DAI )L IV NO 280 ' tTIlE PETE OLECMCENTUE PAIL y RECOKD PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING, 'Sunday! excepted. ) W. ' D. LONGWF.LL, 1 ropiietcr. TKR9U. r year payable In advance, t m mouth, $8 00 flllCE-LIST OF ADVERTIMINCI. IIH line of nonpareil nutlu one square ) No. Insertion. One 0 y, two d;ty. i time days, Jf ar day, . VTvadaye, lne week, Two weuke, Ibree week, Oo nvwth, Two mouths, Thru tnonlua, Mix month, Nine months, Oil runt, I Jo l W 1 Si i M, mi, oo 1 no' i w. W t to I w 4 h' 1 UM 1 Ml 5 S" t OlM 1 no 8 (Id ! 14(10 t SY I 5-J 50' 4 W 00 I S 00, 10 00 , DU! O (!0 . B (id 10 mi' l. 50 m on to () 1 OO l'i (i in no si ou 1 IKfc 15 00 15 (KV H 00 07 00 0 00 mi iki 4l (HI 0 11 (jo mi 2t mi 80 110 ' DO 3D Ull 48 00 to no ion no Special notices 20 ceuta per Hue. each Insertion. Advertisement, payable quarier.y In adv-eyce UUSINESS. CARDS. Br. li. II. ClIUIssTiK, Baa TanovVi told rastisncaoa Main Street, at the end of Egbert ; Farm Bridge. Hour t ridne from 1 1'- V. until! A During remainder of th day be may be li-ui t a la oittce over J. M. Chranle'e DruK Store ' et J.il. tfUTHElMiAXD, M. D M. R. 0. aV Baa peruaaeotlj lecated at Petruleatn Centre, for h practice of kl profession In all iu brancbee. OroPFICB AT SIMMONS VltCtt rTOE, Patraleam. Centra. Pa. MiUtf. M.B..ttLrv ATTUUMEX-AT-LAW, IPet. .ham Oeutra, VauUfO Ca t Pa .iseoeia e4 rrita f. B. Elanear, Kaq., Franklin, oFFld'-In room formed occnpli'd by J. O. El liott, K.. in Bi'Ck Hank Building uovll lf a1UMHA.11 t kUUlTH, aVTTORNETS Jt COD NSELORS-AT LAW, l9ce nih ltra Trankha. and Petrolenm Can tre, Pa. Mayl-tf. UU. 11. HISOEIVIj V CO., H -A. N EE BS, PKTUOLEUin CENTKE, PA. ai H. UIbmU, M. C. Martin Cbrl.topber Meyer 5 W osVt rar aemcea lor the mms action of a fcNEUAL, BANKINU, EXCUAlNUK and CuL I b( TION BUS1NBH8 Any bnidneea antraetoa" to onr car IU receive pn uipt attention Ju IT Blew Firm, New Goods. MESSER&STIAIID. Tb snbarrlber. lava porabaaed the entire lntet it uf A. M. Shuita lu lb Grocery an4 Bakery bnntneae, end will bere-vftvr carry on tho bnlnesa at Ih old liid,e'd bope by fair ielinK 'nd iiiet att ntlon to Uia wadu oft k. public to merit (air abar of putrbnaif. We have on hand and are toaslantly receiving a Drat-clar atock of GROCERIES & PROVISION? , o'lall kind, Forcln and Dmcatle Prulte tugetbc trllhour, BAKERY TPhlch ta conaiantle tnn lna- oat fresh Bread. Pies. and C.kea. ilw Cakes for Tildlna and varilef naked to order. Onr motto la Small pronto and bl vau. uut aaa see n. MES8BK STTJAHD. nor. 10 tf Waablngtdu Bt., I'etrolcniu Centre Petroleum Kxilianze Hutrl CHANGED HANDS. FRESH JM ALL TIIE OY3TER8I yp5 LUXU RIES SeoeiTod yJt O THE DAILY! yM SE SON WutMiliiglon-stre t. Petrolenm Centre, Pa., next dooi to Biuim Dry UO'iUH More, Bay Boarders accommodated, Menla served nt all hour. O.v.iers, and every descrltitiot (iame n'niahed KUt. Ho pain will be spared to atcommodtto those bo favor me with 'uelr patronage AI.FREK UYKM& . Vi)na -.n)ArMt. 'Tu-M - PETROLEUM CENTRE. PA., HOT CLP. kaa Washington street. Petroleum Centre, Pal BRADHTRBB t HI! KKWOOD, I'aormictoa Thla lloii'p la centrally located, and tho general hcaJuartera of nil inen. Petroleum Centre, I'a., May III. 1WW tf. QILjEX-CIIAMUE HOTEL. BOii) FARM, Pa. C' S.t.IOHNSON, Proprietor. Thla Hotel he.'betn n flthd and ncaly fr.tulfh. d tnroitjhunt. The rnotna are largo and e.m furiable. Troupe and romimnii-a stopping at Ml Hotel have free ia age over the bridge. declS-tr M etXINTOCK UOU- rKTrtOLKCM CBNTltE, PA. Tils popnlai Hotel, situated ; Comer ot :'Jalr t