I A LlIiLiV DISCOUNT kpm urn; Iced prioeaon oar EXT.'.SiVE STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING Wlaier Underwear, 6u ta Masla CltlMf , Hats and Caps 4C, IW ta next Thirty Dayi ! JMARLAND, SMITH 1 Co Merchant Tailors ! 1-oinBloclc, TltRtvllte.Pa., Petroleum Centre Daily Record, emu Centre, .Tiondar, Feb, 99, AUCAtlVAL DCPRATIICU Of n snu titer Monday, Nor. 2lb, 1870, tutlna Mill rnn -- I., 1 1 . ' ' A- . ... XORTW. t. i. K0, 8 so. 1 ! Irviea. 12.01 r u. 6,10 p M fceave Oil City 7,00 a u. 2.55 p a. 7.50 p M rei.veo 7,( 3,38 g 30 t. " Tiluev. I..10 4,24 912 " Arrive Corry, 1Q.0O ,&7, lo 38 " BTB. NO, I. no. 4. ko. 6. ave Curry, 11,09 am. 6,10 am. 6,15 p'm lliusv. 1Z.4U P M. 7.35 " P. Cen. 1,27 8.19 " AsriveO. City 2.10 9,02 Irvine. 4,50. 11.40 " 7,62 8.42 0,20. tST No, 6 nd 6 nn on Sundsy. FREIGHT Til ATS t NORTH. . ' ? No. II. Nr. 11. No. 15. No. t E Curtlii " M " 9,45 " AF FREIGHT. TRAINS SOUTH. ft. iJ?0- ,9, Ko- No- 11 No- e uor. j 5PM w'tS;? 2-2?. 85 ' AlXJ10,l lo.i i,S6 ' a.us T.od i.C,l,!5, ind p,trol'n t'ratre freight, leave Oil ty J.10 p. in , arrives at Petroleum Outre S.SO p. h ,n ' 4 express train. f. J ,t!iro?-$ "Woation, coHiecta it wry for Kast snu North. E stLvsn rLic tiEBpiso cass. o. - roet from Millsd-lonia without change, . 8-n rect to Philadelphia without changa? Co. 5 -Dirl from Htub.ir.rh without chuKe. !i: nC:J" fli'rturnh without changa. oaday, Nov. S s. 1870. eld at 1 p. Tbe til that caused lis fearful lou of life at ibe late New Hamburg disaster wai I-rlocipally crude, eud bad heea tblpped lien Ibe upper creek day or two' previous to tbe accident fur New York. Mesen. Lombard & Ayrei were part owoeri of tbe mount burned, though ia tbiir cum It wu tutored. Mcsh tXD Milk In ibuDdanM, will be fur Hir ed at tue 1 .nival to be gltSD lt he Cutral Houae, for tie beoofit of tbe M. E Church, ef tuia pl,Ce, on Friday Teuing' iAt. Come out and have a good old faaU luoed tltttB. Cite what ou nlM.,1 t n bcoit, TraaiVer, who win be a attend ance to receive all contrlbatiom. Cobry Sca-iMjL Compquitiok On are tent declamation day iu a Corry teieot cbool, a promliing youog Idea (hut off tbe u'JilueJ:. Our yallet hen hai broken her lei -U, Dover more ibu'il lay an egif, The) briudle cow bat gone plumb drr And alater Sal bat eat the pie, Tula airtb ii full of ain and aorrow: We're born to-dy and die to-morrow Wonder it, lb, edltor.of the Corry Blade flldu't bate a band la getting up the above? et a cneeae be did. Tbe am old ditcovery,of potroleum bat Been mail, Hilt time la liuckt County, . . . . jk a epeciei meetiug of the Tpung Men't ' Cbrlttitn Auociation of tbit place, will be brld at tbe Preabyteriaa Cburcb, at 7i o' clock tb It. evening. A lull attendance , it aroetuy requeeted. By order. A aew amort meat of lancy arllclea, tuoh at combe, brusbea, perrnmery, 4c., juat re- b.ivbu at urini-t Bros. Calvin , and exam, iae tbe ttook. Bav. C. U. Ileard, lrtnurly of tbia claoo. but now ttatloned at Ridgeway, Ulk euunty was the recipient of a dunatinn of $150, at i;.i'Wi on rnaay evening. ..1 TWTB!!.lim IN TUM Produutioh cm V8rRAii.TheChioaM Poet nl the 15th bat the flluwiog tntereallog article. Eaturday afteruooa, at tbe machine abppt of the III! noli Central RoJIrpad, a large number of oereolidand tcieatiOo citint wltneeted me workiutfi ol a vatent by which petro leum, It uttd at fuel for pioducing aleam Petroleum for tieam production bat been already. tucovMrully adopted in tbe Eait, and the advent ofj't ate for tbe tam.e pur pote in the Weal mutt mark a rery dvci- kea era In,, mcsbanlct. Tbe advaolaget claimed for it over eoal are. 1. Much greater power from tbe tame boiler capacity., Mr. Ilvlton, tbe matter it the II lluoii Central thopi, Hated on Satur day afternoon, that bo could obtain more ateam from one boiler with petroleum or 'fuel than from two bollert fed by ooaL 2. Lett labor h required In managing macbleery for the eootumptlon of petro leum thtu under tbe uld method of the uie of coil. 3. Greater eveaoeaa la rnnniug, clem lineit In tbe turroundingt of tbe machine ry, and In the pertonol hebiU of the em ployee!. 