fin A Llfcl.KAL DlKCOIJXT from marked priuea an oor ,BXTSSSIVS STOCK 0? a REACY-MAOE CLOTHING Winter Underwear, Ctutoan), JIaH Clvlbtnf , Hats and Caps, c., a. For th next Thirty Days I flfo&lRMND, S21ITII & Co. Merchant Tailors ! liOMlllock, TltntTllle.Pa., Petrolwim Centre Daily Record. I'd. Centre, Wednesday, Jan. 18 f -, AND HPRATI7CB or UN O. o. A. O. B. 0fl and after Monday, Not. 28lb. 1870, Wul'iB aril I r.,iu.J.. ' I - mm i iviru v; SOUTH HO. A. KO. I. . 1. Leave irrinn. 12.01 r M. 6,10 r M 2". 700 am. l&srii! t'mfS " TllUv. B..10 4,25 9 12 Arrlv Corry, 10,00 5,67 " 1038 orrn. i - enrry' ."J04 J0 Pk -- '. !,( r II. 7.M 7.62 P. On. 1,27 8.1 ! 8.4J u Arrlv O. City if, 10 8,02 0.20 " Irvine. 4,50 11,40 '. 19" No. 8 and tun on Sunday. freight maris sortu. Va t1 M 1 ... a. ftT&f- V?Z ,W -iSfc a1.!? ri.. ;. i' rm .ip.,ib ,- E 1,44 " 4S" 4w'4 FREIGHT TBAIKR 80UTII. Irt On?0- W" ' Nfc No-14 2. 7 u'L;.'?1" " 1' tiim rente .20 p. T?.'I2?.,!? """"i"!" wfthoo change. Ouia al I p. B., i. Tbfc committee are calling on oar , miImh to-day, for tnbteriptiona to aid la purchasing coal to kMp th. .0,10 tna . frwalDf up tbaM eold bight, a for Deo. Nary rcpaira to tb Dydraata. Wa bop on eiifseai will fwpond llbarally to the call nnon it fa a great maaaur daptada tba tafatyof our towa from Br. Tha pip )iaa atroaa tba Cfeak, recently . waaaadaway, bava aot bean repaired at , 7t. Tba work of repairing will eommanee toon. Tba Petroleum Monthly for Jaouary la JIHad with Taluabla informatloD, botb hU- torloal and ttatlitieal, la regard to the oil ennoeu. 1 nia falnabl mootttty abould be w 07 an loiereiMQ in Me oil b !. Mr. J. U Bownao, Oil Cttt. Pb.. i. 1m tor and pnbllabar. Teratf $3,00 per ao- bubj, in MraneK A Tltiulli ehemlit la engaged In mak it eiperlmeata Wl'b rerereoee to tbe pot. IWIity of artificially prdouolog oryatallsed carbon, or geauioa dlaaiouda from petrole nm. Should be aateeed, no doubt every body oould afford to wear dlaotpndf, the would) be ao obaap, yo know, and withal aohaodaome. , , Th Gxpreu mseograt Eseton, Pa., wa robbed ai to raUroad-depot bat alght of abont $7,000. ..' T6 Dmoeratle tilal Conieollon of Coo-, neoiiout yesterday, aumloaled, fcke o.-Ment EttMt efloeaj by aooiamatloa. - G. K, Audensoa, of Tltusaille ha teat on baadirel dotlara aa th edttAia. at th. Harrlsbure; Pttrret for tb beoatU oi tbe-j auuorers BJ in IIJIBiaMWB. 8V Bob. F.F.IreUonuywaa iom lotted t) another term at Cplted State Senator, frra New Jeiaey last nlgbf. 'islMf is -inntr it gutwelu. Artaa4 th All honor to tbat little Cbnrcb, The Chnreb around tbe enrner, Thai need an gemi or Jewel rar Or preasota to adora her. With oharlty the abowa to all, -Tbe enlnt a well a nAirner, That Cbriatlan tplrlt etWefint In tbe Cburcb aroondtba corner. With Cbrlttlan love aba drlea tbe tear Tbat fall from every mourner. By glvl) falta and hope to all la the Church arounL tbe eorner. Faltb, Hop "and Charity am bera; To her be every honor; The Cburcb built 00 oar Saviour' word Tbe Cburcb around tbe corner. Baltimore American. Soatln Hall -On Friday and Satur- v evealnsa