A LIBERAL DLSCOIM from marked prices on gup EXTENSIVE STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING Whiter Underwear, eastern' Made Cloth tag, Hats and Caps, For'the next Thirty Days I HcFARLAi.D, SMITH & Co. Merchant Tailors ! Lec Block, TltnvHfe,Pa., Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Pet, tJeutro, Wednesday May 84. ABUIVAL AND DHATtU Of un u. v. K A. K. K. On and after Monday, May 22d, 1871. traiu will ruD at follow: XOBTH 0 5. NO. 3. NO. 1. Leava Irvinn. 1 nn ;.. " Titusv. 5,45, ' 6,32 9,22 " Arrive Cony, 10,03 " 6,50 ' 10,40 " soots, no, 2, no. 4. so. 6. L,.?TeJE0,ry n'00 6-3S 8..18 p it Tltuav. 12,4S r U. 8,02 " 10,20 " " P. Ceo. 1,28 8.45 "11.05 " Arrivals. City 2.10 9,26 "11,50 " Irvine. 4,60 " 12,30 " tSP No. 6 and 6 run on Sunday. FREIGHT 3 RAIN'S NORTU. T l0.35- lS.SOi.M. ax 8,05 rat A!-0?." ." 1.4ora.T, ,1S-. Alta5,IM1M ' " ,:i!5" .- FREIGHT TKAIX8 SOUTH. La v,?0- 10" & Mo- No-14- Vo M- Arici678 - iVJi- 'US'-" T"s: riiU a5iy.M,d P,,I;olu, frefcia, lenves Oil ty 0,55 a. m , arrives at I'eirolenm Cantasll.OO a. ll :lf V"11 ,re "PfW" train. 10 are. t.llroul. aixommodatlon. Noanli S "J l"lo fw. lat and . -? SUSHM CAB. atlt tE!roe g :dlphta without chugs. f jhnadelphra without change SS I"?,'" ,r Pittsburgh without rhansa. Gold at 1 p. m., 111 . ABOUT TOWN. Tha nlghti are colj There waa a heavy Iroat laaialgbl. Efforta are being made to have the streets sprinkled daily. Hope they will aucoeeJ. "Somebody't ion waa out laat night, bum ming around the town." Vulgarly apeak log they were ao drunk aa to alop over. The email beer trade la lively. Bailey, Chain & Smith are the only manufacturer! of root beer, pop, 4c, In tuii vialnily Tbey make a fiiat-claea artiole. The report or the gat explosion on Church Run, near Tlluavllle, waa plainly heard at (bit place. The ladiea appear ou the itreefa these yleataat duya dressed In the latest fashions. The delegate to the Democratic Conven tion, at Kraoklin, arrived home laat night The ijpmiaationi will be found elsewhere. ' There are now aomething Jet thao 110 000,006 dog. roaming at large on the atreel Who w.111 commence the good, work of mas aacreiag them? Measo&ArujatroogaredolDgalund of flc buaiuew la the way of telling flour and provisions. "Xuh know how it i, yourseir they aell to cheap.. The Wilton tod other farina pieseat desolate, appearance since, being turnad over.. The lumbar, tiade la Hvelyt The coal trade dull. Strawbetrie and cream are toe favorite dith at preaent. Freeman, dealer In oil well (oppllea, Mta2i,Q00f.et aeooud-hand tubing and CMl Will pay the highest market price. The.btrW which the eltixena or a com munil, wn,.dpi ti 0wr , b .h' l;h:B!,,ba' M.oo at. tf suable fliutrw Hiaw.. Iktkstmekts. Railroad and 1!kai. Ea tati SKcrmTiua. -U we compare Ikat-clara Railroad Bonda with good Real Estate mort gage a on Investment for the people gen erally, each will be found to hene peculiar advantage o( their owo. . For example a Railroad Bond ia readily and always nego tiable; its cash value ia known by all ban ker, and hence It can be used aa collateral at bank for temporary loans; the interest it bear I regularly and promptly paid, with out trouble or ezpenae to. the holder; the investor in Railroad Bonds, unlike the own er ol Real Estate, mortgage, has no anxiety about the title to the property on which hi bond I secured, Inauranee on buildings, or the annual payment of taxes, on which the continued roundness or tnat title de pend. On the other hand, it I to be admitted, that a first mortgage on valuable Land la one ef the beat possible securities. The property can neither run away