llh. )IITI A' '.- ill whlMc' PtilVtuLKCM TORl'KCO OWEN GAFFNK'8 C0HnT!f7 EOSK00 ! THE GREAT HealtH Restor'r Hot Secret tjnack medicine for. malm Around (be Bottle, FKEFAKED 8ULBLT BT Sr. J. J- Lawrence, Orgoni Chemist KOSKOO Strike ut lite Hoot of Disease Purifying The Blood, itRSTOHINO TnR UVEtt AND KIDNEY TO A HEALTHY ACTIOV, AND INVHluHAT l.W TMtt MsKVOCN SYSXUM. Tills lithe Secret of lit. IVoiideituI feuvcmis lit CurlUK . CONSUMPTION IV ITS PWHLY STAOKS, IsCUUFDI.V BYI'HILI", DYNI'lPRH, LIV KU COM PLAIN '', CIIkONIC KI1EUMA. TlfM, NRl''tL()l., N' UVOITS. AFFF.CTION, EI-UI'TIOVX OF T1IF, 8KIN, UUUOKK ' Otfrt (IP V'OOIt, utSKHES OF TUB KIDNEYS AND bLAUUKK, AUD ALU IHhhci Ciiwd by n Uad Slate of in mooa. It thoroa-rhly eradicate, everv kind of Ilnmor and Bad Taint, and roiluro. tho eiuh-o system to a aenlthy condition. It is beyond question the FINEST TONIC IS THS WUi,. T honsaioL have beep cl.aaced by the Ue of this Mediciun from weak sickly, .iift'ciin" nr nrnrm to tnn, healthy. sud hnotiv men end women. Invalids cuiuot hesitato to gtvo it a trial. , ' 4 ho Medicine hn obtained i 'h a great repetition a thlsjustlv ce.ehratcd cmnp nird. , ; FOR TK6Tl.ViO.MALS J " From Physicians, Kininenl Uivlne. Editors, Pni? gtst. Mirchiwin, &c, uo KOSKOO ALMANAC for tills year. . . IP.3ICE ONE DOLLAR PER HOTTXE ronaau r Till PRINCIPAL DHITQWHTH IN THE UNITED bTATES AND llKITISU AMKK1CA. e ttx Lawrence's Woman's Friixb Car . ll Dlneo.nei peculiar to Females. dec6-ly. . . f. ft BTI1ATT0N. W. KU" . & KIP, it' AND BROKERS IN OIL: LANDS AM LEASES, , . .- j OtOeiii Plumcr'n lock, . PaatUCce Box 120(1.1 franklin, Pa. TV-sons flflr1ne to Yinerate in the I.TTTttM CATINO Oil, JMS I hICT will aowjll to euml'ic var Hit T.ilhrni iiitfirB-t will Iwchpn forlur 3d A' Cill.NKliY, TOCLS, CASINO atd rCIUNQ. , All CoiamnnlcaUODi promptly acawered Jiand Survt'ling, &e. aktla, Oct il. i i.-j j (i Drilling Jars Ws would fMpectfull nnofirg ti one ensio or. aud t)i public generally that we keep cou avaaily ou luvud Cast Steel OrUlim Jars ! Wlileh for Streneth and Tn.ilIUty eicel any Steel Lined Jar beretoiuie in u The Advantage we Claim Onr Unrd Jam are that, hnlnuAM. 8TEEL, ar stronger thin Jar r.oi .ixwd vartlv of IR that prti.ruilni! a Steel enrftt'w tn tlio rock, they u.c truteeird Iroin woar oa tho outside, aud will keup eir ebape lunger. We al.o keep on har.d Cast (Iron Torhing Barrel. Fisher, Xnrris & Co. mi;tkoi.ix.ii clntre. it.isrsir. IIib I'xeel.inr G:t Wlilintn-St., JVKW YORK. POLICIES AT OPTION OF HOLDER CONVERTIBLE INTO ANNUITY BOSSES.' T!t i providlm for old I an. OnICY nOLDEll 1'AHTICIPATB IN Ph FITS. POLICIES MKS-FOItF'F.lTINO. lAVIs A. FOSTER, "l Ban Ktdiiivd Ofl M ten a per gallon, Uleoz&GiVbh UU ChoetTwA . "... U Silsnt 5 Street EWING MACHINE (Philadelphia. 