jr. jbl cimircnOTiiE, fiimeries, WasSiciijtoEj S$iug$, IPa tent Medic ines. IPer-' I tseet, Pet roleum Cen tre, Ira. HHWfH.-'- LJUBrr JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORE. 1H. MIL. MAKK.K'1'n. Omen or M. &. SIMMON COLUMN. Crockery, Spring Overcoats, Spring Suits. Cassimere Pants. SPRING- CLOTHING- of all kinds. Also, Youth's and Boy's Suits. White Shirts, Colored Shirts, Collars, Cnfls, Gloves, Neck-Ties, Hosiery, Ac BEAUTIFUL HANDKERCHIEFS. Tniuks, Satchels, And In luct all Jamestown Clothing Store. W. C. ALLISON & SON'S TUP1NO, AC. W.iC. ALLISON &. SDK'S i..iiiiiyi"'yi'i,ii,.'l.,ii K' J ',rv----?",---' PhiJadt lrhia, Manufacturer of sup OIL WELL CASING-. AND TUBING-! With plain and patent Citilling. ' Oar Tt BIND and CASINO ar. manulactnrcd with grout tare, cxpreuly for tat um of oil pro daeen, being tottad at the work, b fore shipment with a pnaanre of 1,104 Iba. to tire Kioare Inch ItOTIC'B Each length and eoeket la damped lth our trad, mark. None other la eennlne The danger heretofore experienced In havlnjr Tablng break at tba Conflli g la obviated by oalng alllBon Pon'aTnblng utih ntent Coupltns i&.Iieggett, (Sncccmor tu A. T. I.epgrt'j M iiiiifictnror aid Dealer tp. harne ss Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &o aoTTinH T,r'""n " ni'"Td. and Hat to order I"' klui kl" 0""tuutljr on baud and mauc FINK NEW HARNESS. DOUBLE AND O'lhand.tr.a.onable'raui: ''a. lleluxN Put. Sced-Ruc forPnle. " ,ASWAN3WfNy!VKRTB IN LAliOK Thmi is nu Bupeimr VALVE CUP ""tai,!rri",! ,1ny """P. "ndthey ,H t ,i per hundred or M cent a r"",M- hBUtra a!,b I JBirJ Valises, good that can be luuod in a Grat-clam Store. A. A I.BEN Tue Improved Sensca Falls GAS PUMP ! With Steel Spri!!"; pckiEEg suptrior in all respects to any (liher pump manufactured. SOLI Rl WINSOR BROS. Agents for the Oil Regions T. M'Donald, 1 1 VERY. FEED & SAL STABLES ! i the i&epot, opposite tin Centra I House, i'KTROLKUM CENTRK PA 1'lllt bpst B'oek of DHIVINO A WD HADDLE UOlWliS uu the Cnvk, are to be found at nt'Iloituld'n .Livery., CARRIAGES & CUTTSES tb B LET AT ALL TIMES. HORSES FEU A. ISO VlUIEai on Unatonable T!rma. TKAMINQ of all kinds prnmpt'y attended to. Also, conuectixl with t.u Livery Staole in 1 M KA HKI'. l'wicain w.im of Jil t KHOAHns and WAO ONS i)f a I kind., will do well to c:lll n me. u 1 Im'-o thi- atrency l'.-r omeof rl.e beat niannfaclnrbb in tba country, aiul will aell an cheap aa they oud be hiui at tbe manufaetoiica. i V Oi 'o nie o sail. T M'RfWAtn. April 15 1871. Th market wu dtill.r win but liltt Id. quirj to-day. Buyer, offering $3,95 for .hipm.nt, but do Rile. Tba .ale. for loo purp.'i-i were 900 bbla gravity at $4,00 aud 50fltln at $4.10. Na York. April 16 Cmdr) mid, Bbla 18 R-fliiefl 23 March. Mattel Quiet. Pbtladnlpbra, April IS. Crnrta 2)i bbla. Kefined Spot 231 bid ; Ma; 23J bid ; June 24; Jul; 21?, bid. Market Ntendv. t'lttKhurii, April 15. Mark.l-D.ill.- Spot 10. LlvsRruoh. April 1513 p. a Halloed IBi 17 Spirit. 