The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, February 13, 1871, Image 2

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    I ,J,
i n. v
ft;ai ni.trktl priees on onr
M'inl.T I nderwmr,
Cnnawk Stade CtotbtRg, .
HatVand Caps,
e., ac,
! iW the ut Thirty Dhj-b f '
Hcl Alt!, V D, SMITII&Co.
Merchant Tailors !
Lonoe I) lock, Tit star II re, Ph.,
etroloom Centre Daily Record.
t"el Centre, ItIoiidr, t'ek. 13,
On and after Monday. Not. 2Hlb, 1870,
mini win run aa louowa:
NORTH o. 4. xo. S NO. 1
I.eave livin, ' 12.01 r u. S.IOfM
Leave Oil City 7.00 a m. Jt,65 p ji. 7.S0 p M
" -ei.ljen 7.4 ' 3.99 " 8.30
Tititsv. I.. HI 4.29 9.12
Arrive Curry, 10.00 6,47 "10,38 "
orTH. n, 1. nn. 4. xo. .
Lave t'orry. 11.05 am. 6.10 am. fi.l6rn
" Titnsv. 12.40 r M. 7.35 7.62 "
" l. Gen. 1.27 " 8.19 8.42
Arrived. Clly 2.10 9,02 9,20 "
i " Irvine. 4.50 " 11.40 '
JSP No. 5 and run on Sunday.;'
Ho 111 No. 13. Si. 11. No. 15. Vn 0.
lyi'T H.l.-v . ll,is.. ln,i4K .3Ham:)1u ra
, rl' Clu.iri ' l.ihra ills r a. .! 4,40
! Ttta,,)" 1,46 " . " 4.W '
At. Cjt1,16 ra.
No. 10. Ho. No. IS. No. If No 20.
mm 4r. ftftpn
L 11.6 00 A M S'I . '.OSS A.M. 11.14 AM. 4&'ipa
1'C.d.oo .! p.a. l4i)a ii.00
, Ar KMO.K ' iu,Sl " i,ss " T.oo"
II Clly and Petroleum Centre Irtish', leave Oil
: I It jr a.lP ji. m , imm at Petroleum c.nire .) p.
: m. leave, Peirulauia l'ntreat 4,40 D at., arrives
1 at ill C'ty im p. iti
t, 2. 1, -i, nn I fl are esp-s-t train,
i ' ' " ihroiiuh 'coiiimuiia'lon, connect at
i vary for Km ni No. eh
2ft" I'lruei from l!iiladlnhls a itliont ehaiige.
2 ?-' "" Philadelphia wli chum:
Direct fnira Hllthi'rh oithnut change.
5" -llrt to Plttaburgh without change.
Monday, Nov. (. IHO.
jrold at I p, in., Ill fli
Tbe ninth annual meeting ol the stock
holders of tbe Columbia Oil Company waa
bel.l in tbe city of Plttalmrgh, January 12.
Th following oficers weru fleeted for the
eranlnj yesrt
, Preticlent D. A. Slewnrt.
Uirec'-nrs Bateman Goe, David Rlcbey,
i Aitgiitt Harije, Conrad Keiter, A. Pilcaito,
aua w. . sur. ve.
Treaaurer David Illcbfy.
j Ertret.rj-A. P. HcGrew. '
1 Httperlntendent Geo. Boulton.
Kartn Manager -John P. Darcroft.
J Tbe Company could have made ne better
i aeleotion than tbe preaeut effloieot effloera
I vn the farm, Uesars. Boulton and Barcrolt,
and the residents of the farm will be pleas
. rd to learn that their services have been re
laioed tot another year.
Fatal Railroad Accident. Tbe freight
accommodation train going north, due here
at 10:40 a. m., ran over and iiittantly killed
1 the head bralionian of the train, named
.Charles Bonne, at Kmiaavl lie station, this
forenoon. Boone it appears was standing
( between two ears with a lout on the bumper
of each, when suddenly tbe coupling pin
tiroi", the ears spread apart and he feU tn
the track beneath directly across the rail.