5 " I give my liearty preference to the WUlcott A Gibbf Silent Sewing Maehihe." Fanny Fern. ' " The freight of reliable evidence being overwlielming for that of the Willcox & G ibba Silent Sewing Machine, I decided upoi it, procured it, etui aim more than $atif!td." . Guack Gkee'nwood. " I have the Wheeler AWilaon. the Orover A Baker, and the Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machines in my family. I tine the Willcox & Gibbs most frequently, thinking it fat saperior to either of the others." Ubs. Henry Ward Eeecher. wife would not accept a Sewing Machine of any other patent as a if, if she must receive it on condition of giving up the WiUcox&Gibba." - GarboDdale, Fa M The Willcox & Gibbs Is the only Sewing Machine whose working is eo sure and simple that I could venture to introduce it into Syria." Rev. A. T. Pratt. Missionary American Board. " We have used various Sewing Machine within our family,, but It is the andtJtmoitt opinion of the household, that the JVUlcox Gibbs is the best of them all." Bey. J. S. Hours, ; ' Brooklyn, N.T. "For simplicity and mechanical accuracy of construction, I Lave seen no Sewing Machine equal to tho Willcox & Gibbs." ' Enoch Lewis. Of the FsonsylTanla Central B. & A correspondence on the subject of Sewintf Machines is respectful' ly solicited, D. S. EWIXG, , 720 Chestmt Mreet, Philadelphia BaamemtRig a tei of tha aruclM to bnid at L. M. STEENBURG'S . ' " '' ; ' ' : -' " " a. '. ". i..J V A'ear Ilailroiid, IVtrokuui Frlmid. and ptroii, on. and ell. i Your atteuiion to uy hia" 1 would eaU Tlmrs are dull an mr.n-y t'gkt. J Bat in tkteu time, l'iu luoking for. lljjht ; To tho. who are hnildlne; rlus without nnmbejr, I would inrorm ihl. is the place tu buy Lumber; My motto Is.lhla: 'O.itlck Sales and Small Pront," For business ia healthy and I think much of Hi In fl"allt mv T.nmhrr is second to aoaa. ' Aud as for Bhingies, I keep No. 1 ; j Homo may not look at It in tha llfflit I da, Aud for those I have a quality No. J; And to those who are rartlcnlar as .oats nay b., I atill have another quality called N have (;ood seasoned T.nmnnr. Dressed up nice, Y hlch I ill sill at a low ca.n price; fluch as Plvrlnx. Celling and Siding, both; Boagb DU 'OWM, Lath, Buttxna aud Surfaced Lnmber, all of tb. buai; I alio have Pin Limber of all kinds, At prices to compare with oil ajd hard times; " All kinds of Timber kept constantly on hand, Ana a ikk ot cigars oi a very gona orana; Wy f lellitlee lor eel'lns are snrely wllhont number I alwayi keep good teams to deliver good Lumber go if you want Lumber, Rough, Dressed, Soft or Ilird, Yon will find Inst what yon want at L M B's Lara tier a.u. febl-tf ' GENERAL MACHINISTS bi d Dealers In all kipda of WELL TOOLS fc PIXTI7UK9 Necessary irr puttlnn down and operatlnr Oil wen., in connecuou wiin our navuina duui we have a large and convenient BLACKSMITH SHOP. tnr facilities for MANrFArntnitNO art not ex olkd by any thou in the Oirttnglons. Shop- airt,oppoil McClUtnck Soust , , 1MI UOVKL) Seneca Palls With Steel Parking. 