomxd, Pastor. PEESBTTErUn CntTRCH. PreMbioK at 11 o'clock A. 11., and 7), o'clock P. M. D. PATTON. Paetor. Gold at 1 p. a. 113 Valedictory. 1 take this occaaloa to aonounte to tbe readers of the Record that my connaetion with tQia paper ceases to-day. I bate been connected wilb tbe establishment at Pitbole and this point ferovur six years ai editor and pub.ioeer. While my duties bave been various and arduoui, my connection wltb tbe pap:-r uae been pleasant, and tbe many friendships and acquaintances wbirb I have foimed here will never be forgotten. I wo .:d also take ibis occasioo to recommend uij eucc-itaor, Mr. Cms. C. Wickkk, to tbe good utficea of tbe patrons of tbe paper, 41 bein captble el conduction; tbe tame. W. II. LOXUWELL. 4alntatorr. In aMurninz control of tbia journal, wltb which I bvo been connected lor tbe past six years, I shall use my best endeavors to make It a live paper, especially devoted to the in wrests of Petroleum Centre and tbe oil ie;ion surrounding it, in return (or wt.'cb I tiitst tbe bueinrss men of tbe place will aid air in sustaining tbe Record by exteuing it tbeir advertising and jobbing patronage. As heretofore it will be inde pendent in all tbings and neutral In nothing exopt petroleum "wblcb is king." Let tbe ppe- epuak for lltelf. That's all. ,Cdas. C. Wlt'lKR. The Gahk Law. From a communication in tbe Erie Gazette, writeo by one who evi dently has studied tbe matter, we obtain ome information about tbe game laws in tbe State. According to Ibis writer, par tridge! at d pheasants may be k lied between August 1st and Febuary lol; woodcock be tween July 15tb and November 15tb; grsy tquinela and rabbits between August 1st and January 1st; and quails between Octo ber 1st and December 1st, Tbe synopsis Rives tbe substance or all tbe latest enact m nts. A b'avy penalty is provided 'for tboge wbo kill game out of season. A robbery occurred in town last nigbt,tbe full particulars of wblcb bave not come to light as yet. A pretuinent coal dealer of tbis tows, nude a run ol 105 points at billiards, at tbe Rochester House Billiard Room. Pret ty good lor an amateur, 1 hi Until tt Oil Company's oew wel t Scmb.'rass is nearly down, tbey are just eo. teriag Ibe third sand and expeot to be fin ished about Thursday ulgbt. Indioations for a paying well are good. Tbeae parties aie ou w.ldcat territory and we wisb tbem suooss, at Ibe euuipauy la composed prli . cipul y ot yonnj men Horn the railroad of flcos t,f Oil City, tiuijng bo n tLe A. t G W. oSlv-o Byties fi'JJilaa;!; . Den-l:'. rxTROLEnr Cintrc CoNTRiBorts Lib- IRALLT TO' TBE CALL FOR AlB Tbe Olt- izens ol Petroleum Centre are aene behind ibe olier towns In the oil country, In m-H- Inu up contributions lor the" sufferers by fire in tbe west. U wards of 13,000 io money, provisions sod clothing bave been raised and forwarded, and "theory is, still they come." Tbe Odd Fellows of that place are now making up a liberal sum of money lor their suffering brethren in Chicago, which will be iorwarded io a day or two. Tbeir contributions are creditable to the citizens of Petroleum Centre, as within a few years it has been three times visited by devastating fire, each time resultiig In great loss to the business portion of the towr, but the enterprise of Its citizens has each time replaced tbe loss, and to-day Petroleum Centre stands a thriving busiuets place. Sucn enterprise is Indeed oummendsble,and now tbe call for charity comes from tbe greit city of tbe west, and tbe response rrom the liberal citizens ol Petroleum Cen tre is prompt and of a substantial character. Tituaville Courier. In this connection we would state at tbe request of tbe committee baviog tbe snh crlption paper In charge that the sums sub scribed are now due and nay be paid at tbe Post Office Newsroom It is urgently requested that all will come forwatd and pay up tbe amounts subscribed, as tbe com mittee desire to send tbe money awty at once. In the same conneeticn we destte to call tbe attention ot tbe public to the lact that a committee of ladies are now