The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, December 07, 1870, Image 2

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    IfcFA 15 LA A I), SM3TII & Co.
jLoweUIock, TitiiBVilfe.Pu.,
Merchant Tailors!
Fall ami Whiter Styles!
With aarifuallcd far illtlcs far mak'uir them tip
111 Ilia uimi approved manner.
Hat and Caps.
Silk ila .Undo to.'Order.
I'rrlcoi KniU'aetlnii Always
' etroloum Centre Daily Record.
). I'emre, Wedneaday Dec. 1.
AUltlV.H. AM EPA11TIKK off
'1 11 UN O.N I?. C. ic A. It. R.
On and after Monday, Nov. 2Stb, 1870,
trains will run as Minus:
xoktu no. 5. o. 3 xo. 1.
Leave li vin. I2,0 p si. 6.10 p m
Leave Oil City 7.00 a m. 2.oS r m. 7.50 p m
" Pet.Ceu 7.40 " 3.311 8.80 "
" Titn.iv. 8,;:0 ' 4,26 9,12
Arrive Corry, 10,00 0,67 " 10,38
norm. xo. 2 vn. 1 in r
Leave Curry, 11,03 am. 6.10 am. B.lir M
rjiusv. li.Mi v M. 7.. " 7.WS "
P. Cen. 1.27 " 8.10 8.42 "
Arrive (). City 2. lit " 9,113 ",,20
" Irvine. 4.50 ' X1.40 " '
E8? N. 5 and ' rin nn Sondny.
vO. 1!t. No. 13. No. 11. Nil. IS Vn.O
iaOO. u.1.1 a.m. 11,15a. a. 1'.c5a.m. iUCasS m
ori-.uiu.iu i.uii'm is.ta j. m. s.l.i a,.ii
Tttu. 11,14 a.m. 2,43 " 1,44 ' v,40 " J.W "
Curl,15 m.
No. 10. Xo. 8. No. 1U. No. 14. No 20
jjs Cor. 1 f.r,pw
1 Tt. 6 110 A M K3d :i) 35 AM 11.14 AM. 4 JiSeM
r.,n.uw . 12.1., KM. 12 40 P.VI K.1.0
AriM'lO.HJ " lo,3J a,5 J. 00
II City and Centre freight, leaves Oil
lly a, 10 p. ni , arrives At Petroleum Centre 3.20 p.
"' a '""""' Petroleum Centre at 4,IUp ni., urrlves
m "i l. III.
1. '1. 3. J A mvt It ml,.-.' ihiIbi
io, ltf if a through a coiiimoduilon, connects at
w .j IMF nun iuilll.
"-' " i.iai.ii l.r I. I'l .1 w I .11.1,
4 HirCBt from l'kll:itlnl:rilii without change.
I'ln-vt ij ruoinieipiiia wituoiit cieingu.
Jjn, fi Direct fnim Pirisb'imli without change.
No -Direct in Plctsburgh without ct-auiia.
Monday, Nov. ill. 1870.
UolU at 1 p. ni., IIO'
f The amount of oil delivered to the
"unars up to mn night was Z2.301 barre Is
Since tben and up to D003 to-day 95 can
taed tb is point for the upiR'f roail. Sho'd
mes cars be filled to day, the total delivery
up to mis evening will be about 30,000 bar
out or 88,000 bought 011 buyers option,
and C5.000 oa ' IU." making in ell li3.
liOO bbU -'cuir ou the lirst or the tnotitn,
JeavlDjj three day to deliver 123.000 har-
M'om Saturday the lat day of the
Quite a lively ,sriu)aiur ' occurred tbis
atierooon, la rroot of Schonblora'a grocery,
l olweeii the Kue Cl!y barber and a un
known a Siio.rii" Tbo barber was pret
ty WD II "beuzined up" und uudertook to
inraeb iDortui, who tiirned on bim .aud ad
miiiiatitied a souud beatiHr, after which tuo
oQicerput him iu the locK-up to Ret tuber.