4. Petroleum aalvellia laving o( fifty per cent, over the ezpeote of eoal. . Tbe application of tbe principle, with Whipple & Dickineon't machine, to tbe lo comotive! of the road, it under cootldera- tion, nod tbe difficulty witi be merely of mechanical detail. Fire-biiee, cindert, and imoke will ditappear, and oeatutit with in the cart will be accompanied by leiiex penie aud cheaper fare, let ut hope, with out. Ths Appt Concert On tbe 2d day of March tbe Appy Concert are to give one grand concert at Sobel'i Opera House, and a ilcb muiical treat ie In ttoie for oar peo ple. Tbe troupe it cumpoied of artista of the very hig belt order of talent, and their entertainmenti bave bevn univereally well jeceivedl The ti lecllonof plecen for the occaiioa compriaet tome of it be cboiceat operatic aod otb. r music. Tbe fullowiog ii irom tbe buffalo Commercial: Most of our mutlo loving readers will re- cogDl ia tbe name of Ileorl Appy, one ol oe lew maiteri of that wonderful instru ment, tbe violin. Mr. Appy't wbole lite as violin player hat been a constant luccest! At the age of 13 be bad tbe highest honor of hit country conferred upon him, viz: tbatof'iolo violinist to tbeKingof Hoi land," and be now puuesse? a reputation both in Europe and in tbia country ot which be may well be proud. It will be remem bered by many tbat.Mr. Appy wai the tslo violinist with JennyLiud when the gave her farewell concert in tbii country. To-morraw evening tbe last of the series of tcctal bopt will be held at tbe Oil Ex change Hotel. We have frequently bad occasion to mention these social partiet at being tbe beat of the teatoo. Mioe boat Johnson not on I v tnowe how to keen a hotel, but understands tbe beat methods of entertaiaing bli gueatt aa tbete partiea bear evidence to. We predict a large , attend ance to-morrow evening of tbe elite and faahion oi tbe place, aod leel aafe ia saying that anold fashioned eocial time will be had. A fire on tbe Smith farm, on Friday, de stroyed tbe boute ot a Mrt. ' Staitb, and came near burning up her three imall cbil- ren. Fire is supposed to have originated from children playing at tbe stove. Tbe office ol Cornen & Been was laved with tbe linoat difficulty. A diapatoh from Poughkeepale, dated Feb. 19, aajs: E. B. Lowe, the New Tork diver, made descent at tbe wreck thit lore noon, aod brought up the boblet or Doc Simmons, engineer of the express train, and tbe atranger engineer, who was on the en gine wltb blm. From papert aod lutteYa found upon the person of tbe latter hit nam Is ascertained to be Ja met Humpbrle, of carmansviue, ft. Tbe lower part of nis ooay was badly mutilatud. Tbe. body of Doc Simmooi did not tppear to be much hurt. There waa a cut under hit right ear and In tbe aide, and one on bit chin, neith er of them visible when taken from the wa ter, bat discovered when tbe body waa washed. The rematna were both neatl nor. fined this afternoon, when tbe under ;aker'i roam waa thrown open to the publlo, and throngs of men and women and children filed by tbe coffins. Tbe bodies will be tak en to Nejr Tork St tbe morning. Tbit mtket twenty-two bodies la all that have been recovered, and it it