J. M. ClffllRnSTIlE3,Dpugs,.-Paltent-'PedfeiBe fumerics, Washiogtoaii street, Pet &1 JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORE. Tilt. Oil. iUAIttil:T. Prtroledii Cknthk l)Aft.r Rucoan V J.inmiry 18 1871. Th market closed linn and adivo kt I ovenlnp, 4,000 bids rcgirdless ai-llitii; t $t,00. To-day $4,05 wua oOV-rod lor re gardlisa and $1 10 to $1.15 for privily. The aale weie CoObljIs gravity at $1.10 and BOO do. t $4.lj. V.'e learn ibat 1.25 wai paid fur gravity ai noiiaevillt'. iNira Yurif. Jau. 111. Crude, 14 v Reliued 23t. Market Excited illMOf mmir m-9 f J vm w ' -W V ashing tcn-St. PETfLEUSl CELTS' Prussians in Vnntt tl i'arK Iiittet 'relegrafcr. BRUGS a FULLER HAVE A LARGE STOCK 01;' O L O T -K I Crude 12?-. P L. S. to W. MarUe'-Qiit". I'uiluuvlpum, Jan. IS. lihlK. , 23'i. S. W. 21 I'lltahutg, Jan. 18. The Lanrest and Bent Selected i stock of Goods in Western Pennsylvania, and sold at ' Men's,; Hoys and Y.trclfc.. r Ao. nn cth-'Isi variety of WOliKN'J. CIIILDIIBS'S is XiH'iiH" (;f.D9, t)f ti- lust, timteanrot f!l to piea.e. OsriUii U hot nn .i tMi-h, alio) aj par Mill. lUWtl i.nu sit other dcalu. ' Our "tiftt'i onpprtrrtrr.l is pi-rtiimi over i. j a nr-. cl:i!-a i:i..ctiai:c. no ii mimujiei'ieii r-r u: HI. Try him oiiC: ami jou aru our customers. JJnl?cp. v.Jioro our Store H, HrCHHtisCh Ilvurv, rcltBKUBl ReDoed 19 Mirkl-Rirnriff. LtvKitroui.. Jjn. llcSncd lit It 12 p. m Suirita 10'. Astwkkp, Jan. 183 p. m. Crude Nn nvirlr. t. JOnS J. CABTEIi A CO., MERCHANT TAILOKS. TITUSVILLE. Nuw i'oRic. J. in. Gold- 111. 18 PetrolrrtmSCtiiitrn IiOIsc,'Xo. Tla, I. o. of o. F. Regular meeting nights Friday, at 7 o'clock. Signed. 11. J. AT WELL, N. G, A.Or.Kxx. A. rtcc'j. flH'licw of meeting, Main St., opposite MuUlinincK Hiiiiw, Novelties for the Holidays. Smoking Jackets and Caps, DEESSING GOWNS. Th Cbaneelnr. Cambria, MigcK PMneo Teck .rid Edlnb.irjh bcrh. F-cbter, Camhrtdg', PaciBo 0R4VAT and BOWK. Fin. lin. of rl.wlery, and Unt hrware, IncUioi SmltU'a Ptforati-d Uutkakin. for ladlea and genla. Clutb, Cull; Cutter Dim, and Duck l,luea, lined and unliued. SILK. AND WOOL WRISTLETS, Panoy and White Shirts, Collars and (Ms, AND A KULL LINE OF SHIRTS, COLLAR AND CUFF S1UDS. Cardigan Jackets, Shawls, L M sTEMBURG'S LAP KUGS, &c. TIIE LATE3T STTLE3 OP Hats Caps, Men's and Childreus Clothing. JML J. C4HTER & CO., West Spring Nt., T I-IIE! PUREST OF izi., for Jledicinal Purposes. MUSIC STORE, DMO. CilFJICtLS. &c- PURE AND FIRST CLASS. unit SUill's, 1 fc FOSOiisLY w PAINTERS'-MATERIALS and 33rush.es. laaiaarating afev of ih aruclet to foutd ac IMPORTED 0RAHL'3I2 KIOCK, T1TUSVILLE, PA. W ki now rcccivliv; a x of I'mlrol iicrcriaiivlii.jt cunai-"ir.i.g of J'iauo', Orsi?:t nud lUuiotfeona, Vila ri!iiiBo ir SSIAU rJSTKVVKNTt, EUEKT ViIlC, nndl INhTim 'HON nooKa. MCOLS, iji'litACS, EtO-.Tro. Stclnwny fttsoim, llrtidlmry, t tiii-korltijr A" Sons Jiurbu ik 'o' nnil ft'' nil rrdtfia 01 o hi-r inanulic!mers tr di alr cd, fit 'n"ts' rati s. V I avo t'u; ceieli'vhd jt'IiTil I'AIM IB VKil IiS. .fnn.t.,. iiih finAsL itvtn issi r.m ent f t