WIHSOft BROS. COLUMN. WjSOR BROS., STORE E5TABUSHE0 t859.!! "XVinsor B ros.5 i MAIW ITUSBf, PEThOLEim CETRE, ntALER9 IK Oik. EfcLfl TUBING AND CASING! ALSO, TYORRCNG BARRELS VALVES, OTCFFINQ BOXES, CLAMPS, TON 63, IN'NIS SUCKER ROD, RIVETED jHNT SUCKER ROD BOILER PCMI'S, CISTERN & WELL PUMPS, Jlvarj Daaarlpnou supplier ite OIL SWELL i TIMS iD REFINERIES. f BRIM GOODS, STEAM & GAS FITTINGS BELTING, PACKING AND HOSTTp JURIST'S COMPRESSED BUNGd, Sum Trimming, Carpenters' Tools, Drilling tad Plain Laid Rope, Oakum, Nails, Axes. Table sod Pocket Cutlery, of sverythl at to the Hardware suae Bom Furnishing Goods, ;and Morning: Q-lor BASE BIRJERS. tOXt COMPANION. IRON GATE, ta WHEAT SHEAF Cook Stoves. Ian.pt, Lanterns & Chimney, No. 1 TIT Inter trained Lard OH. JTO. 1 REFINED OIL. CIIAMPI0.1 CLOTHES WRIXCEBS 0 lUashct vtn f tn. : SHEET. IRON copfeb WABE. SMOKE STACKS; awaairloE of all kinds done with neatness and dis Jeieaal attention at. to Stcaa and Gas Fitting 1arehaalaa: with cash only, onr facilities tv fnr Slatting everything in our Mn ore superior ' am ther establ ahitttnt la the OU UegloiV V ba.e a TIN AND: REPAIR SbOP 2iaoklnfonr ftl.iatofocU.alr Uharal patrouare MU 1st. HUBERTS' PETROLEUM TOhTEPO TORJPJiiiJOKiS. THR ROBERTS KTEflLEUn JCBPEIIO CO. Vflkw at the Rao Planing Mill, Coraiee ot Pise and neeond tree, ftlaar the Railroad,) TITUSVItLE, PA. : ' Owmt to th large and tnciwulni; dtxnaud fbr the Rohefle Torpedo., and the lata decision of Ik. Coinuiiseiooer of Patent In reusing to M m. Heed a patent. a:id tue derlsl m of .luufc-u K. u iner.ua taiulnv tba Kub.ru' patent they nave LOWiitkD lua price of Uidr Torpedoi . iTaENMFKIl CENT, ao that mry Operator can afford iw try a Terpedo eaore ausaiiKiniug m n cu The fbilowlnn I the derision rendered by Jndge Crier on tuc twenty-second tt) day uf Neiitenitwr, lie, In the United Stain. Ctr. nli Court at Plnladel- Shu. The ease was artfiiud three dave hv t'hnrles I. K.llrr of No York, B r Luoaa und K A. Pur vianea f Pittsburgh, fur defendants, and Oaorge Herding of Philadelphia, and George li. Christy, of Piliabariih, for plaintiff. OPINION OP JUUGK GKIEIL A. I write with difficulty I can oulv ttat. tha ran elnaions to which my luiud baa cum. after a carelu examluation of thia case. The oumolaluaut Int. eihlhltea a Datent datrd 2Stb of April, ISIS. Thl. I prima fade evidence ut a good title, and pnt. 011 the rv.pund.nta (he bur den of proof that the patrut la Told or worthleaa. I need nut repute my romaraa in tue cuae or Uuod tear . Uay ri Wall. O. C. Km,: arn.l hut now adopt tliuni a. all'urdinK a rule oi declalon wldch ap pitea eleavly to tue p: eaiit cae. A. Ihu lnfrlnK"uTit if the patent I. admit tod, tbe only qntalion will ha a. to th. validity of com plainan:. at.nt of April i-MoW. 'waaaiir api:ai,uini naa oeen rednced to Dractice." and alter reiwattd exucriiu.tita. thm i coniplainaut auowedud in overcoming he prrjiidice and ignorunce of tbe people on the tnhject, and pvreuadtiig tbe pnhlic thm hi Invention wiunieiiil; after be had eetabtiatiod It. great utility and value, and "when hta getim and patient peraeverauca, tn aplte or auver and acoif.," were completely aac-ce-wfnl, tliitt Keed, who had before made expert mvnta on the ennie aithitt t, and wna ntwuccwuful, Ituaidned Uiat he hail the beat riuht tutlielnveniiuu at d after purebnaing one uf inure coinplainiiut'a lor pwluea. be auplied on th. lat of onuilwr, 1HK7, fur a patent for eubaUutMly the lutine cumhina Uuna of device and n achiuo contained in complain aul'a pateut. On the lotto of the eame month the reapondcuta formed thetuaelva Into a