thought there It no more. To-morrow the diver will make asT other descent to bring up, If .possible, the sunken baggage and express matter. Fleasaotville It looklog up. A fifteen btrrel well wai reoently ttruck oc the Arm troog farm. The Legislature adjourned on Friday last fat nine days, in observance of tt I2d 0r ebru.ry, Washington's biitbday. waywaani aiiefye wssaayny ' Lkkt Tbe season of Leal commences on Ash Wednesday, February 22d, and it the trst of tbe fory dtyt of fasting observed by tbe Episcopal aod Roman Catbolio cburnhes before Busier, in eommemortlua of onr Sivlour'a fasting iu the Wildernett. Tbe niDia comet from tbe Saxon leng. (spring,) from tne time of the year in wbich it la ob served. Tbe observance it of great anti quity, for from tbe early agei of Cbriati aoi ty it bat been usual to set alide (tome time tor special exercises just before Enter. At first it extended only to forty hours, tbeu to thirty -tlx days; and, io the 9lb century four days were added. One authority tayi Lent was Instituted about tbe year 139 ia refer, euceto the mireculoui fasts of Moses and Elijah, and that of the Saviour, already tneutiooed. Ashel were placed on tbe beads of penitent!. Flesh was , foibiddeo and at tlmei tbe Interdiction extended to eggi, milk and wioe. After the Litany the Communion service U Ibfidny said lo church. Atb Wednesday ii preceded by Shrove Tueseay. In Roman Catholic countries it waa once compulsory upon the people lo confers their tint, and be thriven, by the prieif on tbit day. A barbatout custom was prevalent at one period that, of throwing ttickt or itooet at cocks; aod cock-fighting wai common In England until prohibited by Act of Parliament Tbe earliest day on wbich Shrove Tueadayl.eaa faff la- any year la Febtoary 3, and tbe lateat Msrchv 9tb, It occurs tbit year en tbe 21st lost. A 4,Whalrb." Professor Guanlng de livered a lecture tbe other day In Hammond Hall, Philadelphia, la wblcb be advanced a new theory in reference to tbe origin of petroleum. Hit Idea appear! to be, that tbe myriad of wbalei which are now defunct mult bave bad blubber uclesi the auubeams acting upon It at Ibe bottom of the sea did not convert It into petroleum T In reply lo bit mast extraordinary theory, we would suggest, that tbe only blubber wbale who bat anything to do.wUb petroleum ia most lik sly above ground, and wbea noted on by the moonbeams, it spouts In Uarnoulal Hall Pbiladelpbia.-Htld. Tbe new well on tbe Baker farm adjoin iogjthe Henderson farm near Tidioute, In now producing 120 barrels a day. Tbe daily production of tbe West Hickory district is 1.61 3 barrels per day, and of Tidioute 860 barrels. Tbe Oil Reporter for tbe Northwestern Independent, invariably tpells barrels with two I's, wo should lay be it an -1 ot a fel low, i , . The East Brady Independent of the 101b Inst. lays. A atrange kind of rock some what resembling cryatalite or qiartzand studded with small particles of lead col or and specks of gllstf n.:ng different bned minerals, were taken from tbe Templeton Jc Foster well one day last week. A beau tiful apecimea U in poasession of Mr. P. Templeton, and it is well worthy of no tice. Excursion trains wilt run from both Corry and Oil City lo Titttsrille, on the 27tb and 28tu Insts., for the accommodation of per sons desirous of attending the Rlpbiugs- Bernard English Opera Troupe Concert. The trial of James. Austin, indicted for shooting Wilson Walters at East Brady, resulting in the death of tbe latter, waa concluded at Clarion on Saturday last, by veratci oi guilty oi invoiuntsrp man slaughter. He was sentenced to underts imprisonment, ia tbe county