The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 10, 1871, Image 2

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from marked prices on oar
Winler Underwear,
Cttsfom Had CUthtng,
Hats and Caps,
! C,
For the next Thirty Dayi I
Merchant Tailors!
lonee Mock, Tttmllte,Pa.,
Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
nt.eoiro Tueoday. Jan. 10.
jsXNSj oft u. C. tt A. Jl. R.
9 ".""r Monday. Not. 28th, 1870.
iraina will !. - riiA.I. ' '
- " sviiuwa
KOUTH KO. 6. Hit. 3 Ml I.
..V7U l,W ' d,OV 0, Oil
" Tllusv. 8.30 4,25 tt g jo ti
Aeries Curry, 10,00 6,67 " 10,38 "
sooth, ko. 1 C no. 4. ko. .
fcaave Curry, 11,05 a.m. C.I0 a m. (.IApm
" Tituav. 12,40 p M. 7.85 7.52
" 1. Ctio. 1,27 " 8.18 8.42
AvrlveO. City 2,10 " 9,02 " 8,20
Irvine. 4,60 n.40 tt
IJW" Ko. 6 and 6 ran on Sunday.
a. tufa,1.- .J""- N" No t.
Ko. 10. No. No. 16. No. U No SO.
I" F- 1 OAPM
J S A.M-. 1V,H ia. 4 Hint
ArOCIClrJ iuAi i,s5 .. s,iU5 .. f .,
Uo,'i-v "a ''"fo'wn 'cntr freight, leaves Oil
ftj a,10 p. m . arrive t Ptiirnleiun Centre , p.
It '.i',4' .? 01 epres train.
. J 't thmujh aeeoiamodaMua, ooaiieets at
C IT J fur East ano North.
R n.TKR riun LBcnaa caw.
a. 4 Dlruet from Philadelphia wltbaet ehetise.
rJJ!cl J" Philadelphia without ch.Dg.7
2 -P'' front Pittehnrnh without r-huu:.
m?h vric,.to f "''' without chii
o'd at 1 p. m., 110
Tbo Alleghany river l frown over at
J.awreneepnrg,. lor the Cm iiraa In tan
years and heavily loaded team are
rotting: on. the Ice with perfect safe
iy. THuefille enjoyed another atabbioa nn
llon, yesterday mornlcg. Ilunry Hop
kloa, a colored man, aged about 45 yvart,
wet stabbed In (be beed with a huntiac.
knife, by Wra. Prim, a colored bov 14 Teaia
old. Tbe blade of the knife entered Hop.
Aioa' temple directly over Ibe left eye nod
broke off, laarlns about 4 V. inehaa r ai.i
lo the man'a brain. Uopkioa l not likely
to mover. Frla hat been arreted and
bald lo ball in the lura af 2,000 to an-
Tbe tellowloc Uble. which we fiant fpAtn
tbeTldlouta Journal, ebowe tbe doily pro
amnion 01 tna wmi Hickory oil HeU:
Wilkloi farm,. 800 bjlt
Beatty farm, ' 70 tt
Eeaben Scott farm,. 75 tt
Boyal Soott farm, tt
II. W. Scott farm, 85
Faguadui term,. 250
Tuttlefarmf 200 tt
Jabu Heater farm, 13 tt
UUea GiUeaple, M it
SlW Potl Oinca. The Poat Offiaa Da
par luteal hai Inlormed Hon. O. W. 8cbo-
iiem 01 tbe eitablliument of Pott Office
at Fagondaa, Warren eountr. and thaaa
liolatuent of Jueepn W. Senee as- rostmaa-
Well Km. 86, Columbia farm, struck the
J7iu day of Novsoiber last, has averagud
JSJ barrels nr da; er sinee. . No. 83.
nm farm, slruok on Fridiy Ust, cootinurs
t J produce 65 barrels of uil daid. Thin
farm oow has upon it several of tli IVtfest
Weils la tbe oil regions.