In. tniO-.i cii, vbich we can nil on very niuoimlila teiiMt. A laigc stock ot'atlett yhcot munlc alway 011 luiril. , , . (Mir ntrmre it npcil r.otioMc at ccr rin', a tl'ov lave bocn hn-.ovn tt a wi.r'd for twraiy tu thirty year". We wai-mst bkm fa Ki. an-1 will cll r-n luuutlily vnvmouin orixilmiineljc hopim'i lin'nl luaruini-nif, or lor .'Ai- H If uvbkI. We a' aU bo i i to ahuw ou' kikki to all who may lavor ua aitli a call. . It- !,7,;x, decotf Of era Home Uloc-lr, Tltiiavllie, I a. TO Si hbumberTara ARTICLES ! Tbeflncat aisortmpnt pvt-r before cfferd on Oil Cret-lc. OPPOSITE CORINTHIAN HALL, oot24-ly. TITPSVlXIiK, PA. I Washlnjrtn-Sf Petroleum Centre, Pa. - WALL PAPERS AND WINDW SHADES ! Unsn-puprpd 'or bonuty and originality of diBlijiiS, clieapueta anu uorauiuiy. FOR THE HOLIDAYS T AT- lMicholson St Blackmon's O1 JLJLJLi STYLES At NicholsonfA Blaekmou's. Frienfia and patrona, fne tnrl alt. Vour atteulicn to niy ' biz" I ouli call; Tlmi a ara dull an money tight, But In thee timet I'm locking for light ; To thoac who are building ri wltbont Siimlicr, I would infoimtbUia tlie place to buy LumUrj My motto t tbla: Quick Sales and Small rrnOt,' For buficins ia bealtliy and I lliii'.k n.urli of It; In reality my Lumber !a f ccond to nono, Aud aa for Bhlnglea, I keep No. 1 ; Soma may not look at It in tlie HkM I do, And for tl.OM I have a quality Xo. 3 ; And to those who arc particular a omo may bt, I atlll have nnut'jer quaiily callnd No bive pnoil aeaoned Lnmtier. Dre aid up nIco Which I will till at a low cash price; 8uch as Florrlnii. Ceiling and Siding, ' bolh Borgta and PrcBanl, Lath, Itattena and Burfucod , Lumber, all of the beat; I alto hava Ti!g Lumber or all kinds. At prices to cumpare with oil and tirj-il ilmca; All kinds of Timber kept constantl y on hand, And a box of Cigars of a very good brand; My facilities for?fl lug are surely wtlhont nirmlier I alway s keep good teams to dell vi r good Lumber 80 If yon want Lumber, Hough, ;DrcsFcd, Hofi or Hard, You will nd Just what you want at L M B' Lurn ber Yaid. fcbH-tf Canary Etints, TnH CHOICEST BRANDS. WALL I'APUIl at Griffes Biios. A pair of bkatos I a good Christmas preaeut. JNICIIOt.sok cc DLAraauai WAR DECLARED - Prices!; at the OU1 Pmnr) of J. S. Prater, MAIN STKEtT, by . tlie BOW uiro, Q. y. B. F 3 S H E ?h Who Ihttnds keeping up a heary utock of GROCERIES&FROVISIONS' ILOUH, FEU IT, VEGETABLES, and in lift Yry kind of gooU uniftlly kept la well upoiutcd GKOCEUY ;8TOnE. 1 hive a tei-m on the road and will deliver Qead FKliL OF CUAKUK. y All I ask Is a fair trial and . an oanilnatey-t 'ofmyaiock. Give n.e a call. m y Pjtrnlrr.m Centra. Pa.. July. S-tf ALU TJNDS PAT2IIT MEDICINES. FRE8CKIPTIOXS ARE PUNCTUALLY COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS. TJT ICE COOL PODA TATER FRESH FROM TIIE FOUNTAIN', At !I.U.lIO.S". ff O ve m. a rail Rronzes. Oofra Glnsses, French Clocks, Funs. Fiuo Loudon li-mher aoods. at I Isn.iU'ri. Til'isville. Millers Cough Honey, bent in town. For ae at (Jitii-i'FS Hnos. ' Miller's unrivalled .warranted at Worm Confections, ;mm:3 