jail eight months, and pay a fine of two hundred dol lars. v Tbe, Lawrencebnrg lodependent says: Tbe Methodists dnriog their protracted meeting, woicb Is still progressing In Law rencebnrg, have brought forward to tbe mourner's bench a Urge nurnhnr of per sonsmany of known respectability and among tbe number somo of the hardest cases In tbe oil region. Hons thev will effect an Improvement on tbe morals of all. A destructive fire escurred at Buffa'.o.yea- terday morning, by which $50,000 worth of proporty was destroyed. A fellow convicted in the Clarion countv court last week, of two charges of violating .us w, io regara to tbe sale of liquor, blandly requested tbe judge to suspend sen tence for a few days till be could get mar ried, as he fearedliU "girl" wouldn't have him alter be bad been In jail. Hli request was granted. Slipknots Divorces. To keep dry Live on oodtMn. Tbe poor man's story Tbe garret, BIRDS. The best Singing and cheapest Canary Birds in , the. eil regions are to be bad at nov7-tf. - . , J. W. BEiTTY'S. Ewt Cigars In town st Qrlffes Bros. jlM-nl AOtlfMSt. 8. M l'cttCBlill fc Ji. OT Paik New York, aa Geo. P. Newell A On. Advartiitna Agents, are the sola agente lur ibe Fa, irulcuai centre Dailt Kxooaa In that oliy. Atf vaitiawl In that city sit repeated to have tad ftvora wltb either ol tne above boaiet Kcnum'a Krw Double Actlaw Oil Pump fur t'uiupiiig Oil or wuieriuiivip wt-iM. Kenyoo's New Double Acting Oil Pump la acknowledged to be tbe best pump now In use. One ot its leading features la that It not only produces a ooul.tjuou tluw of oil or other. Utiltl, but that it create! and sustain! a constant and powerful suclioo by means ol wbich Ibe leums or veins of Ibe well are In a ureal measure cleared ef para fine and other obstructi ons, and tbe oil in tbe veins is drawn toward! the well. It baa been ascertained by actual lest that Ibe use of tbia pump causes a gradually Increas ing; How ot oil. Ia It well kuowu by oil operatote that this Improvement la of great value, and one that bas been limn sought for. Theabl.'st mechanics of our country have for years been at work trying to ttntl out wale new and untrleii tiian la prolong. tbe life lime of an oil wi ll; and uaibiag yet lo our knowledge bat been brought before tbe pul l c tbal In any way equals tbe power ot the Keoyon Punipr experience having taught tuat It is Ibe long continued suc tion tbat bas Ibe power to keep up and in ereaae tbe production of oil wells. Oil operators are referred to M r. Geo. Bonlton, Superintendent of the Columbia Farm, for information In regard to tbe practical work' Ings of the Kenyon Pump. We append the following testimonial from the tnadegert of tue vutuuioia rerm: Ofpicb CoLrMitiA Or i, Co. t Columbia Farm, Jan, 21. ' f Mr. H. K. Ksinyon: Dear Sir: We are using your (Double Acting Oil Pumpa In three ol our oil wells and take pleasure in Haling Ibat we are getting more oil and ga trim each of tketn than wai previously obtained by tbe use ol working barrels. We believe yoar oil pump hi hv u ueai to uae. Respectfully yours, G W. Boi'I.tox, Ian" J. P; BiltCRQKT. Manager rur lurtoer Dan iciiiai-a aatiraa h. bl Kkntox. Petioleum Centra. P. O. hux ' JanSl COOOASVlUr Ask no woman her aire. Never loke with a widow. Mover contradict a man tbal etu iters. Be 'civil to all rich nncle.end aunts. Wear your oldest ha r ot course to an evening party. Always sit nest Is tbe carver at dinner, rwaep your own Morels. Tell no human being you dye your wh la sers, wind up your conduct like a watch one ever day, examine lolautely whether you are last" or '-alow.'1 Make friends run tbe steward on board