1 Tbe wheel of oa sar paaaed acrons b'a
' cheat cruahlng the life out tif the unloriu-
oilotnnn inatitnlly, U'.otio was alinnt 25
' yeara old, and bad been in tbe employ of
' Lie company lor some time past. Tbe re-
'main were left at Kouwville to await tbe
arrival rf Ills relatives.
Pleasure lovers will beat iu miud that tbe
original Ueorjia MtoVrels give one ol tb'"lr
unique eniariainineuta at Spbei's Opera
House, this evening. The programme lea
good oue, and they should have a crowded
i Tvi wrook of tho Irwi nrnlo at Franklin
l a he-n rsainvi-dy sal I t chain ferry es'ab-
' lil"."l.. . .:
A eorrrapoorlant of ( Plttuhiirb Chro a
iele, arrllinn 'rii ToiiogUowo, - Ohio.,
mi: .
Thn oil wp! na t nlfl AH8"rlt, farm,
about a ml; tip lh MAhoninu rlr fmm
KdinMmrif, Pa.j b tx"fn pninpina a 'ry
bravy oil for a month pant. At Oral th
ylld waa only about (1v hdrivla per day,
bnt U iibpqtiinlly Id(NmmI tn twnty har
rt-la, and ia now yinliing nearly twenty
Bra barrels 'pr day Tho oil la nearly aa
hxavy aa lard oil, and la aeeond only 10 the
well known Mtcea oil. At New Caatle,
Pa.. It la readily enM at fifty cents per gal
lon, and at the wxll hringa twenty tl.llnra
per barrel. Tbia ia tbe only well, of tnrno
three bnndri'd lit (be valley, wbleb bai been
Ca-d, aud it la the only one Ibn't will yMd
In paying quaatiliea, owing to Hie immenaa
quantity of water wbicb rtiaua up fi 00) be
low. "
ti-Ti ral partlea ar now euilrarnrlnif to
leaaelheold well which were abandooed
agoie yeara tgn, with tbe intention of tubing
tbem. In almoit every rate Iheae old wellt
yield oil, and it ia believed that if tbe waler
ounbeabnt (be oil will he reviwd.
There ia not tbe lal doubt that entire val
ley from tbe month of tbe Mabnnlng to
YtMingftown, contain large drpoaili u tbo
very beat ludricattng oil. ' ' -
Comet on tbe 14ib, tr-motrew. Accord
ing to ancient usage, tbe gentleman drat
teen by a lady on St. Valentlne'a morn Inn
waa bound to he ber Valentine ' through the
year. aBd to do her bidding on every oc
caalon; and many wet the atratagema re
aurled to by maid and wains to see Bret
the right per ton on tbia eventful morn.
Maoy maid will look forth In tbe morn
Oopiog ber lover to see; -
Coder tky caKcmeot al earliest dawn-
Lady, I surely shall be.
Let not thine eyes scan tbe dlatant hoii-
Seeking strange facet afar;
Lial to th aound of my lerveot orlton,
Breathed 1 1 my bright ttar.
Let tby first glance then fall lovingly on
me, .,
Let me tby Yulentiae be;
G I ully tby lavora I'll fatten upon me,
Aakiou but arrvicn of thee
Of all tu joys votioiia.ileij to man there's
nothing- that equal a good smoke, aod in
rder to enjoy a smokn one must have good
smoking teuacco, and the plce to buy it is
at Nichulsoo lirus. Post Office Newsroom.
They keep constant ly on hand the Lone
Jack, Yacht Club and e'.ber extra brands ol
Smoking Toharre. Of chewing tobuucoa
Ihey are tiieageut lor tno sale of tbe Hor
brook Navy Pliij; and Ain'irosia Fine Cut,
both of which have a world wid repute,
tion. Give them a cwl and examine their
stock and prices, and then buy and be salt
Red. Tbe statistics of the uroaa products ol
rime petroleum in tbe city of Philadelphia
lor the yeara 1SU3-7U are uut jet eccewitiie.
