The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, February 27, 1871, Image 2

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fvom marka! prices on our
Winier I'nderwcar,
Custom Made Clothing,
.Hats and Caps,
AC., 40M
For tbe next Thirty Days !
Merchant Tailors!
l.ore Block, TltuvUIo,Pn.,
Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
I. (.'entre, mondey, Feb, 3T.
aawns U! u. V. & A. R. H
On and after Monday, Nov. 28th, 1870.
Fl. I ( itIll talisa ..a. - 1 1 ' "
-- "in iuu no lUliUWB.
NOKT1I No. 5. SO. S. RA. I.
Vave Irvine. . 12.01 fx 8 10pm
Leave Oil City 7.00 a . 2.45 r U. 7,iO r H
. ?'" '." " S,.1 8.30
" Tittisv. 8,.-;0 4.2J .i n,s
Arrive uorry, 10,00 6,67 10,38
BOtTB.t ko, 2. S(), 4;
Leave Corry, 11,05 am. 8.10 a
" Tltnsv. 12.40 p m. T,So
P. Cen. 1,27 - 8.19
Arrive O. City 2, 10 0,02
" Irvine. 4,60 " 11.40
6,15 pm
No. ft- and 6 ran on Sunday.
1,46 8,46 " i'w "
Po. 0. No. a No. 16. No. 14. No SO
.im.w .... .... 1,!P
, O.N.00 "
h i. .. . ""r."l".'n 're flfhr, leave. Oil
n.....: i. : r erroienm I'eriire 8,) n.
irr",.. ,r "-10" -nt4,40p ni.. arrive
LinZ', . .
V . id i. . " , OIPrl u-ttlnn.
Gold ut 1 p. m., in
bo Turni of Peace.
The oondittoua of. peaoe aeiiled betw-cn
G-rmaoy and Franoaare much more mod--rate
than the public have buen ld to ex
pect. The peounlary Indemnity oxaotert is
but three hundred and twenty sr.illiona 0t
h ilerii, or two hundred and flrty millione
in our money. On tbe Bluer hand, tbe
irr.l..ri,, indemnity i,0 i, no larger than
that which the Gorman, bare from tbe flrBt
r- 'l'ilr-d, ninly. (be wliule of AUace and
LurMno, Including the Important fortreaw.
f M-iz, Nanoy and BtraboHr. The
pride of the Freoobla al-o iptredlhehu,
mlUlion of the march of the German army I,r'. nd Ibe Gwrn-inj will
at one return to their own country by tbe
W"M OOUVeuieul routes.
A private dipatch Iroiu Parlttt' Land
ing y: A terrible boiliT explosion oc
ciired at Ihla place, about 5 o'clock yesier
day (Sunday), afternoon, at tbe Twilight
wum. uwqu oy Keru 4 Tllllnuhast. Chas
Tiillnghaitt and John Tacka were instantly
killed, and W. H. Kern badly .oalded..
The derrick and engine bouse were com
plt'Uly wreoued. i.
Latkb. Ancjher diipatob lay: Tilling,
bast's body thrown over two' hundred
feet down the hill by tbe lores of tba-explo-lon.
1'orMrtns or toe boiler, wy.q thrown
200 ysrJs.. The. explosion was caused by a
too i,lgn pressure of staam, Tiilingbast ie
ided iu Pitlaburgb.
, Tbe UiJhlugs-IJeinard nlih" Opara
Tronpn, numbering sixty-six people, passed
throutih.thls place yesterday morning, en
route from PltlsburKfa to Titusville.
The l?ru3i.Hnd cuuneied with .the Zio
Troupe livored our citizons.witb some tine
muaio this afternoon. They are rightly
tisruerl "Challenge Urana Band.".
A 1,"'lrph.it0 i, bmug put up from
UHont.oTau.vdle. It l,tlow. the line of
t'w l'. A T. ft. K. "
A career on lent orth.i YYinn-ti OdVr I
"T ssngulne ove r the prospected Watron
wmniy as on territory. nL. yn:
Then will our stnrdy oil nneratora snr
ion od top 01 toeir majestla derrick, and
loon (round for loms new Oil Dorado, pros
pectively far ahead of the once famous Pil.
note, or our own Battle Cllv. Warren
County at no distant day it denliovd to he
the Unnner Oil County of Pennsylvania.