coiupny or corporation called "The Heed Torpedo Oouipuy," nn mi. Kull" HniuiS we coinpiainaiti'. in ventlon. and .uonnrtinif tba nnnnu ,r n.i.J.i..n and tbua defraud him of th. frutta. They have pe eevarod, aen aftT the preliminary Injunction vary properly granted hv tha Uiairict ndya. Let a dovree be entered fur complainant for a per petual Injunction, and a Maater appointMl to take an acouuut according to the nrayer of th. bill ipamm-m judja. Nora The paaaage referred to by Judge drier In hi former deci.'un. S Wallac. n. sou JL.muj app lcibie to thl cuae waa as follows: ' it ta ujuany tue cue, wtien any valuable discov ery la made, or uny m w macliiuc of pr, at nil Ity l invented, that tueaitcntlon of Uio public baa been turned to that aubjeet previotteiy, and that many i -- Y b inw.uii anu expert mauta. FbtloaoutiiTa and mechaninUn. n in eouie mraaure aniicipated in thalr .peculation thepinaihldtyorpmlwbllity of iui-h dtacovery or invention: many experlmenia have lieai ..Jri. ly tiied.coiiilnjjeiyneiir. yet failing .hort ot the desired reault. 1 hry have produced notbiujr bene flctal. '1 he invention whet purlecied may truly be .id to be tbe culniiuiniiig point ot manv expert men , not only hy the Inventor, but bv manv i.th. or, tie may nave proiltod indirwily bv the nii-uc-careful eaiierinteataand failurea uf other., hut It gives the n no rnriit to cam u share ot tbe hrnor ot u.u prodl of tba auiciaafnl invculor It la when tpeculaiirjii bno lretn rudiic.d to prartico, when ex pel uncut has resulted In discovery nnd whi-u t'.at ai-covery has been perfected by patient ana contln ned expvrimcnta, whon aomu huiv coniponnd. art. uiannMctme, urraaoiiine has Inwu ibu- produced which ia uaeful to the piibllctluit tbe partv luakiint it baeomca apnblic bentl'ictor and i-iiMilrdto a pa'eNt. in, .. ,iuim mm i:iui nt perseverance have at length auccneded, In ada of meers und scon's, aninu vtiluahle iuventlon or dlaro-ery, how eldouids li followed by reward I limy totia him of tbe honor, blie apeculatora, swindle, a, and pi ratn rob him of the profits. Every uu.uccesatnl .Xariiuenter who did or did or did not come v. ry oe..r making a dhwovery now claims It. Kvery ona rho can Iuvent an iinproveineut or vary It. form, claim a right to plrat. the original diicuvery.' We need not summon .ho-ae, or Manchnrd. or Wood worth to prove that this I tba ueuul Idstory of eve ry great utacuvery or Invention. The present case and another chapter to thia lonir and untfurabittori." 2 VValhica. a. R poru p. i. CAUTION.. The public I anttoned aontni cmnlorlnff any ill the regularL authoriaed Agents of the Com pa nj.alnee the Honetts Patent cover the naeuf the l"riedoand atlexphnive maierisla fur nil well, and the ue. ol au li tnaierial hy other parties la a direct infi inicemeut of tlielr rhrhta. An. nurtl... in. fiiuging nuy ol the UOHKKTS HATENTS will be ieall with accordlni: tn law, and as acting willfully and knowingly in defiance of law aud the decisions ai in. i.ouri. TUo Kiinp tny navo re-oraan aed thnlr hn. n. wiiii a view loaceommouate uii Men in every part of the OH Ketrinn. Thav have emnln.Md h mnt emcieut njieui. snu nMiriari mat can he proctiied uriii. .'u..i.a .wwii i..riMii i laoeiiaa wnn daioaf patent, tngth.r wlili the price or the Tor pedu, and alined hy an orncer of th. Companv, ao every Operator wishing 'I'orpido may know iu price and whaihsr It came from our office I'paiator will confer a favor by reporting to this Ofllce any negligence of Aueata. The fnllowlng nunied person, hnra been appoint ed Agents and Asaistaut Aient for the 011 Meuiona of l annaylvaula and Wcat Vligluli. LIST OP AGENTS. TiTT8VIT.I.r:, CflTJRCH RUN AND VICINI TY HTKPHBN ..Otm Ofncc, Hamilton'. Cigar htore, addrtaa Tltuavilla Pa Aaalataut John Van Bcrlver. ti rrsviLLR, rnnnoH run and viciNt- TT H. H TH0MA8. Office and addreea, Man- -ion llouae. 