or burn up. It value is not affected by speculative com binations, nor by fluctuations In the amount of Railroad traffic The actual value of good land steadily increases with the steady growth cf population. It la because the 7-30 Bonds of the North. em Pacific Railroad are both a first claes Railroad security, and a Real Estate mort gage, on lands worth twice the amount se cureu, mat we commend them to tbose of our readers whs desire an Investment that is sate beyond question, while readily negotla ble and bearing a good rate of interest.Tbey are a Brat lien, not only on a great Railroad and its traffic, but Is addition are a first mortgage on valuable laud at the rate of 50 acres to each $100 of Indebtedness. Add to this the fact, that the rate of interest (T 3-10 percent, gold,) is more than 8 per cent, currency, and that the bouda are al ways exchangeable at 10 per cent, premium for the lands on which they are secured, (practically giving the power ot foreclosure at will,) aud it I easy to explain the high favor with which these securities are now regarded. Central Pacific R. R. Bonds, se cured ouly on the Railroad itself, and bear-t log only Six per cent, gold Interest, are now selling at 103, and they are well worth the price. In the light of tbia fact, It ia not unsafe to predict that Northern Pacific;, beariog Seveu and Taree-Tentb pur cent. gold iuterest, secured both on the Railroad and on 23,001) acres of land to easb,mile ol track, and now selling at par, will at an early day be worth 1. 10. The Democratic ftouimaitug Convention ol Venango county, was held at Franklio, yesterday, and the following ticket plaoed in nomination: Assembly -W. S. Carroll, ol FranMln. Associate Judge A, P. Wbittaker, do. Sheriff C. M. Hoover, do. District Attorney R. N. Dunn, do. Commissioner David Ilovis, ol Clinton. Treasurer John Walters, of Petroleum Cnlre. Auditor R. B. Neeley. Coroner Dr. J. R. Crawford, of Coo pert town. A new trail was completed on the Demp sey rarm, Cberrytree Run, yesterday after noon. Testing will iioruinencu tbls fore noon. The well is owned by Barrett & Van Scbaick, of Kane City. The Rouseville Bulletin mildly suggests that hereafter the manufacture of nitro-gly. cerine be confined to the lower regions, where Lucifer ia auppoaed to reign. One of the principal dealers in meat, was hauled up and Qued, at Rouseville, on Moo day, for violating tbe Sabbath by keeping open shop. Tbe coal sttlke at Sorautoo ia the miuers have resumed work. over, end Vice Presideut Colfax waa stricken with paralysis, at Washington, yesterday morn ing. It ia thought be will recover. Corry is agitating the question of cele brating tbe Fourth ol July. An explosion f heated tar occurred a( tbe Monitor Oil. Wotks, laat evening. The workmen were engaged in running tbe tar from tbe still at the time tbe explosion. took, place. No damage to speak of.. The family or Michael Walloo, of Mead ville, were seriously poisoned a day or two aftice by eating broln made from chicken purchased In the publio market.. What af tectea ine chicken ia not known.. The torn-.! liy will i "cover. Hon. II. C. Beebe, of Pleasanlville, baa gone Weai on a visit, for the benefit .of big health. . ' Mr. Dook Beveling, proprietor of. the Flor ence Hotel, at Lawreneeburg, sends tbe TU tuaville llarald a line large tpeoimen or oryt tallzed salt taken Irom tbe James Panton well, about one mile back of Foxburg, on tbe Clarion River. The owner of the well is noting fox ell and haa reached a depth of 835 feat. Sluw bcusi(. rx. 3i cifflta per quart. The London Saturday Review gays the moat remarkable thing about