5llifMo is good sua cuturit tiro In so-
tt r t t)t'it:uri(l
How Bravic Kttn Pit Both French
and Germane have men ol berolo mntild In
tbelr armies. A Isle letter to tbe Cincin
nati Gazette mentions two, as follows:
General Renault I dead. Amputation
eoull not save him. As his breath shorten
ed a Bister ol Charity aaid. "shall we pray
tor you?" Tbe dying eoljier replied,
'Pray for France." Them were hie last
words. Toe j were aa earnest ae death.
Tbe scene was touching. But there waa a
more touching one at the American ambu
lance. One of theStxoa wounded died.
He bad dictated a letter to hie parents, In
which he eald, "I fell in the battle of tbe
31st before Parle. I hope my wound Is not
serious, but I am In God's honde. I send
my loee to all my brothers and cluters, and
pray God to take care of you. Krerytblng
has been done Tor me, aod 1 an veijr lbank
fill tor tbe kindness of these people. Tour
nflVCtlonste Gustaes." In tbe delirious
momenta be exclaimed: "Row beautiful
the Spring time. O, the flowers, tbe flow
ers, bow I should like to bare some." Some
Were brought. All in the large tent were
deeply affected. Soldiers sobbed on their
pillows. All were melted and Impressed
by the patbo in tbe death of this simple-
hearted and devout 8eioo soldier. He died
tatking ia bin beatitilul delirium ol tbe
Spring time and tbe towers, and bia soul
passed oat of our sight to where the flowers
oeter wither, and where there Is but one
season, and "that one season an eternal
As will be seen by reference to Ibe ad
vertisement In another column, the firm of
hammers k Aldee, elotbiug deatrrs, has
been dissolved, Mr. Lamoiera retiring from
the business. This Arm baa been in busi
ness in tble phce for nearly lonr yart, and
by strict attention to tbe wan lo or their cue.
totners and fair dealng Lave succeeded in
building up an extensive trade, in addition
to making hosts of friends who will regrst to
learn that It la the Intention of Ur. Lai
mrrs to leave tbe oil regions lor other fields
ot labor, tbe best wishes of whom will at
tend him wherever he may locate. The
business will be continued at tbe old stand
by.ilr. Aldeo, who Is well known aa a
young gentleman of rare Lusioess qusliOcs
tioas and alerting Integrity, and proposes to
keep a full line of clothing and furnishing
good which will be sold cheaper than
ever. "Good goods and fair prices" will be
his motto, and under bis management we
predict that tbe Jatnestowo Clothing Store
will lose none of Its tJd-time piiuularitv.
Success to the new nroarletor. ear
On Saturday last the- shlnile, lath and
saw mills, owned by A. S. Wilson, and sit
uated on tie Lake branch of Pucar Creek.
about four miles from Coopt-retown, this
county, were totally destroyed by lire. Less
$6,000; 00 insurance.
There being a flight misunderstanding
exiallng la regard to ibe social hop at tbe
Oil Exchange Hotel, we are requested by
tbe proprietor, Mr. Joboson, to state that
the party to-morrow even ins ia the first of
a series of four to be) held at that hotel.
Tickets for tbe series are put at Ibe exceed
ingly low price ol $5,00. Ticks ta to single
party $2,00. Supper will be furnished to
those desiring it. A pleasant time may be
The Snpreme Court of Pennpylvaala has
decided that tbe mere tame ot a person on
tbe tact ol a promlMory note does not hold
such indorser responsible for tbe payment
ol tbe same. He must write over bis signs
lure "l guarantee the payment of the with
In when due," or something lo Ibe effect.
This, however, doee not apply to tbe per
son to whoso order .the note may be
A Georgia paper is in luok. Twenty
four "heathen Chinese" walked into ibe
sanctum tbe other day, and through tbe
medium ot an interpreter paid cash down
for twenty-four subscriptions to Ibe naner.
The editor wondered greatly what they
wanted 01 an bnglitb paper,. net being able
to read it, aod was informed that thrv took
it for tbe pictures in II, tbe papsr havlug
oostar'srat cut, a catarrh cut, a guano
trade mark aod an umbrella "picture."