Tbe export has bien:
1870. - 1869.
Gail. ma. Gtilnns.
From Now Y., 80.193.058 againsi 65 93S.lii)
From Philn., 47. )5,0'M against 33, lo7,4 5
UlUur port, 3,41,577
Tutal exporl,l3j,531,(il against 1U2.5U9.USI
producing exebaugo fur not leas thau $35,
OUO.OOO. ... . .
Tbe people ol Uuloit prupoae holding a
elehrattoo ever tbe event of tne opening of
the Union A Tltuarille railiond.
Tbe Oild Fellows ol Uoui-eville are mak
ion preparattuna to give a grund social par
ty at that place soon. Among tho oaines
of tbe oummltte en invitations we tioticu
that of R. V. Ellis, Petri l urn Centre.
Michael MuMahon, uf Corry, was to have
been matned on TuurnJay evening lai,
but t!io ceremonies we te delayed by a dis
puted from Lunlaviile, Ky., stating that
Mlchvl had a wllo and family in that city,
and waa wulled. It is botjuiio to Hill
to Stale that be denies the charge.
JUajnr ZutolJI, wbo led I lie famou
cbarjte of Fiemout's body guard at Spring
Held, Mo., the Grut year ol the war, ta said
to be keeping a cigat shop iu 1'ies.b, Uuu
Bttrfi There it a deal of courage eomi-times In
small boys. A lad in Brld jepurl bad three
fingers ol bis tibt hand t.keu a oil' f(w
days since by a drop proas iu a liraia shop.
Looking upon bis bleeding band, tbe brave
iiiilo follow exclaiiiaud: "I'll bet tout .er
will cry when she sous that."
Yellow Dog Lauding Is a Uew stopping
place on the Cumberland river, and the
Swagles Houso is tbe principal told
The an.Hllenl ititerii.1
siste In AiVji
sevemie pvinj
T'e Ne Turk Sun y: p.iv'd Sfm
rtion" a tli ennlne' r ol the PivHd fS
prea ir in. lie ,r,e tn n. For
twen'V ear be hi-M a .l -ce nn an eneine.
Tear aip, wii!l dtih n.- pii Y"kra.
!iinmnn culled the attention 01 h a lliewn
to a train which iweepln dOn up' 0
theiilike III" wind. A culliaion teemed
inevitable. The frightened flreman shouted
Geod-live. Dor; I'm a going loj imp," and
sprang from the locomotive. Simmon
stood with his hand nn the throttle of his
ontcliic like a man ol irtin. In the face nf
startling peril he remembered his duty, and
stood nt bis poat. A e dition wa averted,
and the borois engineer saved the lives ul
a hundred men.
On Monday night David Simmons was
driving his engine toward Albany at the
rule of forty miles an hour. Near New
Hamburg a red IUht was swung out aa
from aa approaching train. The engineer
saw it. It was the aignnl ol dnnger. David
slmmooe whittled - dovrn the "brake In Ibe
vain tiope of stoppiog the cxprera in time.
His (I reman again took the alarm, and
shouted to Siminou's lo leap for life Tbe
noble Simmons calmly answered:
won't; I'll stay wllb my engine." Again
be stood like a man of iron at his post.
Tbe flreman spraug and saved bis life. The
eogioeer saw a train on tbe undue. He
realized I bat his only hope of Safely was 'o
dash tbrougb tbej olmtrticitoti. Hewhialled
uff brake, and crowded on all of bis steam
This Was (be work of an instant. Simmon
peered into tbe darkness, .shading his ryr
with bis band, and was daubed Into the
jaws. til death.
meeting of the President and directors of
tbe above company was bel t . In Sm ffleld
on Friday last. It waa resolved to lift Ibe
charter at otice, and an asseasment on the
stockholders was wade to deft ay .tie ex
pense. Tbe directors are sanguine of ob
taining means to go "n wltb tbe work nxi
season. Cotitlil nee was rxptessea in iu
feasibility, of the route The large wilder
ness that will be made productive, tbe val
ue,).!' limber and mineral resources which
lis completion will put into market, are
certainly convincing reasons why the road
s'jould be built. Warren Ledger.
