The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 12, 1871, Image 2

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    i if
fiwia marked pricts on our
B,ira3iyS STOCK OP'
Winter I'uderwi'ar.
MtOM U4 CUtblnr,
Hat and Caps,
Tor tU nex t Thirty Dnya !
flfcFAIt I Ai D, SMITH & Co.
Merchant Tailors
llloek, TltuTllfe,Ia,,
-frolaum Centra Daily Record.
--.11. u O. V. A. H. ft.
h-L. Vin,!Srr.-llro?.'l'y' Kw- "t6-187.
KORTH ,a 6. no. 8 : 1
i I '.'?" - - I.0 r f. 6. Ill P ii
Titusv. .. 4.24 9,'l2
akrrlveGuiry, I0,W 6,67 10.3S
JM)nTK." 4
......... i.iip.j. 7,H3 7,62
P. On. 8.19 8.42
JmlvQ. city 2,io . ,i2, o .u
' Irvine. 4,60 U.4U '
iST No. 6 and 8 r in nn Sunday.
w.i m u --
K 10.- No. 8. , No. W. No. It Ko so
1 'J A 4 & a 1 m
tii.'. .C V "pre nu.
v ' ''J" sr.minaa caxs.
.rro::V.P.h,J"d-,n',t" '""t ahang.
Co JITPf i" '"tophta wlihnnt clung.?
a-?!.1.'" "'"hur,!, without change.
J6ldt 1 p. in., llojt'
Orat Farm. The welt located on tbe J.
P. McCray farm, and owned by Blood Bros
J. A. Steward ad John Bell, was comply
erf and tubed lait night. Pumping com
Hionoed at an early hour thin morning nd
It it sow ytAldlng fully one hundred bar-l-i-to
per day, and Mid lo b rapidly ioorau.
Ut. Tbl wall bu 40 tret of third or d
tearing iod rutk, and a trong roluma q
We are Informed that tbe k'otierw Pelro
4eom Torpeuo Co., bave ereoWu1 Oltro
Klroerlne manufactory out four m.Jes rrom
Tlmsvllle, to this county, and will hereof
ler manuraolure the article at that point.
, Tbe snaualactory U louated In a .r.
eluded spot, and t a long distance from any
liuinau habitation.. They, bave also made
l jtrraniiemeDt by wbicb tbe danger arising
, Irom the transportation of tbe article is in
great measure, If pot entirely, obviated.
The" alarm of Ore at an early hour this
, morning waa occasioned by tbe gas bouse at
; tue American Oil Works, in Wild Cat tlol
t l"W,.caiobiag fire Irom an explosion of gas.
l'aaiage very slight. '
Annual Elkctio or DmuoTORg or tub
lirUHVILMI it PlTBOtl Piank Road
Co.rAt tbe annual meeting of tbe etock
bol.ler. of thai Titusville & Pltbole Plank
lioad Coo-paay held at their office In Titus.
; ville, Jan. loin, the following persons were
chosen Director fur tbe eniitlog je.r:
fcam'uel F., Brown, F. . W. Ames, W. H
- Abbott, C. H. KHnee, T. J. Smilev.
t. i v -
Plvlu aervioea will be bld at tbe Pres-
Ly rian Church, at 7ig o'clock this even
log, and every evening this week. Preach-
?"t! '7 lnH Pa'or, Rev. Davjd Paito. The
' Viiel re invited to attend;
, Tt weaiour to day la mild and spring
: Jik;, . Iiit weiuj enough lo 3; oue the
4rv-e '-
talrtmtatail fnfllHf.