A Qcs:cii Compliment. A youog lady
with a very nrettv loot, but a thr
large ankle, went into a San Francisco
Duoeoicreio ne measured. The admir
ing clerk, who waa of Gallic extmetinn
oompllmented her ia the lollowing queer
way: "Maa-am, you have one-bootlfiil
foot but m leg eommenoe too immediate
ly." Philadelphia .street preacbers oomulain
that when they try lo convert boyj in Ibe
stieetstbey asy: "Pm a head on him,"
aad whan he talks lo them about tell,
they ear, "You know Low it in yourself,"
and whou . ,0 patsea around tie hal tiiry
ask, "Haw does the old thing srorkt" TT
Is going to resign. .
New York, Jan. 9.
This owning tar still No. 1 of tbe Ole
phlne oil works.- Greenpoinl, L. I., ex
plodrdnd set Are to the still. In about
thirty minutes the Ore waa communicated
to atill No. 2 and at at present a great con
flagretlon is in progress. Tbo die depart
ment el Brooklyn is out In full force, and
doing what It can. Tbo works ate owned
by Isaac Bernheimer, Jacob Goldsmith and
Isaac Sleeeman. No Insnranoe. In all
probability tbe entire works will bedeMrnt
ed. The loss will amount to a million o'
Ritualistic matters seem to be approach
ing a culmination . In New York city.
Bishop Potter, of that diocose, requested
last week, the rectors ol St. Albsus church
and of tbe Sacrament Miction, to cease
wearing aolored vestments during tbe ad
ministration of the communion. T bey com
plied, eod appeared 00 Sundiy, for tbe first
lima, In white. These vestments they will
continue to use'until tbe bishop rescinds bis
order, or until Ibe matter e to be brought
before tbe Episcopal convention In October.
If tbe order should then be confirmed, tbe
riluelistic churches ot the diocese w'll prob
ably combine Into a new denomination.
According to all aeciunts, It is not likely
Ibal they will join tbe Roman Catholic
bnrch. The rectors of the two above men
tioned churches are quite reticent upon
their intentions, when questioned, but are
evidently determined, in the end, to per
sist in their past mode of worship.
A new show which is to " fllnw any
thing of tbe kind In the country," will take
tbe field in tbe carina. The curt title nf u,
wonder is "Rostton, Snriocer and Hender
son's Greet Mastodon Caravan, Circus and
Menagerie." According to the Buffiio
'Courier it embraoes no fewer than 169 meu,'
160 horses, 23 dens of livinir wild anun!.
a troupe of Bedouin Arabs uumberloff twen.
ty men, 16 children equestrians, 3 original
Clowns, 20 educated ponies, 60 performers o'
acknowledged afflstlo eminence, a Corn nf
Toltlgeura, acrobats and panlomimfeia.
selected from the best Known to tbe arena,
6 premiere eqttvstrienes, tbe smallest ele
phant In the world, and tbo greatest varie
ty of animals over got together in any
zoologioul collection on Ibis comluent.
The new show atarta from rbihdelpbia
in April en route for tbe Oil Regions.
It Is reported of a yonqg married coiiple
in Miasacbntotts, Ibit, bavin g quarreled,
they separated, end snbsequenlly went to
work lo tbe tame mill and boarded at the
same house. Having adjoining rooms lo
tbe latter, they pleasantly spent their
leisure time talking about each other to
eompanioBs In a voice loud enough 10 be
beard through the thin partition, varying
Ibe programme occasionally by kick' ncainst
Ibe intervening wall, and cries of, -I wlah
It was yon."
The Titnsville Courier's monlhlv renort-
which appeared this morning, pats tbe dally
oil production at 16,431 barrule.-
The Rials nf. Mln .ut.