Nw Kairkoai) i:.TKHPKijiE, The !ast
notable railway project jof luipoctance la a
grand trunk lino extending from Noiv Vork
. to fouucil Bluff, to onni-et wl ill the Uoion
A, I'aoiiic Roal opposite Omaha. It in said
the projectors of tui enterprise control frau
ohUes and charter of lines extenilinj; west
ward from New Votk over the eiulio rout.
It will oh the s.ioi tost possible route fruui
Mt to Wreat, leaving Chicago, Toledo and
Clerelaud to the. one bund ami Pittsburgh
oa the other,- and probably pissing tlirougli
'the oil reitioiie, thug becoming the central
nrlery of the iialiou'a traftiu, an well as tbo
liii iu channel of ilie iciuutic Iraile between
Asia nud Guropt).. We shall uwuit further
(lVi 1 jpments with iiiti-reol.
Ilie wreHtling mutoli ut, Tifuvi!le, lust
evening, beitte.-n Mcl...uwhliu and liuoji
Wiu, fur ('51)0 and the ciiaui.!oa belt, re- 1
uUvJ ia fkvr of thv! ioiaiei.
1'AHKEltOlt. KlEI.U. MlLrOBU KaKM.
The ''Walnut" was tbo Hint producing well
on this farm, and htis nvnuiied uIhiiiI llftpen
barrel per day 111100 it Mut Wd. It is only
91.7 ieit deep an I producing frotn the second
sunil. The oil is much better thuii that ob
tained at the Laudiui:, leiug about torty
fnnr dg. uravity. U is owned by W. 1'.
I'iuley, George Kribb A Co , and bus uev
er bieu torpedoed.
The Delhi Miy ws the second produ:ing
wt 11 ou this t.irui. mid is producing titteen
barrels per day. 1076 feet deep, uud bas
uot bueu torpe'Jued. ()wued by Capl.
Teinbliu uud others. The well was Idle for
a lew days, having broken the pitninn of
the engiue. Operations were rosumed on
Satur.liiy. The well bus becu produclug
sitico the lii st of September.
The I'bil'ulclphin well is uuder process of
drilling. At pieseut Iboioi ls are fut in the
bole and they aro'waititig lor the pole tools
which will be here on Tbuisday next. The
well is only 150 led deep, uud is owued by
Jlilluld& Co.
A new rig has been put up uear the "l'ig9
Ear" boarding house, and is owned by F111
lv, Kribb & Go. .The CjQtract bas not
beeu given yet. (
Tbe "l'ig s E ir" is the euphonious name
ot tbe only boarding bouse ou tbe hvrui.
The proprietor, Joliu Wicit, pi tiles bitun-lf
ou fipiare me.ils."
The ill well, on Robinson farm, is over
412 feet deep; Ibe coolraot or?, Ttlliughust
Jk ilyue,' were very nulortuunte tu having
to get the pule tools before Oe well was 100
feet deep. It is owued by Tbo.uas McCou
nell & Co.
TUe Salem well, Uohinson Farm, owned
by I'iuIhv, Kribbs & Co. ; was liuished
about tbe middle of September, and as yet
Is Bon-productive, It is 910 teel deep u.ud'j
lias beeu lurpedoed. ait Iirudy Iudjen
Tbe following aectences were pasgd on
the prisoners convjeted at tbe recent term of
court iu Vraukliu:
John Riley. Convicted of assault and
battery. Sentenced to pay a line of 3 uud
costs and go to jiil fur thirty days.
Milton siackett. Plead guilty of break
ing and entering a tailor shop and lircetiy.
Sentenced to pay a line of one dollar and
Costs, restore tbe jiroperty slulea or pay tbe
value thereof, and undergo iuii.rUootnent
iu tbe Western Penitentiary lor two yeurs
and three months.
J. II. Sickeit. Plead gtrflty of same of
fence as the last priioner, aod received same
sentence except to term of imprisonment,
which was lixd at three years and nine
mouths, as this is tbe second time that this
defendant bas been sentenced to thd Peni
tentiary by this conrt,
James CurCia alias James Shortin. Con
victed of voluntary manslnticbter. Sen
tenced to pay a line of one dollar and costs
and be imprisoned in Western Peuitentiary
for one year and six months.
