f mvcii Himoed attte"l BR. LAW MICE'S O-WOUKD FMTU EXTRACT OP KOSEOO! THE GKEAT Health Kestor'r Not a Secret ejnack medicine For. iuiil Around Mm Botile FKEPAHED 90LEI.Y BY Dr. J. J. Lawrence Orgfnie Chemut KOSKOQ Strike ut Hie Itowt of Disease BY Pmifyinj? The Blood, KHSTO'llNO THK LIVKR AND KtNKY TO A HEALTHY IT:IIV, A.ND INVHIoKAT ! l.Mt TUB NLliVOUS ft'STHM. Tula Is the Secret, of It Wonderful Ml teens III tiring CONSUMPTION IN ITS RAKLY 8TS.OHS. mjhoi'h r.A, hyi-hilis, m'sPKPruv liv- JK COMPLAINT, CIIHONIO lillMTMA TIOl, Nk('K..T.:A, N'WVOIT afkkoti'in,- F.i.rnioNs ov the skin, MLMOh" MISS UK VIOOK, DiSmSES OF TUB Kin.SF.Y8 AND nLADDKK, airs in Dlaeaaee Canned tor Bad State of iud mooa, . iLthoronirMj eradicates overy kind of Humor ewrBsd Taint, aud restore, tbe emlro system to a ncai'iiv couuiiion It ls'bcvotid .mention the FINEST TONIC IN TIIR WOULD. Thousands have been changed by the nse of this lledicine from weak sickly. Buffet in tit aturea to Btrtm;. t-ealtliy. ana hanpy men and aromeu. iuv.-did caunnt hesitate to give it a trial. No Me dlcinc ha obtained such a great repntatlon as to la justly ceii-omiea c. mpnuna. FOB TESTIMONIALS Prom Physicians, Eminent DMnrn. Kdttors, Pmff- gisn jicrcr.rjin, c., tea nujuuu AL.ilAn.C' tor lute yeai . TRICE ONE XIOLLAII PEtt BOTTLE TOR SALS IT THE PRINCIPALDKUnniSTS IN THK UNITED bTAlUS ANDBiUTlSIl A1IBK1CA. Db. Liwrsnce's Woman's Fiti.t Cur" nil Disease peculiar to Females, dcc't-ly. . K. HTItATTOS. . W. Klf SiKATTOX & KIl, Oil Prod,ssc',rs A.Nll BROKERS IN CIL LANDS AMI TiEAES, Ofto in Ptiimcr'a It lor rrankllii, Pa. 9. Pr(n d-Mrlne to nrratetn tha LtTi'f CAIINO Oil, DIS'-liKTwill do well to examine our list I.iliuml intcre.t w'l! b clvra for for J1A C1UNKUY, 'K.K.L8, t'ASINU atd TUBING. EYJ" All Coraninnlcationi prompt! j aL.'wered Iinnl Sttrvejing, Vc. an'Ula. On li, HJj. J u Drilling Jars W "VnnlS rMoartfullT anaonncs to out enaio aura xai the nnuiic centrally that ra keep con tuctlj on baud Cast Stcl Orllllns J'rs ! Whleh for Strength and Diutntllty eaeel aeiy S'tel unea oar uerusoioro in ao. The Advatiiunes we Claim Ot Llnta! .Tnn are that, bln a I J. 8TB3U they are Btronwr th.n Jara coifnoeed nartlv of Irotu that prwcHtliM; a Steel urf:i''o to theroci;, they are irterteii from wmir on tbo outside, and will keep ueir tuiutje longer. Wo also keop on hand Caat ilron Worfclag Barrels Fisher, iorr!s& Co. PETKOLKfJIlI CI.NTHE. Fnv. lS.Wfl.tr. 'I he Ixcchinr 63 Wllllam-8t., IV EW YOItK. I'OLICIF.S AT OPTION OF 1I0LDKK CONVERTIBLE INTO annuity mm, T!bisprovldlu fnrold.ffo. POUCY HOUUEK PAHTIOIPATB IN Ph PITH. POLICIES ' ON-KOKFEITINfl. DAVISi Ac FOSTER, Beil ReSoed Oil 20 ceota per nalion, RCTUltRrtiuui U Chestnut Silent s EW1N6 LlnGHIHE "I give my hearty preference to the WillcoK & Gibbs Silent Sewing Machine." Fanny Fern. " The weight of reliable evidence being I overwhelming for that of the'Wilicox & Gibbs Silent Sewing Machine, I decided upon it, procured it, d oat more than latitjitd." Grace Grbekwoov. " I have the Wheeler A Wilson, the O rover & Baker, and the Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machines in my family. I use the Willcox & Gibbs most frequently, thinking U for MPerior to cither of the other." Ba.no nan be timv uanaan Mv wife would not accept a Sewins; Machine of any other patent at a pil, if she nun rccitc li ua wuuiuun Ul gt Ulg UJF tuv Willcox & Uibba.