a steamer. there's no knowlnc how anon von nui ha in bit power. Write not one more letter man you can help; the man wbe keeps up a iui Lurmpiiimence is a marir, lied, net to Ibe stake, but lo the nost But tb beat advite we can give to Ibe reader is, tbal fee should buy h s clothing al the store of A. Aiuen. Washington Mreet, Petroleum Cen tre, ra. Tbe stock ol readv tntde cloth inn at this bouse is the largest and cheapest io uirciij. ue naa aise a large assortment ofclofis, cassiiiieret, ele.. and is prepared u lunae upauiia m tne neatest manner nn. Kinable He has also a full line of tret llemeu's (furnishing goods. Tbit is one of tne oest and cheapest stores In the city. Buy tbe "fieri Hot" Saddle, manufactured In Titnt ville expressly for the oil country aaupiea to an Kliiut ol weather, al J. M. Kroos. aia-tt A full variety of Skates, at N il'holsok A BLantMOw!, We bave a full assortment of Skates. NICUOL80H.& liljACIUOM. ToPwrehaeere ot UiiisjerSewIng Ha. cniueai sjttnuoul All parties are hereby cautioned against purchasing any. of our Mucbines except through our duly authorized agents, as Machines will not be guaranteed by ua tbal are cot so pmohasH. Mr. J. L. Johnsox is our agent for Petroleum Ceutre and vl ciuily. Tki Sinsrr Mi.cr'o Co., 458 Broadway, New York. NoTtcn la hereby given tbat Mr. D. C. Graves it my agent for Petroleum Centre and vioinity. J. L. JoHNioaY Gnffney has a ItrgH lot of scotch ale aod London porter especially or family use, by tbe bottle or case Bronzes, Opera Glasses, Freueb Clocks, Fans, Fine London leather goods, at IsuaM's, Tlloivllle. CODINGTON FURNISH ALL At Very Lo GAXLi AN1 SEE OLD S FetroienmCeau;aft., fet. lTif. NEW ADVKRT1SMESTS. WANTED. .A Dining Boom girl and 10 do genera! housework. Highest wages paid it aupll. vahl suits. Apply to 118-lw. Mae. Craw. Wild Oat Run II now pretiafc d to esnrate BRICK awn BON WOHK IN ALL 1T Btt7Nclitrt, a4 wsrrants to give Mt'stMitioa FL VsmHlNO doac to order. BltKJK cm Mlhe ul np. aim.. BUCK and UMs cvn.un.. ly on hand ana (r sala 3T Kesld. niw on Reeart Farm. FM OQaa AuurMSj fetroleum I'auisa, Ira. Vive Bie a call leulllut. OAKFOttV'i Keif llat and Cap Store, 8iNTa DRNlniNO COOD8, PHILA, NEW YORK AND BOSTON STTLJfl. The oulyalac wb.re Has at Blocked and Irene. 3c. W. Oak ford, . - . - Fractlrnl Batter. Tnt Block, Sleicaiie ac4 M.rtli. str.-. ts. feblflui. Tt ll'SVILI.K, PA, Parlor and CHAMBER SUITS, Harblc Top Tables,. avdaUkuStef FURNITURE AtH.Oe Jarvite' 1- io wAmiNf)Tmr. Fetroleun Ceatn. Feb. It. 1871. tf. Crockery, v Crockery, Lairg jawortment new ttylm. jiast rvesurtu SCHONBLOM'S. Next door to Record Office. WAR DECLARED On niSh Prices! at Ike Old Stand of J. S. Prather, MAlJf. ey tne new arm, R1. V. B; F I S H E R, Who Intoads kaeptag ap a heavy stock ef GROCERIES & PROVISIONS FLuUR, FRUIT, VEGETABLES, an4 la fart .very kla4 ef goads usually kept as GROCERY STORE. 1 have a lenai on the rul mnA miu h.iiwm UmJ. IRK OF OUAKGE. &AII I ask Is a IWtr trial anA mm .!. it.. of my slock. Give me a call. M v. B. t ISHKar PetrlenmCeBtre. Ha., July n tr ' Best Sefioed Oil 20 eents per gallon, at deelfi-tf. J. RcTsiRPoRa'a, . Chautauqua Lake 1'Ickerei. At tbe New York Meat Market. We bave on band and are ia constant receipt of . irean ricaerei irom woantaiiqiia i.uks. Janll-tf H. A W. Parxrkv Beit Refined Oil 20 eenti per gallon, at Ruvukupurm Having added to my large stock. I am now ready to snnnlv fccotcb Whiskv, Jamai ca Rum and all other imported goodt at new 1 om prices. BOVlil-tr. UWKN uAPrNXT Beat .Refined Oil 20 oenta per gallon, at J. Ruthkrpord's. i CORNWALL GRADES OF west Rates. TI-IEl'.A.T THE; TAND.