r fjtaMrTf1 Tin? uobeui FETBSLEU.TI IQHPEL'3 CI .Office at tli Hal) I'LA .MU J2 I L L , VorUcr of fine nud Second Streets, .Neur i tie ISallritn J,) TITIJSVILLE, PA. ttolna to the laive and Im jretwlnj: dennml for tho Jiebene' JVirped ., uud the i.'e decision of the - ituminlMMHir uf PATntji If. -!. i it-. u...... . pa.nt. a:id laedvW innf Jadc V. O ouereiia- lnni:.,j Ik imbstie' I' itent they lave r tiMi prion n their Toipcdoie ri'ifBXi'ifl'KIt CENT. enlbat ft-tv Operator cin aflurd ivttf a Torpedo tefrtte uraudoiuiig Will. The fn.lowlna I the derision rendered by Jn'l-o ViSh'r.0re .t";.' r"'l:-;'- M) day of .e.:te,nler, Thec-ifu v.ar aryucd ttirttctuvit by i'lir.M . ... iuim, 1. w Ijuni UIIU r-l. a vuun. of 1-iiwiitimu. for defindaiiisT .H u,.,. . Pur Grimes Bros. j UUG3, pun) auJ of Ike lineal quality. DIClNES All the Reunion Patent i'i am d other Medicine. TITTSVILLD ADVTJKTbEMKNTM. 1?10, ' $10, $10 BUYS A BUYS A ijERKUMEKT The richent nil ' rooal 1 frvr-iiil (iermun, French and Ameri can rriunieries. TOILET AKTICLKS such as Brushes. Com!. Looking GUms, Powders, Nail and Tootu Bru.uea, &c Jam-dim; of lMiliaipha, and Uauifca: u. Ih.iaiy.lf r'ltUuut.jb. fp i J u unit D " OPINION OP JrjDGB GRIEU. A. I write with dlillcolty I can only state the con cluaioua to wbh-b my inind Iih com after a carem aiAUumitlon of this case; The com ilsinant lute exhibited a patent dated iioiti of April, IK. Tl.lt Is prima facie evidence ot IMud miu, nud puts on the respondent the bur deu of prO'if .it i ho patent Ik tuid or wonlilm. I Leoj not repiai my remnrkn In the mm of iiood yntti. DaMU W'ull. V. U Heps aviij hut nuw wtopt thorn aU'or Jim a rulo oi decialuu which an llt I'ltarly to the pretwnt an. Aa tbn iulriiigciiiont ortliu patent l aJinlltHd, the only qiiMlion will be n. to tha valid.ty ot com' jilalnani patent of April , lis.V). It ) afior apivuijtlou hud been reduced to pmcike," aud alter iepi.ij xiwrlme its, that the voiuplallMiH auoi-enM in oven-umliy he prejuuh ii oaianoraaceof tuapvopla on the aulifcct, nml I e.njadliilt tho pnhllc thai hU inveutlnn v.w nsenil: ftr he iLuluauhlMlii-d in re,t utility uud vlue. wid "wiiea hu ejuuiu,. and patient pemcveraoce, 'a pile ol wieera and acoil'.,' wtre ci"np!it"!y ertrful, that ldd, ho hadiiiilbro nude oxp-rt-jnea nu the:iuieil.jo.t, and wim niiMHTenffiii, lio ii.-mea tntt he bid the hot tiht t.itheiu.tnlKill iod after pn.'CliaiiiiK ouo or moni on nplamatit tor liadoen. he anolied un th 1st of Nuu-inuur, ISIm. S ir a Mtent tor aulutaiitially tho n.nnu c.imliina tiou. wl def icei" and ea. liiuc ciniained in ci.miiiaiu aut'a patent. On the luth or Uie aniuo inoniii the rwijlidentforiiioath9nnolvcsintoa romiMiiy or cmpu.'.ulou utiled " The KueJ Torotdo Cumpanv." forihe par;).,. of pirating tho crtiuplainaui'a -in-Tontidii, ami iippuniiu t'ie expausu or lltimtlun. a-id trm d-.