The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, February 17, 1871, Image 2

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from marked prieeson onr
I WinliT tiiderwear,
Carton Made Clothing,
.Hats and Caps,
AC, AC.,
BW the ui'xt Thirty Days !
HcF 1 R LA V I), SJHTII & to.
Merchant Tailors!
loifeRlock, Titii.vilIc,Pa.,
etro'eum Centre Daily Reriord
w 4 euire, frlday, refc. 17.
A 1H1.3 ON O. V. Il A. K. R.
On ami after Monday. Nov. 2Stb, 1870.
!..(.. ..Ml ....... ' '
NOBTH J!0. t. JCO. S. .VI). 1
L'tove lrvm. 12,01 rx. 6.10 p n
Lenve Oil City 7.00 a ji. 2.65 p M. 7.60 r u
IM.Ceu 7.40
TilllrT. S.iin
Arrive Corry, I0,U0 "
iohh. : no. 2.
Lv Curry, 1 1,05 a m,
' Titusr, 12.40 jc.
' P.C-n. 1.27
ArrlveO. City 2.10 .'
6,67 I
9.12 '
no. 4.
1.10 A ,
NO. 6.
6,15 P II
9,20 '
.!! "
9.W2 "
" Irvine. 4,50
t3T No. A and run on Sunday.
. Wo 1. No. IS. !. It. Ko. 15. No. .
a ' C .is A M. ll.UA.a. w.r.s a. .m a lo ra
IP.CIO IO 1,Oim it,10FM. S.15 4,40
TlllH. A N. 2,4a 1,41 0,15" ,W "
Vf. Curl.lS PM.
. ' . Wo. 10. No. & Ko. 18. Ho. 14. T?o SO.
I l.Mip
Tt. 0.00 1.1 &30am. :0 83 am. 11.14 AM. 4 a-.
' IV..V1O " 8,40 ' li,15PH. 13 10 PM .t0"
ArJCilUO . 10.3J 1,35 ' 3.u5 7.00
Ii Oily and Petroltum (tra fralfht, leave Oil
ntT if.10 i ii , arrives ar Petrolenm Centre S.2II p.
n. Is-tro, I' Centro at 4,40 D u uiii
at II p-ty !,0J !i it.
U :t. 3. 4, a urrl 6 nra csprca train.
!., Itt iii a tliron..)! a-eowmodai ion,
, coDnecU at
wii iwr ivm urw roicn.
siiyks pai.acs si.hsfiko cam.
. fro, jn i-oo' thim Phlladalnhla ithont el'atige.
J. S-m.-wt to Pbiiidciphla without changu.
rjo, a ln-e-t from PittsSnrsh nnthont rhaugc.
li-litec: to Pittsburgh without cbanxa.
MotHMT, Nov. IS70.
G ild at I p. m., Ill
.4BMTiioi,o Box. From a gentleman
who paid tbo Armstrong Run oil territory a
resent visit we leara tba following in regard
to tbe wells In that vicinity: James well
N'i. 1. Is pumping 25 barrels per day;
James i-oll No. 2 Is claimed to be yielding
Cfl barrels, our however thinks il is. net
J elding n"r Ibat atuou'itj tbe old Jenutnits
80 barrel; Mrldrea Reserve well,.
fi .tviitg 150 barrels pgr day. This well bas
brn tntppdued twice. The first titfftr it
flowed between three aod four hundred bar-
U of oil and then ceased pre wincing en
tirely. , A second toipedo, larg tbun the
flmt, was then exploded, and (be well again
eommeaced to flow, It is claimed, lully one
Jliindred and fifty barrels daily. Our in.
furtnant counted thirty-eight derricks up or
various nugea of compielion. At moat of
tb' so wells di'tlilng baa commenced, and
several are nearly fioisbed. All tbe oil pro
duced Is stored in woodi-n tanks at tbe
well, as tot as one tank ) filled another
one being put up. This Is nudn necessary
at thi-re is ro means uf coinmunicallon with
tim a. V. R. R. across tbe river, tbe pipe
linn only running down to tbe river's edge.
Oil operators in tbat vicinity anticipate
lively times the coming spring. '
The Columbia Oil Company are putting
la big boilers as fast as possible, aod re
tuoviog tbe small ones. One large boiler,
it la calculated, will furnish sufficient steam
to run four wells. Two men will do tbe
same amount of work by tbexuse of tbese
bo;liTt that heretofore required eight. Tbe
saving U tbe enmpany is apparent to all.