50 8id In Last 30 Days. lExcluetvc Agents fur the "II llr;l n dame, mmi & c., Successors to F. NT. AMK.-', TITUSVILIiE, 1A. Wood Work ' ' FOR CARRIAGE BUlLDEUSs 20 GROWTH 6P0KXS,'.': . -f nt'I!.-, CENT FELLOE?, ' ' SHAFTS, SiWED FELLOES, : POLES, neckVoke, ' :r. whifkletree.?, HUB BANDS, " AXLES, "SPRINGS, ' FIFTH WHEELS. MALLEABLE' Anl the Best Carriajre Bi!t i;s Slartit 13 AlIJ, S.niTlI k CO., ' Siifces.)rs t. F. W. AMES. New 7-30 Gold Loan. . ...I,,. SAFE I PROFITABLE! PERMANENT 1 JAY COOKE tStCO-. Offtir for &i.e u. I'm' arid AtcrutJ Ibtuiett Uiiiiti OF TIlB ' urtluu laciii 11. II. ; C. These bond? urn "oonml, by ft Y rt lo.t L'tii'H"ii HiB Kni.ronti lit-oif. itn rti.lhiL' tnck, hih! hU cqiilpimnis; rtetmd. by a Fi M' tfrnttit rn ltr d'tttru Lund Ormt. b inu muro ttunt 'I'weiity Tvo XoJi:mnU AcrehOf i and t tch ii'lieff .uml I no DtiiiUH an; iroe irm co it)u r-tnuw jhx, iiu PriucipHl ami Interest uro j.ivaUle in OttUl fie rihCipM at tlio enl oi Tnirty voin, nni tUn In-'iTe-4 Setnl inputtlljr nt ilm a ej -of HhVKN AND l HHKK-m.N t Hs PKH OKNT. nvn. thfy aro if.BU-d in d.'n niiiwtinus ot l(o0, $530, $1,000. $fi,(Muaiid $10,Hh). Tivo Tni-tma muW tlio Mfirtcc are Tni Jny PfHtkfl. of Philt.d'lililu, nr.d .1. KiJiiit t liomiiWin, Prudent of tliu Pt-Uu-ylvacia Cvulr.il .uil.ua J Comp-tny. ThefH Northern Pacific 7 3t Pom's viil n all tiniM Ifcffr.r- mntiiri y. be rtce vnlilt AT TfcN PKH CENT. PHKMUJM (tr 1, tJ. iu Mrlmie for tl Coiiipniiy'H lamia i their c.i!li j-rico 111 mid ii 11 to their tiliiolut'1 fRti'y, iliio rtt.n''8 yield an tnconm la-r, wc htliev. tiniTi any oilw fimt-cinw Mff'Urtiy. P'-ri-onp tioidnm I l.itJ Sti es A 20'a can. by cunvertlnif ttmm In o N'lt'rrii Pa oilli'v, iTicrfOaM ihe r y. r!y luinnie one third, aud atlll hive a pe-fw-tl.v rHhthie invo-tiiirui. nun in r.i n r. u. i oitr nun ir udiik or ItHtikr will tiiTiulv tljo-o lioii'lt Ji. Hiiv dflre; aniouut, anU of any tim-d d deLoinin:itluu. 1 ! ! wtftliiu to echKMe utocVH or oiber Tula for can do mi with anv uf our Al'uiiU. who will allow tlie liiftlf wt current prico for ALL M AUK til' Tlioua hvinir in lutMitlles remote f torn R.inko, tmy aend nnmtyt or otfier bouda directly io lis bv x- irorJi, and we will eenu unit nursniTii j.tcitic tordi At our own tiK a d w.tliout tt't to tint tn- Tftop. V.jr lurtli. r ti.rornitti.n. uismtihl r, innri. eto , obTI opor oddre! the uniierHimii d. nr nn ut t tic Bank r Baunrn cm ployed to no 1 thii loan. FOB SAM BT Jamea T. Brad A Co. H-trt, i'aughoy Co, Ma. oiiic 6Titii,a Btolc, Weatorn tsavh ;; Pank, S. Mc lean t Co.. Bank era, (itneiul Af-ouK, PitU burih '"a. ' . Agtsuianm FtroleumCtJ litre, ftfa WAR DECLARED On High Prit'is! at tbs Old Stanif of if.: S. Prather, MAIN STREET, by tho new firm, M. V. SL FJSJ1ER, Who llltmdH kcopiof up a heavy stock of GROlltRiESta, PROVISIONS FLOUR, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, and in niel every kind of goods usually kept la well afp jijitt-d GROCERY STOICE. 