-lru.iJ him of the iruitn. They h ive iwr on ml. oten hi.t the preiimlnarr lujuuctiou vwy pri jealy i!i.ia'.el hv the l)i-lngi ,lud;e. Let ti dr.Tii be entered fWeoniplaiu int for a per potn.ll ilililoi 'ion. ai d a Alastcr npixihitad lo Ulie au accouut aocordin to theornvrofthe bill. H. C. GlilJiK, Ju.lge. Kots The panwga referred t bv .ludpo Crier In Ola furmer dut:'on, y Wallace, p. 211 adopted ae ftpp liMble lu U.H tfiuj waa ae iilnw: ' 'It in uU4iiy thu eafce, when un;- valtmble di?cov aj in aimie. or any le.-w machine of l'i" ill 11 i ii v i luTiniea. tiiat tiieaiteutiuii of ilie public l..i, boin turn. J to Hi it subjeet p.-ev ouly. and Hut nm, y perKina li ive Iwcu making nmearchva nud cxiierl Ii.anl. 1'hiloo pntra nun imeh iinci.iua mnv l'nvi ir.auiuenaasiireniiiic:iput,d in tiieir up. eiiintion Hie x.iii:ilty or proiuuihry (,f mi. h di.covrv m in.cnuu s miuv cxpnmouta have t.ei. u:cifitl iy Hied, coming veiy near, yei I'nilinj short it the doidred rjbillt. Tney have prmliiced noiliin ben. ltc al. '4h l.ivcnihai wnwi lairrected may truly he iid to belhci culnniiaiiu?; pn.ut of many expert. men 11, nut only by toe inventor, but by many oth .i I'ecmyhav, pro!ltd indircjily bv theun-iic-ce.Hinl cxperimeutii ami failurea of oilier", but ii ive'.he:u no riifhl to cia.m a ehnreol the hi nor ol I toproillof the auu-friftll iiiv..,ilr II ..,1, pttulaiion hai bueu reduced to practice, trlion ox peihut ut ha reauitud in dim overv nud win 11 thin uiuovi:iy ha Iwn perfected hy ",.nient nn'i enu'lii lied experimouti. when noma neiv coiupo iml, art, mau! itlme. or maeiiiuu ha benn ttiti- pmdiiceil whicnU inclulto tliepiiiillctlitttliepnrtvumUiiiirll beeoimnKpuhlicb u-l'aetor anj miitiedtn patent "And et when it.jniui and paitent iwrieveniBc have at longth sites. edv.l, in s.il e oraurer ami rcoffn. a'HTio vhIu.iOI Inveulii.ii or filsco -oiy, hou aiidont is it foUoncl bv r.iward I Kmy ro0 liini of tuc honor, while iicriih,tor, nwlnjloie, and pi rulee rob liiin of the proilt. Kvery i!nueceertil oxiKiriiornter who did or did or did not rome very near niakiiiK a diaenrery no ilnim.i It. Jivcry 0113 wlin can Invent an Improvement or varv itj form clalnw a right to pirate the oriL-innl disciwry. We ii'ieil uot naiumons viofao, or lll'iuehard. or Wood worth to prove tuat thin i tiio usuai history of eve ry itreat uiaeovery or Invenfion. "Tho preaem case uana another chapter to thin Ions and nultjrm uiator." 2 Wallace. C. U n Vorup. tlti. CAVfSOaV. ThepttbUcIa aattoniM acamU onploitie any W the reiin.irl auorir.ed Aponla of the Compa M,.loeotHeKot)ert l'atont eorer tiio nsoof the 'iurpa-ioandjilexploaWemnrhla for oil well. mi MM IIIA Ul III.' 1 maln.1.1 "7"" 5 hifrlWent of tin? Z In Ciueliw any ol thu UOHRitTA 1'ATKntS lw dealt with accord in to Irw, an., an actinic wi.lfn.1v ami kmiwiiifly lu ckfluie of law aud tkZ ducinlons Hi i no l ukii w Toe Con.iJ.iny liarn renrmlscd ticlr rui&'tiws wtth a viw rorict'Onimi.ilR.ii (til i. i- ... ...... p! tltoil lUgiuu. 'liu'vtiftvo emploMl tue moht ui't(;nt A''uii am! AHi.-mit thai can bi) jiroeuntl HU uw -H-.il..