Charles Kennedy and James Early alias
Plug Early. Convicted of aiding prisoner
to escape. Each defendant' sentenced to
pay a Cue ot one duller and costs and each
to be imprisoned iu Western Pcuiienl'ary
for a period ol one year and three months.
L. liuzzle. Convicted of Belling liquor
to minors. Sentenced to pay a fiuo of $50
and ten days iu jail.
Charles llive. Convicted of selling If
quor to minors; ialsu( selling lo meti of
known iutemnerate lmhtte. Senierjcud to
pay a fine of $25 and costs in each case.
uud to undergo imprisonment in county jil
lor Uventy days, beiug ten days for eaob of
fence. On Friday last Deputy IT. S. Marshal
To lea arrested one Seymour Dean, at Sala
manca, fur selling liquor tu thd Indians on
the Reservation- without license. Col. Ely
Parker baa aulermitied to put a stop to this
sort ot iuliiuueiu'.'nt of the law.
We would call tbo utlentiou of our read.
era and tbe puolic In general tu tbe adver
tisement of tbe Columbia Cornet liaud, who
it will be been tHer their services to play
for publio meetings, Festival,. Serenades,,
processions, ic, at reasonable rules. This
baudisuow accounted one of the best iu
Western 1'onoeylvuiiiu, and paUies wishing
to secure tbe service.-' of a lust class band
aud orcbeatfu will do well to. pay luem a
call'. All eomuiuuicuiuus should be ud
dressed to D. C. bmilb, Leader C. C. il.
box 75. Columbia Farm, Pu. Give tbe bjy"
a call.
Tbo Oil CityTiuies departed this life day
before yesterday. As the iuuuortal J.N.
ree says, ''it cuiild uot stand the pleasure,'
and sotiusguiiotuo way ul ull tbe world. Let
its epilupb Lo 'Drops of luR fiom Uuuso-
A boy uuinu Ed. Porter, of Moigautown,
tt'J V., tried lha uiodoru "happy disijuich;-'
kindling a lire witU co.,1 oil lliu other day.
Ho w isn't killed, but he v.iiu'l have to go
to iclijol tbis ft'.-iter.
Latest uiiil Host lmmtAut
War Mows.
It'.'rlln, Dhc. 5.
Queen Augiiftn received 'ho following
from the Kuiii: Voisililef, Sunday mid
uicbt: After two days battle, iuwhicli the
army of the Huko of MeckltTVrg was
mainly engaged. Monsleire's coip'aptiireil
St. Jean, a rnilroa.l station aud the suburbs
of Orleaus. Thirty gnus and 1,000 prison?
eiswere taken. The Prussian loss was
moderate. Wran&le'a Divisiou fullered
most. Tbe Prussians Ion 11 J nine caunuli
und much ammunition on tbe Ueld lelore
Signed. W11.UEI.M.
Tours, Dec. 6.
The ticverninent has received by bal
loon Iroai Paris, ollicial repurls to the 4th.
of the progress' aud results of tbe movement
made by Cieu. Ducrot agaiust the Prilssluu
lifli 8 of investment.
They state that Thursday was passed 111
untying the dead and succoitug the woiiud
cd. un Friday uioiuiug tliu Piussi iiisut
taohed w lib great impetuosity the French
ut Chuuipigny uud III trout vl Villores, uud
alter seveu bonis lighliug the eei my lnile.l
to cairy the poaiiiau ot tile French and re
treated, leav ng their dead uud wouudid ou
Iho Ui Id. Their li.rsi'S were iroin 15,(
20,001'. Cf 11. Ducrot greatly disiiugiiibbi'd
biiusi lf iu tbo battle Fuday. .ukiu ibe
klil'.'d were General l.u Cliiriere, and Geu
eiul Renault badly wmiiioVil. (unvr.J
Suuuelz u bis report eas: Ti:eiooi w!u
ultuciied the l' leucll werd SaXo'K an J War
temburgeis, their uuuiber.4 exceeded lliO,
000 and tlieir losses mas t have b. en extra
ordinary, lor next duy they 'were so weuk
eucd that they surfercd the Freuuh to iiu.-s
the river uuupposed. The success el Hie
French troops created the wildest enthusi
asm iuParis.