-. ... . v,.,.a m.J . t uii,iMg
Iban any state in tbe Union except New
York, its tnnsgc being 616,299. which is
46,000 tons more Iban la owned in Boston
and all other ports of Mauacbujcrt. The
city or Bath ranks as tbe fifth in the United
States in tbe amount 0 r-shlppiug it poso ses
and Belfast and Waldebord each owus thou
sands of tons more of vetscl pivperly than
tbe important' city of New Orleans.
House For Naie.
A dotrabln TTntisu for sal. tOtntt' d on tbe F
bort r'nriu Fitted u..t with cvenr roiivtmluui-r f,7r
family me. A rarn blrgttn it olf.rel. Fur fur litr
particulars enquire at Ikd Jaiuotivrn CIi.iIi.hl-
jiiui) if.
To PnrcbnMore of Klugcr Sawing lu
cblneaf Caution!
All parties are hereby cautioned sgninst
purchasing any of our Mucbines except
through our duly aiitborizfd agent, as
Machines will not be guaranteed by us that
are cot ao putchased. Mrt. J. 1.. Johnson
is our agent for Petroleum Ceutre aud vi
cinity. Tits Sinoer Mantp'o Co.,
458 Broadway, New Yoik.
Nones Is hereby given that Mr. D. C.
Graves is my agent lor Petroleum Cenlre
and vicinity.
J. I.. JortNso.N.
Best Refined Oil 20 cents per gallon, at
J. Kl-tiikrfori'8.
III. ft, tlmmon' Drng and Variety
Mr. Simmons has just returned from New
York with a very large stock of Hnlidiiy
Goods a richer and mora extensive stuck
never bus been exhibited to tbe citiz'-ns of
Oil Creek. Ladios Toilet Stands. Writing
Dusks Dressing Cases, Dolls, Games, Chil
dreos Toys 1 0 aa lart;s variety , cstl bl,
fouud lu city store. It is well worm a visit
ir you don't wib to buy. This stock
certainly never was surpashcd for varieU
and richness. Ilo also n.ts a lar variety
ofLcroy TV. Fahrtiild's Ceiebiatod G Id
Pens, verv approptiuto for Holidiiv pres. I
cnta. iait Slmoioos' for a balf-botuV
amusement, before you make your pnf
e!i;ii-s. aeslj lf
Itociit Xott r'.
8. JU. Pcttcnslll Ai C4o., fti
IVtk How, New York, and Cro. 1". llonc'l Jt 0'.
Advtrtlting Aiteit, are the sols ajtiits lor tltcPe,
troleum Centre IUILY ltrnnau In tb;tt city. Ad
vertisers In tbnt city rc leqmwtrd t leave their
favors with either of toe shove hi-wes
For Bulls. Snclnls. Meetings, Ac, tbe ball
opposite the Kr-elit'Sler !! tndoverU
Warner's flour and feed slor.'. Apply lo
nuV. Su-lt'. II. WakmcA.
At IfiiAM'ii, Gent's Walsh
es. A full line of American Watches, In
cluding Howard Nickel movement.
All styles Unlit harness, cheaper than Hi
cheapest, made from Moffat's onk Slock, and
warrautfd, at J. K. Krone.
Oyster and Clam Stews, tbose old fasb
ioned ones at V ottcner s.
BIRDS. Tbe hist Sincinir a-d cheacest
Canary Birds in tGe oil regions are lu be
baa at
nov7-lf. J. TV. EEXTTYU
Call at Nicholson A Blacktiioti'd end buy
a Cooking Stove with iron want for twelve
Gnfftipy baa a large lot of scotch s!e and
London porter especially or lumily use, by
the uoiue or case.
Miller's Campbo lev, tbe Lest Is the
ruarxei, at v.kii-fi s kron.
Vvedf-fv C Ouilt. Itliii in Buck
skin (Iovb! TVe enow what we By wbeis
we oerl that we can and do sell the beu
t Duck skin Gloves cheaper than any otbet
place in town. I.A.U JlhliS ik ALUUN.