10. Antwkhf, April 15 3 p. m. UULU iAM U lllllK. New Tori, April 15 Gold - 110t DlTlue Service. vIETHODlST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Service avery Sabbatb .t 11 A. M. and P. M. Sabbath School at 13)f P. M. at ffm. A oordial mvitatlod extend ed to all. Rbt. P. W. Scofibld, Pastor. PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. Prnachinz at 11 o'clock A. M.. and lit, o'clock i'. u. D. PATTON, Pa.tor. Petroleum Centre liodge, No. Tl, I. U. of t. F. Regular ruretiog DijjliU !iday, at 7 o clovK. airiHii. JAS. K. ELLIOTT, N. O, W .1 ITovir. A. Shc'v. 91'1 c f meeting, Main St., oppoellc mcuiioiook House. A. O. of V. W. Liberty Lodae No. 7, A. O. of TJ. W. meets evory Monday evfnln at 7 o'clock id Odd Fellow'. Hall, IVtroieum Ceotre, reno a. JOH. MOORHKAD, M. W. A. Gl-KNK. R. Parlor and CHAMBER SUITS marble Top Tables tad all klada of FURNITURE AtH.O. Jarvis' No. lOfl WAKnirVflTONT rnrottata vnua rvoto., loll tf. notici:. Sealed Proposals will he reeeirrd no 10 o'Olcek a. m. Booday April 24th 1871 tor me titiildlog of k School House at V troletim Centre. Puds ami apecidcationa to oe aoen by calling oil J. M. D1CK1CY I. A. GIBSON, RoudvIIIh. By order of Building Committee. J. H. DICKEY, A. M VL'UNKU l!ttl. 1. A. 'GIBSON. or ' ' ill VICUIiY AND KIS8SNOEN WATUKS drangbt at GKTN'E.' Bu03. Hot Soda Water, Highly Flavored, at SIMMONS'! 'A New Stock Of Window Curtains Paints, Oils, Glass, &C, For the Early Spring Trado at SIMMONS' Drug & Fancy Goods House Washington-St. PETKOLFXM CEXTIJE. Hot Soda Water Highly Flavored, at SIMMONS?. A CAHUTO THE l.AItlKS, Itt. MIPOSICO'S iioUlm Periodical Fills, FOK I'EMALBS. ITALUBLRIN COHHRrTlNO TH:KOrt.R, Ti K S HAM V)St on-"tTf I'IHK OK TIIK MONTHLY TTJKNN, FROM WHAT) VI.K CACSti, A.-l ALW WS M-(H;k8. KCL ASAHtKVENTIMS. Prepared Eiproxly for married l,ad I es. Oi e lady wrltrn. nnnoeeo-. Oolden l'llls rel'rved roe ill "iwo la." n it In tit any li ci tn unlenen, r.ko ninvlc. N a:iy nil who bo ti-e Dim nuit,e "Ite. uar nf cu'inierfetti " 'I he pen iue is now pi:t up m in.rn nunr wuw, Oil Hilling fKMllllU llallllty ' of l'llls. anil upon each Itoxyoti wt I ll'i.i Iho l .t . Hevenue htnini) printed from mv .rtvale ni. iituu: whlih eu h I H.id the words fuit ne Oi.lden rvnodlcol Pilla, in (wbl'e) lettuia . N. ne. Kinnliie without ihnt a'anip. 'I he aui.ill rid i.d ow boxes aro no Inn "jr u oj locaiu of their boi u .iiiinfi.rfi.lh.1 r friee l PerlBox. lx Ilnxea r Bold hv Bi. S. SJiriTCOSS UrUDftnU bop Aijenl lor I'etrolr n, Oi-.tre, LhiIi. nciiuioii hiui eij innniRn liio 1'etrolenm ivul e ptit otliee, can have thu 1M1.4 sunt (i-ontlibnii d j liy mill), to any part nf the cmnlrv, free rl :,.--Uii Anil aim hyA. Ii. C.rifNth. Oil Cav. M. W. Sl.nVn Wallpaper ui'eel.vil'11, w .a, Mrllnnald. TitilavtiL, (Vvl'ei'dar A t!o , M'.,:yiiirj, J..I1I1 K 1 l.i- rv, Kl.ili"0l .1 -si.i .ow York, -id by . J). U0t ! ', Crockery, Largo assortment new styhti just received SCHOKBLOMS Next door to liecord Oflli'e. BemovaL m. oRjfifcrrniis'. READY-MADE CLOTI1INU FSTAB- JLISIIMENT. HAS changed Base, and Irnnw tie fonnrat S. MICIIELS' OLD STaNI). ncrt door to Aken'a Hull, on Wralitunio'i Sirwt. I have put In a lanw atii-k o NKW (HHln. IW'IUNO V KCOA I S; SI'UTVti Sl'lT: : 1)K T'H SU.IH: WA1.K1NU WITH: L'NI'Kli fl l 11IN.. of all kiad t Hpleudld lit I u' Milt"-; mid a 'uin lilele a-rtii)eiit 01 Itaa.U -Utle iki,. Ah f irbicb ia ntaikeil di wn Iowi.t tliitn .uidi. bte u.i i' been rold at In tba (lid heylon. Thank a: my innteroU'1 ettstoniera for iheir patronaKe Ht my old rtami. 