engaged in soliciting oontributloot ot clothing, both old and new, in aid of the sufferers by the Wis consin and Michigan fires. Contributions may be left at tbe old stand ef B, C. Coul ter, upper end of Washington Street. New Minstrel Trocpb Comino. A oovelty in tbe lorm of a perlormaoce by Messrs. Kirwaa fc Rankin's fliberian Min imis will be presented 'to our citizens on next Weduesday and Tburadty evenings. Tbe organization ot tbe troupe is after tbe style of tbe bnrnt cork boys, tbe first patt being made up oi songs, end jokes, eta, while the afitr part is filled up with dances, dogs, and burlesque. The troupe present tbe burleaqne ol Lurilne in an excellent manner. Our citizens will welcome these new comers with joy. Messrs. Keroan & Rtukin bave been out six weeks now, trav eliog through tbe eastern states, and bave met with unparalleled success. Mr. W. H. Hayden, the gentlemanly agent of the troupe, was in town Saturday making ar rangemen is. Herat d. This celebrated troupe will give one.of tbeir uuique entertainments at Sobers Op era House, Friday evening, Oot. 27th, 1871. All should attend. Harry Sweetser has been apoioted Gen eral Superintendent of tbe A. fc G. W. rail road uoder tbe new managemeet. Mr. S. commenced at the very bottom of railroad ingon tbe bleaks and has worked his way up. There are few more competent aid euergetto rai road men in tbe oeuntry, and under bis management the A. t G. W., will soon be classed among tbe best roads in the country. Tho identical music book out of which Benedlot Arnold used to eing was recently discovered among a pile of ancient rubbish iu a garret at Norwich, Coon. Some of the scores sreiu Arnold's own band-writing. And yet the fact that be .had muslo in bis soul did not make bin tbe less addioted to treason. Perbapv, however, It was bis oroobet, and that la spite ol bis quavers It was naturally pitched to tueb a key. The whole tenor of a man's life Is apparently sometimes base beyond control, as well as beyond measure. But be long ago run his gamut. His register it with us.. Let bim rest. Tbe handsomest oeckt.ies this season are oi raw silk, ornamented by a double row.o( small bell-shaped tassels ol a pretty contrast. log color. A German writer sjt that a young girl is a fishing resd. Tbe eyes are tbe books, tbe smile is Ibe bail, tbe lover tbe gudgoon, and tbe marriage tbe batter io wbicb be is fried. An old Wltooua ner celebrated bis seventy igbtb birthday by ploughing uesrly twe aoies ot ground. "Every alarm of tlte coats tbe city of New York about $5,000, so we are told by cue in authority there." Peoria bad a haunted bouse until tbe pro prietor tired half a plot of bird slot into a young mau named McGraw. What Is tbe reason can you guess Why men are poor, and women thinner! So much do tbey for dinner dress, That nothing's left to dreas for dinner. Milwaukee, Wit., noted at the crest ori- marj wheat njtrket of tbe world, sioce tbe leat of Goldsmith Maid, claims to be tbe g-eat praiiry tto'.t'xj miit in the wor,4. Oil News. A well on tbe tarm ef Jo epb Fouet, hetwren St. Petertburg and the Orass.Flals, was tubed on Friday the 13th nst., and has since been pumping aneui oo barrel ol oil a day. Owned by S. M. Kier nd others. A well on the Athbine-h larm, half a mile east of Petersbnrg is In tbe third sand, and the well Is fuil ol oil aod tbe gat ocoasion- al'y throws tbe oil over tbe derrick. An ac cident to tbe tools ha ppened the other day wbicb causes some delay io completing the well. A good well is anticipated on tbe Lewis Solloer (arm just west of Petersburg. Tbe third sand was struck on last Monday, and toe well was filled up several hundred feet with oil Tbeae new atriket, aod a large number ot other new wellt, nearly down, with good io dlcatient, cautet much excitement in the neighborhood of Petersburg, and that town is improving rapidly. T tie developments on Bear Creek and in Butler county, and up tbe Clarion river t owe the oil belt to run rather iu the eaal and wett directioo, tnd we confidently pre diol exteuaive operationt further up tbe Clarion. A number ofyractical oil men have re cently leased land and iutead putting down a well near Clarion borough. Clarion Dem ocrat. 