Relow we give the. loliowiug u lilition.i!
particulars in regard tu toe l.tlo duaslrou s
tire at Lawrenceburg:
A tire broke out between two nud three,
o'clock Saturday morning in Lavrenceburg.
From the best information, it origrnulvd in
the rear of the Linden I billiard buildin;;,
t!ie lower part occniiied as a dry goods store
clothing sturu uud cigar store. It burned
rapidly, uud in a short time u large portion
of the town was in ashes, including too Re
vere House, Duller lions;, Florence Mulel,
New York Hotel, Adams A; Foster's store,
Curieiiluw's grocery, the O l City cl ithing
store, Deviue & Ce.'s cigar store, .Mnilicb
variety store, Mauu's liquor store, Keed it
Ilazen's ding store, .Mrs. McCleary's milli
nery store. Aldinger's grocery. Grau'asaloon
Gran's meat market, - llerbj's shoe store,
Porter's- billiard room, Etsel & Knittle's
store, Sirs. Ayer's millinery stun1, Kub's
shoe store, Phillips & Rietiei's store, the
school bouse, and A) el's jewelry store
Among the dwellings burned are MeBnU.'o
Grau's, Hockintierry's Ftillertoi.'s end
Grabb's. .Twenty or thirty lumiiies are lelt
homeless. Tbo Legal Temfe'r oil well, one
hundred barrelsol oil, and the Independent
oil well were uleo biirued. The loss will
probably reach one hundred thousand dol
lars, so far as ascertained. Thu lire is
believed tu be tbo woik of a 11 incendi
ary. New Well Nkaii Cih'rcii Run". The
new Moua6teiy well on the Wiuaut truct,
Church Run, struck 11 few days ag", is now
being tested, and constantly increasing.
The well is 781 feet deep, and the third
sand rock is of the best pebble quality and
75 feet thick' This opens the new territory
lyiug west of Church Run, and bears every
iudication of being bigbly prolilic. 1 here
are four other wells going down on tbe same
true!-. Herald.
Gun. b. F. Carey or Cincinnati, has been
lecturing in Franklin" aud Oil City. Sub
fect Temperance.
A Lodge of Colored Good Templars will
bu organized in Franklin soon.
Uuuse For Sale,
II. E. Dl.lEfilt.
' Oil Exchange Hotel.
A Howurd Watch aud Chain will be raf
fled off at Grilfes Bro. Drug Store, Doc. 2.'i,
at 8 o'clock p. m. The watch aud chain U
valued at $255 00, but wilr be put up at
$225 00. Call and examine It.
We notice a good many oil men from oth
er seo ions of Hi.) regit a .n town 10 day. Tbe
"corner" In oil is probably the occasion.
A Yauk jo L,ovo "-Poom."
I lov to conrWu wintur,
Thu iiiaiui gulls I 110,
When nil around Is dreary,
And kiveroj up wilh tuo.
Eeciws thu uld mis dread
The colds and slotuiy welhor,
Aud hurry oph tew bed,
LeaViu us ti-wg'-thcr.
Mad. Suulo Dulikersiiii and troupe perforin
t lilucvtl. tin neu.ri.
S. JH. IN'tlrnill c- Co., rtT
I'nilcl'O-, Now Voili, nuil Ceo. 1'. l'owoll Co..
Advortlslrg Agei t, are the sole agents for the 1'v,
irnleiiiii I'eniie l!Aii,v Kwiu In that city. Ail-
vei-tiscrs In tl at i-nyaie ririitl te leave UuJr
la vors with 1 liber of tec stinve lieimes
KOl'XD. On ti e Egbert farm, a wi.Het
containing a small sum of money. The
owner can have thu same by calling on K.
Talr, proving property and paying charges.
Dealer in Lndie Furnishing Good. Rib
bons. Lneis. Flowers, Millinery Jewelry,
Fancv Good, Ao , &a Washington Street,
Pelroleuni Centre. P.i. nov28-tf.
Diartei for 1871 fur sal at
iicv25'tf Nii'ilol.soK Bltos.
A rpleudid assortment of Diaries lor 1871
Nll'IM I. SON UltOS).