'I ltnsvil e. Pa. HHA.MKURO AND VICINITY OROROK IR. VIM. Office, Hhamhurg; residence, Tituaville, Pa As'lalant. A A. vtest. BNTKHPKWE I't-KASANTVILLE, BEAN PAKM ANn 1MTII0!. W. ORO. van VL1ET. Ofllce and addrea. Cnaaii House, Pleas an'ville. Assistant, U. V. Huntlnirtnn. TIDIOUT ANU WEST HICKORY CHAM. CLARK. Ofllce and address, Bxp asa Olflce Tidl onte. Pa... Assistant. K. O. beardaley. PETKOLBUX ItKNTItm ANO VICINITY LEVI MAHON Oflleeandaddress. Petroleum Ceo Ire, Pa. A'el'tant, Charles Blackford. TARS AND BLOOD KAKMgand Olstrict lying on H1 Creek and '"herry Run, from t.i.-y faim to HcCllntuckvilla JAiBS8A0NDUKH. ad 'ress larrrarm, Pa. Assistant'. I.uther B. Saunders. Charlua H. CiKiiran-and WTVa'ti Hovt. McOI.IKTOOKVILLR, OIL CITY" AND R NO A. e). VYVBT. Address, Oil cltv or Reno, Pa Asslsinii. a). Mead FiiANajhlN, ALOSOTRR AT.LFOHKNYriv EU-Z vi iLGKIt Office and address. Pranklln.I'a BCHITRO AH. P.iKTER FARM A PA.tRK'8 I.AMIIN -KMMIARD V. RKUPIEI.D. Office andaddrisa HiTnhsrraaa, la Assistant, K. W Por. tot teld, address h mlenton. Pa. WKHT VIRGIN I A-C D. ANGEL, and T. P. 0003 Addrea. Hark.rskurg. West Viryinla. Kn'bti-t PatrnloBin Tordo Cay nwrl-dqr TIIUSVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS $10, $10, BCY9 A CookingStovs CookingStove i WITH FOUR WITH FOUR BOILER HOLES BOILER HOLES AND a and a Large Oven. Large Oven. Call and we'll Show it Call and we'll Sell it FOR TEX DOLLARS .A-t Ames'. TITUAVILLE, PA. Great Reduction ! li 1ST STOM MiD TlWUIir, AT AMES'. THE "PEERLESS " IS STILL Without a Rlvnl In the Move Mnrkpt. I'g' W. bare reditcedjlhe price rf tb favorite s'ov. t.n par cent., bringing It within the leaeh ol all. Wa have also on hand twenty flv. differeLt varie- tiee oi COOKING ssovr.s, To"whlch we invile the attention of pnrchaerB. inir ptirtH. v in no toniiu tower wan ever. Kvery stove warranted. Call snl sen ns. ocllS if. At AMES'. WHOLESALE Ljquor Store Hat lean removed to No. 20 Spring St, AMERICAN IIOU8J3 BLOCK A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FINE Liquors and Cigar? will be kept and a contlnnnnrn of natronoce soncht laEll)I(g H00M Has lieen fitted up in rear of qiinlnU' cm am ror Hiiiry lnltcd to upend Iheir ...... iiiinDBtusjpiuii m him vi lie. R member In the American llouie Bnlltling i wltere yun will Und El). SANDERSON. Tituaville, Pa., Oct, 18, 1870. tl ISHAM & CO, Tituaville, Pa. NEW ANO BEAUTIFUL STYLES OF CO rd 0 -p S-M '1 Watches mi Jewelry, (American, Eng Isltand Swiss make.) 8teriing Silver Ware, Silver Plated War, Of all grndoa, ttniquadislmis In SIL VEIt. espccla ly adapted fu; present s-OI.IbliOI.U CHAINS, Jkvvh.i.y, I'lhTnLN KKVOLVRH, FIKI1ING TACKLE, HKAI, IIINGH c., So. Particular att.u'lun given u repair ing ftim watches nnd Jewelry bj a competent workman. 'I h IIfhi La... ui.. m. ..a ... rrw CD 0 r r"a H TU8VILLE. Hprlng street. RRMBMBEIt TUB I'LACB, Ceutre street, nexi d sir west of the P & A. Telegraph Office, Oil City, Pa $10 Ojice, 720 W B R 9 Hill mCOXfi.K'b'bh chestnut U awl awl . i k) 1 1 0 H I 3 n tWlKb mcHiitni (Philadelphia. U li T m.. m lmnefv nrofprpnm frk tria Willcox A Gibbs Silent Sewing Machine." The weicrlit of reliable evidence being overwhelming for that of the Wijlcox & Glbba Silent sewing Alaciune, l aeciuea upon u, procured it, and am more than tatisfied." i: ii . it lltietvn'ivin " I have