Krumtba Menipki Aralaneho.) -Tba
li llowlDft li an exact eopy, vlng
the name, nfa puilion for divnrt.e recHiit
ly Blled in thn r'int Chmccry C urt ol (lilt
oily. While it may be wanting In earoegl-
ne, tone la no lck of humor:
Serab W v. nn(1nll W alia
Randal 1'
Your petitioner, who haa Wn fnr inn
yean and la now a rwidvnt o( MnnipbiR,
reprraenia lo ynnr honor that nn or about
me zzn of OctolK-r, 18ti8. ahe wait Uwliillv
married with defemlnnl. Riindl W
Who lometlmee call liimsieif Randall f ,
aloa reaident of Memphla, and bai maile
nirn a oiitilul and obedient wife. Tbe?
lived together about two week, ther wre
iiuited aa two cloujj which meet at even
ing. They era two aouta wiih but a h-
iile thoupbt, two boarti that beat as one.
Fot the first week he waa kind, and their
Urea were httrmuniout aa onuio. During
tbe aacoml week be w hanb, cruel and
inhuman in hi conduct, and made it un
safe end Improper to her to cohabit witb
mm ana be under bie dominion and con
trol. He waa the worat kind ofnn Oth-lin.
threatened lo drive bUonlot the houat and
tried t fore ber to leave hlin. I? ihn
deserted her, leavlns ber nn the eWin
Hatohle, 'like 'Anaden weeDlnir 1, iho
waters" or liko Dido, with a willow in her
hand. She iacolorud. be la dittn. Anil m
gay Lothario. He hua never returne.l n
cbarm her loneliness; but since the time or
hie desertien. within two weeks nrti.
olemniialion otheir nuptial rights, he hue
u:i.ui.iuj5 iininwiiiuy wtm One Uhnny
Anderson, wilb wiiom bo baa i-nmmiir.rf
adulK-ry of the darkest kind and tepentedly
nn coniiounusiy at diver times. Prom
ise considered. Aa., nravs lor such'reliei a
your bpsor may crant and the comiilniriiia
of the cse"may demand. ,
Mr. John Gilpin, not he of billiard rm.
but more cunninrr John who hail, fr,.
Albany, (lulled the unsophiaticated Inmates
of Titusville hotel into bettinn AMa i,i
tbe said John couldn't "ralae a ten pound
dumb-bell over bla bead, perpendicularly
irom inesaouider, with bla rioht arm. 2.600
consecutive times, without atnnnin.. n...
Jobit did eatilj, sorl now the TlUiavillians
think they know of a man who has done tbe
me icing .uuu times, .
TmiooTg K. R. Cojipanv ti, .n,.ni
meeting lor the election of officers orthi.
company took place on Tuesday who tbe
uiiowing result: '
President James Purshal.
Directors 8. D Benson. D FT viti,nii
B. H. Hopkins, Geo. W. Allen. '
becretary R. E. Hopkins.
Treasurer D. A. Mitchell.
A Curiosity. There oin be seen at the I
New York Meat Market.
tbe largest dressed apeoimeo bf the porcine
lamily that probalily was ever hronrrbt on
Oil Creek. It weigh 653 nnnnrt .nJ
measures six feet around the horfv io.t
of the fore lens. This norter w. r.i...i
we are informed by Mr. Purker, at Sherman,
Chautauqua county, N. Y. He also Informs
ub tbat lby raise larger oiie yet In that
oonnty. li's a curiosity, and no mistake.
Rev. Alex. Sinclair, castor of the Pro.
by'.eri society at Titusville, was present-
a wun a complete set oi Appleton'a Cyclo
pedia aod Webster' Dictionary, valued at
$150, and a $1,000 greenback,, by the mem
ber of bis congregation, last evming.
The Rome ('ia ) Commercial eaye of
Akerman: "He's querisb looking little
fellow. Below medium height low,
wrinkled brow, Ibat has a suggestive
breadth an eve tbat is as hiinffrv in It.
I glance aa brutes; aud as an Albino s a
p air or thin blue lips, pulled down, tightly
ove.' multitude of 6 littering well kept
teeth Complexion comparable to the
dullish blue color of ice in the moonlight
bands reminding one of t.he claws of a
bird a lew scattering whisi t.Ts of that pe-i
collar, dry, stubby kind, dot iceable la the
cold-blooded creatures who have no pasaiou
in their emotional, nor any ju ice in their
pnyaioal system thai' Akertnan.