" Rev, M. IlvlKaij, rector ol tbe Episcopal
cbuiob at Kouaeville, has been offered tbe
riecinrihlp ol St. James oburcb, Milvtaukee,
at asUry of 82,000 pec annum aod the
tevloiy. Tie baa detlirfM tbe olf-r. S,
(til tnd Veoangu Oiilei bave been con
s' ima'cri un.i r one lorough. The dsbo
f Oil Ci'y bas bei ir adopted.
Tbe Rouscville Bulletin makes a serious
charge against one ol lie County Auditor,
James Lee, ai follow.:
Mr, James Lee, Lee, senior member of
the Buanl of Auditor, anil at tueb, -acting
custodian ol I ho key to Iba Behoof Commis
sioners office, whem oattiln connty papers
are kept. $15 in lithographed ordera bar
tag Dceu rcuoemed, laid Jamel Lee was
entrusted with the duty of canceling
tbem. Last week during the session" of the
Auditors at Franklin, Auditor Jolm Glass
oonoluded to- look in the order business,
and for that purpose procured a key of tbe
janitor and took good look through tbe
office for papers which should bare been
cancelled, railing in hie purpose, be re
ported to brother Auditor, Loreozo Poor,
and tbe two again looked tor tbe missing
oraersoui wiidoiii any satisfactory result.
Ur. Le was approached on tbe suoject and
be reported to cue tbat be bad toro tbe or
ders and strewn tbem over tbe office floor,
to aootber that be bad torn them up, put
mem in ni overcoat pocitet, taKrn them lo
Die ooarillDK bouse and there burned tbem:
10 sun anotner mat ne oaa .carried a por
tion cf tbem home and girea tketn to bis
children to play with.
It is tbe duty of the senior Auditor lo
stieb cases to cancel orders and present then)
to tbe balance of tbe Board tbat all might
witness toetr aestrucuon. 1 now wbetber
tbese orders have been destroyed, or wheth
er the dear reside wlllaaain have to na
tbem is tbe question. No doubt Auditor
Jimdl T..A ha . K'. .. t .
tory explanation. That explanation is
nbal the tax payers are after.
" .1,1 v kivv m itvusiuu-
New ilcsic We are indebted to our old
time trlend, R. H. Sargent, sq., of tbe
arm of Booth & S.trgent, . masio dealers or
Titusville, for the lollowlng new and beau
tiful pieces of sheet music: Driven from
Home" by Will a Hays; ''Put me lo my
Little Bed" by Dexter Smith; "Safe wttbin
tby Little Bed" by Eastman: "Act 00 tbe
Square" by Sol Smith Russell. They are
all three home melodies tbat when snog go
(Igbt ti tbe beart, and bave acquired a
deservedly popular reputation among lovers
of good music. They are only a fraction ol
tbe large st lcctlou ol sbcet music kept oft
and by this Arm, la addition to the Im
mense stoca: of musical merchandise which
their store contains. Tbe abovo pieces cm
be secured for tbe remsrkably small price
of 30 CU each. Tbey will be sent to any
address on receipt ot the above price
We were favored with a call from Mr,
Harry Miner, the gentlemanly advance
sent of the WalUce Sistera Theatrical
rciiipe, this forenoon. lie informs up tbat
these taleuted and favorite artists begin a
week's engft-jemeut at Sobel's Opera House,
Murob 6tb Tbe p'eces played by tbem are
entirely new and novel. We predict for
tbem a successful engagement.
A new well was struck at Franklin on
Friday lust, on Hie Elukily trad, which is
yieldiug ei-ht barrcla per day of heavy oil.
wued by Sbeanlcy Bios.
The oew well 00 Tachell Run, mention of
hich we niude a day or two ainee aa yield-
tog forty barrels per day, is only doing
ten barrels. It is owned by the McQee
Bros. -
Our townsmen, Messrs. Robinson
McCloary, contractors lor drilling oil
wells, recently struck a ' new well at Foster
Station, on tbe Allegheny Rive?,., which
started up at tberato of fitfoe-'a))barre'U' per
day, was afterwards torpedoed, and is bow
said to be yielding about twenty-five barrela
daily. Tbeie gentlemen bave been Inter-
ted in numerous wells (teuerally without
'u("cess. We are pleased to chronicle their
good fortuur?