1TE.T1S. t Skating ciubs are,tiegiQning to reorganize. Paducab, Kentucky, announces a soow storm. A ruoaway horse io New Orleans dashed into a church. A Chalybeate spring bat been discovered In Amherst, Vs. Wedding at church in the evening are now tbe fashionable idea. A Texas paper publishes marriage notices under tbe beading ol "Lost." At Portsmouth, V. II., ie one dsy last week, seven inches of rain (ell. The bullion produetionof tbe United States amounts to.about 90,000,000 ejear. Tbe subscriptions for the Cbioago Fund are believed to now aggregate $4,500,000. St Louis sent eighty tons ol provisions to Chicago early last Tuesday morning. Two girls, ten and twelve years old, got into a fight at Cbarieston, and one got kill ed. Some one bas discovered that mice are used as an article of food iu Louieville, Ken tuck, y At an Indiana wedding last week, both bride and groom wete on ilie shady side ol seventy. Many a true heart that would bave come back, like tbe dove to the ark, tf.er its first raosgrestion, bas been frightened beyond recall by tbe savage charity of an unforgive Ing spirit. No one bas more enemies in tbis world than an upright, proud and sensible man, disposed to take persons aod tbings for wbat tbey really are, aod not for wbat tbey are not. The number of persons supported by pub iio charity iu England and Wales at tbe end of June was 924,263, of whom 123,298 were in Londoo. Tbis did not Includes paupers in lunatlo asylums and vagrants. A married lady of Chicago thus sums up three year.' experience of mairled life : -The first year my huiband called me, -dear,' tbe second year -Mrs A,' and tbe third year ,oid sorrel top.' The last I couldn't stand, and tued for a divorce.' And she got It. Unprotected Female (awaking old gent who is uot very well) "O, Mister, would you find tbe Captain. I'm sure we're in danger! I've been watching the man at;Le wheel; be keeps turning it round first one way and then tbe other, and evidently doesn't know bit own mind!" The sehooi te.clien of Austria have rec ently held a congress at Linz, at wblcb 2,000 attenaea. TbTamjoiiiiceuieut coiues-ITuuTTrujauv of a marriage of a couple alter forty yeait courtship. Secretary Seward's nurse, "Aunt Ctiloe." bas appeared io tbe interior ot New York, aged ninety five. A writer on school discipline says: "With out a liberal use of tbe tule, it is impossible to make boys mart." The weather is dark acd gloomyto dsy. WAiVltill. A Sirl Wanted tO do grantrt hnnaasnpb Inqu.re of Mrs. G. W. Wilson, oct- 3t. WildCat. Apple: Apiilee! Just received at E. T. Brio's Fiour and Feed atore, 150 Laneis ef extra nice Ohio P?Im- 6.;2llw. Local Notices. a. H. Pettesislll V Cm. St Park How, New ters, and Gee. P. Pewell A Co A,l,.nl.ln Aiatiia are the swots tot the Pa, iroleum (.'autre Wilt Kanoas in Ikat city. Ad Tartlaera la tlt ctly are nonettrd te laae their a vera with eltber oi me aDore aouaa The uaefcil combined with tbe beautllul in one of those statuary Lamps .at Chris tie's, not. 21 St. MTROCKINO UORSKi at tbe Variety Store of J. W. BEATTT'S. o3-lm. SILK HATS! SILK IIATSI SILK HATS! at ALUhin a. Elegiol SILK UATSI at ALDEN'S. New etvle SILK HATS, at A. Alden Jamettown Clothing Store. Augtltf a Cl-nrii.l A.,,ttn,nt nf Oeots FoThiah inn Goda at A. Atdeus Jamestown Cltn Inir Store. EgrEleuant KLOUK fromNEW WHEAT and selling at remarkably low figures, at SCUKltUERUORN A TEN EYCK, S4-II. Cor. 2d A Washington Sts. New Styles Silk Haul at A. ALDEN'S New Styles SILK HATS I sep. 26, at ALDEN'S Tbe America Cook Stove at GORDONS. Tbe America Cook Stove at GORDON'S. Tbe .useful oombiced with the beautiful io one of, those statuary Lamps, at Chris- lie's. tyfine French Confectionery, at the Variety Store ef J. W. Bealty. IT BUFFALO-CUT HAY. at Schermemorn A TenEyck't. jul2.tr. Cor. 2nd A Washington Sts. II you Want a Salesman. Want a Servant Girl, Want to Sell a Horse, Want to