Hard Weathkh. Captain Atwood, ot
the bark Argentine, which reanhod Uoafnn
oo Friday from South America - etattia tbat
aurlna bl ibiriy years experience be never
met win such bad weatber. He bail the
wiud at aU point of the oompass, with vi
lent hail, snow and raia squalls and tb un
der. Tbe sail, of tbe vessel were ell nor
blown away or split Into fragment by tbo
fearful ana's.
An Atlanta paper baa the following in
teresting paragraph "A lady in tbls pity
tied her busband' bands aad feet tbe other
day just for fun, aod then went through bis
pockets tor a certain billet doux. and found
it. His physician tells blm that hie fce
woot be badly scarred, though, b may tj
min i laid."
Wi-r Aews.
, London, Jan. 11.
Ren. Faidherbe's cavalry had an encoun
ter with the enemy on the 81 b aud Utb
iuals., and met with tome succeps.
The Germane reorewnt thut the re
turn Dra of tue Parisian torts ting percepti
bly. Bordeaux, .Tan. 10.
The Mcnitettr pulilinbt'S ti e following
news from the army of the East :
January i, 187(1. )
A battle whs fouah', north ofthiaplaoe
to dav. eodinit at wn o clock in tbe even.
luff, wiih a victory tr,r our aim.
Nii;bt prevrnts ua Irom aaoortainlnir the
rml exteut of our success by tbe Gum-rat
We are bivniiack"d in the centre of the
battle lifl.l, and all predesigned j ositious
are occupied by our troops.
We carried il'erziwl. which was the
key of tbe enenu's position, witb a ehout
nlont; the line of ''Frnnca ar.J tie Roiiub-
Lnndmi, .Tin. 11.
The borulKirclment ot tbo lnrtiflottiun ot
Paris on th North, east and sontb (ides
w vigorously kupt up all day Tuts-
The French returned a moderate fire.
"Satan's Rockets" is the c'leerfnl name
for an invention of Lirlre, a. F:ei,ai engi
neer. Tbe machine consis's of a
tin receiver Wed with petroleum, and bav
in at its face a cSmber containing n
a compoaiiliui wilb sit'phHe of cvrnon as a
l'0e, and which in cntrbuation gives out a
tremndons heat. This is put a tbe end
'f an ordinary rocTiet, and when It is fired
end s'rikes the eartb, a match is Ignited
that Are this composition and sets the pe
troleum nbliez. This raiu ol firo will cover
a space offro;n twenty 4o twenty five .van's
sq'iitro, accordinit to the s. of the rocket
They are manufacturing three sizes. The
drat throw a rmartor ofe callon of oetro
leum; tbe second half a gallon, and the
third a gallon. They can bo thrown three
nnil a hail miles. The aim is very accurate
and the chects of experiments were so di
natrioiiB thv.t the committee of arliliery
officer decline no civilized nation should
tne it exc pt in retaliation. nd that ' I
haul 1 ho employ,! soltly in the event of
tbe Fnis.'lan throwiug fhollB filled with
petroleum Into Paris, us they did at Stris
hoiirjj. Two hundred workmen, however,
have beo busied In preptrinij these rock
ets, lo case tbtir use should be neces
sary. A Mount Vernon (Indiana) cortepnndert
telia a story ol 'voou.loiiitun," in whici o oe
Siimuel, a n-aru. was tbe vicim t
anuar ttnt Joa.n l A bin. alan eol..r,.,l
havlnir sim difficulty with Paine, "made a
contract wilb the devil to place a tnakein
Puine's le,." The mtnner in whieh this
was accomplished i stated thus: "It whs
oailiht, hungup to dry, ami then pui.
veriZ'd into a fine powder, and then placed
in the palb of Paine." Paine declared tbat
he suddenly felt the body ol the serpent em
bedded in his Ih, and he knew at once
tbut he was "voodooed,-' hut had not ihe
power to help bims'lf His wile rxorciaerl
the snivke ''by a poultice of red pepper,
and when removed it was one font in leng'h
She threw it on tbe Hre. and it wriggled on
the floor before sh ought It." These
statements were sworn to before a justice ot
tbe peace.