1 have a tenai on the road and will deliver Goods rttt.fi ur iiiAiiui... sr All I ask Is a fulr trial and an examination ef my stock. Give nie a cull. rOHPKDOES. Tiff. KOHiiHTsJ ua'ii't at t lie ItiD. ttLlXISG Ji ILL. ( oruer ol Pkiiv mik! seonU Street, ;ear the iittliruut) TIIUSVILLE, PA. OwiriR to th lit rye ni incteMlag demand for the ;IiiIhi(p' i'orfd ifM. and tlu lulu uitwImii of thu roiiiiiii-Biton'i vf P.-t-iila in roiiiMii lo Win. Kird i nau.ni u:id tin- d kinl n oUtida.'u i. O i-ittraua lathing thu itolmrta' p itciit tuoy imv LUWitUlvli thu priuu of tlu-ir ioniuitoni ' TWiiNi'f PKH CKNT. to tlut oT-ry Opt ratnr ctii .funi iu iry a Torpedo The to.iovi m if t:io ii'tiKi'Mi n-t dfred by Jndjjr lirifr in. tnc twt ity e'-im.i r-'-) d:iy cf .-ei.tviuhi-r, U"'. Ui il.c L'"iid Vl.tit" Cii'i u.l Vint at I'liiludul p'li' fill1 i':im .uvufd 'lirvc (1:.vb by t'lmiii- M. k.iitl t i' t'oiu, to h' l.uaf ami h. A. Tur vmccooi riif-'MUMl't ,,M" 11 "i',tiiii :md (it'iiryi. llAttiisiU ol f it.rt'!l-ha, una 0i'i' 11- t-hiUly, , t'ilt9t'U..il, lor p.KslJltU. HPUMJN OK Jl'lHiK C.KIlSIt A I Witt will. i..i!c;!fy I 'can oi.ly tlii't tlpcon ciuji'it' t vliioii my mi nil litis Ctnuo atitr a curo.u Aiinina'ion oi ilib:taae. UK-. i.m li.n.m u cx!iPmii ft piiurnt danu r.tnoi' Apfi., if'", li'ifi- pi in; tin b cvhleiit'f tu i t.-l tliu:. '.H'l p'tts o,. t.iv I(p..iiUiii. Hit hur- l.?u t( i.l J i tu.'ti l.t)J p:Ui t is vi.iU tir wui-ltilt iH. I il cm i.il t'p lS i final hi Hi Ihl' t.ilt of Ot.thl- tc.:r-. U- i- ';' i. C. ''' I'i ) b..t w, "itlt jit thi-u) : -at si. -i lilt 'i rn o o Ctcitm Wuicli dp j tkii lv io ii.t p will io. A4 the tiniiiiKi -ni iii 1,1 lb-' pite-t in inlnih to', th" uiil . ipu .-roii Hi In 'ia t ' thw vuliuity ol cum- pUllUUU S Ultlll oi Ai-fli 'J j. "It w.n :iU'T r(cu iii'm irnl boun itthicpd to tmuih e " ai d ader ii'pttttt.ii e;i-'iiiiij: t, tl.tit thu CDiplaimiMi riif vdiu in .vuivoit.iiu I"' injuUiv and innunnn't ol tliv pot-pltt en ibu tult,-tt, tun) fj.-rritmun-K ib' p'Hitif i:.M l 'ii fittioii v n-i"u.; alter nu ii.aJ f.-l ili'is-htti il?((ii-.it uul't, and v:ilt:e, Hiill ".vuoll IHj g li U Mi'l p:tlull' piTfi'veiaut , n ;lif t: t-a ft- .t-i'l .,oii " wcu i on.pli i.-iy .ic cc. -till, i . ut hcid, .who l.aU iti'M ru iimui; L.:p.tii itn on iii, f lilt' a I'HtN t, :.hd w:i. utiituo'vfiil, illi cit. v.: t..'ti t v biatl ho I'Udt ii.ht t.t ciitxi-iiiititi, i d'atiur i.uu-li:ii';ii n; ot luoro I'm plu.i.i.iit ijr ;fi(K4 lu-itii;lit'd I'll titr lt I .MivunLt-r, I tr a pit'-tH lor rniw. tntUi! . tho .tiiiv -inliia ;tuii- t dt-vico.-uiitl a lilt Hvtiii.HirJ m ftMi;( aii,. a iiV patt iit. ou Uw latU ot iik Kiaio iiim. ut Hit tc-poiiib uij fo.-mod ttu'iunf! w Into a cu.r.pmv or ciiiorittio;i caiUKl i i.i? Hf-ii i utpotio i'to,ip.ihvT" for mi-pui pi"e of pir.itm tli i.i.iiip.aiiiio.1 iu vl. tiuii, iuti uiporiiiu t.it fxpoi.hr tii mii-Mii -it, ti d tttiis detrau l UIhi of tlW trml. They h.ic nv Mjvt'ivd, bvcu 'Uttr tin- preiimiiiury Iiihiuciiou very (irdpt-i-lv rr.iiitM b tua ii.