Tbe next great excitersent will be between
Tldioute and Irvineton. where Mrs 15 mile
of undeveloped territory. The Mn
brothers are the pioneers in this new outlet
They have a wH dotro 380 feet, in the
neighborhood of York or Crippln Hill about
four tiillee back from tbe river. So far we
are told tbe find rock in excellent. We are
na oil smeller or Spiritualist, but any mau
visiting the territory named, must say
Ibe best pebble rock In olldoiu exists
I hue.
On behalf of tho M. E. Church, we deBire
to return sincere and hesrtv thanks to tbe
many friends who contributed to ths neea
of Ibe ' Mush and Milk Festival," on Friday
evening last. ' The members of Columbia
Cornet Band, the members and visitiniz
members of Petroleum Centre Lodge, No.
715, 1. O. O. F J. G. Cross, the eeuial.
gentlemanly host or tbe 'Central," and the
lauy assistants one and all, are especially
aeservtng orttmuks and we gratefully ac
knowledge their generosity.
M. E. IIkss. )
J. W. Tnoiipaos. Committee
JN. li. S1IILET. )
Mr. Iliigb Mair, of Sucar Grove. War
ren county, a friend of the soldier, has got
into "ilttio difficulties ' through bis intense
devotion to Ibe aforesaid soldiers, having
lorgeo several notes on prominent men of
Warren, to tbe amount of $2,500. He look
a soors cui ror flew l ork State as soon as
the evidences of his crime came to
Theatre. Out citizens shuuld bear In
mind that tbiseveolug Mad. Zoe, tbe beau
tiful Cuban sylph, with a full N. T. Dra
matic Company, composed of tbe finest-tal
ent In tbe theatrical profession, open at So
bers Opera House, for a threo night's en
gsgemeni. ibe performance this evening
will commence with the beautiful melrt.
dramalio and domeitlo play, written tx
pressly for her by Cbandos Fulton, Esq
entitled Nile: or. Woman's Constant.'
In which M'lle Zoe will appear in her irreai
character or Nita, the Ziogaru Girl." The
performance will conclude with the lanch
able farce of the "Speotre Bridegroom. "
v uuic ii, pre u ltuwuhu oouse.
Eleven years uo petroleum was unknown
as on article of utility. Now the total cap
ital invested in it. at home and abrnn.t i
$100,000 000. flf U'flfoh thto Amu.ln.n
capital is $7(1,000,090.
A goodly number of our citizens left town
this ai'iernooo to attend tbe English Opera
at Titusville.
The Deepest Hole is tub Wobld. We
clip the following from the Miuuri Repub
licans When we quit work, on tbe arleiuu
well near tbe inana aM lum, it was admit
ted that tbe bole was ttiu deepest hole in
the world. The St. Louis bole is now beat
en by one in the viciuity of Polndam, which
is mined to a depth ol more than 5,500 feet
Commenced with tbe intention of boring an
artesian well, it now serves a much more
interesting purpose. At a dentil of 300
feet a mighty stratum of rock salt was dis
covered, which has not vet been niereed en.
lirciy at Ibe immense depth of 5,500 feet,
Other b'ol-s, distant several hundred feet,
have been bored in order to ascertain tim
circumference of tbe salt bed, and every
where salt has been
struck at a depth of
about 300 feet.
Ten thousand acres of land In Fiii were
recently purchased by a Scotchman for six
A southern paper tells about "Tnplroi,
showing her tooth." Ob, pshaw 1 turkeys'
djjo't have teeth.
New Turk last weeklitte ied to sixteen
conoerts, at all of which a profit wus made
by tbe maiiasers.
Rich musio A million air.
Hard to beatA boiled egg.