Apkino a Iii.kssi.g i pon a Kiss The
Celebrated John Brown, of Haddinelon. hed
u iiirled a young lady unwards ol six veur.
At length ha contrived to overcome hi
natural diffidence, and spoke to ber thus:
"Janet, my woman, we've been acquainted
now for tlx years and I've never got a kia
yet. D'ye think I may take one, my bon
nie Ian?" "Just aa you Mke, John, only be
becoming and proper witb it." "Surely,
Janet," ild Mr Brown, "we'll ak a bless'
inn." The blessing was asked.and the kiss
taken. "Ob. woman, but its gnle," said
the worthy minister. "We'll now return
thanks." In leg than six month John and
Janet were man and wife
Ye huugry mortals listen to Lew. Vmi,h
er' proclamation: Just received a large lot
ei nice iresn oysters; also, a cargo of Egyp
tian sweet cider via Suez Cauul route. Try
ToPurcliaacrs ol Si nuer Sowing Ma.
cbluea! Cauliuiil
All partie are hereby cautioned against
purchasing any of our Machines except
through -our duly aulhorus.-d agents, as
Maobines will not be gu.iranleed by n thai
are not so purchased. Mr. J. L. Johnson'
is our agent for Petroleum nnip. ...i
ciuity. " "
Thh Sixoer Masdf'q Co.,
4o8 Broadway, Now York.
NoTICSl la hnrehv irit-un If., 1l - n r
Criivesi my agent lor Petroleum Centre
nd vicinity.
Cx:il V.ilf.;.."
S. PI. kMitiiM.' Jt .'., SIT
I'a k I'o, No oik, and 'e" 1'. 'fuwe I A C
..lvi.rtl.'in Aset'ls. am Uie solo auruts fur Hie Vn,
irn!p::m I'entre lUM.Y Ilri.nao in Ihnt rl y Ail
ve.tiai'ia In tlat rlty are icqiuHd to tt thoir
fa toik Ti lth i ilhcr of toe above, home
C9i u ii i ii tt qua litikn 1'lckorfi
At the New York Meat Market. We have
mi hind mill ntu In enn-unt receipt ol
flesh 1' ckeiel Irom (. pnotaiiiiMe, bake.
j.ull-tf II. A W. FaltMaV
House lor ale.
A dofcintblf. IIuitbp Mil.-, pitllat A rn the t?
Vm-ti.. V.11..H ii'i ith .'Vi'. v .Aiiv....u-r.iw f..r
laiuilv iw... A buiif.ia ii i'ifre-1. ff'or fiinlin
I oi iirtiiiira enquire at the ilmowtowa (.'loibnK
Store. . janau.
At Imuu's. TiTitivii.i.E. Gent's Waleh-
e. a n:ii line in iii. ru-in rravcuea, m-
eliiiluii! Ilntvard Niekel un w nenl.
AW jtyiea I i r f t Iiiuiih-h. v' ejpei thai tbe
i:' a,- ri, niude from Ml'.i's oak (lock, and
nairauttti, itl J r. Kn i. i.
F"r Ball. Meelii'K, 4c., the ball
"npunie i tic id ciii'Sti r iinUM eon over U
aroer a tlowr ana feed iluf. Apply lo
nuv. 3i-: f. H. Warxbr.
BHins. Tbe in ei Sii glnu and ebeapest
Cun try ltirda in tie oil regions are to be
bud at
tev7-tf. J. V?. BR.VTTV'8
Pall al icl:oo'(,n .V. Klnekiiiiw)' aA l.u
a Cooliing btovo wiiu iiou ware for twelve
.1.. M
ii o 1 1 ii i a
Gtffwj hits u large lot ul scutch ale and
rvmlon porter especially or fumlly use, by
luo u'iii.k iir tttre
Miller's Catiipbu' let, Hie best in the
market, at Gmkfkh BhuS.