the spread, or taate for stimulants is lie extension to ladle The medical journal assure ti that women. are falling into habits or drinking not leoa fatally than men. At the supper table ola ball young women dash off as ranch chain-. pagneand claret-cup in the court of atlngjs lively evening, as would have more than sufficed tbeir grind-mothers for a month. The ease and familiarity with which tbey drink is worthy of the most accomplished frequenter or a New York bar. ITobbi, the old rascal, says an American girl love with her eye, an English girl with ber arms, a French g:l with her lips, and Italian and Spanish with all three. A Boston woman capitulate fn three months, a New York woman in two, and a New Or lean woman inone. Cause, partly clirontric and constitutional, and partly a few word from the old folka in the back room. The receiving bouse or Hanna, Ctmpin A Co's oil refinery, at Cleveland, exploded on Saturday. Loss $1,000. The Corry Republican says: There is quite an excitement at the present timeover the prospect of developing a new oil terri tory in Warren county, between PIttsfield and Wrigbtaville, in the vicinity of the Dug, away. Parties from Corry are now putting down a well near the old Mclntire well. Wells are also to be put down on the Brook (arm In the aame vicinity, and tbose engag ed in the work are sanguine of succts. Mr. N. S. White, or Pitbole City, I the genera,! agent for Warfielu's Cold Water Soap for Venango and Crawford counties. Thi soap washes the finest as well a coars est fabrics, in cold, warm, bard, soft or salt water, without boiling or machinery, and will not injure the clothes. It is also pos sessed Of other wonderful properties, which can be asceitalued by leading the advertise ment in another column. The baggage-maater on tbe up train, A. V. Railroad, was instantly killed to-day, at Mahoning. He waa looking out of the car door at a man trying to get on the train, wbeu bo was struck by some scaffolding that was put up near tbe track, knocking bim out of the car and under the wheels of tbe train, which rau over blm. Tbe mail agent was alto bit, but not seriously hurt Oil City Register, 23J. By an explosion ol gas at the Emery, Patterson 4 Caldwell well, on the David Kerr larm, Church Run, last evening, lour men and a boy were seriously burued. one of tbem fatally it it reared. We are indebted to ine committee for an invitation to attend the-Commercial Club Reception, to be given at tbe Parsball House Titusviile, on Thursday evening, May 2Alb, at 9 o'clock. Tbe reception promises l be the grandest affair of the season, as it w.ll undoubtedly be. Tbe Directors of tbe Buffalo DrWina Patk Association offer premium amountiog to $50,000, tot tbeiixtn annual summer meeting, commencing August 8, 1871. James Donahoe, ot Buffalo, New York, died from tbe effects of a pistol abot by Bob inanely, me omcer are after Blakely. Judgment for fU,00u and costs in favor of the Pennsylvaolt Railroad Company bas been entered in tbe Protbooolary's office agalnet the Erie Dally Republican. An exe cution wa issued, and on Saturday the Sheriff made bit levy on tbe establishment. Tbo boys on Long Wharf, New Haven, have a novel way. of getting molasses into their ttom.chs.. They lake a long string, dip it Into the molasses, and putting one end between tbeir teelb swallow tbe rett. After calmly enjoying the delicious sweet ness awhile they take hold or tbe end ot tbe striog and pull it gently out and repeat the operation. IVi fan, saya the New Haven Palladium; ir you don't believe it, try It youiself. The writer of an obituary notice of an estimable lady, said