ef thia week we at to be fav ored with two Derformaaae bv the N. Y. Olympic Troupe under lb dlrrctorabln or eur uieoa ut. it u Tbaver, or eircut outoriety. Tba troupe eonthta of tome of lb floeat performer in th varletv and mlnatrel profeaalen, and they come well recommended by th preaa of other elite w are tl in reoommendlog them to the rvorble eoatideralieo olonr eiilMni Tbe wotor,4ox baa man warm friend in onr town, aad a be la well kaowa la the how liae here, we think we are aafe In predicting a rouilnc house fur tbeir onen- init, and leave our reader to judca for tuenwivea of the merit ol the troupe. LiOoa ror in diminutive form of tbe genial Dr. oa Friday next, and elva him the . caption be ao riebly deiervei a routing OOUM. Th Pituburgh Commercial of the I7lb, ys Our ipeelatt veaterdav noticed ran tu .r evvru ooaia at rarker'a Leading, la wbicb poor people Dad lacuted thnmiervv r the winter. Too aud dea riae and breaklne nn of the Ice In the river alio cauavd aome fmllar damage kwtwaboui. A barge be- lonnlog to Thome UoGrtnabao waa forced by tbe Ice upon the bank of the Alleshenv. aad damaged to the extent of two hundred dollar. Two brce belonelnir In Wm Huohall were ilmiUrlv terved. the damaze to them boioe about ail hundred dailir. TbeJackaon Fiabing boat wn wrecked. the damag belog about Ibre hundred duf lar. . CAJID. The rumor ha become rnvclt.i- tboagb from ao taoalbl mtr.ih.t undersigned have diosesud bv y.l of ih.1. cwbi oiisioes at tni plsee. 'Which w wish to remark, And our lansuau i olain" I not tb ear. W don't want to Interfere with an tit tle Inn tb bov"mT be eettlno nnl. .... " r i ouni us in," and ret ut b heard In the arrangement. CO8INOTOK A CORHWILL. A copy of the New York Ameriean. cf 1844, aunounoea tbat onlv one r-aaeemrer train will run each way au the Krla R.ii. road daily. The fare over the entire route from New York toMiddletown I tl.75. , Stage connect at Middletowa- for Honea- aaie, uiughamptoo, and Oweso. There I quit a chaogo alnc that day. Ana Oicktnaon' wardrobe must h. .t ting low. A report of bet last lecture tars. 'She appeared befoi her audltan In modest but rich necklace." Vlfrj-elcbt Uvea were loat h the v-cia diiokttr, 00 tb Muwidlppl river laat Sunday 'gut ' Tb Way and Mean Committee have agreed to report th bill making a uniform tax of two dollar per gallon oa Imported whiskey, brandy, gin and rum. A dispatch Iron Dover, Del., aya: Gov ernor Ell Saulabnry. brother of tbe pres ent Senator, waa nominated by caucus Monday night for United State Sena tor. Aa unknown man drowned in tt ail. gheoy Elver, at Parker' Landlne. on Kit or t ay laat. . He waa orosaing oa the Ice whan It broke and he fall In and wa car rled awy by H e oortont. Hi body ha . . j . not eeea ipuoo. A apeoial train left Tituavllle. veaterrH. wlto.twnty.oae eAemberor tbe Commer cial Club of tbat city, on their grand ex coraio to New Tor city, at th Invitation of Mr.. Henry Harler. Mr. Pat Goodwin of TMtuvilU, aceompaoJcd the party aa ca teroA Jurige Tttinki v. at the aesalna nrtlm Count 0,.ufi, iina four jurcw,. who