Best Rtiined Oil20c a: t"-r, aallon, at
TlnttltiL' MI.I..1 ti. nu ..'..!. V
, ...... ,w -lin 1 VUJ
now ready lo cci 'cb Vi'iiisky. Jamai
iiu nniiii an uiucr lU'pcrif'Q gouo al
new iorK .rscr.
tiovl2 if- Offt'.i (lArrs'BT.
WALL i a'
st Gr.trrra Brob.
A pa'r ot sUttes I a cood Christmas
present. i
NlClini.coN .V Blackmak,
A full variety of Sltnl.-, at.
Ya b .ve a lull ,a."rtiuent ol Skate.
r.'iL'lIllI.SON & Bl.ACRMOir.
AtTmhiu'.!. Tifi'irn i a r a .liua .1 -
wimiio Watches ol nearly all first-clai
"eii. urcB-zw.
Solid silfer'giioJa in case an (table for
presents, ut , iniiam'k.
Tlieco oirnrrjli!;) h r lorora eiittins ba wen
urn Ijv n ners uni at;... r --. AM..n ,ii..i. in inn imi nia
".",',.'!' 1:11 c" '' temiBore re bin
AH 1 lew II dibis.f Hie late Arm will be
' 'i e-ia l r of the ruhserilw.a
i rt : A'deu wU coailbva the huatuea at tht
, .. ALBf HT A.'aLDKX.
v .mj .ins i nn my oi j inain jr, V71 tw.
J it.
(huccMbor to V. M:A:plne.
Oas admlnl-tercd. Office opan day and alglit.
OKFTC.-rterry's new liulldlng, eoraer of Wash
niitok and coud his.. Pairuieom Centre. Pa.
iiuiylti If
T lTlVliliy
SlockholdrrR 'iidlrlelwiallr
Mublo. '
ZFiVl&rrX - -..-aent
-"'"-v." . Caaalar
r. w amrs. tm. n AnnoTT
SALE. Air'-io IVir .Ni.II......I -rf UA u..... .
ol 1 .ana Atlantic steanidrs. (Jee0 flui
At Very Lo
retroloumVleatro, P., 4t, Sl-lf,
ra i j J r .
a nwri us.! nt hk 'nwiw t. o ,h,
Kf p. e. t Inn .. Ir.. ii 'mil iir or mli ih...
i iqn ioi.f M. V. i Kin i.r. Once-, ,r at ih'a
ofll e
Al o me BY MA11E 7!.aiH.a wili.harb.iit
1C li'innrei. An ' isoLiut be -ii. In aid
be sold ri is nablo.
JenU Iw N. T. II. llaltail.
A (iOOI : '
Tie nd r.'gii"d 'IT r fm a. 'e rhat valMjco-
BtltJ Uuowa a. the
Near ftalrm Htati.n.on the J ipieatewii Ac t'rankba
Italbmil. in HnKar l.roa T. woabln, Iirrr Conn m
Pa. The irop-Tty con-Its fa I rn-i -nd AW
lidsb.H,t3n AI'HKSi.ri ANli. 1'ba mill Ih iixi la
a Isrg liirre-lur- buil !in. In rliar rste repair.
I lierv a lines nslr ul bnLr. u l'h 1.11 tlm
Vli c
n acMiwr.v, in i;o. 4 md r, tbe r. pamy nf
ch n a lendily be n aile tciir linedi'ed I lli-tlsls
1 wiiiiit lour 1. ur-. irit 7w vol 1 in cooil
,.ui. 11.II.M I- a ... - ..T...I-
t!li.oK Wat ( pour: (not' ai t relinl la tlirotitt
0111 tne year. I he loration Is isi, bo h f.r
a lulu and merefmiii wors. btn k In a poml
n 1-jbb.irboiid mid within a r. m r..e . ..r suiwa.
Hlatii.n Ti-e furH rur aLil.niiia-lu ihm r.ll aiu.
try are excellent.
Aduresa JAMKS 1.. ni;0WX.
Or. rallnpmOPO. VOi'I.K, at tho M'i'la ' '
- i.i.i..i.....k-.. .j .