Best Rifiiitd Oil 2t ceo: per, gallon, at
Having added to try letge stuck. I am
now reedy to snpi ly tcotch Wblskv. Jomai
ea Rum and alt other imported gaotTe at
ftnw 1 or:i prices.
uovu if. Owfm GappNar.
at Grippes Bros.
A pair ul bkates is a good Christmas
NlCIIOLKOM & Blacemos.
A full Vmii iy of Sk it.'S. nl
N R'Hiii.soN dc BLtcnoN's.
TV a bavi) a full assortment of Skate
Nicholson Jr. Buckmom.
At Ihh.hj i. Titusviiak.' Ladies stem.
winding Watches ul Uriaiiy all first-class
uiaaeis. 3ec8-3w. .
Solid ilvurgoode iu cases sill table for
preseuif, a; Ihuam a.
IJISt.Ot.r'i'I. jvutige.-
Theco parliwrhln h-!r.itolora existing heiwoi n
John lAinniua niiil AH10 1 A. Alden, under the
Urn mm nif jt nan.a 'di. this d'y dis
to ved bv nitltiril rn-ist-nt. John Ijhwiih. n.lrin,t
All 1 b IIMe, antl i ll dill's f the late Ann will be
wra 1 1. 11 ro' ista i.yvnnvr orthn suhterlli'
.'-i -rt A. Aldi.u will continue the botlaess at the
olu si a ud.
Date I tblrt 10th dty of J.iainwy, lkTl. Sw.
(Succe3or to V. JIcAlplne.)
Gas adnilni-tared. Ol(ce open' day and eight.
Dl'FICI-Herry's new Building, eotner of Wan
intoK 41111 ."icond eta., l'etroleam Ceutre. l a.
ftiaylO tr
StocktioItiRiN intllTldiialir
Liiuble. '
u'ni .tnjD0''ASS. T.NKtU
',A1E,, I.D.SRVEnAScr 011'
..... " sniiuriot leiutja
ol i 1 an i Atminicatcnineri. dtxaO 3m
rlfol-.r;Catr, Pa-., Oct JWl'i-
a nvrri i.txo nunsn tn wna r- m ,k
Fe'-nneeif tuns. fre-el Isnd rti.inr ml,, .1, 8
l-vqit of .l. V., Oncur, tr , ,bie
Al-o 0110 ll'T MrtK J1y.Totd. wli;lnibm,
IS hinfe I. An exiMlieat bU.ti.ia- bono, u'.d ?i
bei'dr-t.,t..Mo. "".!
JauClw H. V. P. I'lttHPi.
tb nalrstguod nAut far s-.le that TohuUe sro.
peity kuowa ae tbo
NearBalera SUtlrC.n th J.ti icstrwn VrviXiai
Hailitiad, Is Hiiinr tiroie T, wnn'itn, fti-Tcor Uiun
r. The prutrriy rot- l-t . fs t.r' -i in Af
Mtll. TWO !WFM.IM(I. vi!r !t, Iuoi; 1x,1
ami about 39 Ai KKt n'l AS;., 1 i,u m il b. useie
a lrnc tbt.tli.r h.i'l "1". .to CrK -ote remit"
'there irffhitr (.strut t-ti! r. Iih .ll ihe nrct,.
ar ti arhtiit'.v, ;u ;o, a r. the eipicl-y of
whlrh mu reudily l..rr.a! If ur Lu ,divj cetiple
In Winty four l.or 'Jl i. N, Mil n in rood
reps.r. 'I i.i.l.ti- in nlvnii nuc w thlo nuial.le
dlntence. Win-r .n"ir p i.,1 n : r.-o-Mu ihri.izh.
out I'm eir. Tl-i lo, nt, fir-i slusu, bo h fjr
cu-tom a id rierch.-u.l (.r'.-, hcl: r iu a v,
nil -lib rhorfl i tul within w tou of Sih-rl
Rtation Ti.e fiiii...s tor abiiiiili g lo lha nil aosa.
l.-y ani excelietit.
Addtet J AX US (.'. niiOVVN.