did ani tbsaer tu tuiir 'mei, 813 etch. Thai Ltttln Church Comer." Latest and Must Important War icws. . Vvnallle, Jan. IS. Ceo. Von Warder waa aerionalv attacked yeeterday by four Frenoh corpv, in hi po- iiuon (ouin 01 ueiiori. The battle i ted lour hour and the at tack, waa repelled at all point. Tbe German Iota wa 200. Tbe Frenoh to-day unmaaked aome freih batter) on tbo aooth of Pari. Their Br waateocouotered bv the Ger man better! aad quickly iiooed. London, Jan. 15. Advice from Rloeane. nn tn December 23, itate tbat lb Brazil lUo military credit 01 1.-1,0110 can 10 naa oeen opened. Seoor Riveol ha been elected President of Paraguay. Londoa, Jan. IS. King William tetegraphed to Queen Augneta, from Veraaille, dated the 16lh, that tbe number of Drlvooer caotured in andaice the battle of Lemans ba in- cnaatd s twenty thontand. Four locomotive and four hundred wagon are among lb (poll. A dispatch from veriaillee lava: A Gor men detachment wa attacked at Braise on th Utb mat. by a tuperlor French lore-) but tuceeeded In escaping by cutting their way through tbe enemy' line. A Lexiugtoa baker baa hi bill-betda printed upon paper of three different col or red, greea and white. Tbe obji ct of tbi i to avoid giving iostructUa to tbe man who deliver th bread, flour. As.,; to the customer. To prevent miatake. when lb bill waa mad out upon a red paper it denoted ''daager," and be waa not to leave tbe good without the cash; If on sreen paper it deaoled "autlon," a tbe eoeto- mr waa doubtful, and the man waa to set the money if b eou Id; if on white, it wa safe to leave any quantity. At a large party In New York last week all the light ia th house went ool thaul taoeouily. All th guest were in the din ing-room at the time, and the confusion may be Imagined. Tbe scene waa like the palace of tbe Sleeping Beauty; tbat ia if any oa could have aeen it. Every oi wa till, not daring to mors for fear of bringioz down on tba toilet an avalanobe ol cream, jelly and oy. ateia. Mr. Sbepvdtim, of Terr Farm, ac.nt for Trumbull's Family Record, i now ecgaaed In delivering to tubscrlljei copies uf this beautiful engraving. It ia certainlv on of tbe n neat works ot arts extant, containing blank space for marriages, births and death, and when framed la drcidedly a handsome parlor ornament, besidr valna. tile aa a fkmili rienid. Thnu ol n... T v v. v.V Vlftl- lens having families ;boMld by) all means aecur a copy or Trumbull's Family Record. Communication should be addressed to Mr. Sbepardaon, Terr Farm, Pa. According to a Milwaukee paper the pro peller St. Joseph left tbat city for Cbioago and return, touching at intermediate noints andgoioga far north a Kewaunee and Ashnapee on tbe return trip. Navigating L.aKe alien igan in mid-January ia remark ble. Th baptismal font at tb Bsptiat fouron naa neen re-arranged, so tbat tbe water can be heated now before persons are baptised. Tbi will make the read to Heaven somewhat warmer if not eaaKr. Akron. Tim, A Scotchman' definition of metipbyslcs: "When tb folk who listen dlnn ken tbe meaning o, what they bear 'and