1 .hope tl ey will urn tii.ue tl.rtr favuia OlYK -Mb A CALL. -. M. tiKKENTIIAT ISHAM & CO, j'Uull!t, I'a. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STYLES Oi' Watcte EDfl Jewelry, (American, En ft lah and Svl make.) SteriingrlBilver Wari 0 p Sliver Flatcd Ware, nf all prudes, unique dttinni In I. VKH. eipecia;ly adapted tot preaeiiia SOLID ;OI,DC'U AlN8, JKWKI.HY, PIBTOls, KBVOLVKrtS. FIHI4INU TACKLF!, HKAL U1NOS c , c. Particular attention given to 1 epair fng flue watcliaa and jewelry by a competent workman. Th-firm have also a storo atTT TUSVII.LE, Bi.r'.ug otreet. RKMEMBEH TIIB PLAOF. Oentre street, nex' dor wil of the P A. Telegraph OSIce.oil Cily, l'n CD H ft T5I AiyL 0 1ST ID B New .Firm, New G-Gcds. M. 0.'ftKS!WK: The inhKcrlher T ah purrlisW tho cutlrcUtor tml ufhis iMiticr, ir Miuud, In It j Grocery audi RiiSicr htiflneM, mid will berunftfT entry nn thc1mi1rri m be utMiid, At d hopi o by fuii-tf-ili. Hiui nrii t nit nflun to the wants ol lha public in merit tt lur hur of p:itiot!ue. I linvu oil hum and mi conMjuitly rcteivicd a fiit-chu 8 stuck vi GROCERIES & PROVISIONS of nil kinds Forelgnaiid Dmuilc F.ultn togetbfr n ltb our BAKERY Which in coni'tanth tnn in out frenh Br nd. Pla hi d C!ike Funcv CQhe fur wrOdl nd p.trii'H t-aked to order, iiy motto ii tma'l proflt and hi trade. Call aad nt me. . rovIO-tf. Wtvliirif;tJi St. IJitrnl-nm (V:itr'. Attention All ! New Jewelry ami Watehmalc ing r fetal tlishraent. We, tba nnderaifroti, have mien d a WATCH M KKKfi i JEWKI.RY PTOU:. NextDiiortrllhs,in'i Bll'lnrd I'.irl.ir. Wsfhii-.e-Ion biroot. rKlltnl.b.UM CKNTliK, fA. I';IIB1NXD K. BK.,l0, on" of fie fl-m, la a , rue leal iiicelmnii', bnvin:.' I. ad VII year ej.;:et;eitei hi VMt't:hei'.l:-i.y. ;ui 1 ho,.-i ira in r ilrr'ni d, CiavruaM , l-'iiiec , ItmliMnt en l Ain.rlia.ai.d will ex. , . nil i:n,d of roMi'irLij Wi'tl lietil' es. tilifl iji..i.:ih. lNiri'eitbir u t,-nth,i viin tore! n.Kt.tr t r. cti'.i.m. I"rs I'.tp liter. l..d yu'-ei.t iir..i.di i.nii Duplex Wulei.es. r.i, , . ill ! p nn Fne Wnt..-hca. .Tewe'rv, 1'iek, aiid I fe.' it ir, (: i;- t!itr:;tu.:i iu K: i:v-l-''a t .re. 4 (.Ivt 11.' a r.,!l. uichj 8 um. l.t'ivS; !t;:vANt; 5; i x ; i n " i ct tt t :; The Co inr'ti. r' .; .e etofiue vsl-iitie bitw-it y M,Mrer 1 '1 J . is.'varu. t:u t t 1 i i.arie of Sl'Ss;., t WAt.il i th: t'.-y d. olved iy' niutilf 1 P. 'iff t .1. A. Srrw; rd 1 liiin. o M :v vn e will imi'i M-ill'-l,t: diteie it tho i' 'I s'aiid 1111' oltlo f.!l ct li'i.-l e;:aiiist the l.i:o rtt in. All ind'-b-eii u the ft i-i ar-j ieoti':.-lJ In .-all a d nuire their Rrxcinii. April. lt. ln'.l a?w. I. A..t-W V 1 1 i . IIuv'mi. n,t :...t I.. ... 1 .,. .. 1 mil row ivai'.y in Ftim-.;. hf:l .(, WlmUy, J.,iiial nu uu',11 tin.i nu I'lin i lu poil.'U tu x . Nev: York prKv. Utivlil If- OWKS HaFI'SKY nil iilU Uita (tYi 'u ti, iee) .1 A, ALOIS'S.