-.. a '.'rY I' lUlM-IIP'I Willi ...... ...a i'i.ui me ior- littau. nnJ n.'iiuu by flu atticr of the Coinpiny. bo ftVt-rv Oiii'mtnr wtrt.ilut? a. '1'ortn it.. nt.u l-...... i. prloj Had whuclier It nmiie fniu oui ollld. ('pe-titorrt will omlur n favor by rt-purting to thlf Otflce any n'U'iiee of AtiMit. 'Ph Cnil.iurln a...-.,.... I.-..- 1 . 1 Anonu and Atltont A-.'i.. Ut tUe Oil itouloiih nt PaannMvlviiiA and U'ii Vrti-in.j I.IST OF AO EATS. TiTnsvti.i.n, ennten new and vic-ini TY STEHIBN ..ut.tr. niUoo, llainilion'a t'lgir-r-ioru, addrcaa Tltuavillo, Pa - Ai.il.taut John Van ecnver. vu'USVILT.rs. fiiuitt'll run Attn virrvi TV H. It 'IIKIMAS. Oilico and addreaa, Man ion UnuM), 'llinnvllie, Va. hUAMHUKU Aril) VICINITY GBOIIOE lib !' uiaco, Dnnniiiari!; resldeuro, I'llu.ville, 1 Anlnaul. A A. We"'. KNTKIIPKISB rf.AASTv-fl,I.K. BEAN FAUM ANll PrtHOI.S W. OEO. VAN Vbir.i. ina- ana aaoioaa, iinnaa liouio, Plea, amvtlle. AaeMuut, II. O. HnntliiL'tiin. TIUIODT ANll WEST IIIOKOHY CI1 AS. CLAHK. Office and aidreea, Cxp e4 umco Tidi ome. I'a A-.letaut. K O Ueardiilev. PKTlttH.KU.tl I KSTliH, ANO VICrXlTT I.BVl MAMJN Olnonandaildree. Petroleum Con tie. Pa. A!'tant. liharlce ni u kford. TAItK AND lll.'IOI) KAlt.MH and District lying on (HI t'roek and Cherry linn, from Story a'nrm to MeOlintockvllla J A 'iKSSAUNDHKH. TALL PAPER W Invite Inapi-c'lon ' of onr v' v large afaortuient of Wall Papers' and Window tinadee. AMP CI1I1INIE3 of puro flint glufa. 'IXES AND LIQUORS Pure anil tin- adulterated, lor medicinal purposes. CIGAR3 Thereit no Hock In town that enuaU the brand! ol Cigars nd To- aaccos lold by us. PRESCRIPTIONS Tbe Pn-ronjitiot e. pur ment ia conducted by an extieri enecd Dm irist nnd particular nttemlim U given to the careful compounding of Pre .crip lions. 1ST" All the above articles and manv more too numerous to mention you will find at GrMes rBros.3 Washington trecf. ? Patrnltaan Cntre, (Sncceeior tto A. T. Leggit',; ( M .a.iruitarer a:i'!j Dealer in SiiSl iSfA tU aitMal tat fin Ssed Bags, Valve Cups, &r Kxnerloncd worltmen are emnW'd. an'l t'ai u'va of all kind.- kept cuitaiit;y ou band'and madt Ad're tiauiidera. 'I flrr Kiirm. Pa. Aael.lant. I.lilher B. Chrl tt. Ooi-hran aid Wi'Paie llovt. Mo''LINIll.1KVlLl.B, Oil. CITY AND TUN a. c. Addrsu, on uiv or lleno, 1' Astlslarf. as. Mead KKAXa.t.lN, ALONOTnW Al.LFGriRNYKlV. BK 7. Wll.rl'H Oiil-n md ad.lren., Krnuklin.P- WOKIMUt.'Atw, Y eTKIt fAIHI ,t PA.IKK C I.NiIN l liltltlAKI) W. HKIiKlKI.n. liffl ram adiln n H rulurnw, 1 a AiaMaut, 11. W l ot tu.ueiu, iiiii'iian i i in uie'i, ' a. "TMHillNh-C l. AKOfl. w T. taUUR, Adona. I'Areiniii.rir. Ww V'ruinia. Cco&ingStove 'WITH FOUir wirnroutt BOJIER HOLES G01LER 0lS AND A AND A Largo Oven. Large Oven. Call ard we'll Show it Call and we'll b'ell it I Oil 1ES DOLLAE.s , A.t Ames'. TITtSVUil.KPA Great Reduction ! IN STOVES IJiD TLWriRE, AT AMES'. , THE "PElvRLESS" IS STILL Without v HI -til , : tha Hovo Mnrkt-t. nrVieliaTe n uced ae price of ih a favoiiie alova ten per cent., . . It witliin the leath of all. Wehav. also on hand twea'j -live differoU varie ties ot BOOKING S.OVrs, To'whlch we Invll. the attentloa nf