. y in kukjii-ii.'. to in,. ;iimi a.'MLTintsi nrnppraj' .
will a so soil aivnii iito Aiiurts Of 1. .mi .,o
iiiKtl same, linprovrounts ma s. tnelVJ
ieni, a rramr lioiira 11 ml two irame b.rna. A
nnaiUarablc qnamity of timber on tin. ir et
jr.n8i. JAM Kb C. ItttOvT M.
1.5,0111 A. i(,iT,
Vl IMIUWWV.. . law - I .
' ' B ' "-' mtwv a vi wioviaai
Hercnsndisa, conataiing of
Piano. Organs and Itlelodeone,
An.l r-M . -
eti&ai' sum1 , nnoi
iNsiurnion books,
Ml'iuila nDLL.iy v. . u
Steliiwey A .na,
4 hirkerlnar A- Sens,
.... .. . KiinbuaYtisi'
ir.d till all erde so. inh"r nisiiulacinre'a If d"sw
'd, at ih to.ieat ra-. a. We l.avu ti?e celfbrstid
SiitflT PAIIi aaaa 1.1.4. u
offliifliin ,t im f: ei hfik maiai'MCNT 1.1 1.
inidueeu, wl ieb we can till on veiy
Arms, a lui'fw. di.-k ..r..iu uw. L
-- .- oV v. kivi.. oui-'-v jiiusib aiwaya
011 baud. '
tlltr .lislriimo ,ta .mI Pn 1 . .
they have been tenure ti w r.d fi rixi-iiiv tu.
and will sell nn m.,iol,ly , avn enia nr. xrhanae lor
"II"" " 1 '1 or inr i;a 11 11 urged.
We si. ail Be plea in to show our jooos to all wo
may lavor us mtb a cail. h b II. o Ml
dsea tr Opora Hons Block, Titu.vllle, l'.
Crokpr'n .Upsilenl Compound
and LiiiiniPut.
Pa'eited Angiut Cih. 1n7il ! ens of the bee
emeoles In the market f 1 IlntirLal and external It reinnvas m ra n iln and H.w.. 11 nnrt
rthm aryotlioi mtdicina. I enrs. rit kmi....
eases of a,.n-nmptl. n HI a-no ei,nnl for ernbs,
ccld, aid all d avasia of tl e ilnoat ai,d Inngs; It Is a
rare enre for pi!n in the stomach and bnneja, bi!.
.una cone, cnoiera moib is. pliiWib: tnd diarrhoea
It is ihe brat kn wn f t ihmma'iam, la
sn (ma for nimralsia 111 tna iar. i,.ii,.i...
pralna, bra,-ji siiirjolnta, s well g,, fa, ntt,
chilblains, acalda and bum, h is warraLtad to
oaie eronp and dlphibeila.
m brlnulrg hisn.edlelno aefnra -th. ..w.
would fay tlat I bani tested ItsTm.rti. i. .
ber of veais, nd luht iimrnj i.. .,-1 .
eertia.atisi.f what It h. doaaj hot 11 iaimnsces.
ry for It will recemead tt.lf. No family ,honM
be without It. I. h not got np to humbo, th. pub
Ic.snd all persons buying this midlcln. will
thtb- money laranded if not satisfied wlthtbarw,
aim of Its use.
All 4'UnrstssnU dealnia l,insi.,.s
aollelted to sand la their ord. pi, wh'rb will be
prorapi j niltd. A libera diMMint Ii. d...i.
r and
aenra. Agenu wanted In every eouciy la
UlllllI OlAI P.
Files SO celt aod.$l per boitU.
W. 8. CROOK.,
At Main .1 ru, 1 ' t
Bald at all Drug Stores. dec 3w
Fn, Fine London leather good, at
jshaM s. Titusville.
Mlllor Coilflh Honev. heat in inu.t, p..
Ale Rt'. nniirvra rton.
Miller' unrivalled Worm rnnrn..
warranted at Grifkkr Bnna .'
. Iv
j , Is- ., .. ' ' ''