A Sunday or t sin at incident oc
curred In an Hpiaopil chapel, wbicb, bail
tbe aoene beea rlieahcr-. would ta-'e
evoked e -n-l J r iiile merriment. The in
Cilinlient had Commenced hie licoms.
when a gentleman entered the chapel ami
respectfully and atieniively liaieniug inaide
the door. No sooner h'vl Ine preicner'a
eye lighted npni tho new comer, tin drop
pi-ig th 1 tbre ,d of bis ser.uuo, he said to
him: ''Colo in, my friend, cpmo tn; we
are always (ilid to see tho e hern late who
can't como eirly." Thm mldieod. Hie
unknown individual stepped lurwurd und
couly took hi seat, and then aa rooty akei
tbe preac er: Wiinlil you iiiilUeme wuh
the lexi?" Ceitaiuly," was the reply,
and tuertqil'Si having lievn complied ailh
the seiinon pn ceedi'il,
Mr. iVoiidhiill Is anuoiiiic d aaacinili
date lor the presidency by tne e urno politi
cal party. It in iy be tn.irnciivu to stale
that tbe coamn-pidilicil liaa a place of bus
iness In Broad street, New York. The
p irty cinsiata of TennieC. and ber sia'er
Victoria. Additiuiis to the cosino-p iliical
party are Inoked for.
A Brooklyn pbilneoplier has tiitity thou
sand spei.i ueus of tliu inect Iri'ie; amiiiiu
the resi ninety varieties ol '.he elmtx lec
tularlus ( bed-oiig) all discovered in tbat
Tbe mi pre mo court m Uul rna d ioide
that a person has no more right t i keep a
ferocious dog than be has to keep a t.ger
uocb liocJ.
A Marylauil cleigymaii tnreateued tn
"put," aa he ex)reeil it, " nnl 01"
some ii.Oians who tliaiurhed the service,
and b-d d it by an exectiou of musoiiUr
Capiain Hall, tno A'O 10 explorer, Is in
VKnint.ui iiiaIiii4 Hun arranein n is fur
bis coming evpediiin.' The , ui'ed Slates
stnam in l'emwioiilo, now fitting nut at
the Va:,Iulou navy-yaid. la designed lot
this expedition. She is arrmgiog so as to
go under sail a well aa steam.
Sperm oil is bringing so smell a rice
that it does not pay to no wbuliutf, and
many Provinoeb.wn vessels have with
drawn Iruin tbe Luaiu. fs, white I bom of
Newburyp'irt bats relinquished it altn
geibrr. 1 here are now tweuty per cent.
l-is whalers at ea than there were one
year sjo, the numb er being 215 oaalnsi 20U
at that time
Buy the "lied Hot" Saddle. nianutiieUireo
iu Tuns villa expreaxly for the oil amintry
uildpted to ail kinds ol weather, at J. R.
Krotis. 12-tT
Best Koiined Oil ;0 c-nt per gIIMi
'1tl-i M. J. RrT:Ua,it:
Ijim-iiI XOtlCt',
f. IN'llt lUlll aV CO. til
IMik i, New otk, Hint . I". 1-oweM Co
Ad ertlin Am" t. nro the sole nueula lor the l"s.
iruleiiin t eutre Hailv liEi imri In th:.t uliy. Ad
aitiem In 11 at city sic iwirartid tolcaae their
tavern with Itlier tne le borwes
H'ny"'' x,w Jillo Aciingr
.! I'll 111 1 iur I nisisisu or
U Ulet' Ml : P ' t lla.