Cull and look at Nicholson Bros. Diaries
For Ralls Social", Meetings, Ac, the ball
opi osite ll-o Ki cl'ifW-r l.oiisu andovt i ll
arner's Hour auu feed store. Apply tu
nov. U'. II. Waunbr.
lli casks of Sweet ('iiler lust received from
Ohio, ut il. 11. WARNER'S.
tV.ll.J, t'Afl.Il
at GntFKKs Bhos.
IK:iri s lor 171 u3
SToV I S I are in such gieut demanil tt at
Nicholson Li. acMaon cannot .supply tbe
home trail-. ocblt.
The I'ngiyi iiss.ii luieni of Parlor and
Cookiii: S i..s may bj touui at Nicholsou
X Blaclsiuon's.
Goods wnirdiiie I ami prices lower thau
ever ilfend in Petroleum Centre, at
Wfl U iy C'inpt'iition in Ruck
skin (i:uns: We know Wlial we siy when
we Hi rt Unit we call and do soli the best
ot Ruel skin Glove cheaper than uny oiher
place iu town. LAMM KUS & ALDEiL
WAI.l, A'Al'cit
at Guiki-ks LiitoK.
Oysteis by the quart hi voucnera.
All styles light harness, cheaper than the
cheap, si, made from .Moll'at's oak slock, and
warranted, at J. R. Ki oil's.
IV All. PlPCtt
at Grifks Bro.
Having a-ldeil to my laige stucli. I am
now ready to supply scotch Whisky. Jainai
ca Hum and all other imported goods ut
New Vork prices.
uuvlJ if- Owk.v Gai'fskt.
Millet's Camphu' Ice, the best In tbe
market, at . Gkiffkm linos.
nov 1!)-1 in.
Miller's unrivalled Worm Confections,
warranted at Gitl?F8 Hrhs.
Call and sen the extension tup Dictator
witn reservoir, at Nicholsou it iilackmou's,
agents for tne sain".
Jiit rereiv
1 Ir.vh tub Oysters atld shell
Clams ut L Voucher's.
sep 1 7.
Buy ihe "Red Hot" Saddle, manufactured
In Ttlnsvill" expressly tor the oil country
adapted to ail kinds ol weather, at J. R.
Krou's. al'2-tt
Now is the best time to lay in a winter
supply of hard coal. Codington A Corn
well are the men to buy from. Junc28tt.
Oyster and Clam Stews, those old fusa
ioned ones, at Voucher's.
A. 3. Smith hn just returned from the
East with a largo stuck of Shoes and tbe
latest styles of Opera Too Ladies shoes.
Ladle Oj'tttcrftaloou '""J
L'p stairs over oucher'a Restaurant, Wash.
iiigtonSt., Petroleum Ceutre, Pa. Ladies
are invited to cull. j sept 2i.
Derrick Stoves at
Nioitoi.sox it Blackmon'8.
B1I! US. The best Singing and cboapeet
Canary Rirds iu the oil regions are lo be
bad at
nov7-tf. J. W. BE ATTY'S.
Pett'oiviiia utre. P., Oct. 3I-ti'
ociiinmeiuird nn 1 'MdorM 7"
veu Hundred Itoctor.'
T7-" ,'1 -7
'vni: v
Health IttiHtor'j
Sf a Norrt Uiia,:U edltlfi,, 1
malt Around , Bot ieV "
ri(KI'Altlil) BOLBI.T nv
Dr. J. J- lawiencf.O.gnnin CLea)
ritrMu s ut Ilie Ilotil of Hint,,,,
rurif)liij; The ltlund,
HKSTfltlVO Tilt-: UVKIt AMI hr'NEY -A
HEALTHY At'TlOv, AND INVliio of'
1U '11114 Ktl'.VOt h M-sikm.
Thla la tito spfrvt ..f lis Wondeiim
fteio.Ktll.A. SYi'illl..-, !YM ai-si " L'V
Kit rOMCI.Al.N '. hi l,.MC liltl'l-Mi
H.M. Nr.l t; I... I .. N hV. l s
AKFK TI".s, Kill l'IM-: iif -rilK mrt
ilf.M Its in ov T'O'iS, ulSKViir
THE Klll.SKY.s AMI eUohii'ii,
llluiifi.... ' .... n a... .. ... .