-ttricl Juttjio. Lti a'd- ei or he entered f.iroonipimii.-int for a per petual jtjunctioii, ui id a l.ft"i' it) pointed iu lake iu acctiUm uccui'ding to inu pritytr ot the bill UK.. UK1I1.H, Jud'e. Note. Tho pupaape rofarretl to bv Judp; (Jrlor hi hU luruur d. c u:t, 4 Witihiet-, p. ZJM, utlnpted it ip; i ti-n to tin ciau'Waa tolionu: It I.- n-u.ili tlie citM, wtu-ii any vihrnble discov ery W i:.uv, -irauy iu.v macuii-e ut i: at n 1 liy U ir.v, litt'U, tl.at tiit- 'iiti-aiuii nf ibe,.uMic Inn lieon itr iittl to tli.it .-tu.joet prt'V.oilsi. ami t:ii um-$ ;)tfii.j U-- ho-.n muttniK ri'iiiici'c.-. nrud expert ii;eijt.t. 1'h i.'"p( t r liO-i inochauietiis rny ':nv iiiuiiiem af.in: uuiicipiio-it hi t'm'r ipu'-f -,k' jM.-ioliily or pro:itiii.ty uf .vk-Ii m.c"v! y or .nM-iiiini; ln.tiiy I'x.teiiao; ji t..vt b. , fcn.vv.,sfiit iv rue'!, coining vor near- j a u;;.ii:j eiior; u t!ie :e-i;ed rsiiit. Tney h u prudii-ed no.j.iiiF (i,mh Hival Tin-tjveiiii i.i viie-. portucted may ira'y U -.! to bit ! iho cnuni:tuiiu(f po ut oi niunv p.i;e;1 iiion e, u -t ou bytiu iuvei.tor, b;ii bv um-iy tii or. te may huTt- prolltcii iiiutrtily Ir tvr un-.ie-e.-iiul oxptriiiiieiiiaand failure ot t iht-r. but it ii'o T!i?;ii uo riiiii tt c'ft m a rh u' ol Hie In nor ol i':u pio;tt of the naccfftliil invrufor II 1a whiu pet maiion haj Iwt o rctitiotrd to pint-.iee, when ex perinit'iit hu-ittalt' d in di-M-overy ahj v.lrrii tl.at ui-eovitry In- V.tKii purf.'etfd y jMiit iit ouu cm'iii Ued exp -rtm-Jia wtiou -iiio new cnmi-uuiui, art, mtriutitciiiie. or niaeiidie ha- b.:cn Mr.i- prof! need wlncn U imttftilto theputilic.that tht'j:uty nnuinti bo'-omi-s tipulilif Ik if -tiii lor and tiiiiilcUin a ;,ate:it. Aud ywl wlwu ajenin- and pul.ut p.'M'erauce have ut lengtii unwed 'd, in fi-i:e of r.ow ami ?uoit4. aiine v-ilaalUt? iiiei,tii n or Ui.ro e. y, b nv ii'ttlotn i it loiloueJ by rtiwrird I Kuvy n.hr hitn of tat! iiuaor, hub aiitscul'ttor, nwindit't r, tu J ' pi- rat roll linn ot tJie proitir. i-.very u:i.-i:ix'i bh.i oxprhn-nier who did or did or didiiot coiae v ry nn;r nwlviiijr n uihetery now c!aiiui It. Kvery t4u whooaa invent au improvement ur vi.-y iu U.rm, chiiins h rlpht w plr.ue the oneinnl uUr. tvery. Vr , miul uut Miaouon ti'se, or lilanehnrd ' Wood worth tti prove tt.at this U tho usual hie lory of eve ry fin at ciiwuverv r iiiTdutUm. "Tiie Diem nt eiii" u'nla aimther chapter to thW Ion? and imifurui ULitury." 2 Wuiiae, 0. O A-.