pnrc'.aer. Our piliw i- Ii! Im- found lower than e.er. livery aiovo wanauleil Call and ai o ua. order. INti SEW HARNESS, DOUBLE! AND SINGLE, on hand at rem nimble rati. I'a C. llciuz'M IMt. ?ccd-Sas t or Mil. FANCY AND HOPSR Hf.ANKHTS IX LAliO- yUAN ITITIii Thui-o ia uo superior VALVE CUP Mniic, thaa the one made In mv shoi, and thoy ill be eoioat $13 per nuuurcd or wiceiiia a t. Hlalu-St., bolow tl.e McCIIntock .aonaii. Pctrolentn Centre, 1"A., Nov,, 17,-tf, m T. M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALt STABLES ! M tl.s Dopot, t.pposite tin tcntral I.uuse, KTROLliUM CENTRE PA "m C. S WIL .A MS, DEALER Jt, 11IE bet Stock of DMIVING AND SADDLE lltiHSr.S ou the Creek, uro to bo found at 'Donald's liivery. HuHaiAGSS 1 GUTTERS Tfl n LET AT ALL TIMES. FEU & BOAttDEU en Reasonable Torma. L iuiiln of all kmh at trudt'd to Proaiptly. nrOlvameacall. . I Petroleum Centre, Nov. 18Ba GENERAL MACHINISTS at d Dealer, in all ktnda of WELliTOOLSJc Necessary Icr pottlmj down and operating OP ''I1"- I" ennnnetion with onr MAC'lilNB bllOP we have a laryc and convenient BLACKSMITH Sn0P. fnr facllltlea for JIANrPACTJHiNG' are not ex celled by any Shop Id tbe Oil HeBl.,s ,n0t " top M.iin.si,oprmltt HTcdlinlnek Zonst ymt FPnnrt anoh'iis Nicholson & lilackmim re Ridlitie Cook- raa a 4eJfW7 OF ALL KIXPS. Office and Yal d cA end of Boyd Farm Bridge. a FREE PASSAGE TO TEAM3 OVER TUK BRIDGE. H 0 H ISHAM & CO, Titiiaviilc, ia. XEW AND BE UT1FJL STYLES OF WafGhes and Jewelry, ( Amcrirjiii, F.ng lili anij Swiss make.) Sterling Silver iff , re, tfilvf r Plated War , f)f all irrailc, unlqu -dealun. lu SIL VKU. oajiecin ly ad.ipied foi prisjute souDiioj.ntUAi.Ns, JKvVM.iiY, - Pls'pni.s, lihvtu.vrps. FIKIIINJTCKLK. ,Hi--M IHNils c., c. lartlcnlarniien'ionuiven lo retiair Iiik Ann watchiw and jewo ry b a competent workman. Tri'v?!"!"'""'0 ,nro tTI Tl bMI.I.h Sprni! atreet. m-MHVllHH TUB rr.ACP, entre street nev rt eir wimi of the, P A. Telegraph Office. Oil Cily, I'a limcos&GiljTj Chestnut Silen. Street, EWII.G MACHIHEH y ft S M Blouse !'or k. A desirible Tlonae forcale. sltit ,t d rn the Fe bait fi rm Filled in with eveiy -: i-hIhto i., laniliv ii -e A mre barg ini- elf re,i. ' Flir rur tior p riuaiar euqiilM t tha .Jaaomi Wiahitu JeuMf (Philadelphia. " I give my hearty preferenc to tho Willoox & GiuU Silent &jwitijr Machine." 'ANrr FiutM. " The weight of reliable evidence being overwhelming for that of theWillcox A Gibbt Silent Sowing Machine, I decided upon it, procured it, ono! am more than mliritd." GBACa GKEKJfWOOD. " I have the Wheeler A Wilaon. the Groter A Baker, and the Willcox & Gibbi Pewing Machines ia my family. I use the Willcox & Gibba moat frequently, tlr.uking it lat superior to either of the cthcri." MlW. IiK.NllY Vl AKD BEECHBB. " My wife would not accept a Sewing Machine of any other patent ca o fifl, if the must receive it on condition of giving up the Willcox & Gibba." Carboadala, Fax " The Willcox 4 Gibba ia the only Sewing Machine whose working is so sure and simple that I could venture to introduce it into Syria." Eev. A. T. Pratt, I. Missionary American Board. " We have used various Sewing Machine within our family, but it is the unant'mow opinion of the household, that the Willcox & Gibba ia the best of them all." Eev. J. P. Houre. Brooklyn, N.T. "For simplicity and mechanical accuracy of construction, I have seen no Sewing Machine equal to the Willcox & Gibbs." 