Broh. AVAUU H TIIK J.AUIKS, - JK. IlXToA'CO'S Gttldcu Peri5iical Pills, FOltFEMAI.ns. I v F Lt.lTlI.rc TN COlt "V.i !TINO 1HP KorT.ATt 1 Tins Ki 'Vivi 011 firrrro'a of the JION" I III, Y I t' KN. FHiiM H 1 1 .A l i- Vh.ll CAUbK. A I) ALWAYS H ( ChS. i'UL AS A l'UKVKNTl VK. Prepared Hiprenly for Married l.lld le. Oi daily writes Punin co'i OnlJen IMP rellevel me In "two inns " with, nr nnv inc. nenlnnce, like majlc. Ho say nil w 1 o who ift the Ki-nillno 'He. uai'H of eiinnti'ifelt, " 'Hie gMi ine i now put i.p ill Inrjo white bi.n, cnnmiliiny "ilonlilo quantity' oi' lJill', ai d tiiou inrh linx von l I fi'iiMhu I'.. I'-pvcmiH stnnit) piniiivi from nv 1 rivnte die. ntion which von niil find lh word" Unpunen's tlolden IVrlodlcnl IMIs In (Willi'') U'ttris None icrliiliho without Hint s:alnp. The stmll red ami yel ow biixecare no louger Used bocausd of their bel g counterfeited. frlcc $1 Per;i!or. Hi Bojcca old hv M. ft SIJIIIONS, l)riiHKl"t solo Airollt for Petrolenm Of 'Ire, I. -iliej sidl ru 1 Ira l-ll tlirninrli tho retioleum Cent pint otlb e can have tho Pills sent (eunilileiit(nll by malt, M nny part ir the cor.n'ry, free of po-tase And also hvA. It. (Jrilllih, Oil Citv. N. W. Ki.n,., (itei'tivil'e. it. A. VeDonalrl, Titiwvillr, I'allend.'r .t t'o . Me.idvlll, J.tliu lr. H'.'TV. wlioleimln mrent Vow York, and by f I-H'lWK, Sole Pnau'-aor V.w OlU. 't '.lil. , Sealer in CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGS ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. LOOXIO fJti.WKS in ?reat variety. Looking Glaia I'li's replaced In old rramea. Picture Frame, made tordT Carpets, Ml Cloths, Yal Paper, ndow Shades A FINE 8TOCK. UXWEltTAKIXO, COFFINS of !l sizps on band and trimmed to order on short notice. SASH BLINDS AND DOOR3 KO. 1 WASIIIJJ'.WOIU Petroleum Centre Bopt ISO'.! tfa. J CARD. rpiIR roi rniBiA t'OIWEr If ANI, I Ol Cl.l.I'MI'.l A H'AUM, expresfes to iba uiililie In eeri ra' inaiiks for a.l favor and pnin-n-ate heiti'eil upon them, and ihey hereby am nouiicr Hint ihev are always ready to llny J ocenslon- where the eervicea of , K"' ''' is rennir d. ficli n l'l lll.'C MFEHNHB. FthN. V I S, I'UOt 'I-Ml.lb, Pip.ltr.i' or . I'r prlcto's in 1! Miinacnia 01 travi liiiR Theatre T oupes u'hn have no Iwnd with thiui, we n. noui.ee that we B'e reaiy to epk-e i'li't.vil I' ' llolcunv t-erirde. All those that ar. tn neio l n nood lull H'tiM l'a.d for abr ve (.Med teriori, will pliate adi r all e. n'miiiiicoili w fo 1. C. SVITII, l.eoilerC. O. B , . Hox "3 Columbia Ka:m I'. O. T. C. K. HAKTMAN, tec' J C. D. dS 8m. Best Reliurd Oil 20 cenla per gallon,' at J. El'THZnf' KU'f. . VI) It HXtjVj. A DV.'F.l LlStl IKCSR 'n Wild Cat. on . toe Kennmott truct. fren of land rnt 'Or cale .been. Hmpiiro of M. V. U Flefcer. (Oocer, or at Ihla 0lAUo nva BAT M AHR 7 years o'd. welshs 1 hrnt 12 buadred. An excelleyt ISUi ' horae, and will be sold tviiuntib!u. Jautl-Ia M. V. H. FISIlElt. liny the ''lied Hot" Saddle. manufcluiM in Tilna ville t xpieht-ly for the dl 11111 1. try aildpted to all klnti of wratheV. at J. It. Krcca; i e :i 5 n 2 t. mm 3