The Jamestown Journal suggests tbat as
the accidents are almost of daily occurrence
on the A. & G.'W. Railway, each express
train be compelled to carry a wrecker aod
tool car along for tbe purpose of clearing
tbe track when the ears run off. Tbe sug
gestion is a good one as it is a well known
fact tbat passengers over thai route never
get through in lime to make coontolious
either eaut or west.
wTbe body of Lawrence Moody, a brake
man who was killed at tbe New Hamburg
railroad disaster, was recovered from the
wreck yesterday afternoon. It was but lit
tle disfigured.
Tbe Liverpool steamship PaciQo hAS been
lost la tbe Shetland Islands, with twenty
six of her crew. .
A new well was struck on tbe Kerr farm,
about Ihreejmiles n rth of Titusville, .yes,
tejday, wbiob Is yielding ufleen'barruls V
day. Owoed by Louis jpeay. ,
At an auction sale of -oil stocks in Phlla-S
delpbia on Monday, 1,000 shares lajJckiDgi
ir.n.B rui i-. 1 ...... ..1.1 r , av.. .... f
Valley Oil Company were sold for $lKl)U
shares Tarr Farm Oil Compady, 'J5V 'fifty
coots; 700 ahares Allegbe.natlti-far Oil Com
pany, at twenty-five corns; tvo interests lo
Mill Creek Oail aqd Mi ning Company, at $5
, A woll entered a Dulutb church latly
and was much affected by tbe services and
an ounce of lead. He was converted before
bo west out into a corpse.
A Saltoia Duaorlptsoia ofaOtnee
Haven't bad any fun with tbe landlub
bers till Thursday nlngbt, at a dance. When
I arribed la the cabin fntnd 'em nndrr way
on a Spanish dance. Took my station In
line with Susan Tncker-tels back and fill
ed, then shut ahead two tathoms haul.
np on tbe starboard tack to let another
craft nass. and came astern on another sail
spoke her, and bore round against tbe sun,
and fell In with another sail in lull cbase.
Passed twenty sail on same course, and
when half across to tbe other shore, dropl
astern fell back couldn't oil, so let go
anchor and hauled up for repairs. Next
time I was drawn into the current by
cowtillioo, but didn't make much headway
shot ahead with Betsy Stark, and sailed
over to the other coast. Took a turn oppo
site fan abreast tw Ice towards other crafts,
and back astern attain moved around to
starboard passed near psrtner's lights, and
made sail to berth. .Third time ran me In
to port to the tune of the tempest, tbe
Yankee tar's favorite. Proceeding along
up coast according to the regular order of
sailing bore ahead again rounded to
then passing adversary yard-arm by yard-
arm, losked asters with tba whole squad
ron, in circular order of sailing. Sally
Jones alt the time maosuverlog and mak
log signals when under full sail. Finally
anchored alter a heavy squall.
Boiler explosions area ttribnted to many
causes. First, detective places; second,
puuchiug Instead of drilling tbe rivet holes;
third, imperfect riveting, sod hammering
unevenly: fourth, burning tbe bottoms In
firing; filth, formation of "sand bars," or
crults, within the boiler; sixth, generation,
In some way, of electricity ; seventh, pump
log eold water into an over bested boiler;
eighth, careening of boats; incompetent
firemen, engineers, or masters; oarelessaess
or neglect; Ibe water taking tbe "spheroi
dal form" from over-heating, and then paei
Inj Into sts'am instantaneously; foaming or
tbe water; must frequently, water getting
too low in boiler; and so en ad infinitum.
Few appear to have thought of the tact that
in a considerable number of tba cases re
ported, while water was too low la tbe
boilers, wbikky was too high In tbe engi
neer. It is the testimony ol the Baltimore
American that not aa explosion bas taken
plaCd in or about tbat city within Its (tbe
American's) memory unless it could be said
of tbe engineer: "He is an habitual drink
er.' Butler, Penosylvauia, bad a celehra
tlon lately over "the opening of a twenty
mile railroad, and tbe feature was the
burial of the stage coacb, and a procession
of Pitlsburghers up tho street, led by tbe
stago driver, equipped with penny borns,
jewsharps, diuunr bells, gongs and fish
borns. '
Tbe height of irreverence has been reach
ed by a gentleman ol Ohio, who iraie the
black gown ol an Episoopsl minister lo
as as a mnsqajerade cos 1 11 me. '
A f3lCWTt!VT RhHivmin A
victed ol petty larceny r.'oently, in New I
Koot oottnt), V., eleetod to be whip
ped. Tbe Sheriff gave him thirty-nine pre!
ly wen loiu on, alter wnicn Ibe negro was
released. Rubbing bis back . and turning
around with a broad grin at tbe Sbt-rig, be
said: "Golly, Mars Rovster. dat reminds
me ob do good ole times."