- Carbo tidal, Pa, " The Willcox & Gibbs is the only Sewing Machine whose workino is so sure and simple that I could venture to introduce it into Syria, Rbv. A. T. Pratt, Missionary American Board. " We have need various Sewing Machinea within our family, but it is the unanimous opinion of the household, that the Willcox a UibDe M tne oesi 01 mem nil. Bev. 3. S. ITolmb, Brooklyn, NT. " For simclichr and mechanical accuracy of construction, I have seen no Sewing ir.-u:. .1 . .L. Wiltons A n;i,K. Enoch Lbwis, Of th PcnnylranU Central & & A correspondence on the eubject of Sewing Machines is respectful' ly solicited, J. 8, EWING, 720 Ctieitniit Street, Philadelphia GriSriss Bros,, JJK&GS, pure Hd of tlie flaeat quality. TtDtClNE.S All the genuine Patent and olber Medicines. IiERrUMIiltY ine rtciieai ana most l'r lumnt (lei man. Frenob aod Asasrl- can Per lu merles. TOILET ARTICLES uch as Hrimbes. Combs. Lnokliw Glassea, Powders, Nail and Tooth ilnisbes, Ac WALL PAPEP. W invite Inspection of our very large nasortmeot of Wall Papers aud Window Shades. AMP C11IMNIE3 of pure flint glass. WINES AND LIQUORS Pure and nn adulterated, for medicinal purposes. CIGARS There Is no stoek In town that equals the brand of Cigar! and t baocos sold by u. PRESCRIPTIONS--Tu Prescription . parlment la conducted by an experi enced Draifglat end particular attention Is given to tbo careful compounding of Pre options. All the above articles and many more too numerous to mention you will find at GrifTcs Bros., Washington street. rtrolcura Centre rism.n & koiiru, GENERAL MACHINISTS ' ai d Dealer, la all kind, of WELIiTOOIiS k PIXTU11ES Necessary ter pnttlng down and nneratinc Oil Wells. In connection ttn our MAUUliNlt uur we have a large and convenient BLACKSMITH SHOP. Onr facilities for MANUFACTURING art not ex celled by any tihop in tbe Oil Ilegloc. fflwp 1 oiP'(,oppoit McUllntock Eoust a vranvif msiv Da Jl i?, SMITH ACOaD. IMPROVED Seneca Falls G-AS" lyith fttcel Packing. SO Solat In Iv.t 80 Dajra. ;Eiclulv AgenU for the Oil Heglca DAME, & Co., Successors to F. W AME?, TITUSVILfiE, PA. Wood Work FOB CARRIAGE BUILDERS. 2D GROWTH SP0KE3, nUBS, CENT FELLOE?, SIIAFTf3, SAWED FELLOES, POLES, NECK YOKES, WDIFFLETREES, HUB BAND3, AXLES, SPRINGS, FIFTH WHEELS. MALLEABLES. And the Best Carriage tonlt in flatkf DAME, SMITH k CO., Succensnrs to F. W. AMES. New 7-30Gold Loan. SAFBI PROFIT A OLE! PERMANENT! JAY COOKE & CO. Offer for Sal. at Par and Accrued Interest tne IstlrtpEeLaiiaGraitGoliEciSs OF TUB Northern Pacllio 11, II. Co. These bonds are secured, Jlril, by a Plrt Slort Hue on the Rahrnad It.elf, it. railing Hock, uud all eqiiipmentei uamd. by a Ft'at Mortgnne on its entire Land Orant. beluB more than Twenty Two Thousand Acres of land t eeh mile of rtoad. The itonds ate free troin L'nitna nutes Tax ; the Principal and Iuieiet are payable In Gold the i ribeipal at the end of Thirty rears, and fie In terest Herui annually, at the rat. of SKYLN AND Tri KBB-TBN i II rl (F.U CUNT, per l.uuru. They are Innul In d3il"lulut,ons ot $100, 1 500, $ t.otxi. $R,uuoand io,0u. Tno Tnnteos nuder the Mort gaffe are M'wn Jay Cooke, of Phi lideli'bla, and J. lidgur Thompin. Presldont of tbo Ksniyivaula Ctulral ltailroad Coninaay. Tnoae Northern Pacific 1 80 Bonds will a All times beToro matnrtty, be receivable AT TEN PGU CKNT. PKKMIUM (or 1, 0). lu exrhang. fur ll.a Company's land. i their loweet rah price In add ti;ti to their absolute safety, these Bond. Sleid au Income I rucr, we believe, than any other reticles, secnrity. Person, holding United 8t.'e. t Wa caa. by eoneertioir them In o Noitiirrn Pa ctum. Increase the'r yearly Income er third, and till have a oe-feetlv ielfab!e Investment. UOW T.1 IlkT 'IIIUU V....