WB?ilrg:toti.Hi., N'Jar tbo Tiin, h hf"ti rltifd and furnu'tpd thrxuclitiut. aud tiie proprietor witi 4o:ire uo puiu to make It a KWST-CI.AS" IT'r.5E. SootJ tf. llUMISHT KHANCIS l'r..prletnra.PJ niton Nii no I F.l AT MILLER IMRM, PA, Joat nojned. New ml curup'ete throiiqhoiit' Kxira aViNimmcpJatiou lor trai.iient aud pcrma- niy?3-lf Proprietor. I) in t ou r .i . iioi st;. , iPITIIOLB JCITT, PA., 'S. M.IALFORn, Proprietor. UIJ4 Ac t IVHI Would Invite their old p iMns a id tho n ibllcen .rally In Tlltlivilln nnl ViclilUT. To call anil viiiilaW their apleudld .totjt or J'urniture! OK A L KINDS Parlor Knit., Cbambw Hc'a. Hook t.vev, oiae noirus. i Loun-jea, Whainota, ' llat Hack., Sprlu Deda.l Mattresses, CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, MIRROR ndvTydetsrl'rti ra jf t"a:il.o , p d t aui ut auiemaK Ij.l)BRTAIUG ! rill Hai hritsihsi k trt7f slnrlc nf flrriN AND MKiALLIC TAAES now on band. Tlo-tt rlhe nnderiiineil havlnif lilted no a new store on 1 WASHINGTON eV HKCOND ST 8., Petroleum Centre, a no prepared to mrirth his cmtomer with er ervlhina In the bans uiiiil'hins lino. Sloven ana Tin wore, j4UUirnt Fancy Article. otampetd, Preoesl nnd .? n i lined Ware. Altio a iiiirsu i'ck oi i Bran Ac Iron Fsitinaa UUM. PISTON AND HEM I' I'At KISU. LAtB - ' . .... m. tt .II I tf 111 iV 1VI1 1.KATII Ki(. eTc, i ii r. iirt .ii i" - NOVELTY CI.OTIIE8 WH1NOBH8, w tTKH C(n I.RHH of all SIZES. All Job Work promptly atten! deil to with neatness anil dis; palcb. Pai iicnlar attention paid to Gas and Steam Fitting, have inr a Gas Fitting Machine not excelled in the Oil Hegion for cutting Gas P pe. ' JAMES RUTH tKr OKU. Inl 81WW, tl Biicceslora to II. n. Warner, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Flour & Peed Me t chant?. qinKSnhscrlbera bavins honehttha old stand of 1 II 11. Wan er, tniend ouiareii c me ai d will keen alwaxe ii'wnva on hard th bc-t the mitrkit nfl'..id. Wuvill do a WHObKbALE AND ifcTAII. trade In tbe ful.owiug pronuclei FIjOUIc, FEED, HAY and OK 1. of all kinds. We alo hove nJvcry large s'ock of au t?r APPLES. We Invito a Bhare of pnMic patrrnape, fecil" rnnlldeiit we can give oatlsleetion in prlaea a qnttny o, ;ou,. ft ARJIITHOP, PWreliw Prt ? ,! V--!-' WEDNESDAY EVENING JANUARY 18 1871 Drilling Jars RWeaK ! we wonldrespecttulle annorriM! to onr curio, mi r and 1h public grncruily that ire keep ton a(aml on batid Cast Steel Uri)lij Jars ! Whli-h for vrreneth and lit., jblll'.y eacel any Steel LUied Jar borctofvrein um. TBae Advantages We Claim Over Lined Jure are that, helnsAIX 8TBFX, they areatronwrtlnn Jars cnw.powd partly of Iron; iimr i,rM,.nrlti,' a HIi.mI anrftice tci the rmk. thev arc nr.lrted ttom we.r ou the uutnidt;, aud will keep aelr abape lonur. We Mao Verri on hand Cast Iron Working Unrrctsc FiKEirr. Knu rls & Co. KTKOI.KIJI CLNTnE. Nov. 13. iscpir. Ilea', era ,u ITrie Watches ! Diamond and (AoklJeweky,3 BtKrling surer ware, Fire Arift, "&C. All K SDSOF SOMn IRWELUi M.UE TO ar lTilrrB. T?nsEravln?a v 111 lecolva im nio Jia-e artentiou by expert workmen- XO. lO 8PUI.VO ISTKEET TIITSVILI.K, VA. dellv S. H. STKATTON. , VV. Kit'. Oil Froduc'rs AMI BROKERS IN CIL LANDS AND liEAES, Oflie'lii Plmner'i Block, IfosuOBc BoiH2UO.l Franklin, Pa. FV. Persons dlilnc to otwrateln the IXBSI- rvriNO Oil. P'S 1 M"r will will o examine onr list l.tbe al inter-ts wll! he Ulv fw'"' MA CHINERY, TW.L8, CASING aLd Tt BINO. 9 All Communication? p-omptly acswered. Iand SitrveyiiiB) anklla. w n ' TITIjSVIjIjE SAVSkMCS BANK. Stockholder individually Liable. F. w. AMFB rri.tont C. C. Dlil'UbLD t asbier D1KF.CTOH8, F W AMRS, WU.H auB'Hi', .lOSliliA DOUGLASS, WW T. E.I.t- F BATES, GAKD.MK, 1a u- Pftv nnnnvc, TRANSACTS A P NEW- BANKING Ilf'SI. Ntl5. llJinril Al K.U v.i dkp sirs. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANnW FOR 8LK. Arm' for "National" aud ''Anchor" Lines of Trana Atlantic steamers. dot SO 3m The Excebior 63 Wlillam-St., NEW YOB If. POLICIES AT OPTION OF HOLDER CONVERTIBLE INTO ANNUITY ECKCS. Thii. proven fproldige. POLICY HOLDER yAKlICIPATE IN TK yOLiClVA NON-FOHKEITIVO. DAVlsi & FASTER, Accnu, r"rao'-l InFi V. D. LAXK. Ppsoll Ag.n'. '!! ty Best Refined Oil 20 cnt per eMon, t drr!M. J. Rrri".:M?53'l. 1 DIETBM FOR BM Stean. Engines KdheclollT adnpiHl'' to the Oil. Bi'SISKSS. Fipi. h-d iy none I" comltiitwl n-urlta of cc.'Uuiuy, duriibUUy, aimp;icly ai d perfc-tln- STATIO.VAEiY li5JXES, ConihlTiIu all tho twits In the mnst rom'mct. elm le r.nrl cmi'i:li-itt t'.-mi, linvli-gr faovortior. Pump auu lflntur. cnnnocrd ieiiny tor u.e. ii'-trr p Ivu Clint! of out ft'oriablo anil Staiiuunry I- nulix-a ont on a-r)plii-nton. l fl, S . lf A " silt .. ICiiioij, 7Ialiaou Co , !N. V. oCfJ7-3lii. Grimes Bros. JUUGS, 1'iiro and of tbe (laest quality. MKDICINES All the grnulns Paten I aud other Medicine. - FEKrXMKKl inn rtcnest ann-trosi fragrant Uerroan, French and Ameri can Perl'umertea. rnOILUT ARTICLES such as Bfiihes, X Combs, Lnokin OUcscs, Powders, Kail aud Tootb, UriKber, &a. WALL PAPER We Invite inspection of onr veiy lurgo apsortaient ol Wall Papers and Window Snudo. AMP CUIMNIES of puro flioi glas. WINES AND LIQUOR" Pure and nn adulterated, fur medicinal purposes. CIGAR? There i no alocK in town mat fqualH tbe brands ol Cigar and To bacco sold by nt. PRESCRIPTIONS The rrescnpiion if nariment is conducted by an experi- eneerl DnuRlet and pnriiculnr altention la given to Ihe careful coinpoiindlng of Pre script ions. J2?"A11 the above articles and many more too mimerons to mention you will find at G rifles Bros., WaelilngtOni atrcel. retrolcam Centr. ' c f.NfltAli iioi:se. PBTIiOLEUM CESTHP, PA. Near Oil Cre-jk Allriehsiy Rival Ballwiy Depo C O AC TO & CORN WEI NEW STAGE LINE1 Between Mil'or Farnip, land 8Iiamburi;b. HVe have pnt nn a new lino of staco between Ih a Hive pot-ts. and win run warm ana comionanie CHi-hes from evtry paenpr train. All my old cii-t'(ne's me it que!' l to tnke uollce and net fuf n their old Ur.ver "t'HK T " AUATE, DALTOV Co., ot-181 !m. Proprictora. A. Xieggett, Manufacturer an3Dealer In ,; HARNESS Seed Bftgs, Valve Cups, feo Experience) workmen sn employrd, and tlar n-f of all kiudf ki( caatantly on baud and made tit order. . FINE NEW HARNESS, DOUBLE AK SINGLE, on hand at reasonable rate. P. C. Hciiiz'n'Pnt. teed-Bav For Sale. , rANCY AND HORSK BI.AKITS IN L1KI yUANTIriEB There 1 no superior VALVE CUP Maiie. than tb nna made In my hon, lad they will be eoldut $13 jier hundred or 60 cam a set malu-St.. below the IhlcrllatMe't Ifonae. retroleunx Centre, I'a, Nuv., 17,-tf. T. M'-Uonald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES! M the Depur, opposite tlir Central House, I'FTROLEtJM CENTRE PA 1lilbl Stock of' DRITINO A1D SADDLM HOUSES on the Creek, are to be fouod at M' Donald's Llveryi RRIAGES & CTJTTEES TB 2& LET AT' ALL TIMES. - FED it BOABDED on Reasonable Terra.. I rtjnlns of all kinds at tcn led to Promptly. tTt Give me a sail. ' " T. M'DONALD relroleam Centre, Mot. IWS. j. a. POUTER. . (bnocesaor to V. Mc Alpine.), RESIDENT SURGEOfTDENTIST. 68 adminl-'ti'(K Offlc op day and night hr,riC;BerfV's new BolWloc, nrryt of Waa nrtea a.a Seocmd ni-i tVooTeum Centre. TV'