A matinee at Debar's Opera nouse St.
iiouis, yesterday, lor tbe benefit of the
"Little Cburcb Around the Corner'" netted
snout tnre e hundred dollars, which baa
been sent to Rev. Mr. HoiiRtton.
uas. wen an cvaasvuie jury were
brought Into the court room ia order that
one of their number might be instructed up.
on tbe following point of law: "1 I believe
that tbe evidence is ona way, and the other
eleven believe different, dnea tbat justify
any other juryman in knocking, me down
with a chairt" Tbe judge snawered in
general terms aocordlng to tbe established
principles of Indiana liw. -,
M. De Clot
gives ilatLbas exBience,
tbe present war in T.urope,tba t
wounded soldiers may, without Injury, re.
main uuattended to forty-eight hoirsll
necessary, provided tbat tbe wounds Are
covered witji, lint or linen, .and k4)pt. moftt
ened with a sVlution contafbkig three per
Uent. ofearbolio acid Hialso says soldleys
may o proieotea ugamst typbm, dyseote,ry
and lbeisimllar .diseases by giving fbem
morning and evening, a wine gloss ofear
bolio water, containing' not more than bar
per cent df tbe acid.
a. iuii varseiyoi suates, at
" x. NioHowoi. A BucMitm's.
GaffltSv has a lr it .. ..... . .
. - - n vi .uviua Bie ana
Ijenaon porter especially or family use. bv
Ltha bottle or case. '
" 'jinms. Tbe best Singing and cheapest
Canary Birds In tba ell region, .re Tote
had at
nev7-tt , . J. W. BSATTY'i
Locus Notice.
8. HI. Fettctiglll ate Co.
tVtk How, New Totk, and Geo. P. Sewall Oo..
Advertising Agents, are the sols agenta for tbe Pa,
trolcum Centra Dahy Rxooa In tbat elty. Ad-
vaitlsers In lint illytio Vt.m-etc to leave their
lavora with lllur ol 1 11c above honses
Ki'iiy'-ii'" jV-iv Double Actlog
on ni tup i.v 1 inn,-: i'g uii or
Uuieriu ucep tVtllit.
Kenyon's New Double, Acting Oil Pump
is acknowledged lo lie the best pump now
in use. One ol its leading features is that
it not only prnilitce a conl auous flow of
oil or other fluid, but that It creates and
sustains a constant and powerful suction
by means ot which the seams or velosof tbe
well are In a creat measure cleared ef para
find and other obstructions, aod tbe oil in
tbe veins is drawn tuwanls Ibe well. It
bas been ascertained by actual test that tbe
use of this pump causes a urtvlually Incress
lug flow ol oil. It is well known by oil
operatore that this improvement Is of ureal
value, and one tbat bus been long soiiRht
ror. 1 ie abl st mechanics or our country
bave for years been at work trying to Bud
out some new and untried plan to prolong
the life time of ao oil well; and notbiog yet
to our knowledge bas been brought before
the public tbat lo any way equals tbe power
ot Ibe Kenyon Pump, experience having
laiigni mat ills the long coutlmiea suo
lion tbat bas tbe power to keep up acd In
crease tho production of oil wells. Oil
operators are relerred tt Mr. Geo. Bunlton.
Superintendent of tbe Columbia Farm, for
information In regard to Ibe practical work
logs of tbe Kenvon Pump. We annend tbe
following testimonial from tbe maaagersof
toe tuoiuiDbis Farm:
Officii Coli mbia Oil, Co. i
Coliinitiia Farm. Jan. iit). f
Mr. H. K. Kenton:
Dear Sir: We are using your 1 Don We
Action Oil Pumps In three ol our oil wells
and laKe pleasure lit stating that we are
getting more oil and gas ftoua each of tbem
than was previously obtained by tbe use ol
worstog barrels. We believe your oil oumn
.u uo tiiv oest ia iisi.
Respectfully yours,
G W. HiiuLTOV. Han't.
J. P. Bahuhokt, Manager
ror mrtner nariicniars address u. it.