Sell a Pateut, . Want to Lend Money, Want to Buy a House, Want to Sell a Carriage, Want to Borrow Money. Want to Sell an Oil Well, Want to Buy an Engine or Boiler, Want to Sell a House and Lot, Want to find a Strayed Animal, Want to Purchase an Oil lolerest, Want to Sell a Piece of Furniture, Want to Buy a Second-hand Carriage, Want to Sell Tuhinir. Canine. Gaa 1'ite. Want to Find an owner for anvtblnt Found, advertise In the Record, as not les(a nan ten inousaDti people read it weekly. A. A. Ii"Wen, next lo Wlnsor Bro's.bason band and is constantly receiving Peaches Apples. Watermelons and fruits of all kinds He also has some of tne finest cigars in tbe market. Cigars that every one site tells ror lactt, can he bought of bim for lOcle. Go aod See Him. Freall Epga and SUPERIOR BUTTER SCHKMtRHOKN 4 TEN EYCK'S cor. Washington A Second Streets. m23 tt. Tbe America Cook Stove at GORDON'S UT" Parties wishing a Spans; Melndeon, Piano Case, (the heat manufactured), Prince, Spans, Maaon A lUmlio, or Smith Organ, Chicker ng. Bradbury, or Knane & Co. Pi ano, ceo be accommodated by calling at the OPERA HOUSE MUSIC STOKE. TITU8 VILLE, PA. My goods are first-class and warranted. aug26-tf. R. H. SARGENT. Splendid SILK HATS! at ALDER'S. Tbe America Cook Stove at GORDON'S. For Kale. HOUSE owned by Mrs. II. B. Pbinny In WildCat, for sale. Enquire on the prem ises. Or of C. C. Church, McCray House, oct. 13-lio. Petroleum Outre liodce, No. Tiff, I. O. of O. F. Regular meeting nights Fridsy, at 7 o'clock. Signed. " J. E. BOYLES, N. G. W. A. Keller, A. Seo'y. . llTPltce of meeting, Main St., opposite McUlintock House. Sobel's Opera House ! ONE NIGHT ONLY! F R I !D A. Y . October 2Tlh. KIKWA. dTltAIVKI.'S Hibernian Minstrels Aud Braat Band. 30 Star Artist" from Europe and America, appearinc in Klch anu Native tttume, Original HonsTchoj nsea and Glees, Protean Farces nd Muslcai All ti e gema or Onld Ireland and othei novalliea concentraiwl n one eut Ttalnnieht. Pilws ai usual. Kteervtd seals for aVlc n Giif. fe Urns Dnij; r-t ire. " E KIKWAN. Manager; 8. S. RANRJM, tr; W. U. UAYDKf, B'u!sa Acta ' phHadelfhs aV Er. AHUUVU TtUlf va Oi sa A .Asa Mntirlal entice ttk (Ms en liw.'tiileulolphl & KrU lUllra! t OiaOWC faV tPelHts A at (a Mail Train laea Philadelphia, leaves vufit. p4. al KftL Kris Bipr. leaves Philadelphia, rr l.au at krifl. W-rrot Aeeonimidatlo leavca Wants leave cony. .l..a. ml Kri.. Brie tocomtnodaitoa leaves Wama, . arra' Erie Hail train leaeea Erie, Inavea corryr arrive, at PhlladelDhla, Rrlekapr. leav.e ErM, leave MTy, Warn Aaeoamoealloa leaves Erie, " arrives at Warns, Krte Accoaamoelattoa leaves Erie at " axr at Warren tall Ka-t connerta et and weal at ErJ S M 8 Ky, and at Cnrry and IrvlneioJ Creek sua Allenlieny mver It-Ill!.. . Mall west with mm oonna iraitia on Ky Mi4 al Curry ami Irv.neton with OC Warrra Arennimodation Jtaftt and trains on L e) A M Ky east aud west, rv with CI C A) A it Br- . rVM A. BAl.DWrN. Oeneral bnpsritl Drilling Jars Wl wnnid respectfully amionnca Jntr! era and the publio generally ibat k&p: y uu uwu l ast Steel DrilUiig J Which for Strength and rh..bUi:jeei ianea tier nareioiore in nse- rhe Advantage we CI Over Lined Jara are that, halniAI.I, 8TI1 area router thnn Jars -oir.u-ed parti that reaenuag a steel anrface to faerork. nrotected tt o-n wear on the outside, ana their shape longer. We aleo keep on hand Catt Iron "Working Ba Fisher, Morris & I rETHOLfb'Cn CLi Nov. lt,18ta,tr MORRIS, TaSKER & t'O.-S TL'Bii Morris, Tasker & Philadelphij Branch S to! No. 12 Diamond StN TITISTILLE PA. MA2VUFACTVKEK9 WELDE! OIL-WELL TUBING AND CASII Oil Well Suppll Fittings and Tools, SCREWING MACHINE fill ellt Will ral i -a - - . a as ivr a n v Tt ed IWitre learhiv our Wet will. m a ..Aa B a ri taaisrei SIB 1..VV tO tile) Pia.BBUru Inok. Each leoutii in iiimiarf I ha with our rade mark tbe socket are juivn It. Irs. L,. II. Y J..II. CIIUI a Physicians and Surge I'ETROLEUM CENTRE, I oct. 13-lf. New Neat and Nohhv Sli U H 'S' ' TV nif The America Cook Stove at Oai.4 GORDO 'i 131. A t i Y.