that tbe bereaved bus- band was bardty able to bear the demise of bis wire. Imagine bis disgust on reading In prlut that the bereaved butband was hardly able lo wear the chemise or bis wire. An Ohio paper teuobingly obronicles tbe dqatb. of a truly pious young man and tbe best bote bull "short atop" In that section. Tbe LouUville Sensationalist Jprlnta one or tbe long tbeecbet or PbltJIpi, under these awful dlBplay;heads: " Another Rip-roarlng Wbangdoodle whacker :from Windy Wendell-He Runt Riot with Red Republicanism. Rathee a good atory I told of th former Miss Lane while the wat tbe obarming mis treat ot tbe executive mantlou. a photo giapher in New York presented be with an album, superbly bound, containing forty two different view ol Mist Lane, Jonet re. marked, on seeing It one day, that It wa, he mt Uiss-aLaneout booth, bad over Loral Notice. 8. M. Pettcnclll ale Co. T i"irk Row, Maw York, ana (too. P. Kowell A On Advertising Agents, ate tha sola aanta tot the troleum Centre Daily Itximan In that- city. Ad vartlsars In that city are requested to tear tbeir (a, von with ektwr of ,t above huuies . A Card. Having had many inquiries for toolb powders, soaps and watbet that I could oomruead, at not being injurious to tbegnms and enamel of tbe teeth, I am happy to an nounce that I haie just received quantity of tbe tame, submitted lor analysis to the Phil Dental College, and pronounced by tbem wholesome and harmless, at my Den tal office. m24-tf. J. R. PORTER. Wanted. A gill to do General House work. A steady girl can have good Situation by applying to- in3t MKS. MERCHANT. Nilsson Ice Cream Parlor next doot to upera House, reiroietim centre, ra. IT you want delicious Ice Cream go to the nussou urcam rarioi, next uoor to upera CONGRESS. EMPIRE AND HIGH ROCK WATERS fresh from the springs at Measures taken, and Clothing made to order, ac a. ALUtn s, Jamestowo Clothing Store. Orikxtal Patunt Mute's Gaitbbs. These Gallers are Seal Skin, paieot tops. add make a beautiful dress for the leet. am sole agent lor Petroleum Centre and vicinity. A. S. SMITn VtT On and after Monday. 5th int GritIVs Bm. will offer iheir larpe stock ot Wall Paper aud Window Sbudea AT COST. Give us call before purchasing else where. New Spring Hats at 0)3 If. A. ALDEN S Jamestown store. Gold Tinted Wall Paper at GWPFKH linos'. White and colored Shirts made to order and fits guaranteed, or no sale, nt ' A. ALDEN'P, m21. Jamestown Clothinii Store. Another invoice of Silk Hat, at A. ALDEN S. Wall Paper selling at COST at Griffea uros. Best Spring style goods received to-day. at A. S. SMITH'S Boot and Shoe Store. m30-tf A Aew Era in Wutliing; ! LABOR, TTMB, CLOTH tS AND FUEL 8AVBO by vat i-ss or WARFIELD'S Cold-Water SeV-WashingSoaR! This Soup washes the finest as well as coarsest i mncn, iu iia, warm, nara, .on or suit water, without hulling or nachlu,ry, an I Is guaranteed n oi iu ii juru u uinea i& ine least wnen.naea accord, it r to the direi t lona. One Kood washerwoman can do mora ard batter wah og with it man iwn can do In the same lima with the best machinearnaiug the ordinary soap iu It will WMh out oil, paint, coach or machine grcn-e, or anyimr g mat cm Be removed, witiiuut tl least Injury to garmsnta. And It la ei eel lent lur me axis, Having t Dealing anect i n tbe skin. Pnr wishing print,, silks, lacss, fl,rnd blaak eta, and wnnlons etnenilly, and for cleaning lloora, carx:K .liver or plated ware, palated or oner work, thrre la nothing equal lo It. And to eou- aumera it is tna cneap, t tuAr manuractnmd. By nalnt It. yon net rid of the annovanen of hot water In iiimmer, aim of steam In the house (ao jiwiiuuibvi uuiu.j iu wiuiur- N.f) WHITE, GENERAL AOBNT FOR VENANGO AND OKAW KOttUCOONTIKS. mii !lw LECTURE, BY MR. B. W. WffiTCHER AT ST. PETER S AND PAUL'S CHURCn, Sunday Eve., Mar 8thJ AT 8 O'CLOCK. SUBJECT. Reason. Why I Became A Cathoii : Tickets, 25cts. WAIT At PUGII, Hove bought out the t lager beer standi OF J. II. l-EONHAUBEB, Oa Wailikieton to pay partTuilH, attention to Thi V?n of .h..?, alw?E,, 'ft1' ,KKK?H ,'ua" en AlTR St.Jik. P' UlP-,'l we i" our ne New 7JMd loaa SAJBt PROHTABLUt PEKMANENTf JAY COOKE & CO.. VI for Bale at rfjMid Accrued tatara ' IstMoiliiaiieLanaGraiiGoli Bonfls. hp tiik orilirni Pun fie R. ft.Q Hirae bond. secarwd, Jt l, bi a !. u nvn.4iibe Ka(.n.ad IM-ia Iia lofllng all Pf ,l i in ..it l a uuJ , i, - ki... . . r " , I frindnal and Intere-t are i.,u i- Afj Principal at the eud of Hiirty ,,-,, ,d .LTJ t. n-nt taml annually, at the rata of BkVkff .T Ttt-lUaVrNNTHii HKK CKNT. per -MuaV They nr. Imud In deiioDiiuaijoua ol iml' a, $1,000. 1 5.UOO and lo,ouo. 'g0' , The Tmstrca under the Mortgage ar. , Cooka. of Willi dibk, andl J. ,)? These Nnrlkrtn raclflc i SO I'onds will ., -,, , time haTera motealty, be receivable at Vvw 1 l-KR CKNT. PKKMICM (or 1, 0 "n'.Vfil.I?1! ithe Company's laHds at tbeir lowest "h uric.1 fcr ' In aJUitlMii to Iheir abavlule aafety, ihSu yield an Income larger, w believe, Uianari. noTI flrst-cloai aecurlty. Per-ont boldinc faltod lt.i!I 6 ao. can. by conrartlng them In 0 N.iun t? clH. incrcaae the t ysrl income enr MM ji" till Imvo a pe-rcctly reliable Inve-tiiieji. ' IIOW TO UKT Til EM.-Your uaireat Btak a. Banker will supply these Bonds in any deilM amoum. and of any need, d denomination. I wl.hlng to aicbaiine stock, or other oiiaah! ilivse, con do to with any ol one Agenle, wlu, wSj allow the highest cun tn!,arigu far AH, M Akitrr Alll.k bKOCir'K. "AltkaT- Those living In kaUtles remr,from Banks au. send money, r oti,er bo-.da. directly to na bi i,,a. -..v. "cine nw, ana we win etnu tiark Vi.-th. ...In. 1.'... i. .r.. . .. . 1 " Furiiiilherlnfnrmatii n. p.ph.t man.' onor address the underiigurj, or aa at or Bnukrrs emnloyrd to tail this loan. etc , call the Bank run BAI.B K- .lames T. Btady A Co.. Hart, CangVy A Ca Ma sonic Snvliigs Bank, Western f nvlng. It.ni a.' sw. l ean A to., tsnkera, General Ageata,' PlUt. buri-h, ia. ' iTUF.n. H. BlNftt l.t. ,. 1,-1 Asteuia, Fetrolenm Outre, Va. niMO.im. " The Great new "srozui; STORES. SAMUELS BEOS.. DEALERS IN DRV GOODS, Ladies Eaneey GmkIs,. Ladies and Gents. Furnhuinff HtMxJS. Carpets, Silks, Poplins & Ladies- HATS made in the fines' tad late t stlc. Also a great assortment of . Ladies Gaiters and Sllpen. laticey aatl- plala, which will be sold ot Ktw Tork price. We an also selling Calico at Beta par Yard, and the Bast Csllco at locta W ait selling Bleached Mualln at l.icts, which olb.ro are selling at FcU. We ar telling Unbleached Mat llnatlUctspsryard which others are eellhaat S.MUJ2LS BROS: Washington St., next to ScborB- Woms Grocery . MayStlm Pet Centre. House for Sale. A D'lirnL' IIOtr&B. TWO STOHlKrl. adapted I lor two fcmilles. sittated on tbe Dels- II Um, oa tainiupr BiA.iuiiJMn. win oae"ia half suitable for-a . Ingle family will KmC Anerlcan Itahr pe-lnT i- tfntitr tb JR. BOW OPn anu irau; lur vunwnir. to mantU'emeut of Mike Hbone, who wU.Jfc Vlm" wult on hit old Monti nd U . new oom wM ffllV- . j Gi o. W. Kittf Jr., Bat bengbttbo MEAT MARKET - Next door, to the Roeherfr Honee frombiS'J C. W. kSnG. and will hereaf'er kwo JJJ? . EXTRA FINK M BATS all kinds and lavtles a , . ..h. M..KIe naOninam? aat lis Bsatitiftil, now aud nobby Jkpgjj'g" , (U,. - A ,