- lUnb Danker wl.l simply tiiese llonds in any deniral amounl. and of any need d deuomin'itlou. Persona wteblaR to exebanu'e atoclca or other 'ends for Ihme, can do no with any of onr Agents, who will allow tbe bih at current price fur ALL MAHKBT AHliB MSCUIHT R. Those Ihlng In loeallUea remote from Banks, miy send money, or other booda. directly to ua by ex pnws and we will send haek Nortnern l'adrle at onr own risk a';d without coat to tbe tn tMlw. Inrthpr Infttrmstlen. Ditanoill.'ta. B1IH. etc , call on or address the anderstsued, or any of tbe Banks ar Ban ken employed to sen us loan. vim uu T James T. Bredv & Co. Hart, Canejhe? Co., Ma. aouic savings Bulk, Western Savings Bank, 8; Mo leu & Co., Bsak.ra, General Agents, PlUa btireh, I'a. r r i ..IS. v., nmsr.siu ea v.$ a,vvns Ageuta. Putroleuiu Ventre. t?a mill) in. WAR DECLARED On High Prices! at tbe Old Slatwl or J. S. Prattler, MAIN STREET, by tbe new firm, fil. V. B. F I S H E R, Who Intends keeping np a heavy stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS FLOUP, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, and In fact every kind of foods usually kept la well appointed GROCERY STORE. 1 hsvs a team on the road and will deliver Geods rK&JS OF CtlAHUU. ar All I ask is a filr trial and an examination af my stock. Give me a call. M V B. FlanF-j fJ PetrlenmCmtxe, Pa , July - tf AUtt&UTS' PETROLEUM TORPECO TORPEDOES. THE ijoBEttT. rSTIiatEUBi T3RPEI10 CO. Office at the Hun lLAi Mill, Voraer ot flue and Second Streets, (Near the Uullroud,) TITUSVILLE, PA. Owlna to the lanrc and IncrMSlnj! demand fpr the R.,tierie!Urpedoe.,andth late -ucision of the Ooramlrtloner of Patoiii. In V'UU. a pateni. aud the doel.i..n of JuU K. taiulUK the KouerW' puteat tly uavs LOW hlthlJ the price of their Torpedoes ;TWNr:.PKB CEST. so that every Operator can afford lu try a Torpedo before abau'donlog a Well. The fallowing la tho decision rendered by Judse Grler on the twenty-wM.no (tht) dny of Beiitetnlwr, l?.i, in Hie United States Circuit Court at Philadel phia. Ttie cape as aru'iied three duys by Charles M. Keller of Xew York, B. f. l.uca. and . A. Pur viauee of l'liiburli, for deteiidants, aud (ieore llardiiiK of I'liiiailvlplua, and Geuigu U. Christy, wl Pilieouigli, for plaiutid'. OPINION OP JfJlKlK GHIKlt. As I write with JlU'enlly t can only stite ttio roe clii'lons tii which my uiiiid has come alter a curelu sxaudnsiionof thlacastt J 'I lie ei'tii iliiiii.iui ti.is exhHilted a patent dated -IMu of Aiiril, INiii. Tills prima Ueieuvtilunce ul a iniial title, uud puts ou the rwM'UHeiil the bur den of pro f tliat the patent is id or worn. less. 1 Uce.l Il.'l tepeai HIJ mtuu.hn .,..v li'u- venr vs. l)y Wall, C. C. Uepi -.all,) b.,t now adopt tlieia us allordiuj a rule oi lieci.iuli w,.ie'.i iiih pile cleaily 1" Hie pieeent cisu. As tbe lulriiiiieiuem of the patent Is aumilted, the oiii i tpiMtiou will lie as to tlie alidity ol toiu- ..;..... .,.. lit ul' Ain-ll x.vlhjb. .'ItwaiMiler speculation li..d been reduced to practicu," and alter reieied exiiinei.l. ti.ut the coniplainant succeeded in uvereoniinu he prejudice and iKi.urance of the people on li.u miluuet, uud perstisoii'g tlie public thill his invention wits iiseiul; niter ue iiau esio. -..'