- pUl'lfi p. mi'4 VAV i'lOX. The public I. aiitloniI ucaiust cmilo;ini any ut the reinilnrl. flll'lii-rlyi'd Aiitaiti. i-f th Citntl ;l- nj.siiicetiie Ito'oe't l'iitei;t cover tlm n;,Mrf 1,10 i 'Tijeao and ell expltieivo tiiuiorinlf. V-r ril wolli. aud tne iti-ool U 'h n iierlals by other putli sis a ire:t iuliinf.i.mit 01 iiniir nni. .iny ;)bius in- Mi KiiiL' nii tliu KMHr.it 1-9 1-A l l'. I v III ly It-iiH with tio-urfim' Io low. mid as itctlnir wiilfnlly aihI kni'wlnly iu dtliunce of law aud tlio decision or Ihe Colin. Tlie INm.P'iiiv have re oreaolsf-d their buJtiui Hllh a view loiM:'-oniuii)d;,le (ill Men In ovorv ilrl ol tho ll lii yion. Tliv luivo oiiip)ot-d tho uwt eftldent Aifcnte ttfd Auirtarts thit. can bo procured tor the liwiiu. I.ach Txrpwbi. 1' labe led wlih d.iio uf piiiciiH, t'iKothpr m'Iiii tho price of the Tor j.cdit, and .i.'lii'd by tin officer of the (Vmpnny, .o ov.-ry t 'pernio1 wlHiiinir a Torpdo nmy Know Its price and whethirlt o:nne from ou.-otlicj. pe.iitorx wl 1 confer a lavor by reporting to this The folloAtoK iniiiied person, have born appoint ad AhviH nod Attt'tniit A ents l'tr Ihe Oil li.i-i.iuii. of i'euusjlvaiila and Weal Virgnii.i. LIST OF AGESTS. TlTitsvii.i.r, chttrch iu-n am) vinsi TVsi M'lIKN . 1 1-IP. tullce. llainillon'. l li?ir Sttrt-e. addrta. Titusville, Pa Assutaut Jolm Van ive-. "... TII'ITBVII.I.K. H1HIIH II Kl AMI VICINI TY 11. II THiiMAC. Ottice and address, Man- on House. i iinsvttia, ia. fcirAMi.iUKl AXi VICIXITY (IKOllfiR IK. VIS. Ofllc", ShuintnirBj rnddeuee, Tilusville, I'a. As-l.tnnt. A A. ei- ENTRIil'IlltiB IXKASANTv'IM.F,, BKAN FARM AN-t l'lTHOi-iC W. (iEO. VAN VLIKT. OIHre and addles. Crne lloi;sn, Pleas onlvllle. Aasialiint, II. '. lliintliiL'tnn. TIlMOUT AINU KL- MM KUltV Cl.AIIK. Offlej and address, Bxp ess (ifllco Tidl jute. I'll A.-'l-'tuiit, K lleonliley. Pl.TItOI.FtlM l KSTHK ANO VICINITY LKYl MAStiM Oiilcunti'l olilreHS. Petri'leumCou re, pi A-'i'llunt, Clnitlo-1 ill cliford. I ARU ANO IllHib FAHMSsnd lltr-t l.vlne n Cil ;re-k and 1 lien-y Nn, lim Slory ;iiiii to IcOHntoekvillo ? .KHSAUN'I) ;t(S. dr,.s. I arr Farm, Pil. A-'ci-tont. I.ulh"i- b. buui.ii: f.-i. Chnrli s K. Coohrin nnd Wl'bnin Moyt MoCLIWfUCKVII.I.B, Oil. CITY AXD If A. S. WiST. Address, Oil City or Ul;m, I'a Assisint. Mead FKAMi lilN. A1.ON0 T11R AI.I.roHENV ' 'V. EH Z vviLBi- H OIH imdddros, Krarkiiii.l'a SC1ICP.0 APS. F'TKIt FAIIJ1 A: PA.iK'S I.ANOIN'1 HICHAHI) W. KKi'KlKI.D. i.fle and addn s. fltblmlis, I a AHsi-ttuut, H. W IJor tcrneld, nddnw rmlenton. Pa. WIT VIKiilSlA-C. D. ANOFX, and T. F COOK Address. Parkorabiirir, Wet-t Vlrjlnin. UoberU Petroleum TorfveUo Co msyiMIV THE LD IsTABLMitD LlquorHouse PETaOLECarCERTBE OWEN GAFFNEY, Peop'l Pall Stoclsl OF liquoes: THE imVIEST EVER OFfEREDFOi SALE ON OIL CREEK. Prices Eaower THAN EVER OFFERED ! Goods Soli at New York Prices, BD PUIiE ! Cash Prices ' ON ALL GOODS. Bizy for Cash AND SAVE HONEY. Hennessey Brandy, Martelle Brandy fibine Wine, Munim Wine, Brocton Wine, Sparkling Catawba Wine. Hammondspoit Wine,J All by the case. NHANDALAKGESTOCl ALWAYS ON OF SUNDAY COMFORT TO BE nAD AT ALLTlME3' .i. i' :i rrlve I"1 ZtT UO VOX, inn i" i- y li ...i xe ,ton w.'int fp . Un- cii-li, make me an oiiu tbicc.iuc.inii clxwnere. Ko.a6Wosl.lSn,,H tre ,rti.,Pa , ! W '