1T.NOI H AEWI8, Of tho Pennsylvania Central R. & A Tiyffrtnn r1fit rfi nit th mihleri of Sewing Machines is reepcctful ly solicited, , D. S. EWIKG, 720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ilccora i ended and r.ndoraed by ever hcTou Hundred Doctoral DR. LAWRENCE'S 0.POUND FLC1D FX'i'KACT OK KOSKOO! Health HeaStor'r Not a Secret Quack Jmedlctne For mala Aiouml tho Boine. PKF.PATUJD 8(LSLT BT Dr. J. J. Lawtencr, 0 g nic Ctemnt 4 KOSKOO Strihisut the Koot of Iilieaae BY Pniifjtns The BJootl, SKTOWTNH THE 1IVFR AND KI1NRY ' TO A llfcM.I'HV Al. I KIN, AMJ INVlO'JItAT l.NlJ 'iUli NbitVOl 8 Sf S1M. Thlalatlie seorct of ia tVonderfal Novceas In Curing CWSUVPTION IV ITS FAULT 8TOF3, ei iiiir i i.rt, oi ' niii-. ui rre.rwi , t,iv. Kll M TAIN'-, (II HOMO ItH IvTTM A TIM, NM It T.(!l, N lVitT AFFFCTIiiV, KHUPTIOSS OF TUB HIN, hU.Mi'HS OSS i,P V'O'Xl, D!SKSKS Oj" T11K KIDSF.TS AND ULAIiVKK, DUcaacs Canand by n 13ad State ot me Hiuoa. It tHoron.bly eradlcitea everv kind of Ilnmor and I) id Taint, and roit re. the enilr ayib 01 to a hi-nlibv condition. It In beyond question the FINEST TON1C1N Til K Wl) LI). Thflneanii. nave be." cVaneea bv the nae of thii Jledicine frmn weak alrkiy. .iifletln" cr amrea. to elr ai". I mlihy. nnd happy men ami women. Invalid c-nnot hm tMe to elve It a trial. No Mi d'cinit l,ra obtain d nch a trial reputation a tl.ls J.irt re . brntcil e. inni n- d. FOR TKMIM0NI.VI.S Frm Phvairl ns. Fmln nt Divine. Kdltora. Drne-g-t Merchants, &c, .so KOSKOO ALMANAC lor this year. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE FOR .III BV TIIEPMNfMPALni rjtVi'HiRIV THE UNITED staies ad uitrmu amkuica. Pr. Lawrkntk'h Woman's IJiiibnd Cur' all Diseases peculiar to Fi uiuli .. dic'i-lv. UNDER TLOTHING. very cheap -nd In large qimtilltn a, at A. A I HEN'S, Janietown Clnttiinp Store. OWEN GAFI'XEI'3 COLCMlT TllS OLD LiTABLLSlIFJ) LiquorHouse OWtH GAFFflEY, FBOP'il Pall Stoo!& OF LIQUOES! ' TUB DBAVIEST EVER rFFERED FOC BALK ON OIL CREKK. Prices Lower THAN EVER OFFERED .' All ly lea liitbt bBnicaa. cheaper than II' cheap"'!, made from MoQ'a's oak taoeeU an warranted, at X K. Eetm. Goods Sold at New York Prices, and W ARB ANT ED PUKE ! Cash Fri ON ALL GOODS. Buy for Cask AND "SAVE MONET. Hennessey Brandy, Martelle Brandy Rhine Wine, Mnmm Wine, Brocton'Wirie, Sparkling Catawba Wine, Hammotdsport Wine, All by the case. ALWAYS ON HAND A LAROE STOCI OF srSUNMV ' COMFORT I TO BE DAD AT ALLTlUi. e--v n ! ' . rtit r3?T )i tint, fill TO CP e .1 call, and if you want to for cash, make me an for if tore ordeiing where. oavex .FY Xo. 35 WaaIiiiiBn ",re'', PFtre-traairaiitreffV, Aog.lt. in P. a-aaM