RUN yon, Petioleum Centre. P. O box
547. iaoJl
Ask no woman ber age. Never joke with
a widow. iNever contradict man thet
stutters. Be civil to all rich nodes and
sun's. Wear your Oldest hat ol course to
an evening party. Always all next to tbe
onrver at dinner. n.eep your own secrets.
Tell no human being yon dye your whis
kers. Wind up yimr conduct like a wutcb
once every dav, examine miauinly wbetber
joii are "raat" or ' slow." Make Irient e
will) the on board a steamer,
there's no knowing bow onn you may be
in bis power. Write not one more letter
than you can help; the man who keeps up a
urge corredpunnence is a inartvr. tied, not
to Ibe stak ", but to tbe post. But the best
adrie we can give to the reader is. that he
soon 111 diiv 0 clothing at the - store of A
Alden, Waxbinuton Mreet, IVtrulenm Cen
tre, Pa. The stock ol ready made c'othina;
at tbls bouse Is the largest and cheapest ia
ineciiy. no uas sue a lame ussorlrneiii
of cloths, cu-dinere"., etc.. and is prepared
10 mane up suns 1.1 tin nat8i m inner Im
aginable He has also a full line of gen
tlemen's tfurnisbing go iris. 'This is one uf
Ibe best and o'leipest stores In the eaty.
Buy the "Ued Hot" Saddle. tnanufacttiriMl
in Tilua ville expressly for the oil country
auopieu 10 an sinus 01 weather, at J. U,
Best Refined Oil 20 oents per gallon, at
aeo43-(i. j. KLTUKBpona'a.
To Purehasers ol Mliiiertsowloc Mae
- cbluesl Caullou!
All parties are hereby cautioned against
pnrchsaing nnr of our Machines except
.nrougo our otuy antnorix-'fl agents, as
Machines will not he guaranteed by us tbat
are not so putchaseil. Mr. J. L. Johnson
is our agent for Petroleum Centre and vi
cinity. Ths Sinoer Manvp'o Co.,
4o8 Broadway, New York.
Notice Is hereby given that Mr. D. C.
Graves is my agent for Petroleum Centre
and vicinity.
J. L. Johnson.
H. Hechtkopf,
Having purelmsJlaUitlitlrastosk of
'"lom fc'hampalen Oharlte, will eon' Due the boet-
lebl lm
At Very Lo
Petiolsnirntre,;ra., Oct. Jl-tf.
18 now pmsftri d to execute BRICK Aim v.
warrant to irivn .tiHiclion. "vni, m
NIKS put up, ai.. HKlt'K and L.MttVnJS,,''
ly o- I. unit ai d for ea e ""iiti.i.
C3" Kin.d i;oun K!br Perm. Port rmm
Auaress, Petroleum t'ntr, Pa. U,e meacall
iew Hat niid Cap Store,
IxonaJ 0UlT ,m WUr Blorto1 o4
G 'O. W. Oakford,
Fort!" Elik, Dlamoo i unl M. rtli'i "nets. U""'
feblS lin
Tm'SVll.l.K, FA.
Parlor and
Marble Top TaMcf
aal all kinds of
At EL O. Jarvis'
Wo. 10tt tVAmiNf)Tn!T.
Petrol.nm C'mir., Feb. 10, 1871. tf.
SIUATTON & lill,
Oil Produces
Of Bie:ia Plainer'. Block,
IVesatMBAe Boa.lSUO.1
FraR'iilin, V&.
W-Prrsfms d'vlilnr to onemta In i). ITTU
CAtlNfi Oil. 1)18 ' hICT will ln will to ncninj
oor Hat intero-ta wll! t riven Torior 4IA
If All CotamuBlcatlon.' p-omptty acswsrail
IanI S'lirvi'Tliic. Ac.
ankl'n ii-. 111: ,1
Large awortment new
juat recti veil
Next door to Record Office.
On High Prices!
at the Old Stand of J. S. Pralber. UAia
STREET, by the new firm,
R.. V. B. FISH EH,
Who Intends keepiag sp a heavy stock ef
and tn fact avery kind of goeds aiually kept I"
well appointed
1 hsTa a team on the road and will delivsr (Joed
r All I asl Is a fair trial and an eiasilnitlon
0' my alock. Give nie a call.
U V. V fl""'T
PetrlenmCentre. Pa.. .InlT 29 tt
west Rates.
r -nJz i;rz O'TY"