what bt mean hi aineel' mat's meefa $akks." Tb Foret county Teacher's Inatitute oommeoov on Tuday, 24th inst. A premium or a Bv dollar gold pier I of fered for the best essay on "Matrimony." il yon call on a youog lady, and al crotchet diligently all tbe evening, and only cay Y" and 'Oo," you can go away about nine or a quarter paat, without breaking nay of tbe rule of etiquette. and If tbe old gentleman calls down tbe Hairs, ''Jurusber Ann! if nia o'clock," It may be taken aa a orl er verbal boot jaok and not merely in formation a to tb state ot tbe clock. "You have lost your baby, I beaj," aaid one gentleman to aottber. "Yes, poor lit tie thing!. U was only Ove month old. We did all we could lor IL W.j ... doctor, tliiiercd It bead and feet, m.i mustard psultloes all over it. .... i. - 1 tjwvw ij UlUD oalomel powders, .leeched Ita tern-lee, bad t bled, and gave it all kind or medloU.. and yt, after a woek'r llluesa it died." A landslide on the Jatnestuwn Jk Frank lin Railroad a day or two eioeo continue! tn deity train oa tlmt road. Irie Is to hv. . j,.ij.at9 dep.r.tnr 0t. i fjoMil Xotlrna. ft. M. Pcttenslll V Co., T lrk Hotr.'TIe Yoik. and Owl. 1. Kewoll ft Oe, . ji t -i . . ... ti.. ,,.,- r.. tli 1 jiu.aruaiiia nulling oiw lu. to. '.m- . trolcum Centre Dailt Votui tn lAm ciy. Al vartlxira In that citt are recmetid to lo their fa vara with either of toe shore honee T Tbe ci lebtated r(ung Kusewoad PI An., imma M, mt BOOTH A SARGENT'S. Tttusvllla, Pa. lie and Small Instrument In Weteru IVun syivanta, on nuna si BOOTH A SARGENT'?. Tuusville, Pa. Overceal. Kobe and Fur Cap, at Celt, ft) A. Jamestown Clothing Store, XfiBT A full assortment of Stelnway, Brad bury, Knabe A Co-, Mnrshall A Brudell riAfftus, coniantiv on Dunn, at BOOTH A SAUGENT'S. 'J'itusrille, l'a Cbnntauqua Lake Pickerel At tbe New York Meat Market. We have on hand and are in coaetaol receipt ol fresh Pickerel from Chautauqua Lake, jtoll-tf 11. & iV. Parkkb, "" Pttrtiu. Hetairinrr inatriltiiatnf rt mmm 1,1.. .1 will .... MAMnM atiuu vviisjivai IHUIH7 'J juii;uiniiikj yi UiirhTIf W'iDf!L'k.'M avv 11 uy irnihVJCiLiis Tiui.Tillt;, Ta. ITKDEU CLOTIUXa. vmnh.t .na U large qimiimif", a a. ALUhn r( jamenowo uioiDing owf. House For Sale. A dlrhle tlonae tor aala. aitnatfd nn tha Vs. bcrt farm. Fitted u; witli evtrv runv.iiienre tir ;miiy u. a rare btrgitn 1 ra&ren. For further particnlara cnauira at ilw Jauteatcwn Clmhma Hiurc jane la. 5JaVThH Smith Anttrtoan flrnnn.iha Deal iu use tor rale only tiy ISUOIU & SAKGENT, Titnsville, Pa. At Ihuau'8, TiTi'srii.i.a. Cent's Watch es. A full line or American Watches, la eluding Howard Nickel movement. All styles light harness, cheaper tbaa the . 