Kenyon'a New Poubli'3 Arting Oil Pump
is cknowld(.ed to be Ibe best pinup now
In nee. One ol its leading batnrea ia that
it mil only proiuce a tout ton How ol
oil or other fluid, but that it creates und
sustains a constant ui d powerful tjiclloo,
by means ol which Ihe seams or veins ol t'ie
well are in a great measure cleared et para
line and oilier obsttuct.on, sod Ihe oil in
Ibe veins is drawn towards Ibe well. It
has been ascertained by ac ttal teat that the
use id Ibis pnuip causes a gradually Increas
ing Dow ol ol. It is well known by oil
operaiore that this Improvement is of grest
value, and one that bus been h rn sought
lor. Tno nbl st mechanic, of our vuiititry
have tor yeuis been at work trying lo find
out none new and untried plan 10 proioi'B
the Itln time ol an oil wi.; ed nothing vet
to our knowledge lias been brought before
the put I c that in any way equal Ibe power
ol ihe Kenynn Pump, experience having
lanbl mat it is the long continued suc
tion that has Ihe power lo keep up aud lu
creaae the production of oil well. Oil
operatnra are relerred to Mr. Geo. Untiltoii,
Sopeiiaiendeni of ihe Columbia Farm, fur
information in regard lo tbe practical work
ing ol Ihe Kenvon Pump. VVe append the
following loaiimotiial from the traUagers of
tbe Columbia !'! m :
Utfick t'ot.i-MBiA Oil Co. J .
Comiiiiiia Farm, Jan. 28. J
Mr. H. K. Kknton: ..
Dear Sr: We re using your (Double
Acnng lul Pumps In three ol our oil wells
and lake pleaeure lii staling tbat we are
getting more oil ail gua Irom each of tbem
thin was previously oi iuined.. by the use ol
woikiog bainla. We Seliwjji jloar oil pomp
to be tbe best in use. "4(2
Keepeeifully yWlfs,
G W. Biit-t.TOs.aWip'i.
J. P Bahukokt. Msneger
For further par iculats. a. Kirn 51. K.
IvKNToN, Peltoleitui CintrW. F. O box
517. ' if'
COUD abvioi:.
Ak no woman ber ase. Never joke with
a willow. Never contradict man tbal
stutters. Re civil to all rici uncle and
sun-a. Wear your oMeat hat ol course) to
an evening partv. Always nit next 10 the
Carver nt .tinner. K.'eg your own secrets.
Tell no I'linian being yon dye your whis
ker. Wind up .voir conduct like a watch
nee every dev. examine minutely whether
you are "fast" or ' alow." Make ' Irlends
with the steward on hoard a steamer,
ber- 'a tut knowing bow anon you may be
in bi power. Write not one ronro lelter
than yon can help; the man who keeps up a
laiae cnrreapiinilence i inartvr, lied, not
lo the auk , -i J f to the pt Rut tbe beet
ailviee we mm give lo the reader is, tbat he
him hi buy h clothing at the siore of A.
Alibn. VVa'hinutiia trei, Peirilrmu Cen
tre. Pa The stck ol ready made c oihiug
at this booae la the larget and Cheapeet In
the city. Hf bs also a large assortment
ol clin'ia. casaiineiea, etc.. and la prepared
lo make up uli ii toe maH't nanner itu
agimhle lie has ulau a full Hue of gen
liemen'a I furnishing go .ila. This ts one ol
the best and c epeat atures ia tbe city.
Gilfiiey baa large tnt of scoich ale end
London porter especially or family use, by
the bottle or case.
BIRDS Tbe b. si Singing d eesprst
Cunary Birds in tbe oil regions ate to be
bad at
nuv7-lf. J W. BB.VTTY'A,
( hniilanqiiw , laaku I'flclterci.
At ihe New York Meat Market. We have
' n hud and ur in con-tant receipt ol
frerb P'l kerel Irotu Cbaiituuqtia Lake,
janll-lf II. A VT. PaRSKM.