TJpw to get tbe extct weight or a fish
Weigh bim in his own
Venezuela reports an uuundaut harvost
Of. indigo, cotloo and sugar . '
Tbe first ohureb orgau
waa.tu.Ut In 17911.
built in America
.They are having 'swim.mlng tournaments"
in Chicago.
The propped llag of, tue, new German
Empire i black, wlUle. ted and gold.
'The Old Man's Dijinfc Ajin," la. the
"lila of the Utaat tujpsrnca, ecqjj In.. San
Ii lit emu mi I y 1,'llved th it iron and
steel become tiritii. ly exposure to Irost,
and accident on raltroids in 0 ld wather
are often attributed to this o into. R icont
experiment made In Knglind go to show
that tbe idea is not well fo.indeil. ami thit
if there be any d Terence in elasticity in
metals at blab aod low temperature, It
is In favor of the latter. One lnvotioaior,
Mr. Spence, subjected some east Iron bars
to a trial of strength at GO degrees and at
zero, and found that tbe reduction of
temperniure, other thing being enual. in
creased their nower ol rainliknon. It is
urged, too, that quite as many breakings of
axles ttod rails occur iu summer as In win
tcr, and that the true cause of tbem Is
bad workmanship or methods ol manufac
The Hutchinson Family
are soon to give
concert at Oil City.
On Thursday night last a fire broke out
in tbe Curry wooden ware'manulactorr
but was extinguished In a short time by
the fiioruen and citizens. Loss about
Meaoville bus been enjoying the sensa
tion of a phantom masquerade, tbe partici
pants being attired In ghostly fashions.
All the ghosts of Meadville wero in attend
aoce, and the ghosts and the ghosteses
"danced all night till broad day light,"
and went borne highly pleased with the
ghostly entertainment,
A couple were married tbe other day in
PlainHeld, Otsego county, N. V., partook
of their wedding dinner in Wlnfield, Her
kimer county, took tea In Brldgewater,
Oneida county, and were all the time under
tbe same root. The bouse stands "across
tbe lines."
An exchange from Michigan is congratu
lating itselfand its readers that a neigh
bor started a Are with kerosene oil without
.osing anything but bis Suoflav clothes.
bair and part of bis nose and 'wbUkers.
Sharon will soou be lit with gas. A'lof
the stock having been taken, the works
will be commenced at ouce.
Toe Good Templars of Titusville cele
brate the 4ih I'Oiuversary of their lodge,
on the 13th prox.
The earuinus of the Alleahenv Vallev
K. R. for a year past were $1.C05, 033r
Expenses $873,032. Net receipts '$831,.
The Typographic Advertiser has the
following: "Concert Saloons Airline
Lightning Railway to Devildom Most di
rect route."
There are at preseo t tbirty.ona theatres
In Berlin.
There are
1.083 log sooool bouses lo
A yacht club on tie Lakes bas been form
cd at Buffalo.
73.000 borses were slaughtered and eaten
n Puris'durijig the siege.
Moss a.'ate of rare quality baa lately been
ouou near Heading.
Tiie rumor that the Pennsylvania rtonir.i
has bought the Union & Titusville Railroad
is denied.
Brick Pomeroy la to lecture at the Acad
emyot music, Oorry, in Marob, for tbe
benefit of Crosby Hose Company of that
A couptH or bmpire Line oil oars ran off
the Philadelphia & Erie railroad, near the
Atlantic & Great Western junction at Cor
ry, on FrMay night. No damage done.
Special trains will run over the O. C. it
A R. 11.. to-dav and to-mnrrnur far il.o
commodatlon of parties desiring to attend
the Loglish operas, at Titusville.'
Why is tbe limine nine like a DeacockT It's
nothing without Us tail.
Why is an. elupement
like an accideot?
It's miss-adventure.
Why is tbe world like a piano? Dinnu
it is full of sharps and flats. "
'Why am Intoxication like a wash bowl?
asuea oamoo. uase It am de-basin.
Mock modesty and codfish atistocranv
Is what ails sous people in Erie at pres
ent. , '
A Mandarin thinks more of bis wife's
feel loan ot ber face "the heathen Chi
nee." II IKHItll.