. a.t". and lieu Ins ;. IM uud pulieul purr.uvejiiuce, lu pits ol '.liners 'id seoil's,'1 were completely sue-ces-ful, tltitt i.'eed, who hudoel.'ro made uxpi'il inenttontliesumesuiileit, and was lliiueees.-l'nl, nn .L'lMc.l that ue hail tne iiest riht liiti.eiiivebli. il, a. d alter puicbusiuir one or more ct.ii.plaiieintVitir In- ii. Hilled on the 1-1 "f .November, I'i1. i''ir u pateni lor substantially tlie nui.iu eomt.li.a U.'irV of devices and ii thiuecoutsitieu in cunipiuiu aut's patent. On the loth ul lue Mine in. .nil. tne rt!ii..ikl. lit formed themselves Into a loiupaiiy or C.H poia.l.'U e.iTie.1 .iv ..uv. ..-tF..tj, li.rihu uuniiwe ..f iiirnliiiu' tlm cuiiiulaiiiiM.i s in vetition, uiiu .iip.iruuu tl.o i-xpuiise nl llt.-.tioii, and tiiilr delraud him "f the Iruils. They have per severed, eveu 'liter .the preliminary injunction very prote-llv gr-illMM li.v t:.e lli.-.ntl ,lild.e. Let a d. croc tn. emered I'l.reoinpiatii int for a per petual 'iijui.etioTi. Hi,.l u 'a..st.T ai'poiiiLed to tuke au account according to the prayer of the bill li. .. OlllKK, dudj,-e. wit Tint nassnre referred to hv .ludue Orier In bis f..riinr deci.'ou, a Wallaee, p. Sail, adopted as applicable to tills llisu was as n.m.ni.; It is usually the case, when any vnliml lo discov ery Is aiiide, or uny new niac.iliie of ureal u.l lty Is Inveuted, that tueaitentluu of the public has been turned to tliat subjeel previously, and 1 1. uim y lierru.ie have liein niakuiir resenrobea and expert menu. l'hilus..p.n.Ts ouu mechanicians may liavi in some mt asureauiicipated In tneir pcciiiatiotis ..ie KHtrti nl.Hy or proiui.llny or sneh una. very or ,n...nii.iie mrinv exueriuiei.ts nave b! suctessful- ly tiled, coiiil...' very near, yet failing short ..I the uuircd result. They have produced noihin bene flcuil. The luveiuioii wliei. perfected may truy be it . ill to Ik) the cuiuiitmiiiur point oi muiiv expert men a, nut on y by the Inventor, Inn l.y ninry oth nrs. ,ie may hue. proliied indirectly nv the uni-uc-co-'sftil experiiiienu and failuim of oiher., but I: Ki.es theoi no rtL'iit to c a m u t-bare ol the hfuor ol li.e irolll of the sued -.fill imenlor It Is when specula Ion h;ls been reuiieed to practice, wlior. e periiacul l.a- resulted In discovery, anil wiieu mm lii.'oeeiy l.a liecll pol'l'.eteil ny patient nnu roiiiile uud expriiii-tl.ts. wiieu some ne.v c-iiiipound. art, manul'acture, or ina.'i.ilie has been ibn pri.iloce.1 ui u n..tfiilto thetiuiilictliiittlie t.niiv makiiicit beeo lues it public beniiiKtoandelllitleUto a patent. MAIia yet wiieu KOUius unu .n..iu pirnerurai.ee haee st innirtb succeeded, in soiie of sitters nu.l -eoffs, annio vnlunhle laveiiiion or filsco-'ery, h..w seluoni is ii i'olliiwo.1 bv reward I Kuvy r.d.s l.lm of tne honor, w biio speculators, swtudleis, and pl- ratts rob bun or the proms. r.vury unsuuceniiui epdi'loietiter who did or did or did not come v ry neur inaklim a discovery now claims it. Kverr on. who can invent au iinprovuineut or vary Its form, claims a rl;ht to piraie the ondnal discovery. We need not summons Aloiait, or Plauchaul. or Vt'.jod worth to prove that this Is the usual history of eve ry eri discovery or Invention. 'l be present case nods another chapter to thl. loogand uniform history.'' 