Go to (irilfi ijr..a,
are elliiiL' nff at coat.
lor ft all paper, they
To Parelinaora of Ninger Nnwliif flla
cbliivel 4'uul oii!
AH parties are hereby oinilonei against
I iiicliaing any of our .Vnohines except
through our .Inly authorized agents, as
MiCi.lnes will noi he guaranteed by ualhal
are rut so toiinaae.. Mr J. L. JoHNSoN
ia our agent fur Petroleum Centre aud vl
ciimy. Tits Fin-qrii fAF'o Co.,
458 Broadway, New Tork.
Nothr is hereby given that Mr. D. C.
Gmves is my ageot fur Petroleum Centre
and vicinity.
J. L. .1 bnkoii.
At Very Lo
Tuk4u Up
'n lb. '.Mlhrtviy
HOW. hi a el ifl
y or .tn-niry. wrilTR
II pb-re l it left eir. The ana u.
of .ln"iirv.
n o.i.i(ial t,.prleje ;r.piTiya d pay chare nr it
will bea.ld to -stbfj Ihe ,aai
aitwl Petnile tm tVnSro, V.,t,. in, un
Largs afiRortmcnt nw &tytt
jnst rutvivwl
Nst door to Record Office.
H. Hechtkopf,
Bavtog pBrstiaae4 ttM eatlra stock of
I IUAK9 and TlliUCCO
I'teai Ckaainalttn Charlie, will rote nue the host
Te- St tile cVl rtiiod next ( or Si I'hWuii V IlllluirS
1'arler. Tnv plbi. ran xfet nsurml that I ,la
k p US bei biaiidf UlliAliM and li.ilAt'lM
m Ins msikataad will a'.waja labor to pUa ut
New Firm,
Blew Goods
JIISLit ct M5 AlilP.
Tbatahaerlhar, have purabasad k.vatirc iater
tat uf A. at. MhnlU to b.e
. Ciroottrw mid llukery
timloes,ar4w11l bsraaUer sari y on ibe bu Ireea
at the nld aii-nd' ai d hope hi fair eating -'no -;iit-t
alt' Btloa to the wants of h public to mia lta'alr
share ttf Wu have li hai:d muU aia
caasiaiisiy r evioa a tlris-cia.-a stock of
i all kinds rerabjasadD mtftlc Frulte tetfae
utia our
Wtrhlaaoitaiii tan ino- t reahllr ad Pies
at 4 Cakes Fancy I'al e- for wsiidi- a. ami pnr-oa
' akedlvi r sr t'u. mutt., ta riuuil mnflt and big
trad. Call and s.a as.
eerfO if Waklngt a Si , i ninleam ' enir.
w. Kir
Oil Produc'rs
Uf:e;i Plnmer's Itlock,
' los.')a.e bos 1201.1
Franklin, lu
tya, Teroes dvlilni to orerae1n iba IT RK f-
CATIXtl t'lL, H : I.If'P w.ll d-i will to eianilne
onrllu l.'li"iul Intere I will h fivm ft,r lor i! A
CIIINliHY, T.H,Lt, C'AMl.NG and Tl'lilNO.
baT" Alt d'onmaDlcat!on p omptly setwered
nntl fnrvtyiiis, Ac.
viW -t i: . ., . . i ' 5
On High INiccs!
at the Old Stand of J. S. Prather, MALH
STRKET, by the new tirai,
Who InUDtU Wnjifiog np a hi-vy atock of
and in fact every k ad of goods UMially kept la a
well ai.-poiuiad .
1 hTo a tanni on the ruad and will dclltr tiooda
tiiliU OP (MIAMI It.
O All I as I a Mr tr'al and an emmlrotloa
ol my stock Give ine a call.
4 v b risurg.
PitrleuiiiiVnire. I'a . JnlySs tf
Baet Cigars in town at G rifle Bro.
m"m -.- afa fl"5rJ a S -
'ProhjnsJCen'.re,' Pa., OeVSI-if.
- ir