Or, rail nprni OO. o.l ti, ar thj 'i'lbV"' F'
TP" In add:il .ii t . ihe nlmv rl -nlir! pnpnr -I
will a e ...Ml uhrtt t.l AfltCl l.-- l.Ni icja
intl.e same. lmiorewMil" nre m ?au a.ra
clti-irei, a fume bfiu.e' ittiri tWu r,rne b rv. A'
couelaerah'c niamity of ISnil.. r o-i the tr ict
nM . JAMKHC.Did.W.if.
We ars now rneeivlng n Urge stock of 31 luteal
Mereiumlue, eonsietii.e it
Plau, Orgnus and jhTelodeoM,
And a full lliie of
CUIKTVrfl ,et-t
STi'in.s stKi .in v..
Steluway & k..u ' ' . '
a r u oury,
I'hU'ksrlng A- ftone.
.... . Kim bo Att.t'
and n't all r.rdei O' n h r inM..ular4t.n.r tr
ed, at the lm rati. W.- Ive tlie- c-lebrattd
Mtlfl'S'St fAHISIU smon.
nfBnsti.a .fie fi-est HYr.n imtklext vel hi.
in.uucci,wli.-hw ran til! cb eiy n.mHl.
teriim. A Inrgu stock ut tiltst shii uiusm alwaie
on hard. ,
tur ifistrnne tte need rn n... Ir. i -
they have beCu l ore t w, r J f u twu.iy'lo
thlriy year, tt'e tt amuar ram roa vits tum,
and will sell en taoutlily ( vn,i.iis nr , irhnr.e tA
SKfniid biwn luTtimeiit-., 'A 11 if tirred.
We shall h plevert to show our g iO lo all wbe'
may lvor u itb a call. s. M? ;u uri l.
. ... ., t. II. HAKl.bNI.
deo If Oper Hrnse BI.Kk, Tis.iavwl., rt.
CroKer'a .'frtdleal Coni'Vband'
and Liniment.
IVetted Atirnst 6ih. Mi I. one of (Tie ha
tented! In the ,ni!ki f rlr.t-rnl and esli"
faiposea. It removes m re psfn Bid dee It qrlak a-y chornin!Viaa. Itcnrs all erdiisfj
caf.4 of cunntaptli It ha no e.,nol fnr r rlv
cold, and all d -:te r U tbioa: sod large; II Is a
cure corn for pain lo the stomach aud bowels, till,
lloo colic, dialers morh-i, phthisic Mid !lrrlii
It la the bV-it rtnirdv ka'wn f t ikranirlsre, to
su.e for for nerrnlsta in the ii.. Mbuw
.rair.e, hrulsr MlfTJol ite, wrl'li , nvsh er.w.
ci.i.uiuins, icaiw ma cams. It tawsmnled to
enr cronp rd d't.hiher!.
limrineligthmiiifdielne eJefe-e IL pahl", t
ronld say that I have itaim, wi. ... .
berofyeais. -pdailht append .,pr sirlrge
eertlScat.s i f what It hn done: Imi it I. n .
ary ror It will nwmead IfHlf. Vt family shoalf
be wfthntit ,t. Ti ie nut got np to humbug the pr.h
Ic. and all persons bnvlnu this mmw.. tn k.w
thttr money refunded Ifiot ntltSed w!thlbr'
mi ni it use.
All dnnc'stsand dealers In n) f At if r iA liln aaea
oliclted to send In their oiders, which will be
promptly filled. A lll.eral ducnnnt to deale'a and
aaejtts. Agents warned In every eduaiv a ska
Felted Stst s.
ritse 60 eat. Is aadtl per bottle.
Mf. B. CROOrin,
ii Main street, ferry, Pkv
rVl at all Dreg Stores. decSMw.
Brot ziia,- Opera Glasses, French Clocks,
Fans, t ins London lout her goods, at
lHiuit'8. Titusvllle.
Millers Concrh Kose. lie t In Iabr ITa
le at Grivh nuns.
Miller's urt rivalled Worm Confections.
warrnniedat GRitrxs Bros.