Crooks Ale xaxoe it. Feb. 23d, 1S71,
? ' , Ruberlsou, at the residence
i','" u'11' Ef1-i I'etrulenm Centre, Mr.
L Holt P. Crooks snd Miss Mngglo J.
Alexander, both of Cooperstown, Venango
county. Pa. . B
BIRDS The best Siuging and cheapest
Canary Birds in the oil regions are to bo
bad ai
, nov7-lf. j. w. BEiTTT'S.
S.VM. I'ettMnjill St Vn. .17
faik t(or, Nsiv Voik, and Geo. P. Kowell A C"..
Advertising Agents, ore the sole sgsnts ror the I's,
iroleuni Centre Daily Kkcobb Ii Unit oily. A6
vsrtlseis Insist city are rsqnesttal to leave thai
fa vera with either or Ine above hnne
jJTUangio: Baskets for sale at
ggj" Tea Servers for sale at
N ICUOL80N & Blackmon's.
m 1. 1. ... .. ln.,1.1 rualtlM Tnnn.
Swivels and Clamps cheap, can enquire of
nicuoisoo ,x a uvHiouu.
tltk. I .. a.,l,n,Uull A ..nfi at lha Tl
ville Book Bindery will be here next Tues-
.i -.ii.i. ,. I i.... - ... i r.
nay, auu "unci num. viuria may ne kii
at this I'Uioe. 124-21.
Kenyon'n Aew Uonblc Acting
Oil Pump f itr I'liinpiiig Oil or
AVlUer ill Deep Wells.
Kenjon's New Double Acting Oil Pump
! unUnnivlvH jpH In hA thai host ti I m n nnm
t r
In iiBe. One ot its leading features is that
it ooi oniy pronuces a coui snioim now oi
oil or other tliiid, but that It creates and
sustains a cotislunt and powerlul suction,
by means ol which the seams or veins of the
well are lo a great measure cleared of para
fine and other obstructions, snd ths oil in
the veins is drawn towards tbe well. It
bas been ascertained by actual test that the
U90 of this pump causes a gradually Increas
ing How ol oil. It Is well known by oil
operntore that this Improvement la of great
value, and one that bas been long sought
(or. Tue ablest mechanic of our country
have for years been at work trying to find
out some new and untried plan to prolong
the life time of an oil well; end nothing yet
lo or knowledge has been brought before
tbe piittlc that ia any way equals the power
ot tbe Kenyon Pump, experience having
.tauuht tt'u. it is tbe long continued stio
ion that has the power to keep up and m
creiise Ibe production cf oil well.. Oil
operators arn relerrei! t.i Mr. flpn. Ri,llin
Sutierintendent of the Columbia Farm, for
information in regard to tbe practical work
ings of the Kenyon Pump. We append tbe
following testimonial from the matlsgers of
me uoiuuinla r rm:
Ofpicb Colfmuia Oil Co.
tlumti! rT.rm Jam OB I
. n r? , ,
tun. u. iv. iEMOx:
Dear Sir: We are ming your .Donhle
Actin j Oil I'ttmpsln three ol our oil wells
and lake pleaeiirelu Slating that wears
getting more oil and gas Irom each of tbem
than was previously obtained by the use ol
nuiKiow; uarreis. no believe your oil pump
iu wv iuv urai id use.
Respectfully yours,
G W. Buultoh. Snn't
J. P. Bahcrokt. Mansger
ror iiinnFT par. icniars adilress H. K
Kenton, Petrtileuin Cenue. P. () box
- janSl
ToPurcliaBera of HiKer Sewlug Na-
cAiiiiua. tunuitoti:
All parties are hereby cautioned against
'MiiiiutiiuK nur our macDines except
through our duly authorized egents, as
Machines will not he omtrtitifijuii i. .