2 Wallace, C. C ite poite p. Ii9i The public Is autlomtd nnatnsl cmplom:; any ut the rtt'tulert authorised Adonis nf tliu Compn i. since the Honerts Patent covet-the use of tlie iriMioaud all exDloslve niutsrinls for Jt.ll veils. and the use of such materials by other panics Is a direct Infringement of their rights. Any parties In- frlnaintt any ot tne ltuncitto i a i r.n i.i sin oe dealt with nccordins to law, and as acting willfully and knnwiiiKly Ul defiance of law and the decisions of the Court. , . , . Tbe Compiny have re organized their bnsmcss with a view to accommodate Oil Men In every onrt of the OH Kegton. Thev have employed the most efficient At.nis ana nssmiai-m iuiu. cu ou prueureu lor the business, fc-sch Toipndo Is lalielleii with date af patents, together with tbe prlc t of the Tor pedo, and snnua oy an omuvr nit vonipany, so every Operator wishing a Torpedo may know Its mice and whether it came from our oftie j. ' . . in r - ........ .. -.... , ... i I'pvrnMsrT' win wo... ...w avpi.i....g iu unr Oflica any nenliacnce of AenU. '.w tniiowlnat named tienwns have been nnnolnl. ad Aireuts and Assistant A'.'ents for the Oil iiegioiis ot Puuiaylvania and West Virginia. IsIST OF AGENTS. nTTJSVILLl!, CHFRCH RUN AND VICINI TY' tiTKPHKN aOiiF. Office, Hamilton's Ciirar htoro, address Tltus1lle, Pa Assistunt John van TlTugVILLI1!, CllfJBCII Hl'N AND VICINI TY 11. II TIIOMAts. Office and address, Jinn- slon Uou8, lltusvuie, ra. j MIAMHUKO AND VICINf-TY-OKOHOB IR VI N. Office, Bhamhiirg; residence, Tltusvllle, I'a Assistant. A A. VVes. - ' gNTKUPKISE PLf'AHANT tTILLK, BfeAN PA KM AND PlTIIOLr: W. GKO. VAN VLlliT. OiHee and address, Cnnse House, Pleas amvllle. Assistant, li. llitntlui!toii. TlDIOUT AND WEST IIH.R.UUI III Aft. CLAHK. Cilice and address, Kxp res OIUco, Tidi jute. Pa. Assistant, K. C llourdHley. PETROLEUM CBNTHh AND VICINrTY LEVI MASON Offlce and address. Petroleum Ccu re. Pa. A'sistant, Cl aries Illackford. I'A 1(11 AND BLOOD rAKM8aud District lylns n oil Crn"k and t'herry Hun. from Story Purm to IcCllntoekville .IA i ESSAUNDKHK. Address Inrr If.rm. PS. A.StStSntS. Luther B. Kl.UPdeM. Charles K. Cochran ai.d WTHan lloyt. MoCLIatTiiUKviistiis, on. lu i Ant' i.' tsti A, H. WV8T. Address, Oil City or Itet.o, I'a Asslstnaf, a. Mead , PKANiJuIN, ALONG THR At.LFOlir V V t'lv. EH 7. vt iLBKK Office and address, Fmi tt'J.i.l's SOHl'BG ASS, FUSTEIt FAHM I'A. I. 1 ' " LANDIN.r HICIIAT1D W. HKDPIKi.'i if. . andaddnaa- Mcrtib'Tass, fa Assistant, K. w i'. i. tcrfletd, address Enileutnn, Pa. WKST V1KUINIA C. D. ANQKL. soil T. r 0OOK. Adl'ress, Parkersbnrs;, West Vln I'.. Hoberts retrnletim Torpouu -.' uutyS-dlf OWEN GAFFNEY'S COLUMN. The Old I-staclisiiid LiquorHouse NO. 25 WASKINBTDN STREET, PETROLEUMCENTRE OWEN GAFFNEY, PROP'U, Fall Stock: OF ILIQTJOBS! THE HEAVIEST EVER OFFERED FOR " SALE ON OIL CREEK. ' Prices Lower .'i.i THAN EVER OFFERED ! i s -IS J Goods Sold at New York Prices, and WARHANT SD PURE ! ' : Casli " Frices ON ALL GOODS. -r Buy for Cash AND SAVE JIONEY. Ilennfsey Urandy, Martt-lle Brandy Hhine Wine, Mumm Wine, Brocton Wine, Sparklinsr Catawba Wine Ilammondsport Wine,, All ly the case. ALWAYS ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OF SUNDAY COWT! TO BE nAD AT ALL TIME?. tst- TV .f sf.iil tn five Wp J F lure (n . a call, uud if you want to WJ for i-, make tne an oiler ore ordering elsewhere. i No. 5 Wnahlnglon uec 1 P. w nCitr.,l's , f ll"'a