- ... ., i., n una siate t
It tlirriMiahlv rnuile.iti-i c vi rv fc' ,.t n
and li.ul liteii. scitl rtrstnrcd 1I10 uuurt s.a-m u,
tt ln'h'vm il ipiesllou t'10 UNEsT TOMt 'i
TliMU, haic rsn- et ant ed In He n'col 1.
MeUli'llie tl in uesfc sirklj. luti'in- c, a:t,p,;
slruiii;, i.inUhv. nml .:i.,j' m.. m l unifii.
In va1 id.- i-si.nnt i, joi. i,. t i );iir a triai.
No Medicine hr ot'i.Vn. d n e'i a mniaML
a. ILis j;:.tiv eiualrd ouhhk m.A
Ft lli Tii-TlMtiMAI S
From I'li'slrl'in.. Fir.ln nr liviu)'s. Killing. Pr-.
at-ta M' iv lum, io.,euc L.uaUO ALSIaKx
lor this yoar.
wnt i: Mi diu.lai: if.u uonu
roit S 11.0 BY
T11K I'RINrf.r. I)Hl'(;i;;s I S IN THE UNITS
M'AlliS AM) IlitlllsII AMMlltA.
Dtt. k's W(iii's 1' Ctn
ull Diseases peculiar lo Females.
int. iiTFoacO'S
(.oldvii Periodical I'M
FilH TKMAI.ns.
iFi.unr.K in i ouf "Hn5 i::i n'.mt
Tik-- stivvi''! (in-!rt iioioi'Tiib
FC'L A A ritl-Y kVilYE.
Prtpared lor JIarrlfi
()i e t''y wi ites. Di'iiopi " Itiiliim Vlll-rf'''"
me In "tw. (in s '' vitf in Mty tic-awM1
m.iilr. Mo .y d! whu who nn i! e ijHiii iie ;
nrs of oniii.s -fi iu " 'I lie ki n ii.s is """ P" ,
tn lan: white b.Xw. cull aiii'l s! ""h ff
of I'llls, and up.ui eaeh 1hx you i 1 Bi"
.. . . I r M, tnv .tl' lilt, nn
roveniia sntiui primm i.imh , , -i.
which Mis word' Iupai'"J i
i onoaieai i uis, in (wiuif-i n-..'- ll Tf;
hi ona nun s miiiu. i no nii. -- - -.-.
boxes are i " louger ucd heiaiuse oflt'
couu erieilea
Sold by HI. . SlItl.MONH, 1r"Yj'
Mule 'A'-'eill Mr enliolu-m w " f
sendlrr lilin 91 thrum h Feuolain i i
Post OBi e.ui have the Pills "em ir01,"!!:,
by wall, I" any part of the c.'im'ry. frw'fPj-
sold nlso ny A. It. (iiniiiii. ""on- ",..,,,j
(tretlivllle, M. A. Mi Donald, 'I 'ilHvll
it I o . Jleanville, .lonn r. io" ij - -yr - ; ,
New York, and by M. I). "OWB, boio rw
slew Yark.
niut -na VTiainiA i'iinl'il
I Ti.Y.V.Vu.YViiivi. .aia-wr
X..yr ''''." ,"",',.....: .nd
uiiunc in genera llianaa lorn" I
agehesiraiid upon lliian, at"l t il
D.i.,ti that iliev are always ready t Pr ,,.
Ibat they are always riMfl ' l",, niH
is where the "C J5'?N5 FS
red. fii-ii ITBI. -' ' T
l rcii'iii
I . 1 VI
I'ri pneio s ana mauniiei. ; c
Tiotipea whohava nu hand with ''"' , H v
nuance Hint we are ready t nw" '"" .i
laiicuity si'n rjim-s. Miwi
a icuod lull lliasa liai d ror " ,, '. tn
laid for :l've stawa aw
. all coTiiimiidrtitli'iif .
C SMITH, I'fi..;?
ft'irA I'-'lam?,1" FSto
will plcaise address i
v. v.
T. C. K. IIAIITMAN, bce'y t'.t
T . .,, il IK
Gaffney has a large lot or
London porter especially or family
tbe bottle nr case.
west Bates.