the Wheeler & Wilaon, the Grover A Baker, and the Willcox & (Jibbs Sewing Machine in uvy family. I use the Willcox & Gibbs most frcrrtiently, thinking it far superior to either of the others." jatw. it.nux vtAKir ut-r-ciibH. " Mr wife would not accept a Sewing Machine of any other patent a a pifl, if ihe must receive it on condition of giving up the Willcox & Gibbs." ucv. v r.ii i aana, Carbondale, Pa. " The Willcox & Gibbs is the only Sewing Machine whoao working ia so sure and simple that I coud venture to introduce it into Syria." Rev. A. T. Pratt, ulsaionary American Boara. " We have used various Scwinu Machine within our family, but it ia the unnnimou opinion of the household, that the Willcox A Gibbs is the best of them all." KEV. J. S. 110LMB, Brooklyn, K.T. " For simplicity and mechanical aconracT of construction, I have seen no Sewing Machine equal to the Willcox & Gibbs." Of tbe Pennsylvania Central R. S A rnffpiinnn tt fitiee on the niihirct of Sewing Machines ia respectful' ly solicited. D. & EWIXG, 720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Ueeummciidedaud Endnrsed by over Meveu Hundred Doctoral DR. LAW RECCE'S C0MPOCNO FLUID EXTRACT OP KOSKOO! THE GItF.AT Health IRestor'r Not at Secret Quack (Tlcdlclne fo. niula Aiound the liotlie. PREPARED BOLELY BY . Sr. J. J. Lawienof , U.nio Chemnt KOSKOO Strike ut the Root of Disease BY Purifying The IMooi!, SE'TOHINfl TnE I IVFR AND KI 'KEV TO A HEALTHY ACTIOV, AND INVIOjJtAT INU THE NtltVOI H ttrsilt.M. Tula la tli" Rpcrct nflia tVoudeiful uccaaiu luring OONsmfPTION IN ITS PARLY BTOK8. rC'MiPPl.A, HVHIL'1, IiYSI'KPSia, LIV ER OM"l.AIN ', niKOMO 1IIIMJMA-Tf-M, Na fit Lt; A. N hVi IT AFFFCTI-'N, K' UPTIONi OF THR 8i-tN ait'M -hH fss ,iw y qdR, dtskases OP THE KIDNEYS AND uLADDKIt, Dlaeaaea Cauaed by n Bad State of tiir nii.ua. It fwonshly eradicates ovcrv kind of Tlnroor and B.td latin, and re-tore the entire ay t-m ton health . condition It la beyond question th. FINEsT TONIC IN TIIK Wt I.D. Thousand, nave bea- eVantfed hv Ibe ne of this Medicine fp m weak slekty. sufleilir' r.r nturos to sln.nL'. i tal hy. and hanpy men and womoo. Invalid' c niiot hi a.tnte t., yre It a trial. No Medicine lira ohta'ncd sm h a ureat reputation as this jtuth c . united compou d FOR Thi-TIMOXUI S" Prnm Physicians. Kivinnt Divines Editor., DrntJ-gl-ts shreianis, &c, see KObKOO ALMANAC lor this year. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE roii said ny TIIK PRINCIPAL I)1 COOtS' 8 IN THE UNITED . BTAI'ES ADBimLiH AMKklCA. . Dr. Lawkknck's WouaVs Frienb Cur all Diseases peculiar to Females, dccll-ly. A. 3 Smith has just reiHrned Irnm the East with a Isrgo stock of Shops ami the latest styles of Opera Toe Ladies shoes. oCtD-tf. Nicholson A Blackmon are Belling Cook 'nS Stoves witb iroa war at twelve doHara. Call and see' them. 4rt? M. y. wen gafknk ciucg aits Old l'sT.iBusit;t I T, LiauorHniic cc NO. 25 WA3HIK0WN mill 9MCE!,nt iOVEN SAFFNIY, PRC Pall Stocl; OF ILIQUOES! THE UEATIEST EVER OFFERED SALE ON OIL CREEK. Prioesliower TOAN EVER OFFERED : Goods Sold at 1 New York Prices, and WARRANT ED PURE ! Cash Prices ON ALL GOODS. Buy for Cash AND SAVE MONET. Hennessey Brandy, Martelle Brandy, Rhine Wine, Murara Wine, Brocton Wine, Spai-klinff Catawba Wine, ; Hammondspoi't Wine,J All by the case. ALWAY3 ON BAND A LARGE 8T0C1 OF SUNDAY' COMFORT I TO BE HAD AT ALLT.MES. 5 ' aw"lv m I 135?" Do not fail to give mc a call, and if you want to bny for canh, make me an offer Vie fore ordering elsewhere. OWEN GAFFNEY. No. OS Wnshlnfton streeC fat tuMantra,f t , iit4Ht.'''' 1 4 afty. V :sra!;.iww ."-jji itttt