1 . . . .1 , . vunurai, maun irum itiouai a oaa aioca, an warruuted, at J. II. Kron's. BUCKSKIN GLOVES, 20 per cent be low cost, at A. ALDEN'4, jli ' Jamestown Clothing Star, ZB Steioway Pianos kept constantly on BOOTH A SARGENT'S. jl5-Itv. Titusville, Pa. UTPiAN'OS fmru S00 to I. (100 dollar, ai BUUIU i SAKUli.NT'S, Titusville, Pa, TO IiET. For Balla, Sncinls, Meetiog, Ac, tb hall viLuriiv mo ni'eueaif r noiife and over u Warner flour and feed iture. Applv to nor. 3u-tt; H. 7 aixum. BIRDa The hi at Sinoin,, .tri vauurj Dirus iu me en region are to be naa i nev7-tf. J. W. BE VTTY'S. HI. . Slinanou' Brug and Tarleti Mr. Simmon ba just returned frm New V.. . t. : . i. 1 . ...... vinniiua ery mrge eiocK or Holiday Goods a rleher anrt mm. t....t.. .1 ..k never bus been exhibited to the citizen of u iireeK. Ladies Toilet Stand. Writing uwk irresdinff i.aneA. iin ia. i.m.. rtsii drens Toys in as lariia vurli fv at can be round In city stores. It ia well worth a visit if yon dou't wish to boy. Tblt atock certainlv never was turuusweri the arit. and richness. lie also has a large varletv t r ..... 117 t. . . . . . ifiojr m. rmrciuiu a jeinniaied ti Id tens,, verv appropriate. f..r Holidnv urea ents. Visit Simmons' for a bi.lf-bour amusement, before you make your pur oeet tr. ToParchaeera of Siii&PPSewlusj Ida. . euiiieal caution! All parties are hereby cautioned against pnrcnaaing any 01 our Jtlusninei except through our duly authorized agents, a Micbine will not be guaranteed bv ua that are cot so purchased. Mr. J. L. Johnhox ia our agent tor petroleum Ceutiw and vi cinity. Thb Pixokr MiHrr'o Co., 458 Broadway, New York. NuTtra Is hereby given tbat Mr. D.-C Gravea la my ageut for Petroleum Centre and vicinity. J. L. JoHKSoa. A full vatietv of Skates, at Nicholson A Blackmon'. CODENGTON FURNISH ALL At V ery Lo CA-XiIj. 8EE OLD S tcSroliuMt,,,. r..,.fct. JHC Wc hare a full istortmrnt f Fi...r" Niciidlsqw A Hi,ckxox. At Icuam's, TtToaviLLn Udi. ,i Inding Watohe. ol nearly nil rti.t- .J maker. det8-2w. Solid iIvur;goo! ptceeuts, at IneiuM.s ini.,j,f(ir Ikumji's,,. NKW ADVKUTIMKMKN'IN." W. C. ALLISON A SON'S TL'BINQ, tc Sold by W. C, ALLISON & SDN'S Philadelphia, Hannlactrirora off OIL WELL TUBING 1 AND CASING-! With plain anil Coupling;. patent Oar TI.BINO and CASINO are ajacalaciarrf with great earn, eapreasly to! the an of ell pro. dDeen),b..oc teste at the worSe k fore shipment with a pressor of t,MC lbs. to lbs square loch. NOTICK Sack lenft. and Melat t staiaia with eur trade Biarir. Rene other la tannine. Th fanger heretofore ezparlcnced In hstfsg Tubing break at'the Coajllrg ts tbtlitcd bj ailsg Allison A foil's T,(ng uh . stent Coupling. SOBEL'S OPERA HOUSE ! Dr. J. I. TIIAVER Ulrfcter NOW ON THRU Tr.ttJapnAL TOUB. TH2 NEWTORK OLYMPIC Two Algbfo n!j, FSIOA7 and SAT CUD A Y Jan -ao an49lr18Tl. MINSTRELSY, COMKDY, SPECIALI TIES Combined in oae grand eulerlalnment. Reserved Seats at Orilfc Bro. Drug Store WITHEI3 A EYARTH Kropr'a. 0. 3 WitiTMET Agenl. lfvlSSOt.UTIOt irfrET YAfl ftA.r.Mtv.lllll tiam. ft.M. 1 John lAiumers and elbeitA. Alden. ander tb Urn name of ixmmei St Alwn. la this day ia Bolvadby mutual fenst-at. Join Lammera wirinr. All 1 abilllla. and all Setae jf ihelautnu will be settled a. drol ertad ly either of tha snbwrlbsra. A tart A. Alftln. will Mimil-M 1.. 1 . . .. oloaun. """" . JOHTf LAMMKIIH . . .. ALBKHT A. ALDKH. Dated this 10th day of Jnnuitry. lf.71.-8ve. GRADES OF westjRates. THEM rATT TI?S TAND: '