am cui -opuicna'eii. AIR. J. L,. Johnson
is our agent lor Petroleum Centre and Ti
clnily. ,
Tni PixoEit Maxcf'o Co.,
458 Broadway, New York,
NivrifB la herehv trlsen thi w- n r
Graves is my ogeut for Petroleum Centre
muu , iuiu ivjr.
j -- u. run,u Bin n 11 VJ
London porter especially or family use, by
uo uutfcin ur case. (
RUCasKIN GLOVES, 20 per cent be
low ost, at A. ALDt'N'S,
j!5 Jamestown Clothing Store.
filiv the "Ueil" SnflHlu i..,r,.inu
iii Tuna ville expressly for the oil country
!uui,m ,u an Kinua oi weatoer, at J. it.
ivrons. . al2-tf
' " -J 1 iiri 1 1 u u J i.
The Appy Concert!
Thursday Eve'g, March 2, 1671
The managers take pleasure In announc
ing tO Hie Citizens nf Pf,trnlu..m An,..
- - w.WkVUU V.Ukl, RUU
viotnity only . '.:
tlste-1""1 Wl" presenl ,tte ,0"owiB8 ar-
The far-famed and celebrated Violinist
The oturmiDg American Prlm n,.r,n a.
Tbe accomplished and pleasing VooallsL
The well known and favorite lyrlo Tenor.
The celebrated popular young Composer and
Pianist and Conductor.
Tickets of admission 60 cents, reserved
seats 25 cents extra, bad at Grilles
Bros. Drug Store, Doors open at 7 o'olock,
concert to commence at 8. feb24-6l.
A. U. of U.
fl ' TT TTT
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A.
meets every Monday evening at 7. o'clock.
in Odd Icllow's Hall, Peirpleum, Centre
Peon's. '
Jog. MOOBBKAD, 31. W.
A. Gr.csN, R..
Six Nights Only
Monday. March 6.
Opera Boufie
VILLA it DOBSON Managers.
S- H3 - VILL A
Do together with their Opers Bonffe, Bur.
lesque and Comedy Troupe, of 25 cirefuliy
selected artists snd Orchestra, on MONDAY
EVENING, MARCH TH. will be pn,
sented tbe highly successful Comio Operatin
Burlesque, with all the original music, oi-.
iglnal music, gorgeous eostumes, complete
appoinimeots, properties, Ac, eitiiled,
La-Belle jSauvage :.
Po-Ca-Ho n-Tas
Po-Ca-Hon-Tas with Banjo solo,
jWNrrL1 wit t inn
Captain John Smith,
Miss Jennie will appear in tbe FARCE of
PreeeUlsjg lbs Farce Minnie and Maud in.
their double Song and Dance.
lSntlre change of bill every night.
AdmiMlon 60 cents; Reserved Seats. 75.
cents. Reserved seats can be secured six
dayB in advuuee ut Griff-s Bros Drug Store.
fei'27-lw. 1JAURY MINKR, Ag'l.
ScbeFs Opera House i
Tuesday, Feb'y 28tfi,
Wedni'sday, March 1st.
The Cuban Sylph,
W. Y.Comp'ny
The Largest and Most Complete
uramatic iroupe in Exitst
ence. Monday. Feb. 27th,
The Gnat Sensational 'Ernmn In 4 acts, cstltltd
or. Woman's ( onstancv.
NITA, (a Zingara,) M'l.LE ZOB
Nionaei U'Day, Mr. J. T. rannm
Leo, Brother to Nita, Mr. W. H. Meeker
oTIIaSNQTH uf thb company.
Uudjcet of om!c Sonys!
ta i ti i vftxTI IS nt nnntynn
sitiss sticunici r lukciiiiv,
(la Cuaracter )
Tbs whets to conclude with
Screaming Farce!
In wblcb Miss ANN IK FANNIN and Mr. A,
W. GKEGOKY will appear.
Admission, SO Cta. Reserved! TS ct
Tlckfta for an l smt Griff .
Broi. lruf Btore.
DnonoimillnVWk. Parforraanee eomoiesc '-,
at 8 o'etoek. ...
Icb2w .FRANK ED WARDd, Age"'- i